) SACH BRO.'S JACKSONVILLE, TOTOXOlOMfllo 3 Xl.OtA.ll -DKAt.KRH IK- FASHIONABLE CLOTHING! AVI) ALSO IN" ' Groceries I .Liquors & Tobacco ,s New Goods! New Goods!! I New Goods ! ! ! JUST HECEIVED AND NOW OPENING AT SACHS BKO.'S Cheap Cash Store, -A- Jlcttcr and More Extensive I STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER Tlinn wor ever disp'uyed in our nr nny other Store this Hide of San Francisco. ' OUll LATEST STYLE Dress C3t-ooc5.s OUR rasliionable Milinery Goods -Such us LADIES, MISSES & CHILDRHNS At) well as our rich Aro the MOST HEAUT1PUL ever ollered lieic. Our block of I'm NTS. Bleached and Drown MUSLIN", WHITE WOODS, HOSIERY. Lndks mill Children's SHOES, Has never been escelled. CLOTI-IIaSTG ! Men and Boy's Suits OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. OUR NEW-STYLE CTankeon Suits, Cassimoro en Suits, Together with our stock of Men uml Boy's BOOTS AND SHOES, AND NEW-STYLE Cassimero Straw Hats Are the neatest ever brought here. OUR ASSORTMENT OF Family Groceries IS EXTENSIYE & COMPLETE. ( All ore invited to call nnil exomine onr Woods, which wo will sell at unprecedeutly low prices. SACHS BROS. BQS All sorts of marketable Produce taken in exchange for Roods. Jacksonville, Oct. 20, 1802. Scmi-iUcckln Sentinel. Haltroad Meeting. At n meeting of the citizens of Jackson vilhi held nt the Court House, on Thursday evening, May 15th. House was cullid to nnW, and Judge J. C. Tolman elected President, nud E. F. Russell Secret niy. The President announced the nhji-et of the meeting, and ititroduccil Mr. S. E. El liott, Civil Enginter. who addressed the citizens on the subject of railroads, sotting forth in a clear and logical manner the in terests of our people, and the ndvantnges that would bo gained by the construction and completion of branch Pacific Rail road from Marysville to Portland, through the rich and fertile region of Southern Or eiron. The Speaker wiih followed by Messrs. Douthltt, Fay and Gaston, in well timed and appropriate remarks. The following preumble and resolutions were read and adopted : ll'lierai: That in the Pacific. Railroad Rill, as it has parsed and became u law. there is no provision made for a branch railroad, connecting the Sacramento river with the Columbia, via the Regno River, Uinpipui and Willamette valleys, which provision thu omitted in said law, was contained in House Kill .'1(51 of the '2d Ses sion of the .'17th Congress, introduced and advocated by the lion. Mr. Campbell, March Mth, 1802, nud as such an omis sion w an act generally injurious to the in terests of the people of Oregon and North ern California, therefore be it. llcsolval, lRt, That we are determined to do all in our power to remedy the same, by obtaining tlie same grant of land from the Government for Kiieh branch Railroad, as is coutnined in the present Pacific Railroad ; to-wit : Five alternate section-' on each side of said road, and aid in bonds to the amount of $10,(100 per mile for the valleys, nud 318,000 per mile for the moun tains. Rcfolrctl, 2d, That wo arc decidedly in favor of a railroad connecting the Willam ette and Sacramento valleys : that we will co-operate with our fellow citizen in other counties, and our friends in California, in urginir our R"prcsentatives in Congress to labor to procure giants of laniN. and he aid of loans similar to that extended to other great lines of public improvement, of National importance and military necessi ty, that we feel the impoitauce of picsent iiig our requests backed by statistics, facts, and careful surveys in regard to the niililu ry necessity and practicability of such n road ; und of its prospective importance to the country in developing its agricul tural nml mineral resources, and enlarging its business operations and with pi oner estimate of its