Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, June 20, 1863, Image 1

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-xt" . wrww Ji-mcxa5-.t i jaafewrir nVniwrfiaaw
gyi !LiIugj''BJ.,M
VOL. VIII NO. -1.1.
I. 0. 0. F. Jacksmwvu.i.k I.OIKIK No.
M, holds It regular fiicollrijr every AVI7'-
mi i' nvuxixa, ut the mumuiio iiaii
Cutirt lloux hnildiiig),ut t) u cluck.
llminem in gooit tauiitng lire cmdlnlly
United In nltcnd. Jas. ,M. Sittiix N, G.
(iKCI. Jl. Doiium. It. Sec".
Warron Lottee No, 10, A. F. & A. H.
A MOM) their regular cnimmmt-
fSf'calliiiiH I lni Wednesday Evenings mi
or Mir piecming Hie run moon, in jack.'
fcTIU.K, OltfcllON.
II. Hi.onM. ttc'i.
Will hold iUrcgiilnrcnmnitiiilcutlous mi tlic
Wnl Mnuirtliij-Kie. of livery Month.
All sojourning Compmiloiii In good
lUadlng lire cunllully Invited lo attend.
;. W. UUKElt. II. I.
I Scn. Scc'y. dccHsl"
OSk with I!. T. Dnwell. lw Third street,
Jai-kkonvim.k. (Imkisov, 20
Will iniiiiilly attend Innny legnl
liiluc cMiimltti'd In hi 'care.
0,1 f lit Sentinel luilihiti;.
.Iackmisvim.k. Onnmv.
I Wl. .Ot TIIITT. J.IMKI 1). KW.
A1T0UNI.VS AM) counselors
and solicitous in en ancf.uy,
'nil irnctlci' In lliu Kiipnmu unci oilier
iwisor thl Pim.. March l. :;.
"Hl' lirnetleo In the sevcrnl Court, of
I r the 'it Judical District, nnd In llic
iprt'inp Ui'tirt. )otni.T vo. '13.
.lAri.mi.wvii.t.K, Omkiion.
''Ill practice In nil the Court of Ilia Tlilnl
Jncll ml District, lliu Supremo Court of Ore
wi. nuil In Vrcl.it, Cal. Wur Scrip prompt
IjMllwlli'il. Oct. 18.
(Siuugr u Itiwl k Onion)
Jackxo.svii.i.k, Oiikuon.
K'peclul utteution nlvan to collection
Junu 10, IQtTJ. Hi
llfllc t llU Tlrslilcnt'r on Orrguu HI.
Wro nil tlmw knowing thcnitolrc In
' I'lcil tn lilm. on nolo or book account.
iiIlpli'ao cull nml etllu up, or Ihelr no.
"mi win uo pistil lur collection in thu
aiof my iittoriK'V.
II) old palriiiiK will Hill (lnd inc. tiitrer,
'ly tiiulti-iiil tu my prufewlmml ilutiw.
iivii, iniiii. iniwliir
lMuitocrniihic Artist,
I' Prqurird to tnlio nlcliiroii In iivmv iitvln
' Hi" art, with nW tli lato Improvi'incul.
" 1'ioturfH do not plo fntUrucllon. no
Xt&l'tim will Ix.ihilJk r!nll nl hla um f'.nl.
W;, on tliolilll, f.xurnlnu bU Jilclmca, uuil
"t fur your llUoiief.".
I'AI'KU Ul'I.Klt. oml
IIIunk.UnoK Inniifucturor.
517 Clay andCId Coiumciclnl itrcut,
Wtivvun Moiiturnnory and Sausomc.
IU. WoJInL- of ivtrv dotcrlntlon ncatlr
''tvuud ) lllauk Ileoks ruled aud Uonnd to
-ij iK'lu-odjiattorn. 21:y
r. n. bxiivu, rrop r.
"orner Californlu and Oregon Streets.
Tb l'roprlotor lias jut received from San
fwcUcu a choice ntuorlmcnt of duo
liaes, Lianors. Cicarc;.
ktc. r.rc,
Drop In nnd te.l them. J.c 10.
