M "Pfrini lliViMii irnttlirl ' AiTOisTORS'rfc The following appoint. ' Kamiim ani Stosb Waiik. Patron "l""" I UIH -.UUlllU. 'mcnUh.w fo ,,),, i,. ,I(J Governor, tzc Iionie imimifocturc ; nn.l Ifyotl nidi to for tins Ornrnn cavalry ! Silas Pnjiooii. learn where you" can Ho to, renil the new '-'(l Limit.; Hlrplxn Wnton, 'Jd Lfetil.: advertisement of Rmdbttry & Wmlei liny John Ilowen.Sd Lieut.; James I.. SiroV. n jug with no" vliIteryo"in It. Fnrchnro 1t Lhtil-j . V. P.Mmrt. ltntfintitn) n Howit pot, find prvnt tt to your bet- Vliniant; Horace Carpenter. AwMtunt U'r half, ncluul or pnupvtiu'. For tiro Oregon Militia : Chester X. Terry, Assistant Ailjutniit (leneral. 7n apyitnlmtnl triM a tiHtiuty. When tlil , gentleman ceases to occupy official station, Oregon will po to perdition illrcct. Keep Mm In offlcc, Governor. 1'lillip C. Schuy ler, Mine ns above; James It. Underwood ditto: Phillip Wocrmrin. Assistant Ad jntant General on the staff of Brigadier General Stephen Collin, second ltripo.de; 1). 1'. Tlw)inpon, Lieut. Colonel, first reg itnent, teeoiid brigade. rf g5. JM W i TX the Ooutily Courinf Jroppliluccoun-, X tv, urtfiroii; inly icrui, ihii.i. i . i '1 in tuc of MHC "4 ' To tiik i;rrfi'ji v anh rrni sri-r or vnni t'VlOX, A GOVKHSMKNT Hill Till. W1IULI.' IS llHI,KvSUII.K." ir.sijy'.l. UII UTWMWff i wmiiu WH Mutter nf tba r-nali 1 lln!i. 1 1 1 ll'ri'M'ii' VllvJ ln-fclijsrlvei to all perwi. In tiri flnl In mill rWi' t'i ( Monday, tin- lilt! ily nf ,tiil. A. 1 1. Im.:i In '''ii 't npmt - ' tur Him lliml wllli ni"iil in will "! Johnatiian SJni.i. AiikaI) At tlio Mm. Nmioy Itorkwell, tliu Administratrix V M,.,ll i,i.ii r.nr. In ttnf'l.illil. I IllllVOf. I iy ortter oi lion, uuiijunuii jiuikuiw, Comity Judge. UUSTAF WII.S0X.Ork. Mnvin. lPr.,'1. mnv2.1-'.i B8ADBURY & WADE, jagk-soxvillk, ?OTiolonlo cits Xlotn.il -111 -II 11! IX- Aprll "lb, 11. Ten Ilriieck'ii horse, Bedouin, swept (lie cnitw mid won tlie ptinw, amounting to So, 000. Kight horses eon- tesicii me priw. G' SALK. Xotlce .T.U'ltsO.VVU.l.K, UltP.dOV. siTiTiiiiv kvemmjT" n. 21, h llmoaic Itiifrriioji'XCT. In the tiring' Ar.t. llioiiT. The election in Sacrnmcn to Ciiv ranio on the filli. et wa. elected by n vote nf 1,0 10 to "I'-'. The secesh, or ni they delight to be styled, tliu eonstltullomil democracy, wcro "no wlur." rAUIUAX'S I UT licruhv l'Imii, that in iiitmuiiiiec l mi nnltfi nf tin- County Court of .li.ckm I'l i I'nlnn llnl- I """" ""' lllHlrlKHl "III "iier m piinnc Wt llnill r ;.:,DRY GOODS, CLOTI-IITGrj BOOTS & SHOES, Coitr.at.tJ. May 2Mh. 18(1H.-The Grand , Takk Ukku, Mm ' iilll(cr irder Ilpe of I. 0. 0. I'., of Oregon, con-'B,IllMlll,,i 111,1i111111, m-i,-.. ilpnP ,, nilti, mi tin1 pruning, on .Siluril.iy, the llllli i nay or .unit). A. w. imi. uno ieot hi prmiiiil oir iT the wwt Mitu of bit No. '.'