Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 25, 1863, Image 2

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Scmi-towkln Sentinel. I r'om luuT!,n'
Jj) 5555
Ucil nnd enervated their bodici Hint, llm
Apm.hiatk. Aiir 111. 1803. illieow courage sun rcni.iinc.i. yet. wih-u
Vllhlirer.n Impudence and slandeVoiMih. I Hie Onth and VnmluU, or (111 Ocncrnl
Treamn's commissioned oMcers the jieoite Iteuiircgiiril designate tlio Unlnn nrmyj
Old ltim!, did fall, and so mnt ,x,,you Mj.c norll.eri, l,nr,lo.lM.n;lom1nttl.elrK.-,.
Un, they were unable to withttitid them, nnd
IV Southern right, with freedom, cnuiiot I mK f0.
.,Br0"'- , , .. , , ,1 Sir, it tiny b.' Hi it to the crtllr my lit
Alt l.ililn) .III mi' npruur 111111 rnriv
Slimmer of lHl'il, (lenerill JiifV I.ielltell-
nut, III counting niKM nml boullng up re
cruits nlong the Apptcgnte, ucd Hip nrgu
ln'tfir mnttcrnf Itiu
TR.vnA.7Lii DOST.v.a'anJ
OIUBSSK ItUHKItTS, ihceued, into-
title, Tr tllU IIIXIII lit nf his debt.
rY viurn: ok an onniitt ok
I Sate made in tin-11 1 11 ivo I'dtilleil wni'i'i
Wliolowalo Jb Xlotn.il
-imu.HM IN-
ment that tlio Onvernnient of tlio United
.. Stale wa a "gone coon ;" tlmt the Horn
11 n Republic "cnviil In" nnd tmr. would
ami r-icnvANi.M.-r of yocii hnc to follow milt, nml tlmt the Hotitli m
Ustov. a (JovKnsMKNT nut tiik wiioi.k m 1 fighting for iCr Hir1tl4. When nny of our
i.mwtiii.K."-- U'adlHgton. toyu! cllln mke.l thno gentlemen where-
.lAciCMiwii.i.r., oni:;o.v.
In the rights of the .Snitlli hud bcrn In
fringed upon, they rcplltil It win not so
much for wlmt hml been ilonu n for what
was Intended lo bo ilonc. Hint the South
. ,, . , .1 I,,. ... . 'disin red t he lin 011 mid declared wnr. If
Ikov. '1 here H In the vicinity of bam ., , , , . ., ,. ,,,
.,,,.,. , ' , , , Ida ogo were In prcvu, then It would bo
Orrek, In this county, Immense- lenda of " ' . .. , .
urn that will yield nlnctylivc per wit. or! ' ' V ,
iron. The coil mine discovered Inst Hum. j
titer by Mr. Henderson, nml now owned by
Tudgu Tulmau, is uppitrcntly inexhaustible.
And yet Southern Oregon procures nil her
manufactured Iron In San Francisco!
torlc-.il recolln-llon might Im mlijtcl to
cninment; 1 believe, linnctcr, 1 inn correct ilv 11,1. ComiiIv Court nt lloiiulascniiuiy (l
in the general facts. 1 hereafter desire to egon, nt the ().cfinlT term of suul Court
hnw tlmt the Southern slave owner joined
the Ircmncrucy from the fnino ilclre tlmt
Ditcd the wolf to iligiiio itself with the
.lilii of the xhi-ep to cmiblc It Hit bfttir In
prey on the lloelt. An democracy In inider
tood to be n governiiK'nt liy the jmijile. nil
law piwtd by I'ic I-iitiitiirr. nnd Con
urese they e'ocl ntihl to have the jrner
nl wcllnro at heart, mid pIioiiIiI multe no
inviilloui dntitictlon lit tn it'll cltlwiM In
regard to wealth on one (ide or poverty
on 1 lie oilier. How then doc it hiiip"ii
that for tlio Iwcnty-fito jenw tlmt I have
been n rrsldrttt of the United State Hie
AilmltiMmtnr of raid iKtalo nl .H.SK
UOHKUTS. ifci'iiiil, I will prooi'iil to tell
the Itenl IMnli' iH'luujrluK to mid iwtiile, at
In raid County or llnuuhi,
On Monday, the 20th Day of May,
A I). Itilt:), Ix'tweeu the hnurx of III 11'cloek
in the moriilllir mid the ct'ltliiir of I he Min
of that il iy. Term of nc, oni-linir In cah
down, ntnf one-hall In lv nmtitli H rn -
The fnllmrliiu are Hie itm'riitloiin or the
KimI K'late to Ii-'miIiI !-
That 'I raet nf hand known n Ihe limn
Tiik Oni-oo.v TcMHiHArn. From the
Sliiltmiim wo learn that Mr. Slronj,' Imd
pot tlio telegraph wires tip n far south a
Silm on the IT tli lint., nml rcnttnnnd re
celred ntiwnes from I'urtlnml. "Tho
work will not proceed nny lurlher nt pres
ent, m the wire lot on tlio Noonday ha
mil been mpplinl jet. Mr. S. Is going to
California to procure wire for the rcit of
tho route."
