Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 29, 1863, Image 1

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    Lmjouwjuiiiiin i mi ii i j' .) tt- rr"TTT"TTT"""
r en0w 0emtwei
- T It
.- Jit "-
- W.'ltt1tW "& :-
r.-K-atv-'ar w . . it-u-fPl
J vJ
LJVJ1JL.' 'HHjiOPWIMWPflL'iUlltfWCjmi1
(Mlee nl tlic C1IJ Unlit More,
,1 ci;honvii.i,k. Oleums. -II
Onioo with II. T. Unwell. li., Thlid street,
.T (incgiiNvii.i.k-. Onions'. 'J!)
Will iirninpllt nllnml lonity h'gnl
Iiii'Iii-i'k 1'xniinlili'il to hi rare.
Ofllrt m Stnliail Imilihng,
Jti'Ksovvi'.l.i:, Oitwiitv.
AT Xs-AXnr,
Jacksonx if.t.K. Omniok,
Will practice in the .iippiii" will other
(annul IhURInl" March jJ. '!.
T.U'l.'XO.Nt II.I.K, Oiikuox,
"IVII.L practice In iln- several Court" nf
V tin- First Jmliciil liNrlcl. mid In tlia
HpMii- Ci.iirt. OotnU'r ill, 'fit.
I,trKSiiM'f.,i:. OllKilON.
Will practice ill nil tin- Courts ol' tliu Tlilnl
Judicial DiKtilut. llio t-iiprvuic (.'iiurt ill" Ore
pm. timl in Yrokn, (Jul. War hoiip prompt
iTcnll'Titil Oct.
Dim's, JtiiiliiT Simp.
Between JlruiU'iirt V WwlcV mill LI Dorado
.saloon, cuiiinriiiu uriH'i.
FlIAVING.IIalMiillliig. Shampooing, Cur
ling and Ilmr l -liijr n li.iml uml fur
sVc.n genuine nrllclc "' I'Mi's Uaik Kkh
TuMTiri: nml I'rbliidnru's lUtdmir Ifair tye
Photographic Artist,
h prepared I o lnk p.ulwro In uteiy stylo
' llii' nrt with nil tli" lain Improvements.
If I'iclurv. ilu nut gltc sutMiictlnu. mi
diaries will Ih mini'1, full lit til in'"- (Jul
Itv, mi li'' Mil. txumlno his picture, uml
ill fur tour likeuc-s.
Wntcluunkcr nml .TVwolor,
Jcp contnnt!y on liaiul n -
tuo assortment of C'MH'hM nml o?iO
Jr.urKi.iil which lio (itlVrw fur IP, J 'f.
mI nt iry low prices, loraJJ.?,
mil nr.i,AiuiX(5--ci.Ku2is-
WtlclifH uml Jewelry repaired with prompt-
mm ami warranted Simp mi California
llreet. tuo doors wont ot l.ovo & llllgiir's.
Jsclenntllle .Inly ill; '.'H
il. W. II MH. 11. II. IIAI.NKH.
iiaim:s & DAVIS.
Post OllUo Ddildiiib'.
ltKOULAlt saw; DAYS,
M'cilii'(!ys uml Satunliiyfl.
Jarkwinvllli' l'eb 11 IW-I. Mill
P. H. LYNCH, Prop'r.
Corner California nml Oregon Street.
Tlie l'roprbitor ban jnt recelvnl from S.m
Krnncliw n cbolc'" nfortmciit of lino
Wines, Liquors, Cigars,
etc., r.rc
yeir Piop In nml tout tbeni. P.ic.JO
l'Al'KUUUWIU, nml
lUauk-ltooU Maiiurnutiii'vr.
517CIy nml 5M CoinmciuiiU ntreut,
Iwtwui n Mniuiin'rv uml Snioomo,
Vfc, Illmliuir ol i-v.ry ilntciiptinn neatly
ticvnuil t Hlmik lluokn niKcl ami llonml to
ny ilHnnl piiltcrn. 3J l:y
VUTK'K U hereby kucii to nil personn
a imk li lei to mo by noto or Rook nc
(omit, to w,v tli" hiiiiu to my nueut, .lodi.ril
Ji'oiw, on or bfori) tliu lfltli Kebumry,
10J; otlivrwli-c tlio fiiiiio will b phicul In
llie LaucU of un iiitoinvy Inr cullecllun.