. In block No. h, In tho town of Jckiouvlllia Tcruit, i'ahi. In Imnil. M.T. ALIKN, (liinrdliiii. cte. Miivjii, ih(j:i. muya:isr people's llriM r tho It no iitlon, there wiwmcJaM xtn nl Mi l,li,c0 tonl.iy.AII l'e ,nlc 0ndi irlnnplo with joy. mid iinintdl-1 of men dfiionilnitlcd torle. They were , 'iW but otic were rcprwcntnl. 'I'l.c foT-1 ntc. rep.r t0 ,,lt. .7,leK-,nvlllo Iiotcl utul iPPfK!fTMT CTI? lIIIIP oppond to the wnr. anil were humble Mp.'lolnjrrnnil Offlcer wrrceiectcil for the lUMtouninl. ;UliUOillUl iMlJ.lilliMIll .i.. ..,. Ti,t-' en.nlnp year : J. .M. Doutlilt, (5. M lien v.t..i.r vJ.'rv ncnllnarr. Dent. (I. M.j J. V. WIN Sakitauv. Tho ladies of Portland, Or v. ww.o . -." . - - . ' , , , ,. r. ,. Terry, O. Sec y.; eK" i"vo orpanizen n iiiiict nauiiury G. M. Stroud. (J. Trcaiurcr: A. 0. Ho- hoeicty, to collect money for the relief of , S.j I 'he Ick and wounded oMler In tho Un- tilleantii fur n dlthonorabli U'toIO" 2dl lor tlii tvinnn til acl or I.dl' land, leveled at the rlnht and libertiw of1 "fll"'. lJ w' -',lwl" N" the coIoiiIm. Tlwre were two e'awd of,0'31- Slroiid, (J. Trcaiurcr; A. 0 ihwe torleji. Hie more honorable claw. y (s- Keprwcnlntlvo to (5. L of U, when the conflict commenced, hastened to I Appointed. S. K. Mny, G. M.; V. Clmr-i-ln the rank of Knpland'a mcrceniriM.,,,",'n- C'" X- s- l'"'"'". Ounrdinn. mid to fipht for the overthrow of the colo-' Tomorrow n ccmctry will be dedicated nlal Union, while the cowardly grumbler , b? ,,IC IoJe- iiult-flndcnand apologliU staid at home, Mamkotii Sinr.-Tho Dictator, lntelv to preach about the piln and hopelcMncM I anched on ,IC ,t Itivcr. deslgnnl t'o of the war. ami to embarasj in everyway rn Iwiwwn Xcw York and AlUinv, In poMlblclh action of the colonial Conprw. 07 frtt in Iciiplh, ond 811 feet In brnilh. M ore t iijii once wo tnc Hern Heart or.sht; h intmdnl m ilmw lmt lv f.t of Ion nrnilw. Xnble work for noble women. i-ixj:, connecting CALirOUXIAiiiHlXEWYORK VIA NICARAGUA. PoKTir. An Indian chief, tpenkins of 750MilosBhortorthanPauamaEouto4 nn Invitation to vNit the Great Father or : the pale faces, nt Wii.thlnpton, rent by tel- eprnpb, ayn It enmc thronpli the air, anil i The fa't nnd favorite donbli-ciiplnc Steamer dropped down like n bird." "lJlrd.i of n fenther Hock together," nnd rebel sympathizers generally write to rebel Vaihington nearly dlscoumgnl by the tire , ',. nlwn loaiW nml lhn, w, BWe W,h,M- ,1,in,,1 f" '''' i .i r .i i i. ii...' ..... . Iliein woiiilrnnj kinil nml cnmniunlcntlrc. IlKCAtTUiiri). IMward Hill, nfni liar rls, who wc.iped from tltc puard at Cuiip Ilaker, has been rcwptiired, and is now In Irons nt the Camp. in tho rear from thwc copperheads. Jlut ,0 crort n tlu rs nt low stage of water, ilfjpltc their demoralizing cITorts the p.v j si,c IM n a ,wI(fi wt, aoo stati rlotlc carried the war triumphanlty ! r0onn, nnd will bo nb!e to accommolatc through, and established a Government iog pawn-era. which has ever been