Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, May 27, 1863, Image 1

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v i-w ww
I. 0. 0. P. IaPKMOMiM.K I.OIKIK No.
u. bold' Its regular lut-cllngs every SAT-
ilil'.l i' y.'ir.W.V;. at tin- .ln o Hull
iinii.i linn' ImiiMIii;).hI h o'clock.
I. iilln-1- III guild Mlltllllllg HIV Cordially
, ul, ill., nil, lid. Jas. 1. hlTTON N.li.
it.. i i! UciniiiB i; ,s.?'.
Varron Lodgo Mo, 10, A. P. ft A. M.
n ll'il.l) ih-tr ivjmlur uotmminl-
vY-r preceding the full moon, In jaciv
vivMM.l OUMioN.
II llinmt. .V( w.
oukkox ciiaiti:h NO. 1,
Y ill ImM Its rnand.tr commnnienllnn on tb
llrl hiiliirtlny Ittr. iif Hvrrj" .llulilll.
All Hitrtiirnlfiir ('imiiiilnw In rood
bui,litig ure cordially Invited hi attend.
u. w.gbhih', ii. p.
I. Sachs. ,Vy. ilrcNil"
tifllci' wild 11. 1". Powell. IIm., Third street,
ilrs:Nrii.'.t. Oiipimv. 20
Will promptly nttriHl luuiiy legal
lni-niMpfc rwnunillitl to hi cure.
OJloe in St Itntl limlilinf.
.lAriiMpft'ii.i.i:. On turns.
KM. iNIt Til ITT. JA MKrf I). TA V .
J.vr KHONVii.i.t:. OmxiON,
ll'lll tirnctict in the tor, iireinu nna tidier
t'wl ot tliU Stale. Mar"i 'IIS.
ilAri.SoMlt.M:, OllKOO.
TII.b practice tii tli n'M'i-rtl Courts rf
1 tli l'nt Judical DUtrlet. nud In tbu
upreiiie Court. OotoWXn. "02.
Jackson vii.i.k, Oiiimion'.
ill practice In nil tlie Courts ofthe Tliliil
viiui-lnl HMrlci, Hie Supreme Court nl Ore-
vm. mid in Yrcl.u, Cul. Wur Sui ip le.nmpt
1 en,-elel. DM. If.
J)iiii'i JIiuImt SIr.
lieliiecu llruillmry A Wade's ami 1.1 Dorado
Hnlonii. Ciililoroin street.
H..VINfI. lIiircnttii)ieaHIiniro(iInr. Cur-
""K nml Hair Pyelng, ( n hand and lor
I '' i genuine article ol I'Mi'k IIaiii Hit.-
'(ikvtiu. iunCiUiru'f J&cfittor lmr Jx
I'liotogranhic AirlsV.,.
1 ir-mriU to take i dura In every styls
' IIm' lirt. Mill) till tilt) l.lW llMpMllMtieiltP
' l'u'liiroM ilo not ulc" hiUIiicIIiui. no
u,irK will ! minK1. Cull Ht lii new (Jul-
0. mi IIm lilll, cKHinlnv I'in rwliit. uiut
hi lur your IlkeiiM.
VacImaIUT and Juuclcr,
lKlt4 fnimtnlitv fin linml n
I'M iinMirtim-nt of (JuniTH mul iyf?j
l..b ....... .. ..... IJK 1IW
"nM.ni, wiiiun n nncni lor ILj ',Sk
Jle nt iery low iilun. for,JL5t. .
jii KU'AllllNG ciochH.anscc'
Vutcbt nml Jewelry rejuuml w itb prompt-
UPSA ah.) uniiiintiil Slinn dn Cnltfiimla
I iiaininiLii hhon on .uliluriila
tru't. two iloora wni-t ol Loio A Uilnor'n.
-' . .i.u iiuum Hurl u
JnoUoiivilli'. July 2fi:
ni'illu lulu )r.. u
- rll.HTICAt.-
PAl'JiU UL'LbU. nud
Blmilc.Dook Manufacturer.
oI7Clay nud Gl'i ComiiuTclal Mroutt,
Iwiucvn Mnntuomi'rv nml .Sankomc,
isu llludlnir of out it ilociiutlon ncntlv
fiH.mwl : l.Unl..!.,oU tukd nud Hound to
1'iy ilfMirod jiattew. 8 l:y
jr. n. iixnuu, i'rop r.
