Scmi4Ucckl.r Sentinel. BY OVERLAND TELEGRAPH. from Charlcsloi. dated April 8lli, 10 r. . All I unlet. The people and Ironin urc in high spirits nl the result ol ycstenluy'H I Stnlo of Oregon lor lh Cmtnly of Jrtcknn. fight. Tho Keokuk I ccrtnlulv runk. , tlio cniiml.ilnaut' In Hit eiiiie have llliil nboiit 1.000 ynnl from Mcrner 'Maud, 'heir Mil Inupilty to foreohw n certain piece, of her furniture Inn betn wn.hi-d hinrlMR;t forth therein, upon the follow Uure. Theo article are covered ullli '"H"""11;" rct .r lunl t.,.lt: n err- i-.. i i.i. i . ..i.. .ii.. i. ..i.. ,i. ., la n hind M.i n or Hit ci floated on Alt- clotl,lli.1l,cre1iiiiSllwlnpr,Mon I, it , c fc , j Utm (lntv .uJ.i the slaughter on licr wa terrible. I In- jH,, ,, ,..,, ,,r ,,,,., ,., ,rot Wl,,, lighting between Iron clad nml rrlt wa Sawmill. In Tnumlilit Ihlrly-nlne. roulh at n ilitunce or .1,000 ynnl. .lliinlliiMl eannni pa Mimpier wiiunoi coming wiiu in 301) yunU of her b.iltcrle. Seven limn I torn ni'il iron clad are oil' the harbor, ntnl two have gone south. The Federal have been repairing damage nil tiny. Cincinnati. April lllli. A Rebel 1I- tulcli. dated Fort IVmbcrlnn the Si Ii say Ilia cnemv commenced to n-rnili.irk I-t ntulit niu'l rnpldlv kit. Wu shelled their cutnp mill transport. New York, l'.'lli. Ittbel illpalcliriy th:il in the engagement nt (,li.irleloii nil tlie monitor were frlghtlnlly cut up. but wltli wlmt result I not known. Hill one pm wo. ili.nioiinteil in Fori Sumplcr, nml one mm woundid. The nnnlverMfy of lb nttacic on Fort iSumpter wni celebrated yeierd.iy after noon by an inmiema ineetin); nl Union .Square. It U etimitcil Hint 'JO 000 jHViptH were prenent. H)eeclie were nude by Fremont, Slirel, l'oitmaiiter CJen cral, Dlcklnnon and othiTti. Murficeiiboro, April 12. Vnndorn nt t.iokeil (Jen. (iraiwr nt Franklin yeilenlay Willi a forti) iMluiili'il nt l.'j.ODi). They fouaht nmt of tlie day. I hey were re-' puUil wllli a Innwif 100 kllleil. Our liw wu about 100 kllleil, woiiiiiled nml inlIn. lien. (iraiier'H cavalry, led by lilinelf. chirked and raptured a bitlery with 'J00 jiriiioneni, but belnjj iitiuppurteil,wii4coiii. liellnl tn relinqiiiili thu battery uud ull but J2 prisonem. Waslilnjston, 1'Jtli. Oflicial ilepatchc in regard lo tlie ffcht betwiru Vumloniund 1 ranger, ill Franklin, n-iy the I'li'.'.iu'i'nifiit coiuni'iieol at niio u'clock on Moml ly morn, ins. The infantry kept tli bay iiulil the uniinuntion wu cxhainKd nml re ioforreinenlK under (Sen. Stanley nrrivcil. Tlie lire from our fcijfe jrum nnd lijilit nr tiltcry literally itrowcil the ground with rebcli. Cilro, April 12th. The diip.itclie re ceivi-il fioni Viokiburc y that the iron clidi IMiinvdle, Mound City, Ibnton, mid llirvc nllirrf ,aro preparinir lo run tlie block, ml on Saturday nlitlit. The entire Tulla. Intehie river fleet, coniiilini; ol divinionii ,,.1.1... I!j,i W.iu ntnl fliitnhv. tvilli iniiiiMr. .mi ,iiili,nli nrrlv.-.! nl 111111.111 Anrll fllb. ". ..W.-.T. H. . ... . ....-....