Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 15, 1863, Image 2

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    C:rt. illrtrtl.U. lXIiirttil
V NZTT ''Sift I
M S9 i
"Tiitiikkfhovi ; Avni-KitMiNKM'Vor votii I of the Indian nliout hcrc.rars the whiles
tlsiov. a (JuvKitxMCVT .m t UK wiioi.k in m,t jwv them lor gra nml right of trnv-i.NnnPivnM:."--HW.iM$.'flA.
Ic through their country. It Is also np-
! ""--i .!! .1.ii.i j pflrcnl i,tll IU jn,ilUH nmv In the settle-
.lACiCHD.vvii.r.ti. imP.iio.v. mcnls arc lining their inmost endeavors tn
WrnT.s(llV V.VniVI!. - . Al'IML 15. IISL P'octirc nrnis nml nnimiinltloii. l-'rom
, IM i,i,lni',ii "'ese, nml other Indication, it Is thought
if ii more than probable by old settlers In the
KrtUronrt. vn) lIwl wc Mm ,mvc n waf w( Ii0
hvcry prncllc.il enterprise, Iwv.tig Tor ICIamil nml nelliltorItir tribes. It may
its object the development 'f (Irs resources. hj mt W(J f(lflrH irtf Kr01llllf ( ml
nr the Increase .f th nnterW wooltli, or())p cI,,Mns ,honM w on ,lCr K,llir,i.
the country ouulit to receive the united j,,,,,.,, tmxK i, fnrcr,, nt lo fell
nml gem-mus sappoc t of the people The I powJcr IllIt liril tonny ImM.iliMolntt. ikt
construction of u railroad from wm oen-1 ,..,. w,. ..,,.. r.-onni,v l .umectrd
trnl point in California, pslng tlirmtsrli
this valler. and Inttlni fw Its tiortlxni
KrnilnUI I'orthimi, Orep, Is x M.Htcr
(n wb4cli the people, of Simtliero Orcmvi
ciprtinlly, hive the deenert OtermU Cw
press lini niiido provislims for tl con'tmc-
lion of two roii,i-i litis CPMplction of
IkiiIi of which wo hxve n vliutble mcident
ul Interest. TV central one will tie twllt
In ts ttlsn trfn Jvars. Omrmevclal as
well as tnllitwy necesdty deunnds its com
pletion, 'I'be 1'irclfii! rSUten are imrwrtsnt
lo the Union. Their loyally is n'w
iKnchrd. Tlieir widen Iniis ro tX iU
moment llie supportiu; liniisof the credit
of the (lovernw-nt. Tlie OnviTtwerU
feels (he f"ree of this Important UcUkikI
is prepAreil t cireonrnse, with ths finient
use of ll rimstltutional miMiis, tvery
ru1lruji entiTjirifc In licr loyal tVlfie po
ffsstons, which on be kkvI toe tatJiUry
'I'lirru Is no danger oT any forciam Tie
Vcr attempting lo nwrch nn ary into tl
sMsntrV east of Ibc Rret Cs't-tuleorfelvirn
N'crada, rsn?i f moirntiiins. Tlic 5nvn-
mon, u it coinwnt mi, w, come i.y way
' " "'" """ "'" ,,,,,"t ,vl "D ."""v
cither the Columbia or bscrsmento rwer.
Connect thete two vulrcntiM water liiiwl
by n railroad, wid tlie whole military forc
of tho Pacific Coast can be fxMily con
cenlrnteil t nny llircatened jwint, po:
cither line. Our foreign relatioiii siuut
this moment in n very unsatWnctory.tiot
til s.iy threnteninjr. comlltiow. A foreipii
wr is not nir.ofig tlio ImproUtbllities of u
v.o distant fulurv. "'he J ovirtiment is not
nsratnaiot or our siiuatiw. nml will en-
cnarsRvj with cverj mxdful appropriation
every cnterptifo giving military rtrctitli
nnd power to the country. Under iIh-hj
circumstances, wu liiwc no doubt but what
Congress, on
rt snuauio nrcwnisuon oi
.... ... M
tin subject
i... .1- !..... i..i...l...