cost, statement of grades, and other facilities for its construction; and that so far as procuring aid from the Government in the construction ol said road, the interests of California and Oregon are identical, and that we will act in if no State line divided us. Jlewlcal, 3d, That a committee of ten bo appointed by this meeting, to solicit und receive subscriptions, to aid in making a preliminary survey of such propeml Road ; that the condition of such subscrip tions shull be, that the amount so sub scribed and paid in shall entitle the con tributors to the same privileges us thu Cal ifornia contributors, in regaid to being in corporators of the road under its Califor nia Charier ; and that the same shall be paid when the survey has madu certain pi ogress in Oregon one half when thu survey has reached thu Uinpqua, from the South, and one half when the survey has been completed from thu Uinpcpiii to the Willamette valley; that the amount so subscribed and paid in, he deposited witli James T. Glenn of Jacksonville, nud be subject to the Engineer in charge of said Hirvey. On motion the meeting ndjnnrncd, to meet on Wcdne.duv, the 10th day of June, 1833, ut 4 o'clock. P.M. E. F. Riwi:i.i(, Sect'. Jacksonville, May 15, 1803. A Soi.dikiis' Git.vvKVAiii) A enrres pondent of the Evening J'ot, with the army before Vicksburg, sends tlio following description of a soldiers' graveyard : Perhups one of the first things you would notice in the vicinity of A'ieksburg would be the long lines of graves on tho liver slope of the levee, and bordering our path within u tool or two ol it lor a consnleiable portion of our walk ; they do not lie side by side, there is scarcely room on the slope of the leveo for two abreast, but. nro Itntieil head to foot, n long single file of dead thai crowd upon tho path of the living. Every regiment curries its dead to that portion of the levee, immediately in front of it ; and if you hud no other guido tho rudu head boards would tell you what regimental camps you wero passing. The best of these heud boards aro only Cieces of box lids. Sometimes those that elong to one regiment or to one battery present a neater appearance and similarity of execution, that betrays the workman ship of tho same hand, some one who has been tacitly elected by his comrades " car ver of the graveboards ;" somo kindly soul that, with deadly handled jackniie, car ves tho name of comrade after comrade on these fruil materials to guide the friends that may some time come to tuko him home. In tl.c majority of cases, however, the name is only written with u pencil on n small pirce'of board, ami in many instances only a slick or small bough is Muck into the ground at either end of the grave to warn the throng that passes to withhold their feet. Nearly all of these graves arc below the level of the river, but it is the only place where the dead can lind a rest. The ground where the euuins tire pitched ! i too wet. and the top of the levee must be received as a thnrnugliuiro lor the living. The sight of I lice graves so sligtly mark ed, and whose border!) encroached upon the only highway, shocks one at first, but in a day or two ouu bccomis accustomed to it. Soldiers loiiitg among the graves, and smoke their pipes sitting on the ground, regaid iss of the fact that only a couple, of feet be neath theiti lies one who, pel Imps, a few days before lounged and tsntuked there us unconccrni d as they. MlNUttAI. PllODUOK OF' OllKAT RlttTTAtN. Sir R. J. Murcliisoii, in an address before the Geological section of the British Asso ciation. (1801). thus states IhepitMciit year ly production of Great Urittnin : " We are now consuming anil exporting 80 millions of tons of coal annually a pro digious recent increase, and daily augment ing. Of iron ore we raise and smelt up wards