Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, June 24, 1863, Image 1

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rtnrp-.-v t--w
J. 0, 0. F. Jaumhii.wiij.i: LotHiK No,
lo IhiIiIi-Uk rogulur meeting every SAT
i,;l I J' rn.MXi;, nt tli .Mu-nnie IIhII
1 null llllllri' llltildlllgl.llt C Ouluuk.
iiiiitii'i 111 (juiij Maiulinir atv cordmll)
I . 1 1 t-l In IllUlld. Ja. M. SlTTItK N. (J.
(mi. II. lloiiiu. It S-c'y.
Wnrron Lodgo Ho, 10. A. 1 it A. SI.
n Hill ll ..I.. .I ......ln. ......!
L AJ. --... Iliril ll'KIIII.I H-tflllllllir
R 4 U-.,fltllllll, tll.l Wo.lltutildt TV.mt.lM .ill
Vnr prM-'Hlliix thu dull muuii, In jack
MiSMU.k. unrxnrx.
am-miai:tik.t. m.
H. Ht.nov. Sit'i.
out.oon en a iaii:u .o. -i,
j Msoirrjuj:. oiih.ux,
V 'III10M lt rniular euif itmnlcMlion on the
Hrl Knlurtlu)- i;r. uric vi i-)-. limit li.
All iKvjnurnlne Companion In cci
Uuding nre turJMllv Invited In nttooil.
0. W. UHKKlt, II.P.
L Saiii. Hee'y. rivc8C.
office with II. I. Duucll, Hmj., Tliinl tncl.
.I,ii'K'NViM.K. OiiKiinv. 20
tV'il lrouiitlr nltend Innny t-ml
Iiiihii. e-inmlltMl to hloeure.
Iffi't in Soilmrl Ituiltlnig.
.IawsminvmiT, 'Ors wv.
1. m. iMiTiurr. jauk ii. m
aitoi:ni:vs and cor.si:i.oi:s
JaPMM.M'IM.K. Onwin.v.
Will jirncticH In the Supreme uud oilier
OwriK or Mil Stiite. 'March 'I. '
Jai'Kmin v it.i.K, 'Ohki.o.s,
T1U. penal cc lii tin- hfvi-ntl Court" of
i ihi" Ilrt Jmllcul Pi-trlcl. ami In the
Niiri-ui Court OrlnlH-r JO. 'II.
JAniM).vr:i.i.K, Oifioot;.
iVIII iirnpticc In nil tln Court- or Hip Third
Judicial llirlrlcl, tlii' .Supri'iiii' Court ofOrw
p'li.niidui Vrvka,Cal. Wiir Scrip prompt
h rollH-icd not. jm.
,ikvgr ti l'ul X 0 mu
.1 .M'KkO.SVII.I.K. Oiohion.
r.ipcclal'atteutloii uIvkii to rolltellon
w JnnBlO. lKtlfl. 40
(Hill M III KrlliUocr oil Onun bl.
I.rKKONMl.l.K. OltKOO.V.
Wlii-rft all Umiifl .knowing (tberniovpi In
il-'lilvil to blm. on notii nr bonk nceount,
"III pUaH unll win! M-ttlo up, or Uiuir nc-
Mint m.II bv placed fwr tolluctiou lu the
IoimU tif my ntlurnt-y.
My old 4lrnii will Mill And me,a$ru;
rrady to att--inl to lay profeilounl dutliv.
Mar ti, 18K3. nmyjilf
PliuttizPMiihic 'Artist,
I prpirrI to take plcturi-H In cu-ry ityle
-i hid an, wun an cue late Kcprovrmenl.
riciuroK uo not 1:110 raiirractlou. no
Clliri.'1-M will Ihi mail.-, flail nl liU Ui.ur.nsl.
'ry. on the hill, examine bla-picture, aud
t for your llkene.
I'AI'KU UUUiH, nml
JMaukiUouk Dlauuraciiircr.