Justly renowned as the j - freeu nnd b&U In the world. I c,mr" Command. TImj following ore In the war of ltil'J Ihwe copperhead. ' """w f " '"1" comnmn.iers In tlie jt.NE I.,cm. A lively lime is nntlcl. a-ain manlfeste.1 their hostility to theP"'"' Arniyorihelt.ippalmnnnck: Ilrst'pnu,! ,it the raw courw, in the first week iovcniment. Kvery act of tho Govern-1 CorP'' MnJ"r General John F. Reynolds ; j r junc nti A Iur.tf u,bar of fine ment was re!entN?dv nppojcl, nnd everv :,":o,," -nH- -"llJor iiwmi J. boric nro Irolninjr. eiTirt to wciire volunteers, for n time, well (-'mcl' ' lM torps, .Mnjor Oentrol D.Iv niph defctteil. 'IVv were opposeil to the ''; i-iitii t.orps. .Major ueneral u MOSES TAYI.OK, J. II. llIdTTHKN COMMANDS, Will lie dcrii.ttclinl for SAi JUAN DEL SUK, yoM uimiov HTiimrr wiiAiir, san HIAM'IMII, At tlii'tliHk, A.M.,, n.v vi;i.i:hiav ju.x io, imki, ('oniiillnt nt Qroytown with the t plcn did StcanuUii) AMEFIICA, 2, COO Ton. war. oppoie.1 to the Oovernmnt, nnd ow C( Mm'1 i Slj5"' (-'orP'. M'" Ocncrnl ,u.i m v, .,,.n a,., i i.it. ' John fc'edcwick ; llleventli Corps, .Major Ulurtehunndlo maintain lu honor. (5",l,ral c- ,,nwor,,J Twf,h Corp., ! new poiMln won Tlievlmrndblue lights "ns beacons to MnJor " Y- Stocoin ; C.milry Corps WUU the foe to th point of safe attack, Ml,-!or G'nerol 'Tnl'" S'mimimii. nod gn him tbat knowlfdge of the coun-1 pACinr IIah.hoaii. The uy urn us ueiocs so iwetMiry to victory- amounts Iwvc Utn subwiM bv Individu Tlwwar wat ratlilewly denounceil frum'ufc, nmi nppropriuleil by couiitlef, AnntvKii, V.. S. .Morgan, of the firm of Uynn, Morgan & Co., arrived from San j itniurni nir ..r J'u...iKr nml iinich Fmticifco, on Thurwlay's stuge. Ijok I Trips nrv weurtd hy the rwpuiilng of the :::zts.7&&:& k'ih. riwoNAi.. II. S. I'mtnn, Ivq., Iwn- TIm ntwinvr lire iiwurp.111 for i?d. ' oreil us with a visit 011 last Saturday eroo-' flwidlwr ml Knrty, mid uvtry elT.irt will i. .'' , i.. ,w "wine 10 H-cure uie euiuiun 01 immuii- following 1 '"? (jr. ' i nMii or expuriencc will be Mill on ouch the oopprliad pulpits, nnd church commii Jilc.ints were excommunicated for lending their money or giving their Influence in riutainlng tlie Government They said it vus" Jim Mndison's wnr, ho began it, let lilm fight It nut." fin say the copperheads af our day. Thtlr infamous conduct final ly culminated at tlie Hartford convention 1 0U,)T paslictl forward nt both ends. nnd fixel its pirticlptnts with nni eternal stigma. Here again we remark, u-N'o;' Linvr..(len, .Scott, the vete the Government carried on tho war to a , Mn r ft hundrd well (ought Heidi, Is the successful termination. In splto of all the ''resent or the Union I-engue In Xcw efl'irU of tho copperhead, to the contrary. York Jun,w T- ,,ra,,y nml J",,n Ton The history or the condition or our iin.,,,,ren Bro memljers; so.nlso. Is Ilancroft, liappy country, at the prc;nt time, shows ,Iie historian, and Daniel S. Dicklnsoo, the -conclusively that tlw race of copperheads'0'11 democratic War Horse. Tho secesh is not extinct. They nre still nllvc. active ,n O'0" anct ,0 ""T Union w vlrnlent ns ever. They are opposed Ib'avs ore very terrific nlWrs. 