Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 15, 1863, Image 1

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Kmwtiiwiw i
he teg0t!
WT"rm fuiiw)'l
l f' J5w5 WbwmYmw n
(Kill ii nl llii! Clly linig Wore,
I,ri;niiNVtl.l.K, OllKiinx. -II
OBoo Willi II. 1'. Unwell. INi., Third Hired,
.T u'KKoMVti.i.r Oui'oov. 2!)
and solicitou in ciianckuy,
Will promptly ntliiiil to any legal
bulni' cnmniillcd In IiIk cure.
Oftcc ni Scututtl liuliling,
T,t-i;i"Nvrt.T.K. QllKOON.
A.T Xj2VW',
AKD solicitors ix c:n anchry,
JAnPnNVII.I.K. OnKllllS,
Will practice In the t-npri iiu mill oilier
Conrlmir llil Stale. March -LWI
li "!TH.li practice In Ilic wverul Court of
the Hrt Judical District, und In tliu
1 Supreme Court. October til). '112.
J. II. iim:ii. j. (Iabtov.
J. llJtKKI) having dulcrmlucd tn con-
thine tnT 'j.ruullce of lit imifi'k'n. lm oto-
Utu1 Mr. (tAHins wild liim In baduw. iiikI
Uiryuill give prompt ituiitlou tn any legal
Unlnm I'litriKlnl to their onio, In imy uf
the Court uf thi Judicial District.
(Ilttet- In unit building rurmerly occupied
I.v Mi 1J.....1 A. ut lull, (i:-
f n. F. DOWELL.
J.in.-KONViu.c, Oiikiiov.
(Ill practice In nil the, Court nl the Third
Judicial District, (lie Supreme Court of Ore
toii. ami in YruKit, Oil. War Scrip prompt-
jr collected. Out. lh.
J);iii'i Jtiirhcr SIioji.
Ikdwccii llrudhiiry & Wade' itinl III Doudo
halooii, California street.
SHAVIN'G. Halr-ciittiiig.Sh.impnntnp.Cur-linj
nml Hull- Pyrin,'. n li.tiul anil tor
i'v. u genuine article ot PlshV Haiu Itkri
TuitiTlVH. anil Crltiidur.i' Eialitor lUtr l)it
lMiotoinaphic Aitlot,
I' prepared to take picture In every stylo
i niHuri, wiiii uii tnu lain impum-mcui
If rictiiriw On not jlii MitMuclluii. no
birg w III Ik- iiinili'. Cull nt hU in' Gill
hry. on lln lilll. cvimlnu IiIh nlcturix. mill
ll for jour likunon.
WiitcIiiutiUi'v nml Jvwclrr,
Atcp ciinHuutly on hand n
flue nmnrtiiieut n'f Ci-ocks mill
JnufcUiV. ulilvli lie (ilium lor
ciHi. ItKl'AIUIVC Clocl.H.lisiirf
Walclitfuiuul Jcwi'lry rcimlu'd willi proinpt
tx mid wiirrmitt'il Simp on Culllmulu
Hrii't, two iIiioih uit nl Line A llllp'rV.
JiicUhivIIIh. July 20; 2K
XI. W. D Wis. It. II. IIAIKKH.
irAliNUS & J)AVIS.
1'ost OJllco Uulldiits.
Weilnosduyii ami HiiturdnyR.
Jncknnvlllc. Fcl. 11. 1803. felil I
T. H. LYNCH, Prop'r.
Corner Califurnlu iiniF Onuu S Irenes.
Tlio l'rnprlftor lia Jiut rccoli eil from Sau
Francltco n elmlce iisortineut of lino
Wines, Liquors, Cigars,
etc., j:tc.
MJroji In nml tect tliom. Ibo.
l'Al'KU UUIiKU, nnd
lilnnh.Uook 3Juaiil'iictiirer.
fil7Clay nml 514 Umqiuerolut lr;et,
between .Moiituomcry mid iiiikomo,
Xu. lUmllup of etry dufcriptlnn neatly
cntnl i Jtlnuk Hooks ruled and lloiind (o
"y (Uflrwl pattern. 'i I.v
ll-OL'H AND I'UODUL'K tuken In ex-
clwnire for Merclmndise. nt
full.-27 j ax ML'LiaUVS.