517 Clay amll-l Comiuerclal atreeU,
IwtwLt-n Montgomery aifd Sansomc,
Vi niiidinir of ev.ry docrjntinn neallr
f itemed ; Illuukr Uooka uiliM and Uoiind to
ny delred pattern. 24:y
x-. n. ixAuii.trropr.
Corner California and Oregou-StreeU.
The Proprietor hw Jurt received from-San
rnnclKii a choice nsorlmcut of fine
Wines, Liquors, Cigars,
iVrc, TC.
. IVop !.i and tent them. l),o. 10.
rJ)AV Ul All Ibooo Indebitd tVnie
by noieH or book nccounl, will jileuse
wll n4 wttle jininedlutely. or their jc
wuula or notes will be banded to my ut
lorney fw collection. ,11. UL001I.
U-larah 18, IS1!
Tm: okhww i:ntjm3l.
(Will1 KVI.IIY Wt.tiltlir AMI HATI'IIIUY.
lir.r.'UY I)KM.I.(;nil, I'tlli'r noil Praji'r
SviwciiitTiiiN OncApnr. In mlrnncc.irivc
Dollar; Sl months. 3 hrce.llolliirfi.
A1m.11riNi.Mi One Minau- (u lire, or
10"). linn liiMTUnn, 'iiiri Dollars j nch
MlW(IR.il I Wllloll. (ll t)oiir. A '.11-
onunt nJMIfiy percent will Lo uinileio tlne
who udtortira lv tin' year.
Ily niiplleutlnnrfn rntimiitcr nml "Mull
CniHftti. von rnii'lmirn llml tlieSri.iVwrvkly
Omwha Skvtixk.. Lh lyr rr n lrprlrcu
Utloii In tl timiitlex of otilhcrn On-geii
ntnl l)l Nortv roiiiily. CnlHoriiln, tban nny
oilier (Htpi-r. Thin Inol ihould commiMid tin
Suntivw. to you at a ruprrlor inoJluui fur
I.wc or AiiKMrn. uLu are nutbnrtr.nl to
trammel ttiijr Kfknv oouctrnlnc tlil pa
(ttr. In Hie name of tin publlbur !
U. I'. 1'Uln'r, t?nn KrAiicwonj U'od'worlli
ft IluviitMr. VriVn: I'tx-r Ktnrr. Aiblauil: R.
k;.Ts)li.r. 1'liiM.lxi W'.W. F'uulcr. Apptr-
tmtf; it. . iniillnp, willlamMmrp; Jnlm It.
I'llmllf. Krrbvvlllu: A. 11. MoIIkaIilaVrIiIo:
ll.J. 1'oibfn, WnMut H'.r.. M. Krnnn. Alt-
Iiomc: Jim IJioni. Cnnronrlllc: A. K.
Hint, Kiirliurs:'lMuc It Muoni:, KaIciti: J.
II. LiiilvrnniHl, Hup-no Oltyi I'. Cturmsn.
)nisnn City: 1). W. WafwOeM, AUkiiit;
iii-iumniii uoiik, i;orrulll; J. it. Nnltli
Cn-KTiit City; Albert Uoollttlc, JUppy
MwtmtmmwmtBui UBaip-wr iwiumi
n:i.nitunii:n to viilka ion tiik hi:ktim'.i.
.Kiiturtln)' Nkititt't Dlnpatcli.
DimiiiIvIiih frnin Slnpp'ligbiir); 11 linlrj
llilii tiilo of tliuinlicrrliurK In iiiKlhlvbt.
i.liuu- llmt the rilidn nrr Mill nt the latter
plrtrf in line wild ruvalry nm infantry,
rahl tn ininilii r 'JO.dnO. ('tn. .Ii-nkliif, uhn
coiiiinuiiiU ll'i ti-lf b, ortltrit all tin1 i-uiri
tn In? ojioiiwl, whlwi wun onrnplbil with.
lii iwrcbaiiU wi-r foicrtl In tul.p Con
f-ili-ruti; 'iiHini-y in Mim'iit f'-r fiiM-tU
Iti-brl cavalry lo-iluy ixTtipH-il Litik'tonn.
