Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, June 27, 1863, Image 2

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Scmi-llJcckln Sentinel.
' To tiii: KKKiiui," and I'Kiimanknuv or vot;i
f.Ti:!)AY KVKXIXIi, - .tUXl! 27, ISM.
M. A. Hrentmio has lots' of hrewoiks.l
gimcrunks and fancy notions for the
Fourth. Co und sec hurt.
Tin: fc'tliodist divine. Rev. Mr. Starr,
will preach In Jacksonville to-morrow, ut
the usilal time and place.
A.V l.VIUSI'UTAIII.K 1T. Tllllt SllcilS
Rro's proluic to sell goods, of the best
quality, Cheaper than the cheapest.
Corrcu. Valnalile di-coverlcs in enppei
are being made In California. While wc
wish our California friend great mioc-'ki in
liueartlilng rich copper ftet" may they at
I huir next election bury fathom deep the
hop".s of (lie delelaldu Coppir'v'r.
Idiot's Cw:i:k Quaiit.. Emm live Ions
nf rook taken from Lyon's lead, on Fool's
Creek. 8.1(10 was rcitliwd. Tliis was
picked rock, crushed in n common iiriitru.
Tlio lead is extrusive, nnd it is thought the
rock will average 8.10 per ton.
In another column we published a teller
from our popular friend, Jus. Twoirood. !
written at Chicago, Til. lie has found
himself u strnngcr in his boyhood hnni mid
evidently wishes himself hack ut his old
homo in our bounteously hped valley.
Tin: Ram, at Wamio. All of our rend
rrs in Joseph inc, who desire to enjoy the
Tistivities of u finely urriingeil nnd nicely
managed ball, should attend the one adver
tised to lie given by T. R. Thorpe, ut Will
do. on the evening of July Sid. Jt cannot
fail being plcusautt
Sn.vi:it In paying quantities is said (o
have been discovered in Sis-kivnu county.
There is known to lie silver in vurlon por
tions of our own county, and it yet lemnins
to bo determined by good practical silver
miners, of which wc hove few or none,
whether it can lie found in paying quanti
fies or not. Most of our citizens believe
it can.
A Tik Rack. The mulch race between
the cicam-cfilorod horse "Tex," and Simp
son's " Africnnu-.," over tlic Rybee Coiiire.
on Saturday last, single dash of a mile, for
live hundred dollars a side, resulted in a tie
so declared by the Judges. Time. 1 :."".
At tlio call of lime lor second trial, Simp
son refused to run his horse, claiming that,
ns the race was a tie, the wagers should be
tdrawn ; but "Tex" galloped around the
course, and it i claimed by Ins Iricnds that
he has won the money. The matter is yet
Undecided, nnd the wngeivs remain in the
hands of tho stake-holder.
Rtni Quartz. Wc learn from good mi
nority that the quartz load rrcently
hrought to light by Mr. D. Rirdscyu anil
Mr. Griffin, on Grcve Creek, gives prom
j.'os of wealth to its owners. It is about
three weeks now since tliis Ir-nd was struck,
einee which tirco rich rock has been stead
i.y tnkeii out. About n week since, our
5)iformnnt tells 113, Mr. Rirdscyu felt assur
ed there was 8-1,000 in the pile of quail;,
then excavated and ready for crushing.
Those who have visited nnd otherwise be
come neqninlcd with tlio lead consider it
1 ho most vahmhlo now being worked in
this county. Numerous claimn have been
staked off on tho lino of tlio lode, one of
which, half a mile distant from the Rlrds
eye & Griffon claim, is being opened with
Very rich prospects.
Cor.oHKo Comoanv. A company of
" colored men" compleed their military -or-panizatiou
undsr this title to Sail T-iuw
Cisco, Jauc 15th.
Hurry Rrown'a Dramatic Company
pinyerl on Saturday, Mon&uy and
Tuesday evenings-lust'pust.'in our town,-to
fair paying houses. It ifl n mutter of re-
grettto lovers of the dranm. Unit leading
actors in this company should ut liuu'S fo
fur give way to n ' strong weulHicsy" for
the " (lowing howl" us to imngino thcni-
selves playing to nn audience in n fourth
rule Sun Francisco Mclo.leon. The cider
Rooth is puii to have only been "Kichurd
himself when deeply intoxicated ; lint
Brown nnd Tlioriu " on u drunk1' uro like
most ordinary individuals in that tininter
csliiig condition 'both vulgar and profane.
To-night they play again, and, if duly
solier, may give satisfaction.
The nliove was in type for Inst "Wednes
day's issue, nnd was omitted for the bene
lit of (ho "Wagon Road fund, Harry llrown
having very gencmudij (!) offered to play
on Thursduy night, tho proceeds to go to
that fund. The Trustcis having accepted
the verv liberal offer, on Tlmrsduy evening
li good audience assembled loh?or uml wit-
ihss tlic trout uliiv of " The Straneer.'