SnwciitiTiii.v Oiu'M'nr. In iiilvnncc.Flvo
Doiluiii; Six month", Tliriti Ilolliiic.
Aiivmitimimi (Jnu miiihiu till linen or
lew). Ilrnl liiHurtlrtu, Thrrc Dollurd ; oncli
miI ipicnt liiiicrtion. Oiuj JJ(illar,--A4U.Llllf-tt-riJM;lJ"orai.i., flf), murclipl.Jlllu
count or llfly percent will Imi tniulc to tuoim
wmi niiierilfu ny tncyviir.
Ily nppllcntlnu In I'nMmnMcr nnd Mnll
CurrlcrM. nn rim li'nrn Hint ilioSi'tnl-wcvkly
OitKiiiiK Shxtim.i, Iiiik hy Hir u liiijjer clicu
Intlon In tliu counlli!) nf Soiilliern Oresuii
nml Dot Norli! cuiiiily, Ciitlliirnln, tluiti nuy
oilier piiper. TliU luct flmulil commcml llie
'Si!fi.Y1il:,uyoun'' u m,l'urll)r eillum fur
"' river, wniimlin thrw nr Tour nf Inetn.
I.iht up Aiibnth. irlin nn. nullHirlxrtl to , t. m-1-1 niill.nrllhw nn- In emit alarm
trommel nny Ijih.ii.m uuncuruliii: thin m-' ,,l,1" vlolntltm of mMitnility flmnlil in
per. In Hie nnm or the pnMlnlier : , v"lv'' ,l'm '" tronlile ,ith tlic Mrxlcniifc
I.. I'.KIrlier, Knn I'riinolwnj Wiiil-wortli A Pcilenil fdiuoncr. wllli n car'o vnlucil
A Unjiies, Vreknj IIImt Kinrv, A'liliiuil; S. ' nt n ipmrtcr nfn inlllloii, wm riiptiirtil liy
C. Tnylor, riiiunlx! W. W 1'nwler. Apiile- the iclielii. Tliu (loviruor of Tcxm. In a
Kiite; It. S. Diiiilnp, Wlllliim-liurui Johu It.
I'rlmllo. Kerl.yvllti.: A. It. McIUnln. Vnlli;
li. j. loi i, uiililo; r.. At. Kvihih, Alt
liniist'j Jix'l Thorn, (iinyniivllle: A. It.
I' Hut, ilonMiiirp: Imno It. MnoreH, Snlein; J.
mi em: J.
I, i,..i ... i ,. ,.... t. ... " .
iIbw.ii rai.. nir u'..t..n..i.i aii.......
Il-fijntnlii OookCorviilll-i J. H. .Sn.ll)i'.
Clly; Alhert Doolitlle, Iluppy
I. 0. 0. F.-Jackhuxvii.u: Liiimik ri.
10, holddltit roKiilur iiieetlii fiery S.IT -
UII IMF Jil'UXI.W, nt tln'lr
Oully'K Theater liiillillupi.nt 7 o'clock.
lSiutiiuiH in sooil itatiUliiK r eoruliilly j
liivilcillu nlleiiil. Jah. .M. tUTTo.v
(Ikii. 11. Doillllii. It. Heo'y.
Varron LoiIko No, 10, A. F. & A. H.
HUM) their ruL'iilar coinmiinl
AUV.X. .MAUT1.N. W. M.
II. Ilt.nou, Sfc'i.
amnios ciiaitj:u jso.1
Will hold ItMroKilliircoiumuiilcutInn on the
I'lml Hiilnt-iliiyUir. iir:rr'?Iuiitli.
All pi'Joiinilnir ConiiiiinlniiM In uood
iitnndliiciuuc'ordlntly Invited innttenil,
(;. V. GHKKIt, II. I.
li. Saoiia. Sro'y. ( lecH : 1 7
WAt.no, Johki'iii.nk C(lUTy, Ouk.
