Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, June 27, 1863, Image 1

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TTTi3-x-i-3-pzrvrTziVttiaittrt-Ttrc?zt SiziTiirmaimrsvr wanssrwr-i .-scrr-
aw:crx !CasSLru7ui
I. 0. 0. . Jai'ksovvii.i.i: Ijoihik No.
10, holds Its regular meetings every SAT-
imiA)' A'rKMAV, fttlliu Alnnonio Hull
(Uourt House building), at o'clock.
llrothors in good "landing ut'u cordltvlly
invited to attend. Jas. M. Button, N. (.
(' l. 15. Doiiuih. It. Soo'v.
'Warren Lodgo No, 10, A. F. & A. BE.
A HOLD their regular cnnmmnl
x3rcnl'ollfi '"'' ''''"'''I'ly Evening on
Vor 'preceding thu lull moon, In jaok-
IT. TJr.fJDM. See' if.
OllKUOX CI J A1Till NO. J,
.. O F -
"Will hold Its regular cominiinleiitlonson the
Flrnt Sntitntny Kvi. r Kvrry Month.
All sojourning Companions In good
-standing tiro cordially Invited to attend.
(J. W. GltKIvlt.ll. I
L. Sachs. Sccy ilec8:47
Onice Willi I). V. Dnwoll. K-ij., Tlilrtl street,
Ja'',sii.nvii,,,i:. (Nudion. 2!)
Will promptly attend tnuiry legal
llMlli". I'NUIIIliltcd to Ilis'l'llR'.
x((fice in Sallnui InnMing,
' iF.vcKso.vvir.riM. Oitrooir.
'.. VM. HOI rill IT. .tAMI'S I). 1'A'l".
Jaoksonvii.i.i:. Onwio.v,
V V III practice In lliu Supreme nnd other
Courts of thjs Stale. March 'L'M.
'ILL practice In tlu several Courts of
the Kiri-t Judical District, and in thu
Supreme Court. October 20. 'il'J.
Jaoksonvi'.i.i:, Oiikoo.w
Will practice in all Iho Court.- of tho Third
Judicial District, the Supreme Court of Ore
iron, and In Vickn,'Cul. Wat-Scrip prompt
ly collected. Oct. is.
lPucvir'trt Unit A (h'toii)
.J .U'KSO.N Vll.l.K. Oltl'.fSO.V.
lNpcclal intention given to c.nl!cc.tinu
can-.'. ;ituio iujrii: hi
Oflllll lit Ills Itfftlllt-IU'l'OII Ol'ej-ull St.
.1 aoksoxvii.i.i', Oitnoo.v.
Whore all those knowing themselves in
debted to li i in. on note or book account,
will plcu-o uall and hutllu iii, or their ac
count will hu plucril tor collection in the
hands of my attorney.
.My old ilriiiK will still 11ml me, mm,
ready lo attend to my professional duties.
May l!. ISU.'t. rimy lit I'
Photographic Aitittt,
Jh prepared to take picture!' in every stylo
of the art, with all the late iiiiprovi'iaeniK.
Jl' J'lcturert do not j;io Milii-laetloii, no
charges will he innde. Call at hN uewfJal
lery, on the hill, examine his plcturesrand
pit lor your liki'invK.
12!iaik-Bk Plaint lactiror.
."517 Chy and JM Comiiierulal streets,
Iiotweeii MoiituoiiH ry and Saiii-ome,
i5v. Uliidinjjr of every docrlption nee.tly
exeeiited : Itlunlc Hooks ruled and JJouiid to
nv di'Mred pattern, 2l:y
'Ili'W'U llnllillnj:, Vov. Kioiit iC FfctiTtit.
WILL attend to tlio Heeeivin;; and For
warding' of all OooiN eiitru.-'ti'd to
their euro, with proiiintne and dispatch.
CoiislKiiimnits solicitell. .Mciohaudiye re
icelved on islorue.
(JreMieiit. City. April 11. lSCIl. lfl
N. U.-Xo jfondsdellvurc.' intil tlio freight
an J. charge arejiaid. D. & W,
KhTi:n i:vt:uv wkdnkpiiay akd katuimiay.
IIKNUV UKM.I!V(4KH, Inb'rniiil Prairr
Sfiwcitimo); One year. In advance, 'Five
"Dollar.i; Six riiout!i., Three Dolhvrn.
