Scmi-lllcckln Sentinel. "TOTIIKKrWtl " AMirKVMVIIK vocu IWhlS. A (iIIVKHNMKNT 1)lt TIIK WIIOI.K IH t,IIHWMIJ: '" IIWorMotl. WHMHIllllilWWIIIII HIW1MWI JAl'IMU.N'VII.T.r.. IllllUiO.V. WHDSBSMY HVlKIMi, APRIL W, HI Xatkixai. Pat Day. Tomorrow, arc tlwgrent exemplars. Tlw npmttes of April IIDili. ii the iloy appointed by Pfi ' what. Iy way of biting Irony and wrwrn. idit Llnoolii far faitlntrund prayer. li tIM DmntriK O'Mmni. Put Sin- - I me nmj Lft), TVault nro the neknowrnl- Annttempl wasmade by i!icdlurl to', H,Wr of the embattled hint. J.Ike fire Dalle Oliy. on the lllili lost. Hill lit-! , 0f (), John Drown, they nre pin- Ik iIamjk wm ilone. (HR.VT n.vmutxti mn xt (ccnml at Mr. lrntuiHj' ilor. hi it gun.' to wind up lilj builiwM by J urns 1m. 'Ilw " wMtltfr tabic" in llw Portluml Timu mnv thnt, In llut oily. It rul.wtl lil iluw in i)m tvlv itKXitlw prwlln Mnrch aim. ISM. I. 0. 0. P. Jn(mTlll IKhj No. 10 ' will htrcnfier bold their rsukir nolls ' !u tlid .M.iwnlo raoii. Hall, ubow tlw Court , ,7 7. 777 . Tlw ielorm mm. of tlM l-llli. rcr.rd thnt Mr. m. M. (.rry. formerly of .n.iwauKw, urfim, wa mirmMi io (mini w. )MKk' Lllbrnt r.Md. urur lk v... it. I. I.. I on tlw 7th imt. Six United ritutw dmrlwr Irom Htl-! noom wcrcdrowiwil nr J'lWtTowiwiwl, on Sunday, tho l'Jili lwt.. whlw uttempt- Inj; to crow over to Victwiu. 'IVir bout onpibwil, unit not oe of tlwm wa teen "! .Mat Day Pitivai The children of tlw lonvllli, Sohbatb MM will . joy their May Day I-oiiival. on Priday, it ii pleaiant prove fitted up lor the purple, .hi Humeri, i.rni.. iiuiHii oiw nine iioriu lieoi town. A pUiMiit tlnw to them. Prom the Timtt no lenrii I hat .Major Swull Truax. 0. C. V.,haj liocn nppoint , .. .i , it... ,i..,i. ,i.n. i m ui me commanu ui run u nun n nna, W.T. Itii n Roo.1 appointment. No nun In the regiment ilandi hlsber In the wtinutlon of the people of Southern Ore-1 Bon than .low Major 'I'ruax. i I.sAK.-0n Sunday next, two more in-' sine eroni will be marled from this conn-' ty. for the a.ylum at Portland. Their lumei are DrnnU f.Vnwlv .,! U. IU, . , burj. The latter has bw. ,upporled by a remarkable curiosity, filters will have the county for a long lime. Her Inianily" opportunity or weing glum working. Isofn mild order. Under gentle treat-' K' l',owinS "! glM spinning. (Haw fnent she la manageable; arouwl or cro.pun 1"" ll,a" the finest silk, and its beau rd.sheisn furv. Crawly U perceptlblv V? I""1 tkhnf" wn,,ot ,ws "mII'- ANc taller, and has tome lucid Interval w Donation Patrst. Vo aro Informed by Mr. Oluggage that he has received u Patent for his Donation Claim. Thii claim covers tlw silo of the town of Jack sonville, nud IU confirmation mskea Mr. Cluggago u happy and a wealthy man. His Patent is the first limed to any land claimant in this valley, and conclusively fettles tho important question, in the riecw- i Ion of which so many of our farmers are deeply interested, ami that is. that