)Vr .IlwHI'll JACOU4.
HibU' Mill. .Tnnirir S.1.1. Ibd.l.
mippiy. in Niirioii' HtyU", on lunnl. uml
fir mIc in cit" inn! I'lmi'KVH, nt tin' ilcptml'
"y Of llio Jnckooii f 'mull v Uililo SneUi.
UOHSK MUAH neutly exvcutttl nt
lliis olBcc.
lir.MIYDII.M.lMaK.n, I'lliri-miill'loiiV
Si'ihciiiitiiin One xcnr. In ndrnnce.Five
Dollars; Six innntli", llirrv Dollar.
AnvhirriitiMi Dm Mimiiu (III lln or
of), llrnt liiMTlloii. Tlnw Holliiri.; wcliJUelliin.KMlOl) miiiiiiI ol tnlnuw. 2ll (Kill
nlit'iiuMil liiMTtlnn. (lit" Diillnr. A illf
eiuiiil ir llfly 'HTCont will bo iiiiulo tu tlio.'O
who uilvcrllH' iiy tnuyvnr.
Ily npplimtlan to liNnmilan nuiilOInll
rjnrrii'in. vnii rain Iwrn Unit tnuni'iiii-wnKiy
OiiKiiox ntiNTiNKi. Ihih hy Tur i luritf r olrai
lulloii In tliu ciutiitlit or Soiilliirn ()rfoti
uml li'l Nortf uoiinty. Oulirnrnln. limn liny
ollii- Kiptr. Till Inol nliimlil i'iiiiiiiu'ImI Hit.'
dKvriNMl. to yon u u iMipurlor iiuhIIiiiii fur
I.ikt of Aiikxtn. nrliii nru nntliorl.nl tn
tniiiHiol uny lui'iiiww ooiiutJinliiK llii m
per. In iIh- imiiii. or tin. inililWu'r :
I. l'.M.IiVr.rkn Iriu.olfc.i .1.wnrli
i ajl'.'? l&Witit ,
KHtf: It. S. IiiiiiIkii, lllmiiiKliiirir; .Inlin K
I'rlnillc. Ki-rlivvlllti: A. II. MelUnlii.WiiM":
It. J. lMiilii-nWnlilo; n'i M. KviuiM. Alt
Imiiiko; Jih'I 'llmrii, ('iiiivoiivlllc: A. It.
1'llnl, lloMilnir: Inino It Moon-Fi, Silrm; J,
II. Uiular" odd, IIiiKi'iio (!lty; I-'. Chiirtimn,
r)r.i..M f'll... II Ur t',l.ll.,l,l Alluinv!
Ilunjiiiiilii Cook, Corvitlll: J. II. Minltb. ,
Urr.coiit City; Allwrt DuolHllu, lluppy
10. boMnlin roR-uliir iiicclliiitn ovury SAT-
Villi AY IlYh'XIXO, nt their Ikll (Me'
Cully V Tlimlt'r lutllilln). ut 7 u'uloek.
Iiintiiern in Komi iiimiiii) nro coiilinliy
Inilicil In iilti'inl. .lAf. .M. SiTTo.v N. (I.
(iKO. II. PlIHIIIH. It. tT'.V
Warron Lmko No, 10, A. fT&A. H.
A ROM) tbolr rcsuliir cominnni-
"gvonlbiiin tlio Velnenliiy Kvontugi. on
Vor preoedlnt; tliu lull moon, In jack-
WDNVIM.K, lllltllll..
Am;.. JIAIITIN. n..
If. Ri.ooit. iVi;
ountsoN oiiaitj:u no. .1,
WlllboUl ItnroxiibircouiiniinlcHtloun on tliu
I'll t HnliiKlny KttKrry iHunlli.
All Mijonrnliik' Conipfliitnun In uuud
atumllnc nro conllully luvltuil in utteuil,
(J. U'.URKKR. II. I'.
