Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, March 25, 1863, Image 1

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(Stye tiKregim tetrttiiel.
umui m, 9
UBIre t thr CIIJ- ttrng Morr,
JArkMiwiu.K Obkohv -U
Offlee villi n. T". Powell. Km., Third atrcet,
.TACKsnxvii.t.r.. Okwwv. 20
. immurr. jam t. nr.
Jckokvii.ik. Onwio.v,
W-'ll practice- In the Supreme and other
Courts 'if 1I1U Slntt March 4. T'3.
ATTORNEY at law,
JjrkoYJU.K. Onkokk.
II.I. practiee hi Hi" several Oenrt of
I 1 the First Juateal Pltntvand In the
Sanrem.- Court. Oetnl-r in i'
j 11 i::rii. j. tueiux.
lArKHflNni.l.K, OlIMlOX.
J n ItlXP bavin determined to eon.
liutie ln' prucllec of hi pmrtt.tor..'lm "
ewled Mr tiAKf'is 'ill lil 111 in 1iuess. nnl
Ibrr Mill (rle,prnir.ptHtti-Hti.Mloiiuy'lepil
Ui.'itie entrusted ! their cure. In any of
tb Court' ir tin iihlkml Pleirkn.
Oilier in Mine buihlliii: fnnn-fly occupied
tor Mr Herd. Aniiii.l J-lli, 'l-2
A 111 timelier In nil tin- Courts ol the Third
JudUinl llldrict, the Supreme Geirt if Orv
chi. n-el 'li rcku, Cat. Wur scrip prompt
It e-ll--euil. Oct, lh.
DuiiN Uurher Sliojp.
Ilrlwrcu IlraillHirr.V Wade's nMl Un)erndo
Ciloon, Cahtoruin lrt.
MIAVISfi. Hair-culling, Slmtrrje.om& Ctir
lp il llnlr Proton. 11 Iwiul unit Tor
m'v. a (genuine article ut FMi'a Haiii llt
tiikati vk mid OrUtadnra's thtdnirtkir ly
I'huMiKiupIilc Artftf,
I rntr.U ! tak- pieiurw in every style
r ih. rt wltli all Hi- laie Imprnvi meiile
1 I .c;ui il'i not g te -Aii-liii-timi no
hartfi will l- made. Oil ut bi new (tl
I rv on lUi- lull. examine bis pictures, and
m for tour llV.wu-s
WutclmuUvr tiiiil JowtliT,
K-rp ooiiflaiitty on hand a
In,- uwirtiiit-tK of Cmmki uiid
Jimi.u.1'. M bull be otlur lur
il at Vhrr low ririi'iii. for
tir UFd'AlltlVn nnck22
Wd lif- mid Jiilryriwiirfd with prompt.
iru nud HArrautiil Miop on I ittilornia
urnt luotiiKiri t ol Love V Ilil(serV
JatkMiutllK. JulvSR: th
P. H. LYNCH, Prop'r.
Cumcr California uihI Urce'un .Strett.
The Proprietor ha Jurt received from San
Imtoinio u lIioiui uniruuiut of Hue
Wines, Liquors, Oigaars,
tjrJnp In And test them. J) . d0.
it. tV. IMVIK. I:. II. IIA1NKH.
Post Office lluililliig.
A'tdnetclaj mill eatttrJujii.
CONS I G S M KN TS b O I.I C J T i;i
Jacksonville, F.I.. U I63. fel.U
J.ttk liullitt.iK, for. 1'iont A; I'trw.
YJTJLIj Attend to'Clie'ReevIvIn; and For
' MuriUue iif all (imtdt eiatubtut to
ibtir caru,uiuipriiuritiiea und ilUjutcli.
Coii.iijiiiiiuiiik Miliciud. MvicbundlM; ro-
Cei.nt City. April 18. ISC. 15
' U. NogoiMlKilelirertd -jutil tbefreiubt
d charges r. p i'il. P. A W.
pLOl HAfNJIJ'llOPUChiAvniufX
I chuiisfe b'r 'MvrcbundUe. nt
ILOfKS-Dfieniit Hylw.gooJ time
J pieeta. lo'lie-lmd at the
October '.'1 VAHIWY STORK.