Dii, l)f.-icu Ik prepared promptly tonttend
tn the curliiK of nil dlMiiovh iiccordlui; to
the treument of l'rof. K, V. Itisi-AlL, with
out the ii o of Mercury, Atreulc, or miy
iioImmiouii druu''. 1'nr tliu pavt nine yeum
iu iiiih nveii n prHCUllouer oi tncuioiue ill
Cm.ivnt Citv.niul In U uull .iil-ii.il H...H,.. '
can civepvdy relief tn the utllleled who
iiiuy call on tiiin. Aiuiilu iirmuctmciitii lor
Cold. Warm. Hot mid Steam I In I In,
HUWAHD AbSOUI AT1UN', riiiludel-'
plilii, I'enna.
UWAKD AbSUUIATlUX, rinluile?.
IW thtttlnfttflhtSitkaiid Jiiittuml.lfllitttJ
mtA I irultnt uii.1 Chronic llutiuti, und
ttptciullij yJiMtt i tltt
Stiuil Unguis,
Meillo.il Advice given grutln by tlio Act
In Surgeon. Valuable UHiimr on hi'i.hm i
toiiiiikv or hkuixai. vt:.ik.i.M(, iiiul other
dlcisoeH of the H'.ximl organi1, nnd on the
M-:w iimnniM employed In the Dinjien
wry, tent In M'nlcil letter cuu'lupep, Irte or
c lurpe. Addrean
Howard Association, No. ii toutli Ninth tt.,
April '.'lljlflv riiilnilelplilii. l'rt
jGLjsscts?" Office
TTllYl nniIi'rlBnl. Iiavlnj? opened nn
J AfMiyOllluunt San Frunclfco, would
rePpuctrully h. licit th patiouae of Mcr-
cliiint. Miner. Owner of Quarlx leud und
Mill, who may vMt r-'an Fruucltcu, or who
A HOLD their ruular commiinl-liV , ' "" i i
"tfVcntlon the Weilnewliiy UvviiIiikk on ir,Mm; c""al ' c"''P'-'l-"''
Vor piercilliiRllio full moon, In mw,w1 lo jierinnneiit.
uiiiviciim iniiM.M: mnr, i tien. Jlurtfr was iokiiii; men gieps u
We Kiiarmiteo tlio correctness of our n- woll,i ,f n,j t0 ,l0 temc.va of all fear In re
ay. nnd will mako return in lar. or I . ,, ,v 10 Mfllvor Vimtt Tho rfMi
S tioMCoiu, within rixlioiiMulU'rilepo t. .i,i , in. .,, .,i .....
Wo also u,.,y all kind of Ore and Metal, .J 1
OREENBERG, ERLENBACH & CO., irrri8blir(r ,, , A of
fi'21 Sacramento Mrect.a feivdooi I..- ,il0 Senutoriul Iiivratlirutin Cominitiec. to
uw What Cheer llou-e. nearly mijioMto , 1,,,, whether unlawful means wero em-
Jacillo Mall bteamthlp Co' olllce, Sail jIl)(Jye(, ,Q 6Ccllr0 )l0 ,l!fc,ion of U)tcj
I'iniiuitco, , Slftte)) Senator, report Gen. Cameron cull-
(illi:t:M!i:i:(i, i:in.i:.M!ACJJ I CninSMUlI, ; lyofthcchnrKenf bribery preferred apalnst
Yreka, c'iirurui. j
I'orllnml, )rrKoo. I
H. (mKK.Nm.iio, I & jiViwcMea. ""Wwwtu.
v. hniJiMiAcii, f ""' '""l"0' J',dtt.
January 21, ietij. Jair.MmJ
ti:m mi iriiKti to viikk i i-on tiik kkntim.i.
Snturdny IVlglH's Dispnfcli.
New Ymli. Dili. 'I'lic Inllnwing wna ro
D'lviil per tli Columbia. Tin' tnnniT
Iloniliirii', from tlie llio (Imnilo. with H.V)
Texmi rifufreiK. rcpoit llini nn Hip 7tli i.f
Mexico, nnd riipluntl Col. Ditvin.of Tcxbr.
nml Cupt MniilBimiery, nT the nine ri jrl
ment. The Mixtcnii nulhorillea ileiuanilnl
their rcleii'c. Cnl. Duvis wu cUen up
but Meinlfromcry wait not ri-lriwil. I'rl
vnlo iiirnrtnutlnii Mrn that In n lititn; liy
tlio reU'li". wliieli i. iiiiilnuliteillr correct.