L. Sai'IIh. Sec'y. ilec8:l7
pliln, I'fiinn.
Ur Hit tdi'f tjf Hit Sifk nml Ihilittifil . I Jllitltd
utlh Viruhnl ami Clirmne ivm, and
(ijiKinlli JliMtirn oj llie
Suutl Uryam.
Mcdlonl Advice fjlvcn Rmtln by llio Act
liiK Surticnn. Yabmblo iiiiroim on xraiiu-
v.ii.i.ri.. . utmivii. ivkilmmI. nml nllntr
illfon-on of tlio M.tial org.iiin, nml on llio 1
nkw nuMHiMKfi employi'it in llio uirpvii-;
tary. tent In sealed letter envelopes, free of
cluirgi' Aiiurenn
UK.. I HKU, l.l.N 1IU' UIIIU.N,
Howard Am.ocI.iHou, No oi.th Ninth (.,
April UU.:l.'.v l'lillinll,lili. Pa
usssjrsy Office
fTMIR undersigned, having opened nn
J. AH.y Onion nt Sun l-'ruiiobco, would
Koipeollully ollolt tho putiuiiaue of Mir
vhuuts. Miners, Owueis ol Quiiilz leads and
Mills, who may t bit Kin l'ruucltco, or who
may itnnit tivururo there.
Vo Huuruuteu llio eoriectnewi of our o
rays, mid will iiiuko leturns In llsrs. or U.
?. Oold Coin, within six hour utter deposit.
Wo alto tuny nil kinds of Olos mid Metals.
521 Sueramcnto street. n rowdoorslw
low What Cheer lloiuo, nenrly opposite
l'uoillo Msll Skumshlp (Jo's otUce, San
Viiku, Cnllfuiiila,
I'urtland, (lif(,'oo.
II. ai.H.NOriltl, I r., L'r.,,- A.tlOI,l.Hlt,
u. nui.KM.ACii. f ,S'" """ Yuia.
.1 iiiiunry 1. IPfllt. jaii'jlni3
1AY UP All Hkims indebiid to mc
bv noloi or book iiccoiints, will please
cull und settle immediately, or their nc
ennuis or notes will be hunded to my at
torney fur collection. II. RI.OOM.
Mmeli.18. J8C2.
I.hUSTllATHU PAPKU8- Harpers'
Wecklt. Fiunk l.oslic's, Yunkeu No
tions, etc., regularly rccvitci! nnd for sale
at the YAUIBIT S'l'OUK.
SuSiiiiluy iislts Dlnpntcli.
Jiiilnvillc, 22il 'I'lic Mrniffonlvillc
i-.vjiwlitliiii to L'lliiiii. 'IViin.. lum ritiirnul
III (illlCiV, lmillL' llililll.Mll llio tnwnof
lnilii''n of Liirn. ii ioiiiilrnlili' ti'intitif
ol' prnrrrH r. nml llie lnuitu neil by tin tt-li
itln in trniiMrtin inippllw. Tlic relu!i
mlmlt n Iihh nf liino kllliil. Col. (Sordini.
in coiiiin.inil of llio espnliiinn, lliinl; tlmt
tk If wtil rcflltr.- Tl 1'inlcriCI Ihm1
mic Itillcil mid urn' wnuiitUi).
WnliliiRton, 23(1. Oi'imal (Innlon li
rtiicknl Ikti1, nml ntnlM timl tlio (jorri)
incut cneliHiT nlin in I'lmrfil willi Im'
duty of lii'pi'otinc Iron-cluil. rcxirM tlt
HiuiUr Npcrtlif Imltlu In C'lmrlwloti Imr
Imr tly wVre fit Inr liiiimilluto wrviw.
