Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 18, 1863, Image 1

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    jje re0ii
Mw)y h j -
sjcs. jt T tju- yuw-fi-t.-trHrnx,tr.iJiWH,r-i!tiTiWi j
Ti) ' -. "-nMc-na-x" -i vCTJrr ?T:MT:-t?-jtTJ-Tinvnwwji'iw..'V.iiTn
OIllc-u nl the Clly Ii-Utf Slow,
.rACKSONVK.r.K. Oiikio.s I1
Ouico Willi 1J. F. Dowoll. 1N(., Third street,
.Tacksonvh.i.k. Om:go.v. 2f)
Will promptly iittitml tony legal
businc" committed to his cure.
Office in Sentinel Imilihng.
Jackson vir.u:. Oiti:no.v.
11. w.m. iintrrmrr. .iamkm ii. tat.
Will practice in Ihu Supreme mid oilier
Courts of this State. March l1'i;:t
rT'd. morford," "
.Tacksonviu.k, Ouivson,
"WILFi practice in tin' several Courts or
V the First Jiitllcnl DMrict. and in thu
Supreme Court. October '2D. '112
Tai'ksonvii.i.i:, Oukuo.v.
J. II. UK HI) having determined to con
Until! thf pructlcu (if hi profusion, has n-.-o-lutrdMr.O.Hro.vwilh
him In btisluos. uin!
i.ioy will givo prompt utliMitittii to any legal
'business entrusted to their cute, in tiny uf
tlin Courts of thi Judielul District.
Olllcu in Miinu building formerly occupied
0y Mr. Itfi'il. August l.SHi. Y.2.
Jackson vn.i.i:, Oiuwo.v.
Will practice in nil Ihu Courts or thu Third
Judicial District, thu Supreme Court of Ore
(run. mid in Yroku, Cal. War Scrip prontpt-
lly collected. .0t:,-.18'
Dan's Jlarbttr Shop.
.llctweon llrtidbitry .t Wudo's and Kl Dorado
Saloon, Calitoritia street.
.SHAVING. llnlr-cuttlng.Sliampooiug, Cur
Unhand Hair Dyeing. (u hand and for
sa'u. 11 genuine nrtlolu ol Fish's IIaiii Kkh
"j'oiiativk. mid Crlstartora's Kethlur .or Dye
Photographic Artist,
Is prepared to taku pictures in every stylo
ol' Hit! art, witli all thu lulu improvements.
If Pictures do not give satisfaction, no
charges will lie made. Call at his new Gal
lery, on the hill, exuiiiliiu his pictures, mid
nit lor your likeness.
L. H. DEWEY,""
Watchmaker mill Jeweler,
.Keeps cout-taut'.y on hand a
'tine assortment ol' Clocks and
Jkwki.uv. which hu oilers lor
rillU ilk "'IJ l'w I'liuv.". 1111 fSjfi
hmi. Iti:i'AllttING-CWieks.2
Watches and Jewelry repaired with prompt
ness and warranted. Shop on (hi!llornia
hired, two doors west of Love & Hilger's.
Jacksonville, July 2(1: 2H
Post OMce Building.
"Weilncsilnys and Sntvirdays.
Jacksonville, Feb. 11, 18(!3. l-,,,ll
P. H. LYNCH, Prop'r.
'Corner Oaliforniu ond Oregou .Streets.
The Proprietor has just recclvofl from San
'Francisco a cholco assortment of llnu
"Wines, Liquors, Cigars,
jgCfiDrop in nnd testjtliem. Doc. 10.
lllauk-liook JUanuractmer.
fil7Cluy and '514 Commercial streets,
between Montgomery mid Satibomu,
JHB ninding of evtry description neatly
executed : Dlauk Hooks ruled autl Uound to
nny duslred pattern. .24;y
LOUR AND PRODUCE taken iu ex-
chango for Merchandise, nt
July 19,-25 31AX MULLKR'S.
K.sri: iivkkv wkiiniisday and katuiiiiay.
1IKNKY IK.liI(JnH, Ptili'r mid Prop'r
Scnsciitrnos' One year, in advance, Five
Dollars; Six months, tliree Dollars.