)AY ll. All thojo imlebii-il to ine
1 hv ,W or )ll0j act.oont, will jslenie
"I UtlJ Kttlc Iinnmlijtelv. or llieir uc-
"I'll Of IIDlfg will 1n 1..mU.1 In t nl.
r""TJrwroiiivlloii. J I. ULOCW.
f..R- . --...- WW MM..UV. .-r .mj M.-
ifch1d, W.
khi'lii i:v;uv wkiin'wiiav asp dati'iiiuy,
IIISN'IIV Ii:NT.INCJRIl, Pnli'r nml PropV I
SiTncitiiTin.y One venr. In advance, Five
Diillatv; Six inontlo", Tlirre Dollnn.
AliVMirislMi-Oiut Fniinrc (III line or
lew), llrt lurcrlliiii, Three Diillnrn: each
Ktilwiitieiit liiwrlloil. Onu Dollar. A die-
count of llfly pi r cent lll Ui luudu to those
who udterlltu by the year.
Ilyppllontlon lo PoMmtiMrrs and Mall
Cnrrlern. intnn learn Hint thuSr-iul-weckly
Oiikiiii.n bKSTiNM, ln by far n lurper circu
lation In the conntltf of Southern Orepm
and Del Norlu ciiuiity. (Mtlfiiriitu, than nny
oilier paper. Thl luct ilmnhl commend the
riK.NTi.Kt, lo you an u Mijwrlor tnedlum tor
I.wt o Amukth, u-Iik aro nutlKirlred to
tnuiMict any lunilne" ooikctiiIri; UiW pa
per, In Uiii luinii of the pnMMitT :
fi. 1. FUlivr. Sun I'rnnnlmo! U'mlmnrtli
.t Uayneo, Yrekn; lilwr Kmrv, Afhlnnd; S.
C. Taylor, I'hu-ulvs W'.W, Koer. Appl
RiuV; It. H. Diinhip, WllllmnOrnrci John It.
I'rliidli-. KiTlyvllle; A. It. MoiWnln, Wtildo:
It. J. Foihe", U'aldii; 'Vx. M. Hvan. AlU
noime; .Kiel 'llinrn, Oinyonvllle: A. It.
Flint. UnrclNirir: Uanc It MiwrcH. Suli-in; J.
II. Under.iii,d, Kiipenc Cllyt F. Chat man,
Orecon Cllyj I). V. Wnhenehl, Albany;
llenlnmln Cook. Corvallln! J. II. .Smith.
ore-cent Uily; AllA.-vt Uooliltlc, llappv
Tl:l.K(llt.l1ll:ilTO VIIKM Mill tiii: ukntinku
"Wi'iliu-MlJif Night 'h DiHpatch.
Xew Yoib. 17iIl Hcwrviil t'orp" bus
lieen rrruleil. railed Depnrliuent of Cuw
lierlaiul, uniler Mtjr (jemrnl (jruui.'er
liiwent liciiil(imrtcr nt Triune, rniy In
cohiki.( ol tlireu division", coiiinmndul
ly I-. 1. 1. Morgan.
A trnn furco if the enemy, enlinmtiil
nt I II 000 men, iimlrr Yueinl Fonvt uud
Col. Oruoe, iu mill about the front
The 7Vn fnyg rJliorlully liil'Tinatloti
renchtil lliia cily that lee'n nrinv of ill)..
(Kill tueu were this hkIc of tlm ltappiihnii.
nock murchini; uorthwniU. HookerV army
h huHtenin iiurlli to prevent rebel lulvauce.
I-C. Iielnru cIopo of luitt week, criwud by
furilii iibneo Fndeiick-buru', nnd was up.
