Scmi-tUcckhi Sentinel. fti ?lv 1 r St "TnTliFr.rnc, .worrrvtv .v'tVon-.. Ovws.Oi.vKisKr fcir-Thl . a Guvkksvk'Ct, frn: ;fiv ' H' ilil.K.5."- 'II 'XntVAft J.tUjtt,"VH.t '. OltlMJO.N. SlTOEDlTEVMMii-'.)IrXIPH.lVl ; if. J-V riou ; A MktaKk. Cuptain Thompon Ui rmrciciml Me it iill reorniiineat Or- f?on Oily - ; .Vn FpicHhitwn immH .Tiph I,"'-' Intelv cnmm'ttcl mikjhIc by drowning, in . the Columbia river, The r. o ,i m.L ...... h ... ,....,, ,' Uin Nohte Con. Immv f Orrpwi Cavnlry now pumlwrs nlxwtt Sxty-fmif wf l-ra tbot the comjwnr ill unm Ik- Unit , way to the iww Mdilury I'wl, near mine." The Sheriff nl IHilon cwnly lm nt tached the nfSee nl the CnrrulftV Union ler ilrbt. rfltiip-illiTC ll n'KnMi of lli" pub-1 liratlon. Oilier paper of the Mime Ireuj i i.r.ible. I)emaeniii Hriie will mmto fsMtiwI in its wake. I Mr. Amuc Ri.akri.v. an oW time rei. ilrnt nf our town ami fellow printer, pan) H4 a vUlt. one ikr tb(a wek. After ' joarnlnir for n few ilay with W friend ' Iiere. lie ntnried for bU chiliw in the Xoctb- ot miner. Good luck V with bim. n nnonymnn. ooriewb.-nt M; CVpt ; jiurrm. iio. t.j. ., Manru. .narcn urn. with 24 picked men. upon nn expedition i apalrMt the Yukamaw lndwrtt, who bad nee n commiuinc oeprniaiww n-ar trio fitlla nn the upper Colnmbta. Cnptain Harr'ui it in cummand of Tnrt Doll. , Amdkm -IUlrt, tl o nf V. Ren-' ., ,, . 1 , . , . ruSeM, actd ern yearn, hnd Iim npbt lep broken jiut tieimr the kn-e, ut llnptilw- place, on Appk-pale. Mimdav lum. The circumitancen are a follows:' The l.orw ' were ceartd to the waon near ll,e hotiv were penrtu to me wapon. near n,e iioue. and Robert nnd Ins eounper brntlier werp ' mine wapon wauinp mr ineir lamer to come. While there. ..nun- came tannin i-.i. ... . . . by, which friphiened the bnr.cauinp them to run nwny. They on unet the wupon. nnd in the full the box struck the boy', lep, brenkinp the same. The other 1 Jj boy was not injured ..... ... liCARTz--1 wo rich nuppents or quartz. from Canyon Creek, John Day mine, were lately shown to the editor of the Uff' lately shown to the editor or the Uttza- ..... . Vi one we.ghins 1C ounce. ninMrnihs pold; theother. 13 ounce, one-ball pold. This inifrrtamly pood evidence of the min- -raI wealth of" the Can on Creek mine . . ,, 1 1 ' "11 1 .1 ', bat would scarcely be consldtred worthy ol cote iflnken from a lead in feonthern Ore- con. o mines in tl world liave nra- daced more valuable and beautiful spec! mens pi ijiiarii, iiiau nave neeu innrii irinn tbe Gold Hill. Rlackwell, I owler. Jewett. and rrtanv other lcudn In tins nortion of tbe State. "1.. n.i.t.i. ,,i i-: -.. i--i . .. ,-'.... ' '.1 1 cently captured ofT Charleston, by the blockadioc; fleet, wan owntl by a Mr. LInd- say, Member of the RritJsh Parliament. ' who all ulonc bos been inlensely eager for .. .7 , . Li-.., the recopnitloo of the rebels. 