-v ggll lull MI'WWWIWWJIIUW il emttmel ttaon . wotfrTTWtiW'WfvW'iiiiiyait -ju - " S5 PEN ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. JACKSONVILLE, SATURDAY, .MAY 2, 1S03. VOL. VI II NO. 'J... mm Q. W. GREER, PHYSICIAN AM) SCHOHON. Olllrp nt the t'lly Unix More, .1 vi K1M1W11.1.K. Oiu.in.v. .11 E. F. RUSSELL XOTA11Y PUBLIC. OJlcc Willi 11. P. Howell. l;., Tlilnl street, Tackhonvii.i.k. Oiikhon. 2f) ORANGE JACOBS"," " ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR jOk-T ZjAW, .INI) SOLICITOR IX CHANCERY, Will promptly attend to nny lejrnl liu.ut-if cinmitled to lit cnrc. i)fte in Sfiilintf foiiMing, Jai'Koowim.i;, Onvflnv. i wu. IKIITIIIIT. JAMKH I , KAY. DOUTHITT L FAY, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT Oj3L."Wr. AND SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY. jA(Kw.vrn.i.ic. OiiKonx, Will practice in the iijimiic nnil oilier Crtrtsm iIim Stale .March 4. Y,:i, R. D. MORFORD, attohnky at .law, Iai-i.iui.wiij.k, Oiikio.v, A YMLL practice In tin- several Court of l l I In' I'irft Judical Dl-trle t. und In the ftrprme tVuit Ooli.W W. 'fit. B. F. DOWELL," ATTOltNEY AT LAW, Jaikiiinvii.i.k, Omkwv. ill timet u- In ull Hit- Court of the Tldrd Jhllciiil District, tin- Siiirf mi- Court of Ore (ou.nml ti ickn,Cul. Wur Scrip pmuipl- IT ClIIMTUM. tCl. in. J)iui JtitrSii'i- Shop. Ik-tweeti Ilrmllmry A- Wudu's and i:i Dorado .Saloon, California rtnvi. PIIAVIST;. Muir-ciitlliie.SIiumiHolnL'.Cttr- linenml 1 1 1 i r Dyeinc. ( u Imml nml lor PM't.a Bi'tuiiiu- urllcle nt HliV Haiukm li mkativk. nml Crlftudoni' I'jrtlnor lltnr Iht PETER DRITT. Photographic Artivt, U pn-purrd to lake picture In every style ,,r " art, uitliull tint lain impruvtiiii'iitit. If lV-iur- tin not pit- SHli-lueliou. tin ibsrg- Mill Ik- iiihiIi-. Cull nt hi in-w Gal w on tin- ti.lt. examine hi iilciurtx. uml hi for your l.keiu- L. H.DEWEY, tViitcIiuialcvr mid Jvwl-Ii-i-, kri-m coilKtiltit'y on hum) n -n we unrliu-iit of CliOt'kM BliJ f5oJiO JnwuiY. wlili li hit ilfi-r lor iFj -W i ut vi'ry low pm-.-. m- KKI'AlltlN'G CliK.k.A n-bc- uml Ji'urlry ri'Hlreil w till prompu km anil wnrrautt'il Am ou C'ulllnriilu iirft't. (mi ilonr Mt (i l,oo A Uiltr'i. JmkMiiivi.'.Jiilv Sii: IX X. IV. I)AVI. II. II. IIAI.S'M. iiaim:s fc j)avis. AUCTION AND COMMISSION MEHCJIANTS, IOHt OlllfU Jlllllill(f. KK(;n.AU SAI.K DAYS, Weil 11 (ln V11 anil Ssiturdavs. f'lNMdNMh.STS hOhll'ITEI) Jack-oni illi' I id II.D-ii. I1I1II ELDORADO SALOON, Corner CMifoniiu und Orcou Streets. Th- l'mnrlMlnr litm mt rvei-lvrd from Su F'siicik;!) a choli-i- un-ortini-ut of lino Wanes. Liquors, Cigars, ktc, i:rc. Diop In uml tet them. I).c 10. ALEXANDER BUSWELL, - riiAi-rn-Ai. - 3Boo3s:-z3i3xrx33nn:f I'AI'KllUUI.KIt, oud Uluiik-JtouU HIaiiiifiu:Miri.r. ol7''ly mid 51 1 l'ominiclu trret., Utvu'i 11 Montumiu'i v and uusome, SAN FUANCISCO. te. Illmllui; of ev. ry ilwerlutlon neatly 'Wcuiil s lllunk lloiiki iiihd mid llouml to lny iUlrid imllvm. 