At-1 m
t-g. 1
I. 0. 0. 1. IacksonviU.k Loimii: So.
(0, holds Its regular miTtln-t every SAT
VHllAV KrxXISV, at Mr Hall (.MrA
Cnllj ' Theater huildlnpVwt 7 o'clock.
Tl..!.. - ... I . II - . - . I .11m 1Ullilli OlA 111"! Ul MIHTtHUMIP, l lllvr -
i! lT'.T1 it"!: "I1' ctJl5U,,wiirf.wiim U. dCcnullmiitl nl ll.c
lnrjinl 10 .. ..1. Jij .Mimix .N. I.. ,,, ,r lhe Ufl)t) .ur hkh wy lm,0 ,
(.HLII.J.m.,...lt.N,i. iui,(pJlH
Warren Lodce No, 10, A. F. & A. M.
H0LI tlirh tfKillir corernuiit
Vrctlni the V4nplAy Kvrnlnir on
v Nor Tn-ctilinir the full iknui. In jacs- i
tKisrtu.1:, tniix.ov.
IL IfeATOM. ."Jft'v.
oui:o. cuapti:u no. i,
O F "
JACKSOX 17... OliKtiOX,
U'lllliokl Itxircwlnrfiimtiintiloiillon. on tbv
Klr MiluiiU)- 1t. orKv.rj-Jlonlli.
All Mkjniirtilns Conipnlmi In cood,
itM!np are oimltnlly Inrlliil to uttrml
;. W.UItKKIt. II. I".
L. Saimih. .w'.v. iltc8s47
-rnAiTii-Ai. -
I'Ari.uui'i.Ki:. nml
llnuU-Hoo!; .llnuuracttiror.
SI7Cliv H.I.UM iJ...i...rt.l-irr,.t
t v i;t vpufi
r.. i itit.Misit.tr. 1
'l. lUndiiis of 1 1- rv
ilH-rrliillini nml v
oet'uliil : lilank IJ.hiIp. rn
any iliMrnl putlirn
Sl-y 1
Waim .Iiwkimiim: Oiwrv, Oo.v. I
Pit l) n hi imiwrii! uioiuiillv to attend I
in tbe eurlnj; of all 0.ww acwirdiMB to t
Ike Ireaiiieiit of riiif. h . . It teAiu wltli'
itt the u- of Mrreno'. AniiK, r BHy
tiotrMiima ilrue. Vr tle nut Hlnejwir
.iiliii.iMlrn.lI(ii ilu. iiP.uiiil ulm.
ngrejieiy rwwr wi tlie aniMiea wnoi
wav eatl 1111 li in. Ainu o- nrrni;iiin'liu lor ' , 1 . " """''"'' uuihuibh iihuif i i-mi
S!?. Trm IM .VhI JiLmTuu,.. I-"M'i""K "" '-"'"' livlnB Iwii ,Uy. of rtl.l.. love are ever In my liniir
.. - iirnin-.-iil. n lirbf opeinni: nil.lriM,.wua Int.ilnri. 1 ilmiin of the ,vet fire-e-rele :
UOWARUA.-SOOIATION, I'lilludel-'iiwilrliyoiH-of ilieinii.Uii-r. A rer.innil J ,Ver i-ee l-r.ire ;ne tbe one" pl.ield luce
plnii. IVniHt nin IIhii rWali-il bm exiH-rieoee wilb t-retit 0f ,nv AHee. n her eve lookisl Inlo mv
tUtitri,fmrtiiktvlHutit)tJAJIlil ffTei Alur lw Innl flnMnil lle'r wh n own wlib lniellii'-ni oniiflilenee. Ifivlher
u-hVi I'tmUl fj Cl-nk mai hi, aoJ i patii of iienrly n minute. At I'litflb 11 nim twine iirriiiml qir neek liiP iihhIc of
JV MeviV' Hiwii wIhiIihi! Iwen Niite.1 fur Iwck. with ber vmw I ever nnndinjr In my lur "
.... . . ,"' tyn. ... '1iw furc partly tiuiil from the umlleiiee. ir,..,. tir. .)(v,krii emotion overcame
Meflltal AdtviH- s yen KrHlll.y Ibe Aet- irOM. ,to;,y ;, ,,, , ,c froll, ( ,l0 ,, W,, " mCw c"ked him nml I c
Ine Snrgmui. iiliiMeukiwi.uiiHet.KtiA. k, ' "'" , ii' ""eiant-e tli -heii iiimi. nmi 111,
Taviui-i or rKuiAt wijikShMt nml other! . .. . , . . ,"n'' w'1'1 ',,wil bnnl nnd in-iiibllni!