AiiVKirrisiNci One Mjiniro (10 llne.s or
low), tlr.t Insertion, Three Dnllurn ; eacli
MiliMipient insertion. One Dollar. A dip
count of lifty percent vm'II be umdo to tliufo'
who ativcrti(e hy the yer.v.
advertTsers.. i
Ilynpplleation to ro'ltnacterM and 'Mr.tl
'Currier, you-enn learn Hint IlieSeinl-weekly
Oiikoox Sk.vti.nki. has liy far a larger circu
lation iu the counties of Southern Oregon
and Del Norte county. California, than any
other paper. Thin laot fdiouhl'-couiincud the
Sk.xii.nci. to you aw u t-uperior inedhiiu for
adveitiflng. i
List ok Aokntx, who nro authorized lo
transact any liusineis coucerninic 'thin pa
pur, In Die iiaim.' of the publisher;:
L. 1. Flsiit'r. Sun Franelseo; Widworth
& Itaynes, Yieka; Kber Kinrv, Ariiluml; S.
C. Taylor. lMitciilx; W. W. l-'owler. Aple
pite: It. S. Diinlap. WilllauiWiur;; John K.
I'rlndle. Kerbvville: A. I!. MelKirin. Waldo;
It. J. Foibes, Waldo; ''.r.. M. Kviuih, Alt
house: Joid Thorn, Canyonville; A. It.
'Flint. It'oM'tuiri;: hv.na It, Moorits, Salem; J.
Jl. Underwood, Kujfeiio t'itv; F. Charniaii.
Oregon City; I). W. Wakelleld. A limn v;
Benjamin Cook, Corvallls; J. II. Smllli.
Crehoent City; Albert Doollttle, Happy
rsKi trj .iRiiiuufuiufiix Ann juii'vjnuL.iurmvHB
TKi.KCUAi'iir.ii to yiii:i: rou tin: ki:ntini:i..
WortMt'.mlay IVSKlif's I)Hp:itt:li
liiiliiuiiipiilis, lull., 120t It. Dipatehet
have been necivoil ut liie (JovernorV oliiee
ftatiiifj thitt fsftirii! two huiulreil leltel cav
alry uropseil the Ohio river, below Louis
ville, and endcuvon il to lc:lroy ihebriil're
ut New Albany. They liail n Kirlit with
tins Kiiank in'wlticli 'thrt-u of the hitter
vero wouniliti, ami twenty captnied. A
force lias been ordered down lliu river to
intoieept the rebels letreat. It is under
Hlootl that the object of the raid is to tics
troy thu bridges, and (Iiim prevent the
'tratif'portation of supplies to Louisville.
riii'atlclpliin, 2ll. Ilet'out inlelligenec
states that the main body of Lee's I'meo N
now at the trap d" the It'uu Hiihii Stew
art has lo.OOD men at Warieulou, Il is
stated that Lee'.o m my is '.uncoil in the
Slieimndoel) Vnlley. be'tween I'ort Unytil
and Winchester, iiiiiuberiu about !)().(i()l)
men. It is also slated I In: I Lee's whole
army is pieparimr to turn Hooker's ri,'lit
iliiilc. and cross into .Marylaml. Tliestitee
for Iliigerslown got as lar us Doonsboro.
when it wim stopped by lebel cavalry.
All is quiet ut Harper's Keiry. Our
troops eapturod twenty of 'White's cavalry
at I'oint of Uiiulis.
Cairo, 'JJst. Vtckslmrg papers of the
l.'lih liave been brought vitliin our lines.
The leading tirlicles are all quite tlespon:!
enUu tone, but there is nothiuir in tliem
whieh irivesi even u hint in to the quaiitity
of ttmiuucitloii and piovisious on hatitl.
ft is plainly .staled, however, that there is
much snliVriutr for waul of medicines and
sauitaiy stores.
Tlio I'nliiiuc'x WnMiingtnn cirrep(iml
cut, writing on the ll'tli. mivs: Your spe.
eial inesfcngcr. diiect from Hooker's head
quarters, brings the important iutelliu'enee
that tlieenoiny have moved upon Center
ville, and in tin encounter with our forces
at that point, d? I'cu let I them. (Jens. Lee
and Kwell took poj-scsiion. on Tliusday, of
Thoroiigiifaro (.'up. Longstieet is in' the
neighborhood of J.otnsburg, ami is con
stantly threatening Uen. Slocuin. Cen. A.
