Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, May 30, 1863, Image 2

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    Scmi-lUccklii Sentinel.
8 IP
"ToTtiitKKrtrirr i:i ri'nMWKMV or rncn
llvtov, a (tiivxitxMRVT run tiik wiiomc i
IMIHI'ltMlBt.K." W'aiAinffluH.
aw mm ,, nun mil ii ii i
.l.ll'IColl.WII.IiK. OKKCIOIt.
MY W. Wl.
Hatih.-U.ow Arnold Iim opnl , ,,, Af Vilitanl AHj. ,, Mwrimm I.y.. . ";? m.1"" 'll.Hm'S XWin; W:
the popular IhII. B;hou. formerly i-1 (tawn,,. J AMik-Cnm,,. the MhIT ol10w,i -m ,,mp),,, of cmiiHllra.1 1 JJJX K'lelThXrintleKni
ptalliy llr. Owlieck. Ilo.lewvei n lib- r(r,;w . Av.ar,j.fll Vncom-r. IJent. iVmoemU .kw'l run In llmt ilirectlmi. I mule elUnnal.
irul pitrwwtw-let him hnve It. ' llobenrt. fmmer Ahlile-Cnmp to (Jewntl They wv weep wh-nn kwlin traitor lnll. j NtJrl, llli. ThM w will Mrletly mlliero
. '. . i j. nil., i !..!,!-1 ' to lint lroliit rwHiliitlnn. nml riHi
MonT.u.iTV. A kriw numl-r of per- Alvwl.tnkw command of lent. iioMCint - - t wm-nt mower nre iioIiIImI thnt lln-y
om hiiva Uirlv ilkil nt th lUlh. There
were Knely nix ilillt within the llinit of
the. town, during twentyfour hour.
hi gently
lilnted Ihnt Henntom NVmith nnd Hurtling,
well a tbnt mlmlmlihi lttwemitilh,e,
Ueo. K. Khell. fell very rmwh In Jnv wiUi ,
tnllwge, nt the kit wmIoh of Congree. i
..-Vreohitlm mloptnl ll It Soppfd I will "
tenor tl.U vnllerwlll wlK.,,miniiiile.l by ( upt. (J. II. Ou
liv th mill owner
I'unml in our advertising column. It in n
Tiwltcr of Interest tn every fainter nml w
veeia1ly to every biutnoH nwn. ltd it.
Tur. I.o. At the ileMrnctlvo fire
which occurred at Albiny. Linn County,
i.ii the morning of tlw 2 lib, over 1 rt.OOO
l ill.im worth of property i estimated to
luve liccn illroycil.
1IHTNCK. inc .iiwiiMninfcr Run iiiv
' , ., . , ,1 , .m
Iteml. Idling o il vr!HH mnn
X'P " t T'"! T - o ' tl
2(10 mlhs i John D.iy mine. ,30 ; (.mill
-The MtuHlainter rIvm the
,,...l. ca
v.ri-k, cu.
.. . l 1 ..
liltTINOCimmii aiwivai iiwi. .. r..
Ilwrt. Iwllan agent. .1. K. Strong. K.. ,
IWhlnlng tamer. nml II. Denlinger, editor 1
mikI proprietor or thfa tHper, all arrival
Irnm tlw north, liv the. tdtfeofU.t evening.
UeraVn htartr weleome to them. 1
Uauotov. Th Hev. Thorn. II. Teame ,
nnd the lttv. C. U. Stratlon ore expeteil
in town to night. The fir I, wpected to ,
urcMd, at 1'lu.olx .....norraw t the unial
liour, ami nt tlw Methodist cbareh In thli
vl..M I ft. A AOAhIhM
,,., " '- " j
fminnu Ifmtf-j .IV'Alli l,'.ir.iA ( I 'rt
Iwve nurolwfrd the entire Inlcrwt In what 1
U known ns tho " Weekman l-hprcM," nnd '
-III continue the .....Inc lor .henccommo.
union 01 1110 puuiic. wiiu .tr. iwutnan,
-.fi. as ngent. 1 1103 wlsuln lo pur
close drafit, or soil bills of exchange on
tho Atlantic Slntin or I.uropc, can do so
liy calliug on Mr. lleridnao. Hoe Adver
ment. lJnAVo.-r,. V. White, who rwklea Jnrt1
beast at the first blow.