Mr. Wimlcii. tlic (JnVfrnmcnt nsfnt to
i-iipcriiiloinl iIh-wiU' of IiiihU nl Si. llfk-
' ri..Mirlr, tl)l )(t nmvt. u toi..lp I.h
, ' ,, ,, f.-trlr., tlinbrr inn.l
;r " "T IWufort rrved for
iiluctilinmil ptirji(Htt,
Tlic pi'mnnul Kliill'of (Icnornl McClellan
lm Ihiii ilinpoil of. Tin' vi'liinlHr or
(Inrn nn to lie liiiinwllntcly iiiiinternl out
uf tlic MTvirc. Tin' iiMiwin of tin' rejsntiir
ntmy Imvo kin itMlgnrd to iluty in tliflr
DlnpHtrlwii from rebel nniircru My timl
ic hulli-rifi oipoilc Vlrki-litinr op'iii'il
it tlio lTtli nml 16ili, with wlml ritult in
on Hit'
not Ktllt4.ll.
Cincinnnll. ''.111. TntiJIi'i'liro lm liCfll
rccciwil of tlictiuiinrc oml ilctriidlon ol
llio Mmtiirr Alliuinbrin by fiierrillun. on
llio Uiimlierl.iiiil river, it iippeum nun
nlie ;roiimleil nt DevllV I'lllimv. on the
Klili, mid belnrc iliv cniiM Ihj cnt oIT irner
rllliiinpK'iinil. wlii-ii tlio crew inude tlieir
menpe. Tlie Slenmer Ilin nbo croiitiiled
uenr I'liind No. IB. timl currrilua were
Ken mi her w lien tliu creiv left.
NVw York. 23d. Tlio RrltUli ntrniner
(icrlniile nrrhi'il luM tiluiit. Slio uununp
lured mi tlio IClli. tff Ilntbor Jnlnnd, by
llio U. S. L'linbo.it Ynmlerbilt. After u
rliioto of i-otiral liourn i-lio won tnmilto
Clmrlinion, but nrririn tberi', found llie
port lix cloft'ly blnckiuUil, nod w.i re
turning to Xiinwiu when iiliewjn enpturnl.
II cr riirgo ctnioiittB uf yunjiowilcr and mill'
tury florw.
NVw York. 23d. A Mwclnl dixpnteli
from Wnsblui'lon mjh llio Frineh Mini
ter hwt rm'ived illnputiliiii cnnllriiiliif,' llie
leli-prum from 1'rauiv, eoiiwirnlns tlie bum
li.inlmfiit or I'ueblii. It hIiiIch Hint the
I'lcueli bud carried the firm lino of worki
11 round I'uttblu, and were confidi'iit of coon
cnplurin tlio oily, nml that thoir couunii
uieiilioii with Vem Cms in uninterrupted.
IHafiirerineuM uml upplle weru iirnvin
dully. Tlie I-'mieh troops wire greutly
eluted with their niccetj.
AVashliiRlon, 23d. The Government lias
doteriniiied not to erunt letters ol nuriine
and rtjirUul units n foreigu
wur tuoulil
I'ho rebels Imvebcen relnforeeil within
the lust week. A new rebel eneuinpnient
" visioie in.s morning opposne -miuouu
un i unumy Buiriuipii iim inuiu
the rekls above Kelly's Foul, We rup
tured ono l.louteniinl Colonel, severul (Joji
tains, nnd 31 privates. On Monday, while
Ihe urlillery was king Inspected by IJi-n.
llunier, neur Fiilinoutli, n insslon e plod-
id, wounding four men, ono dangerously.
Chicago, 23d A terrific torpadn vlsitnl
Griimlv county, in this Statu, on Sulurduy
Inst. It was first heard nl tho town of
Mnman, which it prosiruled. I-'roin Ihiure
Its ''oiirsu imis pluinly marked tn the limn
of Mu-oii. Mouses wero to'ii Irom ilieir
rouiidiitioni und (lushed to p'uees. The
largest lues were turn into IrugmcntB
llorsobiind cnitlo wero scattered prninls
cunusly iiliout the Holds. JIniiso furniture
was curried a nisiunro oi iiii a nine.
St. Louis, 23d. A speeiul dispnteh
from Cutro says that the iunhoats lave
destroicd the butteries nt Wnriiiiton. tie
low Viekbtirg. Tho fleet wss ut unehor
ut Curtliagc, on tho 17th. Ceucrul Grant
was lo go down tlie sume day.
Washington, 23d I 1. Stykney, U.
