Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, May 20, 1863, Image 1

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If, t ' p$
-rw-r.-Tr- i.. Vi-s- iTKi-n vr.-wj' .-:jrtwr-rfii.uiin-!WT mi
nr?KrwNrf.'in- w !
- i-.'Li'iw"aTt r- iti-ffirfrw.f-( i-ur.-i.
rartmtzJZ2trirjt -t
Ije (ffirejpm
I. 0. 0. F. JaCKHO.VVII.I.K LoilflK No.
10, holds Its regular meetlnge every SA2'-
WW AY JSVEXWff, nt the Mnsonlc lluill
(Court House building), ut ' 'O'clock.
Druthers in good landing are cordially
Invited lu attend. m?ah. M. Sa-rox. N. G.
Oko. II. Doiiiiih. It. Hce'y.
Warron Lodge No, 10. A. f . & A. M.
Jk iHOLI) their regular comraunl
HgfcntloiiH (lie Wednesday "Evenings on
ror preceding tliu 1'iiUiIiiknii, In uaok
imo.vvii.u:, oiiwion.
ir.iii.ooM. scc'n.
.. O F-
"Will lictld ItM regular coiciunnicutions on the
I-'li-nt MntMi-ilnf'Kvi-. ot'K very Mouth,
All sojourning Companions In jotd
'(landing ato cordially invited to attend.
L. Pahis. Soc'y. lccH:47
'Olllco with II. F. Rowcll. Km., Third street,
Will promptly altend to any legal
tiiisfiii'.-'.x cMtimiil U'tl to hie cure.
'Office in Snil inel huililing,
.Jackson vim.k, Oiikcon.
,vm. iioitiiitt. .ia.mk.s j). i'a.v.
jsjv iiAvtr,
J.'lSONVII;r.K, Oiikuon,
Will practice in Ihu Supremo and other
.Cmirls of rliln Stale- March -I. 'IMJ
WILL practice In life several Courts of
Ihe First Judical District, and in Ihu
'Supreme Court. Oclolier 'JO. 'Ii2.
J:ckso.wi M.K, OlIKHOK.
Will practice In all Ihu Courts ol'tho Third
.Judicial District, Ihe Supremo Count of Ore
gon, anil I u Yruka, Cal. War Scrip
ijv collected.
Oct. IK.
Dnii's Jfcirhcr Shop.
Rctwccn llrndhury it Wade's and 1-11 Dorado
Saloon, Culiforiiiatrcet.
SHAVING. lIalr-ciiltlng,Shumpoolng, Cur
ling and Hair Dyeing, (n .hand and lor
sn'e. a geiiuiuo nrtlelu ot rish'n Uaiu Rks
toiiativk. mid Crlnlartorn'H'Ajrtsior ilnir Ihjt
Js prepared to 'take pictures in every plylo
nt' the art, wilh all the late ituproveiueulH.
If Pictures do not give (-attraction, no
charges will he made. Call at hN new Gal
lery, on the hill, examiuu his pictures, and
nil Vor your likeness.
"IVnlcliiiiulcvr and Jeweler,
Keeps constantly on hand a
line assortment of Clocks and
..Ikwhuiv. which liu rillo'.v fur
halo ut very low prices, fur a
cash. RKl'AlKlNG-Clocks.A
Watches and J owtdry repaired wilh prompt
ness and warranted. Shop on California
street, two doors wot of Lovo & Uilgor's.
Jacksonville, July 5!(i: '-'S
- I'ltAOTIPAF. -
I'AIMilMtULKli, anil
JJIunk-lloolt Mnmil'ncturcr.
,517 Chy and 514 Commercial etrceti.,
hetween Moutu'niery and Hansomo.
S5jlllndiug of eviry description neatly
v' ocuted ; lllank Doukh ruled and Doiind to
any detfred pattern. 24:y
P. H. LYNCH, Prop'r.
Corner Calilbrniu and Oregon Streets.
'The- Proprietor lias just rccei-vod from.San
FranolFco a choice niortnicut of lino
Wines, Liquors, Cigars,
jrCrM)roji In nnd lost them. D.c. 10.