I. Hill is known lo have reached Dumfries
on Thusrday night. Nothing is known of
his movements since thut time.
Thero aro now f0;000 troopi in Cam)
Ctirtiu, and they nreinstantly increasing.
Thou?ands in Kust Tennesseo and West
em North Carolina have organized a pow
erfnl force, and aio being joined by thou
sands of deserters and conscript?, to whom
protection is guaranteed against tlio rebel
(joverniik'iit. Citizens have petitioned
Gov. V mice for protection against tin's or
gnnizuiion. Yanee replied that he hud no
troops lo send, and that they must protect
themselves. 10,000 insurgents have open
lv offered to join the 'Union army as soon
ita a military post is established.
Tlimsday IVl'M's Dispatch.
Now York, .rum! 'Jlst. The rebels lire
scouring the country near (Jrcenctistle, and
have gm ilbout ZUO head of cuttle. Ithondes
has 1 0,000 men at Villiumnort, Mil.
Tlio opinion in oflicinl-circles nt 3 larrisburg
is that the rebels have senotis tleslgus on
Nultininio. 'f'heir movements imiicato
this. !' uis ure eiitcrtuincil that the ene
my, eoiiflisfmg of 7100 rebel cavalry, fired
M."erceraburg, I'ti., in severul places.
Harrisburg. .Tunu 21st. A dispatch re
ceived late this evening states that a rebel
naval ry force was within eight miles of (ret
tysbuig. Tiny had crossed South Moun
tain, and were advancing east lo attack the
Northern Central Uailroad. An ample
force is prepand to resist the uttiiek. D.s
patches contain the following : The rebels
are reported -10,000 strong at ITagerstown,
Mil., fortifying. Milroy's headquurters is
at Hloodyllun. jov.Vitrtin-to-iiiirht re-
ceivetl a dispatuh from Chainbersburir, sta
ting that .leiiKttis liatl nrriveil v.t iiyns- bersbtirg this morning,
bnro, and tlirev.' out pickets five miles litis I ,, ,. , r. j,,,, n-i i r
sale, but withdrew them this inorniiiir. , , )M,m' '" -,,,'-TI Amc'" f
Jenkins has been stealing horses in tlieiiimii. ih! "'' 'w.g .nforn.s us that no rebels ha
...!... il... n i. ...?....: i .. .it i. advanced on tout place yet. lliu nearest
wr.i. jihiiii irivitrii ik iii.'-ijiiilii i
this morning, eoulbniiug the report of reb
el civalry being at (jetlysbttrg.
Ibilliinore. Juno Mill. The latest ad vices
from Dam No. !. savs that tiring hits Icen
l.f.ii.1 there at intervals throughout the philelphia, .Tunc 23d.-The Washing.
' j ton Slnr of this evening has the following1:
Iiiiltimnrc, tluni 2'Jd. About 7 o'clock I Monocucy 22tl. The rebels have ties
Satirrilay niglit. June 20lh. a body of rebel troyed every Hiilliinoro and Ohio 1J. K.
cavalry reached Monocucy Hridge, lour bridge from Cuinberlanil to Harper's .Kerry
miles IhH side of Frederick. They paroled a distance of 70 miles, thus inflicting very
all the sick in the Iltwpiinl nnd every (ov- serious ilninage. to the road ; this they have
erntiient employee. They muichcd the sta- .thine within the last "nil hours. Oeneral
bles for horses, uiul seized all tinii ked 17. H. I K elley caino up with thorn this morning
Wry liiruo lorces of rebel infantry and at Oi.niherlitnd and orovo them out of
cavalry, ami artillery eroded at Antietaui town. It is supposed in titis direction.