- .. n.Mlilln'ii liait lieen nbent fnrlv-lhrtv I jpHiliou w I iHHii tiuwrii iori-tiim They left the fort nt (.ri-emvoul on iy. A noon M Iheb.nlleor preparn- uOHleiit in (Ifpnrlun. w.nilb-cmenil 1 lie espo dayi Kund.iv tlon inoSileiit to ilepiirlurv w.iillcmenil by the i ii( my. they 0vtnei) u brUk flro of shot and tlic'll. willed contlniietl until the Imt lnut ileameil up tlio river. On the Aa;ctip the TulWliatcliie and CoMwnter river, tlio bout were llnil on by uuerllla-' (o'ncealid In llio cane-brakei; '2't or 30 on tho transports were killed. Kan Franciico, lOtli. Tlio following periom hnve been appointed potinaleri : lri Kent.Klkton, Umpipia county, O'p'ns Win, F. Dunbar, l'ort Orlord. Cninini Moil", lmvi) leen receiviil forOeo. (J. Oileli II, Aiilllv. and F. Coinb'.Kenllle. W. 'I'. New ofllcea have lten esteblUheil ut Kllenibuu.', John Devcy iioslinatter.aud at Clielcn, Aui;. F. Miller pojtnuMer. Sail Frnncifco, 11 Hi. A private tolo jiraan ttatM p.vwne r for New York vln Niaarasna, rwched New Virk April lllli. havinir crosmil with fomo ileientinn, uml thai Hi" Mose Taylor U not due here until the 171 Ii. The. trial or.Tn. T. Iv-fTIi fixed for tlio 16th. He plemh not Kuiliy. Orcenbucks, C8 uml 70. AD M I NISTHATOU'S S of John Fortune deceased. Ity an order of the County Court, In mid for iho county of Doiiu'la nml Slate of Or 'Kon, mudu nt the Murcb Term of raid Court, A. 1). 1803. directing nm lo fell cer tain real eftatu of tho late John Korlituo, I will ollVr for talc, on tho (ircinlnj. In )lyr tie Creek I'nclnct, In mM county of Dour I ix and State of Oregon, on Thursday. Il?el 30th day of April. A- 1). DC3, U-twien Iho liourHOl 0 a. . and rundown of Mid day, the following described tract of land, known m tho Donation Claim of Imuu Ilalley, be ing In tiinufhip SO, feouth of ran go tiro uml lx wct, to-wlt ; llcdlunliig at a point seventeen chains nnd five links north of tho koiitheant comer r claim number forty-one, lowiuhli thirty wit Hi of ruuge tlvo west, running Ihencu llienco north thirly-wven chalua and Ulty llvo link. thenco ut forty-fix chain. iiiid' li.ctv Hi ki. ta the nlace of U'lflnnliiL'. tho! north e ghttvn cuaiiu ami lonyuva imM, .,""';,'', . ,, "" " ,', V 1" in i thencowwt fixly chains and Iwentyeven '' dclendiint to tlw laid (.to. K llliler, liuk. Uienco wulli ilfty-tlvochain. thenco'lgnoror the . conipU nunt i und that tho .i .i.i .i...i...n.i ii.iriu.uvi.n iinio. i defend int Ih lutereited in tho event of thin Mine being ho touth liult of tlio donation ' claim oflnuioltalley, In lownriilp SO. wulh orrango & and iltnl, containing tlino hundred and twenty acfe, more or Icm. Tctiiu of Mlo-all down. , , Ai.l'IIKUS lllKriAND. AdmVofllioetate3f JoliiiI''orlune,deoM. ' Uarcb 25, 18W. jua'bMlol3ap I COURT OF THH I lio County of Jnrknn, Hlacuman. IInw,nii & Co. r. A.. I. IllNCKI.K. Itltl In rhnnrrry to Kiirrtliue MmlHUyr. Wherea. In the Circuit Court of the rittiffn ct. Iwlnir it Ii tir m-otlou of land. In iretlier with the ilwrllluir linue, out liulM Iiil". fi'in-i'i". mid nil oilier liniirovemeiil on piild liiml claim ; nml. the imM eomplaln mit havlne llli-il nn