of seven millions of tons, producing 3.820,000 Ions of pig iron. Of copper ore, we uiise from our mines 230.000 tons, which yield 15,908 tons of melalic copper; and from our native metaliu minerals we obtain of tin 0.005 tons; of lead 03,525 tons; and of zinc 4.35? Ions. Thu total annual value of our minerals and coal is estimated at X2C.Q03.573. and thai of metals (Hie produce of ihe above minerals) nud coal ut .37.121,318 !" G. W. GREER, PHYSICIAN' AND SURGEON. Ollcti nt ItN Iti'Hlilt'iit't' on Oregon 81. JAi'KhO.vvii.i.K, Oi:i:o.v. Where all those knowing themselves in debted to lilin. on note or book account, will pleno call and Kettle up, or thuir ac count will be placed for collection in the haiiiN of my attorney. My old I'litroni will still Had me, antvtr, ready to attend to my professional duties. Mav (i. I8li.'l. imivlitf SH!xi&? OCT! A.T COST! AND GOING NOHTH. Mo IMbs& Oilers to sell his entire stock of MERCHANDISE WITHOUT RESERVE All those desiring Jlai Ktiius should call Im mediately, as he will close out forthwith. All who think that, tltey have heretofore paid too much for Goods, should call at II. Ji LOOM'S STOllE and 'jet even. COPIE ONE, COME ALL Now is Your Timo TO GET As he positively intends ssi&iETG orr AT COST .Tnnk-onvllle. March 18. Still. M. A. BRENTANO IS SOW SELLING &M OOJST1 His stock of FATIIZ,?: GROCERIES, ETC., ETC, All who wish to obtain HARGAINS will do well to call, as it is absolutely his inten tion to dispose of said stock and OLOS33 23TTJ5iX:iH':E3!SJ5S -iiv Tin: First Day of Juno 3XText. Jacksonville, May G, 1803. CIRCULAR. HlIAD-QfAUTKUft DrI'AKTMKN'T OK PACIFIC, 1'itovonT Mahsiiai.'h Offick, ' Sim Francisco April 2, 18G3. I Rnt.WKmi regulars or Volunteers who have deserted, or absented thcmclvc from their companies or regiments without leave : Tho opportunity is now alTorded you to wipe out the stain attached to your elvet, nnd from your famlHc and friends tin; ."liaitie and reproach consequent ttpon your desertion or ituniithoiizcd nb&cucc from your regiments. The President of the United State, by his proclamation, dated March 10. 18(!:i. oilers to restore you to the service without punishment, except forfeiture of pay (lur ing your absence, provided you report your selves on or In'fore the 1st of June next. It is known Mint many of you in times put, were induced to desert the service, with the vain hopu of making your fortunes speedily in Ihe mines, nud have often since desired to return to duty in the nrny. It is believed that since treason nud re bellion have Involved our once hnrmv conn- I try in all the horrors of civil war, and ilrenclied llic land In mood, evil (lit-popcd persons traitors in the gulso of friends iiave enticed you to desert the noble Ki.wi. your fathers and you once revered. Rally again around that Hag n.ist your coun try in maintaining the supremacy of its Constitution and laws nay, even lis nation al existence, and show by your zealous de votion Mint thu enemies of your country are your bitterest Iocs. Report yourselves in pcrcon nt once to the commanding olllcer of the nearest mili tary post, or to any recrult'ng olllcer ; or by addressing n letter to tho undersigned, you will be Instructed to whom you may re port. IIIKAM LEONARD. Lieut. Colonel U. . A. Provost Muohel. Cami- IlAKnt. Ogn., April 8, ISC.'l. Published In order of WM. KELLY, Cnpt. W C. O. V., Commanding. DUG AN & WALL, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, thick HultilliiK, Cor. Front & Fitrcct. CRESCENT CITY, CAL. WILL attend to the Receiving and For warding of all Goods cntruMcd to their cure, with promptness nnd dlf-pntch. Consignments solicited. .Merehundis-o re ceived mi storage. Credent City. April 1 1, 18(13. lfl N. Il.