tlwy will not low their land tlmplr becauo there may h) a little of the oro on the bed rock. A Co.nde.sskb. Subdivlilon four of sec tion 191, of Title Third of tlw Code adopt cd by the last Legislature, only allows two counsel to address Iho Jury on the part of the plaintiff or defendant, and confines both of their speeches to the space of ono hour that It, to one-half an hour each. The jintiU"s counsel has the opening and con- eluding argument, but is confined to one i. ''l,, ii'-i i- .1 , 1 'I r,...,1,rT,liV",C '" I'" sI,efces I Ill 1 Ilia fill Bin I AH l.r.l In .a...II... I lit. This will put an end to repetition, and iuaugurato the practice of shooting di rectly at the mark. 0, Ilumcombe, how art thou fallen ! Condensation, directness and point ore in demand, and the Juilgca will rejoice. T r.t.a n Kn. .1 mmv i rnvmi: . , m i 1 11 l (v., il,n Jm of il. again. Skid.i.ldled frw c r,nlc0 tlu' !)mMittltttn bought by tlio ofler of il... .,.ur t... fitrnUlitlltf nntllillt? It'll the ftuifii tmll. nml not rnwli f that. A ' n. . i written contract to tb,,t ttTVct w draw,. up. Jimmy repudiated tlw c"lrncl ""' lrnek for hlirtwr wnc. Tlw Uriko mi n f.illnrp.niHl Jimmy hmilrlftniniin. Uw.l tat th. pnjprH of .., i of him : " This IhA mncli to u u ir tlif tlippety Kftitkm.ui rn! for nte, nml ii price Imil m o(lril for him. e mil i no, want to imy. Wo lh.1 V I bid of wvtnty-flve dollar r month, clw nlii tral llU full llfko." llllt II flip- pery t of vagrant hummers llw ( slon (.empathizing nlllors nre I Ami they rimnly wwrchimj on. The wltbfal m-ar Ibeir voiw. nml nr ptliil Into fjrfwi paMurw. iiih! by tb MJti of mill water. llirprSK.rPRivoHB. (Jfiill wnil . wa Imm vimi iww S Tlw uln liw i I ......,,.. (I.. i.iiin ncr monl I. Itlliniaio wt vinivui'iiiil exprein.ions tlii proprietor of wlil piper. The pm- r rlcli nml 'r.minriitil.;vi'iommni.. i ic i mi iniirii ! i ii in, nrcinr fur Copper ioi.M remember u l,rfalnr.irilK.)w wjw H.n Jimmy B',', rf,w fuel: Si.rlm.vli.i1ln.. ... l niull fur IIIMfcllliril Of I llC Profit llf ...... r I.... f..iiw.r Ovi.Uj mill I'll. rvtut'j- '- - -- - . i ,m iiii.i ill "in !' - - - - i ti 1 imim i i i 1 1 ' i .-- ....- .-. , brwkcr iihiw a hori-tamr. or tlw art of Hlwr rwiomll.m .. ..... u- I-..I ,ui'hlehnl.iillw-bttvv? vnumP .-..- v. "'"""- plwiire m wllm.ln the exhibition slvw , i.v I'ror. u. a. nwK, m nipuno Drum' Mubh. on 'iW.lay but. It wo every wny mccwful nml Mtijr.iclnry. A 'wild colt. JiHotHtluK to Mr. Hull, Mm lllMO VMM ihl. WC flippnn-. Will Hlt Ilironub iiwny opMtlorv, evincing nt onec (( iM ()f lU nnlmft,t ,, C nillc. . om, .wfi.ellmH ,l.e cicnw tm.pht by ,,rrtWrtr. AM .,,, clw.n,.! I w ,(1W1U AmM mik( ,Kl,(! , ,. r) ..... I came nrqwtnlfd with tlw crct. MINI- nw ami Kcnikiw, combined with (Irumew, inrilm.HHlrntd to Imvo ni prut nn ln- fl.irw over Irw Intuitive inlellrel of tlw ( I Iwrw, ni over tlw rcaionin intellect of ( iikiii. Man, the promt monopolUt