To those. present who liad over witmssed
the charncters in tliis play tolerably well
rendered, mint have been purpris-ed nnd
disappointed at tlio rendering of the play
on Tlmrsdiij. " i'otah " was there ; lint
all the rest weru from comparative, to total
itrnngers. Middleton, poor unfortunate.
we pitied h'm ; ho was " terribly broken
down in his parts," nnd was evidently Mif -
fori ug from tooth-ache, ear-ache and lieu -
ralgii. After the curtain fell on the lut,
nnd what was intended us u deeply ofl'eot
ing scene, deep nnd long smothered curses
burst from the immaculate "Stranger''
upon the hend or a careless supernnmery.
The Secretary of the Wuiron Road
Company has favored ua with u copy of
the receipts and expenditures of the enter
tainment :
Total receipts
lfvun. Morsran ,v Co.'s hall. free. .
Advi'i'tMng in Si:.vti:i:i free....
Two dav's work bv Mr. II. Illonm
.501 00
.5 (Id
I'lintinir cards and programmes.... 10 0(1
Dramatic Company KO 00
I,'frnpiluliUinnl Ipts, $!M 00; expenses
charged, SHU 00; lJaluuou or " Ileucllt,"
Truly, a good benollt ! to Rrown's Dra
matic Company, only.
Jtst night the " fuly of Lyons" wns!10c.y in ' Fiilt down." ils turned into
murdered In the presence of about forty '
hnrrilied spectators. We undorstaiid the
guilly parties luive mndo their escape to
CSiishiirg or Yicka. Four ilollnrs should
lie nll'jred by the Wngon Road Company
for their apprehension, "dead (drunk) or
... ,, . .
Ciiin'a.mkn' o.v Room: Rivku. From
Mr. Win. I'eehlrr wo loam that from two
to three hundred Chinamen, mostly new
comers, nro working on tho banks and bars
of Rogue River, in vicinity of Rock
Pninf 'I'lmv urn uiminseil In innK-e frnm I
' , , .. ti 1
in iv corns 10 one imiitir per oay. jvuuhi u
t-riM,- 4.1111.(1 n ivntl.l.-iuui'ii fVlrslinl. Imvillir
: '.i,' 1 i..i .i.Bn,i .init,,
MVV-llllllllili. II lllll. I'l IV I. 11.' ...! ...'.. .',
wont to China and brought to Rogue !
River, an "invoice" of fifty 'Johns,'
who. ns is customary, will work a year or
two for him 113 apprentices or slaves.
A Pennsylvania girl, who has been serv
ing as a soldier in tlio Army of tho West
for ten months, says she has discovcied .1
great many females among the soldiers, one
of whom is now 11 Lieutenant. Site has
assisted in burying tlueo female soldiers nt
different times, whose sex was unknown to
uny hut herself.
Wo learn from
work on the R. 11,
the officers, thnt tho
Y. nnd J. R. Wngon
Road is progressing rapidly. A very good
road lias already been made over ten miles ,
of tlio route. Subscribers nro requested, '
by advertisement, to forward their fiiIi. !
scriptions. which request wo hope nonoi
will be dilatory in complying with. j
Layinii or tiii: Conxr.it Stont. Tho
corner stone of the First Presbyterian
f'liiitcli of lliis fihv was laid vesteidav nt
. the appointed liourl in the presence 6f a
large concourse ot our citizens, uw, 1 .
II. IVnrno, CafiVoy and Cornelius officiat
ing. The records of tho church organiza
tion from its incipiency to the present date,
together with copies of local and Atlantic
journals, were deposited in the stone.
Portland limes. June 2.W.
Uissint, Sn.vkks. When tho name, of
Gen. Coicoran was mentioned at a Demo
cratic meeting at Philadelphia, the Cop
perheads hissed liko Yipcis because the
hrnve liisl)infli had fOuht for his udopted
From Chicngo.
Chicago, Illinois), May 18, 18G3.
Ed. SkntimcIj-Dear Sir: Here wft
are, Imck in America, once more, after nn
j n'wiico of twelvo years, and oh ! what a
ehiniire lias Veen wrougln h the. people und
country in thut time. I could scarcely be
lieve my own eyes. It seem1 very strnnue.
Where T knew everybody and every house,
now I don't even know the streets, nnd
don't see one fntnlllinr face out of n tlmu
sand. Those that were boys when I left
here, nrc now young men doing business
on their own responsibility. Tlioe that
were young men then, arc now over the
summit, running on the down grade, with
whitened locks how sad.