braiuwl mppoMd ho intended to burn I )0())to pf Smtl (.i(ronil ive ml vnt(
mine, nnd thin dlordcr, nnnrchy nml ruin
would be the result. 1 dure nay Hint the
high-sounding; word caucd many of my
fellow-citizen from Mlwonrl nml the south
wet to " fall into line nml shoulder arms,"
n their sympathies were nlo nctid upon
by thcnbitrnctiloetriiie of Statu rights
for I'resldent or Vice-President, that they
tiro Ineligible to bo either n Senator or
IlepTeseiitiulvr of their Htnlc lgil.tlnre,
unlcM tliey hnvo n certnln n mount nf in
come derived from land or slaves, or both
ship twenty-nine, miilh of rauirii r wrl,
containing three htiuilrid nnd twenty uctv.
nion' or le.
Aln. that Tmrl of hniul known it
JACICSON IIKVNOI.ir.S Donation ("lilm,
Ivlug In st'cllon Iwi'iity-'cvi'ii ami tlilrty
fiiur. In lnvnlilp thirty, ennlli Miiire IUi
wet, nml contnluliig threo liiinilnil anil
twntv neres. more or b'M
nml that property (junllflciillon Pir clrcinra . Ciiiiynii I'roperty." Ivlim In mtIIiiii twfii.
prevail In more Ihan one Southern State. ty-Mven nnd thirty-four, In imwirliip thirty,
X'AjSTGY goods,
ECA.TS .3XTX3 0i-XSr
Hon claim of. S. IIADI.I'V. lying III Mellon -d a TTTTCJ (ITT C QT AQO
wven. In lown.lilp twi'iily-nlne. roiith ofi rAllS 0, UXIjO, UJjAOO,
rane live wi"t nun seciurn iwuiro 111 town-
Tobacco & Segars,
limy be some excuse for their dislnynlty)
1 lull will, plllzt'im from I Ik- I Vim KIiiIm.
who il would be supposed hid suckeil
in liberty with their wiilicr'n milk, nnd
with fortlgii-born citizen, who had been
taken by the hand by u generous (Ioutii
ment nml Intruduceil to homw on it pub
(Ji.A.lli.nwKni.-Tlie National Tronpc lie land, nnd to wealth from It. placer
nr.Glas. Mower and ('Inn Workers" will I"'""" nml M"',r,,! ledges, nnd yet Joined
probibly lie In Jacksonville on Monday, "w ra",,, "' -",Ml"n. the matter nsoimra
mid certainly on 'I'ueiday next. Tills I a Krovlty that il uoiild be well for such
troupe cninprisrs three genllenun and one ' mcn '" lKlm,or on' nni1 n', I'f""' !'
lady, nil of llian very pteiuing in exlillilt.ll,ec,""c'l"l,,, would be iriheOrnnd. Tory
Ing the art or nuking gluv. Throughout I ("'m, ,r" ,,il, of IH t rue-ti t; ngaimt them
the entire Stale of California hrge crowd J f,,r niIprIton ol treaon and perjury. To
lute been attracted to wltnes, in full blast, nroi'1 ,l,c '"'Kr" l1111 w,mM nllcct on
and the cry of Mnkum Abolitionist mid , W u, , , , , , , )f isoulli raniro Iho w.-st coninlnlug ,, huii.
shoddy contractors ; and for them there ,,,,, ,.,,, ,. , ,. J f, , ,,, . dred and slxtv-onenere. mor.Mir 1.-.
