MH.WWHWMH""""" ' imiIMHIIHlIW-,IHJ.IJIW W1 mtcnmijantnumtmM aua ,ujiiuwiiiiiiiir Scmi-Ulcckhj Sentinel. ,i.,,, f.j trv;ti Tin News. Tlio telegraphic new, which we nronble to lay before o'.ir readers tltii I'sitc, will Iiyai, Hkntimktnh fiiom tiik ltlllllT " Tn tiik mtru-v ash I'KntiANt-t v m vnni INlllV. A (lllVKIlNMl'NT lllll TUB WIIOI.K IX IMiNWsiM.i:.''- Wiidtnfton nanmnap cheer the heart and rekindle the p itrlothmi of Vnlun'eers In I ho Army or the l'otoin.ic : of every loyal American. Charleston- con- (Jump near Pulinnulli. Sun l.iy, February tumaclniM, rebellion .ml defiant. Charles- mIIllW,wl ' "' 'J,'1' ,,,,ri"i Vl l ,!?.' , , ... n mlitleul iitiruniaitlon In which I hiH'ilc- tun the il if I rrlmit or treason, mid the v..,.d the best ye.-r or my lllc. olid which I inlitmoiM mot hi r of iclielllon inn) innr- hive ulwins thought tmbfe mid patriotic I net oi.Ims ut hut felt the pui.ant jmllcc, mn lempinl In ih purl finm one ir llii-lixid majesty and power, ol the Government I ''xi.i...,f my """lary nrrrr nmlrnlCT the ,.,.,' , ,.,,., . nmi,nt why, nnd wiv what I think ! which shch.n no long derided. Hnmter s ,,. ,, ,e ,,, ,,!,. r the Um insulted Hag Ini Ikiii vluilleiittil, iiihI the, cuttle party liy Im'il. bid nun. who nu- , nnlloii will rejoice. The ni.ij.Miy or law protnini'iit In ft. I will not yet Mlcve ' has been insulted, ami the patriotic will re-1 '" I'w " l'J. " ' ' '"-' '" , , ' .. ' , . . , iilo not ftnin In fiilltiiv. Althoiiith 1 luivt spon.l. .mien. If. in the cxccm or pitriot- J wr(,M iu.h pnTOlHy , uirmUi n, ., j Ism, the contumncioiH city should lie re-: hac fi'iilenlmi mv-tlr whh nncli exertion i) tn 1 1111 occasional iiIIihIihi, when proper, tn my tronii'i QiunTmi'riic following I' nn extract urn I VfOTICK l her.'by given In the slock .... ... t. ,:..i ...1 II liolili-Miif" llin C.iiiiTiin Kniiil t 0111 pr.v.ue iciicr iroui n v..-,, , . . f . . Can) nn Itiiiul Comituiiy. nlili'M id" Tim (.'niijnn Homl t'oiii- LBRADBDRY & WADH 1 JAUKSONVIU.H, .TAciCNO.vvii.T.r., nu:i(i. wi:niasD.n i;ii:mi;, The April Term of the County Court, fit ting for e til Hirpow. niljnuriuil yesterday. I'orllmd nnl Oregon Cny are now con nected liy telegraph. A.v offmy Iwtwccn two German, named tlurcer ami Knlcmni. iienf Cnnjon city, refill Uil in the hlll'm: oMIte former hy ihe Litter. DroMicil formerly llveil in Yn-ka. ilucril to atm, uml he iloomeil to rlernnl i!colittlno, we do notfuippow that It woulil lkturl tlie iienceliil tvporo of the ntrlnl t Pit If i tvfl I ''''"' 'IV ticwn In nlnimt too good to In ' ' ' ' 1 true may the rniiflrmitlnn wmiii come. witli nil tlie particulars of n Tictorinm lie ol.ilimi. Thrro nre olhrr Itcim of IntcreM In the dUpiieli oj Turriliiy niijht.liiil the Clinrlw. ton victory iilinttn llirm nil. The report ol tlie ('ommilteeoii the Conduct of the War i.iiliinnuing to" Little Muu" in lln hitfliMt digiee. Ilecsinno loiiiirr remiin llent. lie owex il to himelf. hU e'uiniry uml lil friend, todemmiiliin Invtiik'niliiii piiiiiimiiv. lii'M ut Hh nDlrv of M. V. Clmil 1 