Mrhnciiolv Accidknt. .Tohn,
youngest vw. of .Mr. Crosby, or this place,
fll into a well, on last evening, and perish
ed bcroro he could bo rescued. Tlio child
was about two years old tho well some
twenty.fivo feet deep. The precious bud
was withered 'ere the (lower began to
liloom. " Sufier little children to como un-1
10 me. for of such is the kiut'doui of
TKt.Konu-11. Mr. Strong, builder or tho
Oregon Telegraph line, is in our town
for tho purpose or soliciting subscriptions
for the construction or tho telegraph, I
nnd for tlie cilahlishment of an office In this'
piace. a certain amount must do bud.
scribed or wo get uo office. Wo hopo that
he will meet with that success which tho
nature and character or the enterprise war
rants. Wo will give n more extended
statement in our Wedncsuay'a issrue.
., . .. ., .1 . . , mi ... ..... .U1..1 n Ulli from (.M)rra (.OOil. who JCft . ,.. .. ....... .;.. .1..,.. , ., 1 ,..,u " ' .. ' . . . .
inn sm 01 uie uanyon, kiiwi n large ww -" --- - - imvu. nm ir n - .j m.. ...in- nn tho 517tll (lav 01 Juno, A. . lbua. ' i,,. .
ger with n club, on Saturday or last week. Ashland. In this county, early last spring n.nount. After n portion or my pnipsfiy W ().cu n ,; ,,, .,, OUK 1
.ri.. 1..... 1...1 i, . il. -u.-. i. for tho northern inlnw. Ills letter was had been sold In wtltfy wkl judgment. I M1I1,. .l .itemliw. Iho rolluulnir le-
w, ,, 1 T id. ted nt Oanvon City. May lfilb. Je oaid tho remainder In grnl4C.luri!Ul.eil crU,i proiwty.nunteiUn Duitgl.isconnty.
hltc'a house, felted a calf, and wi just U4ny " 'J'. '"y " jnjo for tbut nirpe by tlie priiwip.il sltlit- ()r.,KOI,', ,!,(;. it mf f tho N. II.
learin It 10 piecw, wnen .Mr. wnite, per. "5 ...v -. .. ior nu ,nr ,r ,IH, iruiiiniiiicw i i niuirtt-r or M-ctton uiiriy-iHo; 1110 n. 1.. ,..,.1 ,,
ceivlnir tho nneritlnii took ft l.,.xw alnli ert tlwt the Bnake Iudlans nro bo'tllc; (ar.dcr. .Second, tho mverlinn by this quarter of tho S. Ii ipiarler or seclloii ' '" "c
ceiing in. operation, tooK ft 1 avj oiuii, ,, ntfornev In remnl to nlut I mny tlduytwo; tlio N. 1J. fractional quarter of
ami rmameii tlio cranium 01 mo turious " .,..,.. .- - , ,nnreiit mrtiea nbout whut Is ' tho 8. W. miarler of aecllnn thirty
T .... t. IVmn Vlrt T.limVlll.
Kt. Lii-wai. W. T My -!" 18n-
Kit. Hkstinfi. : Times ore nut so tlnll
here since the arrival or Colonel Maury's
command. There nrc now five onvnlry
companies here, nml one enmrmny of Col. '
Kteinberger 1st W. T. Infunlry. Company
.. n i',mi. Drake. Is n line company, nml
..----- - -
well disciplined. Tho band lmn Improved
-rmtlv Imilnir Wen tutor il fir several
-rl,l,v' i
month by nn excellent mnic!iin.
Comnanlra "A." "I wl " V. will
icnipani- n.
itt,. t.. i i v,tii linn in wn oui inr iiic
"" '-M n i
protection of llwf emigration. l'"inP"n
I'" will likely tfinnln lien', nml "H.
Cnpt CnMwell.nl Wnlln Wnlln, ilorinif
,J ,nn,n,er. CflMny " A" b iri.l
In Mrengih. twenty-live of lu nnmber Imiv-
intr hwn hft nt the Drtlw. tn nocomwiny
.Mj.!enhcel.mmn.lof Innr !..
try comnlw to llole. Uent. Hflpklit",
iiio wiw left in eommoiul of tho evlry
.L.,..t.n.i irMiiuiuni' A "ntlho l)lle.
ilelnchwent, ti ccompny lue iwmo f.xie-
Tmi (lovtrtw of Omgon commMonfd
t . .