8t:y VOTK'H w tun by (riven to ull htmjii '' iinlibKil tn int- bv note or Hook lie- ant to pny Hi!- Him . to my agent. Jik-hi'il -Jai him, on ur b-ior ihe l.llh l-Vlinmrv. ovo. uIIii-ivmm' the mint will U nlitoud In b.iudjor an ailorniy lur colli otlou. JhiiBl! UOIUN8ON. 1'-r JorKiii Jaoom. 'atl Mi1h. Jniuiitrt v:tl. Ifi BIUM;s AND TJvTA.MKNTS a llllll'V. Ill nriiiiw mU'Im ah liiilul. nml uli ui ent mid ehar.-e. at tin- denuI- '' of the Jiirkm ( oiiuly Itlliln Sooliij. til 11.11 uui'l'.U'Vn. )ipnimry. OUSJ-: BILLS nca'ly cjccuted at thij vffivc. tiii: ouncoN si:ntini:l. in:ii i:vkiir wmimssihy am katvupay. IH'.MtY DKM.IXOKlt, lM.li'inn.l Pnip'r Pnwciilrriox One tear. Inndvnncc.Flve Dollai; Six month, 1 hrcc Dollar. Aiivkrtimmi Oni- Hiunrv (Id 11no! or le). Hot Insertion, Three Dollar : each MilivipH-nt li union. One Dollnr. A tilt count or ilfiy pi-rci-nt will Imj made to tlioo who ndtcrllsc hy tin-year. ADVERTISERS. Hy application In PotlmmlrrK nml Mnll Carrier, vou rnn learn Dial IlieScnil-woekly Oiikoiix Skxtimii. Iim by lur i lurm-r circu lation In tlio counties iC Southern Oregon nml Del Nortn county. California, than nny other paper. This lucl should comm-ml the Shntinki. to you u a superior medium for ailvirlirliig. Liht or Aiikvth. who are null10rI7.nl to trammel any lniln concf rnlnir th jm per. In tin- name of tlio pultllnlirr : i. r. 1 iMier, n 1 rnncMo; ail-worlli A Itnym-, Yickn; Klr Kinr. At-lilainlj S. 1- 'riivlnf llw.ilv. U' v 1..... lUH 1....1... 1'llnt. ItoM-luiru: Imuc It llimnn. S.Vmi- J. ..... 1. w 11 1 ' tiMin , ""1'V'i"A imnrniiiL' on tiir minnoi tn 1 rxnn I virion. Ii.hihc: JohI Tlmrn. Cmvimilll... A. If. ' .tf llrn t,m" ' l.",m,H? f nw uml II. Cndi-rwoiHl, Kuene Cllvi V. Channan, nml n quarillly of urm. Col. Ilrnok. t-om-Dreinm Cllyj I). W. Wakefield. AIIhiivi imunlin;: I lie nlH-l, wm cuplnriil, lint lli'iijiimln Cook', Corvnlllii; J. II, .Smith. ' nruriiri)s escaped. No livs on our alilo. WW City; Alkrt Doollt.le, Happy SMQ ,, ave nlreo.1v lukeu lb 1 . .1. ..1 -11 1 .....I.... 1 1. SPECIAL. NOTICES. I. 0. 0. F. Ih-i:ii.vii.i.k Loom: No. 10, bold It reculnr uievtinar mery .V.17'. I'KltA I ATA'.W.Vr;. nt their Hall (Mo' Cully V Theiiler iMiildliifl.nt 7 o'clock. lliolhim In Kood 1um1Iii 11 re cordlally liaitedlo ntu-ml. Ja. .M. scnov N. G. ('mi, II. DoHum. II. t-c'y. Warren Lodco No, 10. A. F. & A. M. a 11(11 11 1L..1. ....... 1- ...... ..i 1 M!.'"K"1e,lw!i.nr.eZ;uon! AAor irece.lini! tb lull moon, in jack- , hoxviu.K, uuuuux. AMiX.MAUTl.N.W. ll. Ill.OflM Stc'v. OUKCO.V CIIAI'Ti:U NO.l IIOYAL AHC'II 3IASONS, filUIUVil ltJW4. SHiil.ft . I W lllbold ItareKularoommnnlcntlon- 11:1 tlio I'li.i Ki.Mii.tu,-Ky. ..ri'.rr,-Mo..ii.. 011 i-auiiriuiiK yiimp.uiiou in Boon rtaudinc Hreuonllnlly Invito. in nllend. I l.,..ul ... ...In.,.l ti. W. GHIiHH, II. I. I Pack, fiva'y. ilc8:47 H0VA HD ASSOCIATION, I'lilludel plua, IVnuu. tW aurtlfritflktStk ml DhI rMwo A JHiftJ u-illt Virulent ami Chmne IIvhh, uwl $tt Urgum. W...11....1 i.i. .i .t...... .... 