1 he value of tbe cargo of the Princea Royal, in Nnh. in one unbroken line to the plow; . -- .ehX ZS ' fur"? 0 linkV Charleston, would have been upnards of . inp houHi. nnd from the wild billows iIKnce wet tlxly chaimi and twenty-seven Sl.000.000. The nriccipal items in tbe 1 ti,c Atlantic to the calmer waters or the j ,,. thence aulh lllty-fivi- chain,' tbuicc . ., . rti 1 in I i'uoific main, and see one people and one ,,.1 tblriecu chains und thirty-wveii links, asseis 01 ine urm or iilndiay o. was javk. n(j nne un-oat.e onj one fam,t and 1 thence north tlurty-even tbaln nnd filly nearly 81.000,000 in confederate bonds. 0ver all that wide coinin-nt. the home or 1 f e link, thence ewt lorty-mx chnlus and It is lo be honed Mr. I.ind-nv will make freedom, nnd a refuge for the opprmtd of. ninety Imkn. to the place of U-ginning, the 1 ,( - anotlier venture to test tlie efficiency of the cver)" rae- b,ocU!: I W-t PmTi!iu5--Mn- that six bun- The new ndvertimenls in today's pa."1 fnd lnlnT the W'est Point pradu- , ,....., , - ale have remained loyal, while but one per are of general interest to tlie readers of mniWJ ,n limeiv-Mven.and these ohielly fc'milliero Oregon. The U. S. Tax Collcc- j tor b coming. 1 I Os Tiir. TntwMi The ex editor, that he I misht pinnec deep l the mwtrnrsof law. has vara I til lit" tditnrul chuir made his re tirins l"'W. nnd ft ' " lul' re piilli Ut nf mllri ibW little t-rufi u let wc run A tin- political witiet tire lMt now wj iniMtruti. we llniik vf titn mantipe It O" r! ief hmii lwll l to nmhf the knti Mi. lht m medium thnweh whirii It ...... inutile S'tuhprn 0.rpn. nif Pel N.trte W nh tin- conip'rlion nt tbv Mrraib M .Itl.mivi!lr. tin ww mm mil lie uime. WralolHnf. bv tlitr bM trf frwml' In cvrrv ,n of .he con'mry. ,,,,,., o u nlmtevvr of inlint truiHiiinr!' In their rt-pectivr loea'itie, In print n loeul jwni-JiniiileleM lo tiK.(e It the . i iiiit'pS.'njn'T-wfrvrrv HlTicn of Seolbwn . ... . ' "J Onpon to ?,ihijlt nml ) f. It. ..:TijC.OjffwVj.n;iUiu ti-frrew m JlC eviilCA4.' lrunnotln. tlmt the pulilw cfkn of it ltli th Sh.sti.v3. would nc. eimtibh iwlbitip. Yw. llw publw do an- ibntaixl the tliim? fHv nml clwrlr. Wbtn l tanml mil that iht w,t 1 in tbe ilillwiitiul iiatrn of I be 0,gtHln. thnt pnp-r. 0 ur,t. oi the opHiwii ttMl ,J.eiMbin of Ukj Mbiwrt cell aeiniiith !,,, .,.j ,l,i u n ha lnr,U m , ... , .... . win. nml .! may I wine tffMjr mm "" iiimiiiiii'i ii io loe. mk ii an in nn, wu ine mini !"'il "! 'oNl vwlenmc iwrturilion if , , . ' . . ' ' . , , ,. "" ""' -- ...-... .. Ortgom mn k run inta it, una npprapriult Iv Bk up tlie -iitri.nce bv a wn-n-br. .im ..ii .i ii i nine iwn. There let him rext In bi plory. M Tiik I'sim a it Va." One of the m't eliwenl pclie of the pat nrnmni of ("oi-t wu tlmt cf Iloraee Muynard, of 'lVmi-. iMivrtd in the HiMtm uu the 7lh of Feltrtwry : tm the Ui'imih n It m" i the ditch niMtl nf the Mir. 