nlllil.ull. Iiowlnit that In" will l a iiiiii-rtililent nr lull I Slate -Therefore. In the luim of tin people of the Stiile of Oregon, ymt. the will A.. I. Illnkle are nnllllnl to U mnl nppeir in Rtld Court, on the Mil day ol June, A. I), left:), nnd aii'wi'r complaliiaiit1)' bill, or tin nine will If taken for confernil nml tin) prayer Ihen'ofnlll bo granted ly the Court. Ilv order or the Court. iiiIiMmH W.M. IIOI-'I'MAN. Clerk. IIhkii ACwtov. Sol'rn for CninpI'lAi DTATi: OF OltKdO.V, COUNTV OF O .lAtMCHON In IIk Circuit Court of tlw .State of Oregon, for the county of ciacit'con. foils Ijiysn r. douv M. Diiakk. lllll In 1'iirirloMirr nf .liirl.iu . Wlieren. In tin- Cireult (Niurt of the State of Ori'xon. lor the rotiuty of Jack ron. John I.'nx. the eomiliiliniil. I.a (llnl lilt bill In eipilty to roreelneiiirlnbi ni'irt Iflife wit fnrlll HhTi-ln UP'HI the folloivlnir deecrlbeil lot or land lo-ult: Iti-tiiit u urt of lot number (I) rour in bloek No. (H) lv. ill laid doll oil the plat nf the In'MI of JakHivllli'. froiilini; C.'H) twenty-eiidit left on Urriroii ririTt, ami riinuiiiK luck ('ID) flly feet, together Mltli the apiHirl'-n-micpn thereunto IwlitiiitliiK t UI,1 '"'' H,'d complainant lidvln;; aim llliil hN nltMarll, rellliiK forth thai the defriHlaut U u linn resident of IheSlatenf Orexou. Tln'refnn1. In thi1 name of the ix-oidi- nl lh State nf On-k'im. .mmi. Hi" Mid Jnhn M. Dmke. are notilUtl to be nnd npHMr in wld ('niirt. nn the Mill day of June. A. I). I Mill. ImIiik the iirm u.j in in" ni'i ii-rni 'i huh umin. mnl miMU'r mid Mil. nr the ihiiiiu will b lakfii for ciMifrwil. and the prater theriiif will in rmiiiii iiy Hi" (.win. Jly onler or lln Court W.M. HOFFMAN1. Clerk. 1). '. l)niniiiTT,Hollc'rforCot:iprt. liiinlillKiyl TN TMK OlItOUIT COURT OF TIM X Slnto of Orrson. for the County of .laokiioii. Joliii Aiiderunn nml .Tame T. (Ilenn tn, ('barieii Mujiler, WVIU, I-'uririi fc Co.. Tracy .t Co., U. W. Trucy uml C. C. llockiiuii. Hill III I'linnrrry. WieriM' Ill" ooinnlnliianU liavfl filed "'lr ,'1" '" "P'l-y- i h, Ciieult Court of , s f j r , , r Juek. ,;;,, toMtoiMmfaUl lnlohu.l from fIUiitc or tranirerrlnir n oerllllonte or ,i,, w,u lvt. ,y ,w complainant lo Urn ,i,,,o. niveii by the complainant I delvudanl,(.'h irbMl.auuler. for uIuety-HiTiui nuiictei of gold dul. allied nt sixteen him dreil nml II fly oue-huiulriilllw dollar, mid It appearing Irom the unldarlt llleil In thin cuiie. that the llrm nf Well. Kurpi .V Co . and the firm of Tmoy V Co. (except B. W Tracy) tiro iinii-ni'ldenln of lid Stale, nnd that 'tlie complainant' nn iinnM" to late th imin of the iM-nuin cnmiioIiii Iho linn of Well, Faro A Co. nml the linn nf Traay .t Co. (except I.'. W. Tnioy), mM llrm of WIN. rare" it Co.. uml II," Iirm ol Tmoy & Co are Interested In the event of till null: Therefore. In tlio name of lh" people of the Stale ol Oregon, th" Mid Wellii, 1'nrgii fc Co. and Traoy A Co. are hereby r.ntllleil to 1 nml appear In mid Court, on Iho Mb day of June, A. I). IMi:i, uml anxtver Hi" complainant' bill, or tho Mine will ) taken for eniifixril. and the prayer thereol will lw (.