Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, May 27, 1863, Image 2

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MUUUalmmiiMti1h!itUi i
Cfmni llrMn CiiMititipl ! Douglfci County Oorrespondoneo. 'Stiiuiunryotf To-nlghl' News.
XlUIll-UmMll WUIlllllU. Itortiiem.. May 20th, 18G3. The (lovcmmont has received several
.Mil. hniTOii: Alter the businwB or Hie dispatches from prlvntc sources confirming
Circuit Court had been finished, on Tue , tl0 rnpturu of Vtctlnirgr, with it very
d.iy lnt, It was resolved by the Unr, Officers , lire m,n,i,cr f primness. There Is lint n
'of the Court, nml cltircn, tlnit Mthitwcs dottltt lint Mint the crowning victory of
the lint term to ho hrM by Judge i tl0 p Rtrnwt,. U hern gloriously won,
I'rltn. they would meet to testify Jlioir ni- Huliiw' I tltifl'- wero euplnml by tlio gun
prvclntlon of hi putt service, nml their nn, mnrtnr boat, nml olllcial dNpiilchi
rigretiilhl dsp.irti.ro from llicni. Tlu'irrnn, A.lniirnl Purler, of tin? 1'Jlh. says
p'ueo fclfctiil was nt tlio Hotel of Mr. thnt tlie (fitiilniil(( nml inorliirH were bom-
Vtiai: where n supper having boon pre- barding lln town.
Ha artlieii
"Totmkki'i'icai r ami toiivan. M-r ur votn
ivimwsiw.k."-- HVJbi.?''..
pared, the parly iiwmbk-ri nliout 0 o'clock
! M. Afier Ihegnml cheer l.nd been di
cied I.. Molier. Kq.,nro.iiml In n short
Impressive Seech propotrd tin health of
Judge Prim. Tlio locst was received
witli three times three. .Tmlc Prim re-
.).t'Ii(l).NVlI.l.t:. Oltf.OO.V.
T...l.. '
Anil llml the fate of tlio rebels strong.
hold would bo decld.il In n few hours
''I her con In- no doubt (if the capture of
' the city. The French Imvu been driven j
I iroui i ileum, ui me pniiu oi me unyuuci
Alliiilctim the Hiipfiliiiriincl'.
wnnxKiiw r.vni.ii,
HAY 27. HI
.tAtutjul tti rlli1ttiftiit ,iwinnp.
i.i...it. i' '.i .. i.,. ,.,.. nit.n A Miwki. brKWii. A oititiiiii In nn
, Imilwlck. K Oalby. i., anil allien I mvl rtinu.l1t BIV,IMf Xuni ,,, tl ,)
mud" s peechr. bl-tc.miiMiiyhtidsulxcrllK.iliihuiidtnmt'sum
Judge ClKidwiok, In his remark, gave 'Tor I If iiirnMe of purefmdin: mid pum-nt-
n vrrv lntcrtlnir hlslnrv of lib former a.1-, In liitn wlili nn vfcvnnt ili nml minnl,
...I,. I . .1 t .1.1!.. 1 1.1...
There seen to boons! (.tamtam,, ? " C-M "-' Xf ZmX i ShT
liension In tlio public mind iirWnjr no "nf '" "Ml n"l"nil"n!lec "'"" ,,mlw lull orMmlKfitf.irwnrd iimininii neiwo nml
ilwibt from tl im"nprnM nml limwlalo lhn. IIo referred particularly to lire jHiri' dWntrrwtMl MlrinlMin ivimbimtd :
ly of the ttton.pl.ic w,W..-ln rnud to ' Met that every member of It had succeeded , " 'J-' J-" "? VlnJSil "iV'Tf
.to lute lutik. on tin, lb.nn.ha.Hwk. I Pl-of !,,. paylwt mcl, l.ll, oam- lU H ll' Sl'
... ...I ...I r.. I.ilAIIka .....I . I.UIIK 1 I . ... . - ..a .