'IV Union im it wui tMtfl 7 When N'alitwton, tn mppre ' reliellmii. flit Inlo Wt-iern IVovlvuiiin. fln-n iImhouw! ne-n, umh-r ihe cnniiimlKl of u- ),i,M. t1i rrMU ii.u-mi ! lw. eiwul he leare the ub"tle nf phify. wiwUI j ' .. .l A.f.iil ! U..lli mil T l n W'.lniw utttl ('v rrtlln-iJ to the Mmwi e Hiiiuon iilJHrlwin HIHl fenl Iwnuii, whipiMt una . . & . ,IW ra,w , uccffllB, rr lW d.wilMM, J k...L.J ... .1 !.... t'l...n 1. I1....1 lf.ll . 0l Hw fl-el in the Iwirlmr oi LionrtniMm. e- ! 1 tlwl W wu imt nuporMible fur li,TAKli NOTICE. HM-i ennttHei io ine Oliver nor ii aiiin , ('ruliiiM Or at It wu in Ihe wuxiiw i ,i ..., ,i r , i,. when lrron wit j !"' '" n tnd nt iIk- senile r K exrculire power, nml , ,u,lc.,,1" "? ,M".r'H.'-',"1 '" 1" 1y crfbirof the I'rvuVileiitwlmjHiiMiI Ai 1. WH, in ,!. ,1.- r lu ,.(,.. r mi,.lti r ' 0 it In the'iupht of it weokneM nnd DlHauliititui of CopiirtiitThliiit. liiHe? A it wan when alriinc. lionet rY. rOI'ARTXKItSlin lieretofure 1 "'"''" 'lirwibm to lis eounciU. or u, J ,),, wtlW mn ,, ,, ,,. f( it,',,wlM'" "'I'1"'1' Clulme.lo.Kl took ,R,UMAs. WflLI.KVIIKIIG ACO..ftbl. ,.-,!-, nt .i.nn-iiiinite in in conduct .1 11....1 11 .1 . m of u nffir ...w.. --- I - - j-iir iiiHiu i lira iiiijuirv iiiu-i I 1.. .u....l .i.u ..l .Lil!iu,. ..f il... wc-j "-i- r 1-1 h;iiiiii m m" ;"y.P erv-wlMjlher it mean, u rr-fluh- l..l.-iuii, nf iIia f?,., niul n tnn.riUin ! ,H. ifnnni ,,nilnrity ner every rocd of our dnmuin or w lint an emniv formula, to. I interpreted to sun nny ncwinn. 1 'I V Unir-n It w ! S.r-roib-. the Union us it will lie when, the t onstitution ) nMiiitained in ull Us spirit nnd ipor eeniu very forms preserved inviolate 1 , inK rexiorel nn tlie very ba of our in- diewlbility ; the Mf-proiectipjr powrr of P"l''nr t'nvriinient uerli-tl our muln-. P"imr fnveriimeni uwrim- nimu-, Ibl lilHHoHa baM teeiit lo muiikiml Ull 1 J,.mpfc. llf c,IVrtn.nt mvhXttr (nvr nmj wppier llwn ihe world eur een. Tlieii ! , ' hunmer tlwn I lie world ewr reen. I'Im-ii 1 will lie reul.ed the rouviction of n preul Lnpbh stutenmnii. who. rUiiiL' nbiive thei mUi of iirijiidioe nml Iraiblionnl enmity wlHe,, ,lonlwe011,W w, nwny f , ,,; . ,rvrm.n. M nertnl the juslicv nnd Impe- fnlliie nf our ruiwu-. in wnrd omitruMin-' most pruieituiy wim me rinaiury nmi cyni-1 ... .... , 1 1 n'mn liv tvliioli wp lime li-ti no ooiKtintle , " : " ! p ullfli j ,, n,vlf liclievp in such n Tale )xfallinr tlmt fmr hmd : stricken thnuph ii , now be oy Hie iioiki 01 war. 1 ounnoi oe-, liee thai oiviii&ilinn. in Hi Jnnrney willi j tnesun. win sidk iniocmneM inpui 10 pnn ify lb" ambition ol the leaders of this re , wl Mvk 0 ,wude Ioll(.llU.r 10 a throne, nnd shut the pates of mercv on mankiwl.' I have amithernnd fur brlpliter vj".nn Tf "f. '" . f7 " l"" B vision lint I will cherish it. Ikeeouovast - nnfrtierutmn aireti-binir from tl fmz-n HiMiilierners. rcsigiKd thir commissions at tbe commencement of the rebellion. Colonim, or irt Oiirn(ic Rkmvkvt Wr Imtr liniril tilt imniesnf scternl cpntlr-iih-ii ni'Mintied in riiTrrnce tn this pwl i inn. but uppnp tlip "drc'inn will w be twirli l.teiit. t'nlnnel Maury, of the R"pi nw nl. or Major 1.iischI-iI. of the Regular I Armv. V Imri. n M-h rMticrl for lmth lU .nib-men. nml ibwht not the ipMHfl.