Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, May 02, 1863, Image 2

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    llMlti lllrrMn CflMlHllH 'AV ,,,KV ''nTV, The children of the bill.i or cmltt, nml poor Poddy bus scmlbly who give support to treason, will lie
JUUI-IUUIIUJ HUUUU. jHC(.vjtl si!mlli School, together felt the want nf such n law by the lns nf recreant tn the faith nf their falhcM iho-r
wiih iluir teacher uiiil n large number of tnillioin nf dollar by s whittling corpora-1 wonderful men, who. with axe In one Imm!
their p.iri'iit, curly on May Day morning thin. Ittc iliconnt mi iiumI of their paper I nnd rifle In the other, fought mid hewed
nKilred to the grove nbont one miles north- mid the llnod of Xi-hrakn liin-platcr their troy from ihc Allrcjinnles tn the Ml
west from town, and wnt the day In 'ilmt imimliled the Wet. Where i the .llppl. Inying the fimtiilittinn nf Slate nf
p'ttiMiit recreiiiiun. An ample rep.Ht commercial country or Ilurope that ct-ts ier Hiule. uuw ini-mliHM of the Federal
tu oprrud ut iiniin. In the shade of some iihins wlih gold utid silver iilimvti u kni I'iiIiiii, iM'iiiiii- W'th mlllmi nf free
Kprmdint: ok. utid H merit duly le-titd nl credit? own. mid iinpuriill.-h-il fiir fiiiiifulm-M. pro-
A flue udilri'M win nude ly tlie Uev. Mr. f not jnch n Inillnciimtlon proved to Ik- pt-ritv nml lutiim-". fltiiKH.NU.
Siurr in tlie ufieriioon, mid listt-tied to !y prcpiHtrrmu, him! wm not the lutmeii-e 1 Apphfrate, April 27th.
ill with plniiire. A few umurk were number trf mudirnon bank that sprnti,
W'iiolowalo cs Xtotn.ll
f.l . IM IN'-.
U.MH.V, A (tOVKNNUI'r rmtTiit: winiu: in
imwiwmiii.k '' ir.fAi.iy.n
nude hy Mr. 0. Jacob. The younger In every Sintc, n sufficient njuuinent i
children cwti.ed In the exercise of the for the need of u onnd national rnrrency '
day hugely the older one seemed to re- that would lic"n enrol n wheat" In nny CIT?CL Hi All.
mctnbtr their youth again. Amid the' part of the United Suite, mid which would IlRjiit-QruiTKtM nmtrniKvr or IVine. )
i "... ..r -i.ii.ii . ... .. l'miviwT t ukihi.'m Omi-K.
merry iminceui spum, m cniiiiiiuon, niuii- mciiMiramy have wenrcti ine wnrKin? mini
imtNiV ntiMrri! brow unbemN. urn! memo- aniint los hv eonnierfeltin, mid main-
HAY 2. ISC1.
Mo.xtiii.v Mntkk at CAr lUuiin.
Thursday la.t wus tlw reuulur monthly
mutter day at Camp Puker. The day
opening with fine weather, und tlw roads
lietng In cood condition, number of citi
zens avnltcd lhemelve of the inviting np
Mrliinlly to viit the C'ump and witneiu
the exercise. We were of the puny who
secured Clugagc ,t Dram's fan horse for
the ncaitloii. Arriving nt Camp at nbniit
ten o'clock, after n tklightlul drive, ne
found tlie cnnixiny on tire parade ground.
Wine; put through tlw Infantry drill by
Captain Kelly. A goodly number nf hi-
tlls, gentlemen nml inuntry, from Pluvnix
lm coiinntfil to give one more of their
irmml iircinenaile und ulft cntertniumenl
Jb JL.VJX u X J KJ kj i. J n ,
I'rmvinT Mmi'iivi.V (InirK.
,mh f'ranrwm April !. ISlin.
i Qur ltlMlhlr..-iil.im tr Vittnnhu.rtvliri I '
ry lideknuril rmw nnd revel in the port tnined ll par vnlne. The Southern wing Imvc di-'i'rti-d. or nlxenlnl them-i-lvi-" from '
urn! j-yK of youth ugnin. I viu nto nver- tn the (Jovernment im lh-lrcomi.iiil.i.orrclm.-nlwllliimt Iwive:
. ,,, t ,i .i i ii i i i .1 "I" opportunity l now nflnrdid you
Tiik (!u IImiwkr. This Company c ' ' lc " ' ",,l'""ouin, tn tt.,,,P , ,. ,ll!n MMm tll ymr. ,
nun niuiinrKi in in-"n irm in our ix-onie '-ivn, nun inun j-nur iiiiniin nnu irn-iiu
In vcetn anil oinrm rnrtliPWdntfirim.n! ""'"f JJ' n-pniwh rnnrfuml iihmi PAINTS, OILS, GLASS.