1... .1... . ..it-iiiinii Amicv Kitti Lin. 1 if) llie All" . t i t.i i I Inie fe-tiritwMi. VulikMi- wnwri. ou mhi- ! m?" ""' fT ".',' "'!"' 'V ,''."' T..HH.M or miiXAi. wkakmi. und olir;t"'l're''tM''rrUIlundtolhcn.bdmlbt diM-MH-ii of the M-ximl orgmi, mid on the cuplnre hir. nkw i.KMM.iM mpli.Ml In the DiHrti. A Government upent, rel.llnff ot Hobo. dZT Wul'l ""'I' frw r. ken. hoi nililml 0.1 Sunday nijlit ol $30, DH.J SKIIJ.IN 110' GIITON. Howmd Aiociutlou, No. v mhiiIi Ninth it., April 'H :l-".v I'liiUdi-lphla. I'a jf3k.3Si3r caoei-rr (-" H-fBTI- i Sfcl,.y ' P.XJUL-fc3 AT SAN FUANCISCO. 'Plus uiKliTHcned. luvln-- opeiu'.t nn J. ah my Olllow at &tu I-'runoio. would lHMiuclliifly i-ulloit I ha iialronuxu uf Mr- chiiuu-. Mliicrn. Ottiier of Quutli: leudanml .Mill, who may vUit.&in Pniuouf 0, ur who in 11 v remit tieuture there. We cuartiutiH' the correcting of our a fuy, uml will iniike returns lu liar, or I. ri.Gold Coin, within lx hour ulter deport. We ulo UMuy ull kind of Oru mid Mtluli", GREENBERG, ERLEA'RACH & CO., I .Wl Sacranu-nto street, a few door Imw""'"" ' wl" ' ''"' "' "Hai'K low What Clii-er Houh', m-urly uioto j'ucinc .Man bk'nuuuip iu oniue, sail Kranvirco. GBKIIMICBG, EBLEMUni & COlJJSJIllli, Vlikn, C'nlll'uriilu. CClUiailTII llliOTIIKIIS J (0, I'uitluiid, Oirgan. II. (IKttKUBKIlO, ) ..,. A. UUMMVITII, Jiuiuary 21.1 l&iiti. junKIni:! )AY UP All lhoo indtfbtiil 10 me 1 by note or book uccounu, will iileiin call uiid fettle iinmediutely, or Ihuir no eoiint or not3 will be huml.il to my ut tomey for oollection. II. HI.OOM. Mureh 18. 1802. ri.LU.STHATKD PAPKHS-Ilurj.r i. Wit-kli, Frunk Leslie's, Yankee No- tiuni. ctc-i regularly received und for sa!o at the YAMHTY SJOHH. 11Y OVEULAKD TELEGRAPH. TKUimAI-IIKIlTD rilKKV (Oil T1IK VKNTI.NM. ViMliicMliiy?8 Dlsputcli. Shii rrnncifcn, 2Sili. The !tnuni'r con tllution nrnviil toilnr nt tlini- o'clock v. m., nilli 841) pnK'iigcii. nml llic Aliunde m.iil nf tin- lht hi.l. She brlii): a Inrye ipmnlily nf frciplit.lmt uuly n mall ninounl of iii'wpuHT mail. St. I)nin27ili DlfpalcliM from Holt var county rny llmt Mnrmmluko lux ttrip pol that pi-ction of cvcryililiiR inormlih-, roliblnir Unltiuinta nn.l SccitM-louIrl alike, Hit lo. tn he nltack on CnWCi'Imilrnu. Iat Sniuluy, wan from n! tn CA) killcil, uml over 'J00 nouuiln). Sevi-iitv-tlirre horsra cn'kil(il. loiter ilipntclni from Oi-n. McNeil fay that (Jen. Ynmlei-v, l-'tsli-rnl. utiacknl the rnrniy tut nlfht. tnkinir u hirpe mimlHT or priKiuur nml nriu. The ciu'Miv ui-re purtuitl In 1 lie iliuciloti of Ilroktli-lil. NanlivllK 27ih. 1'iut of Grn Orern flnv Smllli' lirlpiile mnilf n rtnuli thl . .. r ..... . ''''.v n',,, 1 ''.v Imrniil eielit vhil-oiik emu tn uiiciuii(3, iiiik iinmu A rinall party or rebels admin! n Imiville train on the paKn-:(- from ihi city, nml killed two pu-Miirii. Noilum- 1 ogv mis done to the iruin. A fire occurred Sutiinlny night, ilmtrny. Iiir the wndle factnry, n, 817,000. New Yotk. ilftitt. The 77mm ra ilml n runinr tmuhi-d them hmt inu-ht thut the Army of ihu I'otomuc U imivin'. 