10 Ibo present war, and are the advocates of an Inglorious peace. They have no Ian 1 - ... ,... ....... .1 1 in in: iii'.m.. Liriiniii. iml man wnn . ... .- , .... .1... I rii,mi hi ifiMT uiHirxt: in inv ihikkhuv mill III I1III..1 Ul.u.... i T..r....n ft......... 1.. . ..ri...ii .. 1 i. ...... ,11.... ..1...... ,111.11 MltV.IfV, II, lJIIIUtl, flClill, JO III v, lUlllTn. ,i,j.f ,111, ,m ,IH.VIIII (IlirilVi Iw hung June fith. California, towards the cointriictlon of the Pacific Kallroad: Individual subcliilion. WSMj Sacramento County, aoO)00 ; C11.ur.-T.1e opposition stwmer Kin.,' l'luoer County, MO 000: State Donation rcrfntly ctrrkd ,ranger rrom IxwblOD ' oflO.nnfl per mile for CO miles, 500.000 ; l0 (10 pa, freJ , Government bonds on enmph-tion of 80 ! '. . . j miles, 2.000.000. The road is king vigor. b'ur further Infurnmlliin niiiily to I. K. IIUIIi:t:T.S. Atfiit, Na.407,Wuihiiigioiiit.,SsiiKrniuiaii, iiM)'2illd Opptitiiii the I'.i.t Ullicc. OHEAP FOR CASH Fituir The prospect of an nbnndaut fruit crop this yenr. is very llattcrlns. MAX MULLER, NEW TO-DAY Dbatiis. Jnrnes A. Mauli diet nt Ster- 1 lingville, May l'jth, 18fi3, ogeil 22 yearn. ESsSfcar-tlioio. .vsn STONEWARE. Something Everyltody wante. AT TIIH nfi,M nt .lAnnni.lllAn t(W lr1fnra In nrmi I n ' h , .. V..7i .VlfL., 1 1 and n native oi tho Tahiti Islands. Ills rr": ,b;r:r u, ; :i'- flnvemment grave over .IM ..irnT1 r,IlInl! I for publication, a, lotlce of the same, and a"l u complete assortment of their manifold ond damning, I In a few hours. , , . , 11110" "" way uacK, no Hi row 11 ironi lis fr atrocities. They rejoice over rebel vlcto-,, ' . ,'.Bllc ., . . .n.L.-li .. it.!. ..: i I or BnJ wly injured that ho died ",&, r.wvm. niu-...0..-, . ww.w ,..,. . , . T tjiirs, Churns, Milch ami Butter Hitter and nureleritlne their hatred for cv-i ryaetof the floffrnment tbat promise ConnKC7iox.Our version of the din the use of tlw requisites means for the sup-! patc, of Tuesday night leaves it n little urcssion of this rebellion. The more lion oralilo have joined, nnd are Joining, tho ranks of the foe. Let them read their tloom In the history of the past. Tiik Auous. The Argtu nnd Stale lit publican have been consolidated and re' moved to Salem. The Argus has been en- Wagon IIoad. On Monday last quite larged, and is under the supervision of Its a large party started out to explore the old editor, Mr. Adams. Wc commend mountains, with the hopes of finding a pass it to the patronage of tho public. It is able wagon way to the northern mines, via doubtful as to who took Jackson, Missis sippl. Tho dispatch rays