AY UP. All llioso indebted In mo
hv notes or hook aceoiinls, will please
cull and settle iiiimediulely, or their no
counts or iitct will be handed to my at'
tomey fo. colleotion, II, ULOOM.
Murch 18. 18'"!.
IIKMIV IEN1,IXJKH, J'nli'i- unit Proifr
iSnisciiiiTiox One year. In advance, Five
Dollarp; Slxtaouths, Throe Dollars.
Aiivkiitihinh Ouu Hiimie (10 lines or
lew). Iti'Ht iiiFertiou, Tliree Dollars ; e.uch
fuh'tiqiient Insertion. One Dollar. A dis
count of -fifty percent will hu made to tlio.-u
who -Advertise hy the year.
Ily application to l'olinnti!r! nnd Mall
Carriers, you ran learn that IhuSeml-weekly
Oiikiio.v Skntinki. Inn hy far a larger clmi
latlon in the coiiulles of Southern Oregon
and Del Norte county. California, than any
other puper. This IUe4 should cnmmciul Ihe
Skstixki. to you as a eupciior mediutn for
Likt or AoKMti, .who arc Authorized to
transact any huslnes concerning thin pa
per, in M'.o.imnio of tlie puhllsher :
L. I'.iFiiMhcr, Sun Francisco; Wadworth
'& Itiivnco, Yreka; IJiier Hiury, Ashland; S.
O. Taylor, IMklmiIn; XV. W. Fowler. Apple
gate; It. S. Dunlap. WilllamOiurg; John It.
I'riudle.lCerhyvllh'.: A. II. MclUnlii. Waldo;
It. J. Foihes, Waldo; H'.r.. M. Hvans. Att
house: Joel Thorn, (Janyouville: A. K.
Flint. Itoehurg: I-nae,'U. Mooren, Salem; J.
11. Underwood, Kugenc Cily: F. Clinrinan.
Oregon City; I). W. Wakelleld, Alhmiy;
lloniamtn Cook, Corvallis; .1. II. Smith,
Credent City; Albert Doollttle, Happy
ti:i.k(iiiai'Iikito viiiika ion tub hkntincl.
SuHiiiIuy NiSit'H Disimtvli.
Washington, l-'l Mi. (Jen. Lee lino toned
a general order, ttunouncing the death o
Svonewall Jac-kfon, who e;:pircd ou the
l'hilailelpliin. Mill. A ppccinl to Hie
KmHirer says Yalhtndinghain was convic
ted r the cliargrs aL'aint him, and sen
tencfd to Torhigas until the close of the
war. llitrnside approved tho scirlcuce.
New Ynik, Mlh. The Exprcs under
rtanil.s that MrtClcllun, lnt week, pent u re
quest to tin President lo cither except bis
resignation or -place him inactive service.
Ittimor f:yn that the President stated tbirt
Ihe nciive fen'ice of McClelluu would be
rc(piirel at nu early day.
"Washington. Mill. A pontlrimin from
Itlelunond says there are indications of u
movement. The censorship over telegraph
ic reports, instead of being removed, lias,
if possible, become more stringent.
Stoncmnu h ut the hcitdipmrtcrs of the
Army of tho Potomac.
Tho World's correspondent b tales tho in
dications are that the enemy is swinging
around to his left on 1 ho Gordonsvillo mid
Richmond ISailroad. with his rignt resting
on the Kredorieksbnig nnd Richmond
road, at Rowling (reen. protecting the'ing. Tho rebel papers say that ihe steam
upper end or the triangle lormcd uy these
roads nt tllannver Jtuction.
Ajipenl of 7th says Grant proceeded to
wards Port Gibson, with main body of his
army, mid tliut ho is throwing up intrench
incuts. Tho Richmond Dispatch says communi
cations by railsoftil has been re-established
with Fredericksburg.