Corner C'uliforiiin und Orfgou atrccts.
lh Proprietor lm jnet re cell 1 flora Snn
rrniiciMjo u cliolco uvortment of tiuo
Wiaos, Liquors, Cigars,
Sr Drop In nml twi tiiom. Pie. in.
PAY UP. All thosu iniU'bltJ to me
UV IllllPil r ltinlf noonittila uill ltlpucn
jjwnnij wale finiftiillately, or their nc-
lfco T lilt LTV IHlHlini H IHJ Mfc"
''"fwy f collwtlmi. II. BLOOM.
-uutvu 16, I8,
Tin: iii:cox si:xtim:i
wi :t miiiv ivMiNKxiur ami aiTVmiAY.
HK11V ni,.l,..UI.U,I',1l.,rm,iU,i-,ii.'r
RfixcmrTiov Oiicimr. In itilnncr.1'Uc
Pnllm; Mm ihimi1i, 1 lir.f IKiIIht.
AhVMiTinivo Onu nuir ill) llnrw fr
lw), llmi liiPiTiioti, 'iLiw PulUn: wwh
MtWtim-iit liiH'tlion. Dim Unllar. A Ue
(iwnt of Hfly ikireciit will liu innde lo lliwo
wltoMlrvrll.'ij tHpyenr.
Ilr Bppllmlton lo rolmrtcri ml Mall
rrrl. vimi run li-rn llmt llioflrml-wrvkljr
Onmiok HKKTtMn. li b' Ivr n lurgtr rltf u
Ullnn In I be oountlo of Sonilirni Orrpm
mul lrl KorhiflMtHty. CnlllornlH, limn Hny
olbw MHr. 11il ImI Imqld ciimitiriid ibf
Hkxtt.nhi. o yu hi u Mtcrior hmiIIhu lur
I.urr or Aurmm. hIiu nra niitltortted to
trMMMcl tiny tiMiiwiM ontHMrnlnff Ul jm
pvr. In lit tmmv of Hie puMMi r :
I.. I'. FWht. Shu l'rmiclpco; AVmUwnrth
A lUyrnm, Ymka: l.iwr llmry, Ai4ilml! iS.
C. Tnj-lor, riiwnlx; V. V. l'nwltr. Apjil-
ii'i u. n. niiiiiAp. uiminiir(f; ,mnn n
I'rl.idK K-rl.y vlllo: All. MrlNiilu. Waldo;
11. J. I oi ., hMoj ''j.. M. Uru, Alt-1
hi.M; Jim Tlmrn, Cuiivoinlll"': A. K.l
riliit.r.orlmrii: Ihmhc It Mixirm. Fnlnn: J
II. Uiulorwnotl, Iii(niii, i'iuj I'. CbaniMw.
Oroiroii Cilys I). W. Wnkfll.ld. .litany;
llfiijMlnln Oh, (Vvnlll; J. II. .Smitb.
I'rwcwil Cily AIluTt Poolililt'. ilnpjiy
TKLKfliiArnKn to ti:i.a i flit tiii: auvriNXi.
Sattirilnj- Nl(;l:t's J)Sp:itrIi.
New York. '.'Dili. Sterling ulimlr nt
l.VI4' imhI 101. (j'oM ipiiet ut 4SV
CtuMrmiuiit i-l(icli i-iisuly ut 107.
To-iliiy'n Liverpool ttroniur took out
Sl-M.OOU riecie.
'nrtiinirlnn, iOili. Senator Yrilfon.
who Iwn jiMt arrived from Piilmoulli. ex
po HirprW1 ut the lilpli fplrim mid ex
(vl'ent conditiou -of the Army of the I'o
touiuc. A Cumvllle letter, of May 19th. Mate
llmt ii rebel iWrtrr rt irM thecnemvV
roree on the HlueliWHtir nt .'IO.OiiO. Pick
et firlnjf coiitiuuii. Tlw rebeU ereamuii
in1.' theinieUen removing the mil fiom
their end of the truck, und by firln? into
iiiiitiulaiKv WBpinis tindnli-oliiurytiutclcrci,
bulMKMi the wniw und Suffolk.
New York, Slltli. The vtciimer lancer,
from NVubern, X. (J.. 17th, Ium urrixeil.
mul reporlHitll quiet there (Jen. Peter
wuifHrMiKtlitnitiir the rnriilleuttou. 'i'he
troii4 ivere In excellent lieullh.
