Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, May 23, 1863, Image 1

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VOL. VI 1 1 NO.
I. 0. 0."F. Jai'kho.nvii.i.k Loimik N'o.
10, holdsiUt) regular meetings every SAT-
VnOAt' r.VKXIXG, nt tlio Masonic Hntl
(Lciurt Hnuo building), at H o'clock.
brothers In good standing are cordially
Invited lo nttinil. Jas. M. Sitton, N. G.
Gkh. It, Ddiiiu. It. 5ec'y.
Warren Lodpo No, 10, A. F. & A. M.
AHOLD their rrpulnr commnni
cations the Wcdneday Kvcnliigson
or preceding ttiu full moon, In jack
sustiij. 4iuKO(tv
II. llt.rmv. Srcy.
onrAios en ai'ti:k xo. i,
J. i rhsox jv ix, onvaos',
Will hold llrogulnrcoinmttntctlfi on ttic
l'lrnl Saliinln)- lit, r. l.r 1.1 rrjOIonlli.
AH sojourning CVinpitnlnn In Rood'
U&nilltlt- ill-M (Uirtluilll llivlu-tl In nlltm...
Utm.bvty. UecfcMi
Office with 1). 1'. I'.m.ll. Km)., Third utrrct,
Jjimnfisniixr. Omwi. 20
Will promptly nit -ml to any lgal
hiini conimltiw. lo bin cure.
'Iffttt in Statute' liiliUiHfr,
J.iir.iuiKi'Uj,a Qnnrtox.
.Tac'kxo.vvii.m:, Oi.use.v,
Vllt practice In the Supreme awl other
Courts or thlsSUtte. Mureh 4. '(J.
R. B. MORF"ORb ,"""
"WILL prt.etce In Hit- several Court of
I T tlieFlrst Judical Dlftrlct. mini in the
Mpreme Court. Oetntier 20. 'C,2,
Jacksomvii.m:, Oiikoon.
tffil nrncllce lu ult the Courts of I lie Tklnl
Ju'lkltil Dblilct, tlic miru.e Court of Ore-
. a . . ...
ion, mm i u i rcKii, u ui. w ur -serin jrriKopi-
ijcuiiccuiu uct. m
J)aii' Hnritcr Simp.
tiii: om:uox si;ntixi:j
ri.n Knurr wr.tiM.nAr ami HATimur.
Stwcitirrin, flncvear. In ntlrnncc, Fire
Dollnrs; Six mnittns, "Three Dollars.
Anvt:iiTiKiMt One win a re (1(1 line or
lew), llrst Insertion. Three Dollars: each
stihfpicnt Itu-crllon. One Dollar. A die
count of tlfly percent Mill be made lo those
who-udvcUH-by the year.
lal Meeting, ityinpatliiziiijr witli tho
Xortlt, to Mr. AiUm. Mr. Adams mmlo
n ijmxtIi, cj.TMi!ig Ills prcut p!cn.tirc nt
It rrcrtition. Tlic nddrcM adiiiittnl tho
difficultly of viivrluK cK'iir of collision
bcttteen tlic llirre iwtion., but lie trutetl
ltic.inini.il Inipthtr, of the Ifilli. rnvs train
frtn the White lloiifcon Vork l'llvcr It.
It, have been innkiii rcpulnr trip to the
interior. In jpruliliitr of the ratulintory
nxJution of the rebel CigreiM, relnlive
to the ofliver of tho urru rrciment. It
uuxiTii uivhiiiv imuuM.-, uu. ur ini'ini 1 1 wrv oineer ot mo upjiro rririnient. it
that friendly rclatinni would lie maintained, i. mj the Ynnlm) will in ttaru haiiR ri'bcl
nt-nveriK mm noiwiiiiMuiiuinp inc ionek oiocert, nun kimiis to bo In griei over tho
ol onie Anirricun fpiiiVt-re nnd jnurnalit, I matter.
mere u no nniion lor "inch Amencun in
tcrtnin n greater rrpard than for lliiLtland,
and that If the real frntlmrnt or each
could be clearly cMiiblliduil towards the
other, there, would lc mi fi-arof n collision.
He believe Hint the tmitora nn,l Union-
Dvoiinllcitlon to 'otmatcr nml Mall
uaiTien. tuu can irarn initi uiormi-wivKir , imi iiiiii InKcn Ihfi riclil rourft' for nil nn
OiroiHiN frKVTiMit. hn by lar r larger clrcti- derntatidinir. Tlw Iindon Tmtt lork
it. t ne co,1 ",""'" wvtsim npnn Adam'ii trvrch n mot reonnablc.