of rwi-1 ; ' ,h",k; ""r !!'" n10,,,,: n,;i"w' ! Into MihmiMlon to bU will by brute roree. j i nMn x uni avcomplbh the ramo purpoH ,iy ,, m ,,nl,e ,Nn, Turn o. : j witrw the exhibition of Profwsor IWew. ' i.ri. Hre dollars. I Tin: (Ium Uijowkm. Ilio JsnttorMl Troupe of (ilaM lllower will Rive nn ex- on-n at Imlf u.t mvdii. hibltion nt Iho Odd PoIIowj Hall, mi,1!""1"" and Prldnv evenhis.i next The1 .i ex,ji,mn i WH to bo inlcrdllntf I"1 mwIun,ni Mv wonderful In art. They ,mvc civcn ,iMilon nil through Ctlifor-, ,)la nll our cxchanKw ipeak of them In Blowing terms of praiw. Inhibition of, cb nn initructlve m well aj Intercity ' character are well worthy of patronage. They run a iteam cn8ino (made entirely of, &!) at full ipcol. TI.U C..lu0 most lw t 1 ll .1 ..T . .-T .. alB0 are Informed that n specimen of spun glass will be given to each ldy. Oun STnKKT. Jacksonville will no longer lw appropriately styled the city of mud. The voters nt the fait municipal election chose for street commissioner n regular go ihead, rock and gravel Itilger. California street, tho great thoroughfare of the town, has been graded, nml Is rapid '? lwl" covered with rock and gravel, nt least a foot deep. Thii Ji what we call permanent Improvements. The law under which the means arc obtained Is unjust to the rest of the county, but the result I lenefiVent. We hope our energelio street Commissioner will crowd tho work this year nml next, for we have no doubt but the law will bo repealed nt the next ses Ion of the legislature. The debt of Oreut llritaln. per tnpita, U mm hundred nnd thirty-Hivcn dollar. Holland ban a debt of one hundred unit nineteen dollars for euch person. Nctwith- l.n.lmH lliu n.OllI AVIISnl .IIP (1)1.1111 llflfl I iuuiiiiir; ,,! JilM .'..r M .... .. ' been fubk-cteil to, to cruili tho slave-hoM- ere rebellion, our debt only iimounls to about twenty-six dollars ptfmpHa. ' Tho Dalles pners ay that the 0. S. N. Company delivered over to tho U. S. Qiar terminer's Department ntFort Dalles, ICO mules and 'JO freight wdgons. which ero purchafd for OoverDtucDt at a cost of about 8100,000. IIUIHHIUIUI jj IIIIIHIUMHJIIU. IJIIIIWW t 1. . wi.. i ,. Hiniiiir Kim iinninii-ii i mtkh w- """"' forth dwrnverie or native roppcr linn n. ., ,,r ('.,,1,011.1111 iit.l Oxide. rnitaliiK fr,,m .o to 81) per cent., nnd upon Ihe'elhe ii rr iNini IhhmIm. nre Willi mil' eMvl.tiiilt. Imt I he Index to of kgillmate ore. A hine eiin.ini I eneml v rrii'l ml In itik 1miU .I .lrV of M.lplmreN I ill. I tiMlt retcM nml HH piopr dewlni. , meiit of lln iiiIih- wllli rWtn'fitv In In fn tin- inconw U vii.illy nwiry. Hnlplmi. Z&SnlriZ' ,)t ,, fMm f,wl n,Knij l,Kwr llmii ' jrnm -ji ut 'ID por cit. A ion nvernjfmif n i1 w' '" ",f" ffirJ'.