wick, In' Ito-i'tiurir, Iiiiilneniiiily, Oregmi, . TOTioloiwftlo cfti IXotn.ll I nt three o'cloek. f. m., 011 .Muwhy. tin' 1 1 Iff ilny or Mnr. A I). IMU fur tlie purpo-i- n" ; -ukai.iiw in- eliellitu lllrt'clnr-. mul ir.iu'ncting tlie gt'li end liiijlnep of tlie t'lmip.iny. (il'.OKIM'i '. liltlliU, .1011 N ICKLI.V. A A HON ItO.SK. ,s V t'HADWIOK, I I). II A INKS. Mi in'ier of fcild C'ompnnv. Murrji 21. IHC'I liiuu2H Will promplly iitletul lonuy legnl iiuiui'i cmimiiiiiii'ii to tun cure. fiovrmor Mggt. ltrelier of the Iind ORIaeut Itolnirg. Inuiond ii' witli n llt on Mowhy l;t. On TuwdAy morning lie luft tit I pl.iec for Stu Krnneirco. HTAnTKO. On .Mnnd.iy Iniit quite n number of men nlarlnl from Pl'ivnix. to Iho northern goM'uVM' rome by wny or Uoguo Iliver, ncro the mountain, other liy way or Cortland. I'l'iit. Harry Iliieklnglmm 1ia lieen nip plying our town-folk witli moiiuliin iront Irom tlie pure and ptllucM watcrii orSipww I-ke, He report tin- Oohog, ll.millcoolK mul dorlllai In that region an wonderfully ll'Kji; tllln KMrOn. TAKE NOTICJ3. Our friend nn' reipie'ted to jwy up wllhln Ihu next thirty iluy. m we nrc going Mow liipuri'liiueimr Spring Oooilf, mid niut huvu money. II VAN. JIOKfiAH A CO. .Tuck'onvllle. .Murcli 'It. Ih;:i. It DIhhoIiiHoii of CoimrriiL'rHliip. DRY GOODS CLOTI-IITG, ISOOTS & SIIOESJ .Maii, rnoii Wamio to Crmcrnt Citv. We are highly gratified lo leurn llmt .Mr. (Jeorge 1. Johnon lm been nwarded n contract to curry n fcmlweekly mail Irom Waldo to Crwccnt City. It i. lolie hoped tint tlili) null route will hcrcafirr w kept open. CnrwHST Citv IIomi 0. I. Jnlinfln. the newly nppolntrd mail carrier from t.'rffccnt City lo Wnldo, on Tliiirnlny went ovr r tlie mountain road nn snow ihoc. lie reports from five to eight feel offnon' on the road. Tim mow U very roft, and i meltina fat. He thlnki Irlealitlng will commence in three week. Col. Drew left for Han I'ranolwo yeler day morning, for the purpose, it i under IihhI. of hntniug nud perfecting arniugf tiient In proeetd with I lie erection of mull' llary pt In Klamath country, on the i-n-l- em boundary of thin county. It I hnp'd that itieceM will nlleiul him; mid we every conUdeneu that if lie l cniillniiwl in tlil recllni). IIiIm inucli-neeiiid move will be roiiMimm.iieil nt mi early day, mul tint luUipi.ite protection will be otl'elid to the frontier ami in inm-l. ORANGE JACOBS, ATT01INKV AND COIINdKLOU V.X Xjj&.W, AND SOMOITOll IN CIlANOKHV, It htiih In me lliere nre two men nrmn whiiiii. in their lenn-etire lieie. Vint re mmiKiliilitv tm ut tbi iimiiu'iil fur lite 07i n Stilhutl liwbUna, ' rnnrc uml current ol public -cnllmeM .Iai-kioi.'iviu.k. Onriiof. tiineml .Met li'lliin unit (invernnr HeTUiour. Si-yiniuir ttm bring New Vmk loyully.cor dmliy uml unitidly In the Mippnrl nf the ur in men. mniiey mul licnrl. MrCleHnu c,iii,iiitwiioriiivlruniH'l'tniuuiil npi-l' In 11k' Hiipk'. till up nor urmien uml rally I In- mililiuy rnihuliini or IIh- North mill Wfl. Il he slm-ild nuike lilncelf I'reni. ciit liy thi uml tlili would In' the Iwtlrr wny mi Ih- it. lie U row ruining lilf ruiiH-nihl niiun1 liy iiineiiition with men i nlui nre enirilrilig fur the drfnil of our urui'iK himI 11m- rx'lKirnliou of our lilinl. I HAUIlWAHK. Ihw I il.'p'oii.Mliwiidiiiireriiiiillrinil,lorfr"'- "I'AKl .M.lthllll' lien'tomrp j (JI.AHSWAItB, I nui one or Hi.w wlin ilifin him to In' u ' ' ?"' " '. ' ' ' 7,X ', V i . V i V IMkiiiI. ir.