H Scmt-tocckhj Sentinel. " TOTIIK Kt'KIL'AUr AND fKIlMAXKNOV 01' YOUK Umo.V. A GoVKItNMKNT KOII TUB W1I0I.K 18 I s nisivJNB uii.k." M'tuhington. .TACICSONVITiliK, OKEGO.V. WEDNESDAY EYKXIM1, MAY 20, 1861. IMIMIII Mil Rkmciioi's. Tlio Rev. I M. Starr wil prench at Viinnoy'a Ferry, on next Sab bath, at 11 o'clock, A. M. Wm. .T. I)khh Esq . Formerly of this place, lina been admitted to the bar in Att orn Nomi county, Cul. Tin: Sanitaiuak. "NVlmt Ims become ol llie Sniutnnun ? 'Tin a pity that one so gifted should die so young. Opposition. Rend the advertisement of llie people's opposition Rteam-shlp line, be tween California and Now York via Nic aragua, published to-day. Coai,. A very extensive, and vnlnnliTc coal mine lias been discovered by Mr. L. L. Richnrdson. nbout ten miles above the upper Cascades, on the Washington side of the Columbia river. Notiob. Tim disciples of Belew arc re quested to meet at Olugngo k DrumV Sin ble, on Saturday next, nt t o'clock, 1. M. Tlio obji-ct is to learn a horse to climb u tree. IIv order of Ex. Committee. A Ciivxct-:. L"t the men of honorable military ambition be encouraged by the re-nu-mberaucu of the fuct that the latu Major Generul Sumner rose from the ranks, hav ing entered the army us a private in 181!). He died ripe in years, and his renown wns great. Rksionation. Mr. James Kilgoro, late ly appointed by tho Governor of this State us Colonel of the first regiment in tlio first brigade of militia of this State, wo are in formed will resign his position. We regret very much that his arrangements nro such that he cannot accept. lie is well qualified for the position, and would have made a very efficient officer. Acomiknt. A gentleman by the namo of llorton was Kerlninly, if not mor tally injured, on Monday last, a short dis tance from this town, by having a wagon, loaded with wood, fall upon him. He wns driving on n sidling place, the ground was vct nnd slippery, the wagon veered and up set, and In the full his hands got caught in the lines bringing him directly under the (ailing inns??. Si'ORTixi) Itkm. Mr. A. J. Eiston, owner of the celebrated Black Hawk stal lion " David Hill," ha a ranch near Sun Francisco, upon which he has made a race track which is attracting considerable at tention from Turfmen. The track is upon marsh ground, drained by deep ditches, nnd the course proper, which is heavily cov ered with shells, is perfectly level, und is 44 feet wido. Tho track is very elastic, and can be used without any dangor to the an imals. For the Judges stand, Mr. Eusio'i hns invented a revolving turret, by which the officers of the race can observe the course of tho horses without for un instant chang ing position. Foul riding or any other misconduct on tho part of the riders can thus be easily detected. Coupled with this, is the system of electric " starts " and " stops." The hoof of each horse, at the instant of crossing tho ecoie, strikes the electric platform under their feet, and re cord in tho stund tho relative positions by stopping watches connected with tho dec tic wire worked by the platform. As they pas? by tho quarter poles a similar con trivance drops a. flag at each quarter, so that the time for tho quarters can be accu rately marked at the turret, and at the out come the same signal is given as at tho start. If the legal profession go into the business generally, something of this kind wilt have to be adopted to secure fuirplay ! . To FotietflXKns. A bill ha8 been intro duced into the rebel Congress to withdraw all political privelegcs from foreigners, nnd from native born white Americans who were not In the Confederacy when the re bellion commenced. 1st, We remark that this bill slums thu door directly in the face of the foreign cm'grnnt, who, long oppressed nt home, seeks political enfranchisement on American soil. He can enter the domains of the Southern Confederacy, but must ever exist there ns a " mud-sill." What thinks German and Irish ndnpted citizens of this ? Is it not Know Nothiiigism more damnable and prescriptive than was ever adopted before ? Let the military despo tism of Jiff Davis prove a succcs, and in cv cry foot of territory where wnves the Con federate Hug, the foreigner, no matter what his Intelligence, character or wealth may be, will be held nnd treated ns ttn inferior, nnd not worthy the association of a South ern gentleman. Are our adopted citizens prepared for this ? 