-tT A 'UiT mure Uhiii SKI wr ton (inelmlliiK, will lin.ilitli-M proVf more ri-mnnmtlve tlMtt many of our ifol.l nml rtlwr mlmx. Tito Altn MIih- In Del None fonnty l l)Mni workwl vry mieifxfiitly. nml tin m iikn mil, clil-lly'rlHi mrbniMliv. nmylmc very wi-ll. Thfc ooniMiiy. we Mien. I lint yt ineorimnitHl. iVnih' of the oJnlnw nre olftrtil fur Mb.IMIttm. PmixrtnKHi. Ktrrtxit hnme on llirw. who. to mnke nn etwl of trw wiir, wmihl imik mi fwl of tlw It'puMie. A ri-M ktiir mit Unit rirBir' nrmy. ' liy ilrlll mih! ilMpHm. Imm Iktihtw ii nt f)t tiviehimf." UuKuraiM inHdt go nml run thnt nwuliino. Tkri U iwtl.lne (nr U country now or tlrtUriitttlon. n ItlehmiMl that tlw fftM i:,wMtKe. Jt rfiw , ti ,Ke ,of u urtcinluc. Well rorHnr.l iiurch. Anotiihr I'iiiiit. JtlT .SUHilfferVpnrly, lint mrooir, huve retnnnl to ltol from M.ilhtiir, wIhti1 lltf.v I.hiI fimubt (Ih in diiitw u mxvid lime, killing imiiik' Iwvtity of tbm wliltm.t lirt' ivii o n Miiitlo imin. Ho My tlw II'iiM.Mjftfii Siiilummi. wmmmmmmm mill Jiwiul, hiiumujijii I3orii. In ilmtnwii of Jih-'iCh).ii lite, Anrll anili. In il." wlfu of IIkkwan Von Ilm.w, n ih.iitl.ler. " f UOCl i: CHOW H iiaU .... .!uet(Kouvlll. prffT:7'Tr!! T .J?W rpm:,,i Twr or cim nioweri". J W,( unr limtlno. eHi'iriiclfil vnlirelv of (!liw, will ffdTlT.ffC U." " (JUm ,,,, nBI, (jiSobinbiK. All the ula uurk (riven nwiiy. AilmMnn $1; ehllilron AH ct. Doom C'ummvucu at Oo.ll-liiia' iffrfVI ii ii e i'i " ATI COST T "-x" " " AND GOING NORTH. 11- WLM fc (jTfcJlfclll M. JL M M.P V J1MM Offers to tell his entire stock of MERCHANDISE AT COST, WITHOUT RESERVE All those) (tcsiriiig Jtar Riiin Hhould call I111 iiietliutvly, as tic will close out fnrtliivUh. All xv ho think that tlic.y haw hi'rotoforo puiil ton much for Goods, Miouhl call at II. HLOO.M'S STOKU anil gut uvuu. COME ONE, COME ALL Now is Your Time TO GKT 33 L:K":fc:o.J3 As he positively intends atExxiTf g orr at cost Jacksonville, March '.8, 1803. NRW" T()-T)AY. In Hi.) matter of Hie A DM I NI ST It ATOK'S S A L.K - !' Till! - 0fJt4SSK ItOHKItTS., Intes tate, I'.r Iho Ki,vmi-iit of In delit. nv YIUTUI-: op an oimxu OP I) Sn'e iiiuile in the above intilled enn-e hy tlie Co'intv Cuiirl or lnimlaeit.inly. ()i Mon, t Hie l)ixM'inlr term of Mitt Oonrl. A. I. IfiW. illit-elMl In Hi" liiiilcrliiiir.t. Aitmliitiittiitiir t.r Mid e'liitii ol JIS8K. ItOltKltTS. dreMMil, I will i-roewif to wll the Kent lidtile IhIuiiiiIiiR wid wtate, nt Cuiiyoiivillc, In mI.1 Comity r liniinln", On Monday, tho 25tli Day of May, A l. IK:i. Ih-twii'ii Hi hour or 111 n'uloek In the moriilniriuiil irm h'Miik .r tho mih ..rihat il'.v, TnmofMlo. mie-bnirinoiidi dim ii. niul iiiii'-lmlr In lx mouth time. Tli InltowliiK are the deterlpllmw or the It.n.1 IvHiltr l Ih Mild i Thnt 'Iroet of timid known ni the l)ona Hon dliilm of P. IIAI1I.KV. lybis; In frothm reve.i. In lim'ii'lilp twenty-nine. miiiIIi of mut live wet. and rtMllou twelve In town rl.lp twiMily-niiw. miiiIIi or mnire fix wwl. eoumiiilnti lliat! hundred and tvmnly acre, mon- or lew. Al. that Trel of Iiid known n JACKSON ItKYNOI.DV? Ilimali.m CI dm. WbiK In recllmii Iweuiy-vi'ti and thirty