This is decidedly a great place for busi
ness. Every place in town is full to over
flowing, especially hotels, and all kind, of
business is first-rate : in fact, never was
better. The war lias rather helped Chi
coen. There nre n great many fine briek
and stone buildings going up hero this
summer. They Fiuvo some very fine pri
vate residences in this place, ns line. I pre
sume, ns any in America. It's really a
big sight to sec tlio vast amount of shippinc
nnd railroading done here. There must at
least fifty vessels come In per day, besides
steamers, propellers and land bonis. There
are nn less than six large pnrnger depots,
besides freight depots without number.
One or two ptcn-mrc parties come in nn the
. ears every week, nnd if there's not more
1 than five or six thoiiMind passengers, in
fifteen minutes after tliev arrive vnu would
not notice thorn was any increase in tlio
population. Every place of iimii'cment
in t lie city is crowded to ovorllowing every
iiiahi. Wanes arc good, and every body
has uiotiev (ueli ns it is). There are a
great many young ladies employed in dif-
r,.r,. t,..;.!,.., of 1....I..PM. ...!'. ,., ,.wi
in fancy dry foods shop., anil i tinning uni
i chinos of dilf'rent kind''.
An regards financial nfi'iirs, money is
1 plenty, such n it is : hut ils (nicer looking Wo '.elii've mm of tho craH did get tightly
! ,'. .. n .i .. i s git, a few davs ago. and t io fo owin is
trash to mo. It s nil on paper with-wo n J ,lo or III p.ii.T tin- noxt .1..v : Yes
promise to pay," etc.; but then it goes just u,nllV morning, ut -t o'clock p. in. n small
as well as nnv, and buvs everything a per-
son wnnts. so "what's the hodd.V'f-olongns
the people have tlio con-fl-dencc. Green
backs appear to lake the preference, and
even the (,'oppei heads, if they have nnv
greenbacks. If wo want to see how the
war is progressing, nil we have to do is to en
quire the price of gold. The Wall street
gamblers appear In bo the great center.
and little places liko this vibrate to their
their tune, which now varies from forty
eight to fifty per cent. They play a des.
Derate game, sot to tho music of financial
flirtations, witli variations according n
they can piny upon the fears and fancies
of tlio populace.
The war don't nppenr to effi-ot this city
in tlio least ; on the contrary, it lias mndo
business bettor.
he few that have gone
i to the war nro not missed, and you soo but
fi,w I"8 rf0'1 ln motirnliw.
All np-
! pear to be gay and trying to hurry them-
1 seines through the world on the fastest nnd
shortest route.
Our Geneml Hooker seems to be (he
General of the tinny just now. Rut gen
erals are made up and made down on short
notice now-n-days, and there's no telling
where ho will bo in a week. If ho was
only a little farther from Washington lie
, would do well enough, but you know "too
; many cooks spile thu broth," etc.
j The news wo get here now-n-days is
moro cniiflcting than what you get out
there. One day ils Richmond that's taken,
sure, nnd the next day ils Washington.
And so it goes, a sort of sen-saw gama that's
ot "ciiintu.Nuhlo" to outsiders. It puts
ino in "' of ,lic Oregon war of 18.1:1-0
Tlioo that huvo got " u good thing" don't
want to soo the war closed np. These
American people nn? getting entirely too
p"1"1' ' "7 want tuning down a peg or
two. 1 mil sorry to sny there arc many here
who call themselves Americans who nro en
tirely unworthy of the name.
There is going to bo the largest emigra
tion across tho plains tliis spring there has
been sinco Mil. Most of the emigrants are
from Wisconsin, Iowa, und Illinois. They
aro talcing a good deal of stock.
T have traveled some through Wiscon-
j sin, Towa and Illinois. As a general thing
the (ipring crops look very well. Rut this
country has been wheukd so much, that
tlio article of Winter Wheat is about
played out, and there is but little raised.
The grain they raise heio is not half so
plump ns what they raise in Oregon. Its
on a par with their paper money mighty
light. Its nil very weH for people, on the
Pacific coast to come here on n visit infer ex
cursion, but wifli my experience I must
eonfess tlic chahces am? hardships of tho
jfltirnoy will denriy pay for the pleasure.
There mo going to be pretty lively tinvs
here this summer. Many huge convention',
One can sec nwro here itv n week thnn
they can hr Oregon in u life-time. Rut,
then, wlmt does it nil amount too. Its all
"vanity, vanity."' 'Hie weather here
changes every fifteen- minutes. The thun
der nnd lightning, paper currency, and
hard winters don't agree with the consti
tution of
Your ob't scrv't Jar. IT. TworrooD.