They wero liotli tnkeii Irnm the homi (if
the Mexiciin roinniiiiiiliiiit. Tlinv other
diricorH iinrrnuly ocnpcil, ami with lit) I T-
, n ,0&II M,..Vio.iij. ilrnvo tiio rrbrli tn tliu
j letter tn the Loirielmure, (Ucllnlnif reclic
lion. hih lie will I like nn more tictivc purt
In the wnr. The rilnti' nl Tcxn" fiirninhiil
87 ri'iriiueulK nf troopK for the nlnl nrtny,
i .i ....!...!.... ...i i
noil lor tmi tmmimii inoiiiirii
uv tlio le'lK'
Inliirc will iiihl .,i,0()(Mnon. bmler till
l,iw ,,,",, ' " e.x tnpti.m-
Xew York, 8th. Hold, Ihl morning,
C'nlrn, Ctli.-A loiter finm Yntintr'a
I'iiIiiId Miy thnl, mi Tuediiy eienitiL'. llio
'Jf.lli llliiiiiiri ri'i'loifiit liinretieil from Mllli.
, i;,.,, irnii to Willow ll.iy LiK. three ni
, lour iiiIIim from the river, thenre thrniisli
llnlltSlo'-.tlicconnecllinr Iwyniw to it'clnnniiil, live
'mile from hire, iu the Ylek'liuri: nnd
seluevii ruilroml, where they lire nnw en-
I'limtMil. A Miiall comnnny of ri-lx l occu
pied tliu plucc, but llil on the npprnnclt
nf our trooDi'. Hicliuiund vninnuindH lm
vniia thrniisli which our troop will puns
Kg occupation
('inclnnntl, Bill. A letter from Ilwe
crniM iirmy utiiteii Hint the enemy o:i their
front lm bicu reinforced, and tluit the
I nui.ilierii nre ovenvlieliiiin.
New York, fltli. fleneral I'rmlrr t nt
little WntMiiKton with n brltrndo nf North
Cnroliim troopi nnd wierul otU-ri". mr
roundeil liv rebel)", wlio hud crrrleil Imlter-
I'M on the bnnk betnecn little Wuliini;toii i
and Newburn. A buttle In fnld In liniu
taken place, but nothing d. finite I l.iinnn. i
Xew York. 9ih Wo Imve the follow. I
Ing In reference to (Jen. I-'osterV pnnitlnn i
nt little Wii'lilnu'ton : On the .".Dili nr
Mnrch, 1? ,000 rebel, under Hill nnd IVt-1
tvfrreu took praitlon on the north klde of I
the riunlieii rivir. I wo rompunieii or Iho
I ltd MiiwiichiiM'llx went on u reeoniioi.
Mince tluit ilnv, iiiul mxrcheil into mi urn-
buidi. und entr.'red consideralilo from ii rnk
In" fire of fliort rango mii'kclry. (.'apt
Iion' company or Aorlli Carolina troop
waniUn badly cut up wven killed and
('apt. Lyon wounded. Thepinbont Corn
I'onn oi tied firu on tlio relwU. and ieai
,pm . " ' ' . ' ". lr, '"" r , i .)
,np all the bunn In the river and planted
lt.llMTH1 III rilCII II JlDPIlltlll U'lll) IOD IIIIMIV I
n to retuler it nlmoiit impfusible for vessel i
tn pn. They ctabliilicd tlieiiiH-lviB on
Uiil Hill, two inil.H from the town, mm. .
pletely commu,iilini our wnik. Xext
day tiiu Corn I'one wl nRrnund nml i
ftmek .'10 tlinf by reliel batteriei), und ,
finally unt oir. Two lrnnport8 unsucce"-1
fully iittetnptrd to resell l'ler. A Hmull '
lighter succeeded In renchlnj; hbn with
Fnppllos of ninmunttlnn. Hill notlfleil I-Vw-
i in MmAva nit ll.n Kin.iil.il nml nlillitrAn
, . ... .1,,,.... .... ...v ...',... ,. . V....M..M.
ni he inteniled to shell the town, but up to
tlio 'Jd it had lint been done, na our (inn-
iKnitii lind kept llio imtterien rnpard. On
the 4th more (rnnboti arrived. hikI other
with f nnd 11 inch trum nre exncclid on i
M"o nth. Poster lm over 'JOOIl troops.