- Imiw one. ma! hiivenlivnin MUKJIAN. UOI.I.I.NIlHItO A U.. till- wil.l to hv him Co...... ...der lii-Clilrl. j ,b' ' ."V'' ,Jr.ll",l,,,,, SI""", . r."r; I mil luili'liti d to lire lati' firm are rriiu"in ., ilo milk.' pivment to .SIIIIIMAN A WOI.. llnTL'HSHii. Ue Iwirn Irom thu .i.iini I.KN'lIIMti.u to i-tll- lli- ftiMwr llmt h pony of lx or einlit rrimii4 buiiii"i mid nil iiernoni having elaiiim All of which will be fold nt low prlw whuhfi Im- Dillennoiue two wi-ekt) (Iikv niruliift the llrm will rf"tit the Mine fur fur l.'AHII. nr il.nlrnlili! I'HODIK.M!. i . it.. i ,. i.i... - i... .i i il. ...m.. ii.... ii i uimmtv ' inr iiiiiM-i'hi i ii ivim L.II v. rpiiiiiitti in nil inn, niiiiiiM,. 11. w. .iii'i.ii..,.. Hlgnedl II V()l.l.t:.lli:it( II. AllltAllAM. Can)ouvllle, Ogn.. .March II, IWX PAjNTCIY goods, hats v.xrx o.3?s,l GROCERIES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, X-.iCa.T-T.037S, Tobacco & SegarsJ PRODUCE, (iUKKNSWAHi:. WOODIINWAIU: MINERS' TOOLS, llBiiMJruiTKiw IlKiMiiTMKNr of I'actitf. ) mt reiiHiuilib' term-. riiiniKr.MiicTMt.'H Omii:, ,- Slirneil II, J. f Indian. The citizens in the vicinity nf I'lircnix having pelllloncd .Mr. Itnger. Indian Asrent. to remove n rquad of In ilian wlio had becomo n nulsnuce there, that gentlemtn. on Mondiy lout, went out and ordered them lo leave by Wednes day, This order will be obeyed, ns the Hi washes are In fear of the r-okliers nt Camp, A Mi:ianiit.v Oiiviiiikno:. Cnvmuir llrlgirhaortil in with nn account or the following latal Accident: On Kttunl i.v lait, n wagon coiilaiuliig u man nml ln wireand iulaiit child, while iiKiiiluig the big hill In the Canyon, w,i turneil oier Ihrowlng tin1 occnpanl voilenlly down lli. hill, lnl:inlly killing llin child In ll innlh erV nrmri. The mother and father wen' illghlly Injured. Our Inform tut hml for gotten tlie inline of tlie family. Tln-y were Irom California, bound for f-e Northern inlne. ,. - Vhw of llHtNH In Viikka. IlflJ. Ihe tag.Mlrlrerlietwwu Vreknuml thl plare, oiiediy not long linee, wn rlopiti by nu old farmer who wlfheil to uncertain tlie iriew nf the almvo named commiNllly. Tlie a.lonbhment ol the old gentleman ... .y l j,,,,',,,' .i,,,, ,irXiVn V 3m Dilleit on Frid iv lut. Tln-y meceedeil in giiing rouie All mile Ik-vdimI Ciiiiynn Cuy. when Ihey louiid tlie Iruil oliHruct ..i i. .. ...1.1..1. ..i.i i .i ,! ..nil pii'iw, ,viiii;ii .Miiii-m llirm III r-riil iiiriv-i-L- I.. .....r. ,..-.i ,.- . ,.. .. i i. i .. -f . ., -I 'III. in'v nrirniiiirr rnililliuiril iit reluri. Il.ev lei uboui ,.'