ittirriiir fin rtuw ijtifit nm fii ittini rt m . .i.... .
hi.cv,nlg. Aepronounce I.N theup m mcntrrnm flr m rT(; j,,,, , , ,,, p,B(H ,
InlerMthip mid InMructmg exhibition Hint ' .' liN proclnmallnn. iltltil Mnrrli III. IMHi.1
for a """""" '"' " "" " 'Bfr.H. on,ini , rr.,lir y(1 , h ,,rvIof, .,
llroni to the i iiuiiMnn-Mit. except rorrelhire or imv iliir ' 0 film ttl As Xlitvwc
Ine your itlnenee. provided yon reiHirtymir-1 . w(,8,uul
ilvi on or l'fiire the It of Jum nc.xt. '
It l knnu'ii Ilmt tunny of you In llni--' ni. nD AHI lMT
wiv Imliifiil In divert the erviee. with tin- r KUUUOfc.,
. I, ,!. I, .1.1 fl..t I.I. .. ,f Idtlltll
. , '.. ,ii,. ., "I Improremrnt of nl I, u nil
number of yearn. I he principal lintnrc or .' ,
.. i hi i .i . .! t 1 nelfic, nn ilefiiitnl nt r
UK' I'Tllllll 1VIII IK UK iriTVIHUII1lll III u
biiiutilul llawer buket lo the wrimn who
following problvin
very Miuinn.
Am! yi't mrnln. the fame .Southern whip
ntlMll.tltl nllmti,.ul tn Mh.u.l .I.m lT.l.t.
1. .1 r II I. . . I. . . . 1, It mint'.li. II, . IIUMfl III ll'l-.,! H' lllll
o'nMHieiiw .np finiuirm -v p .. , ,r lmr.lv fldiorn.en nf ll.o vain ho,..-ornwkinit your fort M-edllr
V V.'V T I. 0 (S W W H T M T K 0 T ". "" ',",'" ,hf lmr ' '"" r '" " "' "l In Hi.- miniw, nml have often ,!. SmriI ' IIJ
A & V r I A t M T 0 O T C STT W ' V 'n!r,,1n' cn,,, m"' '""" w,""c rn,,1 to return to duty In Urn nrny.
, , .... ',. .' . .. ... , , . the nation lm maiulr In look fur rennrn It l U'llevnl'llml rinee 'tiwon nmTr'
II A II .V Iucli letter Ii the In-ginning MUm ,WVtl ,vilhri, tir 0I1C1. lmp y ftltin.!
of a word. After the exhibition there will """"" "' iinirwir, un. Men. ,ry ( M (i himm of clr 'wiri ,,,, ,
be a lociul dance P 7 ' drenolHil tlie land In Mood, evil illipied
jHiiros If thev Imil enlereil Into n vte ieriin tmltont In the euUe of frleuiln
ltRTrnNn,.-Mr. L. Suc'h. rr'nirncl to ' molle combination to l. k down .he pro- Z tfc' W l Xtv
.... .. . .. . . I . - . .... .. .... ... . ' ...... .... ....V ... ....Ml
nnu vicimiy, were in grnflp otMiiy luenteU liM linme in our towii.trom San I-roncwcii, , pev "' 'fee binit. nml iirmg the nenln nrniiml tltiit ll.ttr ( your num.
under lwde trew, viewiiig with Inierwt in-' brintting the liet (jlft in the providence of , non-slnrelinldrw of the flave Stnlw Into 'r' ' maintnliilne the piiipn-ni.iey of It
tent the nwnoiUTeriiv of the troop-. Our (Jod-n good wife. lie .uy their are mnrc o condition oU-rfr, nml rpvtw nil tli. ' .TV'i'II'mcI" ml vv lo"3y.Vr '!"m- .1'
jwrly ncre iimii comforlHlily ifnlfd in of the nunc lort In " I'rlceo." letV princljile f ir which Ihe" lii-cliirultnn of vnllon Hint the em-mle of yoor country
front nf tlie Captain" rpiarlerj, with u cmicrate. . Imlepemicnce" wn nmile nml the war of "" ,.v""r 'ren im,
.'oimI view of nil the groumli. .
The vurloui movcnii'nl.i in the comnanv ' Knrni Ililicriilti.