110 fimnier imiKion. irein .M-w rietio - - 1"," - r .!r",K,y U '" "" 'M-1? "'f'V1'' ' l um; er Clroaiuu, Ml New U.leiii, from (mi Tlio flenmcr Huiklon. firm New Ortcnn vtft.in, biouubt u niimlxr of priMimi, recently ruptured by our bl.K'kud.r olf .SAmlimr ruf. Amnni; them In ( mninn dure I'nwler. who cnniiii.iu.led the rteumer which cnptiirid the .Morriti); J.lyhl and Quaker City. On the Lfih. uti iximiIIiIiiu Iruin Generul Du.lhy' briiiude rrnd the , .. I1...I .. ... ,,;,', Comnimlore Karnigut. U Uira (rn ,(,,, s.cniiiry of the Nuvy uecmpa- ni ,0 t-MMililiun. I liey liiuiiil the Ail- I... ... .. iniriil In 1:00.1 fpirlt. irt-iievlnj; thul tlio em my bud but four duy' nipplli ut I'ort IIikImiii. The ram SwHrrrliiuil i Ktill in company with the llurifnril and AHmrroii, btoekinlli M o reliel rivi r. The nimi ment nf (iiiieriil Hunk tnwcr.l llw mine point will tend materially tn cut nil" rebel tii plif4 from Texas und Iouianu. i The pilot of the Iron oliul. Keokuk. I 000 beloii;li! to ilit GiiMrnineut Advice from ltcrnimli aialo that Ihe Anulo-reliel trade conlinuni brik. No American vei-ela of war u re ut llmt plow. A )H. (f glMin,r (m(lfl u, Liverjiool I constantly runulng the blockudo to Wil- miuutoii. New York, 25ili A fwoinl to the U'orltl my 11 purtiul ri'voluiuui hus Imiii illi - clnl In Ihe Or.llnuiice Durum of ihe Nuvy Deparlm.nl. In cnnstmience of ihe failure or the attack 011 Charleston, New instructions hat a 'him in-u.d ri'ciiiig the urmnnent of iron clad. The D-ilj.din-u finis tire t.i be remote.), and an entirely new HI Inch 1:1111 cumiblo of iisimr 7f pound of powdr nt n churue I in besul.. on Churiestou is renewtd A spfciul to the 'J'i ilium from the Army of ihe Piitnmuctays I'unliiiuid ruins hut V gwolliii the rivers and Mrtuuisfco that iitcn thu brooks are tinfordabU'. (iniernl Freinnnl, in u lelltr In llallett & Co, suggests the icenpjing ll.e Pumlli HuilroHtl laud by bodies or mi 11 freid by the President' Procluiuution. It is cvtimaltd that the nbel Iowk in the lulu utiutks 011 Sull'-'lk and ihe Noutu moru were tight to our 00c. New York, 27tb. Tho .' lenrn llmt therti ure privatn lellers 111 Ihi illy, staling thut Ihe policy of tho Itr1l14.l1 (.'u'v-cnuui-nt I row settled, vis: ; 10 rcsolu'elv kiop Ihe fitting out of any more privu'rer jorvc - i.eU of war in Hiihh uirlt. Tim fume paper leurns that the nU-l invtkt. iiu - nt of Washington, N. C . was u feint to cover tbc carrying ell' cf ull tLe (;raiu lu'wid to Luvc bctu at Doolillle Pike for lly.lc coimly, in which they were cue ClMdlll. Inlcllltrnce from the headquarter of llic Army o.r lie l'nlonine mitiliont mi Important ntr..l,nl I'li'inimlli, of nrfon who had cotilrol of n fiib-niarim- teleKnipli rnble. tinder the Kiippiihannork. for com niiinlcntiiiir Information to ilieiiivmr. Rloncwnll' Slnllon. Yn., 'Jfllli An e- IK'ililiiin, conilih