-nii..n feiilwr. bt wr lmt tlmt we 'nil lt pxrnwri for wivinr tlmt wlien nn olbeer lin - - . . I , . im - . .. J L.,Lrul 1.. - nv I bimclf cmtwirnt und fa.thfnl in n tn,4,v 0pp lhnt m-ifnmil l'ini. Mnurr itmy rrcflrf ibf mtnmi"i'in. Ills nppnln'nwiit wnnM citify bi miinrrwn j-jk -J gjl:; 'Jj ' ....uf.ilnn m lu nRWr. nil mn. it nin- ml fnil in bt n nubbc benefit, on ntvniint .fJimire IHwm ntnl nipacily.-0fr9- ,",," " An cirrrnl tblnc. th lUmnttnf of ihr Sni( hare pw to the war." AW wff ik. 'IV llmmn llntlciM tlM wnril " Pmn. mm H. n p-iimp. natLmi rtf ff lf.ttkl if,v't. Ui. sr i:.n.r.t vf r,.iifii (lin ltn. Into' (nnirnttr : Tbwn'nn, hie n ?cnlnr from .Ifrrn ; (V-Mi-mlm J-"-" f-nJnr tm iKI 1 tnrnd : HWt. I-1 a a fmli r riitiri f!u-in tf n .,.,' ln ,'vnet: Smiih. Ule Nnvv ,tml ; IVnlwm. late U. S. D-iHei At. timwv ; Urent Ulfnn A"eniblmin from I Ancilr: StMiwnllrr.biic nn Awmbly. nun from Mnriptwi j rremlnnr. bite n frlfl) NV. Bm, Utfr , ,v. mirr iirf ; iiivwe. mi nn a tnti'Ttimn from Xevnda. x-Sju'nlier of ll- Winhly. Bw wU Mn off wl.h .11 be eM obinln of nimr iwiJr nwtner : I'orier nn rx .Iinlee .f clavr nntl n Jnn'l ntm-r nrh. c.x-nfTicMiU or nih-rwiw ; Iml if tliev have ewe to ihe wnr ihrv liuve irniitniher-)Kl !.. nfll' Tlwr nn. tr.iiin Cm- lt,r " W It . I h-y im- irunn-. t. lltt. XUCnrrlod. On the IR'h nl Mareh at tlie rr-Men-e nf the hrxle fii-r in J phme f Minty by the K'V V I Starr Mk I;,.hmiT Uk-- W.Nlfl. Ill Ml" C.RA S IIMKXAI' XEW TO-DAY. ORANGE JACOBS, VnORXKY AXP CllUXSKLOR V." TiV W, jv.i riv.ii.ii nun J. ciiAxrr.UY. . Will iirwoly ntl'ml tn nny legul lli. e.mmlltil to hie euriu i. ... .... UM " j.nnu Ohox. Onr frkiHl are rentI to pay up within th next thirty iU,r ua we are jrotne l-biw tn poHibav our Sprlnp (J(mm). uim! mut have nioHey, RYAN MOIIOANACO. Jacksonville. March !4. 1KIS. 4t 'T lll-tl,T, 111 IT1l.ll, ,'H III rtll 11 I mhi linlulil to lliw al- iM-m are nour-In 1 .. i.-. ... . Diitmi 11' 1. ,im 1 hi mi-- iMvnn-m m ,-iiir.iin.i n. """ ';K0;""W Ii,i4.iie! and ull n'riiii lui-ni! claim n.uiii ihe llrm will pr nt lb" anie for Ihiuidalbm. II J PIIK)AX 1 rUn...n ii in 11 fviii'iFf" IIKtlCUl il IMM (iHMIUmii II AIMfAUAll Canyonrllle, Opn.. March 1-1. labS. mnr itrciVKHS l..r..rre eondueUdbv J sillKMA.V. WI.LK.N'IIUIIO ,t CO. wi !. oonlimil nt the old Hand under tin- firm imine and i)e nf tI)KM N A WOLLKS'llKIUi where n One .itrek or iVLUllll.ll (W UIIUV1.UI1.9 ! will lie found nn hand and for talc on the mni r.muil.l. ixrni. Klemd II J R1PKMAN. mli2.1w2-$K 11 VOI.LK.N'IIKIfi ' 1 DM I XISTRATORS 8ALK.