uy nw i ucu.g iivxrai.u.i,
could be induced to concentrate nil of the
ts of the Ooveroment on tho comtrut-ly,,,,
nun m iro -rauii viinii iiuim, jp, u.ii.iii ir.eriiy wiiiiiii your uoruern; no
branch rnsd rtiecilieil above. M'Rjfurili
cr, and hold that if a foreijjii wnr slwuld
iiiivaivii, hiii.iiimii ui una ,M,
Iiui.Iiih ll.a m.u a t ..ml lyi.t tf 1 1. ... Iri...l.
nnd woaM become a nutter of clear, pUin, ,
(islpsliw military necessity. H rii)uin-d
ins military tducitloii to see tho truth, or
to appreciate, the fvrcj of the aliuve prop
option. Hut tliero ore other comMerations that
address themselves with peculiar force to
the people uf Southern Oregon: A
American citlcens, Imvid' uu interest in
tire increase of the material wvalth, mill
tary power, nnd glory or our country, wc
would, of course, rejoice In (Ira commence.
ment and completion of the central, north
ern, or southern Pacific railroad; but. as
citizens of Soatiicm Oregon, wo have a
persoual interest in the conitructlon of the
branch rosd. In faot, the complete devel
opment ol our agricultural, pastoral, ami
mineral resources depend to a great extent
upon it. Willi It, our future is all that
wo could deilroj without it, wc shall be
compelled tn resort to temporary expedi
ents, and will bo compelled to learn to con
tent ourselves with n moderated prosperity.
Iet us take hold of the enterprise, then,
with vigor commensurate With its int-
porlancc. If its praclicabllily is demon-
.... .-.l .I.- l ....I I....:. ..
. . ""","""' "- "I"""""
win iuhu iiivjou .rum r iiaiiu-, him, k
aI.iII l,n llA liannn Aytlnln(a fit I tin lionn.
shall be the happy recipients of the bene-
''I'- Other towns nnd communities nlnng
0 cnnl(,nlltrtlrd route have contributed
lllicrnlly, and If llic citizens or this valley
'nlve It the coM shoulder, they richly de
serve" to rul out. or rot out."
1 Imhians. The Indian In this vicinity
give indication' ilmt liny will be trouble,
sonu- thi summer. " II I Is In Iho Indl
iinJ" Meliilmcil one of nnr clllr.cn. who
liml lieen holding n " wnwu" In his storo
W th scleral of the Klamath tribe. They
are very Impudent, nnd lions t tlmt In the
vicinity of Klamath thry rnn nwmlile n
I thousand warriors. " (" war-chief
, of n wognw, tn ime ,W0 contraband
nrticles to the Indians. Tlio nrr.is that
thry now Imvo Is suflicient evhknco tlmt
thcro nru sudi depraved persons In our
It was hoped that the prcseneo of the
cavalry now hero would serve tn prevent
hostilities, but the impudent, brn'pudnriii
manner of the Indians is i-alcuhiii-d to ills
Kl lli.it hope. It behooves us to k
I'lioTomiJii'iiir Ai.iifM. Amonjrnll Iho
pallor (irnninenis nml c.tpedtents for lnvel-
ln' home with ndditiomil sacrcdness, which
uthlon fabricates from lima to time, nolh
inc meets so many wants ns tho
1 ill). if-
n'niplilo Album. With Its rich binding,
it Kives n literary nlr. and makes u hermit
fill display upon n tabic; nnd, better than
that, it preserves the counterfeit-presentment
of thnso whose form and memories
arc Imllnwrd by lovo uud (rirmlship. Mr,
Vctcr Drill, our skillful resident orllst,
cad uccominndalo you.
Tlio third quarterly incellnj,' of the M
,, c , forJucksonvillc Circuit, will bo
IwM nt l'ha-nlx, commencing Pnliinlny,
A lflIli ,, wnllna,nir nv(T Sab)aih.
Tim U. S. Tax Collector will bo In
Jacksonville on 1'riduy nml .Saturday of
I ims wick.
I'koit.amation m- Oknkiiai. Wiikiiit.
