r IV SICIIIl-lUCCKll) XL1UURI. I n,,CB new rrrtn, 10 Miotic ijMat. Connecticut has rolled up good majorities ti JjK C"A Tin.' 1X11 Fellows nf Yrcli Intern! cole lirnlliip the lonrtv-fourlh nrmrTcrsury of tin I. 0. 0. F. on'Moniliiy tlio 4'itli Inst. IThp il.iv rtttinnnli. will lie held ll L the , fur the Administration ticket ', In Ohio the Odd Fellows Hull t half-past 2 o'clock, 1 Ullloll IICKCl 11 noeau. m hit m nuini iirvm ; from ; I In? relnrn' from Indiana how law Union rains; nml In St. Imis mid h(l r- I son City, I lw nnlicitl cmanrirr.itlmifls have won decisive triumphs. Tlit people of the Northuet hate discovered their mistake In voliiijx.lml Ml. for Dim icrals who, while they preached for n more vhrnrnm prosccu- ' tlon nf the war, were secretly plotting for i tliu disruption of tlic Union, and wing nil ' means at llielr comrrnnil to weiihin nml .....tiiau it., .fV.mt. t lit i!nminMiinl In UvlnWAfi.lVKItNMKNT 0n TIIK WIIOI.K IS I"" "' " -v ......, urn. . . t.NnMPKVnt.K." Wuhwiten I ""'"'' nulhorlly nsitlnU their rebel- 1 ' lions brethren of the South'. Saiilshury, "To tiik xmciur .ixn rriiti ism-v ok voni .lAciCMi.vvii.t.i:, oui.uo.v. SATURDAY UVE5IM, APRIL II, 1SGI. In 'IW.v.Mr. .John Anderson, of San Francisco, Is now on n visit to tills place. The bomburdmrnt of Fort Hnmler com menced on the l'.'Hi of April. 1811, nml evacuate,! hv tin Federal on thd-llh. Court. The April term of the. Circuit LVurt fir ilort'phinc county commences on .Monday next, Jmhre Prim presMinj:. That cnllenun left this place Tor Ivcthyvllle, today. IIkoauitin'o. I.lfut. Hand went to Camp Baker tivday. with Ihrro recrnits. He v.XK'Cicil to be joined hy two more on the way. I Hkmovkii. 11. II. Mnrfnn!, IJq., nnd lady, have removed from this place to Ker Iiyvllli', where, wo umlcritand. he intends In p'rminrntly locate, to practice law. May success l hi(. Cox. lllchnriNnn .t Co., In I he last session of CnngrfW, threw off llie mask that con-ci-nlcd llielr hidious tK'formllyfnnd wu see the result , the people, appalled at the ter rible vortex of Imtson Into which their standard bearers would hate lid them, have hidicnantly dlscariK'd the -.lniiMe-dcitl-Injr ilerrrjjtojjiies, and dinrn men wlinm Ihey know nlll faithfully represent them. U'e wonder how .Tiff. I)avl wllf relih this "gU-am r peace from the Norlhwcst.'' . Hah.wi.w tmm San Fittirrsro to I'oiitUxii.-Mr. S. (?. Klliot, Civil Km-i. ncer. was In our town yesterday, on h's way tliroii"li from .tfurysvlllc, Oil., to 1'ortliind. Tlio purpose of his jonrney Is lo enlist the Interests ol various Innns on I lie route In the project of n railroad from Marysvlllc to 1'orllaud, urn! to niu him by their subicriptlotH nml influence, lo make it survey uml maps of the proposed route. The cod of the survey uml maps will not exceed 311 5,000. Of this sum tliu ciiiz'iis of Murysvilla have contributed S.'I.OilO, nnd lists hare been oencd In ltrd ItlulT. Shasta, Ynkit nnd other principal 1. Music. !i. Opuiiiifr Ode. 8. I'ruyiT lii Cluip'nln. t. Ileiiilim: ilisin'iKiliiiu. fi. Oration by li. dtevl. n Mode. 7. IVm. by .1. W. Whulley. 8. .Music. J. Jf 'in diction. A ball will In? uiven to tin' I'vrnlng hy Jnhw Corltj nf the Unlni Motel. A Keoeral iuvilallon is exieiiditl to nil. A ild f.i tion from Jnckomvillu Loilyc will be presi-iit on the nceiislim CiwipirriruT (.npi'KiuiK.uis.