Cineinnati, lath. VnllarHlInliam wn
lt eleliiug placed on board n puiiboul,
iirni' iiiicImiiiU nl I lie Iner. Jli lrimflr
ta the biMt wuit ery (iiiictlv illcclwl. und
urtrnclwl no crowd. The few who faw
lilin mv that he looked Hid nnd broken
Auun. lie oerifiinly corn to Port 'ur
rvn, but by wliiuli route is not kiwun.
Cairo. 'JOlh. Tlw Dteanier Continental,
from lii'low, brines new llmt the relwU
have iVMcitmcil WurnHitou. Iteloiv Yiok
burjr, after drfirnying the baiii-rle. (Jol.
Piiyton, of Arkntittif, wiili hte regiment,
mill mHiieluuents from three ntlitr. nude u
icoonnobiaaiiou from llnllenu, Ark., (If
Iroying tliouan4ii of Imlicle of corn, mv
era! Imuea containing eonimlMury ftorw,
nnd beveral unit inllln near Cotton J'laut.
After sending bin infantry buck, lie cu
countered tuonbel divwions under Carter,
und had n severe kkirmWi, but ixa)ed by
awiiiiiuing the river, wiili n Ium of two lull
ed nnd eleven woundnl. 'J'ho rebel lo
was 55 killrd and a large number wound
ed. Ceil. Price U lepurttd lo liavo left
little Kick, on the 11 Mi. moving .vwtwatd
in the direction of Wellington.
Col. Hatch made n raki from Corinlh,
Mi?., ou the 13lh, and brought in -10 pris
oners and (iUO liorw. lie encountered
Clialmrrs pear Tallnhnpse, but oieapod r.n
harmed. Major Bluke. with 300 men,
made a dash from (j'ernuntown, 'IViiu.,
within n few miles of Holly Spring, MUs.,
nnd hud atkirmih with I lie rebel Puulkner,
In wliicli ho lost five killed und ten wound
ed. The rebel loss mutt lnuo been much
larger. Wo took a few prisoners und lost
Cincinnati, 20th. We have news that
(Jen. Grunt, ufier destroying the Sialo
House nud rebel stores at Jackson, evueu
nted the place. A rumor is prevalent at
Murfrersboro that Gen. Bragg is evidence
withdrawing his troops from our fr.nit, ui.il
rending them to Jackson, Ml 83, It If-re-porlcd
from Shelbyvillo tbut three rebel
regiim nls left lliero iind were nfterwards
seen nt Cliattouooga cnrpicforJUooxville.
Woshlngtt-n, 2Qtli.-IlicIl dispatches
rrcrlvcil to tUj confirm tin cnplnrc of Al -
lAiiiiiliiii. Ui. Afiir iIh mliiriiou of l'orl
IVj Suwj,ricliiy tiiilt from iIt mmiili of
the liitr. '.hi rc.., , W l.v .1,,
rcWN. (idi. Uutiki" iiiriiml ut AleMiiHltia
on lh 7lli. i
Ni w York, I
lit. Gold llii inriilti(f lit
The llrmlil i1lpAtclics my dm. Mm
rrV rntSgtwtlmi Ima rt nee
jmuifHi lull l"rn nftvni
tlnl.li(l HiKlj
in imiic ran
flrrwll to bfli liltaiMif i"ntrrilV.
I'bt nmti' iliiiMtrli MV1 tlw I'rclriit
Imm cmiimI it In 1 iinllintilniirplv nil
iMinmml thnt tlte Srcirtttry of Trrury
will not newpt mi): liMviien )mh, r.Trrpi
mi ibc Mine twttrt ni un nti tu our own
Arrungfnwntu nre Ittlw; mude In .
cn pht wvalry, nml it U will llmt
wiihlii fx moiilli 'ai will Iimvi- IttOtmi
additional troofM of thbj nrtti of lb iwr
ikr. A lctlrr from Mnbltt, tkt1 Mny "tli.
ttnltn Hint tlit llrilMi nM Mninrr, Kit
miw wimcMpitiml mi tlu tilfHil iirvviou.
Ill' tliu mnutOul (!uvl, r fin. I k'niaul,
It Ii rqmrtiil llmt u'roltcl tlrin-ml wm
mmnf! lAMnt(rl frnm Muvuim.