(encral Wright has jutt issueil n proclama
tion, us follows :
To lliu Citizens of the Pacific Coast :
Vmi urn fir removed from the scenes of wnr
nttd desolation it war wheh has drrncluil
, ,,1M ,)ie fll,rw M)tlU,n r llr MVt,, ,
country it war In pn nerve our Union uud I
our rriv imliiiiiinns onlnsl thu nsinultH i
of traitors traitors In their tlo.1 nnd trnl-
torn in their country, who. disreL'ur.limrtbo1
icxanipleiiiid prrcepis of the Ureiit Wash-,
. i . , . .
imrioii, nk to destroy our very existence
..O...H,... i
,,. "
liiHiir.- i.iu nur "null nni ikth niu.nu i
fir ll... I i.l lun iim.j In I In. l.Vi..,...i Utnl.Mi I
,mu. ...j,,,. M w Mw,,nK, nf ,,WCJ
your lionlers; no I
family lieurlli has bivn made ilt-s olale j tlio
wulliu;.M ol the widow nnd orphan nru
..iri.lt. l.iMir.) In lltld r..-.r.l l.nl Ian f.i. I
y01 mvo )M.f ,.xflpj from j,Q rour)!n ol I
f .
war. Are you prepared, then, to sucriGcc
till these blessings, tn prove recreant
In yourselves, In tho nation, and to
tlio Mcli nnd holy trust transmitted
to you by tlio rounders of nur lteptitillc ?
No ! Already I hear the welkin rin' with
shouts ol acclamation " Tho Union (hull
be preserved !''
Alllwnli the preat mass of the people
on the Pacific coast ure eminently patriotic
nnd devoted to thu Union, el. fellow
citizens, wu must not disguise the fact that
" ,lmv,e !ra,,0 ' ' ,n,dt h" ur ,loi"Pf
nil ... Hiuih nnw.. I. I.......i II. la .imnl.ii
in thu horrors of civil war. To nil such
n .", ,,ivi, wfc, ,., ii.iwiiu iilin i.i,n,,
person, I say, pause, and reflect well before
plunging into tlio ) awning abyss of treason.
An indignant penpla will rise in llielr
majesty, nnd Rwlft retributive justlco will
be your certain doom,
Done nt llie Headquarters of the Depart
ment of the Pucifle. this 7th day of April,
18M. Okoiiok WitifliiT,
Jlrig. Oen. U. 8. Army, Commanding.
Nrvkr .Sui.k". Heller ilrnw llin rnrk nf
..A... l. ..11 t.. 1 1... l. r i r.
I iiur iiiuiiiiumiii, umi .vi u iuui.i ii(ii) in. in,
, limn to wire it down to turn four nml -- i
rid williin you. Sulks ullVct Iho liver, uud
are still worse (or hu heart and tho soul.
Wrath drhen in is n ilnm-croua tn llie
moral health us suppressed smallpox to
tho nninials yslem. Dissipate it liy nil-ct-,
Inu' on tlie mildness, hilmilily. nml serenity
oi neiter men inun;
erenler wroncs thai
of belter men (bun yourself, suffering under
UU "ll II
grenUT wrongs in.ni you Imvo ever been
ttiPitil linnn in IwlA si
culled upon to bear,
Q II I-JIIIFI-VH SA I.K. Hy virtue or n de
O creeln dnueery tii foreclo'urt mnrtirago
inniV at lint Kebriinrv terms, A. 1). W'X Of
the Olrcit Court nl" thr- Sfate of Oregon,
for lint comity of Jaok.'sStt, In favor of .la.
Ihnii", ami ntrltlntt IftirMI II. Orlitlit.
for Iho nun or llltee t IIihmIum" unt vtliu-ly
and eighty-three oiie-huiidtrilth dollar-.
iiui mien-si in iiienue hi tnoiinii .iiie-uun
iwcent. pcriiioiitli.lojjetlfcrMltlieo.jjiiiml
accriibi),' eoU I will ihh I in cell, lor
CAli,tn thehl(jhet Wddrs. u l-riil.iy. the
mill ilay or Jiny, A. IJ. Imim. I sniu inor
caneil nremtscs. iletcribi cla follow, to-wlt:
Tim i-at hair of Donation Cl.ilm No. l!l. lit
toniidilp number . IS south' or nintto iiiini
tier 2 west (tlie while iloimtlun rl.tiin liiilu
ber IV. nrorcMih!, ln-l tt tr Imnnilnl ux Inlluus,
tn-ull: lli'gluiiliiKi't iho xnrlhnest corner
thereof, ami riinnlnif Ifrene" wist Ill.llll
chain". Ilii-nee miilli MKhnrlinlns thence
wet 411.1)0 chain, tlieuro north IIMM)elmln
lo the ilncenriHj;luiilii;. eonlalnbiK In the
l.lullll l,Mrll 1110 MHF.MI Ulllt Ihl, 1 111 t III rrllV
ii.lvertlsi.1 ror Mile bclnir tl eaUhairtliere -
flfl-slliistnl In Jackson tounly, Orison,
with the liiiirnieiiiouttlH-minliilNloimlii.