AnvKimsi.vii Onu soiiuru (111 lines or
Ics), llrst insertion, Three Didlms ; each
Miliciiciit Insertion, Onu Dollar. A dis
count of (If ly per cent will buiiwle Ui those
wlto uileevtisc by tlieyear.
!y application to l'oMinatcrs niK Mall
Carriers, you enn learn that thu Semi-weekly
Oitiiuo.v Skntixki. has liy far 11 larp-r circu
lation In the counties of Southern Oregon
and Del Nortu county. California, limn any
other paper. This fact should commend thu
Sk.nt(:i. to you as 11 superior woditiin for
IiIst ok A(ii:nts, who arc nwthori.'.ed 1o
transact nny ImihIiickj concerning this pa
per, in tliu tiamu of thu publisher :
1j. 1'. Klslter, San FiYttcisco; Wad'Woiili
t Ilaynus, Yieka; KImt Mmrv, Ashland; S.
C. Taylor, IMiwiilx; W. W. Fowler. A.ple
gale; it. S. Dunliip, Williamliurg; John It.
I'rindle. Kerbvvlllu; A. II. Mclkiiln, Waldo;
It. J. Foibes,' Waldo; H'.r.. M. Kvans. All
house: Joel Thorn, Canyottvllle; A. It.
Flint, KoM-lmrg; Nunc It. Miore.s, Salem; J. J
It. Undurwiiod, Kiigcnu Citv; F. Charinan.
Oregon City; D. W. Wakefield. Albany;
uenjauiiu Conk, Corvallis; .1. II. .Smith.
Grei-cent City; Albert Docdittle, Happy
UMiBH.jiijm.i.jlp jwjunnmuri.il iv;u.i
I. 0. 0. F.-Jacimosvii.i.i: Loihii: X..liemr,and (hat ftirllwr uelion for thu
11. i 11 1 1 .1 c .-. piesenl wnfi suspended. An officer of thu
10, holds Its regular meetings every M ',,, ,.,,,,., ,.ho ,MmM,(1 1Wi HlllUM, ,jmt
(.'Vl,;;,7;VAH' "v ,,.,t,Lr V"11 fMc'llm eugagnni'iit wiralil bu lesumed, and
Cully si heater building), at , o clock. ml ,.h A(uiira prc.d his belief
Jlrothurs In good Mmidlug nro coixliully
Inviietl to attend. J ah. M, Scrro.v, N. G.
(1K0. II. Doiutis. It. Sec'y.
Warron Lodge No, 10, A.F. & A.M.
JL MOLD their regular couimtiui
nrcatkins the Wcdm-vday Kvunlngsoii
ror preceding thu full moon, lu jack
.sonvii.i.k, oiti:oo.v.
H. Hi.oom. Scc'u.
T)llEGOi CH APTKU i). J,
-- O F -
jagksoxvilu:, ounaox,
Will Itold Itsregiilarcommuiilcalions on 1tu
Flint Haluiilny Ev. orilviiy Mwilli.
All sojourning CompaulouH In good
standing aro cordially Invited to attend.
L. Saoiis, Sec'y. deeS:
AVai.oo, Josiii'iu.s'K County, Ogn.
Dii. Dkhi'H Is prciurcd promptly toatlend
to thu curing of ail diseases according to
tliu tremncnt of Prof. F. V. Jt.isi'All., with
out thu iiw of .Mercury, Aienic, or any
poisonous drug". For thu past uliiu years
hu has been a practitioner of medicine at
Crescent City, and Is is well satMled that hu
can glvo speedy relief to lite allliuted who
may call on him. Amplu iirratigemeuls for
Cold. Warm. Hot and Steam Hnth".
pltia, Pcnna.
Mr I lie ftlirfof (tie Sick tuul Ditttmtil AjJHctul
with Vicuhnl ami Chronic JJixiiitt, unit
iIHc'mNij J Ji femes of the
Srxiutl Organs.