' ,,.. wll,i women, wine, or cnnls, iloes not tlio ' AIo. tlmt Tnie' of Iinil known n Hit?
local laws subject his mnro hiimblo fellow' I "1I0.SMN3 Doimlloii Clnlm." liiMctloim
t,i.... ..i... ...... , .i... , .. .... Iweiily-elv and Ittenty-lhrt'e. In tnwnlilii
citizen, who own no slaves, to go on pn- ,,,, Hmt, ne ,.,! omM,l
Irnl duty at the dead hour of night, to sec I ng one I11t111ln.il mid si.xty ncres, more or
tlmt there I no unlawful oMemblagc of nc-1 lefs. ....
their "minimnth steam cnglnv," made en
tirely of gjj. Wo ilnnbt not their nl
trnctlvceitterlalnnifnt will Iw very gtucr
ully nltendcil by our community.
tlio Klato by a prnuiluro of this hind, I
earnestly Invoke Hiomj of my fellow-citizens
cnunicrattd above, to retrace Ikdr steps
even nt the elocntli liour, and to bear in
mind that Hie path of duty is itUo the p.ttli
of honor, and that the name of Democrut
will no mom snvo disloyal citizen from
GWa.nv " (." Hecrultln for Hits
Company lid thus fur prosrrssnl remaka-
bly slow, I hero being but twelve privalw punl'hment than tlio hiding of il head in
rnrolltd up to present wrlllmr. Tit- ol. ! ,l clump or ltutlir saves tho body or the
ftnclod that have retarded the filling of tiro 01,ric,, from iIh' urr,,w of ,l,e liui"l'r'
eomp.iny may Iw thus britlly stated ; hen n deputation or Iconun cltlzein
l'irst, The rroclamatlon of the (loternor waitul on Cinciiiunlns to inform him of
railed for olunleer troop to oierale his lielng ekcted their chief magistrate,
ugalnst the Snuko Indians. The people of they round him holding tho hniidles of his
Southern Oregon reasoned that they had , plow, cultivating his farm of forty ucres.
done their whole duty in lending three At that llmo the Itonmn youth were
hundred olunteers for tho protection ol I brought up in habit of sobriety, industry,
the northern frontier against hostllo tribe ami n knowledge of Ihe mechanic arts, and
ol Indians. Second. The fact that the they mudo cflVrlng to Ceres, tho (imlileu
compiiiystntinned at Camp llaker has not jof tho harvest fieM ; to l'omoua, tho God
yet rewired a single dollar for their ser ties of fruits, and to Minerva, the (1ml
ieo or cigliteen montlu.lu been u strong dew or learning. Tho Iloman maiden
argument used by rcml-sceessioniits to dis- were fdacnteil under tho eye or their
1, .. . t . I il"IJ. IMIT PIHIIII'Vil'-, I'HU-IIMII (II ,11 Fl Ullllll
. percliauce. their owner Is at JIjIltfell. ,wnl.lp lw-..ly.HKlit. smilh rnimr
Itocknwny or Ing llraneli.lu.xiirinllng In 1 vn wet, mid containing ouu hiiiiilrtd mid
N'ortlicrn sea bathing, or making tho tour Ht ncres, iimro or ies.
... ,,,.i. 1 1 111 Alo. the Tract of I11111I known a the Po
of I.urope, whilst Ins non-slave-hnlding ,, c)nm r Ji:SSi:i:iU)lli:il B.Iiimt
neighbor I obllgeil to wntch hi chattle tlnns thirteen nnd twenty-tour, toulilp
itvf.nif.i i 11. hoiiiii niiiL'ii aiv u.l i.itiim
...i. .n---. . ... - . -, .........