. m-n ut Can- J a:MAN. wol.l.KNIIKIIC A CO. yon ( ily willing for nu opporlunily lo gel i tt f. clMuuiil ut tlm old ttnnd. under llinmh- Hi- llrm uniii" uml nljle or fllUJM N A ' ' VOI,l,i:'lli:it(i where u line Hock or CinOUIiAIl. I C'LOTIIIiNC! . C!H()Ci:itli:.S i will Ih I'ouuil on hand uml for Mile on t lie .wm FoiHfKfo, .U'ril'J. IMI3, I Poi.iKR'4--ivgularii or voluuliern- who Imvi' il'-irlnl. in iili.enlril tliem.elei Irom tin- eoiiii.inleii or regiment without leiive: The opimrluully I now ntroiibd you lo wIm nut Ihu rtalu attached to vourelvi'r, am) from your l'nmlln-n mul frieml the ilianu' ami reprihicli coici'ipienl upon your il'MTliiiu or iiuiiulliorid iiWuce irom your rt'ijliii-'iil". Tin- l'r.- ilnit of the Colli d Slulen by, hi" proclimalloo. ibitid Murcli 1 lit Ii. IMta, I oil'rrx to ivnioro you lo the K-rviee wlihoul t Hiuihmi'Ut, ovci pt fiirfilliire ot piy during jour nlino4, prmhlnl you r'irt join MlttM mi or livfore lli- l.llh lint. It Ml kuoiMi that many of you In timepi, wen! Iiiiluc-il to ilt'HTl llin kervice, uilli th mlu In mlrwi-!?H , SIIIIIMAN. WOl.l.KNIIKIin. ALL DKSCIlin'IONS OK SUMMER GOODS AT ltKDUUKD UATKS, To nmUu room for TALL STOCKS.! A.T COST! AND GOING- NORTH. lie ISlOOlli Oilers lo rell bin entire slock of rnrrnT A Choice .Selection of the 'HJCMtf' CM7 ."!! ei, h I't'itr i!1!rt In lltta mnrlot. niirr!mr J IMVI " IXH V. vioviiivo'o ll vurlcllw of j llliicK, (ircun & Juiiuiichc, I In bulk, papers nml cuddles, nt .' prievti to Mill the moit particular. Snow. NolwIlIiMBndingtho mlldnefs ofiTliree sliola were llreil ut each, neither lira winter, more mow has accumulated In ! hiitfnir thu other, llurnett wuh nnpin-d, Iherecllnn of Ihe Cancado mountains rail i lUK " "'"' "" ''" mm. cries Irom ll.e !.,. n ., i i , , . ,, jexeildl crowd of " llmig i in, hani; him." of the valley than has hern found nt this Lm, it ttos ttilh lIlflU;,ly ,',,, ,;. icamu for nnny year. Winter before eeiirvd uml nnlrugnl HO)le"were prevenied thU Ihe mow was nwept nwny liy the al-J1'""1 laying vioKnt liarnli upon Ihu rebel. innt ronstant occurrenco of warn, mint.! "Y ".u'l"" " J'" I 4"""' wus. ""' '" liut this winter the trmpfrnturo of the tnoantains has been cold and equal. Titr. Ciunoks. In the bloody battle of Stone Hiver, the low of tlm rebels in killed nml wounded, wap, according to the onlcliil report of the hero Ilofecrans, 11,560. The Union low wus 8,77a. The Federals llreil 20 000 rounds or artilleryhilling 728 rebels nveragtng 27 cannon mots to ono man lilt. Two millions rounds or mmketry hit ia.832 nifn making lift inutkit ihots to one man hit. Ukluokkknt. On Monday last two in dividual, named Conly nml Hook, met on California itrect, and proceeded lo settle fomo difliculty between litem according to Iho rules of "rough nnd tumble." Hut, nlas! for the fun of the lookers on, the Jirime rule of the (tamo (non-intervention) was openly violated by the Town ilarihal, who proceeded to arrest the pair, Conly being very violent, owing lo Iho excesnive WieaniiMs of " red eye." wuh committed to the lock up. However, after having brn ken u n the mantlo in the calnbooe. mul witli it hnilinif ofT Ihe lock of tlie door, ho was dtecluirjrfd on bonds