TJedical Advlcu given gratis by the Act
lug Surgeon. Yultiublo iiKrours on si-khma-coiiiiiiu
or siimixai. wkaknkss, and other
diseases of tliu sexual organs, mid on thu
kbw ukmkiuks employed in tliu Dispell
Riry, tent iu scaled letter envelopes, lieu of
charge. Address
Howard Association, No. 2 south Ninth st.,
April 2fi.rl5y l'lilladelphla. Pn
TTIHR 'undersigned, having opened an
. Assay Olllcu ut San Francisco, would
respectfully solicit thu ipatronagu of Mer
chants, Miners, Owners ofiQuaitz leads and
Mills, who may visit San !'rancUeo, or who
may remit tretiitiro theiu.
Vo giiaranteo tho corrtness of our as
says, and will mnko 'returns in liars, or U.
S.'GolU Coin, within six hours after duposit.
Wo alho nsay ull klnfls of Ores mid Muttils.
521 Sacramento s.treot,u few doors be
low What Cheer House, nearly opposite
1'acitlo Mail Steamship Go's, olllcu, San
YreUn, 'California.
CFurtlmul, Orvgat.
ir.-OUKKXnKIUl, p, ,, ,;,, A. OOl.llSVtliU,
January 21, 18U1 jnu2LiuU
Wednesday's Dispatcli.
New York, l'lth. The stetuner Pen
body, Cpt. Atwidl, with dates from Key
West, to tliu (itli. reportH that nl Jlilton's
Mend, 011 the 8th, hu saw thu monitor Xa
Itaiit tcpairiug. Shu hud holes in tliu
chimneys, unci reported that shu hud f0
shots fired tit her by tlic rebel bntterics nt
Churliston harbor, but shu was not se
riously injured. Some of thu rivets Intel
been Vtnrtiil from lite turret, which pre
vented Iter guns from working to ndvnnt
age. Shu was within '2(10 yards of Fort
Sumter. In tliu action situ received 11 shot
at thu junction of thu turret with the deck,
which pi evented the turret from revolving,
rendering her uschf'S for Ihu lime. The
Ironsides received filly shots, anil eustniiird
no damage other than starting 11 few bolts.
Thu rest of the lleut weru iininjuieil. Thu
object of thu reconnoisMinee being accom
plished, which was to ascertain localities
of obstructions, lltey hauled oil. Our en
tire loss was two killed mid thirteen
N'ew York, 12lh. Midnight. Tito fol
lowing dispatch has been received : More-
head Cily, N. O., via Fort Monroe- 1'Jtli,
cd llirouirli thu licet oil (JliuWCMon,
mlav. at I a. .v.. thu wctitlter was clear
and pliitiint, the ninuitors wern raugeil
altuiL' thu bench olT Cuniiniug's Point; all
were iu good order. As reiritrds further
movements, reports iirocnnllictiiir. It was
imsitlvcly htalisl by thu pilot who boarded
us that thu otoniinrs hud withdrawn over
iu our suecc-fi. 'e left thu fleet nt noon,
mid when about twenty fivu miles north
heavy firing was lieaixl. As thu stennier
left, some iron cladt were tfoiiuj to blow
up thu KeontiU.
Wiishington, 12th.- TIkj Klcamcr Flam
Iieau arrived with dispatches from Admi
ral Dtipout to thu (j'overimiL'iit. From
other t htm official sources it is ascertained
that tho vessels comprising the fleet ml
vauced upon Charleston iu tho following
order : Wchnukcii, l'assiae, Palapsoo,
and Ironsides, the flag-ship, with Admiral
Dupoul and slnfT on board. Next fol
lowed thu Catskill, Xaugatuc, Montauk.
Xnliant mid JCeikuk. lu this orderthey
proceeded up this main channel, arriving
williiu uboct 5.7(10 hundred yards of thu
main forts, the Ironsides became umimtnige
able, owinc to tliu title mid uiirrnwiicf-s of
the clntnnet, mid wits obliged to drop ntveli
or to prevont driftlu nshore. Owing to
lliifO'circnir.stiinceH it war. signalled that
the 'Ironsides could not regulate her mo
tion, mid thu remainder of the sfpuidrou
continued their course, mikI soon ciiiue
within rtiugu of rebel fire from nil points.