ft.iir. In Inwmmlp Ihlrtj. miII. wnit" lire wel. and entilnlnlni.' tlirve hundrtd amt lw-nlv iiere. imin or Im AWii t hut Tnwt of liitil known a Hi" "Canviw I'Mperty." Iyln in wiltn liven-ly-Kviii ..d thlny-fiHir. In limn.lilp Iblrty, MMllll MlltfV live wrt. einillnlittr mm Ium dred mid Ixlv-iiiin nerw. mow or lew. Al. that Two' of I.hh.1 miovMi n the 'HOHKlNa Donation CIhIiii." In moIIoii lwwiiyU amt twoiity-lhreo. In tnwirli1i ! thirty. MHilh Miiae five wrt. and emitulii' lint one humlml iiihI lxty iicren, mora or it-. a'm. the Miilh-wol nne-fniirlh or recllorr Iximhi. lown.hlp lwni-eliihl. mmiIIi nintre v wvt, ami eiiiitaiubiK one hiliidnrd nml rl.xt- Hen, moix or h-n. Alo. the Twut ol land known tt the Do notion Claim nrJKSSKKUOIIIIItiS.liin-1 Hoik tlilrtMiii and tHvuly-loiir. lowmhlp lwenty-eiihl. mhiiIi nuiije lx ! i Claim j III ireilooo elhle-0 and nineteen, lowii'lilp iMwilv-elitht. iKHIIh mil1 III" Wt. IhjcIii- , Hint; 'twenly'viii elwiiH muth nml the Mt or the i.orllM-nt comer of section tivi-uly-four. timul.ll. twenty, miiiIIi imiiiih x iVt, IhviKH) mirlli eljshlMii clmln ami nln-tvlour llnkx. llienc m1 lorly-nlnel ehaiii'i nml tweoiy-four link. Ilieiion ul , inn- hiimlreit and nine ehaiu'iiiid nl.iu link. ! tl.m,ti 1.Ivmhi olialu and tntnly-tliree I link. Hii'Ihw ttrty-nii... omiin mm eini tlve link to the plane ui' IxwiniiluK. mid eoiitaliibnt lx Immlrvd ami Torly iierw. more or lew. Aim. l oiio-lmir r unitli iint iiiuriiT or H-oiloii iilmtlwrn. nml fn.o tliMH.1 ninth DiKhnir or ll.o iiorth-eii't imr tr orretlou uiiietemi. In lowori.lp IniNily eiKlit, Miuth niiiv" live wrt, eoutalniiiK one huiidrnl and liriv-fivu ticre. limn, or le. Ami alo Hie ii.rth-et oiie-r.mrlli of ee- Hon twenty. I.mml.lp iwniy-ei(tui. m.iiii. lanao live wwt. cinilnlnlnsr 'i hundred ami iliiy ner- or land, nmro or Ur. (Tl.o tl.rir- trel or l.u.d lat imnllwunl nro inorlgnge.t to Jmiv I'. HfniKiiMSP. In eciirollie mynwninr.iMi hi. mm liner. et on llm miiio tit the rule or '-M per cent wr annum Irom the ltli day or lebruary A. D. UUU.) aarTho Iimli nforemht will lw Mid Mihject to the widow' claim of doner. The ''Canvoiivllle proiK-rly" hm upon It n grlil mill, 'dl'tillery, nml n hiititl, and Ii onu or Iho moat detlrablo pieces or property in Or- Ci5"' S.F.MOSHKR.AilmY. April 2llh, JSB3 np:t I3:t V. S. Income Tax. mill: IiAW COSTKMl'LATtS THAT I .1. .11 ...... .... ..II ia. uritlllj . uicr uiiw hhiii jmj wt, .... ... i - (lens SHOO) uVriu-d fiom any miircu what ever. A M.-ron Is nllmviil to dr.biet all legally utxiwd National. Htato unit County Tnxv. Hired help, Henl. Drnyngu, Ac, ueceiiary to carry on Id Iiuiiihi ; but no rarmer. merchant, mechiinlc. or any penou, has u rlKht to lUduct hi own lalwr ui io much expeii.c fro in lilt Income. The lucome Tax I to be paid on the In come or Iho year commencing January lt, 18IJ2, to that on Iho evening ol December Illit. 