R!V I . ,N'rU,f;,!"l),'',c!,,ir?V,lnt '"" "'7 The Tmt looks fonvnr.1 wllhnnt nilstrimt
Jrrio vn, a". C n TTS r, ' ,nr " ,m,,,ml fcrlwraiiw. Hnplnnd mint
liKwVfc for !pct itome Interniptlon nnd an.Htynnco to
trade, ii in I must tolerate short comings In
Lirr-nfr Annvrx. r mithorlxl to "iMlwntlnn of neutrals. In nnother or
trHiwct any tMHne cfncernlnit thl jw-1 tlclp. Hie Tmn nrguej that it behiwvis
per, In thimnj f thi'TuliliUer : Kiiglnml to look leimrvly npnn the pro-
u r. nwff, ." i'rnnpcn: wnwortii n-wiiiie oi lommoiiore m iiKec. in view
x Ila.Mie. Vjm: KIt Kmrr, AobUml; S,
C. Taylor. I'litenlx; '. W 1 .mlif. Appli-lsI-;
It. S. luiilp."Villl.mbHrx: Julni It.
rriixllf. Kerbvvlllr: A It. MiIKnln. Wuldo:
K.J. FmIm, Waldo; W ... l. Ktnux. Alt
bwi Jiml Thiini, CaHvnnxtlle: A. It.
Hint. Uowl-iirc: w II Mmin-K, SaU-m: .1.
II. LikUihw-iI, Uugi-ne Tilvj 1'. Charntun.
()rrn City; l. W.
It,'ii)iiiln Cook, Onrvnlll; J
City; Albert Duolittle,
of the mlmlnl'trntlon of lier rights vlien
flic rhwild become a lieligrrcnt. 'I'lir
b'lhlon Uhvrrtr, in n jkiciHc dlitorinl,
ertMiis llw Lincoln (inrrnmrnt with u de
sire to cultivate friendly relation. TIkj re
ply oi Huwirt to tine fuiioiiMmnce of the
I'ottprs on tl lilih ipiwtion lias been
Waic llild. AHmnv ' ,"1"""f"- ll oprws lo negotinie in u pne
II. Sinllli. i !"c
( iiHimirr, on tho his of the trmlvol
Happy ISIS, I lie reply i not pwirrally coiwlil'
mil ntisructury. The iusurgiuuu cuu
imnro ncuvc.
CdHevu Jtradbiiry A Wade' and 1U Dorado
B-loou, California i-trcvt.
SIIAVICJ. Hair-cutting, Sliainjioolng, Cur
lug and Jlnlr Dyvlug. (u hand and for
'. a Kvuulne article KMiV IIaiii Him-
I TiiUTiiK audCrltloru'iijrjri(,riiir JJit
I'liotocrnjiltic Art Ht,
I prepared to take pictures In every style
of tliu art, with all tho lite Imp row-men In.
U 1'ictures Ao not gKe wti-fwtioii. no
cbargt-. m 0! Ik- tuane. Call t hi m-w Gal
hry. on tie bill, mniuiuu hit picture, nud
it for yoir llVenes.
tntcliinaki'r and Jeweler,
ti-p coni-tauUy on tianu a
fine aM-riuit-nt of Cuitk. und
Jiii4ir, whlcli be vtlem for
Mle ut very lt larlces, lor
am. ItEl'AIIHKR -ClurJ.il i
'utclies and Jewelry reiutrod with promiiU
Dw an4 uarrautod feltp on Cutilurula
itrtrt, two flour Mfft A Lo A. llllgur'n.
Jneksonvnif, July 2C: 26
I'Al'illt-UULLU, -nd
Ulank-Uook Jllauumctiirer.
517 Clay andI-l Commerelal utreot.,
betHcca Montgomery and Hansoiue,
Yse. IllnAlnif of cvirv iliwrlntlon ni-atlv
I tcukd ; Itlnu; Itooks ruiuC mud Bound t
j J desired pattern. 24:y
BY OVERLAND TELEGRAPH, j fc'an Francisco. lDtb.-The nvcrlnnd tel-
. egrapli contiuuen out of order, and we
tTi:u.iiiuHit.iiToviii.KiM.KTiiKHiTiM.i.Vhtc no later Knst.m news. A heavy
. "" . storm of wind nnd hail prevailed through-
TliiiiMlav MplXN DlMtatcli. 'out the State. Ial night, which it I feared
San Frnnclico, liUlli. The city election ! will somunhal Injure the maturing of crop'.