All nf which will be sold nt low prices,
for CASII.orilesiriible I'llODUCK.
proierty during his nbenn'. I not Ihe 1
In M-ctioii elglileen and nlnclecn. lowuhlp
suaue persons from enlisting. And there
urc oilier nnd minor objection which havo
hud their Influence. Tlio backward, wet
Spring ha kept the miner employed much
later in the season limn usual ,' tho fabu
lous accounts of Hie rlchn'-H nf the noiili
ern gold fields i attracting many persons
thitherward and Captain Kelly's com
pany, at Camp Maker, has enlisted fifteen
or twenty men since they have been sta
tioned there. Hut we have reason to hopo
that Lieut. Hand will yet bo able to fill
Id company up 10 at leust tho minimum
number in time for serrlco nt tho Klamath
Foil. Tlio Impedimenta in the wny of
recruiting, no trust will tooti bo removed.
Tho troops will be Hallooed where South
ern Oregon most need (hem nt Klamath
Like. Hy the middle of the coming
mouth, we re assured, Compuny 0 will'
receive it full puy ; miners will bo Idle
for want of wnlef, oad conflicting mid
prohibit1 discouraging report will reach
u from Iho northern mines. Tlio knowU
edge of theso fact Will greatly nhl the
recruiting agent in Douglds, Urtipqua nnd
Josephine, which counties will bo thor
oughly canvassctl. If, on (ho return of
Colonel Drew, Company 0 should be
ordered lo repair to Klamath Lake, many
of our prominent citizen have expressed
to u, thai it would bo good policy to
pinoo l.itut
education ol tho people of tho Southern I iwcmy-elidit, south ranui, llvo west, bnln-
Slntes piirpoely neglecleil, mid If It wert'inlng twenij-siivn chains south mid live
not that comparison are odious, could I . . AliH,,,n.r",T' J!!,,r,,iH?l,,m
. . . ' ,, , , I twenty-rour. townhli twenty, south riniri
not clearly llluslratu thi without going in, tx e,ti tKncv orl, .-I(slitoii chain and
hundred mile rrom4.racksonville! nnd doe1 iilni'tyfonr links, theno e.vt lorty-nliio
ml Vniillmrn inpl.dv nt llitu i1ivnri.nl clllllll Willi tWflliy-fOur llllk. IlieilCO West
not Southern society nt llil iliy prifent , 1)0 j.,,,,,,,,,1 nill fti, rlniliiiml iifiio llnkn.
the same phase 0 that of Homo uflersho ihuce Ixty-wwu chalun mid twenty.lhrto
Introductd Involuntary servitude, namely, link'. thnc liriy-nlno chain nml eluliti
., , ., , . , , , Ihe Inks to tho pne of liosrluiilng. mid
the larc owner, the poor xchlt ttath, nnd cim,MIIK ,Ix f,luirril mid r.irly acre.,
tho negro T I will, in a sohc(uent letter, j more or less. AIo, wot oue-hair of south
treat ol the Congressional policy of a ma-1 l Jl'""'" of ectlon nln.'t.i-n. nml fron-
jorlty of Hie Southern statesmen, and a I ,r r wcn,m neefii, In lowntlilp twAny
claim to be a belter Democrat than many I eight, smith miiu'" five tt. coulaliiinir one
of those who. under that name In On-fioii, lin;lrl anil liriy-nvo ncres more or le-.
.. , . . . " ' And nl'o Ihe norlh-wt-t oin'-roiirlli of i'0-
ore giving old, comfort nnd sympathy tit I ((HI twenty, lown.lilp luniiy-ulglil, smith
relielllon. It I not too much for me to nsk ' inniw live went, coutiilnlii'' one lnim!iil
.1 , 1 m.. . .1.. 1 nml sixty ncre of lind, more or he
uraranr.u.uUi.i ! I'-V " "' " "' (The three tracts t,r land In.t mention, d
rellect on that which I (ono of tho ieople, nr mortuageil to Jnnv I'. HimiKiiMMi. lo
having no political aspiration, and no secure the piyment orsi.lfiO ID mid Inler.
higher ambition than to fi.lihlk.il, Inform , "TLtoVto l&mry.
my iiuiy us u inyni ciiizcn; sunn iny uc
furo them. Hiiikii.iia.