(hm- mil from ii-H'fliir:. Tlw rll (Ii
cm ui ClannliPtiiliiirt;, 8iulnl tUit liny
ftTH only wiAtliKf for Infantry i nmw
Cnrwunl. Tim auihorillw uie iwHii.nl tn
liflk-ii-, Imwftr, that llifv will nut Hum
furt livr North.
Ti'fcimiph peiniinilpiiilii'i with IliirpcrV
IVrry i kI til hjh-ii iuhI ii nmr iih o'ecr
luliinl till !i ipiii-t iilniiir Ihi- llni'. Ilnr
lr' lVrrv i 11111111111 liy tin' rt-bcU on the
rVn. bli', we buw 11 btrirc forrp on Mnry-
luinl IK-IkIiIi. hIiU-Ii U t trolley fortiliK).
'I be Ibiltiinnro City Council, ypfii-nl,,
npprnprlutpil 8100.0110 for bountitf. I'd
liiitiiuutii urcgulii),' on.
IMillnnVlphlR. Juiip 1 Till. A Social
dalnl JlurrUburir. iiuilniclil. fns our re-
porlir wbn rpiunifil from the front, report
rrbcl.iucki-ln A"! mlli'i" from J lurrii-liiirc
The rpbpla wi-rp pnwiiiipwl ut tbrcp pnliii
Hrimnd flianihprehuri,', and wire 35,000 j
fitmiii;, undi-r .ici.kini.
Il'ho citiuii" wfrc tCuei allowed to lcae
bill afterward were refused.
A letter Jrnm Harrlrburg. dateil noon,
yenterday. nyii n Iniln of one hundred
wu:on whieh left Mnrtluliire. V11., Sun
dav. I-llii. urrHii ao-ly. Colonel RmithV
rnmmand ul IIugeriown, had - -lifbt of
I wn hour on the Ifilli, when'he was tar
rounded and forced to surrender.
Albany. Junn 17ili.Uenernl Mcftlel
Ian is hero -for the purpose of aMIng Cv.
Scymore in orpnnirlng und forwarding the
troop for the defense of the I'entwylvania
frontier. Thousand have nlready been re
ceded and are beginning to move forwurtl.
M'nulilngton, 17th. A cnmmunleatlon
Trom Ilarnsburg united on the President
lat niirht. urging him to authorize Gen.
McClellan tn isue a call for volunteew: to
repel 'tie invuinn of the 'free Slate,
'I'hofe recently mulered out of wrvlec, tq
a man, would undoubtedly repond to it,
when a lurge army of viteraiu would thw
be iinpruvied.
tCew'ork.June 17lhThe lltrald't
Baltimore dipuieh. dated 10 o'clock la(
nVhtiMya the rebel movement now in
prourem toward the North U bcinjf made
bp Iec' whole army.
lnrt!nrtjurg."Va.. i In powffIon f
-ell. iI'-inreiviugagJ in-tbuj move
incut I. fully 08,000.
Philadelphia, June 17th. A Washing
ton dispatch eny. our cavalry has been fkir
niUhing with Leo'e rear guard for two days
It does not ook as though the rebel in
tended glvlsg battle ou the old Bull-Hen
Uur lorces evacuaiPii fitaerici., au.,
and that vicinity, ond fell back to the (He
lay llcujc this morning. Xo cddiv pur-
- l jm; II
iswrir -
tiire. Ilicy Imc rfiiinml t 1'rn'crick ) C'liicnso.. H. Tlii! Hi-pulilimu Coiivcn I'I'Iip t'n!n wim liuriinl, llr pnwnprr wv
wllli ftrmi lemrorrvnieiMH. I'iiiiiniv m 'bin of Ohio, yi-mi rjiiy. ihunii.iliil Jolm i cnrrldl iill'iiml llio li'locrupli llncviit. Tin
niovinprni tlio 'lnrt'cr llni' t licit HrmW, Urmiad for (!o!iiior." ('nloni-l William j nMii iiic inuonmili'ntli'i1 luicont oilfe'outli
but lm imtoiil murrliril IHmntypt. Hook M. Stiwc win nmiiiiialnl for (lorornor oi .Mountain battle gronml.