-ranted by Iho Court. Jly order of the ('unit W.M. HOFFMAN. Clerk. II. F. DowKt.L,Sol'r for Compl't. mi'liU w8 OTA'I'M OF OHKOON. COUNTV OF O JAClO.V.-Iii tlw Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for llw county of lackpon, Fiki.dmo T. Ilmr.Kn, nfftyneo of Oko. F. Ilini.mi. w. fc'ijL'iitK 1). Hnw'ARii. Hill In Cliuiirrry fur roreloui of .1iitl(iiKi-. Wherea. In tlm Circuit Court of Iho State of Oregon, for tho county of Jack win. Fielding T. llibler, nlKiio of (ieo. I'. nibler,, lins llltil bU bill In eipilty. to foreclow n certain inorlKngo k-1 fnrlli Ihrreln. on the folloivlUU' ilm-crlU'il kact ol land, lo-wlti Donation tolclalni (IHlIltrrt in M t-lll III mtir " (iU) llility-tlv wjutli. rang,) (J) two wret. containing (1C0 rMUU)ouo liuiulreil and sixty uml twenty-two oiiu-hundriilth acref. Ivlnir and Ixdui; In Juckton county und hlalu of Ores-oil; and the mid complainant, by hU collollor, having llliil hU ullldavlt, i-eltlug forth that tho defendant. t-VpiIre ), llowiii'il, In ii iioii-reiiilenl or mix Mtaiu: that thU mil Ih brought on n coiilrmt on : i Hereto e, in u.o name oi ino m-opie U;e8laiool Oregon, you, mould b(ul Uowaid. am notified, to appear lii w Id K ? n iiPAiiili.jiri mx I it oilil innrl iit rri nf lla tourt. on tuo hi i uav or June, A. l. uui, uudwiwer wld Ull, or the ikiuio will be Ukei. for conlme.!. ami tho prayer tlwicor wl Lo granteil by Iho Court. ' a"" or the Cj.t. VM. W)Vy,i, Clew. B. I'. Dovw.l, Sol'flwf C'oinpl'l. malaew Tho Imported l'ronch Draught-Horso I I.ION llKAUT, will Hand for for fib. mare the ciifllliiu season Samuel Colver..(inburg, niixiii lii coinmeue" on tin. Lwlka first il ly of prll mill ending on thu llrti ilny of Jiilv. 1H03, Term.. Ten dollar for single leap; OKU orensnii; ?.w mi mum-. De,crlptlon.-I,lo Hwrl In n Ik-mUniI .i i. '.... i-.i i...i. 1.1..1 i ..-..i,.!.. iinin uii.nii, mi ' ... .. .)..- 120(1 pouniN. flu combiner Inn rein irknble iieree inn umuweiiimi'oi nponii iiorre. mw.wmr. tptnl nml tnJtom, with n doclllly of It-iiiner peculiar to tliti nnble nice of hornei". ridlizn-e l.lon lliart win lred by Im-' pnrliil I. Inn Heart; bin dam by )ladim, onmd mid bred by Ii. Ilrueo. or .Montreal. I.'uli-llnirt took the tlrt-preiu1itm nl tin ii ii.iio ir l mi in iViiittilii in l HAT m t I IIVI ! I A (III 'l "f'fcl iiilH'ii ill l'iiii- luht draimht. V conlldenllv I. Im ii Hi,. Imt nuiiN -r In llni Stall-: hW mi. peiiorllv im nelockdiou'elia lioen thorouvh ly etalillFliiil in uui Mai", oil" oi iiiroun taking thu llrrt premium at the Onutou Slate Fair last year, ai awanl to Daniel (toll', nl' I'idk counlv; lait we have other prnof-i of hln niH-rlnrlly nulnek hoiwln IhU coun ty, In the nite-rlnrlly or III piiIIk, bred by J. I'lnkham. I'. II. (imy. J. Wtbley, J. 0. Tolmaii. J. lllll, A. Itoekalellow, II. Amer ican. W, Ileiioii, and in fact all who have breeil. KlDck-rnWcni arc Invitid to call ami ecu for lliruiwlvi1. I'n'liire will 1h furnUliid on ixniwnable tvruiii lo tmuuH I rum a diiaucc. SAMI'IJI, COI.VIill. I'IiipiiIx. March ISItitlS. If Tho Pino, Imported English Drnurjht Ilorso, COIUIIUI, will lw y kepi lit th" Mllbln nr Im- fllb fflgflw i erlln-r. at th" .Mount Vernoi,,Jls1,if ti Itaiich. near liigle M1IU, IroinLNiluliii date to Septenilii-r Irl. DeK-rlplliiu COIIKIK! will Ik fix year old IhlKfpriug: ln U-milil'ill bay. wilhoiil nnliiml wlill"! 