."OrWC IIBVt! comi? to lltO CimollHlMI Hint I"""'-"'' "T mireniy linn niiiiii.. ur
J luokmru-wi terribly iWAulcil. ami that In mwilloned Ih? nan nf .iudifo Dftidy,
wn fuccn! to recrp tlw rlw. Thin 1 "mi. A. 0. UIMx.nnw Oowntor of Or
thit turnutetl by tlw facln In the cine. tf"n. I. nM pnrtiw. .Iiidjre Sirnlnn. .Tmlijt'
UHkiT wltWrew lemiH in tlw oninlon ! '''"' ' I'- Mher. Kn . nml .1. V. (Ux
ofhb corptciniiiMinIr-, It wac.itilknt 'l'v-',,b Tit Umpipin bar In llww il iv Im miplnim.it m think tlhit I wm under
to do m. The opinion of theM coriw'' compel of .T.m Itmdy. CII.Im. obhui.tloM to UmI nnm u i. contributor
eoniRMwIm mi bawl iipqn tmi cm.fider. iStmilon. Mcr. llrtnan. I'rlm. ny. MIHi nilM, flfliv Bni kninv ,WIM1 ,H.
tlu, otw or which win rml. the other nip. nml Clmilwicl., nml tliey Imvn well Mrm-.l fliwr w,jc, yniir'loynl limrw prompt you
MHlllmH, nml in fact not true. They t.ntv ! "w comiiliment .T.ulp! Climlwlrk iid in hwtow. Wiilt iinlll tlic wur U owri
I Hated thai: o Inlelliamca Iwd'llwni. IlnnWo nlhiiltl to the denlh or' wilt until 11... Uh or I. -lttlc shall IhivpIkwi
, ... ,, . . .,, i ,. .... i... n.nreil lilt lln rnirlnir billows of iliNmiwed
iwnrw.iirnmi.m.aionnKm,ninni i.m.nn. .. rr...r. ...-... ..v ,M.- ,-... . . .. , . . . ,
will Ih.v n iv o.vii sword. KhnuM vihi do ll,
iiihI sJiouhl It cmim to ibrHec In theH"
Iinil4. you I'fxiM but regret thn L'lfl ; or
'lionld I upeepi it from you, and sntm ilny
lind it my imHTntlvc duly to hick itoineoiH
in iim iionnni out oi iiih ooinimuy, it uniii
Something Everybody wants.
fpHK iinderltfned will hrrmfirr keep on
JL liiiml a uoiuplulu uMurtmo.it ul'
Milch and
E utter
etc. etc.
The nlmve wnre- l i" INellint Qunllly.
nml IxIiik m.iil In IliN enuiily. will IwiHfttr
ul (li-iiti nt wliulwoU mid r'vlull) ut Very
I.uw 1'rioM.
nuAnmmv jfcuwnK,
Aieuis lor tlio .Muiiuf.ir.urer.
.tnekoiivllli'. .Iy !. H.l:i. iim.vj.1U
miuum cmi?
Njvraiolown-lo ts Xl.otn.il
Tobacco & Segars,
All of which will Ih; sold nt low prlrn,
for CASII.nrilNirublo I'ltUDL'Ci:.
rwiwmiblc prwinnptloii irm that he Iwd Iwdwlck were or inlerwt to nil prvwnt.
Iien tWntfil pottlbly wpturol, nml that 'T"'- '' Onuley In his wcli pawd nn eto
tmj object of hU ixilltinn, upon tlw nc-' M'1nt Mnryrlc on the ability and intesr.
romplhlimmt of which depend.! the tiltl-1 rlty ofmir jiiilue.nnil in nn ImprfMlvr per
HMte muxm of tlw army, Imd not lrtn no-1 oration cxprasml IiIh rogret nt !il- deixir
wwiplWwd. For, maik you, If Im failed "ire. ami a whd. for hU future wellf.ire.
to out the commiinic4.tlon of tlw etwmv.i After Imvlrw nil o;:rreil tkir rrtrrat i
n iMlJjl!
until I Ihivh proved mywlf worthy to re
ceive so noblo n L'lfl until you Imvo shown
vourselviM liv .ln.Ii of tlarimr nml fenn of (ijttj.i vii -i nml Yi''ViiHL'
bravery worthy to bwtow itupm. imtjlhcn. wllililWirtl.l llllll Ai lUliiV
wrvhimi 1 may l) Iiappy In nnvpl, nt
your IniinU, some latiiif tKilmonluloiyniir
conltUviire nml Mlceni. I ill tiivn, wait
Hhhah 1'ioth AT TIIK
tin, .W. Hrf farce of VirRniu. .ta, of .-J U.I Wl.s. BeMn.l ? inbl.ity pr. Jw) ,. .h.-, ..ero ,
,orin nmi nouin u.roiinu ciHihl iw ix.l- "" """ "' """ '"'" """" ''" ' ,cii,. f which wvr.. InMltfntnl ui.d
My Oiineent rated for the overthrow of tl twnd" the party ndjnurn.l ; tln-lrplw. WriiiMtl in principally by I'ainwhintf
UooktrV army. Addfd to llil wu tbo .ru only marrni by tl reikotimi that tliey wninen, win. wero soodiil on by the criw
t that .driver w? rbln5 rupidly. nml W l-rtri with a JJ whp "; . ftrtlCi'rifc'n::
that the KHitoon bridK wonM somi'"'wl Intecrlty had emUxircl him to nil Hn,, r n. ,lM)c nl.iw on the lnth nlt
Iw wpt nwny. Cut ofT from tlw iwrthern do or tlw oommunity. ut Atlanta, (eoryiu, wlwre till enlreniiw
lwrn of tlw ItapimbflnmH-k, wlwro their Hwpecl rally. A. It. Fm.nt. conW not ileier IIh women rrnn. tlntlr
n p.. .. .... .., ... t -""-..;. . , riotoiw intnitiom until iiwir lUn.umN were
-.... .....,,.. ,w., w,rr. iw URAST h Ui-WUTIONS.-1 lie iwwrt iron. MlWWt -nic lHtXi ,K.cllmlll Ilt suiuimry.