-Xo goods delivered until Ihu freight iiu.1 charges are paid. 1). & W. IN County Court, Douglas county, Ore iron. In thu matter of tho estate of Caiciiick S. Mv.vatt, Deceased. Upon a petition filed In this cause, pray ing (hat dower bo assigned to the widow of Hie late din-Ink S. Mviiutt.ileeiimeil. nut of the lauds of which Ilia said Carrick S. My uatt died seized in this count v: It is or i dered by tho Hon. Win. It. Willi". Judge of ! Mild Court, that Mild petition will bu hcnid on thu 1st Monday of July, A. I). lStill, at I a regular term of Mild Court, when the ' heirs, devisee", or other peixins interested. may appear and act Hi the premises accord ing to their rights, etc. To be published In the Oiikcon Si:ntixi:i. newspaper for four successive weeks. in witness whereof I havu hereunto set mv hand and olllclal seal, this 8th dny of May, A. 1). 1 Still. WM. R. WILLIS, Judire, Per A. R. Flint, Dept. Clerk. maylfi 4n 8TATK OP ORKGON, ) CQ COUNTY OP JACKSON, f b!3. In JiwtU'e'ii Court, To Aaron Green and Edwin Green : You nru hereby untitled that a writ of attach ment has been issued against you, and your property attached to satisfy thu demand of James Savage, amounting to Sixty Dollars and sevenly-two one-hundredths. Now, un less you shall appear before E. Magrudcr, a Justice of the i'caco in and for said coun ty, nt his olllco, on thu 1st day of July, A. I), ltifill, judgment will lie rendered uptiust yon, and your property sold to pay the debt and costs and accruing costs. JAMES SAVAGE. Dated this day, May 12, A. D. 18GII. may 1(1 Is S TIIAYEI) Oil STOLEN' from the much of tho undersigned, located near Jack sonville, on the 2'M of April, a IHack American Mare, about 9 years old, branded II. II. on the right side of the neck ; ii1m, a Hi own Amcriacn Mare Mule, with a Span ibh brand on each hip, known as the Miller mule. Whoever will givo any information in regard to these animals will bo liberally rewarded. THOMAS THOMPSON. U, S. Assessor's Notice. ALL persons uro hereby notified that, tinder the provisions of tho Excise Law of the United Stntes persons who uro engaged in buying nud selling Stocks, Coin ed Money, Hank Notes, or securities, lor themselves and others, or who deal in ex changes relating to money, buying or sell ing gold dust, uro regarded as Drokers and must take out a llccusu therefor. Persons whoso business it is to buy and sell Gold Dust, Hank Notes, etc, as above htuted, without u license, nro biibjcct to a penalty of $150. OJTAS. W. SAVAGE, AsU U. S, Assessor 'Jlh JJistrict of O'jn. Jacksonville. April 17. 18(i!t. apl'sif I LLUSTH ATED TAPERS- Harpers' Weeklj, Jvrank Leslios, i ankee .No tions, etc., regularly received nnd for sale at tho VARIETY STORE. RYAN, MORGAN & CO. I. J, nYAX. . .K. 8. MOItO AN. . .KDWAnn HINDU. RYAN, MORGAN & GO., DEALERS IX rrocerie9 ' LIQUORS, DRY GOODS, OLOTi-nisra, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, J'ASTG-Y GOODS, Fine Japan and other Paints, Oils nnd Glass, Crockery & Glassware, DRUGS 8c MEDICINES IRON AND STEEL, TVII3JI3n' TOOLS, CARPENTER and COOPERS' TOOLS, And other Goods suited to the wants of the Public CS7 "Wc shnll aim to keep up n full -5 JCSy-nnd complete stock oliWi -vBt JGSy and desirable Goals, nt -iu USy all seasons of the "in XJSy yenr, nnd we "U Sy-can confidently say "a JR3- to our old friends nud "&5S Sy thu public, Mint we intend "iCBfl JDSy- to make it to their interest to "ia IQf deul with us. -ia CALL TO SEE US. RYM, MORGM & (10. Jacksonville, Jan. 8, 18C3 junl-ltf TO THE FARMERS. Wo shall hereafter take, in exchange for goods, all descriptions of produce that we can find u market for, at tho highest mar ket rates. RYAN, MORGAN & CO. Jan. 28,1803. We have constantly on hand and for Salo CHOICE I1ACON, HAMS, SIDES & SHOULDERS, FRESH LARD, TOTATOES, BEAXfJ BUTTER AND EGGS, OATS, FLOUR & CORN MEAL. ItYAN, MORGAN & CO.