A Xewbnrn letter of .ld, 1(1 p. M.. tate'
that ciinboilg had arrived nt the mouth of I
I the river, and it wn thnuht they would
I lie able to ilemoliMiixl the rebel butlerlts. '
him ly )( lierBon ltoycc, memtier or J-et'l'
hitnrp. A minority report, aljrurd by lie-
......... --rf ..,.-.., ...r... .. .. ..
i niitiHenn members if (Toinmilli iliir..ra inn.
New York. SHlu The Cohimlila from
New Orleatu, first, liw arrrlvcd. Thegun- j
bunt Dlnna wn captured by the reWN nl
I'nltcifonville. A iiuinlier'of (iffleeia mid
privntci were killed. Two (-nmpaii CJ ol
aoldlirs on board were captured.
There I no confirmation of the report
tluit tho rebel wire c ucnnting Fort Hud
on. Mnrfrcrhoro, filli. Col. Miller, com
nmndlnjr nn expedition nn Lebanon pike,
with the object of poojxrntin? wilh the
enpnlition tinder Iinley ncniiut Snow
1 1 ill ha Ju.t returned to ramp, idler reoiir
inc llui munlry lietnrvn ln-ie nnd Ich'innn
Cnl Milder vlaltrd Snnw Hill, and after n
brief enpairement our troop drove the reb
el nvny, takinjf 8 prIoncr. -100 horse
nun aw negroes.
Cairo, Dili A reliel telecrnm from
Cliarlctnu, March L'filh, ny that the ene
inv landed nn Cole llnnd, lnt niplil. with
1.1.000 men. It i mppovd the object I
n rernnnnltrc to ilelrrmltii' the lt plan
for operation by ca nnd land npuliut
Jl) Suiiilaj' SdiKC.
Xew York. lOlh Tim Trilmnv'i din
patch miilniii the follow inir : The tiliel
on the Itappnliamirick nre in retviiit of nn-
tileflniit urn. They pitlirr In knot, talk
it over, nnd are extremely quiet nnd ub
lined, nppniently lielne In very low plrll
Their picket take iiniiMial pain to pre
vent the exchange nf nrnmpi-r. or the
rntninunlrotion of Inlrllipenee through
nuy clinnnel. It hi been ascertained
however, by cnmmunlcntton withrlray reb
el, Mint nu advantage Iiiih Inrn pilneil by
our fnrce nt ChnrlcMon. nnd that n fort
'in Infii taken, but which one I tint aintiil
Ily llil. the beliif here is that Cliiirlctmi
hu fulliii.
The 1 hi all maki Iho follow Inir lnlc
menl : Wc have now received, from va
rious ouriT, poitlvo information of the
netuol commencement nf nu nttnek on
CI nrletnn. The bombardment of Fort
Sumter, by our Irnn-cludu, bivnn on Mon
dav. Ciiplnbi Mow, of the I'nlr Hum ii.
brin' liilellljrence from Cuptaiu Hlcinlinnii
thnt Commodnro Diiioiit hnd, nu the .'Id of
April, proceeded to Uliariwinn Willi li
Iron clad.
Hterlinp. 1C2. Cold cloed nt 49J.