-T)ie Nart- ford 7'ien sajs the follmviiijf lotist was drank ul it bar in Unit city by Mime itlleml. nuts npnii I lie Slnie Demiicrallu Convcn linn which iiomluutiil Sevinmir for (lover- nor: Hen'V in I he Southern Confedef iiey! May Jifl". Invis In our nv.it I'refi dent I May llie I'otonme be drhd no, nml lis chanm f fillisl in the brim Willi I lie blood of Abolitionists!" That win the spirit of Iho Convention. H. II. I'nrker, of Aloria. has lieen np- polniiil Deputy h, S. Collector, In the followlntr district : 1st, Clnlsnp, Cnliinibtit nml Tillamook counties ; filli, I.itin nml Line eoiintli's; 7lh. Douglas mid Uinpnuu : Hill. Coin nnd l iirry. ami coiintiiR. OJTQ&OJOL 1ML1J.T. Till; iitulerslKnerf having leased the " Washington Mill," live miles from Jacksonville, has thoroughly repaired It. nml erected New Inipriivril ninchincry. Mhich, I'rtiin my eperieiieu In couslriictliiK , llie mini1, n nell if In iiianutaeliiriiifrllour, , v ii ri u ul - nil- In mivIii that tin' Oii'on Mill ' I euii mul will iln U'tler work than any oilier .Mill In, tlm V11II17 KVKUV SACK OK MY FI.Ot'R WAItUAXTIOD "A NO. 1." W.M.J. AM.Ktf. Jncksnnvlllc, April 1 1. IHiill. 'J2ilf 111. of lllli, .Taeli'so'i uml lo'cphlue " I say. Illll. I'vcjiid found out what fieii. I Wright MtnMlihed n post out nl Klamath ; 'owns thronah which the road is exptcled to pass. Our citizens ihouid read the cir cular addressed to Ihem, uml lake llie Mint Icr under coiMiderntlou. Who knows but that iinlltil 11c lion would, in five ycnri, st ml the Iron-horst. Krcamiiie; over the whole lenalh of the proposed route? Slrnner tiling have hapfienctl. And la not tliu matlrr nnrlhr of 11 trilling rlk. ,L.tke ror." "Ah 1 wh.tl Is It !'' "For the Immigrants to hllch their horses to." - - - Hksurkcikii. T'Vnull'n Intilligenctr. The Colonel Is as leincioua of life ns 11 mud turtle, and may live to nltulii a "high position." but not hi lils"I'ucilic Republic." The p-iper contains S lulibtiry'n ipeeeh. and mi "undi'rjrounil " dispnlcli from Vrtku, that " Charleston hat not fjlli'i." 1'iil.iL'oitue " Ornnunar clns.s stand 1111 and recite. Tom, parse uirls." I'ii 11I I " (lirls Is n imrtletitar noun nf Itlie lovely Bender, lively person", uml for iloub'e number. Iiisini; mnnl, in Hie inline dlale len-e, nml in ihee.x'elullon enc lo matrimony, uceoriline; In the Kenernl ru'e." Judge Terry, who Is said In have pnnc Into the "C'oiifvderalu" service, wllli Iho ntiik nf IHadler (leiiernl.lsii mi-inlier of llie Deniiicratlc Onlrnl Commllteo of Ifils Slain, lie probably left his "pioxy" !tl IllitfT MejYiulenl. A democrntle eonvenilon to nominate n DcleiHiti lo (.'iinpre'"! from Iho new Terri tory of Idaho, Is called In meet nt Iiivis- ton in May. .Mr. (J. T. Wiiller'n resldenee, in Knln, Folk ei mi 11 iv. mi burneil to the (round, on UOlii ult. Jiss Bl.'.'lll). Moiikiin Dkmorract. Calvin IS .Mc Donald is now tdillna (he American Vtng, 11 lild spoken Union paper at Honora. In .M.MTA..V.-A I. re number of dwerlers I ,0 r:llo,:in vxlracX ,,, n,,rN'f hm"" ,0 from the regular and volunleer forco of ' "' N",r,licr'' ' ijilllilr nil 1 tliu rebel. nl tlw privellse officii by the provlamit TN THK CIKCUIT COURT of X Slnle of Oreuon, for the county lo'ephine. 