2d, The sympathizers all over tho North arc told in terms ns direct nnd positive ns language can express it, that they can never have nny political rights in the Southern Confederacy. Their labors in behalf of their southern masters nre to avail them nnught. They nro not fit for the companionship of Southern gentlemen. They may fawn and npologize but can never be recognized ns equals. Well might tho Richmond Inquirer say, when it beheld tho longings of theso men to meet the Southrons once more in convention. Assume nnv other shape but that." The gallant nnd brave can have no other feel ings than that of supreme contempt for those who nre neither friends nor foes, but nre a sort of n bastard go-between. All remember the ridiculous position of Mr. Beeson in the Roguo River Indian wars. Ho wns a go-between abhorred by the whites and despised by the Indians. He said llint the whites were as much if not more to blame than tho Indians, and he would never volunteer, nor be drafted, to fight the poor iiidinns. This is the song of the sympathizers. 0, say they, tho North is as much to blame ns the South, nnd I will not volunteer or be drafted to fight the dear South. It nimle no difference with Bccson that the Indians hnd commenced tho war, nnd were spreading devastation i far and near, nor does it make any differ ence witli the sympathizers that the rebels lircd upon Fort Sumptcr, and trailed the American Hug in the dust. How have the IJeesons multiplied. No wonder thut the rebels have passed a law forever disfran chising such characters within the limits of their domains. Lost Illusions. What a singular pro pensity men have of turning eveiy thinar inside nut, of looking nt tho back ns well U3 the front of a picture, ofennting the stat ue from its pedestal to be sutsficd that it is hollow and not to'n. The savngo who Hist beholds his image in the mirror imme diately darts behind the glass; thu child is dissatisfied with its iiccoideou till it hits ripped open the valve to see where the wind anil the music come from. Man, savage, and child mourn over their lost illusions, yet persist in the processes by which they me destroyed. Wu arc not contented to sit before the font-lights and witness tho pageant splen dors that pass before our eyes; wu must go behind the curtain, we must stand nt the wings, we must guzo upon the black frame work on which the canvass is street lied, we must discover that the soft, rolling wnves in the port of Cyprus nre nought but shak en carpets, that Cherry and Fair Star car ry their own galley about the stage, and that Rosati instead of Hunting like a Sum mer cloud to tin upper air, is null ud into " ilirs" by a couple of stout mechanic ' worHing nt n block nnd pulley. 1- rout that moment adieu to our pleasures, we nre no longer in faiiy land, when we are witness ing a fairy spectacle. Aladdin's palaces smells of (ho lampnot the magic lamp but thnt which is fed with whale oil or bus baser lard. We no longer seo belbro ns airy slyphides beings of another world but Miss This or Miss Thnt, people are no lon ger known by their theatrical mimes, but Smiths, und Joneses, and Browns. It is not the fairy Ardenello who glides over the water in n car, drawn by swans, but Miss Jemima Muggins, and her cur Is dirty paste board, und her swans nro geese. About four o'olock Thuumhiy, morning, Edward Hill, alias Ilavis, made his escnpo from tlio guard, at Camp linker. During tho night lio, managed to saw off his shack les, nnd under pretence- of tho necessity of being taken to tho rear, was let out, and whllo passing from tho guard house to tho rear, ho made a break. Four shols wero fired at him by tho guard, but unfortu'uiltoly they nil missed their mark. Ho had been di'i rested for murdering a soldier at tho Dulles some, eighteen months ago. Boise MiKiw. These mines are Fnid to be paying (roM.818 to SMO per day, to the tmndi U It not nl ways llie enso that mint 8 a great Way df! invariably pay well ? NEW TO-DAY A en I'd. To JamksO'Mkaiia: As you, by the publication of private