R.riint Jnlin Hnwcti nml Sarwnl .lnmei
x .... o,i i Uin,nli In Ike lit (!nv. I
inlry. Oregon Volunieem. The former i'
l.goe.1 to dn.y in cmnnny - IV' ; '
I V. HI ,TJ ., .'..."' - " '
' i IJent. J. U Hteeh?. promotnl i the n
I lu not vet Ixw iam?il to uny comp
, ,, . i c.j., nromoidl i the ltter ,
jM )n, vtt i, )K,)ne,i to uny compnny: '
Migntil to,
.... U .. l.rAlUp lit ItU IJtfllt.
nt ..i.-.-- tlitl.. .
Mir here. Tho CmmMoncr,. Ilnlo nml
Hove, have nrrtvcil.nmi governor mniHci-;iM.v
i m roiir. nnd ilallv e.tpecieu. 1 nu f
I'hu Ner. i
I'croai nre not gnlherlng In like tliey iiiii
lAt full.
It wni nn unhiiipy occurrence
tut tl0 fjomnilsioneri failed to nppir nc
conllng to agreement nt that time. Jinny
.. . 1 ..ii.r.i... ,1....
peroninre tneunoi 10 111c iwih-i hkh uv
... ..! l.i !.
w not even nwemble In council thw time,
uowirebtI 9(1(j . u
ooulell. AVhtlber it will amount to nmel.
.wim.iup ..,. -....
Tliero I iiirltwl ontxwillon In Hw er
,. ..! il ... ..nu. fr i.rlra
rymg inuwini un u.rrn .-. 1
or freighting I- re.lncc.1 from 8120 lo 8...
per ton rrom ror twmi 10 iwiion. rure
it low nml the travel greatly Increiwed
Mfrehant. who vrare Kiting flour nt 8l-
ir ewt. n month atco, aro now wiling nt
8. and trade i mort- lively In continence.
We hear that all the train thnt wft
. ,,,.,., f,, lu. ,.-. rrtVfd jaro-
""'f ,,Jri i,ta )nl"w.
.?l tl1 .' ?'',..
1 tom tn llltw uonui ni m 11- """"'
. ,..,-.. ..I....
ty 0 our mllltnry ex wmiwi Ki"K
I .: -1. il iii.i IU nl.nr.ljnt
,irwJ2j,. tj,,. lublnwn
.' "
tli tiiilt Ifl PUiI IrU-U . nnil Illliril .Tilt IR3
. . ..! ...111
ready liy tho time tlw expedition ii pre
pareil to tnarch-whlcli w not expected
, after the council. WW. el. means
of trauiportalion. they will be piejmed to
go nnv placo whero thera nro
ami If the Snake ore on the fight, with 1
revolvers our man Iwve now, I wou'd slm -
nlv sav-.. 11 ' tho iwor Indlnns!"
plj taj- li . tno jwor iiwwns .
XonTiiwix Misw. Wo
tempted to waylay his little parly, num
bering only nix persons. They traveled
much in the night, to avoid n conlllct with
tho Indians. Several miners had been kill
ed by them.
Mr. (lood describes tho country as mucn
Iryer this spring than last,
cr. iwn u
u"r ""'''-
n stretch or sixty miles without water.
lie succeeded in iiuuing a imiu m jwuia
about midway tho desert. Thinks It very
doubtful about others finding it. Tho
creeks and rivers were all low. He says
he explored n new route, much nearet than
that traveled by tho wagous last summer.
Flour is 814 per hundred at Canyon City.
Tho mioers wero doing well. Ho goes to
jlo8o eaya tho uews rrom that milling
j3 (iattern?.
from eight
iAiiini.1.1 fit sunf nv m- inun 11 iriv. imiii
Nortiiku.1 Mini-. Wo condense tho citato aro requested to exhibit th-m wituln , ury 01 ine jackjoii uouiiiy iiiuioapcwiy.
. . . . . ... ,. .,--.! ,.,,,. .., IV,.,!, il,l-.l,i,. , ll,,.in,ill.rJirnl-il. ! WM. UQKFMAN. DoDOsltarv. ITSIXK 'I'KAR nt
following statement iron, .. ruru-uu ,,--7 ' - $ vnilUUV k WAUK
Tmuot May2Gth: The miners at Oro , J'j owphmo county. Oregon. Q SUI'RRIOK SAUUI.K MUI.BS Tor --"-' "
ui ...1 vil. Pii nm uU tn In? maklnir I 'I'll 1M AS linnVTOV. Ailm'r. O sale liv 8. C'OLVKR. . PIAMILV OnOCHltlKH nt
riiiuu.m ... .v -r -- b. "" -" :;;u 1 -...i....'. 1C....I. i.i. i0;,.. "" ii ",.,..,;, ..... .. w nv..
to ten dollars per day. iSew piny j.i, iouo. nf""ii -ti v ...w, ( . j M,,,L ,v , k
imiriu Aik ji u'i'l-j''"'r",l,J
nnd rich nigging nrc rci"rmi i ""
... a . . t t
bcrn illMXivcrul this spring m nun vicimiy.