'Arllmi nf I.mr In Itirovrr 3Iiinry. William Maiiki; ti. -Iiiim Thomas nnd NlHIM.tN I'attkwov, ToJohu TliomaK uml Noriuaii I'litlerson : You nte hereby uotlll -d that, nnles you niipenr In tlie Circuit Court of Oruuoii. for .lnephlne coiiuly, on Iln; lirst day of lh term thereof, lo be held on Miimlav. llie llllh liy of April, A, t. IM:i, anil anwer the complaint In the uUive cnii-u Hied, tlicsami! will lu taken fur coiilesxd. mul Iho prnjur Ifcen'of will In! milled by Die Cuurl. Ily iirilernf lion. I'. I'. I'ltl.M, JiiiIrc. It. I). .Mniii'iiiii), I'lalutlir's Attorney. jnullilolliipl w DUCiVX - WALK, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, llrtck IIiiIIiIIiik, Cur. Kroiil ,V !' atrreU. CKKSCKNT OI'I'Y, CAL, Willi atleml lo Iho lteeelvliiK 11111T For wnnlliii; of nil (iunds elilrusli-d to thi'lr caiv.wlth promiilueM ami ilUpalch. CniolKiimeiiln oliclted. ilerehaiidlse re ceived on ulnruge. Creicent City. April II. IHlIIt. Ifl N. U.-NoKioiI'dellverv 'iiitll Ihefreiuht and cliarites are paid. I). ,V , N33W TO-DAY, TAKE NOTICE. Our friends are rtipieted lo pay tip wlthlu the next thirty days, ns wc arc coin;; Inflow to piircfnii-eour Hprln (luods, uml miht have money, UYAX.MOURAX.tCO. JackniiTllle, March '.'I, IHC.'l, It Selling OdET! A.T COST! n MIUMBBBWOT HW Illll miim BRADBURY & WADE JA.OHSOKrrLLK, S7PTaolovlo eJ XX.otn.fl -IIKAI.fllH IN- DRY GOODS. CJLOTI-II3STG, BOOTS & SIIOGS, X'AISFGY GOODS, HATS -Ou3Sr23 ovapa, GROCERIES,, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS XjriQL"UL037fi, Tobacco & Scgar.3,1 PRODUCE, IIAUDW'AHi:. UI.ASSYAIIK. OUKKNSWAUK. WOOIlKNW'AIir. MIHERS' TOOLS, All of which will be Hold nt low price) j lor UASit,or uesiruiiie t'KUIU'UI.. ALL DKSUUIITIONS OF SUMMER GOODS AT HKDUCr.K UATKS, To make room for PA LL STOCKS. TITITriT , A Choice Selection of tliu IBIes.-sj; CB?.k!a : ,-;AND GOING- NORTH. tlou of the President, reliirnlii'' them to the Democracy. It is full of truth , " There was n time when, to bo called n Deiilocnit. wai n nrotiil ilialinnllnn. I),.. servlcu without puuWiment, on condition ( mocracy was the politics of the people, that they would report themselves to n It wus iho first word that the fiiLiitivin proper military oniees before the l.lih nl fr0"' 'w'olln learmil by heart. It was Vnrll lfifit Hixnrl,.l,t Wvn r..n.l1 I KUVlfll clo III I.lberlV mill Ullloll' On April. 18G3. Si.x or eiftlit late reputed , ,,,,,,,, of Amwif4n Frwi0,. h tm,K to Capt. Kelly, nt Ump luktr. Itead frnm the arch. nf tlm p.i,ili,il .,,..1 li. vniuriea swjrmeii nooui urn ciiuiiei when invnslnii threatened or when our national lli. In Its wanderings on tlic lihjh 8cjs, eiicouuiereil the slluhlest insult. " Hut oh. how fallen! how deuencrnle! how doubly dead, nnd thrice dammd, that which was so exultant and Imperious, nml winch now lies rolling in tlm piitroeent marshes ol Iho Valley of Humiliation! The swooping ejle, whose swift wings would cleuto thu topmast cloud -wlnve unshrinklug eyo would confront the blazing sun now lies stricken, bedragultd nml despUed in the stagnant pool of wccfutnn. the companion of lurking reptiles, thut feeil on slime, nml rise to Ihu pure atmosphere only when Ihey rot. " Democracy has becoino another Cain. branded and driven forth from Paradise unother .ludas, outcast from the Lust Snp- per wnn me irauor kiss putrilylng on his llpi," "A peace iwrty, when the lightings of war ure painting ten on tue say ; lugmves irom tlio recruit ing officer, with not a name on tliu muster the " circular'' In another column. ,Vnniso"Tontcco. A writer in the the Chicago Vciurie I'urmtr, In making suggestions in regard to the cultlrut'on or tob icco, says ! In llie dnt place It must lio wormed for many weeks, ami until u pirson gcj iikiI to , It is not very pleaant lo rieiid half one's lime "squashing " big lazy worms be tween one's finger. A person of " iiflned misibility" might take 11 basket along till tho lady m Shelby's " Sensitive Plant" put etery worm in it, and then e.irry them olT to some pleasant place and then poor them out. It is peril ipsa ipiestion whether one does not acquire 11 cruel disruption by tak ing away Hie lives of so many creatures, when ho has no power In give life. l'rom information received from one who has, for two successive years, raised excriiiientnl crops of tobacco, in our own valley, wo can assure growers of the " weed " in Southern Oregon, that they need havo no fears of having their refined sensibilities corrupted by "(quashing" the repulsive grub. While tho plant grows jrge and rank, Ilia free from worms and insects. Crayon writes in the Uregoniun, from Iloifc river t There is no doubt on my mind, that tho Indians intend giving us a show to fight them this summer. They aro making great preparations for some purpose. La't week they ran oil' a baud of 180 horses nml mules from a ranch near Fort Jloise, nnd hardly a day passes but some unlucky wight meets willi n loss by these devils in human form. The game is in their ftvor nt present, but It will not last lof. Already they are walked an poms for the hunter, ami their color will be their death warrant. There will bo no M friendly Indians" here. I assure you, as that dodge has been practiced too often by t be caaoing eavagc. HOUSK STOLI-JN A vuluub'e sid-dle-liort was stolen on Sumluv night I,.., r..... UMiti.it. W....1.... it..i.... 1.. a.i ,,.ti, ,,iru, ., ,if,. 1 t itJTtUI . lit lll III MM- 11 1 1 per end of tlm Valley. Xo cluo l jet had ns to wlin Is tlm ihlef. He In it lliiv hlnek hortie. Iiriit'ti lifiiiiljt lilirli. mul Iuim h ninr mi ( Iho left ilile of the head, finm the nostril In Hie eye -hair very thin on Ih" war. A lib vral rewiiid will lo pild by Mr. Taylor fur Ihu recovi-ry ol Iho horse, uml the appre hension of tliu thief or thieves. JhiicnW, April lU.JKii'J. IX tlm County Court, Jackson County, April Term, 1863. In tie) matter of Iho extato of A, 0. Wiu;- l.H, ilmuiH'il, Filial Nelllciiitnt. Notice is hereby given lo all pefons In- lert'Uil In mid ix title, that Weiliu-Mlay, Ihu sixth day of .May, A. I). K(i:t. has Ken let apart for tho Until setllemvuil of raid eitale with K. MagriuU-r, the admluislrator thereof. Hy onler of linn. J. C Tnlm.in, Co. Judge. W.M. IIGI-T.M AX, Clerk. April. 11. lfiCH. IN roll of the Union' defenders j with not a representative in the Ce'il or camp overshad owed by the national Hag; with not un nlom id dust in u soldier's honorable grave, over which the nation will ever shed the baptism nf grateful tears. Such is tlm de based, demoralized, depreciated organiza tion which, under llie niimu of Democracy, we shall hate lo encounter this year at the ,. .11-. , - uauot oo., n. 1 I,, IIkavv on tiik Coiikhiieads. Innotic Ing the ffforts of tlm Peace Copperhead Democrats in Illinois and Indiana to the up a Peace Convention ut Louisville, get ltichmoiid (Va.) Enquirer sncerlngly said : "If Ihey repudiatatbadeht they Imvo con tracted 1 and nbuidoii the Government they have established j and recant tlio vows ; and break pledges ; and eat dirt It is well ; weahall bo charmed; the movement will suit us perfectly ; and, although we (hall not exactly respect tho actors in that affair, yet we shall not bcunwlling to trade willi hem holding our hoki a little and to show them all suitable