171 IkiihI hleh bv fair liieii- uremwil (ttnuld iiiiiMim IHJ the nay untie rtrMnniwiHirofialllnii)iuelgh'.,.:tiM)lli-.: girlh H'Veii feit lour luclieii ha u giMid coal. I well lorinul. and ban gnwl aelloii. COIIKIIO mil brought '".'; Ih' - phihi - In iHlli wa find by u hnrv' in HlimiK Im- porlnl from Iiglaml. I'toomi wishing to mbe Imiwn nillable for the plow mid rnig - nn woutd do well lo ink" n look nt him uml III colli", lly linllclng III well-Ill. II will im wen that h" I heavy nr hW bight, a mot ImriHH weiyh iiIhuiI 7.1 lo 77 lbi. to the liniiil. whlVi he weigh over 131. Trrm SHI In coin Tor any lime but May ami June: In May ami June. 9 1.1. II' nut p till till tin1 end nr the iva.oii, $1,1 fur any liuiK but in May nr June; In May nr.luue, 30. W. 0. MYHIt. A.hland Mill. March 211. lwi:i. oxrtorrxiiwXi.. llBlll-QVAUTMM DMI'UITMKXr or I'ACinc.) ' i ,.i ....... I I puiiri -,,1.1,11 i.ti. n iirrivr., r . V-iwiw. AVtU 2. IWI3. J 1 Soi.iu-i-regularK or volunteer who hnve diwertid. or ulmenlvd llieineh from the oomiMiilo or regiment without leave i The opiwrlunlly I now nlfordiil )nu t,,i uli., ,uii tin, tliiln ulladiril lo vniirrelve. I and from ynur famlbe and Irieud the I with clothing. mlwlMi-nco. iiiarter uml flktine nml lepniaeh couiUent upon your miiHonl nltendaiice. Tim nllnwaiiee for deirtlou nr iiuatilliurlznl nbeueo Irom i clothing I three dollar und llfly nnl pr your relm-ntji. .month. When nn eiiliibd man druw le Tlw 1'ifi.ldeiit of the United Slale. by than Id yearly nllnwiiuon or clotalng. ho hi proclaiuitlon.ilateil March IHlli. lNi3. will Im cnlllM to tlio dllfcrencp in wmiey. nller lo refloni you to the K'rvloe without Tho men will Im enlinleil a private. Alter piinlrbment, o.xwpt forfelluro iifpiy during Iwhnx miiflered Into tho cervleo ot tho Uui your uliKliot, provided you report your- Itil Slnlf. Iho appointment of uon-KouunU-elve on or l-fore Iho 1.1th imt. It Ii' iloned olllavr will Ihj made, iinoivn that many of jnil in lime, were . induced to derert tlm K-riee, with Ih" Willi ! Enrolling Oflicc lit JaCICJOIlvlllo. hope or making your forluno fiutdily In , Hilltil men will lie cent to Ciiuip linker. th" mine, and )iau often lnoe ileil reu 10 irlurii lo duly In tho army. Il I believed that fluco treu'ou and re lielllou hae Invnhid our once huppy coun try In nil Iho horror of civil war, mid drenched Ih" laud In Mood, evil ilWpn't-d iM!ron-iriiiior in inoguiHi in irieiiu-- liavo enticed you to deerl Iho noble Fi.iii, your father und you onto leveniV ltally iktmiih -trullor in inoguiMJ hi irienu aualu uroiiml that I'lau aUt your conn try In inilutalnlng the fuprcmaoy of IU Conttitulion uml law nay, uveu It luv llnnal ivNbtence. and fbuw Iiy your zeuloit di-vollou that Ihoeiiemle of )our cuuutry are your bltterett Toes, lteport yourH'lvou in pewou nt oneo to I lie comuuniling oiiicvr oi ino uraren mill tary pout, or to any recruiting officer ', or hy aiiiirtMfiug a leuer 10 inu iiuucrtigucu. vim will bo iiiflruced to hIioiii you may report. lllltA.M I.KONAltl. Lieut. Colonel IT. S. A. l'iuvoit-Marhnl. Con- IhKi:n, April 8. 