Colonel Stuarl, nf the Heuond Indiana
rn'itmnt. jitit releniieil by tho riliel. hiv
tliut on TucfilnV lut ho w', from hi pri
on window In Hielimoud, u (.'nut bread
riot. The mob being miniinvd n about
,1.11011 women nrmeil wllliclnli nnd lnne
They broke open the (inurnment iiiul pri
vate More, und took bread und rlollilne;
nml whntewrcUc they wanted. The mill!
tin wn onh red out lo cheil; the riot, but
filltd to do m. Jiff. Duvl nnd other nf
llelal nude FpeecheH to tho Infuriated wo
men, nnd told them they honld lime what
ever ihey wanted If they would only be
eulm. Order was finally rcMonil. Oilitr
rileiihiil (.flleer confirm ihl !ury,
Xew York, Ifllh 1'ur.kiipit from
llriiufort uy that April filli, nJiel picket
hnd nuched u point nino mile from New
bem. Atl'.ilr nt Little Wutliliijdon look
thrrateiiinir. Tnewlay eveulni.' Iho rebel
(I'eiwral llil) wn piiihli.' I'imlir' Hue
budly, und on Monday afienionii (here wut
n report that Fotrr had rnrrindrriil. li
wa believed tl.nl rcinfowmi-iii hud
reached him Irnm Kuff.ilk. Hi ibvlinn
wu Mroiujly intrenched in rill) pit und
St. I)iiI. 9ib The Dtnwuit'i corrc
pondenco from Ymina' l'oint. d.iiid April
.1.1. aj feventl trmii'port with troija iiihI
Fillitt' marine brigade, und ooe ironclad,
ftnrlnl up ulream ihl morning. Tluio i
no propect of aetlva opcruttong Uforc
Yickbiirg fur some tune.
Xew York, lOlh. ThefollowliiK l from
n Hlehmond puier: Clmllunm.L'ii, (lib.
the iiicmy udvuucdl to Woodbury und
Miinnville. but Ik'Iii ouilljukid they re
tired. 1.1,000 I'ederul uro odvuiiclii); on
Clnrkuville, 9lli, An fxpnnn, under
Colonel Drown, Hirpri'id ,oodwurd. re
raptured our store, mid took ttrveml piin
oik ra.
Fortress Monroe, JO1I1. The Richmond
f taper routuiii iho following; Tim enemy
withdnwlutr h'a troop from the I'liiln
siiln. Yesterday the tent wero struck,
and largo transport have gone up the
river loaded with troop.
Latest. TIk Richmond IfVg, nferlns
to tho Fituatinn nt Clurlcjion. ay all
thought are centered tn thut plnrc. Of
ficln I liitelllgrncu was mado publio rnrly
yesterday morning that tho enemy' Iron
clad fl'-et hud attempted tn pa the bur,
mid failed. Later In tho day it wn un
nmincol that the gunboat and transport
had succeeded in crossing tho bar, and
were at anchor. Our ironclad lay be
tween them nnd (tin fort, mildly iiwaltlng
the uttuik. Further lutillhjiiict' I lookul
for ingcrly.
ForlrcM Monroe, lOih.The Richmnml
Whig, of jesierday, enntnin the follow,
ini; i Clmtliatoii, 7th. the utlnck niv
Chnrlesion toimmiiml to dny. Four iron-.
chid wero rimiiged. The firing from tlei
licet upon Fort Sumter ai.il-.Moiillrie w
ery heavy, An Iron clud wn hit nnd run
nthorc. but ubvqnently got out of ranee.
At two o'clock nine monitor and the Iron-
idc opened lire, nt u ditnncc or .'I.UOd
vnnN. At half pnt threo the firing on
linth lde liecame Incefsant, nnd wn kept
up until five, when It gradually ilimlnhdicd,
The (Ire of the licit wn concentrated oil
Sumter. TV Iromilili mid Keokuk with,
drew nppnrrntly disabled. Intense excite,
inoit prevnll in the clly. Our mmiitnra
linie jut gone out In bike part in the light,
Our cnsualtic nre one liny killed mul flrn
men badly wounded In humler. Iteporl
from other latteries Imvo nut como tn
('harIetnii.Pth. Seven turret Iron-clad
nnd the Irnnilih' nre iii'lde the bur. Tho
ICiokuk Uatiiek nn the Uach nt Mori I.
inn. I. Xodisoiliim 011 Iho purt nl tho
Federal to renew the eoulllct.