lim- laalkrs or llook army, If they (lmnt' ilxirlmnl will send n thrill or Joy ! Xorth Unroll mi, on the 18tl. nil., wh.ro i
crt.il! not Uv been conquered by tlw tlironsli every loyul lienrt. The following' I '" rioter nrmed Ihen.'elvw, nml by forty I
combined forces ol relieidnm, would iiltl-ifcin nummary of hisoper.itloiw! Mny liV,c0'.,rlv,l " nco"inpliliInir their purpw. I
mateiy lv. .Urved m.t. These were ,w fou.ht tlw rebei, nt Fort (lib., nml ' Z o iHonV of M uZZl
the oooihleratloiH that iletermiiwl the pro- defeated them, wpturinit n larp. number fully made public, owlm: to u cnnitiliit.il
lrlety of the retrent. A prmlmt (Jeweml ' of prtio.jer. nml live pieuw of artillery. niMieHiniiiliiij; ninonj; tlio Uichmoml jm
aoaU not Itnore tlwm. A who clileftaiu Fort (IIIho.i it a coi.Membla town. rf "' "Ppw ,'1k',lk1 ,'n' 'mh
m.H not be lnsen,ible to their important, . .ixty.firo ,niM Mull.wt of Jackeon. ami . iS'.h'c fif'.h'at IVicSlm' Vu-blla 'U '
The uncertainty shrmidlnif Hooker' wi- Ulow Vicksbur. On tlio 12th, Craiitj -. "' -
tlon remlern! it prudent nml nfe for him roujlit und derailed lira rebeU nt Key. ! AVi.-o.nhi.n. The voIm or tlio wl.llcw
to retreat. Tlih course, In deference to tlw rnond, which l sixteen niilot soulli-weet of from Vininiii, so far at now returned,
ofKinsit. or big corpt cm.nnmlers. nml , .Tnckion. On the Mth.dmnt ileftalnl the f'MU!V,nn ,'')r ,,,,r u I!'.v?.i,Up 1t,n"
eon.rury to hit own Judgment, ho reluct- j wM ler Johnton, at JacWn. the cap. iMffi
nntly mlopted. Aj it was, ho struck the (ml of ,Mi. ThU place I the eatlcni 7,a 17. which serurm hit clvctlnn. We !?
rebellion n sinjirerins blow, and developed trrralnut of tint Vicktburjr nnd ,Tjcksnii "vo tlierc will iw n mull majority on the
its inherent weakneH. Kit army was not railroad, and it forty.fivo mile toH or the ' ,,l0,"e vote nj;ai.l Dixon but not cuoneb
ilmnrallil nml l,b inu n. ,... ... , , .1 . ' overbalance tlw soldkrH vole. I lie
If mora HmI. am hi low though severe. , former place. A Jarjre number of prbnn-, c()lttllw mlv peopled by lluropea.u plvo
wat not at (.'real as the rclieU.takhiff tlwir ers. ami wventecn uleow of nrtlllery. were verv hivv ma'lorlt.tM for Cothren. l-oIiil'
taken by Grant. On tho lfilh, n bloody more ovcrwlwlninlnjily for him than .miiuIIv
batllo mi fouRht t Hankers Creek, in '",r Hw l'inwatlo camlidatw. Owojice.
.,.-," , , ', whern Hie limit wa rwHled lat fall, jjlvw
which Oront wa victoriom, cnplurinp; Cothren 1.C05. In I.ixnn ICO 5 WVhlnstnn
twenty.nlno pieces nf artillery. Itebel low ( niainlv steiled from Ireliiud) ulvw Colli.