parent!' iimlilii ariiitutl It It. Ily Fri
day, Hooker' ivhoJo auny was on the north
iviird march. Our conunif-Miry ulorra Imve
bein tmlinrkeil from Actpila "Creek. 1a.v
Iims Ixtii joiutd by lart;e detnchniciiU from
Xnrlli Carolina nml lilackwaler. IIU
cavalry bus Ikvii tun-wcl on North fork of
Iho tuiiuhanniek. Iuigtret'l'rt enrpi
from (!uljeiK.T lias iloubth-H been jolnid
to Lee' army. Wooher'd army cannot be
Inferitir to I.ecV. Our nrmy lias been
heavily rclnfnrcttl froin Naiiremonil, To-
nuistilu uml vlH'whcrc. iNo ollieiiil indica
tlons of lhre mnvemenls huo been rC'
ceiveil from Washington. Tliu 'J'wmwyt
mr-o ucrouni nuve oeen riceiwil Irom
other Ainircra, but it feeint lo bo under
stood that our nrmy nml the rebel f lire
both on the move, uml no cloc together
timt mey enn nuruiy uvoiu a colliniou toon
New York-, lf.th. The World' New
Orleans letter, of the "III. rays Hiiull bod
k'3 ol (irlerOH'cuvulry,K'ni to recnnnoiter
in the vicinity of Clinton, came upon 12,
000 rebel c.ivulry. It iu reporiw! lhat
Ciiptuin Davla uml thirty men were killed,
flirty taken prisoner;, und sixty horses cap
tuieJ by rebels, the rest escapuifr to our
army. It in feared rebel cavalry will make
a rnld upon Ihton Uouge, where our tup
plies ure. A small lurce bus btco tent to
protect them.
New York, 1.1th, A dispatch from the
Iteudquartcrs fith army corps, d.ited (lie
morning of the 2th. Male that troopa and
Winona were pawui,' tlnoujjli there ull
nisht. Tronpi of fith nrmy corps still
guarding fords, with orders to be in reudl
tiers to move ut u inomenl'd tnHicc.
The llttaltl fays, editorial, evidently on
nctivo campaign is now in opeintioii on
the Itiippalmiinpck. llurjierV I'erry.Hheti
nndouh Viilluy, ami upper fords of llie l'o
tomac nru the' points indicated by recent
rebel movements. Our nrinv has nl?o
chanced its base, onr supplits beln trans
fercd from Acijuiu Cieek lo Alexandria.
Wishinpto. 15ih. Telegrams in Illch.
niond papers, dated Juck.ou, .Miss.ltlh,
say rcmitii report rebel picket urouud
Vicksburff ten miles deep, und upproaches
clft-ely (.'iiarded, (Jrant commiinicntes
with tle Jlett by signals night and day.
Mortar bouts firinjr. nil nlplit ut Intervals
of lew Kcondd. 'J'hvre U oiothine; from
i'ort Hudson.
AV'oodvillc, Miul&slnpl. 14Jh CriersonLi
j-ci.vulry.1,000 etroiijf, with eijjbt pieces of
nrtillrry. ntlnchnl Cnl. Ipm'nl Cllnlfii
jwiwilny. Jxicnu, 40(1 Finntr, wflh cever
ul iilrct of nrilllery. drovi them .hark m
nilcc. oiplnriiiL' ln piiroi of nrlillery.
Our lo two killed nml fevernl wo'nndei'l.
Dnemy fired fii'vcrnl ulielld into the town,
Killing one man.
Mobile, lOili. flpnnWi picnmrr Soda,
Ironi J in viinu lor Ihi purl, wus lost loriy
inilen mil, on the 26th. Only four ol the
crew uml pincnjrcrn rrcuK'd. ,.
Ilnrrlntuirs.', In.. ICtlli (lOr.JCn'rlln U
nied nn order, plating lliat cnloreil tronjn
will ! tnu'trreil Into thn rcrfltr of the
Uniled SIiiIcf. nml forbidding I hem from J
tcuvinv' the State lo Join orgunlzatluim iu
other Staled.
Ixtnctnn, Ky.. Mih Ttefiicrci from
Ml. Slrrlinp nml WlncheHer, jut nrrivril,
report ,'100 relieU thii l'. t. n tin eked part
of Mill rnvnlrv on Siale Oreek, inxt of
Mt. Slcrluiff. TlilM'iiuiik'eniont wiwwvwv.
InBltn-r thnv hour. Our forces eommeneitl
retreating hIowIv. fllilin a' they went.
Ilcinrorccmeiitfi hail bein kent there.