iTiint Fairfax Court Himip lliit iimrn. Iuu, by tln UfimUliwi:, yt'sUnlay. m..h T..in.i. nm.ui ir..
inn. ii,.. Tfiili Ti ! i.iit..i it.ir.u.r'. vr ' tijliinstni), J uno lOili. Uflicinl infor
.fl ' I" 2 , '! , .I1. , '." . " "J! '" rf I T 1 Vlcblrti-ir. lil..-Tl.c ti Ih I I.tlcrio nut Im l.m. imii nl llmt Col. I fcUmir.
f run Lriiijr npuiiict it.
ry w... or . vm Bm.i uy .0. ,., ii-u-
(irti. llortkcr I lio'lntne wltli bid entire
niniy to Ibf tffmp of AVmhliiBlnn. nml
will opcnpy n position bt n'Uptnl to tLc
YKTetiW I'pf tbo plntv.
Io nndniilitrtlly ban an Immrp fnrpp
Iwiwrtn V w'dniiliin and 'u'pppiT. I
TIhim li-fi at rnijcrlpklnir.'. iiiimlN-rlnu'l
nnrly Zll.OOn. w ill lirnliubly U' nildeil lo
llmt b fiHin iitporb)c
Vpw York, .liinp ITMi fijplnl dl
(Kilcbrt my tbr imtrcii fmni I'alrnn'ti to
tlip prmiit nillinn of tlif urmy nHrrprp
on ihe'lfonpii many w'dksrf failed from the
ttT-cUof the lat.
Itirlunoml, for ibf prpaent, ! nl snilonoil
witliihppXH,eiiiiitn thai comcrlpu oml
ni-w trvle phii Wlironelil In fufilttiitit mini-In-r
In pnrriiKin the d- R-b. ItifXnvl
n that u force from-20.0110 to 30.000 mid
paihitrr will be in rpuditu-M In Murjlund
to civnpiToti.' with the rebel column.
ridladplpliln, June Hili TIip Ewmntt't
li'ilerdntetl Hull Itun, Vu-.'TAlh, nn the
(Irand Army n the l'otnnuc, U now nrnr
thrnlj Hull Hun i;rniinl The .Id nrmy
pnr nrrivrd ut Miumfia Jiinction. Mnn
ilny tin-iht nml Ittli corpn ate nl 1 in
e. Hip rel of the nnny coiHi'tlni: ofP''lli '" "r tiiufiiiiim louoertuln the fuel.
. Ails. Clh, nml Jih nrmy crp will Tlwro i no dnulit that u r..riv of comider-
j'y nneh lure tiinlght. able inugnitudiiia.undir Uni. JChiII, nml
tbo M
NewTnrk, IB1I1 Sierlln? l.'iT. HoM
nrx'iiwl nl 411 and ndvanetil to -tGAj, uikJ
oliKi-d Heady ul -i t If.
jBrniurz, 10111. ine remi unoer
J.Wi.K i-M.ni.l rMalu.,- .1 ...-
....:...: ,.r .. 7., .
oemcK jirsiiruay, 1 ne uiiuioriiii lure
now Ikivc telegraphic oommu.ilwlHHi with
Cl,ml,rrb..rg. Wine lU irlh May.
all privam prot.y Z ,rtp,eu.l Mpi
horre. cattle, ami vommnii mrfirip of
life. .I.pkoirn divlnlnn under ICwMI, I ul
Iff. a. II ! t ,
HHKereiiiwo. .iinrnn wim hi i iiamwr-r""" """" "" " """ ou lion 1 it:. ....inn',, Ijulnnl um iiilvniielii-
tnin wi, two regimonu of infa n.ry ,,Mt iX?lJW '"al f ) . .'! SndoimS UiVh?