1803. l'uMUbcd by order of WM. KKM.Y. Cupt. 1ft C. 0. V., Commanding Hnrnoss and Snddlory. rpill-: iinderilgned would rctK.ct-V J. fully Inform tho citizen ofrenK Jackyoii mid ndininluir countleti lio Inn on baud nml will iiMnufacturu lii ..iiii-i nn uiiim u, miiiiiiui) mm iunx0 money, naiuo proprietor win mi very Ilarnei.u,fuchiiH io.ionablo uud make the term eay. I Heavy Draught Hurnea (long und fhort j,-ur iMrtcuIars npply lo tho iiuderMgncd, ' tug), Concord Hariiess, lltiggy Harnes' on Iho premlmi. nr to Jxh, T. (iLkn.v, u l (double oml single), HpaiiMi Sudillra, treeu Jackfonvillo. '1I,M AM W, FOWIiKK. und rlg'ring complete; Ladien' Kaddlea. ' ''"jkwivlljeJan. 31 18ti;. Jnnaimi Jockey Saddles, Saddle-bngi, Ilridles.Siir- W. y ui'.-AII Ibo.o iudebled lo iuo ?." w' J!?Ui" ,)"r."' 11Cu!;!'ycomlj?i 1 bv note or book ocmiili, will iileu-e Whip, liln-luliai, uml nl other aril. I u'nJ Mllto immediately, or Ihefr no-, clc uually found in a lirst-clajt stock of or ll0te will lw bamled tn my ut-S--XX33j3IJl.Tr. torney for collection. II, JH.OOJl. AlA W'OltK WAHUANTED.1 Murch 18. 1883. Htora (u " Sentinel " llullding. Cull foriiln itrcet. 1IKNUV JUDQK. Jnckfooyllle, Oct. 22, 'C2. -I I UOOJlK-pifferent styles, good time- VI pieces, to bo had nt tho October 2 1, YA1UHTV STORK. HOIUH'. IIILlK peatlylJevutol ut;TOUKB.--All fohinftii .work. I UilflolQcc, jD lalonUlic lAHlhli oJOllh, IT. S. Tax Notico ! rn IK ITNMTKI) STA'I'KS TAXKS for X the ri!iiniii" of l'ntiiiiiii DnuitliK, Itmii nml .biiililiii Irivlnir lieeoiim dim nml piilhi'! Vollei- Ik hereby nlvcii Ifinl !) Coil 'etui' will I- ill iilleliiliincn ill Ouk Innd. mi Iho I llh nf April ; nl itni'liiirir nn i the Kith mill I llh nl April ; nl .iiuiimiii --, .: . .. ., -, " ,i, ,, ., J" ' ,V '1 '.', ''.' . l j ' v" ' i 18 III of A ir nml ill ueriiyville oilllril- .. , . . .... ..... ,,. ..... . lierdnv of April. lHfi:i. luricchu lll'Mllll nun I iiiiipii'i. nv ' . .......... 1VK the r.uiio unit In- me llceliwn. Tav piwr will il"ae nollce the follow. biK cxtnieln from tlm L'. S Kole lawn : "All iierminii who liull neitlect to pay thediitlci and lav", etc. n nforenild n ciil npoii them In the Collector within the lime tpi cllld. fhall b" llabl" In pay ten . ., , i , ir'r C'-ntmn upon uie muoiini IMereor. Sm rtll. Jnit U ifurlhr mmlnl. That If nny k'ioii or jierwinn fhall exerclMi or cur rv on anv trade or htirinrM liciriii'ifler liien-tloni-d Tor the e.xerclnliiK or irirryluit on or which truilii or bni-liiei" n llceiiuiNrupilrcil by Ihn Act. without takluit out mcli II ei'iien In that iM-half nipilnif. lie, he, nr Ihev ill ill. for rwrr micIi oll'mife, repec lliely. rorrult n piMinlly eipial lo three IIiiiim the mnount of