Siilu mi Ilin nr.-iiitrK. Im'Iwimmi Ih '-mirn
of one and lour o'clock I', u or mid day.
V. If. S. II YIK. Shenir.
Dated April i:i, IpImI up lfi -lw
O linitll'FS" .sTf,l-fNyvirim7 T77T
O dvcrco In chancery for fnrcvlimiroiir
morlKiiKe. uisde nt Iho Kebrmirv Ti-rm. A.
t). lKtiit, of IM- Circuit Court ol' llu .Stale
or Oregon, lor .Ineksou county. In I'avor r
tolin a. i:iv nnd ngnbi't It. K. M'nry nml
others, lor iIicmiiii or l'our lliousninli-iulily-
iilin- nml tllty-elaht oiic-huiiilredlh itollars. I
Inlen-sl nml nxi, nml nlsii (our twtiillnn
Issnwl by the cbrk olihe Clroult (;ourt
nruiesald. In fnror of llo.msr Co.. I.onl
!J,""V.';r f f;,.V ,,,,,,,JI M"uher nml John
I'.ly. Olark A to., and hkiIiiu It. I-. Maury
nml other ln" Iho nrntrvjiMv nimorHn -
llio.isaml Ihreo hiin.lr. .1 sLxly-nlno ami
ineii.y nr-inini m iik miliars, i iirrrsi ......
I linvo lev uti upoii nml will pro-
ceid In H'll, lor en-li. lo the liluhest bidder,
on Saturday, lh, tnih day ol' May, A, I).
I Mill, thu loll.inliiK tlercrllxd Itettl l!liite,
.oxe.uer w ... t..e .... or veiueuiN urn i i..m i-
tciinni'i-4 llivreiiulo livbuiL-iiiL'. to-wli
mi..' !.."i
J':'. ' i ' "
lot nt llie soull.-west conur or
Orvxnii. orSifiinil street. loKelher with the
rloro-houso llier.iu. known n Maury fi Da
vit' llrlck Store ; also two cvrlaln lots, sit-
I imletl on Oiegou or Second stn-et, onu tho
,...... K. ,..,... r it i ii..... n...i
iiiiii,'I irriiiviii-'j i,i ii. i , .uiinrj, nun nun
occupied liv V. A. tlni'ii: thu oilier Iho
former resldeiiw or II. K. Havl, nnd now
'Ceiipliii by (ii'ii. II. I.h. All of IIh-iiIhivo
ileserliifd imiiirly In ullualt-d In the lonn or
Jackronvlfle, Jaekson tounly. Oregon, The
priKvuN or llie sale or thu lot, brick store,
etc., nt thu south-nest comer of Main mil
Orejjou or Sieoml street will bo Hist up
plbd to the pny lie ut or lln- decree III mvor
ul' John 8. Ivly. Sale on Iho iiremlsoc, Ih
tueeii the huurs oruu uud four o'clock i:
m. or rulil it-iy.
W. II.R. IlVIllI.PI.eriir.
I)aled Aprlllll. lHlill. nt'l l.'-liv
.1. become an object of much imHrtuncc,
both lo the Settler nnd Iho (lovernuieut, ns
well its to thu public lie m-nilly. that the
Urns nml TITM In DONATION Claim-.
In thls.lMrlct should he 'tin.iiiently eilub-1
llsheil i niiillnonlerth.it this ilesiiabb-eml
may lx uceoii.illhel with nn lit lit delay n '
mhh, to heruby moet ilmt nil dona
tion claimants In the lollnuliiK tomuhli'i.
who Imvo not yet moib- llielr llu.tl proof,
taken llmO.tlh of Allvxlniioe, anil ptld Tor
j ,,"' i fr..V date. ,vlV:T' :i
T.:S. II. 1 Wi T. MS. It. i W;
ssiilnjf llielr iinni veriiiicittHi', no hi wiiiiiii
h. ll. ii vi ;
T.WR It.
7 IV. j T, i H II. 1 W,; T. 'M S. K. I i; i T. ,
-'Id S. 11.2 V,; T.3US. It. : IV.; T.iliib. It.