18S'J, ev.iryl.ody fhuuld mako npi. record or their Income gain or protll lor that year. And ss many rmircu or Income, nidi as Dividend and Itallroad llon.U ami Siook, Iiixiniiice Stock, Ravine Hank, lutermt. Ac, (they having ulremly p-iid the Incomo tux,) me not ugaln laed. II there loro liecomwi neoiry to have n clenr record of the ourc of income, that thero may be no (lipule tilth tho Aonr. All corporaliim mint lUduct llireo per centum before ilmlariug their dioduiids. 3Por 233s:vxiai3lo : A man In ImhIuum inixt make up Ihn nett profit ot hi IhuIiwm lor ll.u year, mid pay the tax on the ..mount leM $fuu. A man may, o.iUi.lo of hi hmlncfs. tpeiul all unci even mora limn hi protlU In the bialuet ; ueverihaleM ho muit pay tax on all noil builnoMi prollts uxcept tlio $UU0. Ami io wllb i. mlury, nil over S6U0 mutt ho tuxvd, though jicrtonal or lamlly tut pene eoiKinne It nil. The lucome Tux tor Iho year 1HC3 Is in testkihlo on the lint day ol May, 1603, uud I due and payable on or before the iSUth June, 18UU. And any turns due uod unpaid for thirty day alter the 30th June, a nturti taid, am! tor ten days uftvr demand by the Collector, live per centum will bo udilvd to tho amount unpaid. liicli Individual of any firm or partner ship uiutt mako up hi Income, rei.aralely, THOS. FKAZAIt. ni)2jm2 V. B. Anw:igr for Dn-gon. i U. S. Aw'r's Ollice, Portland, April ti, 1803 BRADBURY & WABE, JACKSONVILW!, I Vtflxolomn.lo cftj 37t.otn.ll I is- DRY GOODS, CLOTI-IITG, BOOTS &l SIEOES, T' A ATr'r" r'.oriiVtc' sivx'ja jixrxD o.ia-:i?s, GROCERIES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, XjicgLXXOX", Tobacco & Segars, PRODUCE, IIAItHWAIlK. OI.ASHWAttR QUKKNSWAltK. WOODKNW'AKB. MINERS' TOOLS, All of which will lie fold nt low prices, fur CASII.tirdrtlrublu PJtODUtJi:. A I.I, HKSCItllTIONS OP SUMMER GOODS AT KKDUCKD UATKS, To make room for FALL STOCKS. A Choice Selection of tho ' ' i . r I'.ver oll'-red In I hi market, embracing j IC urivtlM of 4 I : JUiirK, Greon & .JiipiuiL-RC, ; I : In bulk. KiK.'n unit caddh'. nt : I : price to suit the most particular, j TTTTTT i . I nz-cmTrrrn TFTQ'T T?T?(jElVED. J U O J. X.XJJXJ1. V XJXS, A FRESH INVOICE OF PICKS. PANS, SHOVKI-S. ltUItllKIt ltOOTrf. HLASTINU POWDKIt AND.PUS1'. HAY and MANUKIv POltKS. 1 Agricultural Tools ZPor Snlo vt Ooisit : 20 Steel-point PLOWS, complete, of various sizes J If! cast l'loiv-polnls ; '1 Kctts extra steel MniiM-Ilnnrd, Poiiil nml Lund Sides. 2 patent Strnw-Cutiirs ; (i large Iron Kettles, fur farm use. The above will be cxclmtiged for Hour at the market price. IJUADllUItY A W'ADK. Juoksonvllle, Oct. 2!1, 1802. !l llf PHCEN1X HOUSE. BRADBDRY & WADE. TIIK CITIZENS OF 1'IKEiaX AM) VICINITY Will find It to tholr advantage lu purchase of us, iik no rhnll keep ou baud a good tupply of FANCY AND STAPLE MERCHANDISE!! Kid S.W.K AT JACKSONVILLE MUCES. Wo will take nil dcfcrlptlon of Produce that can bo oVuoml of without a loi. UHADllL'UY A WADK. Phoenix. Oct. 30th.