to appear nnd nn wer next day, Their trial camo off before the itecorder yesterday, and they were Sued SI 'J each, Including coils. celvul from General W'hiulit In have him lent by thu neamer Victor-to camp Union, ut Sacramento i and in about twenty-two hours after he nxki through iho town, he was imprisoned uml in Iroui, in a rni'llary camp, 200 miles from tlie point ut which Ins oilrucc was committed. The Bacrumento i7mon remarks of this occurrence: "There are roveral remnns for believeing that this IraiiNiction was part uml parcel of the generul plan liy WITHOUT RESERVE i. i ... ,..,,., .. . "--"" .......,p..nii nn ixiinii, on uenriug ine aiinoiiiiwiiieiit. me uniii", ami uam olleu lneo ileilnd to that "bwins In Yrvka are ten fur a Iiair In ' f'"r .Inly In Hit. uriiiy. '. -, VJ . -T, w -,,,-, all the game I have .! . 'l'"1llp ' '" l'.co lreaou , w. JJXEROH ANDISE " iln'IIIon have our oneoliapiiy conn- ' -J-',-' "'vil "-' -' . . . ' Iry In ull Hid horrms of civil war, uml Cni'1'KiiiiF..ui AviMCiTVOn the fllM Irench.d Hi" laud In blood, mil ..p,..n nil., (mj tlie lml(i(iiltnt.) Ilie (H-ople of ieroiM Irullnr In llu-gule of lrii-iul-- lt,l liluir were thrown into n .late of wild , !;;r " " ',"1 '"'!ile ft exoileineni, which ut one timo thereuiened iiwln mound tint Flag ymir couu nieiiii in innipiiiinoi nioiKi. une llur. try In maliitaluiiig Hie rupremaey or Its mll,fimi OMge, rude tlirunuh the town. ConMllulInn nml laws nay, even Its na earringn nceiwinn Hag. A .Mr. I'owell ' Uoual i'.llenee. mid ihow hy jnur znilous met nml lireil n iliot nt him llur-' ""Motion the enemies ol jour country licit drow ii rcvoUer nnd reliirmd Ihe lire, i "r,'J,,llr blllerust foes. iti'iHin jriiurraiveii hi Hrnun III onco lo Iho couiinaiuliiig oDIoerol the uearcM mili tary pot. or lo any recruiting ofllcer ( or by ik')ireflug u teller to Ihe umlciigutd, you win oe to whom you may rport. lllltAM I.KO.NAItl). l.ieut. Colonel IL 8. A. l'rovot-Mur.hal. CaMi' II ikkr, April 8. 18C3. I'nbliihed by onlvr of WM. KKhi.Y. Capt. iM C. 0. V., Coiiinuiulliii;. TAJotico. TO DONATION CLAIMANTS. It ha becomo nu olject of much importance, bolli lo the r-'ettler uml thu (Inurnment, as well ns lo Iho public generally, that tlm lines and TITLES to DONATION Cl.ilnw til this ill.trlct tirilllil Ihi liLriniininllv . c.,,1 which thu K'CCHionlits niin tn ina.ivurnte Jldied : nud In order that this deilrahli, eml civil war in tins .State, whicli. if com I'niy buuccomplihed with us lllllu delay as mence.1, imxt iueviiably result in thu wholesale butchery of Union men, or whole sale hanging of trullors. The Hug was very neatly made, about two feel in length material lilk, llurcett says it was made by tome Indies who reside in thu town. When he first rode down Ihe street n num. ber of secessionists cheered for Jt-jr Davis us he pusicd. llurnett further siys llmt upwaids of twenty secessionists had pled it ed Ibemrelves lostoud by him uml see him thrcuuh wlili his enterprise. lie was greatly disappointed that not ono of them came to the refcuo when tho