... ,' ,
A Kry ut Mtrr mciilintM lliat
aru futly icptured crulis now ut llmt point,
A I'ulinonih letter to tlie tnnrnlng pa.' Chtcngo. May 2lt. A Murfroasboro
per (tntw llmt u regiment if ivlieh croc I dlmieh of Muv 21m, nays Gen. SlirrrldnuV
isl the I!iiiiKilmiii)(ck. o:i SaturiUy nl!il, i aroutn. rrp'irt liiil the rebrN ndnill that
thirteeti r.iiiVit below I-'uIiimhiiIi. to' pnttict ! Gin. Grunt (Iffnilcd Johmoii, und linn re
the Kiifagcor mwlira1 hihI other rnpplir i nintl the ruilriMd bridge acrn4 IIm Big
Tor ubel e. 'IVy iiccomplilail their I Black, thin culling Vieksburg OtT Iroin
pnrpic without liiUrriiilHiii,iiinl caplared anpiilieF nml reiufirorments. Tills bridge
eiglit priKincrs bWorgmg to u KWitiny ' Is tlie longwt in thefouth.
party of onrenvarry. , ... ...-. i1Um. llMl
San rraiKslsco, 21 t. A limit 000 officers
nro in town to attend the camp of intrue
linn. C"lle. chirked with nibbing the I
Mint, was (llcliaryed loihir. Tlio col-
ors of the 2CHi IVmmylvaila WKlntem,
mwnte.1 by San Frolila.1iw nl tU
Iieplnnlng of the nur.hun been loiurneil
U-ro nfler paHdnir throat. 17 batiW
The same ladies Will send u new fl ig by
MPlt llt.m.r A.Irlnx .- l... Iltl.
slate that the Pcruviui.
r IV V mrxt ft"'lk AtW'll.
fluier. Martha .1
I.i 1
Whaley. 1ms been conR-cated by the Frificli "T1 ! ' tV? ' f. ' ,"'7
Government. Her Captain ..ml Kiiparcr., '' " fV"1 ' m "' ' 'i"
go frnlenwl to ten ' imprjiment. "' " !,u" , ?1Mn.,,.T.n,,T., "' . !" "'"
and her oilier ofTlecrs ...id crew to vorio... ,0 Hiu.ies'Bluir.il thouahlooi.ld In easily
ter or Imprisonment. 'Ilia Mofes 'J ay- j uaAf- "' ,,0,r w' ""o li,,M ol Wl"'
lor will sail for San Jean, June lOtb. '''""icatlon wouM lieonemil.
Hmuliir MbIU's JMiuiloli. Wafhlncton. May 22d -The Navy V
v v. -b m .;i.. u. i ... pnriiiiMit I mlvlsitil of ilia cnplura of the
.ntft .."My i'r1'," ,,"'C Meamer Ilugene, on the fiih off M MW,
Wr ? ' '" M I "'' l'"pling to ..... the hlo.jlHdr-!
wklU'ii a I v5ie )H.W rid.Mbi.'el KUiinier. and very
Phllndelphln. May2Ut. The L'n 7111 rrr I fa-1- KIh-was fund nut in New Yo.k,
of to-day. publishes a letter from SulMk, Fevernl wiiks nto. und wiled fir flnvai.a
Yn., Muting llmt on Tueuday thel'Jih. the I via Xn'saii.for the purpwe It U jupposml
153 J Pennsylvania, and another regiment ' ofloodinu with urnn ui.d ummuojiuii for
were advancing from d. (Trent direciionF, jthervbels.
when, Inking each other for tebeUu liusl
flgl.t beg-.i. nnd continued until the latal
blunder whs dli-covircd. A ni.mlier f
each legiiiitnt were rejiorlitl killvd und
On Monday two companies X. Y. mount
ed r.flai, wire MidJoily attacked by the ie-
Ms und badly o-.t up. Bwiiatclies fr.wn
Gen. Kellv. slate that lU CUra.i
have uiltainlv dleafliietired from the luut of
PaiKerrville branch ol tU lijllimora und
Ohio JUilritiid, und that they relreatetl to
Chuut Mnuntuiii, nixl were again in lint
valley or Virginia. 'J'Ihw Western Virgi
nia is said lo be free of Confederates.
It Is stated that an immeneo number of
horses were coined oil', liesklM u large
amount of provisions end fomye. which
they carried nvvay with IIh-.ii in waguust
the unions wero stolen from farmerf.