on the General ticket has rwnlled in the ..., ni.i.n.i r i,
I (IV CIVUIllll iHVn II ViUlVf It Will UltlilUf
nrrivctl at oiclit nVlock. She pMj)! a
SWISS, ift W,?, S Z ii V- -Trf '
IheCitixeustickrt elected Supervisor In - ..v,t . t,t ..-...! m,;u.-. o,.
iI,h -s.ti, cii, i i, I. n,i ii,i Mntri,i. lBre car''i '1111 mwui children were;
Jit,!,, t,. i i Li ,,"'" J)"l,ritl',wnl.(d overboard, but we can learn no
rblch uiakts the Hoard u tic. I )mlkuhn, Two Mnl4 boarJlx, IC iMmer
M.T. Ito-w an,) CIius. Dane, for iiortlci-, nbafl the wheel, carrying all the water
patlon in fualtor riot, were to-day lined casks nn board away, about twenty feet of
SIOU. her rail, from twenty to thirty fuet of her
bulwark, and her jtort ufter guaM deck it
election of twelve of the People's noiiiin-!
ivs and one of the Citiwns'. The uwnige
I budly sprung, und second cub'ia vnitilnlers
ore ull stove In, and several trc completely
iiucti wiiii water,
The railroad loan of 81,000,000 wai
carried by 1,1 C6 majority.
K York, J 8th. The special Wash
laptnu Uisputclxs in lbs morning paper i , , ..... -, , ... .-, j ,
re i.-rrn.. r n...M. -it- ii.n ..J., ..,'i FrWny M;li(U DlRimtch.
'i'he Tfam-i disiiatvh mys that moe-i fcw,,.Y10rk' ISth. Fpcclal dbpatchci
iucum -ra un fuot. nml -irmiifli- iui.iw.rinl . to thn Vrituiie say the l'rovost Marshals
in and out of the Cabinet, Inr the ui'poiut- "Vc lw" 1'JM 1o mmrt forthwith, Lut
menl of Ueueral Duller to the command i.r ' ' PPJ V ,e lo"tfu whether any
the Deparlmertof the West. The Timtt' , J5n. " lnmlc uorc ,J, middle of July,
dispatch sajB Senators Wade nnd Cbandltr, . ) "'antc tnoy be called for In the mean
who huu'juit orrivtxl from Fulmouth, re-1 t'me
port our troop in ammt micient wodi-' Sterling nctive all Ct'4' and 1C5. Gold
lion. J he soMirm are In the liet of spir-1 quiet. Hank statement sliow nn Increase
uri.niaiicv uiiierr, reiur iuai we iosi eigui ; r
.1... M.l. . 1 I .1 ....
g una uu iiiu .mii, u.iiurvu oy inu cu.-uiy. v. ,, . ... ,.,.
,, ... -" jum, ijiii. i nc oinir eorrrs-
iortress MoUrOC, ICtll. IWO Smal nnndent nf lbs llrrnhL nu.W ,llr. ,f M.,.-
boais, the Lmily mid the Arrow, engaged 1 Tib. states that thu rebel nleket nn tlmi
incarrytng the mails, i tc, from Xorfolk. day were very uncommunicative across the
through I be Di-mal Swamp Cutial, lu lUppahannnek. OurfoMiersinferrctllh.it
North Carolina, were captured yesterday. tJW Ud heard bad new from some noint.
Iluek bridges, 10 miles from Nor- .. ,. ,,,,,.
Gen. KtnM ti Imprwiiig ull horses,
whether rebels' or Unionists', hu cnu find,
'litis being necessary to itrcwnt their int.
i mg retti uy guerillas.
Two negro roglmcntH were mii'lereiKnto
tiie service lol.ty, C'onlrnbnnils linvo
commenced wotking on nbnndoned funiM
on the opposite side of the rotomac.
Xew York. lOilt. A Cniwiilo Idler
of tlwlfilh, states that u severe infantry
fight look plnco iinir Snirll;, Vn . on tlip
morning of the l.Mli. A heavy rtbel fnroe
Is rrporled to he driven in nur pickets
ut Denver Dam Church. Troop were
sent out In oppose tWm. nnd tlw rebels
relreated, but nguin opened soon nfier on
our troop, nnd were ngaln rcpiil-ril. Our
forces nnw occupy n Mriing ttnn Ii nnd
nrnninl Cnuvll'e. Our lo wnt killed,
and 21 wounded, and fi mining.