T ..!.,.. Ilt l.iii. , i. ..t . i . .
iM.ir.iiiu in. ii. ii iimtuii i on i iiur.Miip njipoiiitii, wneii inn tirnrne tirein if-
army to-day captlirul u baud of ;iierrlllii.
which cominlllitl tlepnilatlonn neur J'.liza
.Mnrfrecfboro, Mill. llernnnowance by
Tiirchiii'M cnnimaiid yi-nterday ileinonstra
tel enemy Htrongly misted 12 mllw out at
Cuviiiffs (Jnji iind'W arlriicc toud. I'crfect
(jniet thiouhout Iheormy.
HnrrlKlmrjr, l'o., 1.1th. (Jov. Curtin
has (wiled u proclamalion culling upon ull
tlio-u cnpable of bearing nrms lo enrol
thrmH'lvcR under (lovcrnmenl, fur tulvullon
of Coimnonweulih.
llarrliburg, 14th The telcprnph ope
rator nt (.'hninhcllurc:, I'a,, my n Ait'
pu tch from llagcrMoun, Md.'hi'ii i 1 1 Tt r
uution of rebel cavalry arriving ul IJcrry
ville nml Murllnbur uboiit noon. At
lite loller place tlicie hud linn lard fighl.
ins. Gen. Millrny wus conielli!k' ihelr
firll'nrinjv n.i,iHMii,itii,l inn I liltv.Du.l liu.
Iwecn Winchester uml. Murtn.sbur. (Sen,
Uej-nnliU bus Iwn ilriien bv u Isrpe fnrco
of rebel from llerryvllle lo'llunker'. UIII.
The enemv were iil-o tit Winchester. AH
1jo' nrinv Is mnfln,r .w.rll. r.i Uu,l,l I
Kranch nml Nolnu'i Kerry. Warm work '
In tioinjf on there.
Winhlnslnn. l.ltli. The I'rrsMent Is
mod u proclamation my in;; rebels thniilen
to Invade Maryland. Wolrrti' YiiiriuW.
I'emn-ylvniila and Ohio, nnd calls into Mr
vice 100,000 men ftom tliew Stutes, us ful
lows:. 10,000 from I'emisjlvunla, IIO.OOO
from Ohio. 10.0(10 from Maryhind und 10,
from YrftcTii Virjiinla, lo be muitrrul In
to n'rviee forthwith, to Mrio tor six
mouths uulehs boooer dlrehargtd.
I'hllndelphla, 14lli, r. u. The Kvennif
llttllciin hivc thu lollowini! Imsi been te
celvul ut Iho I'enii, K, U. iflleo : Dispatchin
from Ilolton'd Station, on Xorlhern Ciii
tral It. It., atiites u peoeiiil retreat from
Murtliisburi; last ewnhiL'. nml our lonvs
nt Wiiichesier nro probably captured, us
the rcbeU It) 000 strong are ut llugern
town, Md. There Is dunirer of the iiiemy
udvunciuir In I'urce. l'rivato dit-patcln-'s
state rebels appeared t.ear Clmisbercburt,',
Fn. J'robulily that place has ban cup
lured by them.
1'lilludelphln, loth, Dlspnlchea from
Grcencnstlc, l'u., loth, icceivid in this
city this innriiiug, rtpori our troop? now
passim: in retreat from llpgrnlown to
Clmmberburf.'. Jlnceiutowii has brrn
uvueuated. All rolling htoek of U. It.
und other Mod; has been mnoud. ,
Memphis, 13th Sicamcr llwat:ia
brltiKS ihiteH from Yicklmr tonhe Wlh.
Tliinsa ut YicUburg remain tinehaiiKtd,
except that our lines ure dully coulraclimj.
Cincinnati, Iflth Military company
sent to Hush county, lnd., lor tho purpose
of nibduinc opposition to tie enrollment,
returned lo-nlelii, and nrreolrd u nuniW
of supposed suspicious persons, who guve
bonda lor their future pood conduct. A
company left Fulton county, i-ume Stale,
on Saturday nicht, witii ihe enrolling Com
misimeers. The paper there have bcwi
feiztd uud destroyed.
Korlres Monroe. 1-ltli. '4'ho ICnplish
und Austrian Consuls nrrlvrd herefrom
Richmond, having been ordered out of
the Confidernte States by rebel authority.