Tlic miners nrc Jnt commencing In wnh
at Florence Laborers ru in demand
propccls good.
I'fom Holm (lie reports nrc very eontm-
Tlni dotin I toy nnd I'owder Klwr mine
m paying well. All having thtlr chiton
open, nml plwily of wnkr, uro nulling
Rmmiiwmi.1.. AiwmxItlnw Ihwijwi
. . . . .i
u monl i Miiro IIh ifinrrapii HiiiKiiinri'ii me,
I .lih of ihl girtf nwl good man. fwi
IttiiHigintti ,
' .So I ho Torlco nml HrltlWi wrltem In llie
trying ila, of Ih. rmtallm. pnk -ml
( wroll, f tn(,t ffrrni nml ffrW m.w Arnolil.
'V (iirm'nirer twin lel il over ine
, lhwth f bU rr .n.1 kI Min. Ife .1M
lwl i, qntu Ho bail when the (rnllnnt Iw -
,,r (Vll. corenil with lilim.). nml iW '?
' i.ii. n I...I n,i imnt inhtil nwr the
w .mmial wmu mr ..nnrnni
ho entewl hiuhi It nemd voliiHie. U
. . .l. i. li.. t ik. uIIIMi.y.
eiHiUiikt the itecWtHW of the .Hiipfeme
........... . . .
Cmirt of Uililornhi. bnttwl KUIM iiiriei
(..,! Ikrln. nml inanv Imitoflrllll ltcli.
" ....'". -.
loot of tlmHiiieine Court or lh U.illeil
Hiu.c. 1MMM.I Iqr Wm. II. Wood
c.. s.in I'mnclion,
timywnHMTwi mutanug-j
'lit r'.iMM '.1j.irt Am ilidtivnimiihU
o, tho tMk nrny bo. I feci It my
."' " V i. ' ,, i "
"""" ' '" ."; " " I " -'v
ii.r.i in iut latiitiMii lam mi wiirii in iiii in
( .kvn or yinir ehmilrj md
" 1,1. " . " : .
U - iHir honor. You ntlennit in niittigiitf
the lummy or your oomluel pienuing
liy way ol conrrMion nml nvoldrtiiw. Yo 1 1
voluut'arily oonri your Imm nnd lienl-1
oil vloliitimi or IhV obligrtlioiH of m
einl duty, lint phwl Ilml other nre guilty
loo. Yon miy thnt 1, wl,i!e id I tor nt tlw
Skjstinki.. pnblWKil n letter iit to nw liy
(,'ov. J. V. .Miller, nnd you d-nounee tltv
net ' low. Iw mill de-iilcnble. I't ih
look nt llii' fnctn. lr. Mlllor' Idler tt
dlreeinl 10 the eilllin" ir the Krmmiw.. nnd
uh nn immllhig nnd delimit iiximliili'.
., ... !..., li... l.i,l.
, . . $to ffi 0 1M, nor
wun In no enm n
, W(W t di.nor.ibly nlto'il.
If it win n
1. 1 "low, Um,Mli'ikMlleet"loiMililhiMidilltll-il INelbrngf on Itw Allnnllo Slie
S n letter, how hatl Wf ehnracierlx,' vmir in nml Knr.ii-. .Im. Driirtii on 8.111 Kmrnelj
r.imo eniluet.lr.ln llie pulillcntliHi of ''" " "'" '' ''" "JC'""' 'tt"k ,'"
a letter, which yon know w my pmtieriy.
and to the MMvalin of which Toil full well
knew vou had 110 mora right tiwn thefflon
nbinetr.l It rrom tlw drawer of my
C n .n-ibl.tr I inw, Int..
' "' .. ' ? . (;"', ' . "
ilrt'iwr or Olm-Ker vioiniimi ii ine ninigu.
.1 '. .r 1.. I ..... 1 ...1. ...:..'.. ..f
uoim hi -wihi muy, i rv-j ,ru,vi,m ..,
honor nml right ! Vmi glory in your I...