of two ri'L'linnilH. r. iicheil Port Couwav on I he 2.1(1. und ut hi light tbey built Krvcnil pontoon, croj .I the river nod rclzi-d tho town ol Porl Horn), which a occupied by it body of trie rnemya cavalry, iiiimueriuir over two liun.iriil men. I lie cavulrv wa atw-cdilv ilifprnc.li nml thirty or more or them cap tured, und n nunibrr of army wnion were en pin red nn.l burred. .Several horn's and ninlr wen- brought utriiy, llrudrpinrlrry Army of tho Poloninp. SCth. The cnrinv have lncrenf.il their force nlonir the hrfphl back of Frederick bur;:, nml trcngih.n.d their pirkel. Their rmnp are inueli more numerou. nml their troop can be rn'ii drilling nt ulinoft nil hour nf tho day. New York. 27ilt. A Fortrcf .Monroe letter of the Sftthmy thntyrflriil-iv morn ins 11 forci! of infunirv. cavnlrt and nrlil lery. under (Jen. Corcoran, wus htiI out from thereon the l'Mentnn road, to drive the enemy from ihuir nili pit, which win' lining 11 ureal tic-til of dnmai:e. Our troop ndviincfd cniitlnuidy nml drew- the enetnyV lire, Ihe nrllllery 0k'ihiI on iho rebel, uml the iiifuiiiiy carriiil the nllo pti nt the point or Inn liayonel, illiloduins tbenlH'l the cavalry flurle.1 in pursuit und captured u tiiiinuer 01 priHoncr. A cnrrcfpomh-nt from Key 'et of Ihe .'lt hivh tiiero were in port .III pr-rn vi fi-l. whoe cargoc were ilifpoM-d of by Ihe Court. The i-uuboat SiiL'amore, during a crube np Ihe weft eoaM, ibftroyed two bloekaik--runncrii, loudid with cotton and Kruln. St. Iuil. 28th.-G.n. Y.m Denver left for ltolln, Mo., on Widn.filuy, wilbii brl ude of nivulry nn.l nitillery. It 1 staled that Marnindukn ha 11 fore of 20.(HKI mill lu soiitheual Mo, uml Price has 12.(100 In Poriihoutuii, Ark. I 'Hoi Minn, -jntii. inieiiit'eiirc ns to the mnnlMT and inli'iilion of the relM! un der Munnudoke i Mtiffurlorv, Their number I .tunuUd nt H.IIIIO, A iiuiiiIkt of our troops la flullonul within half 11 mile nf them. St. Loul. 2fiib. Difpairhe from L'ho Girardeau say tho rebel. 8 0110 sirnnt.', ut Licked our force th.-ie ut 11 o'clock a. m. Hard liglillng coiillmie.) Ihreo hour, nt the tnd of which tho rebcli were repulii'd. Cairn, 27lb. Lost wtdncsday night six lralporl. lu.nhil Willi loic,olo., piolecl 11I on Ihe larb.mn) ude by collon und ha baity, run tho blockade ul Vickiburi; They lelt Millikiu's leod nt nine o'clm k uncoinMim.d by llw Von Phul, with d'ui 1 mis Gruul, McPbersoii und ligun, ud foirn- 200 prominent nriiiy ollicei 011 board iheTigrtS'i, led llw wuy wnhoiit 11 light, iiitimliug lo It'int down until discomcd, und then sit am down ut the grouttvt po mlile fnl, Thu olher biNit weio to fol low In Ihe same iiidiincr ul intertuU. 'I hi TigriHl hud Ut'li gone uboul huif tin bur when u limb, followtd by u ptul of ilUtuui thunder, luld u t-ho hud Infii duoottred, uml the upur bailiTKu. bail nH'iu. flu-111 lur. The Von Phul ilrxil down to lla-lu-ud of iho cunnal, mid Iruin llmt point we wilmiutil u grand demoiM-tratiiui. As llm bouts whcelul louid Ihu laud, bulliry n fur builery openi.l 011 lln-m ; greul lion fire weiu lighliil, ovi rfprcuduig turtli uml iky with u ruby glow. The cannnn-ido lusted Ihno hours. CM) thnls werrd find, Hut lour bnuis iscupi.l iiiikuIIkiI. 