A simmer from l'ort lloynl rcitorl
Hint olTCImrletnit she heard licnvr firing
from Ii to fi o'clock p. in., In tho linibor.
It i f tippojieil that our Iron-clad wem nt
tacJ.ing the bslterie on Morris Island.
Cincinnati. 1 Oth A grrernl order wn
Isfiirn yrslewiiy. onounclng the finding of
the court mnrtlal In nllnndlnghamV ease.
The court finds him guilty of tho charges
nnd spoclficntlom, nnd sentenced htm to be
closely eon.ined In some Fnrlrr In the
Unllcd Slate during the wur. (Sen. Hum
sido approved the Mntence, and has select
ed Fort Wayne as the place of confinement.
nrtillery nnd lour regiment t of Infantry
piused through Jamestown, on the I (Sill,
MlirO ri-t'inipntjl nn, nt Mfvrrtatmvn .....I
Tenn. Hiukner Is said to bo nt Clinton.
The rvliel pickets nre mid lo bo on the
I'nmbvrl.ind, nt every available point. A
letter from Hlehmond, Ky says tlw
rnbels Imve crossed tho Cumberland, nnd
nre mlvaiicing on that place. It lsuiupKs.
tlomiblo that another Invasion on Ky,, U
j jucii cnivciiiHin.
The I'etatuma Jrput publishes tho fob
lowing calechi'in, fur the beintit of the So
nonm coutily JKuiocrney. It is worth cop
ying, lo promote u fenerul diirusion of life
tut kunwlnlge i
Who sulil that nil men arc created equal ?
Thomsa JilltrNin, lhe"l'nlhir of De
mocracy." Who gave the negro tl right ofsulTnigu
in Xow York T
i no itemocrntic rarty.
M'linjirvidftl oierlhe'C'nnvrnltnn wlilcli
gave this iirivllige lo thu iromT
nn llureii, a Dtiuornil.
on. j ne soxiM-m are in me uet-tol fpir-fjulet. Hank statement shows an Increase
s, and linpatkutforun immediate udvanco of loans to the nmniinl of S50C.OO0 s In
ii Lee's urmy. Capluln I'lsges. our chief crease of Stecie. 345 1,000 ; increase of de
rdiiituice oilieer. reoets that we lost eij;ht I posites, S2,'.''.2,000.
Cairo, I Rth On the Iflth.n p-trty nf
cucrrllla fired on n train near Lomh rivlr.
'J'he guard of the train returned the flro
Waihlnton. 13th. The following Is re
ceived today: Memphis, Tenn., 17th,
Ilollock papers May Mih, from Vlcksburg
nnd Jackson report that Gen. Grant de
feated Hragg's brigade nt Raymond, on
... i . ....- .... . i .
i uesoay. jiuy ijin. l tie rriK- oss was
admitted In tha paper to have been 700.
M'l.A II..I J... "!,.... ta.AB B..I..f...n.l 1... ....
iiv ,n t,u .fli- nna luiiiKiiueii uv urn.
Walker, when hp wns atlncKwl nt Mis..
Sitrings. and driven towards Jackson. A
telegram dated Thursday, Iroin Canton,
Miss., says the Federals hud taken Jackson,
iron, ttic east, rrrntauiy by cavalry move
ment. Gen. Joe. Johnson arrived ut Jock
son, May l.ltli, nnd went out Inward Yicks
bur' with three brigades. He must have
been west of Jackson, wltcu tlio capture
was made by our farces.
The IltrahT Washington dispatch "trs
4l.at tl... ...I.,.! .I..l!..ar.l in I. A I ...lln
itini ,,i- ,, i.i- uitiiiipi lu vul. lJinull
P. H. LYNCH, Prop'r.
Corner California and Oregon Street.
The Proprietor lias jastrucelvtd from San
"sneitco u choice ufcMirtmout of flue
"inos, Liquors, Cigars,
mc, ETC.
,gPronJn nml test Uieni. D.ic. 10.
1)Y Ul. All Iho. indebted to me
by notes or book Accounts, will pleu&e
'l and H'ttle ImmetUately, or their nc
wstils or sum will ,be handed to my nt
torjey fo collection. U. BLOOM.
near Con
full:. The Jtivhmimd Sculintl, of the l.llli.
btia lliR Titlltiwln-r . Jtifl-ein l In Miit.