Jiidianamilis.Muv 2lit. 'J'lis Dtmocrat
(e State meeting, yesicday, was rv large
A great deal r.r cxduroent
an tbe day. Porly or llfif
iade for earrvInL eo..ai..i!Jl .
ly uiitNioeu. j.
prevailed during
ntr&ol J 11 jtn iiiuiln fiim A.iwirtn.B nnniu...l.l
umnmi. ..ml nhwroiw f.tf .ltlVll..vui. I
rMilrtarrA Mo. OO.l Iiitftn fr. l!r..lJ
rme, bv arrivals from below, nt Cairo, nro MorTrroiboro. S3J.-(jfn. hlanley. wills
to the Hth May. Tl.o ucoounts of tho op- niwftlon or two brigades of (jeu. latr
crationsortlwurmv.donot differ materl.c '".'.. C4'f!vlry- wmrrm.id. jtarted outlast
nil,- frnm llm Cat. .....r.lt ,lor!.-,l rrnm .!.! lllt fnlprifO 11 CSIUP Of l)l I St Ai'lb-
soirees. Gen. Grant nerwnallv directed
tho luovcments uga.nst Jackson, uud rut'o , v,cln ljr ,"' r ,u AH" " , " ,
into tho cily at the head of a colu.rn. mK1 of,2'? "lto',wr1 u" "wjlinglj
Teams were ioustnnllv liauIinPstDrMrr.,mfon8l' n,11 Uroi(:n. country, our ftdvaiioo
Young's Point to M'irrcnton. Gcnciruls i
Price ond Marnisdukc nre reported on
White river, Arkansas, with 7.000 ticovw,,
' I
Washington, May22d. Tho Bicl nond
Eiujuikir or the 21st, contains tho lollow.
ing-pariwuiars concerning hnmlay'f hjrht :
'he balllo vvss fought ut BankerHt creek,
mem inula raiouui.it5uii, i' c winp-
ped ihoenemy badly, until lie was rciuforo
e.1 from Jackson. Gen. Penibeiion then
fell'bsck to the Big Black river bridge,
!J'embcilon estimated wirlwt 3,000 msl
,tho enemy's ot three liies,ps many, iGn.
tIrrlng on he left, vvns.cut Qfl) but Ql his
21, 1S03.
1 woy llironsli to Cflut Spring. 'J."i iiiIIm
(oulli of Jiickuii."
, ,..., , .. . ,. . , , ,,
nt!' :nih'TA.,,"l,?L'!l1 VU"
i,ii,nn; irtfoitr in ,niy loin, irnin
('utniierhml '.up. n.i n Union fiircv of 10
rrjfiinvnia i nihancin.: on llmt puint vm
lliir l nvk. 'I he CohimtiiH. Iu., .Vi of
May ITiliiyit. wc i.nnlfr it ultiurtlivr
iru.itiic tlml tin i uitkciM liac Iwn in
IHHixtnion of .Iuecnil iIiim AVnliMtnilnr
niftht. All onmiiHHilcnllcili Iim Ihm ti cut off
Iik that tintf, It isxiikl our futO'H will
form ujiinvtloii At aoinH)inl of llw rem I
nlwrc .iHrktwiti, iiikI it l now in tin oowli
liofl iltlrol liy thf oniiiinnnilin',' (IcihtiiI.
It U llimixht ii vijtoroui ntinck mi luml.
me our trnnrM wilil not Imve lo Inlmr
Hiakr m mnny ilmttihiiiitivw, would be
prodncllvc uf'oo,! nvullit.
llbl Ktptri mv that the ipcutiiton In
tlw itmiili. viH nil Yitnlif priVH)-)i, otr.
Inj lliii Confederate iooiwv furgrivnbai'kii,
two to iHW.
Valtlii!t(Hi. May 'JIM. Tlie Govern
ment liini rnvivcf oSlt'Kil inlvlci Iroin
(irmit. lifted Jmlixin. Ml!"., Mny lAtli, ol
the cHpiure of tlul itnce niter u light o
three Ikmit. .locttohiHou onummiKlnl the
(iwiny. who rettiMlwl nnrlliHHiiI Willi Hie
cvuknt iKtigii orjjiiiniij the Yirldburg fur-
wlkmn from llio mouth of the Yuoo, tir-
rired ou Sunday the 17th.
In the in'irrh from Baymnnd to Jnckion,
' i i hi '
;"",r,, i,h Vf" !"
the capture of .lack
lien, urniil cdpntieii u Irani or UO ruin
iiieui und iiToon. Alter
mn, three miles of the
"" "u". " w n" '" """g leaning to lie
"' ""lie ""? " ' irtijii. I lie
'" " 'H "" "r UK uriltv IM'lll
I J I l..f ... 1 . ...