Tho following is a summary of the dis
patch of Sunday night :
The rebel stcamor Cherokee was captur
es by tho bloekuding squadron, oil' Charles
ton,.on the 8th. Tho Pulmer cotton mills,
Mass., wcro destroyed by fire, on the 10th
loss $150,000. (Jen. Curtis has been
relieved of the command of tho Depart
ment of Missouri. Gen. Scliolleld suc
ceeds him. Richmond papers of tho llllh,
say "that the Yankees are -very active ubout
Charleston. Thoy have built formidable
butteries on Folly Island, bearing on .the
southern extremity of Morris lelutul.
They are fortify in,
beaoroolc island, nnd
tho iron-clads nnd transports are in that
.vicinity. A dimoulty .occurred nt 'Camp I
SpiagueOII thcL'ltll. 'OlIO mull WfiS killed,
se.vural wounded and twenty-eight nrrested.
k'yu general order, just issued,, nil icbels
delivered at Cbly Point up lo May Clh,
and all captured anil pato'el in Virginia
or North Carolina up to May 1st, are de
clared duly exchanged. The New Yoik
7VJM says tho President received from the
hcudf'iiurters of tho Auny of tho Potomac,
an original letter from Jeff. Davis, written
lo one of his Colonels, in which ho speaks
gloomily of affairs in tho Southwest and
Yirginiu. Tho French, up to tho 21st of
April, had not obtuined possession of Pu-
eblti. Jumoinfort litul been reinforceil,
and was hIioiiI to take llie ollensive. The
Mexicans exhibited the most desperate
courage. Tho Richmond Sentinel, ol the
12th. says that thu Xalcher. Courier pre
tends to have information that Ivirby
Smith had beaten Dunks' forces in Louis
una. The Atlanta Conjedemcij says that
the right flank of Rragg's tinny rests on
McMiuville. The line extends westward
ihiough Winchester. Shelliyvilli! and (Jo
lumbia. forui'tig the arc of a large circle,
lie reviewed and advanced his Alabama
troops on the 11 th. Rebel papers, of the
lOlb of April, say that Ranks toned un
order at New Orleans, requiring all regis
tered icbels to take the oath of allegiance
before the 1st of .May, or prepare to leave
before the Ifilii. Dispatcher; from Grant
have been received at Washington up to
the 8th, which express his satisfaction nt
the nppeaiuneo of thing? in his vicinity,
and slate Ihal Port Hudson had undoubt
edly been evacuated, except hy a small gar
rison and the heavy artillery. The Spring
Held Journal says that Itos, Steele fc Go.
contracted to 'build A'iII miles of Ihe
Pneillc luilroad. All of ihe same being
in Kansas, beyond which the Union Paci
fic railroad policy commences. Jt Is in
tended to have forty miles opened this year.
The nails, spikes, mils, etc. have nliViidy
been purchased, and ihe work will be pu-di-cd
foiwanl witli vigor. Hilton I lead news
of the Kith, says that the iron-elads have
been thoroughly repaired, and nil injuries
remidied. It is generally believed that the
l:Vincli guns will be lejilueed by lho of
smaller bore. A .coining parly found no
rebels in lot ce nt lieshurg on" the 3 stilt.
A skirmish with u few rebel cavalry at
Warrington, resulted in killing one and
wounding several others, our los was three
wounded! The last of our wounded on the
other side ol Rhappahannoek have been
brought over. They received as good care
while they remained with the enemy as
cou'd 1)0 expected. Our surgeons have
been with them ever since Hooker came
ovor this side. The medical stores Font
over by suggestion of Gen. I'c wore tnken
possession of by the rebels, but were dealt
oe.l on ifiu rcniiihitiou of our surgeons.
The dead of both r.rmies have been buried '
The evidence in Gen. Rucl's. case has ar
rived ut Washington. There is reasons to
believe that the fimliiiir of tho court will
show thai the President had ample reasons'
,lor removing Duel, -and that lie erred in
not i cmoving him sooner. Hooker was in
Washington on the loth, had an interview
with the President, ami returned nt night.
The MorA7 says that rumor ha it that
he retains his position unaided by Halleck,
for another advance whenever it shall be
arranged. The rebels report that 1 1 of
Grants cavalry entered and burnt Crystal
Springs on the lfiih. The 1'ederals are ra
iiilbrciug ut Swollen Springs, nnd Grant
will probably advance east., mid not direct
on V icktiburg so say rebel reports.