1 , 1 1. 1 ... ...i.t. . ..... -i. ..
I '"my, mm 11 iwrnvinmn wim juwr viMr,
. . at.
xow, ,r, u word or two In regnr.1 lo
your nttorm-y f will not apply to him tlie
, .l lmujUx.
X '.i i.ln7 m d-Wn. .iMrrW
........ 1. 1... ... i a ....u. ... ....
. i111...1,v..r dU.iiuhI or Uritl 111 iinnt ii-.'aio.t
iQ Tor nny amount. I mm) Is no record of
' ny uon J wgmeni 11 in-. r my iimrr
r0U,J,'' ,'f ",urB M' '"I ,M "M,rfr
r(H,et Tlw ,y yhfmm ewr ni,
tatno.1 jr-iint 1110 hy nnv mw. wiioliiiiiil
have licen'V "r .'inner, in iw - IV"' -
uiriiui uori, 10 luw .-.Kin, j. 1 i,.,i juuii-
known us the " CJreenb tck Siei.ulntlon," is
nf T nflBriv, rill rfnMVlM Ihil 11.11110 LTI'Oll.
" . M"'":r "'":... v.. '.i..:. .'-
uacxa again ni par, uuuiiiauuiiu uiiirviiuiin.
And now, sir, in conclusion, permit tno ;
to Bay that greenback will ba iccvivvd nt,
tho tiKxrixKi. Olilce nt iwr for tlio lull
amount vou justly owe tho same. I om
not certain, sir, but whut you might obtuln
11 premium on all you may semi.
O. .Tacoiis.
Notico is hereby civen that the under-
signed has been duly appointed, hy tho
County Court or Jobephluii county. Oregon,
administrator of tlio citato oNeromo Dyer,
drcvared, Into of iald cour.ty unil State; i
thatoll perrons having claim ngalnt tho
couallv iis raw. Tlilnl, It u truo mat out 'i'"" " -""" "" v-'-w,
nf tho In.fO amount nf inOIWV I Hid. Mr. lttOHiy-eiRm,omii ui raiiKu i. nw, uim
?,;. fir ,Pni mM coutnlulng 0110 himdrtd nud flxty new,
Ixive for lent. I paid 91ft in rcf Ha ul , , , f Jjonallon
par. .N o objections wero made nt tho lime. Una 0,am 'or . u ,,,, n,B0 s, ,.
and 110110 have been made since, as J know , ,..,,.. of .wton tlilrty.threo. In township
new to-tav.
' X Tttmix'lliitf of 111" millers m llngue
V IMvit Vulb'v. held t I'liii'itlx. Orvgon.
M.... Tit, 1 1... Inllniilri tiriMltnlili mutrrMi-
IiiiI.hi. w.'i imilmnmryiidniileir:
II', nwi TV lm price lo whleli lloir
,,,.,;, ,, ,, ,!, -decor Hour Mick,
eiMiipollimiriirriiriin . MmumiMnsheuliy
i ..., .,, ,! iiftu.iiiiiiff I .p nu i univalent for
Hie n- of our mil!" mill tin- c(mmim; r
, running Hi Mtm. mid to su-talii the price
' of whwt will Hour. Tlierfiiro.
I0 n. i.r our mil!" ami th'1 expi-iiM-ori
.... ... -,., .... ,vm ..... Tmtl!,
)H. l)r ,;hM't wl1 nnv xmm or pwuiin.
,..r ,rcotly nr Imllrnolly. exei-iu to lln-
' Winner who pncliicw IiIk own wlient.nml
J;"jfft S.eki.wlnt '&"
, . J()i T)wt Wl, wm ,, My ,vrtT
lv Mli-nt In MyiiHnt lor Hour; llmi tin-
:Sn!' a.':'! V"lLitt
1 emr,, f 1C. ,.,
wm. l. Th.il IntileM nml n"irlmntK
rhii-ltiit lo ilml In llour. Iiy imvIiik tin
imnni cvohmite wlient for nir itmn mij
pcumlitiowi Miwu-verj jimi iy iniyig iii.m
Ihmr of n. Iiftwd of luiyng the ulwitt ill I
. ..,.. .. ,.,. .ifu",., , i..... ii...
. " .-......- ..... .. - "- rf
wj,w, ,(lirelve.. I
1mUrnl. Ath. That lliove reeollltlomi tlmll
, - ----. -
hohl gml rormtejenrlnim ll.U.Ule.