m-nTcavnliy M.plnir may lie .w duulrpliPli wwclieavilv ri'lnrnrml. und nulnIHl VtiuiTin! C.mri llonv C.nnl.lnlne
tination. FJrt.fy.ng I, .Till ?.... on U,t. "'. WW lo ll,on.l,ly nv.,i the I luf ' " . '
Washington. 1 Rilt. -Itoporl tmv it
ri-Utla liuvv ft fori.' nf ft 11(1(1 nt Willlnliu.
linrl. Md. Kelly tekgrupl.ii llmt IiiiIipiIhi
in before CuiubeiluiHl with KI u-imeiiii
und u buitery. I'ueiigii frwn IMiot
burg kjy there ore no rebel in that direc
tion. Piihscncer from I-'ieilenek, .Mil.,
rimrt ouly u few lebel plcktln ut liageu
ton II.
Haltlmnrp. ISih The rell Invested
llarpcr'i Feiry jm ihe ICili, oml uttetnplid
in f itrpri-e (Ji-n. Tvler. The latter it-imir-
ed In Maryland Ileiuht, nml the rtli-il
eireulil loiWilliaiiwport. Tyler reernsMl
. r...n.... .....I.!..- it.A ..i...i. . .1 ..
in luiiorr II09IIIUH. i ne ii'iieu ioic op uir
railroad uud damngid the canal, travel
hu U-en riuiued leipiii Harpir'a Firry
uud Haltimnre. Import a.iy the rebel
Ml ChamberMiurg, uml tire not nt Chnni
b"buig. There I a email force ot Il
grrktnwn. A reliel letter euplured, ty
rebel cavalry i enroute for Piltiburg I 'a.
Harrinburg. Ifilli. Troopj from Ihe
Stale are urnving tnpldly arriving. The
Dt-mmnlic Slut,; Coniention nominate,!
Ceo. Y. Woodward 'for Ooveruor, und
Walter Lney for Jufe of tke-Supreine
Court, It is believed there aro no reUI
troops In the Stutu now. I'erklm' cavulry
was ut HagerttowQ last night. No iufuu
try with bun.
McConnelsvllle, Vo., J.7lh. Stropglors
from lute fight biing-newsup lallast nlcht
from below. They say the rebels, 8,000
strong, crossed the river at WillUmii'pnrl.
mid are marching on Hancock. Md.. where
1.000 of Milroy'. troops were collected.
iio.Jx-ing demoralized, fled ou reported
advance of the rebels.
Xew York, I81I1.-A large KngHsh steam
er attempted in run the Cuarluelon block.
iide, acdwdS fired into uud -sunk total
Positive Information eay rebel army
of tbeW'otomac is l'JU.000 strong.
Chimco, 18th.-rI)emocratic Mas Meet
ing at -SprineGeld ywterduy v,ua largely
Allemtaj. rJ'ho resolutions deniaiid.il the
rchae of Vallandirghum aintl others nr
rested 'by military authorities, denounced
vceIoa,4Dd(dev!re. thjVthe further of
fensive proffcuiion of this war tends to
subvert the Constitution-r.nd the Govern
ment, and details aipoii the nation ull I ho
difsstrnn consequence of misrule and
anarchy: favor rence on a Union basis:
uud for the accomplishment of which pur
pose, propose a natioual coniention upon
terms of peace which rlmll have in view
the restoration nf the Union 00 ns it was,
and securing by constitutional amcndoieus
ibcrcvf u honor and justice demand.
. 5: i-fw
nr,. .,,...,. ,.,,..,. .. ., . ill(J. ,.,.. , . ,,
ikiiini ure liniB im our rjtuwrn. I In'
Iinnibarunicni is
........ .:... . ...u .1..
Wo hare mine rum in tuutilinii nmv whirl
I'loKiiTmiy viuoru-wiv.
throw rhell nri-r Hip rlvi-r. i)iiH-rlfra ay
the tin'if ami line ofilcrM are dueoiiienlFil
nl, nud holding off from ikrtiiw, thinj.nig
they would be honorubly tUthurgrd.