4rtEUl'JriJffi ''";"ll"-"l .xeeniatlon , esc.,v,l ,,,.. 1V ,.,, ,Hn WM 1)ni,(,.n
M- uiiLUli imin.e.d hi tli Wiw Al"v " '"r e iviiBbt the wel-known ,H,e hr lmirtlfleil w,l,. At (bin moment
mrv. wnt In M-aW Jeiti rent evpi. trwr reniiiie of bun who bud woehjin lierlim. there wan movement In the crowd. A
cba'rjre AiMre band. ln!i' u tjifck lliriU run tlimtieli her. tfnep fHm.,p f)Bllre rnrp ,v, p,(Ty ,M.
Jill. .1 .SKILT.JN HO' Uiri'ON. 'IViilierlncrtt.iriiiilited in uceorilanee nfmcl Inulneiitflr in cite wny.wn. mm
Howunl A'HKiJutioii.. No. i Minlli Mntlit.,' wlib ber trrmhhng lieutt. Tlie bioe of n p ,), n4jr- ''I'bU wn not mWrveil
AnnlJi, l'v I'lobul-lphm. Pa Mr n.-luoej- lid sreuiiy ulmnireil sliuvfhe v Dc'niey imiil be enrne mwrly In frml
"o -.-.-r. - l-n-.ll""1,""kM,?,1", " ' oulttl. ilMTlflrtl vl- ,,r ihf phiirr.rm nn wliii-li be Mnd. The
AJSSet3T tJUlCO'rviiMi liitd Utnu rmloml but wbul it ,nvimeiit eniiflit bit rnr. utal lifilnir bin
AT SAN PIIANCISCO. ,,n,.Vc"1; ,, .... ., , tle-v fell r.n Albv-for it win hIioHm
-Mr IWIilent. Im hoL'iin, with nbro.lttl,,pri,njf lirlV(iri,I(, M., f,n(Ulir
fT'lIK imderIB oil. ImvliiB oieiiMl an fceii toe.-. - iiIiIhiil'Ii I Imd ivmwvtiV. ut uhli emblen uplillfil buml and eujfer even
J Amy Ollee nt .Snu FraiHfiHJO. woiilt l-ymr wleiliilfoii.tii inMrm tin larjre n . , llllft i... ,,,,. ....ill .1.,. l.Uil
rpeirullyeollelt the iwtrimape or ;
eliauM Mnn r. Ctwni r ol QnuriK Iwtil und
MIIU.wlH.11iH vi.u HaHtiAiMsleeo. wt.hu
a.. .. a-A.nt . I t t-uA kll tA lliA.ra.
mnv riiiot iniiur iin-n-,
We Kimmuti-e the correct n of our.a
says, h will ra.iVe returti lultare. or V.
S.Gold Coin, williiu v b"ur'ull-riU'MM-it.
We alio Biry nil klruU ol' Ore und Mtal.
li'il Sacrauientii sn.t.a few doors Ihw
low hat Uifir IIoiim'. nearly oputU)
Pacific Mail btcuiubip CVb ullla-, ban
t ranclH-o.
Vrrk, CallfuniU.
llKOTillUIS k I'D,
Itirllad, ri-K"0.
M, kllLKMIM-ll. I
Stn VciCiMv.
A. loi.irtuiTil.
tfiinuury il. Iffi:t
rpHK undereik'iieil havliiir loused the,
1 -1 Ws'jntu ilHI," ilve miles from
Jaekeontllle. hu tLurouirblv rtnalrni It.
nndireolMl ...
IeVi ImiiWIfil .llnclllliery,
wuieii, irom my experience 111 ooiisirueuu
the rniue, as wull mi In inauiilsclnriiiK Hour.