emphatically that Grant took it. It ought to have n) pea red In our paper that the item was tak en from a rebel paper. This would hare explained the term "enemy." Foond on tiro Union, square on the Constitution, and is first, midst, and last for the suppression of the slaveholder's re bellion, and the restoration of the Union. Cskscunt Grrr. Quite n number freight teams started for Crescent City this week. Look out for new goods, and plenty of them. . Ilogue river. Mr. D. 1). Manger, a prac tical surveyor, accompanied tbenr Suc cess to the enterprise. A Cave has been lately discovered near of 1 Cliusta Uutte, California, said to lie sever al miles In extent. It has only been partly explored, it is a rival of the Mauonb Gave in Kentucky, Flour Crocks, 1 r Pots, etc. etc. The obovo ware Is of Excellent Quality, and being made In this county, will bo offer ed (both at wholesale ond retail) at Very Law Trices. UltADIJUItV .t WADK, Agents fur tho Manufacturer, Jacksonville. May Ti, 1KG3. inay23l BRICK STORE, Corner of Oregon and Main Streets, Jacksonville, TTAS lust received an addition to his J. J. former large and well selected Stock of FANOY, STAPLE fit SUMMER DEYG-OODS ox o TraEcxiNra-, BOOTS AND SHOJES. Groceries, Liquors, Cutlery, Crockery, Alining Tools, All at Reduced Prices. ONE and ALL are Invited to fa vor him with a call, as It cost iioth. lug to tliow uoodi, aud It Is a pleas ure to toll them nt prices so low that noue can complain. Highest Price Paia for J'io- luce lit Jxcliaiigc for Goods. rAJTCY GOODS, r T SK mELf .'-r-li . Ifs AXrf.A. JU taV Mk-U JL XJkJCUj GROCERIES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, Tobacco & Segars, PRODUCE, HAllDWAKK. ULASSWAIHi OUKKNHW'Anfi. WOODKXWAllB, MINERS' TOOLS, All of which will lo sold nt low priori for CASH, or desirable I'JloDfJCK. BRADBURY & WADE AUK XOW IIL'CKIVIXG A Largo &. Woll-S elector STOCK OF Spring & Summer GrOOIDS, NEW STYLES 1XLU3SS AXI Millinery Good Fancy and Staple X52737" C31-OOC3.S CARPETING, OU Cloth, "Wall Paper, MEN AND BOYS Spring & Summer CLOTI-2XNTG-, HATS AND CAPS! AXD AL90 A Pine A ssoi-tiiiciit of Ladies, Men and Boys' Boots and Shoes ! OUIt FIMEWI AXD ASHLAXD Will be supplied with a Good Assortment -OK- STAPLE m F1KW GOODS Which will bo sold nt JACKSONVILLE PltlCES. PHOTQORAPH ALUUMSat HUADnUUV It WADK'B. QAN FHAXCISCO Woolen Mills,- V wlaukctn. Overshirls nnd Armv Clots, nt UUADDUHY & WADK'S. STATIOXKRV & BLANK J100K3 nt 1111 Aiiminv I- W A llM ... ..W A. 4 .V .. ,.,'UU' at Ui-vjun.0 i;niereni styles, goou time pieces, to bo had nt tho October 21. YAWETi" STORK. FLOUR AXD PBODUOKtnkenincx. change for Merchandise, at July 18.-27 MAX MULLER'S. "HUNK OIOARS AXD TOBACCO l1 nt BUADBUUY k WADK'S. IT17-00D AXD WILLOW WAUK III l JUCADBURV& WADK'S. T?IXKTKASat I Il) 4 nnmiv r. ii- t TlV'C - lUIIU'llHU l S II il.1'11' a FAMILY GHOOKRIKS nt BRADBURY & WADK'S.