Union men surrounded him and his life wu3 imerilled. On the day that the ship (iriswold ar rived in Liverpool, landen with lornl mil by us n thestarvintronerutivesof Luncajt- shire, tho Knglith steamer Dolphin sulleil irom mat port lor the seccdeil nlntes witli n cargo of war munitions. Au ill return for u kiiMl decl, and a striking commentary upon K'glMi iKutrullty, poMtde, wu hereby rmueit that all dona Hon claimants in thu following timmhlpi. who have not yet inadu their final proof, taken tho Oath of Allegiance, nml pthl for Inuring ilidr II ml I cerlillcatei, do m within ninety days from date, vte : fr.ili.V It. a W : 7..TO. It I Y ; 7.m It 2 Y ', I.Mr,. It 7 W; 7.3.W, It I W : 7 3tW. It 1 K i 7.IIW. It. -i. V ; 7.305. it 3 V i 7.3(i3, It Y ; 7,:i3. It f. tv ; 7.:iia. it ii w ; 7 :!(..'. it 7 w : 7.37.1. It 1 11 . 117, 1, l 11- . t ,. I, ,., M .... ii . I .11.,, II, i. ii j I ,11,1, i; ii (.3).,-, It 1 Y j 7.3S3, It 1 K ; 7 385. It 2 V ; 7.88-V ho ; I.3M, U i ; 7.33! It 8 1V 7.3U.'i. 11 1 Y 7.3W. II 1 K ! 7.39.V It 2 Y ; 7.393, It 2 IM 7.3M. It 7 W ; 7.393. It 8 W ; 7.403, It 2 il j 7.1W, It 7 Y. After which, wo will pas on to thu coiulderuliou or other lowntldps. until thu whole (hall hvu Uen genu thiough wllh preparatory to reKirtlng to the CounulAluuer of tho General Land ODIcv. JOHN KIU.IA". Uegldter. w (JliOUni; H IIItlGtJ.S, ltecclver. Land Oflico, Itovburg, April 7, 18C3. tit IIUIISK lltriliJ ucully executed ut All those lU'Hiring liur giiiiiH slinulil cull Iin- lUI'llilltol)', llh lit) 'Will c.lo-,0 out forlliwltli. All Mini tliiiik tlmt tin'' Iinvu liui'vtofnri) imlil ton iniieli for (inoilH, Hlioiiltl call nt II. IS LOOM'S mul gut even. BTOKU rrrrn JUST RECEIVED, A FRESH INVOICE OF TICKS. PANS, SIIOVKLS. UUIIIIKU HOOTS. HliASTINU I'OWHKU AND KUSH HAY uud MANClti; FOItlCS. t Agricultural Tools 3Tox- Snlo vt Ooest : 20 Stecl-polut 1'I.OWK, complete, of vuriuus sizei . 10 cunt I'iow.points j 'J setts extra steel Mnuld-llnnrds, I'olnls nud laiml rjiilei. 2 patent Strnw.Cntters j C largu Iron Kettles, for form use. The nlinvo will bo exchanged for Hour at thu market price. HUADHUHV & WADK. Jacksonville, Oct. 23, 1602. llttf this office. COME ONE, COME ALL Now is Your Time TO GKr As he positively intends SEi&iixra orr at cost Jacksonville. .March :8, 180X WE have this d ly sold our slock of mcr chumlleo to Mr. Max From our friends nnd pitroin wu would inllcil for Mr. Mui.i.ku a coullnuniio ol their lili eral patronage. J A HltUNNlIH &. )It). Jacksonvlle, July 12lh, IHiii. 27 ft MILKS AND TK.-TAMKNTS.-AI PHGENIX HOUSE. BRADBURY I WADE. TIIK CIT1ZKNS OF PHUiXIX AM) VICINITY AVIII Dud it to their advantage to piirclmm or us, ns wo shall keep on hand a good supply of FANCY AND STAPLE MERCHANDISE!! 10 BAI.K AT JACKSONVILLE PItlCES. supply, in various styles, on bund, nud Wo will tnko nil ilpni-rliitlonn nf Prodnti ror salu nt cosls uml charges, at the deposi. I that can bo disposed or without a. loss. oryortUoJiicksoiiUoiinlylllWcSnoleiy. I HUADHUHV & JVADM. WM. HOFFMAN, Depositary. , Pbojnix. Oct. 30th.