Murruutu mu In tuyin); that the Oregon Mill
oii uud.wlll do butter work ibuu any other
Mill InHieTallry
', . '. ... '
I )ijt opened it
"Plonr and Ppfid Stare
xiour ana xeea ocore
iOuOulill.rutoetrtet.ypixlleP.ltynn'sneA'.H.iMl,v.1.g rorPC(i . nl,an,Ion bim i.nd
n"TANTEDrljuOO,000 pounds ol FIvur,
. In exchange Tur goods.at
THE oiiuuox si:ntini;l.
IIKXltY m:Xl.IMlKIt, lnli"r noil Prop'r
Srmciiirniis Oih- trar. In mlvnuri . Five ,
DoUaik; SIxmnnltiN llirn. Dollim. rnUf-1
AliVr.liTIMMi Oue fonare (10 llnus orit
irH, nri IPmll.)llllTl noiyirr 5 rit
. . . ...... i . it 11 1.1"
Milntuifiit limilfoii. One )ollnr. A ill
coinl of llftrjvr relit will Us vnnju Ut tbow
-bj uJiirtlro l-t!w ycr.
Hv AiwUrathn In I'o'Wrw'lerii tinA Mmll
Ciirrli'iii. tmtmnUiirn tbut tboSrinl-wiTkly
IOiikiiox Shvvi.ski. Im Jiy far it lnrji-r clrcn-
lutlon (11 tlie coilillli'i" f .SmlliiTll On-iron
,n...1 II..I ?ii.. A.iii.l.' rl.llt.iriiln lliun nlitf
Uitbcr wht. Thin Incl l.ni1l cttnniif m1 tlie I iHipHrallon Tor illtnrcr. Ami b mwi-r-itJKMiNKi.
toyuuttx u rupvrtor tiKiltiim tor ' c,1'' rily lie flirmn liy it ImiiM li
I jwrtilnvj. lemiitoil. rprntlon ttm bvnlly ili-clnnil
!.! ok An. nbo arc nil I lKM-lj.nl to '
jtranwtcl any Ixi.iiio. coiksitiiIiik thl x-
I imt. In llwi nnnii' of tlm imlillrbvr :
I ti. I. FMier. .cnn I'ranciKn; Wail.worth
.V Havne. Yrrkn; Kl r 1-iirv. Arblnml; S.
C.Taj lor. l'lHcnlx; V. W. I-'imlir. Appli-i;Ai-:'lt.
ri. Dnnlitp. Willlnm-lnirp; Joint It.
! I'rlmlli". KerbTvllle: A. II Moll.Bln.TVnhin;
Ml. J. KulUVWulilo; 'Vi,. M. Ktann. All'
'lioux': Joe) Thorn, Cniitontllli't A. It.
Kllm. KoHiburs: Iiac It Mimrw. SUw: J.
UihI.whhI, toww t! K m.
llfiu.tiiilii Cook, CorviiIlK J. II. Mnitli,
,, " nn. 111 . ii.,i:i.i.. n.,..
i;""" v"'' "" """
.llarrlugi" at u T tin p enni ce
In Ibo evening of the ibiv In mbicb Ab
Ice nrrmil at b . 11 um-h! lim)i-ruiiee
iin-eliiiit wu tu lie IhH In one 01 I lie
rbiirelN . JUr frnml. wbolmd Ihiiiiiu' en.
ilm-iu.tic In the jmiim. 11rtf.1l her to p t
. . . .... V .7
, ,. nnJ iniiwrH. n.iiu e mi-
M-m"ily in ii'fbt. yet I buve so strum.' 11 ic-
Iiii-Ihikv in tin mi (lull H lm. vn with II
crH, ,1 fikniiy llwt I AneM mel
a- 1 It... t I .. !.!