12tu, the enemy -dvaueed ipou lUyw'ond, , "J""11 7.3G0 prisoners, who have arrlveil ut
Mise.telBy.withttooluinnof 12 xvs- VamP ' " tnS ."""P0,111- i' nbejs
u-ents. where Oeneral Gregg had -1.100 in- " ",1 c ueiuue m w.e release oi com ins
fautry a cw cuialry twd i.o urttllvrv. , "wl oOIetrc, ext-frt wc huie rebel of
Skirmishing began ut nine o'clock In tfie ,lma t0 llnS hr &
niorniug. The euuwiy wes coullnually re-j Secretary Stonton has not ms..e ony
iuferced until ne v., when he opened niiihoritatlre declaration of suspending the
battle heavily with musketry. Greggs J2(jfl nrovlslou of the conserlmlnn iu-i.
ought ; two hoar with inunketry uloue. . .,..,.. ,,. , n.
wliec learning that the enemy were heavily ' " ''ii ", ,uu iipria
u.irUrjwi ..i tii.i n.n rUi..i,.n...ta,tliat the sale of Mve-I wi-nties lust weeti
Tore ready lo entrage. he retreated to Ray 'onnled to 810,000,000. This oelj
wood, lie will make a stand ot Miss, promises 10 excueu iuai amouui.
Springs, where he has been reloLtrcul with New York, 13th. Jsierlkig, lower, 1C3.
infantry and .artillery. , Cold 4'JJt .
The Clitrleslon Mcrcvru sirs that the I Washington, Wlh,-T..e official report
guns ol the Keokuk now lie on South ' Col. Huvis, commanding a portion of
Commercial wharf. They ill soon be W. Slocemmi's wiiedition tlnmigh Yu.,
fliountod lor our defence, und are valuable y our Kt the expedition was
acquisitions as well as handsome trophies ' two coiainandiug oflicere nnd thlrty-tlireo
of the battle of Charleston lurbor. eolistod men. We .brought with, us lpo
, ,, ,. ... , males and 75 horses, captured from the en.
I. ertress Monroe. Uin-l Jm Fetersburj; 1 tmy. j0 Uie courbe of our ward, we cap.
topivti, or the 15th. sow the retu itory turj n mucIi arer uurnber, but could not
solutions adopted by the Confederate' brillJf tiienJ wj,u -j-iJe amount of pro
.!oucrcM, provided that every commission- H;fty destroyed Is estimated at 81,000,000.
tt iilCenr in ennininnil nr hpimikh. nnd ' ' ' '
against the Confederate Stutes, fbould be I Chicago, 19th. A ashlngton special
put to death, und the negroes be delnered 1 83)'3 ermt"r ilsou, who is now hero, and
totheSlule authorities, to be dealt with "ho drew up the Couscription Hill, is said
according to the present or future laws to differ entirely from the decision of Hie
'J'he tame puper speaks despoudiogly of ur- m" Department n regard to the 8300
XewYork.18th.-The .teener Cilyaf'iL..l. "5'' ff." "1C
XfirTnrk wllb ilnle frnm T lirprcnrf n --'feiieii lutr, nuini i iaiuuivu us mo pres-
pftrrivid. A denutatlou, Leaded by Mr.j JTew TorJr l"9th.Tho Twti' special
iHrightoo, preseoVM wj adrc4sndood J bdlspatcl. ccutaiua the foIlowpgi 'fiw
Chicago, 18th Tho Islet dates from
Grant's army through Federal channels nru
to the 1 1 Ih. nnd slated that nt tliut time Lo
gan and Ostcrhaus were marching toward
Jackson, driving Howen before them, while
Grant wus inarching in the II lack river.
cxiiecting to engage I'embcrlon, nenr the
bridgo over that stream. Women and
children with all valuable moienblc have
been moved from Jackson. All the men
had been forced Into the rebel army. It I
further slated (hat Oiterhaus had mada
large capture of men, ammunition, nrlib
lery und conilssary stores, u few miles from
Havinond Howen' forco was estimated
nt 15,000. Femliertons, nt 50,000. The
latter was reported strongly entrrndied
near the bridge. A great battle was will
nent. The health of the army there was
better than eer before. The rebels. SOU'
strong, with two or three; nieces of artillery
fued into the steamer Warner, 15 mile
above Greenville, Miss., on Thursday 1 lib,
killing two and wounding four. The lire
was returned and several rubeU kllkd.
Chicago, 10th. It is reported that our
forces burned the Slate !t-pito, at Jack
son, Miss. Heavy reinforcements, were
hurrying to the rebels. 12 miles cast of
Xcw York.Wtli-Col. Thorpe, from
Gen Hanks rlepartiwrnt, states that Cen.