S. Tux Collecior for Florida nnd Hliuih
Carolina, has reported to tho Government
tho absolute suceova of uriniog und organ
izing the slut es. lie suys the lulo expedi
tion which took nnd held Jacksonville,
Florida, was comixx-rd entirely of black
troops. They held the post two .Miles,
and were engaged almost every day with
superior numbers or rebels. Afterwards,
tho blacks were reinforced by white reci
menis. The lilh Connecticut regiment, by
no means favorable to negro soldiirs, had
an engagement with the rekl catalry and
urlillery, nlien the former m support! d
by tho'lnt nml 2d South Coiollim blnrk.
Aflirn sexero vnimmiiieiii, In which the
blnckn were siicnMlul. Thl wbho n-jji"
imiit decliind llicy hud no luilhtr objec
tion, to negroe who liownl niieli pluck.
The lormcr e.Hslilluii up lit St Mary's
river, by llo compnnlrs of tho hi rejrl
uieiit South Carolina voluulrt'ts, furnlflN-d
un equally conclusive ehleiic' of the
bravery of nero tr(Kip. Murchlii);
lhroti;n n wood, they were utincked by the
ribcl cavalry. At tho first illfdmrgo one
man wnt killed nml four wounded, but in
lend or retreating the block irtnriifit the
lire, einptyiiij twehe reliel nibRi-m nt Iho
first dlnolmrue. The unlforin opinion of
nil Ihoofiicers Is thut Iho nf unHf, when
brought under fire, need u ekek rnllur
than urging.
ChlcnRO, 23d. Dispnlelm Imm .Mem
phis have reports tlmt more ituiiboutn iiikI
truurports hnio run tlie bloeknde ut Yleks
burg, on .Monday mclit. und nro now be
low Viirreutou, It I. uleo reHKtid tlmt
live bouts have psrd the Iwlierk-s on ilu1
Ynzoo, nml uro now nbine llnrri' RlulV.
(IdiTiil j runt's heudipiurters are ut New
New York, 23d. James Txilil. n okrk
in tho Adjutant Uencrnl s cdUi' ul Wn-li
Iih.Imm r.i.,1 I Ail.tuiin i-liit r r!mk of llie
IViision Rureaii. Iinvo been raimlit In the
act of currviiig rebel neiil. TIm-(nriiier
!ni been in'llie War Ileiurtment ,'K) years,
inn hud neress to nil llio important n.ci1.ui. .much inieresi was leu ai iuciiiiiuihi
nml uinvemenls. Iloili on lurms In .Mary
hind mid keip up daily coininuiiienticii by
ineiinitiif curnnires. Tho Kef. John Mur
tin and Ills faintly, who live near them, hui
been the medium of coininunleuliou. They
have ulsu U-cn urrwled und will be sent be
yond the lines.
Cairo, 23d. Tho rebels oofipy Ihe
nulh side of tho Coldnutir rlur, und the
I'lilernls the north side.
A report was recehed here to-ntulit of
lighting in the vicinity or Corinth, but
there U nothing difiiiite.
Washington, 23d Dlspntohes from
Com. Wilkes state Unit he wu- nt lClulllio
ru, one or the Riihiimss, on the 10th. in- nil with Jackson. IS n- Rurnsldes will
stead or having ten Havana nu tk 11 III. ' tuke the llekl In u few da),
He mukes no mention or having U-rn im-1 Sl j,,, o,,. ,,c. ,iCtlnn nt Put
ruled. The report to tlmt ilkel Is duubt-1 rrfii Ml)( m) nM, ,(Wl .,, Ki.-,l nrt,
HMiluIse. 'wounded, liielndiiiif two mptulus killed.
New York. 23d Sterllntr. firmer nt ' Federal Ion. 1 1 killed nml 20 wounded.
103alC3usGol(lflrinntonel50ulliOl. Patterson un burned by Ik Fed before
. ,. . beliiii evucuuled.
Jly buiKluj's Mngi-.