orMr.i put j pjMi my wmrt nml emm
Mi. ii.Hi.ii-.. vvs ... rrmuou- nrjr iB-ro
, me. that I ib. not Honk nimn. 'I be past
I .biro mil n-rtill. Would to heave,! that
ten venr. ..1 oiy life w.-re lilntlul out.-"
'I n-iiker puns.-.! 11 momi-oi. uIHm.uIi
much ulT-clid,
llien witiiu (inn voice n
sulil :
lint sonielhin? tnnt lie said of my
own tti-e. or 1 Unill Mil to inuHe mat tin
prisinii on your iMiiMN-tlmt f wl.b In pro
dure. V" tun of renl Hfi- t.eH'li the heart
with real power, wHille alisi'nt presentments
ol Iruili flitter eokily in the lutrl'ectilal
resrion of the mind, and then fade from
lhe re-pion like Iijiireti 111 11 iiioramu.
our p-uker oni-e slnn( uninnir llie
first mein'iirs of Ibe lur In n riC'g'ilorMis
ti.tit. Tni- tnftrf fliMii llii. tiu r,i..ccil.
nl Ins onm.iy in the awn.bly of tbeCun.
iiioiihiiiiiii uiiii more uiun nut fini, ne
'K.TiipieU sent io Coiu,'re. for two na
, lions."
I A 1M1 iwrlo.1 tbe sliUn.-s. of death per-
1 vuri.it the erowrlert nssei.it. v.
. j'i "" nun uu mi, nc
, llniiHl, hi vniee slnkin? Into a low, ll.rlll
uu; lone, " be bad 11 lender wife km two
I sweet ebiMreo. Hut all those bnnon nud
ln ib.v lj!eIiii' have departed from
bun." be continued, IiU voice mow in deep
er e.nd louder in -Ins iirorls to control liitn-
(self. ' lie was -unworthy to retain them,
' IIs coiislilueifts tlnevv liliu r.fl" beeause bo
I '""' Abased -liiinelf ami dls-rraeetl them
1 Aii, wnrw1liail nMtlM, wll0 nTO, ,liin
.di-vot.dlv. she whn bad borne loiii two
Ami wiiy shoui.1 1 ie tiunjcij Id a Tew
, flwrt orT Mial tiower wag there to
.abase me so that my (ellpwtbvliyipficiL
Joud cveo the wife of my bonoui turned
awny loirl-sick from me. A'ns.myfrlciiiK
Il wii ml tndnlcrnce In mockery I A very
il'mnti, 11 rtir clintijititf n into tin- Im-iii
HiiI for llii I witt mi ionornlili-iiiiilii-fnl
r prrirtiintivc In (Yni?ni.. purn.in.' iHit
"V coiniirj'K uckiI. nml lrn"yl ill lv lio'i"'
clrrb' Willi my win nml rt'WWiiii. lint I
. - iiii "i
mo I .null
tiiiil von hi! :iIIhi mv wiii li 11
k rniiiillr .A ';iti l iiorTrcl ii
ironrlil iniilmtiualiv.iilM-rJliiiijIitH'
i.".rnrM ilmnW morn fnvli' :i.l wiirn.
ly. IT pvrr. iW from lb Im-wIIcMIiV (flift
of IntoxlMtlon. I rrpia'uril In lln'Mmf
vtllapp ovrraI vrarn. lint I nrvr onn Mv
dor For two ymrn ol Ibe tim" I nlmn.
iloni-il my-rlf to tltt fiiirfiil ImpiiNe of ibe
nppi'tilo I hil sniillnil. I Intel lint n
iik of olirirly ilurinu ibai 111110, nor
rniicbt n c'iinpv of mv clilMrrn. At lii
I boenmr m alinrulnnml in my habit" that
- : " . . .
mv wife, nrvo! m dv licr frioml". fllnl mi
1 1 n efimpii'M' my ii'mrncr. hi in noxi t on
cn-lonl cnnvni. I wan Ml iff ibe tlckrl
unfit m rcpreMiit myilllrlel. I bit Ibo
eonntr and State where 1 Innl liveil from
bnyliooil up.
"Then I beard of thla mnvinw-nt, tbe
crcnl tllnporall(ealllll. At flml 1 .minil.
tbi wotMlereil. bmitHieil, nml finally threw
myelf npnn tbocrtut wave ilmt MBnnttell
Inir nnwn.nl In the bopp or Im-Iiiit enrriiil
lir it fur nut of Ibe reach of dnnser. nml I
hv It fur
iHd tint I
hope with n vain boiio, l cave
nml oerialnlv more thmi I could
iiimil of. It et me mice in'ire up
on mv feet once mire Hindu n mill of mo.
i "Three Tear bare peil cilice tliin.