.mnn. On llm ITHi. lmnt dfrtitril ibe , ren 2,.1l'i7, to Dixon .'115: Milwuuki-o In
tho baslt of nil tho reports of Hookers re- rn, i.n.W iVmlwrinn. t ibo !. lllank-1 (.?!P.Irl,,! I'.v nbo.it three to onc.-.V. 1'.
cnwtaR the lbpabanuock oiul tho retreat river bridce. The enemy lo,t '.'.COO men InbU"t ' 7 - . - -
w. iAiaV, nn)I n pccM nf rlllerJi ,yhU Ml)!0
nn uiu uvcoiinis opreo mat uoouers
Soith. There , 750 HHcsShortor than Panama Kouto! i
&. "Well-S elected
Spring & Summer
The futt nml favorite ilnuUe-engluo Steamer
MOSES TAYLOJt, mnimry QoQi
j. ii. uuniiKN coMMASuia:, iTJLlllIIIC1 00(1
win lie denpatehed for Fancy and Staplo
own neceunt at true. liearnlns nf the
wiccvh of Stoneman, he immediately
phnufd another cxiclltlon, which wan
countermanded by ir.illeck.on the very
eve of lie execution. ThU expedition was
,Oil Cloth, V7all Papor,
Spring & Summer
Finu Ahsortiuent of
Ladiec, Men and Boys'
Boots and Shoes !
army is in excellent condition, and that the
soldiers are impatient to bo Ivd ujntuH tho
Uoad OrB.N. Tiie old Fotter road over
the Cascades mountnlna is on and truv.
led daily. It strikes us that it is about
ti.no to pass over tho mountains that belt
this valley on tho east.
Tho Charleston Courier Irnnre?es its
is lietween Jackson nml Vlcluburp. not renders will, the linportanro of producinir
fnrfrnm tho latter place. On the IHtli. . nolliI lo cat, in tho fullowluj; upuuris-
Vlekrimnr was closely inv,..ed. W""f T'Srfwm In the earth is n. n
Hind captured, and the the riflo pits car. , ,ft ( ,10 iwrt ot (l Ynnkeo ; und a
rird by storm. Tho probability is that ridjiu or potatoes is worth unymiln or breast.
wori;s irom vicKsuuri; to tlio luppaimn-nock."
Corn nml potatoes will dniibtlfss mako n
Ubmoved Victor Smith, it
has been removed from tlio Collectorship
of the Fuget Round Custom House Dis
trict, and Fred "Wilson, of Washington
i'erritory, has been oppointed in his place.
(rood Ik'ht, but wo prefer planting cannon.
lauuviue Journal.
Vickibur;,' lias fallen
Dikd. At tho residence of M. .T. 'Wat
son, on Sunday evening, tho 211b int., W.
11. Mowat diease, tho consumption.
ieceaseu was .ormer.y a rnntnin s... KlSrLo h flf Ynll.indinRl.am,
13 I1IU, , UK'Viif, urn iimii.nnn, , . , ..... - OCVP If, UU., IllirilCVtl IIIHI OllltTH, arO ll ..... I. .,...,... . .!.
to this coast in 18"i0. His parents nro liavinjr llieir leitltlmnlo results. They haYoiwnriuw hi nniduvit .hat v
iruits. Mixrijmllt l.jprets. ,it,it of our mi) State.
PenionicAW. Wo ore ogain placed
under obligations to J. W, Sullivan, news
i Kent and bookseller, Sun Francisco, for a
'nrife supply of tho pictorials, and many
valuable newspaper.
both dead, and he was tho only remninlnfr
child. The Uev. 11, A. 'Williums, Pres
byterlan Clergyman, preach his funeral
sermon, nnd his remains were deposited iu
the ccmetry at Jacksonville.
"S'ew Uruuswlck papers pleoso copy,
Kiiou mumion Hrmitrr wu.utr, uv
At OiiVI.K'K, a. jr.,
o.y wm.vi:HiAY iu.m: id, ihoy,
Ciini.FCtiii? nt GroytOWU with tho splen
did Steamship
A lYl fc. H, I u A,
Itnliirril Iliitx uf I'amnur null UlllfK
Tript are mvuiviI by the reupvlilug of the
These steamer are iiiiwrpaswd forsieeil,
ulvauiliKf't mid sulety, ami every efl'urt will
lie made to tveure the comfort ul pjMcn
A man of expeiiciico will bo sent on each
Fti-i.rn.-r to lake cli.irni) nt' the liKayo uiul
ol'lmlk who nuiy Iw traveling nloiiv.