Murfw-sbnrn. 23d Refauii-s rrom op-
press'.nn at McMlnntille ')' the sueeessim
expedition or Gen. Rvtw.lds Imvinu: ur -
riti il nt Rendyvllle, (ien. Fruser teli-irrophs
thut ihey state thut Reynold took the
town, cupturing two ruilroud trains and
wagons. Amonir tho prlsomrs taken were
Mrs. J no. 1). Morgan. The expedition
lius more iiiiporlunt roults, houeter. Ihuu
IIioh' named. vi Fliull nate inn oeians
tn-innrrow. The CltntniiiMv.'u IliLtl of the
1 Olli says disputchfs from Jaeksou of Ilia
lfilh hate been received saying that an
early attack is to be made on Yickibnrg
Horn opposite nnd below the e ly. For
that purpose the Feihrul bud placed eight
gunbouts on the night previous, A letter
disputch iiitbnutislbut tho rtkl expect
Grunt to mako n demonstration south Irom
Corinth ut the mine lime. Tk rebel dis
patches confirm tho uhamlouinKiil of the
rekl works nt Centcrvllle.
Andrew Hnliur nnd W. Harrow are
spoken or for Oomnor of Trim.
The Jliinntr mentions unother ruid Into
north Alubama Oy Federals; it tnyt that
no uriny wus ever in better condition than
llmtrg's and thai he is untioipatiug un ear
ly movement on the part or HoMrcruui in
connection with Gen. Grunts movement ou
Ho8tnii,21 A vessel Cope from Hntlon
of iho first ha urnved. It was reported
that the Ahibumu chased to tessels
uthore on Turks Island. Ono went to
picas uud it us thought the oilier would
be saved.
Ncwburn, 10th The rkjs hate nbnu
doneil their nttuek en Little Wellington,
giving it up us liiiMln. The pern-rr-unco
und pluck of the Initio gnrrlbon keep
ing ot bay 17.000 rekls. 'Hits i with
out a parullel in war. Gep. Hlckiuan's
brigade has arrived from Porl'Royul.
St I)uis. 2-tth. Governor Gambia has
cullid four reulments of militia into the
ser vice for thirty dats. Ueu. I urtis Has
issued orders that no negroes shall be to
ken from the city witkut a special permit,
in coiiseqmnceof extxosive kidnapjiing iu
ibis vicinity.
Dispatches from headquarters announce
the arrival or McM ill's command ut Cupo
Glmrdcou jesterduy. That place und I'b
lpl Knob arc now regarded as jeeuic. Tho
rebels occupv I'mtirlckf-burj, 22 inihs
cant of l'llnt' Knob.
New Yotk, 2 JlliThe 1W Wnshlnu.
ton fpcehil sh it U iiiiiiliiir in tornti'i
lieie. and tliu I'ntomnc nml Rupiilutiinueu
me ury high, the loads arc luuilbc.
A lute Richmond lirummtr nnys tlej
present emmii!ii will swell the Coulnloi
uto debt to 9MHI.000.OUU.
A special Wnnlilnuton dispatch lo Ihu
Tim suys u letter h.is litn neelved.
which states that within 21 hours afler
tlfit. Thuninn imul n SiTrli stating iho
Intcnllmi of ll (l'.reriinn,nt In employ lie
groes as soldiers, 2.300 cflloml men wir
rcmllel In tlie vicinity. Tin' gtestest en
tliillnniii prevails niiininr whito settlers nt,
thin nnmrkflble ih imiiMlallon of military
spirit by tlie neprues.
l'nrtrrss Mnnrw'. 23d A Hug cf true
boat ha nrrivod Iroin City Point. Rich
mond W)ieis of to tiny eoiilnin telr(rnpbi
infofiiiHlH.li Iroin I'orl llmWoii ol the reb
els of the nil-Mini is IJiki ll of iIh" Wit unl
I Ilium. The lormer ii"t mirouml in tlruiul
I -use, li., nml win blown up by n she I
Imm Ik I'ciUrul gunboNl Culhoun, tk
DIhihi whs litirmil by tk rekls. Oiu
Imiiilred nml sis iitiskiuy mid tHVell com-
nilssHiiieii ofllivrs wire cuptured wilhtlm
Ouii-li of lliM 'lt. AlllonK Ik lultir Wu-l
I t'Hptiiln Turner, cominniiiliint of tho rekl
(Heel, Tho force umler tiin. Rinks was
i beyond l'mnklm, April loth, nml imueJilnir
'. . 1 . u..tl .11. MM.......