-K- 2 tnie of John Fornine iltonMil. llv an onK-r of the County Court. In and It .1 ,.r 11 u. ...! t;i.ianril.. uv iwuhij .iiuki. oiir .. m egon. made at the March Term of said I V-.MI I A. D. IKfiS. directing me tn mil cer tain rent i-talr of Ihe late John t-ortune, I will iitr.-r fur mle, 011 the premne. Iu Myr tle Crn-k rri-oluot, In miiI county or t'oup- ,,, ,, SlnW (lf 0r.,.n riiurwlai me 31, jtty r A.,r. a. 1) lhE3. Ihe hour of 9am ami mindiiwn of Mid day. Ihe follow iup dtcribed tract of land, known u the lunation Claim of J.nuc llailey, Ite ms iu town, lap 0, Miuth of runge five nud lx wwl. ti-wit : ltepinninp at n point retenteen cbalnr and five links north of the outhi-nal corner ol claim numlwr forty 'one, towu.hii' thirty 'Miiilh of rause five went, ruuiiirp thence same containing three hundred and twenty nans, mure or lew. of sale all dimn. ALl'lIEUa 1UKLANU. Adin'r of the entule of Johu Fortune, dee'd. March M. Ihl.X ma'li'.'5t(.lSai H SUPERIOR SADDLE MULF.8 for tle lie K fini.VKIL i Ga-uurg, March 17tb, 1HC3. iirw.Ai(i iir..ti.iniiuu. NEW TO-DAY, Money ! We Most Have Money. A large nntnlMT or Ihe renders of tlif Skxtimci. are linl-hled to u, by nlcrli- Hon. ndvcrtWii.. etc., In iitn rnnpinp Imm ' ' live to one liuiiilr-d toltnr- nnd upward', t Wc suffer a cr-ni Inrniivetiieiier mid ln for t-vi-rv month that Ihe imvinent nf thr-e Mira l tlrlnveil. At the preeiit time, wc ' . . t nfe r(J ,; f,r cn.h fl cnh for bill tlmt mt c pn for telegraphic ; , ch for labor. I pa'd nndnocnh im bond. Tlmt we limy ny their bills Mid 'mnlntnln our credit, e urpenily rifjuwi ' nteh nml every one knowing thenm-hes In debted to pay up nt nnre. Apnln we wiy. I . I.- .. t !.... ir Mm . "" .... . ' c"r.c'" ,. ", " ' " """ - IT. S. Ta Notdco ! rpiIK UNITKl) STATKS TAXI'.? for j t. llir roniiiTt' in i. ill(jiin. ini'iumii. JnrkMin nml Jiwrplilnp haling lirromi ilur nml it able; Notice Ii" lirrpby plrrn llmt tin- Colli lor w II ! In ntlpndnnce nt Ouk land, on the 11th of .prll ; nt How-burs nn th I.tta nml Hili or ru; nt JnrKxm lj on Frbliir rih Stiinliir. Ihr 17lh nml i ni eT Crt(riic IMI i of Aril nml nt KVbvyllle ,m W.jXUU.lttU IX, ClgUlS, nMitr ntlll ThllftllilT. lilt -III Hflll .T1 llflVll 'f April. 1153, toreeelrc the name and In-1 u" llcene. Tax riyer will plene nnike lh follow-1 Inc exlrnru from the l. S Kiel" la : All pr"on who olmll nibfl to pay tlieilHllr nnd tne, rle.. n nforrnlil n-1 n upon Ibrm to Ihe Collrclor within lit tlln Jp-cillwl. fhull l" llnble to my ten wt otili hereof" nlum additlunal upon lite amount Sit SO. And It tt furtkn rntrtni. That If nny pr-on or p.r-n ball rx.