It has been nrranjrcd by Commfolonecrs
that sdrgeous uie not ta bo treuted us tins,
oners of war. No exchange of officers
nin be effected nt present. A number of
Union officers ure laid by the rebels ueder
charges intended to bring I hem under tho
act of rebel Congress, which eoiMb:iis A"o
execution ull officers taken (u command of
negro or mulatto volunteers. ;Ji1loiv will
not nitrkft rx't'iul .ewiiariee, thus sknow1-
Mining right of rebels to discriminate.
Albnny, X. Y l.'iili The ?nvernnr nl the urremler of Mnrtlnbiirp, clvliitf 4."
received tclctrnim Irom WnfliUiitnn In day, mlnutm for the women ami children .i
enllimr for 20.000 millillu Immcillaifly. leave. (Jen. Tjlrr, who ciunmanilul ul
The (Jovcrnor ha taken Mepg fur the rap ' .Marllnthurn rclaiil Iu turretidrr, nml nu
hi organization rr the ndlitln. Admit w ill ' artillery tight uniinl. At quarter puM
lie made uniler ih- Stale law to the inaxlnm nven o'clock Inut nlpht, Ilia wire were
number of nil the millillia reuimrnl. mid broken between I Iiiiht' Kerry nml Mar
from there 20.000 "ill heiuppliid. 'I'hotc tinlinrp, nnd what occurvd alter that time,
inlleilfor fix monlh will be crrtlited Infix unknown. A bailie wan nlfO in pro
die Stutc. nml thu three yean' men under 'grcMiil Winclii-slvr jcMenliir.
na,l""1 dr,t"' I Gen. MiiroyrepuM Kwell on Satur.
New York. 15th. Ilrijr Arrnfelln. from 'day-uml iiid that he could hoM out until
Atntnwnll. hn nrrivril. Klin ri'imrln iImii i rritifiircemrtitii Itiielnil him. If iimilil.' tn
fhe wn boarded br ih plrnte Ijicnny, on
June 12lh. latitude 33 dec., 20 Innjtllmle,
i Jtlflh fahe was tnlen ns n pr r.", utul re
hned on u bond of ? 10.000. I'nnle jmji.
tuln reportetl having deiumved two vif
Mmc day. nml fnld that he Intended lo drj.
troy nil veMrln that he cnplurtd hereafter.
A I'nnnmn letter Males that the rnp
ln!u of I In; Atmriritu f-hlp. (Irn. (Jrein,
wyn hcfnw n liip on lire off Capo I loin,
anil prepared to tro to her nl Innee. when
lie iw n Meamer with it rcM His benrltifr
iluuil llMOH him Annltiep bireft A merlem.
.. ' . ., ..
raped. It I iltiuiaht that the Mcumer wan
Hie UnIMi l'iniecuma, bound for San
Clilrajrn, lfith. Iteporls from rnnllirrn
Illinois ray that matter In mwic counties
urr becomim; rr!on. An open rupture
l fi'iiretl In Williamson cnuniv bwrn
the rrccrh Kinpnthifers nml Union men.
Some three or four murdrri have already
been committed.
Wmlilnrion, lftlli Ur.tlcr tl.f prneln-
inalioni.r the IVraident ralllntr 1 00.000 1
rnn I. tft Lviee .1 S ,1
troops Into rcrvicc. Iho Slaten imiiiiwI
will lie cretllted under the ICtirollment Act
lur military nrvice renuernl.
New York, 1.1th. Gold opening at
143.,' und ulosli'r nt 4C.
Ualliinorc. 15th. Itichninnd papers of
Snturihiv 13lh, it.nlulned the following
items; It Is Mild Ihe cily lull Is so com.
P1" '''' il,,m'1 "Mi nil orl o prisoner
,,,", flr""',ml: ,l'tt' ','0 UUV'V '"'' ","
LT' Tlua ,",,', w "' thr.m- J ! '?
""'' "."'W " PMmi. .-iuiiit with
CII'X'll Iiriwm rf. Illllll IUO I. . S3. UPVTI1-
!"""1 cnm ,0 "'"'". ". J.IipIwuo P"l";
Il.1Iki.Uiii a.tIB blll , lluilB I ',llnl,lliJilil,ati
between our owu und ihelr Commlnsioutrs.
Thin Ml ny N'lclit's l)Is.iii(cti.