I "iuim aiiti tin" nifith in
to be abandon!, in
Tlie supply Icfimcr Union, v nilc on br
wny to Xew York, captured (ho Kuglish
rttmiHT Linnet wiili u utor edcuriji'.
C.nclnnail. May 22d. J'ho Pn-sldcul
bai approved theflmling in 1I10 Court in
the chc of Yiillaiiiliuzlmui, mid directed
h" le M-nt South i.wteud r . Port Wnrren.
iiu.,ni .., ,.. 1 t .....,.. 1 , '
1Ce'1 " ""u
Hloiidny XI
;lit' i Dinpatdli.
Msinplns, 2Ut
At one o'eloek Tliurs-
liny morning, two de'nclime.iU of Hat .'Id
iegtihiis left this ci ,y by dillVrent rouils,
afier tuerrilliv. A few nubs out they
c.tmu in collision, lich inktaking the
other for t;uerrillu. firing rommonosd, iiikI
wus rontiineil ,'or tome lime. Oho
party llnallv ret' oiled. Seven iwn wen
killed outr'ght, r.)id one has since died. A
iiumbtrr wr.-ro woundid.
JMiisyl Jc, 'i2il. TI.U morning ft pari c
Tf T' J".'. J1Uv "'"n' ' ? MTpU
l,M" ' ,,,f :fle viW U.Jt.m.dsuc,
lftl n').irnlng one exte.ailve irawel
orl., lit f AUiptOO, 12 IlllleJ tllU f'.de of
,n. "nd 'I'll f'nnlcdcratc cavalry, In the
?,md M n ,l,,t the rebel camp
i,w0. h'S- commanded by Colonels
?ll?'J "'V1 Jfnr ,vc;e tf"t wound loot.
lack on tin. Hank nnn rrar. 'I ha lmn.ili
. cnt and confident advance guard dashed
alone and unsupported Into tho midst ol
the enemy, cpmplelcly surprising (lie whole
i camp, ond putting to flight 11 force of J ,000
men. vvo wiled eiglit. captured Ti pris-
oneres. nnd trousht In ovtr 2.10 horses)
Wo had in custody two commanding; of-
fleers, who in tho meleo eccaptd into tlie
thickets. 'WeHlestroyevMhe enemy's tents,
jjKons, clothing, guns, und rnuippients
of every defcrlptiou. The rebels, in Itclr
h..te to get nwiiy, threw nwiy llH-ir sin ill
arms n largo " quantity ol vvhicli vvc
liroajilil In.
The Mnnlpnmirv. Ala.. M.ul. of t!n
I Sih, snys lli! Yankee lilt 2iMl wuunded
ut Jiiiksou, und 'J(lt) ut Uayiiiniid.
Mobile, If.th. 250 New Oflenin exi'i
aru at Pufcagnhi. I'.lly ore to arrive to
uitfhl from Ptifcnaols." giving news frt'i.i
New Onleiinsj.. the loth, which imntinn
a riiinnr lhattlio Ilurin.nl wfrt found ly
the Parrugut after being strlpied.
Mobile, lOlh. Xew Orkvii rrfuBfi-
nre now coming In dally. (Jen. Banks hud
cxtcndil iIm time of their leaving tlie city
to the 25 Ih of May.
Washington, S.'dl. The Petersburg, Va ,
Prtu Hiy tlie gnitlfyiinr int'-lllrfeme ol
the ciipture of two snull Y.inkei fitMiii,'r
in llic I Hack will er, by Confeileiatc lrop.
reached this city yesterday.