1'ur furllier lul'iirnialini. npiily to
1. K. K0IIKIIT8. Axeot,
Ko, -l07aVufcliliigln.i l . Sun rr.iiiulHin,
m ly'JUIil OppoMl.i the I'd I Oltiee.
of Oreunii, lor .In.enliino counlv. I
ii.iii.-snr uiunr.v iv. .aiiht 1 l.'I.MHS.
lllll lit CUaiiirry tin- lortcloiiuu uf I
JtiirlHuHf. ,
Tho People of tho Hlato nf Orecnn. In'
Auffiitt I'ulnols, (.'reeling : Wlicrww. liar-' .. , ... ,, ,.
net Itamiey. salil complain., nt has Illul his " '" bc uppHnl with a Good Asssorlnient
nun in I'MUiiy, praying luilsinent aeulii.t -mr-
! you for bo sum of four hundred und six
j nml slxty-ilx ouediumlrt-dtln, dollars (SlOli
uu-iuii) wiin imertst mi.t costs, unit lor tlio
forvclojuro of u certain murlgage, therein
meiilioni'd, upon tho following dotcrlkd
traat of bind. Ia-wlt : The tnst h.ilf nf ilu.
Imillou laud claim or Win. Ciuest. IvIiil-
prluoipally In sections eight (8) and seven
teen (17), In tawililn INIitv-oiL-lit (IlMi
south range seven (7) west, together with
Ibcreon, Ami It nn
you are a noii-rcl-
Having property
T.V Tlld
X Slnteor
borne (;ool
Ycstos in Davton. Ohio, whero tho fob therein: that said tult uriws on contract
lowers or tho Ural-named iired tlio city, ! over which gala Court has jurisdiction, nnd
I. I.. .1 . . 1 It lii.nlliia l..n,t na.l......l 1 . I
...ihtiuk mvv.i umi.Ti.ti uy our mm ionri
that notice heieiu bo servid on you by pub.
llcatlon : You arc, therefore, hereby iiotiilid
broke tlio telegraph wires, destroyed bridges
and other properly, and set tho laws at dt
llance In fact, rebelled Sue. lUe,
Gonk Gabriel Fronchere, tho last of
that unless you unpenr in our Circuit Court
In the county of Josephine, in said Slate.ou
mo kuiii uay or uotulwr, A. II, 180U, ami mi
mm m tm hoods
Which will be sold nt
OAK FltAKOISCO Woolen JIllls.-
kj UlanUets, Ovemhirts and Army Cloth,
0.s Dir.-It will bo a matter or RratlQ. , cekhtaM part Knt out ', Astor, to I ?! faU J"JI'W. t""' tu.no will bo
An4lHn l.,t .1t.T,ttyu. I., ll.t nl.wl IaI
, .. . ' - joan.1 Astoria, expired at St. Paul, Ml,..
bnAtn Hint I'Iai9aii KaUuf ia irtlrlnrs ilia l '
HU"" limt IUIVMUI 4f.lClT (J UU,U0 Artllt in llin lOld nt A -nttll lasfr
vi wm ifv iniu ui j&jfiii make
taken fur coi.ruaictl, anil iho pr.ivcr thereof
will bo graiita! hy the Court.
Wituew. Hon. i 1'. l'rim. Judge of Cir-
u',,,,,,,,, a ir ri, T. , . i" low cnunuefl' y fliorm. cuuuoun.
" """( 4j i. t?UllC. Ul JjCWIdlDn I - ' - . I -" ' I !.!... nTrr.nuitt..iwr.A.. . .
Idaho Territory, loug a resident of this I Finn in Albany. Tho city of Albany.: O.vn it up. Tlio Wheeling lnltlligm-. IIoltiiitt A F.vrfsol's iVr Coiniil't
eornily, made us a visit today. Long Linn County, Oregon, wo learn, bus been' eer says, there was lately on exhibition, in . ""ted May is, 18H.1. inv2u-Uw
may do wave. He rcrunis in a short lime nearly destroyed by lire, rarticulars In that neighborhood, a child only nine years
to bis new home. . Hoturdny's Uiue. I of ogo, weighing 230 pounds.
fnt HUADllL'ItYJt WAD11'S.
l1 nt liUADllUUY & WADK'S. .
11 ut lHlAI)IUJItY.fcWADi:S.
B00.K8;-A'I tj' Standard Workn for, OAMILY GltQ('F.llIKi
ale at tho YAUIKTY STOKB. ' V mtAUllUUY .
H nt