Obstructions in the channel, from Fort
Suinpter to Fort Moultrie, interfered with
tlte iiiogress of thu ships. In cousocpienea
of litis, mid tho position -of thu Ironsides,
mid the space for miinuvering being only
fromoOO to 3.000 ytmk, thu vcfels were
nliliw! to -prepare lit once to engage the
Torts nd adjacent batteries. A signal nan
been iiiatlu for tietion ut half past three
o'clock i. m. bv the Ironsides, but thu reb
els picviously opened lire on tho leading
vessels. J ho combat is represented 10
have been in tho highest degree exciting,
presenting a fearful scene, lire belching
from nil points of hind mid water, mid their
being 11 continuous roar of cannon. IiHhe
fotiree of thirty or forty minutes the Keo
k?ik, 'being in' n linking condition, was
obliged to withdraw Iron) tho fire mid srek
wichorugo below the rnugo of tlio enemy's
guns. A few minuter illierwanls all tno
vessels withdiew. ut 11 Himialfrom the'flag
ship, it being deemed impracticable to con
tinue further hostilities. Tho llvcokiik
wus within livo or six hundred yards of
Fort Suinpter mid was completely riddled.
Slicwns struck from nil tho batteries in
range ut least '90 times wilhiu'JIO minutes.
The shots were from rified cannon of tho
heaviest calibre. Captuin Rhino, her-com-
inander, received a contusion on the leg,
and was slightly lamed. Twelve. men-were
wounded, together with acting eneign Me
'Intosh, who had ditirgo of one gun. II is
injuries ure supposed to bo fatal. Next
imorning, linding It iiimpossinio 10 save
tho vessel, Captain Uiliiml called n tug,
which took all liis men 'on board. A few
minutes after tho ',Ke6kuk sunk. The per
sons belonging 1o 'thu ship lost all their
private effects. On Wednesday tho squad
ron remained nt anchor in the main clian-
'tiel. It is suki mat tno numocr 01 men 111
our fleet ia only about 1,100, with thirty
guns, while the rebels aro reported to nnvo
nt least 300 guns, tho best in the wnjld.
Tho injuries to our vessels, except tho Keo
ikuk, ure represented to be .of such a chut-
iictt-r iifi will icriiiirr. linl u Klinrl limn for
repairs. The uasualities unioiig our men
nru remarkably lew, including one killed
anil tltrec wouiKUil on ooaiil tliu iNaliant.
None of the hatterice fired upon our boats
until they reached thu vicinity of the
main foils.
Franklin, Tenn., 12lh. All is ouict in
this vicinity. Yun Dorn has lulled back
two miles from Spring Mill, llu mauifesls
110 disposition to make mi another attack.
Murfieesboro, 12th. Passengers hence
to Nashville were captured nt. South An
tioclt, on Friday, by fiOO rebels. Nine
ems were burned. The mails and nearly
ISO passengers, twenty olliccrs, tltir'y put
lets, and somo soldiers" of the 10th Michi
gan were captured. Tlte guards, with 43
rebels in charge, made a stout fight, losing
six killed and twelve wounded. Tliu rebels
lost thu same number.
New York, lllth. Tlte Tfifwnc says;
Admiral Dtipout intended to renew the'
attack on Charleston next lay, but finding,
that Ihu Keokuk nnd l'assiae weru entirely
disabled, and tliree others partially so, con
cluded to desist, in which resolution he was
sustained by all the commiiiiihrs. There
wero eleven largo holes in tlte sidu of Fort
Suinpter, iippurently going entirely through
the walls. Our entire firing only umonnlcd
to ISO rounds. When thu correspondent
left two monitors, sailed for Port Royal,
mid others were to follow. The 77im'
account says our ships were exposed to a
(-ouceiiiraieu ure irom lour iituereui points.
It was unnnriilled In the history of war
fare. During the fight, not less than Ilf.OO
ubnts wero It red bv the rebels. The iler-
'. correspondent says 11 rumor was in
circuliitioii ut mri lioyai mat our iroops
were rapidly gaining tho rear of the city
01 uunricsioii.