Mindaj-iMtfliO Iii.pacli. Iwrvn oar cavalry and ,Kiii:Iiii.'Ii It' .1'
Nrw Vork,.Jun 19th. I lit' Jltiiild't , vWmi. on tlw 17th, lln ipIh-U were ilrivpn
iliikkieh fay our ravalry,eniiiMini.'uf one bark five milm. Our uoimdid mrivci!
ilirwon. nift (Jen. I-e br (jmlp of ravulry Intl-'nlrfux ulullnn but nlflil. The bo.it
with n iMllery of nrllllvry, oik' mile tn-yiiiM thin iiinrnuijf broiiirht n iiiimhcr of ilw
AM11, Vu., iind had a hand Inhniidi'iieiiiiil .(.'Vin froiii KlnlToiil 'Court llou who
Iit, iliirli.c whkh we look many priMiiiera. I left them Wedntfd.iy. tit whieh tlm n
Tliey wwv finally driien back. Tht-10 wo rebel wereKnotvu In K in Il1.1t vieinil)
ilisht artillery firtnj by I101I1 porlie. with. Our envnlry enpaprfl In the fijrht at A Idle,
out material remit. I,ee' br.endfl lift ' were under the enmmnm of Cnl. Klllpit-
Culp:pier annie day liitv, uml w netint;
uk u flank guard ol the niu'.y. The reM
only purlmlly niecetliil In currying tIT
their notindril und killiil. Thufiiiht lulled
from 3 1'. M., mull dark, ue huldin the
f-eld at the conclusion.
Chle.ico.iTuiiclOili. TIip cnrrejpoiin'ent
oniw t4llliiiiinfriii.ii4liil UrKr.l'ro1"'l,,,,1,1, Ulln " "7 """""
...1 ' .. . '.... luitll on. Willi iiioniitMli.linrtlioolir. A
Ferry, U1I1. coutulim the Mlowliu: : Tin-
rebel IiivupIuu which l.a Inxn n long lulk
vd about lit In'gun in earmft. It i dilTi
that the rebeU -conducted the muv. iHml,,K,1l1l l",.,, ''". "r 7'' ".ft"r''
will, ilwruii.il kill, evidently dilermined wiih ',r"! fw, .Ml ;ralnlnx
..p..., I. dd inovementV jT,Mr main font. fmw a' . " re ..rore-eu.enU cam,
n.Urll.n K...1 M...I .. V.' . l'... ', "l. ll0lt tlirilltl thf fllllll III Olir f.lll
...,.,, f ..,,, a iiinrviivn iif 11 MMiiPin
-"""";""" "uii; "". Jirj.
fonva tberi!. The main lio.K- lw kju! 1..
Ii...... 1 1 icniw. .11 '..1,1. ..... 1
. " -m jo.ouu. im mm iuk
I rree etwed in Him nmve.mnt U thought
1 1 2JMiO. Or.. .Vilmy had MronZ-ly
lilW .1. Initio,,, und jr., ubW .0 hnlfl
M,,p T?M ul hay during the whole of Sal-
'' nl Sunday. Heirl tay that in
40a ., ( t IllAL m J.H I I ... ..! I . .. I .. I .
i' 1 -wi finn'j miTiiuurT( imiv Ii ltn
In h. noww to cut I.i wv ihm.mil und
!,.!,, ,1 ,. r.r. .,, II... .,.", I.'...- '
. .. " ,.,.
Hv ..!.mm" l ..'