A barge loaded Willi eonl ran ihe Yicks
burg batteries, on the night of tho lfllh.
Tho Federal fleet above llioicilv i inereas-
er Jiritlnmy loaded witli merchandise, ran
I blockade oil' Charleston, on tho lUili. The
'steamer Norman, which started witli her.
! had not been heard from. The Jliclnnnnil
Eiupiiicr has savage artieleit on Rune-ides
.mid his order eonoeriiintr spies and traitors.
and condoles wilh Yallandingham over his
situation. The properly of ebels absent in
the Confederate Army is rapidly being con
fiscated in the Distriet of Columbia. Reb
el papers contain an account of skirmish
ing on the Rig Riack in Tennessee.
Monday Night's Dispatch.
Louisville, lCih. On Wednesday evening-
n parly of mounted rebels mulching'
on Franklin. Ky., for tho purpose of at
tacking an up train, wcro met by u detach
ment of Federals, and routed, with a loss
of fivo killed mid a number captured.
Col. Jacobs, in tho fiirbt on Sunday last
with the rebels, on the Cumberland, lost
12 men, including Ihrco officers. Oupt.
Chcnalb, with several other rebel officers,
nnd JJ8 privates were killed and taken pris
oners. Gen. John Morgan was in com-'
maud with nine regiments, in all, an aggre
gate of .4,000, which an still on the eniith
sido of the Cumberland. Only small
sqaadrt -have crossed at difU-rcut points.
Col. Jacobs' force consisted ol two regi-
mcts mid has probably defeated Georgit
m-nnnsed i-uld into KVntnekv. Col. G
rlani nt Glasgow, 'killed several rebels and,
j drove 200 lo the outh sid' of 'the Cum-
berland on Wednesday. There is now n
considerable I'orco of rebels on the south
sido of that river.
New York, Kith. The Post of last even
ning says that a serious disucirement ex
ists between Hulleck and Hooker. It is
positively slated 1 lint Hooker's new ma
neuvers, phi nued beforo ho left the south
side of the Rappnlmnnock, have been coun
termanded by Halleck.
The Steamer Ocean Queen, from Aspiu
wall, brimrs 88015.001) in lreanre, mid
about !7 of the cavalry for Massachusetts.
Richmond papers say there is no doubt
bat that Stonewall Jackson's wounds were
inflicted by mistake of his own nil. He.
received three balls in his left arm mid
hand. This occurred afier dark, on Satur
day, he having given orders lo fire on any
thing coming' up the road before ho le'ft
the lines, mid on seeing Federal f-kinuishcrs
heroic him, hu turned to retreat und was
shot by his own men. Ifis fuuerul was
largely nltcnded. Davis and tho rebel
Cabinet were present. If in 'body w8 sent
lo Lexington, and a xtatuo is to be elected
in the rebel capital.
Malamorns dales to the 18th of April
have been received. It is .understood that
Ihe schooners (ion. Pinekuey mid West
Florida lire fitting out us privateers at
Rra.os, nnd nre only awaiting crews.
Gen. McCrudcr Las been nt Rrnwnrille
for some weeks. The sloop fipwiug hud
been seized on the Uio Grnnda by rebel
authorities. She wiw from New York
with a valuable cargo.
A Washington letter to the Commercial
f:ivs It is certain tlmt the Army of Ihe
Potomac lost a large number of prisoners
and missing, und Unit its dead would ex
ceed the number in ihe urmy reports here
tofore published. 'Flint it left on thcfouth
bank of the Rappahannock 24 pieces of
artillery, a quantity ol nrnn und uinmuni
tion, and that the mijority of the army
officers desire n new commander. Hooker
probably informed thu President (hat he
would resign if the step was thought nec
essary by the Government.
Wusliiugton, lfith. The Richmond pa
pnrs have n telegram, dated Tullnhoma,
12th, which says that the scouts from the
front report l ho removal of the enemy's
baggage to the rear of Nashville. All
quiet in (rout.