letters, dishonorably if not feloniously obtained by yon, seem to invito nn investigation of personal matters, I propose to relievo tho burden of your more serious mental labors by u few bio graphical sketches, the truthfulness nnd beauty of which you cannot fail to rccoir nizc. You once owned the Sr.NTiNKr. Of fice, I believe. You sold thu same for a valuable coieVdarntion to Messrs. Denllngcr & Hand. You guuruntcd, in your bill of sale, the correctness of your accounts ns they stood upon the books. Is not this correct ? Now, sir, ns to the sequel. A large number of tho?c whom the books showed to bo debtors had receipts in their possession, which were subsequently present ed by them, und allowed by the proprietors of this paper. Sir, thero is a consistency, unity and harmony in your character that excites my admiration. You arc the prop er person to publish a stolen letter, stolen probably not by you, but by some one else, but a letter which you full well knew that you had no more right to the possession of, than the felon who first took it from tlio drawer of my office. It may be possible, sir, that you have thu rest cf the stolen property in your posession, and that we will ere long be ustonislicd by some more private revelations. Let every man keep n lock upon his private correspondence, for thu chivalry nnd their ngenls nre abroad ! O. Jacoiw. 1N"T'lli"ciRCUIT"cOUin' of the State of Oregon, lor Josephine county. llAiixirr Uamsi:v r. Ansrsr l'ri.ois. Illll In Cliniit-er)' for l-'om-lituui-ti nf The I'eoplc of the Stale of Oregon, to August I'lilnols, gie.etlng: 'licren, Har net Ituiiif-cy. siild complain mt lnw lili.il his hill in eijuity, praying judgment ngniust you for thu sum of lour hundred and six and sixty-six oiie-huiiilredtlis dollars ($1(11! lili-lOll) with interest and costs, and for thu foreclosure of a certain mortgage, therein mentioned, upon the following rtecrihfd true. I of laud, to-wit : The east half of do nation laud claim of Win. Guest, lying principally iu sections eight (8) and seven teen (17). iu town-hip thirly-eiglil (IIS south range seven (7) west, together with all thu iinpioveineiits thereon. And it ap pearing by nftldavit that you are a nun-re I dent of our said Slate, having properly therein ; that said suit urlses on contract over which said Court has jurbdiction, and It having been ordered by our said Court that notice herein be served on you by pub lication : You ure, therefore, hereby notified that unless you appear in our Circuit Couit in thu county nlMo-ephiuu, in Mild Stale, on the 'Jlith day of October, A. I). LSI!,1!, and an swer thu said complaint, thu t-iimo will he taken for coufu-sed, and the prayer thereof will lie granted by the Court. Witness, Hon. 1 1. Trim, Judge of Cir cuit Court. Attest GUSTAF WILSON. Clerk. Doniiirr k lv. Sol's for Compl-'t. Dated May l.'i, ISlill. may'JO-wll IN THE OIIIOUIT COURT OF THE Statu of Oregon, for Josephine County. John V. Wi:ton tw. J. B. Tayi.ou. Illll lu CliniM-fry tor l-'oi-ci-lu-im-u of The People of the Stole of Oregon, to .1. It. Taylor, greeting: Wherea. John C. estou, said complainant, has tiled hie hill In equity, praying judgment agalm-t you for thu sum of two thnu-aiul seven hundred and forty-seven dollars and nlnety-iiinu cents (SJ.7 17 Sit)) with intere.-t and eots, and for tho loreelosuru of a certain mort gage, theieiu mentioned, upon thu follow ing described property, situated at Sailor Diggings iu said county, to-wit : Kivo hun dred shares, being two tilteenths of thu en tire stock and property belonging to thu ' Sailor Diggings Water, Mining and llulld big Company," consisting of water-ditches, rei-ervolrs, milling elalins, etc. And It ap pearing by ullidavit that you aro a non-resident of our said Statu, having property therein ; that suid suit arises on contract over "liich said Court has jurisdiction, and itha viiigbecn ordered by ourtaid Court that notice herein bo served on you by publica tion : You are, therefore, hereby uotllled that unless you appear In our Ciicuit Court, iu tho county of Josephine, in snid State, on thu 2(ith day of Ootober, A. D. 18011, and answer thu said complaint, thu sainu will bu taken for confessed, and thu prayer thereof will bu granted by thu Court. Witness, lion. 1 P. Prim, Judge- of thu Circuit Court. Attest GUSTAF WILSON, Clerk. II. L. 1'iiKSTON, Sol'r for Compl't. Dated May, IS. 18ii!t. ina.v20-wlt T III-! undersigned glvu notlco that from and after thu lirst day of Juno next, thoy will ehargu twunty-llvu cents per ton on all goods left lu fctore, wliiuh nro subject to orders. DUGAN & WALL. Crescent City, April at), 18fi. nmytltf LOGICS Diflerent styles, good time- j pieces, to bo had at tho October 2-1. VARIETY STORE. NEW TO-DAY. 