1 W i T. ! S. It. .'. IV ; T :MiS. It. ii W ; T.
;jc - It-7 j 1. 3jh. H. I t.i l- 37 b II ,
.1 r . i 'it u
- "-i ''.' V;
-i ' i
t. :hi ss. it. i r.
: t. ;ik t u. vi : t. ;in w.
It .' W.: T. 3S S. It. 7 W.; T. 3S 8. It. H W
.. ....o n i ic . -in c it 1 l-.'r vnc 11 )
..1 '..... V .1 .-..'.. . . .. . ..J ... '.?
,,;'. t..S. Ii :.8B. T.toS.lt.Vw. Alier'
which, no will n.is tin to Urn e.i.ublt-rutlnn
or other townships, until tlio whoio shall
li.it v been none ihioiiith Willi preiraliiry
111 r.KIir . Ill 1. tn .III, I !lllllllllM.Illllrr up till,
'... ...
iieiiertti i.ami umce,
JOHN KI-XIA. neater.
(iKOltni: U IlltlOOS, itccelver.
Land Ollice. Itoseburc. April 7, lh3,
Notic-t) to llnlilui'rt Ci. Onti'ih.
JACKSON. Pilous holding the
lollonlug county orders nru hereby noliuYd
In pieseut Iho same Tor redemption I No,
(111, presented July 7, 18.15; No. JJ, tits.
presented Sept. H, 1835; No. 727, presented
Sept. 11, 1855; No. 110'J, presented Deo. IV.
1M5; No. lilt!, presented Dec. 20, 1855;
No. 115'.', presented Dee. 21, 1855; No. 1151,
presented Die. 22, 1855; No. 11U7, lll.il,
presenttd Dec. 27, 1855; No. 1158. present
ed Jan. 1 1, 185(1; No. fi.VJ. preseutid June
13. 185U; Nos. 55, (.7, presented Oct. 1, 185U.
No Intend will be allowed uu them; or
der alter this dale.
U.S. MOIIOAN, Co.'l'rea'r.
Per K. V Hus.skm Deputy.
Jacksonville. April lf. 1803. tw
Notice tu AbaiMit Del'oiuluiit.
rpo W1I.MAM WILSON,-Vou nru
X hereby notified thut unless you appear
In the Circuit Court of tho Statu of Oreuon,
mid county of Dougla, on tho second Jlon
itnv. tin, till, ,luv ,ir fuv. A. II. lMi.'L uml
- - j - "'' T..7' '
siwvr llso coiuplulsit of Uonaril StlnKer. ,
lilalntlir. which liua been 11 led with the clerk
of said Court, against yoi-,ibu deleiidaut,
und pm sn judjuiviit ugnltitt you for one
I. . ...I . . .f 11 ll.l L.i.i.ltlw .111.1 llttU Mlll.lltlll.
dridllmdollnre, besides lulcrvxt uml cnU
iliosaineivlll rib taken lor cnuruwii). and
tlio prayer tuereor will iw gtuituu iiy itiu
Ily order of ljg'n, P, Prim, Judao t
.iprlllA Utv
Sale of School Lniul.
NOTIOi: Is hereby given, Hint In nitr
.mince ill nn (ililrToT the llimrd of Com
iiilpoii'n dr Jnck'soii County. Oniftmt, I
will illttr for toil i to Iho lilhct WAiKr, nt I
tlui Cmirt lMl.. ilour1. hi iliiekMiiivllli'i'oli :
SnllinlitV, Wtlll itnv or .Ttity. 1 Mill. l Wti
I Iho hiiilfs of !) n'elnek, .. m nml I n Mnek.
I""- -.--..,. -... i
i-, m.. the riiiiimliiKili'MM-ihiii nmioui miihi..
I wit : Ktetlon MMecii (111). In tow.ihlp
'.M South, or llitngi' 1 Vct, o.wi ptlng
t.iiii.l. .tr ilin liiinU in ktiM iillmt im uriiin
it.ri,( )lV Vl,(1 daltno ; pulil Inmls to lu
oirernfln in nen-s tr.ietn mar mk mi be.