'Iho Modcriitor mh dimliUd by Ihe explosion of u l.oll in lar wigira rooin, but cuii be won rcuntd. Tin- Ti gut wus struck latween wind uml wiidr. laur the stem, Knring uwuy 11 pi.ee law euouk'h lo sink her 111 u ibort tune. She 1 llmbylit l lien tolul liif. Thu whole ilung uiid. however, 11 complete surccw The crew of the Mwiel wtru toluuttlis from llw tHtioii' regimuita. Tlinifiilay Niglit'K Dispatch. Muifrmhiii.i, 28ih. Tin rebel lire rts lorled ua ruling iimiIv important itiovt. mi nt in our from, muieriuliy ulteri.giU- niliiulimi, wheiher in nply our iiiote mini on .MeMiiiuville, or lut ihertbcl uiu w.uiy of wiilling fur u lo ndtaiiee, is not known. Ill known llijl Jt'jgg lug Ucii reinlun.l by oiat biigiuta lnin Mo bile. Grmrul Jiihiikinn t riporii.) to huve ruuovid his heu.lipiurlHS lo Shelby villi-. Onu division is ut Hay's (tap, 12 mile from Murliusboro. Two brieude uri-ut Iti-ll Hut Lli-. uliiln n third lorco i mwvtwFVmmi'mvmw tiwp some ilny. It l Im-IicvuI In ix-lifl rumjn llmt if ItnH'criiin iIik-s not iidvnniv, llrui'v.' will make an nlluck, One in authority any-, that llrmrg hn 75,000 men. A lai'i H ehmoml !!iiijnicr, sieiikiiigof nlTiir in Smith t'lirolimi, say, Ihero ure iiidicutioiH of the Yankee Imivitiir, ami it Is suppofil their liitiniion l. to make n mid In tho vi einily of Coiisnuhulrhii', pmbably U) des troy 'the railroad between Charleston nhd Sovuniiali. A Fn'deritkfburir corresiioml- int of the Dinptttih of Ihe 2l!tb say, wu nre rpilet, but expectant nnd ImpiTul. Tbn fame paper say tho Fedenih are advanc ing to .lackrnn, .MIm by the meridiuii road. They had destroyed u slouo bridgu on the river. Ilen.lii.tnrirrs Armv of Potomac, April 27ih. Humor have iicen cirrul.illiig ilnr inir the lnit few day, that the rvbeia nm b.-uiiininc In iibamlnn (heir present po oil ion. Nothing definite, however, is yet known concerning thu movement. New York. 28lh. The Tnhunt ny that Wood, Engineer in Iho L'niUd Slntu Nnvy, ha made it prupotiiion to ihe Hoc irtat'y or the Navy lo the following 1 fleet 1 He o'lfi-r to lake a Monitor up the harbor of Ch:irlelon, removing on ihe wny nny obitrucllon llmt m.iy Impciln thu progref's of shltn! or if Iho Dipiirliiieiit only de sires the destruction of Fort Sumpler, li will nccnmplhli Hint. A Klnlo hi'imlnr or California, who rni'iy thu conliilriici1 of eiigiiieer offer to accompany Wood tui llw tmpnrlant i'.H'dillon iiiiuird. It is under stood llmt the Presldiiit nnd Hrcretary Welle look upnn Ihu propiMiiion wllli fa- vor, but ihe iK'cisloti of the Government U or course unknown. A Washington dtpalcli sajs, at Iho In slnnor foreiun bankers, agent wire sent 1.1 Emnpe, four wctk ago, to make sales or our bnmh nulhorixed to be (fined by llin hut Coiigrrf. The httu stcmnrr brouuht ni'iva llmt n huge sum will be supplied on Governuient credit from Hamburg, Jjnn, .Inn und Paris. Hnbl.J. Walker I under sIoimI lo have fulled on tho 8th. fully cm powert.l to m rfecl urrungem-'iil. The Ttihimt't Hilton Hend correspond ence, dateil 20ili. rt'pn'sents llmt the mon itor ami 1 lie army were ready fur 11 lii"te ment, nnd suys that before the cloi-of I hit week all Ihe iron olndi will bo hum III over Ihe lair nt Lharlesloii, Tho ntiuck mint come oirthl lime in eo-opi'iulion wills llm lan-l forcm. The rebel uru bird ut work stn-ntitbenlng the land diTriHeii nn llm. Is land soulb or ClmrliHion troop Imvo been srul from Suvuuunh In nstlst them. From Florida, we le.irn llmt Ihcrcuronn nruieil rebel east of Si. John' river. A sullluient force win left lo hold St. Augu. line nnd Firnamliit nsialnst any force llmt tlio ribels cuti bring ngnlntt them. The rutn'ir thai the nlil oreuiirchlng on Wlxoliii'.', V11., nnd PilUbuiv, Pu , rt on thu fact Unit 11 force niipnireil at Mor euulowu. Yn., on Ihe Moniriiholn llv.-r, iHiir the Statu lion of Pennylvuula. No (frani entertained for eilhrr place. It is not probable llmt Ihu rtibel forco will piocce.1 furllier north. A dlspuicb from Hiirrisbii'g, IV, to. day. fii) in.iny eonlrudictory rcpnrl, urn In oirciilatlon relative lo Ihe rebel raid, They have taken Morgunlowu, mid (c,'i HV it wllli Irom 1,(1111) lo H.lllll) Iriinr.H on. dr JeiikiiH. Our troop are in mnlloir In interei pi loin, and nrllllery is being cnt from llarrlsburg. A dlspiitcb from Unlonlown, Pu . stntca bat iho rebel fhig I ilnnllng over Mnrguit own, uml imii, wooun und uhilibiu ure llun.' In every direction. The l,iiinore uml Ohio Hiulrond. la-lwiiii Cumhirluud uml Grullou witidesiroyid. Hultlmore. 28lh. Iirgeb'idies of Iroojn have liwn ni'ivnl In nil iiiiix,rliiiil Mili)ls 011 tin) lino of Die llalliuioro uml Ohio Jtiiilrn.ii, which gunruiiitt's ample 111 d per-iihiih-iiI prnleclinn. It is mil Iwll.vtd ijiut ibtfdel.i) in winking hu rpud will lijccciI twtnty fiiur hours. Cairo, S8H1 Advice from f?urst (Jir. ui.leuii, tin fiirennoii. says everything wui iinel. Ihe wi'int-n ami tiuhlreii who hud cro-Mil to IlliiioU lure rtluroii. 'Iho iclxls wii.i 111 lull rttrmt on ihe lllo(rn-fii-i.l riw.l, wiili McNeil In full piimilt. It was .McNeil's luhnli.'ll In send u f.rqo lo llie enemy's reur, for ll.( purpiiseof ifeit. Iroyinir ihu briiltre over which I hey wcro obligtai In criMS. Ihu culling off their re- lical. HuouM ho snccitil, inot of Ihtir forco will lw cuplurul. New Yoik. 23ib -Dilu from South- umpiion in ihe Klh say Iho Vligjidj, which was muneiii.i on uiu i;itii- inrine Coiiltibiulis. ta n-porlid in ihe llrllish channel fur thu Krvnuh, wh. ie iho lopk -t lurge nmiiiiut of warlike nioris, smliiig wifettrHii) immediately. ,S!ie i ihraibid u of tho bi-st slnnglh. is ery last iiikI urine) witli 0 luuvy guns, and two Wbll worth's OH pouudtr (utot guim.