Creek 'during the day. Fvefugees say .1 hey ,
number -10,0(10. but the pickets report them ' , ( ,,cn0- ,."5;''- ,,n, ,1p,l1 Trom the
nCl'n.OOO. Karthworks ate being erected ""'li' ? ' lwfj;r shown that M.lrov
on the KuRt and North sides of Hiilllmnro.1"J 0,in "w'- I liuSlli Conn., and :lh
tlnit completing the chain of forlilie.ttions. JM wcru ,j;;"'il itlino,-! entirely. I lie
A lino ilf lorlille.tlioi'S is being erected fiirmer was ;.)0( strong. We Ion .1 full
.!.!.!,. ,i. ,.!i,- Tl.,. rr.-ini, iiu.ii ,in. .eon. I'otlenes o held artillery, all the setge
lident tlivi rebels will not b" so rasli as to
attempt a raid in that direction.
New York, 22il. A Fpecial to tlio
llemlil, dated Monncncy Station, June
21st, says at -1 o'clock yesterday, li Fed
eral cflieer mutle a dash into Frederick
with 40 men. driving out the enemy. Our
cavaliv iaed through the city nnd iinnie-
diately 'J .1,000 rebel cavalry occupied the
place. A number of horses were taken.
ITeadqaartrrs. Army of Potomac. June.
21st.- (Jen. Hooker authorizes the follow-
rt 1 1 I t rt . Mti I. ... I.
"'" ""'' r..... .- ;
no engagement whatever up to this date,!
excepting cavalry skirmifihes.
imr l.itlu lk Itit till III IUIHII " I l.lirii I11U lll'l'll
Ualtimoro, 22d. All the infornmtjon ro
ceived nt the American ofliee, I' to the ef
fect that the rebel force at Frederick Is
onlv a small party of not more than 7,000
or 8.000.
Headquarters of Ouvulrv. near Upper-
ville. 21st.-IJrig. (leu. Williams moved
this morning lo Mithllelmrg, und atlmiketl
the rebel cavalrv under Stuart, steadily
driving him all day, and indicting heavy
ni at every I'lmige. We look .'I pieces o
artillery, be-ides carbines, pistols, sworllt. j
etc. A large iiiimicr 01 wouniieii reneis ,
are iu the town of T'ltperville. They left
their dead nnd wounded on the Held. I
Hnslon, 22d. Letters
n.i rt . '
blockading Charlest.ui. say on the eyen.ng j
of the! 2lh, the icbel batteries on Atorrii
Island op"uetl lite on the troops on Volly
Island. The Pawnee and (!en. MeDou-1
ongh steamed up to within good range of
the rebel bat tones ami pnureil in a iletuiiy
lire lioin their lieavv guns, inei'etiera
batteries on Folly Islaml also opened fire,
and for three hours shot mid shell fell thick
and fast. 'The icbcl shot fell short, while
those from our batteries burst in the midst
of the rebel batteries. The firing lusted
until sunset, re-ult net known. The same
night the whole bay and shipping were
illuminated by an extensive conflagration
at Charleston.
Friday iViglifB Dispatch.
. , . . t i mm
Charleston. Mass., June JJ.l.-l he
ecuoouer iMiiici uniriii 111c 11m iiiimi.
She reports tlmt she spoke to the schooner
Violence oil' Oloueesler this morning 40
miles oil' Charleston light house, having on
boat il lf)() prisoners from tho pirato brig
Tucony, which tool: the Florence yesterday
and or'derd her to New York with tho pris
oners. Tucony took and burned six schoon
ers yesteiday belonging to (Jloueeater, and
three ships.
Monncncy. Md., Juno 22d. A special
to tho Philadelphia Prcsi says a messenger
just arrived fiom Maryland 'Heights, he
thinks the plticu is etrnngly tlefended. Tin
nearest rebels are nttLittle Antiutumabuul
six miles from Harper's Ferry.
'Ualtimoro, Juno 22il. A body of caval
ry belonging to Couclie's commuud enter
ed iFrederick, yesterday, und drove the re
bels out.
New York, Juno 22d. A Chambers
burgdispatch says a detachment of the 1st
N. A'., cavalry Imdst skirmish on Monday
Avith'the tebels leu miles this slde.of Greeu-
1 I..IS ! 1 .1.:,. ..lln.nnnn
castle l'a.
A special client cii frnm Hurrisbunr da
ted lint night suys that there is no doubt
that the enemy Is fortifying llaireistowu,
they hold tlieontttilry between llugerstowii,
ami Williamsburg Witt, ut least u corps,
Probably Kwcll's.