. .. . .... .. ". I. .!,-.., !...-.... .
In CongrcM. when iJecember cliUM have nkin. q Ihe nr pfut nil, a ,t muiikiud, hold. "-, '"" ,V."K" ' "'A '" . "'"1"i-'''',-rnmA
!,. t i . . i .ii ymi will lHiln-tPieliil in wjnmiyiiii may u-
cnmc . Ini' 0 cnmmin in to inluti- the limnnii ,i iii' hi t niviiin '
All of which will be mid nt low prlcw,
fur CASII.ordwiruble 1'ilOIH'CK.
drill were verjr quickly, neatly and prvdtly
I'.xeenlinl, ami the plenmroof lbepoctaiori
wb evinced by milling countenance and
e.xcJmmitloM of iiiliiilriitlon. The more ex
alting and fatiguing fkirmbli drill, though
ncMarlty Ie prvci-, was executed with
nidi activity uml in n urittmatlc n imin
tier ot to clearly hon- Ilmt eneh nflker and
private well tiiHk-rntooil tlw dut reipiiml
ii! - i.. ,.. .. .
the Ilevohitlon fought. linpIo.Mly wttlne lln-cmnmnmllng i.nieer or the nenre-l mill.
I Ihemu'lvM up, throuL'h the cidor of their . lary pot. or to nuy recruit us offfeer : or
The negro, through his nwner, teemed at ;
Wlmt matterwl It that national want ilinuld
Till Town!" and Wlgfall purged tliern'olvef
of lavc.
A cnmKil.ito for pwfcer endorsed lhe"Hl-
per book.'
To inuku room for VA IL STOCKS.
Lieut. Colonel t . S. A.
1'nivixt Mnrtlud.
1 ! nice of n darker eo'or, Ihouuh the latter
I outnumber the former, on the surface of the
iclobe, n fnnr to one. und ilmt Chrlut mM
i lo hht diciplc, "go ii.to nil mitioiK uml
pniicli the word of (jnd," nml to tho en-
quiring Jew, lie described hi neighbor to
Iw " mankind of every decf ipliim." And
of him. At uboM twelve o'duok. the n, n,r.M,..l, ii.ni,i.ti.nn ...- nt .t,v.,. "ill further to bnxik uti our I-Vdernl (!ov.
inorning e.xwofcw having eoNeludw!, tlie took a look. , cnuneiil, they n-t up the ilnctrlne iM iJtute
oompany wu iHmMed. nnroariiHii with ' Nine wek the (Ire-eatcM. ilbunlan ihntit. Hwhlt, that eneh Stale wn .iivereli:n und
Joy at the gluil newn liutt the long loohtd till hoar). independent, und had the right lo nepurate AND GOING NORTEC.
fur I'uyniMter, Mnjor Kprugue, wui then In And lve unorganized the jieoplen' loner from the nther Stutm ut nny time nml
Camp. Ilwife. , tiiblinh n nnliomil government of her own.
Alter partaking of an excellent dinner, Mkoh br.svsv.Ui lo rellecting IriIi- thuii Invwllm: Ihe (iibordiiiatc with m.w
nml otlierwlw enjoying the hwpilalliy of ,l0rn ci,i!S"M' wno nml M'1' ',le l'-'mo. eM tliut belonged only In the United
the oflkwn of Co. C, the vhtllnr re palreil crn,ic Pr,' ,n lUT of "n"',, ,Iln Ww" ' Slate, und netting nt iiaiiL'lit the word
to mi open plain me two m lit from the ,,ie fllon'lfr nnomallrs are nppurent: that Mr. Madiimn (the f.ilher or the Con.
camp, lo witneM the cavalry drill. Here fir"' ,i",, ,,ie P"r,' wa!' '""'"'J' --ntrolIrtl stltuliori) told the New York Commission
th tronpn were formrd in line or battle. '' !ie policien ofit Soulticrn wing ; and. er that the Union wan faitter. WhiUt
The kirmiher thrown mit loon encoun- ""' '10 " H'cy of that wing wn Uenioerury h a government by the people,
leredou imaginary foe, when ihe bugle , inlmlcul to the well paid employment or for the common good of nil. the wonder I
lOUNtlril " rally to Ihe nor," und then they ",c working claMe In the free Stale by a how the democratic party Hood It o long,
came, ruiliinr to the tear of Ihe main body I"'1'"11 worfuro on the luriiT, and ennse j carrying the dead weight or slavery mid
nnd Ihere forming In line. Then.nt the fl,l(,n"r on "r nmnufacturing nnd mining . the uluvc oligurehy on iuthouldera.und by
lonml or tlie Imgle, went tlie grund charge tnJl"lry' l,,l, building up the ninnufucture ' adopting the policy, denying it own priii.