the duly nr mm or money lmpoi'd for Mich llcenu', one niotely there of to lln iim of Kei United Slate, the other moiety to tlie ii-e of thu ptrmn who. If n eolkclor, rliull Una dleoer, am) If oilier than n collector, flmll llrt le Inroriiiatlon of Hi" fact whcivbjf wild lorfelture win In Giirred. N. 11. The ivfldWM prerilKil by law will Ii" rlitiilly iiilorenl mi all who lull to pay within the tltnu iiK-cilSd In tin-alne notice. I.. V. COH. U. 8. Col'rfor the Stale of Oregon. I ly O, I, Crave. Deputy. Ojitt aflXJIttlitof lulrrmil lliKHHf I I'vril-tihKOiii. Mirrl, 1 1. 1 WW. ( Id One Iliiinli't'il J7'.l11 tiTikiu WMllfwl V OlUIllCCI b V cMll.tAl i ., I or Compilliy "C." 'yo g T, yca Hnlcss soonor u ul,4,u JJ, , '. JJUCHnrgCtl. ' , , , 50.00 BOHHty Will Im pihl alter two yearV wrvlee, or foiiuer ir Iho war In endvd. rpili: Compiny will conlft of ixm Cap .1, tain. nil" l'lntiinl line Swuiul l.leiilen mil, uiie I'lrnl Serg'Miit. one lluailernunier Sergeant, iiim Conimlimary beigennt. live Sergeiiul'.clghl Corpiinil', two leamteie. two Furrier or lll.iWiiiltli. n" fsiddler, oiio Wnumier. and wvi-nly-elglit frlvutm. Total, One lliimlnd cillinted men. ltATKS OF l'AV: ; , , " Inc nil uir d.iv for llorriNi. :: . .. . . ,i 11"1 rgHiiit (H-r month)., All other hergeauw Corpoml. . ... - rrier or lllaokunlllu 1'imitH and llugler In mlitltlnii. Iho oiun will s: oo so no 20 till 27 mi 23 CO Im fiiriildinl ,i ,,,1.1 i.irtleH. ill (ioeriimi'lll cMiellN). to Im drilled ::- ,-. ... .. -. and mu.lereil Into tho Hrlco or tho Unllnl Stale, when uriim mid clothing will b" I'lirillrlied them. VM. M- HAND. Kecrulting Ollicer. JiickMinvlllo. Jan. 2K. IHIi:i, JaiiJMtr Viilimlilit lltioli Ih-onni'v HllltlUIC UllL'll llOIlUUJ FOR SATjF.. rpilK UNDKItSKJNKD OFFIIUS for X ale hi valuable proH-rly. situated l'J mile from .Iuckimvlli , In Jiickmn county, Oregon, on the Creiceut City road, conflat ing of tho following : TWO MINING DITCH KS-Ihe one on the loulli fldo of Appleguto cri'ek I liUmt lilno mile long, and the one on III" north nliout fix mile long, each capable of containing from Iwclvo In lllleeii hundred liiche of water, liolh ditches uro In com plete older, uud ure illuated In u mining ilUlrlct that i.iy wagen, uud which U ill inos! lue.xhaiifttible. DWEM.INO llOUSlI, Ac-Tliere i iiU) n comfortable twi-ioryilttellliigdiouc, mllable lor a publlo Iioiihn and well loaiUd, with n flable, tore-hoiie uud wire-Uoiic, uml L-onienleulout.bulldlne. There iwiv- eral acre of land adjoining, mllable lor a garden or vineyard. n-i.iu I. .... .,.,.,t.itinllv iii.1i1ntii In lio mot llh to tut a comfortable linmcrirnd nnd O SUI'KUIOU SAUDLimUI.KS for I O sale by 8. COM' Nil. Gatburg. March 17lh. 1803. J" OB MINTING neatly executed althi HKNtl.NKtiOKPIOK thu nrnnirs!. WATmirs? uuuuum, iiatuD) 1 K3"WH3T-.Tl Y, - ash FANCY ARTICLES AT 3Bj":H3"cr:m.T33ni, NEW STORE n Kvxt Door to SticliB Uros. T NlX'Ili:U Iia flnrknl hi new flnm ,). Willi u birgeund valuable norliiient of iaiei.1 fivle uml piiMern oi zzjc SI'UINU ANDWKIUIIT ? SIIA'HIl WATCIIIW. S&&2& DIAMOND .1 