Ill rrguni in niuuem iu nuin'in. 'c (
jmrs admit n battery has bein captured.
Nuflivllle. 23d Orders linve been li'il
bv itiiuuinniliug olmir nt Nonhvlllo llul
cftixen iiiiikI tul.e Ik oulh of iillegianco or
go south wilhlu ten days.
Clnclnnnll. 21th West Virglnln ha
lieen ndmltliil Into tin) Union by proclnms.
lion of Iho President. Mailers in Ken
tucky tire quiet. Runi'Mm' nrmy is pmli
inir on lowurils Cuinbtrliind Oiip. It It
now bet nml Crab Orclmnl. It is now dsf.
finitely' known tbul the nxiny hntu nil
f-llen buck to Kunxville. Ttnit., und tk
forces of Pcgram, Mnrslwll and Reek mo
Wnshliigton. 2tlh J. H Addlsnn nnd
Anthony Addison, urresled on ehurges. of
currying letters to uev. .inlin .tiariin, who
wns dvteeted in lurwardlug thriii, Imvo
im-u released from arrest, ll being shown
that it was an net of nelehborly kindiiesT
Theso gentlemen have ror yrurs ken In the
habit of tuklng home with Ibem eveiy
night letters and puiMTnadilresvul toneigU-
Uors, among whom ll lu-v .Murun.
iMoiiilny Night's Dispatcli.
Chicigo, 2lli A Vkksburg letter or
ihe 1 "lb says, on the subject uf tk run
ning of tho batteries by eight gunbouts :
As each rounded the Kilnt, within cosy
range of the rekl bstleries, thiy opened
lira with bow nnd port quarter gum, throw,
ing tcumIoii shells ; coming Into clnsv
quarters, they fired broaihidr of schrupnel
uuilgraio; ufler rofiinling the olnt, tk
Adiniruls licit closed up. hi line ol batik
king one-bull n ink in length, describing
tho inside of n semi circle. The rebel gdiM
fired u mile In length, und every baiicy
I. .11.. ...-.....! ..H.I B......II.. (f.Mnl 'I In.
WU lUlljr iimuiini iiiiij lajitidj ei ,i -
heavy rear of DablgreiK nml Purrott ex
(iloslvesklls.liiternilngkd with neb ollur,
made Ihe wrth ami water irvmble. Tk
whole scene was sublime. There were oris"
200 gun ol Ik ktitirst calibre worked
lo llio utmost capacity lor oter two hours.
Huge uonfliw wero built by the relieis In
light up Hi liver, whlih was aided by lls
burniuu' li'iililmg find by our shells. Tk
ountisgiution of the Henry Cluv lit up Ihn
scene over which bung n broad ounopy ol
heavy smoke, iitoh us only irigautlu war
mil produce, lien. (Irani was on Ihe Vim
Khule, near n point uboto Gen. Shennuii
In u yawl klow und opposite thoinoiiili o
IhesMiuil vus un unxious crowd of bfllesrt
and soldiers who witnessed Ihe kit la. .VI
tho gunboats sed the hattcrfo unharmed
Tho Rsntou reoeitwl ihe heaviest Hie. A
shell exploded ut Fort Dale, which kilbsi
otlioers nii'J wounueii loriy-iureu im.
It Is now imnoielble to statu Ioj.
haven Urge lund foreo ut below A'iekfsiHfrjf
( on tw I,ulmua shoic
'llio canal is
Murfreesboro, 21. Gen. Reynolds, h
I lie purltculnr of Ik McMmville nljlr.
stutes that tk main mounted faree, Cv
Villsnnd Munly's loiuuiamls urrivtd 4'
McMmville nl 10 o'elock, a u , tuking tb
plure enlirely by surpnu;. Tliu rtkl fort
tiadvr Unustiy wire in tout of tho tonw.
Coutluuvd on third rrjgc.1