I i ii i.i.
le lj.nl llilalng
J - '"!. Mfc HHIItll , K,1. , ,!,
inovciTieiu was Hicresuruiiy
not without eorniderulilH
,r: ....'"J '1. . '".V ".,.,"". 7 -'
,,.... m.i 1 . . .1- .
n'l the woy from WiiKihwier tu within n
few miles of the'Fetrv. Couriers soon uf.
ter auiiouiicdl that Cen. Milroy hroiiuht
iH-tirly hi force of In-twecn !t.(l()(l und 10.-
000 111 Mifeiy. und that he lud v,il marjy
luwh! pjck-truln. 'I'liovj yum .which
i vould not bo muvid were rmkeJ.
per a J ury urU 011 .Sunday night. (
HHrrIsburg,iTune(17lli. Theexclleinent.
here has subsided, ljusinrsi tw.s been par,
tlally resumed. 1
Xew Voik. Jnneiaili.-Theh!p CVwoi
'oin.Capl. HilLfroui Xew York, April
Hh.forbanlranciscn was captured ,mV
burnpil by thu pirate Floral
She was insured against cup
uuu, pnocipaiiy lu JJwton
The Potomac corrpspnndent of -the yri-'itilu rtl'l ImuN. 'flip reMs drove nwar
aid under date Jur,el7ib, says Iho news 1 about 812,000 worlh of c-alllp. OnerelKi.
from tho advance division of the 4th nrmy I while Iryinjf to capture horse, was almt .
corps la most satisfactory. (Jen. Wim I shooter unknown, u company threat
whole force (led from the Peninsula, and mul In burn the (own, but didn't,
souglit iJiclter on the other nldo of the, Murfreesboro, lOthr-Oen.Korresl.lara-Uilckahomany.
Oentral (iordon's di vis- ported drlng from wound received .at
Ion whicli wui 1 In the advance entered New ' ,s,,rnK Mill, nfew dais ego.
Kent Court House on June 15lh. Thu. '..,.,....,... n,i. m-i... v.. ,....
enemy made a most hasty retreat to the
.i..cagoi one iyu..-ji.w,e cavalry light,
beyond the Iluppninnock, on the Olh, the
Federal lo wu 021 hille.1, wounded ami
inisslnir. 'J'ho rjumUr killed will not ex.
cecd 200, lei than 100 aru inissinir. The
loss of horses wjll amount lo J34f, The
rebel loss was,'l, 200 killed und woundi.
nod 200 prlkoocrs. land musketry, along the whom llne,nd
v. va.i, t, m, 1 ti . kept it up most ol the day. At,nlght.t
.!. vv, ,! ki , Tn " ''.'A f'P"'",'?!- fu'lo'W. wl"'ut muclictfn-.
lh..r .VUM d.ie. l H-rrishunr. June 18.1, , , 'ltt d lw0 (,(mvU
1,1 '. lV,i l " C'hamlws- f Jr m ,hariI.QOte;ii. rotn which
burg report tho enemy returning in force. lf) ,;,, 1 00 shells it our troops, but only
nii.iutej(i!iia. Juua IHIIi. A stieclal.1
from SlilpniiiL'sIjurir P.. dated lids morn
ing says the-rebels are LkU aide of Oreen
Ww YofL- '.Tnnn mil. 'i'i,A ii.tit,nn.., .
Aintntim contains the fiillowlne : A body
,.....,.,... ,..,,.,.,.,,,
Point of Uocks, Milurc
oqr cavslrv. noollier. body
up and hall a bVhtMth our
iclin Station. Tjrftnlv-tlirre
car destined for llaltlmore with u few nas
tengrrs urcr!C'iji1
itured at 'I'olot of Ilocks
VOL. VIII NO. .11.
. ..,, ,.,lllp,mpn. nf lV .,tv. rllI ll(r
rlnlol lirleni f. I be liml of rrlieM Ibal
' 1.. 1.. 1 i .10.. 17 ..
. iiiioic lor rviTiii ruin ii n .iiiirynvoir, iy
killiti unit w iMjinlina iniiiiy. nml tnkinir-1 Oil
priimiwit, mid iicoverlmr the property
Mniidn)' Ni-lit'ii DMimtcIi.
uiliiihfton. "Dili. In tlm RtIiI Im.