or Ihe main body, cutting lo Ihe right mid "'"i mi,,e,, r (!rut I,rilnl nl ,I,C expense clplw. Sir, to my mind it is clear, and I
and the left a they go. To thoo who had of ol,r nwn nntl ,nakI"i? M (in wnri11 ' llunk hiitory will prove It truth, that the
neterraw a battle, the front of that line ofon Kngliih member o I'nrliument) im- j Southern conqiirutor utlaehul Ihcmsclve
tetmed a very uhIhiiIiIhj pluee (nr cnemlm Prnvo' colonies or that nntlnn am) costing . to the democratic party lo enable them '
to the flag. 'J'lw clwrgo resulted in the , I,1C m0,llr t0Qnlti' riolldiu (nr our iiiih ' u,e belter to enrry out tlidr nefarious di-1
complete rout of the enemy. The number I10"" "ea0J'l1n we WM n" "f" lgn of destroying the Union. Hy the uid
of killed, wounded and mifslng on our lide. P0"-1' ,0 ,,ie lsrllallnn of the public ! or that parly they were placed In many or
owe. he being cunslit umler lli branch or' ,anJ- ",onr "clual fetllers.nnd In the in great office or Siule.und Jame Hue-
tree and knocked wnfelew to ihegrouml ; ! wortli ot Senator Maon, of Virginia, "It Immiii Iwunie from ihe roots or hi lmlr to
but it I ald that he ha been m oHen ' Wtt measure pregnant with evil to the j hi oe null their pawive nnd willing tool,
' killed entirely " Ilmt he now cowiders it South," (. t it would havo placed white mid u the election or Stephen A. Douglas
a part of the drill. i working men on the land of tho Terrlto-, would have thnnrlii their plan, they di-
Captain Kellv U n thornush soKUcr. ' rie I"J'"1 ' nero 8!nvei). onl In conse- vidtd the Democracy in two mid tnmd
Tlie perfect dUclpIine dUphiyed in the,iunco J,r- Ibiehamni twice vetoeil n ' tho way for the ltepublican purty to imiw-I
excercise reflecl ure.it cridit on both offi "omestenil bill. Sewion after fesslon forjer. Thank (Jud, however, the great bulk j
cer and men. The fine, comrrmniiin'.' an- nver ,,lirt.v K0" 'ie W wus 'n,r0 or the Northern Democracy remained true
tiearance orLIrmn. U'liitn mwi i:.i..u,n.ui ,dured into the hall nf Concres to the m iIl-(Virutlintim. ,l l, .,,! il. mn,l. I
was very generally remarkeil, especially liy , prejmllce of nalionul interwl, mid ir John ! 8u (a Senator Hammond, or South Cur-1
the lady visitor. Taken altogether, we Q1'1 daiia prwenlti) n ictil!on for the r.linn. desienaleii Ihu working men of the !
believe Co. 0 would paw mutter under u,ej Abolishment or Slavery in the Ditrlct orJ(rfe statw) will not only prove their capn-1
eye or nny General officer, a efficient for, Columbia, the Southern wing at once rose ,jity fr self-government, but will lllu.
service on any flel.l. in nrm nnd the "old man eloquent" wo lnilc , tie wor,j nn t(ie fej 0f baUe
Ifuirly run down by member -sound on nlm nUm. lln., of ,,eir mcn.of.wnr , w.ut : VrPrfC 3ri TT Gt
llliS tin 1l al,(.A lit n It..l hnininllrt nml ml "
CMfllKeu. Ot;n., April 8. INCH.
I'ublMinl by ordr of
WM. kj:i.i.v.
Pupt. M r. 0. V.. Comiii.iiiilliig.
gtoTHTner 03X!
Ofler to sell hi entire stock or
I AM tlioHo dciili'liig ilar
guins Klioulil cull 1 III-iiii-diatcl)-,
as liu ivlll
close out fortliivitli.
All ivIiu tlilnlc tliat
they liuvc lici'otofoi'c
lalI too much for
Gooilh, hhould call at
uiitl get even.
Now is Your Time
to gi:t
A Choice Selectiwi or tho
r Kvcr ollVred In tht market, embrnclng
Z MirietiiM or
Iltuck, Grvcii & .lapuiii'su,
: In bulk, paper nnd rothllti, nt
I pria to suit the mot jiartiuutur.
HAY und .M A NL'UU 1'UltICS.