AT lU:UL'Ci:i) 11ATL3,
To nmliu room fur TA LL STOCKS,
A Choice Selection of tho
r Hver otTcri-d In thi market, embracing;
U Mirietlw nf '.
! IMtit'K, Urcdii & .ItiimiicHc, j
: In bulk, paper und caddie, nt '.
'. price lo null the must particular. '
mother i were skilled in Hie domestic urts
of carding, spinning and weaving, und the
lore nf tho ltepiiblio wa go interwoven
with their household life as to eminently
fit each of Hiein lo bo tho mother of the
Gracchi. Tlio Itom.m soldiers were so
thoroughly disciplined n tu bo ublo to
march with u load ofnriirly seventy pounds
of our weight, und lo present u moving
wall of bra to tho enemies of the Com
monwealth. And so long as the Ilepublio
maintained her simplicity and virluo she
remained invulnerable. Why, then, did
they fall? The Itonmn Republic loll from
the Introduction or .'luwm ilnrtty, und
from the tamo causes through which the
Southern State of tills Union hnve fell.
When Home commenced making boiuhmtn
nf Hie captive she took in war, und dis
tributed them over the farm of Hie Repub
lic, she laid tho foundation or thoe nation
al vice that In subwpicRt ngea caused her
downfall. The Unman youth took a din
late to performing labor that wns done by
bondsmen. They established threo clasn-s
or society amongst them : tho patrician,
the pleblan und the bondsman; and dis
carding their old gods tliey substituted new
ooea lluccliu. the god or wine, und Ve
nus, llm god or love, und to theso they add
ed the doctrines of tho eating philosopher,
l'!plcurus, and so viliuted did their atom
Noutiikiw Minks. Tho northern pa
per publish glowing accounts of the rich
ness of the Canyon City nnd Itoiso mines,
and nothing but favorable nccounls. Oc
casionally, however, through prlruto let
ters, wc receive information from tho local
I tie nbove mentioned, that tend to con
firm u in Iho belief that money will not
bo made by tho greater numlier of those
who go there. Mr. K. W. I'lymalo write
to hi brother, in tills county, from Canyon
. I). 1h;o.)
jut-Tho Land aforesaid will lw sold
subject to the widow's claim of dower. 1 he
"Cauyoiilllopropt.-rly" hn upon It n gril
mill, distillery, mid u lintel, mid Is one of
the most desirable piece uf property In Or
egon. S. I'. MOSIU.lt, Adin'r.
April 21lh. lfwt np:ilS.t
IT. S. liicomt! Tax.
every one rlmll pny on all net prollt
(K-s $i!00) derived fi inn any sourco whnl
uver. A perron I ullontd to iliducl nil
legally aHSed National, Hlato mid County
Taxes, Hired help, Itents, I)rn)iige, Ac.
necessary to carry on his lmine I hut no
Utiy mines, that wnero one man there can larnu-r, mcrcmiui. mechanic, or uny h.toii,
maho Hire dollar . day. .hero can be I jJU. d.lucUilown labor a so
luwiiii ini inn. wnu uu mil miNiu inu in urn -j-io lllcoino Tax Is lo Ue paid nil 1110 III
Mtmi time for their
has been In tho
since last rail, and us ha i a truthful, Intel-, record of their
snovr.LS. ltuniiKit hoots.
uu iu nni, imiK-ui'iiu iii iu tno iiicoino tax is in ue pain on ino in-
lieir labor. Mr. Hymale emtio of tho year commencing January 1st,
vlelnllv nf ('.invnn im, I802t " that on tho uveiilug of Decuiiber
vicinity or Lanyon Ully , 3lli ,8Wi everyw,ly (Il0lll(l imku lip u
I. 0. of 0. 1-'. Member of tho Jackson-
..III., r ...l.... inM,A., r..M -. ..i ,i.t. ....!..
lr-...l ... -...:... ' ,. -!, 1...,,.,. Il,as tmiwirtnl lllilo lilnfll ' H ..-i. ., !.- ...l llluillluK,
.uu.! ..i c.mrga ni wainp r .-. ' ""' , , ' . , to attend iho Celebration or tho forty
ligent nun. his opinion Is worthy of consid
eration. Ho has also expressed his bellel
that tho Holso mine ore no better than
those of Canyon City.