i;hlt, 1 1'KAIIL KMKUAM), CA.MKO Siri'S, Togelher with u fpluiidld lot nl' nthur DreiHt-l'iiH, llronclu-H, luir-Ulng.i, Finger King, Ijirkct, lluckle. Clap, llracclct, Sleeve IliiUimn, NccldnecH. Wiitcli-ClinltiK. Cluiteluina nml Seiili; Aln, completr cls nr Inconipnruti e CD-uxnacrar. iToiwolry, manufiictiiiiii finui the riclnl uml tnot heutitlful fpcuimvii of Gold lllll uml Fin ler (lunrtz. In mldillnn In tlm nbnre, mnv be founi) nl In iture the bi-l (pmlillM ol TAlll.i: AND I'OGICKP CUTLKUVJ And, in flinrl, u uoncrul vuriety of NicU-Ntu:l(H . Fane) A Hide All ol which will be sold nt niicw uml wurrunteil. Ili:i!AlUIVG.-Clock. Wutciies nnd Jewelry repaint with pmuiptuei uml in u manner to giiiirniiiiv rati'iaciioii. MACFACTntKD In nr.Kr. uny nrll cle ul ilc iiclry, with iieutnr uml ilirputcli. DTI- Cull uml Ht hi new utoek. ut hi new stnrc. on Ciillfnriila door lo Saeb IIkh., Jaekfonvlll". Oregon. Jiickwiivllii-. Dec. 17. lhO'J. If WILLAUBTTB UIFBIL STEAMBOATS! Ttiii: r.Nio.v th..nsi,out.vtion' 1 COMPANY bum a llr-t cla Stem Wlieel Slwimboat leavlnp Corvnlll uvery Tuesday uud I- rlibiy alio olock. I'. U., niriv ingat I'nrllaml nt -tn'olock.l' M.. next day. I'l-frou i living .lavXroui uie lor rorliaml will Hive inuuli difiiiireiiible Hugo traveling by taking fteumboal ut Corvnlll. Wohuw uln mi Ini'itular lNit miiulug r.liovo Cur valll. whicli xiv dnwii ciory week, till luii thrim depiirlure uvery week from Cor alll lor I'orllaiid. tor any lurlln-r Inriiriimllnn. nddrefs PI I HO. M VGA NT. Stc'y Union Train'n Co., ( march" Oregon City. Iregoii I'lly. Feb. 25. IhC:). 2m MYKUYAXIrSALKSTAHLES. Comer or California and Fourth ftreel. CI.UOAGK k DRUM, Proprietors 5 TIIISCSTAIII.KS nrc )S(8rXeentrally located, nnd con- v2JI lr l)v.iiiiii m tin. i'i,i..ii ii... JMr lei. Ilttrfoi mitl mule will In- kepi ly the uav or wei'K ui iniMieniie cuiirge. The proprietor Imrcn uumlivrof flue in-cmi.x a'd iMKIimilN Fornuoor two horfo, to let on inodenilff lenn. Abo.uoudfiiddli' Iioih-m mid mule, whluh tlmy will l"t to go to any part of the eoiinlry. on reafonuhlo term". Dong's broke to tlie middle or harness. Animnls Sought nnd Gold, The prupriilom plcdg" thuuu-elvc to give satisfaction to all wl.o may Im or them with a cull. Jiieknoiivlll" OifQ Ant' 31. lttf M. A. BRENTANO Is dally in receipt of u largo Ufurlinenl of Groceries & Provisions, I.IQUOUS, WINKS, COMMA I.R. IIAHDWAHK, (JIASSWARK, And ull kind of ivxxjxrisxrG- tools. He recommends Ida large, new stock of C1CARS & TOBACCO, MATJJIIKS. STAT10NKRV, CAKDS, Toy aad Fancy Waro. Aud n great imoy olher nrticle too nu merous tn limit inn, nil of which lio will tell LOW FOH CASH, Or in exchange lor COUN'IKY "RODUOK. Jnckjnnvilie. Angiisi 23, 1802. Jitittei-! 1 Jul tor!! TUST received 1,(100 pouuds of Oiianhh I Coi'NTV lli'TTBlii of recenV linpnrlntlou vui the Inthinu. It I nn tittt ttrUcU.i fatly Hcut.uihl Mill ucXul,U ckageuf 100 pound: which will keep tuy where, uud i fiiperlor to thu greater pmiun of ureal at rrvKU umtcr- 15.0.SPSSION8. With llradbury & t, Jack onvllle, Nor, 5th, J802.