WiiR'iington. lfiih. The Ennnirtr suys
live or sis transports had lauded troops at
West Point, ou ihe l.'ltli, who are throw
ing up inirenchmeuts across trom Ihu Mut
aliomy to the Pamunkey river. From the
fact that a number of officers and men
daily r.rrive from the Rappahannock to get
leave of absence to go home, it is regarded
as tin indication that the army will not
move nt present.
An official dispatch from Paducuh, Ivy.,
to-day, says that on the night of the 12th,
50 men of the 1st Tennessee cavahy were
taken ip the ''eunes-eu river on gunboats,
mid lauded at Rrcckiuridge. They durlicd
across the jouutry to Lindnii, surprised
a rebel force twieo their number, killed
three, captured a Lieutenant Col., six other
olfieers. .'10 privates mid 10 conscripts,, n
lot of horses, arms, etc., mid burned the
court house, which was the rebel depot,
with a quantity of army supplies. We
lost no tiii-u.
Cincinnati, lfiih. The application made
lo Judge Tevit to tone u writ of 'Imlieas
cnrpui two days since, has been refused.
The report from Washington that Valinn
dinghaui is to bo sent south is not credited
here. It is 'understood that Burnsirte will
announce .what disposition is to bo made of
Thursday' New York TrilHne crili
nises very severely the operations of Gen.
Stoneman, paying tho damage inflicted on
the enemy is so slight as to linvc caused
I lie rebels no inconvenience, tin conclusion
it says, It is idle to deny that tho cam
palgn of Gen. Hooker, which bi'gan au
spiciously, has cntne to a .premature und
inefr dual end. His losses tire considera
bly heavier than publN'ned, and the esti
mate will not amount to less than 17,000
killed, wotinded and missing. Tho nctiuil
per cent, returned tweeds 17.000, but rimy
he n little reduced. To is said to nihnit
a loss of 18,000. which is far greater Uian
ours, in proportion to tho strength of his
army. Gen. Hooker's army still largely
outnumbers thu rebel forces, nnd is unde
niably in good spirits nnd condition..
Tuesday Night jb Dispatch.
New York, 17th Tho TimeU Army
correspondent says Stuart is for the pres
ent in command "of Jackson's corps, which
consists of four full divisions of 15,000
Washington. 17th. It is ascertained
from a gentleman who bns returned from
the Army of the "Potomac, that Hooker
seems highly gratified with his visit to the
Pres'ilent. Tho river ft out of the enemy
has been rcconiiriitered. nnd the discovery
made, that, during Ihe night of tho 14th,
they throw up new nnd extensive works
nloiig the right of Hill, in tho rear of Fred
ericksburg. It is reported to Ony-.tliat every soldier
now in dctuseryipo, in und mound )Vash-
ingtnn, Rultimnrc and on the railroad of
Virginia and Maryland will be fowurded to
I looker's command, mid their places suppli
ed by Pennsylvania millitia, which force, it
is said, has been laudul by Gov. Curtln.
The Marshal of the DIstilct of Columbia
ha seized, under Ihe roaliseatlon Act. the
real and peisonnl eslntu of Capt. J. W.
Maltilt, commander of tho rebel privateer.
Murfrceshoro, 17tli. .Inckson. Mto.. Is In
pompsion of Ihe enemy. Wo fought them
all day, hut could not hold the city.
New York. 17th. The steamer. George
Washington, from New Orleans, with dales
loftke 10th, has arrived. An Appidosn let
ter, of tho Mil, states that details of tin
capture of Fort Gibson have been received
from Grand Gulf.