Tuesday Night' Disputed,
A nn-ssiipe from (lov. Ilnnhiim or Soutli
(Juri.linii. to the jcghiliituro of thnt Hlalo
on the .1.1, I fufTiclfiit tnthnw tho cxtremu
iliititiltlnn from width the rebel nre nil.
fering. IIelate that ho ha cnllcil tho
Is-gUlaturu together for tliu exprcM pur
io'c of cnujldcrlug the proper meiin tn li.i
taken to provide food for the ubhtvicc of
the 11 nn v mid the coile.
The fidlDwIiig I iidilillnnnl In regard tn
tho po'llinn of (Jener.ll Fob-r: It U
Hiuiiil thnt the rebel fonw nu tho other
sidaof the Illaekwattr, wu under march
fug order on tho 8lh liutmil. with two
d cooked rations, nnd four d.iy unpre.
parnl ration. A force of Union cavulry
under Gtnirul Dodge slattiil for the pur.
pnso of capturing u detachiuent of nb'l
f.irw In that vicinity 1 whin lust heard
from they hud j.klrmiihid wild tliu enemy
und takiu aoinv prisoner.
From Itlehmond dispatchea of tho 9h,
wo Ikive new from l.lulc Wiithluginii, N,
('..as lite n Hun.liy, The rebel hud
captured Fedfral b.itlerlc at Hill' 1'olni,
situated on the bank of 11 river nine iiiilo
blow town, which prallion give in
(rct-lr) mi open Held nod fair fi'ht with
the Yankee. Two triinbo.il followed by
iwvcrnl traopnrtn loaded wllli trooiia from
.M'woern. in reintorco i.utui w unnniMiin,
nitdupieil to ium our luiltorie nt Hill'
l'oint on Friday, when they wero fired
upon by our butterie nnd to badly dam
ageil as to lm forced to retire. At fast ue
count tho l'ulerui wero landing troop
below our wprk, at Hill' l'oint. In mi
attempt to git by, the tieflincr ImUluni
wn sunk. There nro 'J 0(10 nrgrnc In
Little Wuliinuton. who Immediately tried
to pet out, but fulled. Tho enemy (Fcd.)
hate refused tn surrender, or allow thu
womin and children to leave tho town,
Gen Hill, It i pri suined, will i.liell tho
The Xew York llttahl nf tho Olh hn
I ho following nrcouiit of the capluro of
the guirlmul Dluna, on the 'Hili, which
left lirashire City wilh two cnmpuini of
infantry, on u reeoniioisnnce, mid preccrdtMl
u short distance Into grand hike finding
1111 reliel theru she return! d by wuv of A I.
n( Italic. When two mile from Jnckiuin.
ville, 11 heuvy fire npviwil on her from
masked ballerh and rifle pit, ('apt,
r.itlersnn finding retreat cut olf, (Her
mined to ltaht them a long u he could
mule hi gun wnrk ; while doing hi duty
he wu pierced by 11 iniiinle lull, und killed,
Tho i-oimnund then dcvolvid upon Weter,
Master Male, who fnualit lur two mul one
half hour, hy which tlino nearly all Iho
gunner weru killed or wounded, am) lha
gun dismountid Citable longir to re
turn the lire, he or.hrid the color lowered.
After Iho mrrender tho boat rfielvnl
nine shot. The hatlrrlr had from 12 to
fifteen nun. Ail 011 board I he Dmiu
were killed, wounded and -upturn), except
the )ilot, who jumied ovcrbnard at tlm
lust mmneiit and eciircih The gunboat
Calhoun, hearing tho firing, left her moor
ing to gii lo the Dluna' uIlam?, but
pot unround and w eyimelled to throw
overboard her Hiiiinunilinn, utichor clmliii
and provMous, (n lighten her.
Tho Memphia Jluthtin. of the 9th tny
it ha new that n buttle of soino mopni
tude look ploee on Kiinduy lust bet hi en
the Federal under Mcl'lernaud and a fori 0
of rebel at or pear Richmond. Ii , when
the rebel fell hock- Till move put Me.
demand In possession of tho town, and it
brigade marched to Lagrange and took it-
Wsli!nBon, April HHi.r-The Rich
mond Whig of tho 9th ha tho following
(Cyutluuvd on fourth page,!