The enciny re-entpred 'jreenenstle, l'a.,
after a skirmish with a our cavalry.
irarrisburg, Juno .1d. News from
Pittsburg shows thai great excitement ex
ists there. The rebe'e are reported forty
miles distant. The n-hch; occupied Cham-
.. .
t r n i i . .1 . 1
approacu 01 reoei eavairy was 1110 ariivai
of a small body of scouls ut Monlerev ten
miles iliMunt. where they Klole a few horses
and made a rapid retieat, us if fearful of
, P"i- ' I'."'"' muskets uiul 2R0 wngous; of
l lie i.OOO men engaged oOl) icachdl Murv
laud Heights, probably .'100 escaped to
Hancock and Cumberland. Since the
Ibtegoing was received 17 more of M ilrov'ti
command has arrived. We hear of the
safety of 100 mine.
New Yotk. 2.'5d. Stii'iing.diili all ;"(),
gold, quiet at -Y.) VA.
Carthago, 2:d. New hns been received
that a body of rebels ,'100 strong crossed
tlio Ohio river at Oil creek on Sunday
morning for a raid into Indiana. A dis-
. .
pnicli tlatetl yesterilav morning says nun
,,,,,. ..,,, is (0 ,,;. lw ,,,.,,,,, ,, ,,IU
f)llrt nij .MI-slMiiinl rnilroiiil. The eili-
zens were arming themselves to repulse the
M nrfreosboro. 'I'M. Tito Savannah lie
! pnUicin of the loth, says in the recent
expedition of (. Montgomery on the
'''1'';. J". (fl'' '-'" ""l-foes ' A negro
iVg.me.itl.;. 000 strong Iron. Itaton ur-
. r,vwl al ll,,l,,n 1K'11'1'
The Chattanooga Htbel of tlio 21st.
savs Opii. Carter has made another raid
' into K.ist Tennessee with 2.000 cavalry.
JTc went to Leonard's station, destroyed
the laclory and tore tip the railroad track.
Cincinnati. Sail. A telegraph operator
nl 1 llnMiiimr Inn rittinrlu till itiWM itmiHDH t Ilf
I HMMIIIII H'li 11 jrwiin 011 t. "o ov -.
-I rtni fl!i;.mu ,,. mJI frnm flint ntmi I'm
U , 0r twisting the enrollment net.
New " ork. S.'hl. Tlio llemlil says wo
have reports -from Yieksbtirg to theVlK-cl
tlmt all the railrotds have been dcsiioycd
(roni lgrnnge, leimcssce, to Ureunda
llebel telegram? dated Mobile 20lh, says
the rebels repulsed the Federals twenty
seven times at Port Hudson and that aid
was near al hand. They also stale that a
courier had arrived at Jackson, Mississippi,
who states that the enemy. (Federals) were
severely 'handled and that the garrison had
sixty days provisions, und will hold out to
the last.
Cairo. -2Jd.- Steamer Luminary with
official dispatches lioin (Jen. (irant's army
L (J 18lu ng nrr.ml Kvery,uj,, ro.
gresscs finely.
" T am dying. Fgypt, dying," said Cleo
patra when tho asp had fastened upon her
voluptuous bosom. " I 11111 dying," says
the poor old outenst Democracy, as tlio
gelid skirmishers of Death ascends its hol
low marrow bones. Tho ghastly smile of
Sardis is already upon its blanching coun
tenance. Its cheeks aro hallow j ita eyes
are sunken und demy j its knees sinito to
gether ; its nails dig into tlio pitluis of its
hands, nnd ravenous worms nro hovering
about its midrilV. Tho waves of its black
eternity are heard wailing along the shorn ;
Iho malefactor becomes penitent nnd with
zig-zug step3 filowly descends to hell, wav
ing a last good night to its " Southern
brethren," ami faltering this dismal psalm
ody :
" My thoughts on droa'dful subjects roll,
Damnation 'and the-dead ;
Wlml horrors seize the guilty eoul
Upon a dying bid.!"
- iiwv'WI I'llt'J.
The Golden Hour.
Another opportunity to give the rcbe'
i)ii a falal blow has present d itself. Leo
deli tntly throws down the gage of battle in
the vicinity of Washington, far away from
Ids base of operations, and without icserves.