Tin: TiiAiTnit's Apokai.. Vallanding
Imm appeals to time to justify kim. And
wlmt will time, wlmt will tho Impartial his
torian have to say of him? It must be.
written that ho was. in u time that traitors
abounded, one of their sneaking support
ers. It miHt be written that, when tho'o
with whom headed in Cnneres.nnd whne
plan' and plots ho had helped, one uftcr
nnnthr-r dropped nut and pushed openly
over to tin' enemy, he was too enwudly to
take the field with them, hut stayed in hi
snt and erm tinned to do what Iny in his
(lower, furtively and otherwise, to feller tlio
pnpririos of (lovernment nnd people ; and
he nrtprwaids loot no opportunity of lio'd
imr the hands ofn giPitt nation, while Floyd
nicked its pocket" and Jell. Davis tried to
out its throat. Tl will bo said tltat this
man's devotion to bis country's enemies
could not have linen greater if tlwwo ene
mies had been her. ns limy wero bis. hot
friends: that, heeding reither shame nor
honor, lie consistently voted in Congress
against everv meiiurp necessary In his
country's defense ; und when h's oonstitu
outs sent an Inmost man to fill hi place,
that then his lint ronurcp whs to !rv to
inllamo the minds of ignorant men, and to
!" "P HCiliilnn nt hnm, while wo were
l""' l'"nl .' "" c"c'y 0" r 'r''
iV. )'. Int. '
A Ci.r.Ait Cak. Newspaper peppV are
, proverbially lomperale ns well ns virtuous.
ninn named Jones or .Smith, with a heel in
the hole or Ins irowsers. committed nrsemcK
bv swallowing n doce of suicide. Tho vei-
diet of tlio inquest returned 11 jury that tho
deceased camn to Mil met in accordance
witli his death. He left 11 child and six
sumll wives to lament the end of his 11 11 for
tunate loss. In dentil we nre the midst of
Gen. Schenck said in ids late spToh in
Riiltimoiv, with quite 11 much truth n
onari-cnes'. that, in comparison witli one of
those sneaking, snivelling traitors nt home
1 who wero nil tho tune shedding crocodile
teais over violations of the Constitution,
mid never saying a word to promote the
suppression of the rebellion, tlio meanest
and vilest and lousiest soldier in Jeff.
Davis's army is a patriot and a gentleman.
Louisvilh: Journal.
Tho next Now Hampshire L!rislature
will haw 1'J members named Smith, seven
Republicans mid live Democrats.
Doctor's motto "Patient nnd long suf
fering." NEW TO-DAY
1 ---
Notlco to HiiIwi'IImts to AVu;ii Komi.
AM those who huvu nihecrlbed money
or other articles for the cniir-truclhm
of thu R. R. V. k J. I). Wagon Road, are
requested to forward at once, or as mioii im
possible, their huli.-criptious. Thu work is
now prngi-iug. and money and t-upplic
uru needed.
II. Rr.ooM. ficu'v.
.JuoUso.ivillc. June 27. '!!. ie27lf
irluu of an oider of thu County
i duri.oi .'ncKson county, Oregon, the un
dersigned will bell, on Su'turduv, July 11th,
ensuing, at tho resldeiioj of il. A. Oralce,
on Applegato Creek in said county, all the
personal property of John .Matte., dco'd.
Tcniwormln-RAPII in hand.
Public Administrator,
Taoksonvllle. .Tune '17. 'KX jt27Sa
Oil URIELS SALE. Uy vlrlua of an
O execution, duly issued by tho clerk of
thu Circuit Court, of tho Stato of Oregon,
for thu county of Jackson. 011 11 judgment
and older of t-ulo. made at tho Juno Term,
A. 0., ISliO, of said Court, in lavor of C.
I). Reed, mid against James Hamlin, for thu
sum of mio thousand four hundred and
eighty-two dollars, with interest at two per
cent.' pur month, together with costs and
accruing costs, I will oiler for sale, for cash,
to thu highest bidder, on Monday, thu 27th,
day of July, A. 1).. 18n:t, thu following de-t-crlhed
Real Estate, of tho kuhlJumcHlIaiu
llii, to-wlt: Ouu hundred and sixty acres
of thu east part of claim No. ,ri', in town
blilp !57 south, range 0110 west, in buction !J1.
Halo at tho Court IIousu door, county and
Slato aforesaid, between thu hours of ninu
o'clock a. ji. and four o'clock )'. i., of said
day. U.S. 11YDK, Shurllf.
Jacksonville, Juno 2o, '(!:-. je'J 7S1
'CVlxOlom-eLlo cft X1.ota.lX
-I)Kam:im rx-
3r.-X-A.TS -A.3NT3D OV.2PJEIr
Tobacco & Scgars,
All of which will be sold nt low prices,
for CAyil.ordesiruble PRODUCE.
Largo & "Well-Selected
Spring & Summer
Millinery Good
Fancy and Staple
DEfcrsr CSrOOtdlS
Oil Cloth, Wall Paper,
Spring & Summer
Fine Assortment of
Ladies, Men and Boys'
Boots and Shoes !
Will be supplied with n Cood Asssortmcut
Which will be sold nt
RlunlccH, Ovci-hirls mid Army Cloth,