Agricultural Tools
aFojr Qalo nt Oowt t
20 Steel-point i'WWS, complete,
or vnriuu sixes
lfi cat riowpolntsi
2 K-tt extra steel .Mnuld-Doarik,
'uiiil mid Land Side.
2 patent Straw-Cuili-re;
G (urge Iron Kuttles, fur farm use.
The above will be exchanged for Hour at
tho market price.
Jackjonrllle, Oet. 211, lbC2. .'Ittf
I UK I aVVkk. Major Sprague. I'oy. ( the goose," and the right oretltlon, no Ihi ' Ci)n ,e ,ll)ie liy 0 l)nUttji patrolCi ona c,.
master U. 8. A., nnd Mr. Ilaskins. AfIt- question, was denied by the slareocrucy. ucated people.
. arriTrii m inw puce nn n nlnwday I o n citizen who lias siu.iuie.i me earner U ls no ,,otl,)t ,rue mt w ,in)e for . rrtem
last. On yeatenUy they commenced pay biMory or our country through the writing lf,lltlU!n, m pj,, nn(j ,hat our rate a c,i"ulJJW " COST
ing rff Ihe Irooii nt Camp Daker. and in or its creot ineiii the iiifereucc i irreuwta-1 nnilnn v,.i in i. ,i,i.i.,i i, th nr,i I .ii,.iii ii. -a m.-i
Ifirt annvt nfalwl.r.....l..l i n i.tif.. i.t ..:. .!..... i.
,...v. w. ,., ,., over 0wJt. , wv ,al , ,L.lr view, .unery ai IU ue ,, lUg c0jst ,C f,wor( s 8tl n ita
uuu, in icgui lender note.
.... .. .. . . . ..... ... i .
lo-uay iiiey , tolerated anil craiiuany exiinguuiieu, nnu ,,lih.inl. nml i! i fr n.n nnmnw nfl..,u i
. V - -n......,, Hint f ,- fiiy if,,, law f Plt-
expected to get through paying the entire so sensitive were tho freedom loving men . it ,iiere ,mt T now oppea ,0 ny fe. I
command. This payment include all the. in the matter thut they would not put the iow eittzerw i,,e i,n i,nvn t.. .1p!h1p.1 '
jy mie up io mo zaiii of February. On i word ilave in
As he positively Intend
JSL' :B.ii
WE have Ihi d.iv nild our stock of mer
chandise to Mr. Max Mt i.i.mi. From
our friendi und patroiH we would koliail
1.n V.n.!li.l!nn l.nl lli.ia . ..... . ... .. r.lP fp Mill f Kit IV fll 1 1 mi i ti f. i.t l...! 111..
I nuni iiuic ii, iu v.uMtiiuiinit un, i una w. .. ... ,,.i3A ,tnp pintia nml fulirt tpnlilnrrd --'-- -- v..... i. ... ...vu ,i-
Monday Ihe command will Iw tuit.l ., n. rwm bound to service or labor bv rc . . ,..,.... - ... . erol Mlronage. J. A.. Hltl NM.lt & 111(0.
,'..,, , ...-, v ,......- - -v ui oiiraiiuii, iu i;iuiu mm rcuirci, lur mien .iiickmiiiviii'. .nnv r.'lli. Ihll'.'. ''
aTto? IS Tk ,,,;28lrl'-!'awor"nyS,f "c,c- , . , nlnl by the light of history und pa- 'UuANI) I'UODCChrukeTuue.x.
ary to the .lllth of April. Tho whole, 'Ihe Southern wing was alio obnoxious I trio,sm, tll0 tgnu (,(lM of 0 Sou,lcrn j change Tor .Merclmnd.se. nt
amount to be dubursed by the Paymaster., to tho passage or any law by CougreM Confederacy will bo round n mockery, a ' . . Jlllv ' '--" AX M C I.UIU'S.
including thut ulreailv naid. will mnnnni clmrterln? a national bank, or inlerfer- .1..1. ..;..., -.i ...i i .1 - ., ... riiiiNnu'iiiivm, ,.. -.
' .. - p , i.viiiniuil. llliu u 9UUIie. UUU 1IU lliM.-rilllUIIID IUW44VtJ Ull.t.llVil lur MUU Ul
to nearly 810,000.
,ing with the emission, or security, of, or tho pioneers r America ou the Pacific, ,i
Will Unit It to their advantage tu
purcliaMi of ii. u we hull keep
on hand a good tupply of
Wo will take nil dwcrlptlon of Produce
that can be dipocd of without a Ion".
l'hocnlx, Oct. 80th.