civilities, but nt a proper dislunce." IX tho County Court, Juckfon County, April Term, lfl():i. In Ihu matter of tho eit.ito of C. (1. lUl M t.v. deceased. Xottco Is liereby given that Frederick llelier, admlulntrutor of said estate, has tiled his potiiinn. praying for nn order lo H'll the real estate belonging lo the said de ceased ; all persons Interested in cald eslalu are liolilled to appear below said court, on S.ttuulay, Ihu Dili day of May, A. P. IhO;i. uml show causo why an onler for tho kale of said real etato should not lie made. Hy order of lion. J. 0. TYilmun. Co. Judge. W.M. J10FPMAK, Clerk. April 11. 18B3. -u IS the County Court, .Tockson County, Oregon. April Term, 18011. In tho matter ol the guardianship of Cuss. I'. J Oaikv, mluor heir of Charles Casey, ileceanil. Notice In hereby given that M. T. Allen, guardian of said minor heir, has II led her petition In said court, praying for an order for the sale ol n part of tho real estato Ik. longing to said ward ; nil persons Interest ed In said estate Hro nntllkil In appear be. foro the said court, on Wednesday, tho sixth day of May, A. D, 18C:i, aud show causa whyau order for tho salu of such real es tate should not bo granted. Hy orderof lion. J. G. Tnlman. Co. Judge. W.M. HOFFMAN, Clerk. AprllU.jl803. 3s NOTlGr. is hereby given to all persons indebted In me by noto or Honk uc connt, to pay tho samo to my agent, JasKi-11 Jacous, on or before tho lfllh February, 1803; otherwise the wine will bo placed In tho bauds of an nllnrnny fur collection. JKSHK ltOIUNSOX, . I'er JosKW JACQU9. Laglo Mills, January 23d, 1863. He ISlOOlfil Oflenj lo sell Ids entire stock of MERCHANDISE WITHOUT RESERVE All those ilcstriiie; llitr Kitliis Hhoiilil cull I111 iiiciliutuly, UK hn vill closo out rortlnvith. All Mho think that tliuy hue lii'iutot'oi-u piiiil too much lor (looilx, Hhoiilil vail ut II. Jl LOOM'S STOIIU aud Kt't uvoii. 1-!vi-r n(T.,r il In llita ninrk-fit. i,iiilirn'In.4l C urielies of r- J j Jllach, CJrimn &. .lapttiiesc, I In bulk, n)"rs nnd cuddiee, nt .' prices lo suit tin most particular. rrrrn JUST RECEIVE), A FRESH INVOICE OF PICKS. PANS, KIIOVKLS. IIUIIIIKK HOOTS. IlLASTING POWDMU AND FTSK HAY uml MAXUIU-JFOUKS. COME ONE, COIVIE ALL Now is Your Time TO GF.T &IS.10L& As he positively intends SELLING OFF AT COST Jacksonville. March '.8, 1803. Agricultural Toola l?oi" Snlo i. Cofcit s '-'0 Stecl-point PLOWS, comnlete. of iirioiissici;l lfi cost Plow.polnts; 2 setts tatru sttx'l .Mriuld-lhmnls, I'niiils uml Ijiml Sidti- 2 patent Hlriiw.Cniiim; G Mr(ju Iron Kettle, fur farm use. The nbove will be exchanged for Hour st tliu murliul price. ItUADIIUnV .t WADK. .Incksonvillc, Oct. 'A lbTrJ, Ultf PHOENIX HOUSE. 3ro-jL9,5. WE havo this dav sold our slock of mer chandise lo ,(i J.tx 3hii.i.Kik From our friends and patrons we would solicit for Mr. Miiu.Kit 11 continuano of llielr lib eral patronage. J. A. IIIUJNNKU & UltO. Jacksonvlle. July 12th, 1802. 27 BIBLES AND TB.nTAMKNT8.a supply, in various styles, on hand, and for Bale at costs and charges, at tho deposi tory of tho Jackson County HihleSocluiv. VM. HOFFMAN, Depositary? BRADBURY & WADE. THE CITIZENS OP HKEXIX AND VICINITY Will find It In their advantage lo purchase of us, as we shall keep 011 hand a good supply of FANCY AND STAPLE MERCHANDISE!! roil BALK AT JACKSONVILLE PRICES. Wo will tako nil descrlntlons of Frodues that can be disponed of without ft lost. lUUDBUUY & VAlB. IHiicnlx. Oct. 30th.