'-rlek. The relwl envnlry win e"irMKwiil
of 11 porllnn of 1'ilr.h.ili IMi'a bripudr
A rebel fotcc of -cnvulry Mid tiioutitiil In
fanlry went in the direction of Hnlekerit
Cap and renchnl Aldio two hour be
fore our fiirer arrlvrtl at that point. Tho
rebel (p-ltlng warninir nf tKillpntrick np-
diviilnii chnrgeit ll.e n Im-Ih und drove llum
throuuli lliu Inun. The relhh nuide u
tnnd on the oilier rido of ilia town. Here
priilechnrires-APteininla by our nwu
thu rebel fu-valry, iilternutcly. The
.. . . . . ' . . r ,
.mii... .. 1 .1. .. .. , ..1. .1 .....1 r II l...l. ..
m,i'M Pvlrr ulm 11 I mil.l bv nriin.
f,,""r ' Cll 'ry. ". U M K) I ..uy I "o
I I IIC tenrw IMIU I MOMIIi MIM IV l "lin t
ner. wamiilroiioliiL tlironuli Aldio with n
, r 1, 1. .1.11, ,.....
, l" Bu ' "w. ' ' ' '" ''"' .
1 "! '' ' ul 1'Xt 0me,a ll
' " Jj. f. " c ' , .
I NVnlueHl ly ir, fiuilon coiinlv. in Hull
Hun volley, -it l unl Unit IIIIL nilvaui"
, '" '"' ' ."' ' "C-K..,m. . "M"'"fy..n., "'.
i roiomno in inrce coiiiiinii iiii riuni am
' ''" '0- ? "f Oppi'I'"" '' W""" rlvrr-.
Um centre, auider Kwell. vhi TJ.ornughfure
(, , , , f , Jm vla
I oioHino 111 hint coiiiiiimi in- riuiu aril
. nun : uiui
1 wiMI. Hooker I.-m made surl. liin
f,ukc '""w-
PhlUlelphlo,20lh. Xewaby l'rftlerkk
train In Halliuiiiru this uiornlng, Is t'i the
efT,ut llmt the rebut jiickeU arc on Ihe road
m far ml ai HIiKiiiiiboro, H-igerttnwn
iKein l bo Hrmnenlly la-cnpleil by '10
MI00 Nnrili-Cdriilliiu IrnufH, iwler ll'iol-.
1 r . ..t ...... r.... 1.... .....nH.i t..... .!....
o ilrfw muW Wi, wU. KvMy H
furl hud Ik-cii made In mako ,8'eallng m
lit 1 1 opnriMiie u ponilble lo the K.oplu
of Maryland. Ii I Mid at Iluseritown
thut this probably Hlllflaled liy tlm linpa
or getting recmii 111 MaryiuiM. 'jrnneua
mntinted iafanlry enleretl this plica thw
,.'., ,? '1' u .1,. ' - .Li Lai.-i
11, on .11 ui 1.11U. I .ujmt whatevir they could rrv
pturc or tw),.f(,r ,,.,, )own wflll taVtn t,y ,ur,,rWi M,
no 0110 could e,i ne. Many ciufna leu
I 'IT" " "'"1. .ZVi t
, part1culurM of ,10 dcslructlon of Iluffuiwn.
ni.leMo.M-'flia lllebmowl i)npofrA
of;Wlli.My 'VnllandiKliuin wi ut Wil-
juilugton, X. 0-, on his wuy to Nawau,
Memnlii. 9th. Official dalci to tlm
J5th Irom Vlckkburg say: On Sunday th
I army opened u vigorous fire, both artillery
wounoru iwoormree meo.
Xew Yoik, rO-Unld quiet at 41)
A leUet from ou ofTici r In onq of our rcg
Imeiits on the lliiuiiiiliannock mentions, u
" "' "' curious Incident, of the war, that
- - ,.,
.,, v - - - - , m '- .
few "Ight liefore.u orporul of a Wew
iJerey regiment In, Heyiiolds'dlvhilop.wiiile
p, picket duly In the exlrenw front of, cur
' lint, ' Wrlh lo u Ope, child, JIU Lor-
JX""" iuuW Ittiro to" guar,lisa est tutao