'IE6!PIE's 1 ATMf LINE, CONNECTING CALIFORNIA and NEW YORK. VIA NICARAGUA. 750 Miles Shorter than Panama Route The fast and favorite double-engine Steamer MOSES TAYLOR, J. II. BLETIIEN COMMANDER,. Will be despatched for SAN JUAN BEL SUR, MOM MISHION HHtCKT WIIAlIf, SAN MANCISt'O, At 0 o'clock, A. 31., ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 18IKI, Connecting at Greytown with the splen did steamship .....-. . AMERICA, S, GOO TonH. Itriltirtit llntr of Pimmcm nmt Uulclt Trips are secured by thu reopening of thu Theu steamers am unsurpassed for speed, cleanliness and safety, and every ell'ort will be mndu to secure thu comfort of yawn gers. A man of experience will be sent ouench steamer to tnku ehargu of the baggage uud of ladies who may be traveling alone. Fur further lul'oi million apply to I. K. ltOiircitTS. Agent, No. IllT.Wushiiig on si., Sin Finn dsco, uiuyZOlri Oppositu luu Po.-tOllfoc. CHEAP FOB CASK MAX 1OTLLER, . AT TIIK BRICK STORE, Corner of Oregon und Main Streets, JncIiHnuvillo, m just received nn addition to his ormer Inrgu unit well t-uiccieu aiooK ui FANOY, STAPLE fit SUMMER DEYG-OODS OEiOTECIKTG-, BOOTS AND SHOES, Groceries, Liquors, Cutlery, Crockery, Mining Tools, All at Reduced Prices. ONR nnd ALL nro Invited to fa vor him with a call, as It costs noth ing to show iroods, and it is a plen um to sull them at prices fco low that none can complain. 3Hg!iKt Price Paid for Pro duce in Kxcltnngu for Goods. The Clugnee Land Title. T1IR Government having llnally confirm ed tho title of Jiune.s Clugago to the laud claimed by him, under thu Donation Act, and issued a Patent therefor, embracing nearly all (ho lots In tho town of Jackson ville, thin notlco is made to all tho-o resid ing on lots who havu not yet obtained nny illlo from Mr. Clugago, that ho will uufurco his claim. Thosu desiring a good title, ono which will savu all lawsuitH hereafter, may obtain thu same, at such prices uud upon such terms as may bo agreed upon, by call ing upon thu undersigned. Tenants of all thosu who havu no titlu aru requested to niaku arrangements, to pay tho vent to Mr. Clugnge. I havu prepared a map of that part of tlio town lying within tho Clugago claim, showing tho lots to which there- aro good titles, tho persons to whom thu titles were made, so that thoso desiring can exam ine thu sumo for themselves. J. GASTON, Attorney for Clugnge. May. U. 18fi!). mayl(i-s F LOUR AND PRODUCE taken in ex change for Merchandise, nt July 1U.-27 MAX MULLIWS. BRADBURY & WADE. JAGkSOXVlLLE, -IIIIAt.KIW t.V- DRY GOODS, CLOTI-II3STGK BOOTS & SHOES, TASTCY GOODS, IXA.T3 JA.XCTX3 O.A.2Pi GROCERIES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, IjxuLo:rs, Tobacco & Segars, PRODUCE, HARD WAKE. GLASSWARE. QUKMNSWAUE. WOODEN WAlltiy MINERS' TOOLS, All of which will be sold nt low prices,, for OAair.orduirublo I'HODUCti. BRADBURY & WADE ARE NOW RECEIVING A Largo & 'Well-Selected STOCK OP Spring & Sumner NEW STYLES 1RESS AND Millinery Goods Fancy and Staple CARPETING, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, MEN AND BOYS' Spring & Summer CLOTI-IIN"G-, HATS AND CAPS! AND ALSO A Fine Assortment of Ladies, Men and Boys' Boots and Shoes ! OUR PHffiXIX AND ASIILAXI XXOIIMCM Will be supplied with n Cood Asssortmci: -or- STAPLE AND MM GOODi Which will bo sold nt JACKSONVILLE PRICES. THlOTOGUAPir ALBUMS at 4" "i A iHA1IuuY,WAi)i?a1 SAX FltANCISCO Woolen Mills- i Blankets, Ovcrhirtn nnd Army Chli, at HUADUUUYAsWADK'S ' STATIONERY k BLANK UOOS nt BRADBURY & W A UK'H FINE CIGARS AND TOBACCO ut BRADBURY k WADE'S- w iC a vii wir.nuv wun 'V WY" ""'' " V"Y." ' "" III JSKAIMSUUY iV WAIUVS. I INK TEAS nt BRADBURY & WADE'S F' MILV GROCERIES nt BRADBURY & WADE ' i