! jffitfSat
,0111 IK)
or one
W'.M.d. AI.I.H.V.
U.S. KOlTllltAV.
Allw. nml B. I). I ouilray, tlw llullu Creek
); i- llm inrin or 011,1 ymr.
, l - 11..11 1 - 1 1.- 1 1
' aiuimi, ,Min.' .nui'. i. ilk.
i.UHivi .muii.v.mkij.
May 27, lHCIl
'"PIIK iiuilenlgii,'il hnvlng iitrcliaeil lite
JL rullr- Inli-n-'l of llo-ktnnii'ii UxpreM".
will riiiiii to tun d.illv expreM Irnm
.iMok'ouvllU', co ui'fiinsr with our ('iilhi)i
iiiu mid Oii'uoii l.pi'iH, v,itli C C. Jlwlv
inun at a'iii.
JackMxivlll,'. Aluy 7. tsoJ.
rTTJli: iinde-Imiiil will continue, In hl.i
J own iiaiiHt, lu uurvlMM (iolil l)int. Hill
tninwu. h bvrvlolurv. at lh otHv ol V'1If,
Kargo f: Co. C. C IIKKKMAN.
.h.. k-. n III l'v 7. Ihi:i. nm.vaiMI
-nr-j, rj-w- -rr-m" e5! 9 t?
JES . Ela . &2)
, vr.nnr pmtt.
-,. 0 Oi, T3-.I1C.1
&llOWer &, StOaiU SatllBj
kvhiiv i
, Wednesday, baturcay and buntiny,
rp.iu .,ml
lernlgncil has taken charge of
..vl.u.1.'. II .llii i u. nml tvlll .tin.
, ... ........ .n . r ..... ........ wm ...... ..... ..
! pljT. . J-,;''- TlPAlT
'""' " ,lA ;:,rv .'.;;.., ,.'
, i1,a1,0vie. Slav .. lSUit. m'ySUtr
, -
. O HKltllT S SAT.li.-lly virtue ofnn
1 ,, n W Mncttt rtnci, mil nf
l0 Circ((il (;()rl for ).,lM t.tlnnty.
(in.VOn, I liuvo IhvIciI upon nml will pro-
ow, 11, miii. 10 iim jiiiioh i;iiiht. lur enm,
ud the 8. W. Iiactloiul ipwrter or tho N. )
irMI' 1
nirlnr nt ...itlrin tMrtv.thrtft. In tmvnfthll
.'. !..!. I ...... il. ...,.... .Iv .....I . V W
i v'i"v' - : "" :.
nunrier 01 . t;. ituarier ni rcauon iour,!Trv
towudilp thirly-ulno, couth rnugo six west,1
with nil tho uipurtcnancva thereunto bo-
Said property Is sold to cntlsfy nn oxecu.
(ton, ItsiK'il out or said Coart, In favor or
Wm. H. Willi, and ngaluit It. M. MoKec,
ror tho sum of SU78 lfi judgment Interest and
coU uud uccruiug costs.
May 21st, 1803. may30S4
U supply. In various stv cj. on hand, and
supply, in various styles, on hand, and
I tut salo ut costs imid charges, ut tho duposl
WlXOloWftlO tfcS Xr-Otflll
-in:tt.i.iii in-
IL-f i v I . - V,
, , f, o nvTHi..
BJOOTiS & &iHJl!it
T ' A TC- r ' ( i ' H'
'HATfll L2?.723 OiVrs,
, , .Qn
Tobacco & Segars,
All of ulilili will lie wild nt low price
for UASII.iirilMiMliIo I'ltODl Ci:.
wmm & WABE
auk nov.iu:cm;ivln(. a
& Woll-Selocted
- -
,v3JPriJIl tx iUJliUluri
Millinery Good
"Fancy and Staple
3)X-3r CrCoIj;
Oil Cloth, "Wall Paper,
' r . o i
Sprilllj; & SuilllllCr
Initio Aniortint'iit of
Ladies, Men and Boys
Boots and Shoes !
supplied with n (Jood Assortment
' din 1 nr n ivn u 1 umir uiniiD
1 Xilll iUII I' AIM JL llUUlii)
Which will bo sold at
rtAN' l'llAN'lltfinn Woolen MIIU.-
kj lllankets. (Jvershlrts nnd Army UloU.
at miAMiUUY A: AVAllf.H.
hj r
nt liUAlinUKY & WADK'b.