The Times says the result of tho reenn-'
noissnucc shows the titter inability of the
iron-chid fleet nlouu to take Charleston.
The Herald snys it in rumored that the
Washington Government intends laying an
emlmri'o on Rritish nroncrtv mid shins, as
a retaliation for the depredations of the
Louisville 13lh. Tho rebels raptured
with tho train ut Antioeh, on Friday, a
hiriru amount of money belonging to the
Government. They robbed tho passengers
of all they hud. The some party went to.
the Cumberland river mid fired into a
freight train from this city, destroying thu
engine. A cannon shot passed through
the boiler.
Fortress Monmo. 12th. The steamer
Srmuhlhig. from Mnnkltend city, N. 0.. ar
rived yesterday. No communication hud
been received at jNewocrn irom uenerui
Foster since Wednesday. The women
mid children were leaving Newbcrn. Sev
en thonand troops attempted to reach
Little Washington from Newborn. They
were driven back eight miles on Wednes
day, with a los3 of fifty killed. Accounts
Iro'iu (Sonera! Foster suv the rebels linil
sent in llireo flags of truce for him to sur
render Was 1 n'Mon. Foster fl reniv to 1110
last wn, " Send no more flags of truce.
If Washington is wanted, come, mid take it."
ThKrmlay Night's Dispatch.
New York, 11th. We hao tho following
rebel reports :
Charleston, iltli. Gen. Walker destroyed
mi armed steamer iu Coosaw lluy this morn
ing. No loss 011 our side. All quiet ; 110
prospect or a light to-day. A Coulederatu
ollleer from Morris Island visited thu wreck
of thu Ketfkiik last night, and found that
tho turret laid been pierced by a ball. Six
monitors still lay within thu bar, about two
miles from Sumter. Tho Federals uro.pro
paring n uuw uuiclilno to remove the torpe
does, -tivorvthlnir Is .ready for an attack.
Tho enemy tired 80 shots at Sumter, ;1 ?
of iwhlch struck.
Knv Ynrlr. lath i Tho Paymaster .at tho
JJrooklyn Navy Yard was robbed lnst uight
of about $a-lu,out 111 iegui leiiuen?.
New lYork, Will.
Gold closed ttt'oTi.
-Sterling dull ,nt JOS ;
.lTfwilcrit.irterH Armv of Potomac, diltll.
Thu Klclmioiid dispatch admits, a bad, rout
of .Pegram iu Kentucky, and says that ,tho
rebel Iosh was iicavy; aner a hoveiu umiu-to-hand
light of suveral hours., the Confeder
ates gavo up and fell back. A-cputch says
Uosecrtius has sent live .regiments, of In
fantry to Kentucky, and ortlai-ed all.cavalry
from that Statu to join ill's ai'iny tit Mur
frecbboro. Threo hundred iul forty .Union
prisoners hud arrived ,at Nashville, uuioug
them t'i commissionud.olUcurs.
Chattanooga, 1 4th. Tho enemy occupy;
Lebanon, Teuuv .withsa dlvlslou under Gen.,
A'icksburg, 8th. Everything is .miletl
hero. Two nwo transports .left this morn
ing, bound up rivei;; ,i -largo number of
truiifoits are still in hUjUt.
P,wt lI,uilHnn..()ilir,All niiiet: the Federal
lluetbclaw has dJHiHicurfu.
Fortress Monroe. HJIh A skirtnish took
pltico to-day at Williamsburg; It Is rumored
that the rebels tiro between there and Yoik
towu, mid threaten Sullold.
New York, Mlh Tho YVitiic learns I hro'
private cIiuiiucIh Unit Longstroct ultncked
our forces, under Keys, near Yorktown, on
the 11th. Tho rebels weru repulsed, uutl
fell back to Williamsburg.
Thu steamer linger, Irom Port Itoynl.
11th, has arrived. Tliu purser said nothing
of importance had occurred since thu Tth.
Gen. Hunter and troops were to lettvo Port
Royal on thu day after thu Hagor left. 'I In'
gunboat. Washington run aground, on the
Nth, in Hroad Ulvei-j nnd assistance wus sent
to her. but to no purpo.u. Thu rebels fired
a shot into her mid blew her up; four men
killed and eight wounded.