I'mlerlekslntrg, Juno 12. The (i.emy
iKederids.) have, now hud ojmioii on this
side of the river for one week, und iii'lhuig
has betii done in the wuyof flghlingexcitit
ing niieor tno urtiltery duels, nml dully
picket llring. At Culpepper on Thurn'.uy,
our (Itebel) troops were lieavy otaong them,
being t-nme of onr lit t clliit'it. Our lots
Is fiO kllleil and 200 wounihd, und fiOO ta
ken prisoners. Among the killed wusGiu.
Wellington. June 1 fith. The Ulrlr
mond Sentiniluf Hulurday June 1,'ltb tn;
Ihe enemy Is exhibiting coiisideruble (one
on the IVuimml uud is udvancint; In a
threatening manner.
Ilultimiirr; Juno IStli. Gen. Mllroy
was furrmmded ut Wincluster by 1,000
rebels, but after defpcrule charging, cut
his way throii'.'h and iinitid with our forces
at Hnrper's Ferry, The force nt Mnrtlns
burg hus fallen buel: on Ilarprr's J'irty.
ChamlKrsbnrg, June 1.1th. Lieut. Pal
mer, who has just returned from (Jntncss
tie, Pu., reports the enemy ndrtticini; in
three columns, ono towards Wurourhnro'
ami Getlysburg, one dlrtet to Chumliers
burg, nnd cue toward Mercertburjr und
Cave Mountain.
Cincinnati. June 15th. Governor Todd
has Usutd u proclamation calllu' for ,10,
000 volunttcis for Ihe definsc ofihc border.
New York, June ICtb. All our mllilft-
ty regiment ure getliug under nrms ut Ihe
cuy Hrmurirr. iteiis wero ruog at mm-
Hight in iirookiin, culling out ihe mlnule
men, ThoregimeuU in this cilyunsemblrd
ut H o'clock lids morning, A lurgti iium-
bor have for J'klnulclplua this morning.
Tho Jialiimore American of Mooduy
says ihe most reliable Information we have
beili able to obtain. U to tbo following ef
fect : An attocl: was made on Saturday
morning on unnall lorcoofour menutlkr
ryville, under Mclleynoldi, of which Iho
.Maryland uattery loriueil u part, liey
fell back before the sutterlor numbers, and
joined Wen. Mllroy ut Winchester, After
u short i'ligagemdit.tlic resulls ol wlilcliurc
rut linowii ; ut tho fJino time Witicheslcr j
u, iin,4-..i in i,n,.i i. n r,,..A .n.ri..i
imfler tho tommand of Knell, of Sluuewull l0 '""" or Juue J lib. JbjiiiforceimHts wuu
Jackson's troops. Tlno lhat made Hie 'r'Vil'g uiyl tukipg pi.itioiiriiwlgiicd iheiu
uttaekat Ilemvilteaire faldtob.uo beun ' '"' movements of Klrby Hmllhs Miw
under Iho command or Gen. Tremble A "" '" I"'l"' l'0' "eio Hlirottiug oi
thud faice, uier fl.U tncounter re fald lo i iviilion. fr i doubtful abuul his havlnu:
huve.c.apiuredodeluc)imtiitor our men nt.mcuns In.crofs I be river. Grout Is Mill
Hunker Hill, then .moved on to Martins, coufldciit m hopeful,
JUirj,'. AtC1 M-ycvtri-day, Iheyderjijiid
j minin hl Monition, ho woulJ hive to fall
luck nntheliiKi'to lliimncT. a the liar.
per's Ferry mid Martlnsburtj rouds wero
hohl by the t'lutny.
New York, June lfilh. It Is ascertain
nl lhat Ilouktr Mllhe Mullon near I'al
moulh. on the mniuliut of thu l-tlh, uimI
priH-eednl tnn l)iimfilr., where they
tested fur themeht. On Monday morniiu;
Hie nrmv ptocitilnl nn the road lo Fair
U station, where Ihey probably arrived on
Motiday tiihl.