He curries with him the fortunes of the.
rebel power, which must stnutl or fall 1 s
his 111 my is victorious or defeated. The
golden hour we failed to improve on the
21st of July. 1801. and which was lost on
the 2T)th of June, 1802. by McClellan be
fore Richmond, again shines foriii for us to
seir.o. Probably ere this date a contest has
been inaugurated in Virginia which wilt
determine not the fate of our nationality,
for that is beyond thu disastrous inllueoee
of imy single defeat but whether the
bloody strife and enormous waste of war
are to lie continued for another 3011 r. We
may add that the question whether tho loy
al States are to remain exempt from tie)
horrid Imvoo of war upon their own soil,
al-o depends upon the result of this light.
It is a critical moment a time when the
sympathy of every p.itriot goes with tlii
lirave army that is buttling lor liberty and
law nguiii'.t treason ami anarchy. Victor'
for the National arms means a speedy re
turn of the blessings of peace ; defeat meaiu
another year ut least of terrible anxiety,
fearlul waste and diminished prestige. The.
wur I1113 beer, pushed to the gales of Wash
ington with (the spasmodic energy born of
desperation. There can be no indecisive
encounter for either parly : it must be 11
oiil'Ii triumph or 11 crushing defeat,
with no room for discussion of couipum
live advantage. The enemy has sough'
thin Held with every available man ami
gun. We have had ample warning ntal
abundant facilities for meeting him with a
greatly superior force. Kucli army has a
powerful corps ol eavaln. the peculiar pro
vince of which is to turn defeat into rout.
The army nearest its Inwu has, of course,
tho least to lear from pursuit in cae of le
tieat. but defeat on our part, under such
circumstances, would be sulliciently dis
graceful and disastrous without Inking los
ses during a pursuit into consideration.
To Lee defeat must be fatal, if the Union
cavalry shall sustain its newly acquired
fame-, and. as we before intimated. I10 car
ries with him in defeat the gloomy power
which has so long defied the Ciovernuieut
and robbed us of the best mid bravest of the
land. For thero can be no mistaking
the desparing wail of the enemy over the
movements that have rendered lite fall of
Vicksburg a mere question of time. The
great valley of the Mississippi is already
under control of the National arms, and all
tho vast tegion we-t of the river is severed
from the dominions of Davis. The cap
lure of Vicksburg must be followed by thu
retirement of Uragg from Tennessee to es
capo the combined forces of ('runt ,r.nd
llosecrans. All rebel hopes ore, ihereiortv
centered in Lee nnd his uriny, whoeonfient
Hooker and thu Army of the Potniu. c
within n day's maich of Washington. Wo
can only hope und pray that thu I nif 11
(icucruinml his noble nnny may be eqiuO
In the emergency. Tho interests of iuiii
vidual.s ure of minor importance nt such 11
time; but if Hooker shall turn this gold 11
opportunity to 11 glorious account, he w II
earn an immortal name and the gratitu 0
of a suffering country Sue. Union, Jitnc'l'. .
A Coon ('ami Sronr. A correspond
ent of a Piiiladulphia paper, ullnchci! to
the Army of the Potomac, writes the fol
lowing :
To show yon how minor.! will spread in
the in my, I will illustrate an incident. The
lady friends of our lifth corporal sent him
11 box ; among tho many good things
the said box was a life size doll, dressed iu
full 01111 vc uniform, which thev won at u
soldlein' fair in your -city. The corporal,
after getting tlio box, was taken sick ; the
boys Marled tho rumor that the corporal
wa's a woman, und gavo birth to a hoy.
The rumor spread like wildfire; bundled.'
flocked to our quarters to see the wonder
ful phenomenon a new born babe but
wo guaided the tent with zealous care, only
allowing pryers to catch a passing gliinp-'u
of the supposed mother and babe. Wo
could find a number of men to sware they
had seen both. JJut the cream of the jok'u
was to como oil' ; tho corporal received a
ten days' furlough; all thought it was tho
mother going homo with her babe some
had it, that she was n rich heiress escaping
from a tyrant father ; but hundreds be
lieved in the mother corporal and young
recruit of Company 1, of the Zjiuvw
Advertising hns given tnanyc. good bus
iness; has saved many a Jailing business;
lias secured many a lost business ; has re
vived many n, dull basines ; has enlarged
many 11 small business ; has preserved many
a largo business ; has created many 11 new
"business ; has secured success iu every biu
iness. Advertise.