Nashville, 13th Uy a Hag of truce from
Franklin, wo learn that the rebel General
Crosby was wounded; also limi one 01 1111
Dorti's aids was captured mid many horses.
Tlili'iv.lli-it rlil'i.iw net I vi mill violent reb
els the saiuu who served on 11 vigilance com-
milieu a year ago, wuru urresieo lo-uuy, u
order of Gen. Mitchell, and lodged iu the
Cairo. Mth Tho rebels in vicinity of
Foil Douelson have been for soinu tliui!
gathering in nil tho ltori-os for cavalry scr
vice; to stop this ltoucrans has ordered nil
the good horses iu thu neighborhood to be
taken liy thu Federal lorccs. While on this
business, Friday, thu men full iu with about
the Mime number of rebul cavulrv near Wti
verly: a skirmls.h ensued, in which twenty
one rebels wuru tukun prisoner.-.
London, England, I'd. Tho Confederate
lonu.ulos.ud (trui ljcls. discount to par.
Palmejston, iu a speech at Ghncnw, de
plored tho war in America, mid said that
notwithstanding tho representations of
both parties, thu British Government would
never uepurl irom us uuuiraiiiy.
Salt Lake 13th, 8 o'clock i-. M. Col.
Kvniis. with two companies volunteer cav
alry, and two companie3 infantry, was sent
yes'terdtiy, by Gen. Conner, to Spanish
'Fork. Nert'iiria Territory, to clmstiso the
Indians. Lieutenant Ilonoymuu, witli live
men and a mounted howilKCr, wus sent in
advance. He reached Pleasant Grove and
quartered for the night in a Mormon coral.
100 Indians attacked tho, artillery, but
were repulsed with live killed. No assist
ance was rendered our troops by the Mor
mans, although they were aware of thu at
tack. More trooiw have been sent.
Sacramento, IJUb, Tn Assembly the fol
lowing bills pased : To allow Sacramento
to subscribe JIOO.OOO to Central Pacific
railroad ; to prevent bribery in cnuetises
and conventions; to prevent interference
with volunteering; to punish those who
fit out pirates; to exclude foecssioniM.
from courts; to divide State into iTudiciul
Districts ; for n branch prison at Folsom-;
to pay $100,000 for recruiting volunteers.
San Francisco, April Mth. Gen. Wright
has received a dispatch from the War De
partment Informing him .that the tlmo for
tho return of deserters on tho Pacllle court
has lcen extended to .Tunotlst.
Legal Tenders 05a(8.
San iFrancisco, d4tli. Telcgrnms from
New York today .uote gold ut'l.8.
1 11 "
Ohio Sound. Tho Ohio Ugilntum htw
adopted a sound platform for tho Union
party, iii'tlte following, which was offered
by one Flng,.a Union Democrat, as a re
sponse to somo petitions for an armistice
uud pence :
Jicsolved, bv the General Assembly of
tho State or Ohio, That we will have no dis
solution of tho Union; that wo will have
urmistice ; that wo can fight as long iw
rebels and traitors can ; that the war shall
go on until law is restored, and wo will
never despair of tbe'Republkj.
" My dear madam can yon glvo me A
glass of pro??" asked a fatigued traveler
in Arkansas, as lie entered a-cabin on tho
" I ain't trot a drop .stranger." replied
the woman.
Rut a gentleman toULme-tbat you had
a barrel."
" Why. good gracious," replied the wo
mnn. ' what do.you. reckon .nno barrel of
whisky is to mo mid my .children, when .we
ure out of milk ?"
The, traveler sloped.
, .. .
Thb'Cai' or Librm Tho explanation
of the cup of liberty is this : After the
death.of Cicar, tho.conspirators who had
secured his death marched out with a cap
as .an ensign of liberty curried beforo them
nn n nnn.ir thn.cnn without a head ind't-
lcatWgthat the tyrant had lost Ills power.
From that faot.-and for this reason, it lias
over since iboan on emblem 01 liberty.
The young lady who took the gcntlc-v
mauls ihiuoy has returned t wMJi, tUuBlis.