Tim cuvalry raid of Col. Gretoon caused
hundreds of limllles to leave the interior of
the State. The damage done hv Ibis, raid i
Incalcuablt. Grcltj.on has arrived ut New
Quite an excitement occurred on the
evening of the 7th. at tho opera, occasioned
by the audience demanding that the nation
al air should bu played, but uotliing serious
Admiral Farragut arrived at Now Or
leans on the Dili, from J)ruhcr City, with
(lie important Intelligence that Alexandria
was captured on the dth, hy Admiral Porter,
Prior (o this capture. Fort Dutuuey. ou
I'ctl river. va demolished by (he ves-ols of
Farragut's. One of the rebel gunboats was
captured after tho capture of tho town. The
advance cavalry or Gen. Dwlghl dashed In
to the town, forming ti junction between
Purugnt's and Hanks' forces. Appalcusas
dates to the (till, slate our nrtey on Ihe
march, llatou Kongo letter of '2d states
tliut (ii'lestoii's force, consisting of olli and
7ih Illinois cavalry, wilh a largo number
of prisoners, returned to that city ou that
day. They lull Lagrange. T.enn., on the
liiih of April. The destruction of property
by them was greater than uccouiitri given1
by the rebels, which were mentioned in (lie
previous dispatches. Near Clinton, near
the Louisiana Hue. they destroyed a rebel
camp, und captured 15(10 prisoners. They
crossed Armilo river. 10 miles from Datou
Kongo, ou the morning of Ihe 1st, nnd cap
tured ti rebel picket. of Kit) men with horses.
IJvery railroad in Mississippi was cut hv
them. They supplied themselves with fresh
horses ou the road, ami hroughl in over
contrabands ou booc.
Goi.i) and Rkai. F.fTATi). At Inst 1h
inconii of tho Government, equals, ir it does
not exceed, its cxpemli'.ures. The duties
on ciwtouw, the intci'Mil-tax. and stamp du?
lies produce mi incor.ie. of over two millions,
u day, mtd more tlt-m equal to tho entire
current expenditure of tho GoTermnent.
I'icnce-tlic fall in the prico of gold, and the
decline in the value, of rt-ul estate.
The present nqtcnt of our financial affairs
ir, entirely unprecedented, und is the best
proof that cou'd bo afforded of the ii'.ex-
juuislible resources of the country. The
most that lvu'.rlnnil pretend to do is. to
pay the interest on her imtioonl debt, while
the Unite. Slates is now in command of u
revenuu tquul to the immense expenditures
going o'i, nnd which would ay oT all the
indebtedness we have incurred in a few
years, if tho drain, consequent on tho exis
tence of hostilities, was uuded, us it soot:
will be.
". ho notion of Secretary Chase in provid
iiu, for the withdrawal of pnrplus, Goverp
ii'ont pu)er from circulation has aided to
ivduce the premium on gold. Tho opposite,
policy had much to do with the depreciation
of Government tones, nnd its n'oandonment
litis ulrcndy produced good, wholesome re
sults. Wohnvu only lo present n united
front to rho enemy, and urgo the Govern
ment to makou fitting use of tho great ener
gies of the North now nt its disposal, and
(he end of tho Rebellion cannot be fur oil
Kosix'kan's. The following' is nnen pnr
trntnre of the ever victorious commander
of tho Army of tho Ournberland, by a cor
respondent of the Tribune :
Of conrso I was interested in tho looks anil
lwaring of our only General-who has actual
Iv demonstrated bevond cavil his capacity
to lmndlo a great army in the field ; to bripg
victory out ot disaster, tjcncral Kosccrun.3
is an erect, solid man of 175 pounds weight,
whoso 43 years sit lightly on his face and
frame. He lias u clear, mild blue eye,
which liclitij un under excitement until it
cm (lash fire ; an intensified Roman noso;
high cheek hones; ruddy complexion;
mouth and chin hidden under dark mustache
and whiskers, untouched by tho ra::or ; hair
a shade or two lighter, with a.few threads of
silver, and crowing thin on tho edges ol inu-
high, fall but not broad forehead. In con
vnrsiition his fucu is illumined bv a necnli-
nrly winning snrle, nnd an cyo shining wit
mirth. As Hamlet would tuko the ghpstL-s
word for a thousand nnumh. so vou would.
trust that face, in a stranger, nslhnrotighV
truo lull ol character, and rcserveil pow .
His talk is like it: direct, frank, overflow,,
ing Awith bumpr, pr strpjig in qmphasi