-rrl or car- rv nn nnr trade or bulnrbrrrinafcr men- ,t"n71 r"r,,,,, Tel'B "' cnrrrlnc on of llll trade or blllne a llceiiw . rifiiilrnl ,pv )ig Af, s(iU uknB 0, wc( ,j eene in that In-half rfiilril. he, fhe. or they ptiaii. inr cierr men otii'iiee, reir llelr rorfpil a p-imllT tiial lo three tlmi-n the aninnnt of the dulr or mm of money lniMI fur mieb HenM". one moiety there of to the iie of th I'nlled Slaten, the other moH-iv io me ue oi me (H-rnin wim. n a eolleeinr. hnll flr-t di-cim-r, and If other than n eolleelor. lmll tlr-t plvr liifiirtnatlnti of tli" fuel whereby ald forfeiture wnn lu enrrtd X. II. TheMmifcw precrlld by law will b- rienlly enlnreed im all "Im fall tn pay within the time fiweifltd In tbenlmteiiotlec. I U W. COK. U. is. Col'r for tlie Smlr of Orepon. i llv C, K Crureii. Deputy. OHitt ar QVr Internal llntniu I 'flfaie. Ojh. Mirth U. Iwlitt f til Senilis oner! A.T COST! AND GOING NORTH. II. Bloom OtTe lo kII bis entire stock of - - . gt xt a VTiTOTt 37 COST, WITHOUT RESERVE All those dealrliiR II ur pulnH should cull Im luediiitrly, us lie will close out forthwith. All who tttlttk (hut they huve heretofore jiaid toe much for GootU, nhould cull ut II. ULOOM'S STOIli: und get even. COIV1E ONE, COME ALL Nov- is Your Time TO GET Q aXgTti23LJ3 As be positively intends SSELLHf G OFT JLT COST Jacktonvlllc. March 18, 1B6S. rAY JL bv notes or book accounts, will pleose call and w-ttle immeiliately. or tbeir ac counts or notes will be banded to my at torney for collection. II. RLOOM. March 18, 18G2. 'BRADBURY ft. WADE, .TAI'KSOXVILLK, TTXioloNalo tSa - M'At.l.lU IX- I - - p. NW T I V LJ O . i CIOTI-IIN"G, BOOTS & SHOES, PAJTCY GOOHS, X.,J3 -ONTI3 0-Sr GROCERIES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, T a1 QfULOlTQ, PRODUCE, HAKDWARK. ULASSWARK. QL'KKSSWARR. WOODK.NU'ARK, MINERS' TOOLS, All of which will lie mdil nt low price, fur CArill.oriiVfiriible I'RODl'CrL ALL DKSCRII'TIOXS 01' SUMMER GOODS AT RKDUC'KP RATI-S. To male room Tor I'AIL STOCKS, TiTiTrrr A Cliolce Selection of the ! : 3Ii!st4. B?aM : r Rvcr offen-d in tbl market, rinbrucinp j C xurietiee of J ; -j " j lUnck, Green A, Japniii-e, : '. In balk, piip-rn nnd caddips. nt : prices to suit the rmwt particular. 'TTTTTT- JUST RECEIVED, A FRESH INVOICE OF PICKS. PANS, rillOYKLS. RHIRr.R ROOTS. RLASTIXU POWUKR AXI) Fl'SK I J1AY and MANURE I-'ORKS. Agricultural Tools 3 OX JEfnlo a. Com tl 20 Steel-iioint II)WB, complete, of t uriuus sib-s ; 1C cat Plow points; 'i setts exlru steel Mould-Roards, Points und Lund .Siib-s. 2 patent Btrnw.Cuilrrs j 0 (urge Iron Kettles, fur farm use. The above will be exchanged for flour at the market price. RRADRURY k WAD1L Jucksonvllle. Oct. 23, 1 6C2. Httf PIICENIX HOUSE. BRADBURY ft. WADE. THE CITIZENS OF PIICEXIX AXD YICIKITY Will find it to tbelr advantage to purchase or us, as we shall keep ou hand a good supply of FANCY AND STAPLE MERCHANDISE!! FOB SAL AT JACKSONVILLE PRICES. We will take nil descriptions of Prodass that can be dipord of without a lots. RRADRURY i WADE-Fbcr-ix, Oct 3(Hu. '