New York, 2,'ld. A Ncwbcrn letlrr,
dninl the 1 Hlh, states llmt our ilisxitcli
b'KiH which hud been running In Norfolk,
by tlw Chcspetikc citiml, wire captured, on
I ho l.'llh. by guerlllii. nnd wrre ivirrifd up
the Bluckwiitcr, Two corii-liuliii schoou
ft ivcrenlso ceplnrcl ul tlw sumo tin i
ThU cuts olT nil coiiimiiuleuiioi. In m the
north with New hern. A II ig of Irmv
Ii Kit, which went to Swuiihnro, rportr iu
diiMtlons which show llmt lliere U quite ti
rebel force nl that place. The fienmer
Mattnm.irns, frnm New Orleans wilhdaleA
to the l.'llh, Inn nrrivi'd. She rt-jvuits llmt
ut midnight, on tho Hth Inst., our monitor
lleet, iiMulul by the Iroi.-clud lvwx nnd
llio Moon of war Itichu.Dml, couiineiicul
the boin'iiidmet.t of tho lower batteries at
Port 1 1 ii.l,nn, whlcli win kept up for un
hour, the enemy not responding. On tin
!)lh. ul 10 in tho night, nnolher bninb.ir.1
mi nt commencvl nud win kept up for mi
In' or, without response, At llinv o'cIik'i
In tho morning iiuotber boinbiidmr.it wim
commenced, nud continued until liulf pai
four, when the enemy replied, nnd the Ii'
lag lieciiine rapid on boll. idi, Tbe !'.
s-x wu ftrock but not injured. The i(ieh
nioiid will, ii full brondsiik sileno-d the en-i-i.nes
batteries. None of our vesselj wiro
lujuml. The Now Orlcuiis itirresiMindenns
from which the above was Ink' n, Inliiiulcs
that his next letter will lie filled with goo I
news. All the colored regiments In IJank'-i
depigment, except an engineer corps had
been turned orer to General Williams, win
his entire control of their ctiilpmetit unl
organization. Jn uihlitiou to the promt
formeil regiments, there are ulready 20.000
nvldenls in camp. Gencrul 'll!iuiin
will immediately prownl to orgunlre u
rnrp of infuutry, urtlllcry uud cavalry, uu
iter white offlcus,
Now York, 23.1 Tho ship ('.irre.v
Wings r.ens of nu ciigugt'inent.ou 11014111,
belwicii a ilclachmenl or our forces, und
nbout 1.000 relttln, nn Mnrria Island, i'l
which the rrlwls vrcru foiced lofullbiiW
nrrov the cm k. We luid ono man uoiiml
ol. It seems to Im the gcnvral impreslun
that the monitors would ntlempt tho re
duction of the outer furl nlong the beach,
Ufnre nraln nt tuck lug l'orl Sumpter.
Sterling eady nt 171- Gold -18 '
Chicago, tf id, Official information from
Grant's urmy to Wcilnesilav. khjh that
Grant Ims capture.) IJuinw' llliill' mid Ilia
oulrr works or Yiclwihiirg, Willi u large
u.imljcr of pris,,ners and 57 pieces or ar
tillery, Tho Im I Ilo was still raging, wlli
every prospect or rupturing tlionitlro'fiircij
In Yicktburg. W'u hold Jackson, the
Black Itiu-r brldgo und Iluines' JliiUl.
AVoshingtan, 2oM. -An oITIuiul dmpAtch
ban been tcceived ut headoiiarters, from
General Hurlbut, ut .Mnnplim, saying u
person had urriicl from Jigrauge, Tvin
who lefl Canton Saturday morning, lie
says Johnson was 17 miles north of
Jaikson, vviih GOOD men, trying lo ilf.ct iv
jnnclioii with Pembertmi ut Ivlwunls rilu
I ion. He saw ii disp.iicli nl Holly Springs
from Canton, 1'Jth. saying that G.m. Grant
had been rclnforce-l, and drove the rebels
into their cnlrcmhuicnts on tbu Big Black
Johnson Lad ordered nil hi) pro villain
from C'nnton. 'I he following has just been
received -from Memphis. 2.1d i 1 forwatil
you the following, lust ni recelvcil (ront
Col. John A. Hawlfngs, Acting Adjutant
General i Near Yicktbiirg, May lOtli.
Tlie army of 'J'cnncsseq lauded ut Bonn
burg on tho 30th of April. On may Ul
they fought the battle of 'Port Gibson, onff
ik-fuiled Ilia rcbih under Itowcn.ulio-o
hw In killed, wounded uud printers wai
at least 1,000 ; and Ihey lost Jhu pieces or
artillery. Oo the 12th, at tlc battle of
Jtuymond, tho rebels vverq defeated uiiluv
loss of 600. Uu the 14th, 11 y ilifi-utej
Joht-soii snd captured Juckfi, will, a lo-s
to the enemy pflOi) im'ii brnwhs on Inv
jnense nmouut of aciy stores uml 1,7 pieces
of artillery. 'On tlio lGth, tu fougja
bloody bullies nt Bankers cntk'.'U. wllieU
vCoHcdvd,Qn third paae.J