Ulman s brlgbde Is more than filled, the
country Jut opened by Hank' campaign
win lurowi two or turee divisions, of ne-
Pio respouite to JJnnK's call for a corns
de Afiiime. 'I'here is no doubt that tho
rewli nre cngagfril in raisipg negro regi
ments, as it U only from such material they
can, in the extreme Southern States, re
cruit their ranks, The negroes ore not
backward in adopting a uniform which U
their death warrant, If taken by the rebels,
und routed Ihe rebels. The rebels are pol
lectlnga large forco -of infantry lu east
Louisville, lrti. A rebel fnrco Is In
Wofl(jnd Clinton counties, New York,
wld to Dumber 17,000 with U iteiees of
Who nfterniinls itcrliil Yan Hurcti
l'reMent ut Ihe Untied SialwT
The Democrntlu 1'ariy.
Who married ii nrtrro woman, and by
her bad mulatto children ?
Ulclmril M. Johnson, it Democrnt.
Who eleetei) Uleliuril M. Jitlnisoti Vice
President of tha United Statw t
The Democratic. 1'nrly.
Ifl'resldent Yiiii Hurtn imd died, nnd
Richard M, Johuou lud birnm President,
who would have become the Democrntlu
mistress of Ihe White House!
This samo negro woman.
Who made thu negro u citizen in tho
Stale of Maine?
An overwhelming Dtmncrntio majority
Who enacted u similar law lu Muxachu
setts? A Democratic innjorily.
Who gave the negro n right to voto in
Xcw Hampshire?
Tho Democratic Pnrly.
Who permitted every negro worth 8250
in Xew Yoik, to become it clllun ?
A Democratic Gemrul Awembly.
Who reiHaleii the law of Ohio, rwpilr
lug negroes to give bond nud security be-
lore seining in inn nunc I
Tlio Demncrntlo Pnrly,
Who passed a law by which in Ohio tha
negro is placet! on the wllnwj stand with
the white man ?
Tho Democratic Psrly.
Who votitl for the bill in the Ohio Leg
.sluturo repealing .iVluw making a dis
tinction on uecaunt of color in that State?
George K. Pugb.
Who afterwards elected iGeo. Ji. J'ugU
to the United States Senate?
Tho Democratic Parly.
Who voted In tho Constitutional Con
vention ol Ohio, yfgdinif a provision lo
prevent negroes coming luto that Statu?
Rufus P. Roncy.
Who supported Itufii. P. Runcy for Gov
ernor of Ohio, in 1850?
Tho Democratic Purty.
Wbo decided in the Supremo Court of
Ohio tlmi inulallod had the right to vote?
JNbcu Wood.
Who. after Ihe decision, elected Itubcu
W-ood Governor or Ohio?
The Democratic Parly.
Who Hrfuuil. in thu Ohio Constitution,
1 Convention of 185U. to remedy the prao
tiro established by that decision!
Thd Democrntlo Purty.
WIk, with tho above facts, nnd Uitmy
other klurlng hi in in Iho face, are cpiil.nu.
oily yelping and hypocrltlcully whining
nbo'it " Nlgytr tt'ffrngt" and " tligpr
fijvtiiiiy i
'I'M vtry aacr.e Democratic -Parry,
AH these things were done by tho Dcm
ocrats, und ytt by have the iiifturnncQ In
deny being lu favor of n'gro cc.imllty, and
the Impudence lo charge ft ii',ion others!
Gkk- Hutmui Duller made a speech at
Ualllmore, recently, in ivuicli ho suld ;
" Tta notion la but in Us Infancy. 'J'l.o
giant oftta wcaltrn World has scarcely bc
fiun lo put forth Itsstrength. Thtte throes
and ngoulw nre but jamt of Mhmp, and
when hit) teeth are cut fairly through, let
traitors bewuro. and tvrauts stand back
everywhere I'1
Tho taking of Gen. Stoughtopby the re
bels at Fairfax Court House. sujl'c.Is in
vMr. Partington the Ideu that It wasn't
much or an exploit for tho rebels to brag of,
for her Paul look Stcughton regularly for
u good many ours, ud never thought any
thing of it. ;
The last case of absence of mind is that
or a ship cnrpcBt.-r, who bit oh the end nf
a spike und drove a plug of ,tobacco Into tho
leml'a bottom.
A christnln had better go to any place
or uuwsement than to go borne whining be
fame lie can't Q.