I'uni.isiiKii'rt CoNVKNTin.s, We hnve re
ceived a circular addressed to the publish
er nnd printers of California, Oregon.
Washington and Nevada Terrltorler. It
announces tlmt n Convention of publisher
and printers will bo held in Sacramento,
pursuunt to adjournment or last Conven
tion, on Monday, April 27th, IBG.'I. All
are requested to attend, persoually or by
proxy. We shall not bo nblo to attend,
but are so confident that the action or tho
Convention will result in greut benefit to
Hie craft, that, In advance, we express our
willingness to subscribe to its resolves.
iicoine ualns or nrotlt lor
that year. And o mmiv source of income.
such as Dividend mid Kallroad IloniU and
Stocks, Insurance Stock, SavliiKH llauk,
Interest, Ac, (thuy having uliendy paid tho
Income lax,) are not again taxed, il llicie
foru become uecuury to have it clear
record of tho source of Income, that there
may bo no dispute with tho Ai-wnir.
All corporation must diduct three per
centum before declaring their dividends.
A man In butliivr must make up tho nett
protlts of hi buddies tor tho year, and pay
the tax on the amount less $ruu.
A m in may, outside of hi biiluess, spend
nil und uu-n moro Ihan lit prollt lit the
business ; nevertheless ho mutt pay tax on
all nett buslueM profits except the $(!00.
Aud so with a tulury, nil uver JOOO must
be taxed, though pcrcoual or family ex-
ses consume it nil.
, .... " 1 , ... , r i," cii mo veieoration ut too iony ,
Usher nnlll Id comnany I comptelo ta f"5"' China, peacock from Asm, and t fouri nniverKiry of ho OiUer. to ba Isold ' m1
Tint tho company can bo filled by tho first iiiQrs from nrilaln ,""1 ,lirooKh nil thee , nt m, 1)aco on Moilday JIWti T(jHy MleU ,
oi d jiy, wc arc well satisfied. i mings, 111 cour.c ot time, tuey icui- ( j,ato R j,eiwn. .mtft
The Income Tax for tho vcar 18G2 Is as
sess.iblo on tho first day of May, 18G3, and
I due nnd payablo on or before tho SOtli
.hum, 16G!). And any sums duo nml unnatJ
fur thirty day alter the KUtli June, us afore
said, unit for ten days uftor demand by tlio
uouvcior, uvu per ceuiuin wui uj aaueil to
tho iimoiiiit unpaid.
I-ICIl iudlvhlu.il of anv firm or narlnee.
hUlp must mako up hi Ineoiuo aepniutely. We will take nil description of Producs
. , HJUo. I KAAH. that cuit bo disponed of without n loss.
an25m2l lT. S. AkSUjUnr fill- Ormrnn I 111, I lI,IT,l' I. lir 1 111'
, ,. b. Ass r's Ofllce, 1'ortlaml, April b 18U3 , Phceulx. Oct. auth.
Agricultural Tools
JPor ISavlo At Oot a
20 Steel-point PLOWS, complete,
of wirioua sizes;
lfi cast I'low-polnl j
- setts e.xtru steel Mnuld-Iloiirds,
I'ointa und Lund Sides,
S patent Slrnw-.t'iitlers ;
0 funfe Iron Kettles, for farm use.
The nbne will le exchanged for (lour at
tho market price.
Jacksonville, Oct. '.'3, 180'.'. 3 Itf
Will find It to their ndvnntago to
purchase of us, a wo shall keep
on hand u good supply of