Previous tn the ilepnrlnrp of Hooker,
the 0th corps, which lay on both sldr rf
llie rivrr below l'nitolckshiirir. procredi'd
imrliiwnrili nnd rencheil the vleinliv of
I) urn fries on S.induy nlpht. I telle I'laini
und Aipihi ('reek, rre cvaruatnl and oil
public propi rly slilplx-d or olIierwifCKCiir-
til. The (fficts destroyed wero su:h ns
iverc nnt worth removal. Up to Momluv
mornlnir, our army In Id the Hun of lh
I'appnlinnuork, from Hanks' ForJ to le',
leyV Kuril. The rivrr Im-Iiil' protrctril bv
fuffitienl troops in hn'd llie enemy ut bnv.
should Ihey attempt In crosi below. On
S '" n cannonade wn. Irani In
I ,,..,'.. ,".,,,. ,,,., ,,..., ..,.,.
thuilinctlon of Thoroiiihfaru (Jap, whirls
was tlmncht to benn effort of the rebel-
to cross In force.
New York. June lfilh. It Is aroorlaln.
nl that Ihe miln portion or the Army of
the J'otomac has retired from the Ituppa
hnmiork. The movement nns rendensl
tiewmry by that of Iho enf my. A lorgn
number of wounded and silk 'have Ixvn
brniieht uiu)', ntid Irunsferrrd tn Ihe Mil.
Itary llofpilal In Waslilnglnn. Theexiiit
wiierrnbnuts of (Jen. 1c Is not known
but is f upposcd to bo near 'niornughfare
: fl'rlvate, As uul when ijew Is of a
Hurtling aril Important character, Govern
mint etiwirs refiw to allow unylhlii'' to
be telegraphed from Wuslilmrtnn
(higutd.) IUioiiti.ii
Ilnrrtibure, Pu., June lftlli. The nb.
ols intrred Cliambtrtbtirg, l.( jesterduy
at 0 o'clock.
Chicago, JmiolClli Memphis dispatch,
es In tha J.'llh, wv Ixiubuno. opposlto
Virl.sbiirg, und up the Mississippi, us fur
as Milliken's lleml, arc lull of rebels. Tiny
hold Ulehmoud und New Carthage. 'J'lieir
forces ure beiug dully Inert awl fr.mj
Wothitu river.
Tast evening's Wuthlngluti llfi'nMunn
my, as we go to press we hare news of tie
enemy In the Slit inilidonh Vulley, in the
rigiuu of Wlnclastir, Murtlmburi; and
Harper's Kerry. IaVkwIioIu nrmy Is iu
the Vulley, sirctching uiirly Iu whole
length, and strongly relnforod from thu
I'enii.fiilo, Sull'olk, Itiehmorjil Oordorisviile,
ami S'nrlli (!unlino.
New York, Juno 17 1 h Gold this moric
tug MB.'j.
M'uihlngton, June Kith 'Hie Govern
ment has iitelwd u telegrutu from Mllroy
stilting lhat he is at Ilurer' Ferry, with
the giriiter portion of his (iimmand, ' Ami
thai Winchester was invisttd by about
lfi.000 libels, with 20 pieci of urlillery.
Thai thty intriul the outer works by
storm, nt f n'clmk, on Sunday tuning,
Ihe lllh. Ho udds,"! liirirrplkri) my
gilli und lelt with my whole roimr.o4u!.
Ilrly oo Monday mr.mirg, the 1,1th, four
miles thu sldeot WimhciUr, the nbels
with un overwhelming force alluded pie.
Alt r n dit-iK'nite lUht of to lidurs, I got
thrmigb, but wus pursued by u largo cuv.
olry lorcu which pickeil up o nuinber of
my men. My l' is about 2.000 killed,
voundiil nuifriii-sliig."
Ilaltlm"ri , June 6lh. '11)0 Governor
has (mud) n proolarnattnn. oalling upon thu
people of Murjluml to dffe.nl their Slatii
Irom Invasion. The Cily council met this
morning to devise means In co-opcralu
tqitli tbo Gnmnnirnt oiy tho Command
nig Gtneral ol Ihellrpartmenl, lo ri Im? it
portion of thu Irn thoiuucd men cullul loi.
Memphis, Juno fitls. Arrival from
uciow Li'ifi'' ouluiii uilt uvk Iroul liruilt Ul)
Cwtlnut Ion tui'' p"? J