Tvrmv ! One fiiiirlli of thu purclinsc inoiu-v
, ll0 .,M tt, ,), r tau, im thu rf
mnimli-r In three iiin.il miuiial paymeiitK,
bonrliiir liilerci-t nt tin' rate or left iwrcfiit
per aimuiii, to lio sectiml by notes with np-'
iiiovid security. I
M. A. W1M.UMS.
Superlnti-nilent Cnminmi HclionS, Jncltsoti I
Counly, Oreuou, I
April lllli, If lilt. ril
i Oroi
:oxi. 3MOLDL1.
rplli: iindersliud lutvltiK litwd tin"
i .1 " Vimlnton Mill," live, irrlb-s froiis
Jncksnuvilli-, la" IhuroiiKhly rvrluil it.
mid crectid
i'V i iniprovi-n iMiiciiiiiur))
which, from my cxperlente In constructliiK
llie Mime, ns well iik In iir.iiuilncluriup llour,
Marranlii mi in sayliiK that tin- Ureuou .Mill
can urn) will i to butler worh than any olher
.Mill In lh Valley.
jHcksonvlllc, April 1 1, lWSU. Tint
T,V ''J-J I'lUCtll'l1 COUUT of the
' Ha(( r )rvvm fr M mMy 0j
i j
' Al'. , i,,v , ii,n.rr .ilmiry.
i vu.u.oi .Maiiku r. Jiiiin TituM.vs tint!
. VniiMt'i l'vtirum
j .,. .,,, T; '',, N:rm , V,u Wnn :
.. , . . . ,. , .
,,.. ... ,. ..:. ,.wltl .,, ),... 'rr
f..u.tittttm M.kusitt t lint iWxl .Ifiv nT I lis I
HIFPVI'IIIIII' lMillt( T !!' ! HI"
term Ihereor. to lie held on MomUy, Iho VMU
.lay or April, A.I. Ir4:. iiuil nnser llie
-...,..,.,.1..; ... ,. ..Iv., i-nuso llle.l. iimo
Ml" '" ,,k,',, rrciiufess,iiiiil llin prayer
I llawif will l. iironitil by Iho Curt.
Itv order of Hon. I', I'. I'ltl.M, JihIkc.
It. II. Monnmti, 1'Ulntlll'n Attorney.
Jaull:tiillnil w
llrlrk llnllill.ii;, Cm. I'nint t 1'i.rftU.
WII.I, allini to the UecelvtiiK und For
iMinllni; of nil ComI eitlrusle.l tu
their cure, will. rniiiiiitne uml di.palch.
CoiislKiimeiilN solicllu). Merchandise re
ceived mi stomc.
Cmcf-nt City. Anrll 1 1, tWf-X !.'
N, II. -No p)udi.ellvere until Iho freight
nml diares utv paid. D. A U .
JSelllias 0T!
lie IMooiii
Ofl'era to sell his entire stock of
All tltoso ilesirlng llitr
gitius HllOttlll cull Illl
itiiHliittuly, as ho 'Will
close out forthwith.
All who thinlc tlmt
they limn liuvctoforo
lialil too much for
(lootts, shotiltl call at
ami get even.
Now is Your Time
to g:t
As he positively Intends
swrTTW rtvim Am mamhiI
Hwwiuawvi, ..
Jsckronvllle, March '.8, 16C3.
"VClxoloisiA.lo ts XTotn.il
Tobsicco & Segjirs,
All of which will be sold nt low price),
for OASI), or desirable l'ltUDUCK.
at niinucr.D kati:s.
iTo nxitu room for PALI., S'PACKS.
; A Choice Selection or tho
mnBi?Ci dB?iuj!s.:
r Kver oirnd in this market, cmhrncin
C ar let lea of
ltlacli) Gri'oit & JaimiieHc,
J In bulk, pnKrs nnd cuddles, nt ,
. prices tu enit the most particular.
Ltust received,
, 1IAV ..0.1 .MANUUKl-'OUKS.
Agricultural Tools
3J"ox- eifxlo vt Ooest :
20 Steel-point PLOW'S, complete,
of various sizes;
l(i cast Plow-points;
2 suits c.Mru steel Mould-Uoards,
Points und Uttid Sides.
2 patent Slrnw.Ciitiers ;
b fitrgu Iron Kettles, fur farm use.
The nbnvo will ba exchanged for llour at
tho market price.
Jucksonrillc, Oct. 23, 18G2. II Itf
Will find it to their adrantngo to
purchase of us, us wc shall keep
on hand it good supply of
w'11 ' descriptions or Proline
wvr4.-iiuaicanuaiiiiipow(iot wiinoiit aipss.
HltADllUnV & "WADE
rhicnlj. Oct. 3Qth.