IlnrnMt devotion in mv profenlon, nml
, fcrvanl prnyrr In Il'm wlio nlnne bIvih nbl
, to every rood ren!iiiloii, have n-toiiil to
me tniieb tlutt Innl Ihtii lit : lint tint In
tbe rlelmt treasure Ilmt I provitl myself
m,Wnrtbr to retain : not my wife nnd rlill.
,r)1 ,j briwren tb; and mvll tlie
w jln, ,H,j ( f,ffn in,,MiiJe iit-ri1lc
., t ,.vi.no IntiL-ir n wife no loncer
warn tnoM nearly oeioviii one wiin ine
.....1 . ,.' i. r 1-
t,ni . n,,,,, an,i mjVnnonl nulellv in
1.1. .:.i M . .1. I...J .i.uLl
tlie wb,1,. amlien.-e. ll.rillid wltli the see...-.
WPUw.n tlelrfeet Hid liendlii'.' Prwiird
'K. JMntWT niwmil Ilk nrill Hlul AlUi-
I xiry .,f ,;pon ,, tmn w,j, ,,,,1
8I w;, twinre. Thus for Ibe sniiee of 11
wii ie sioo,everv one by a ainirn'iir
, viib,n uiulerslnoil tbe scene One of the
, mHisif-ro rame forwnnl niul parnti il iliem
1 . . ....... .
" .n. no." sal. I PHuney. " lliey miiji not
you enmiot tuko Mr away (roin pie:
' lliiiven forbid tbut I sbould .In thai."
replied Ibe in'iiilir. "lint by your eon
frfsinn sbo Is not your wife"
" No. sbi) la not," replied lManey,
" Hut she. U no reudv to renew ber
vows," (ulil Alice, Hniliiij; lbrouli ber
Hefnre Ibo laree assembly, nil stand'nir.
nml with few dry eves, wim said In it lire,
ken voice, tbe nwringe ceremony tbut I'avii
Ileluney und A life to each oilier. As ibo
minlMer. en aired mnn, wild Ibln. while
locks, fliitsliei. he laid bis burls m tbe Iwn
,IC i,,,',) i,,i1K,i'n l,ny ImruK uiid liltlnif up
bla npe. eyu ll.at streamed with drop of
1 glu'l"' li '' In a solemn voice :
What nxl bus Juiued together, let not
rum put Asuniier.
"Amen!'' was erled tiy the whole As
sembly, with n single voice.
Our tovernmerit bus determined to ImlM
three eiormoai Ironclad., to bo four bun.
ilrerl fi-etlnnir, and ninth more forinblHlili'
furmlilal.le Ibnn either Ibo Hriliyli' AVar
rioror the Fpn.-li filnirs. Tbo Iron nr-
inor of tb InrreM wll) be two feet llilrk,
1 .1... 1 i.. . .1. i...irr.i.t..tA
iDjr of lliekind'hltbcilo conceived.
" . -.
Ileml the follow'nx lino rekwnl nnd
foni.ioJ Lend J dldliiei ctililldldiiel
Srnatiir WitiniiT, or iNnttSA. In're
plyimr lately to Powell, of Kciilecky, nml
jnMi!inr 0 the Insidious mute incut of tr
l.os i'i ih-' TV-.rfii'lli-1 Senator rtiid nitli
ureal InpreM.vfifi'
Se;vton. If eter thla Cardial fnlls, li
Will-6 la-cause of IrntliM H.jhe Nor'b.
11 you fail In put down iVlt secession
innvement. if the ho'i f euhtmlty ennm
upon-11 (; limke ilie.rrtilicttou that It will
cone ,ffiCi'. J Ikj liariil of trnilor in the
North. I ntu not sure lt.nl thero win not
n concocted plan, within the lait ten days
to brlntf Into this city, two recimenls t
cooH-rulc with the Cotifcdrrnles. with 11
view to snrrtiider Ibis Caiiital. The rebel
emisnrlei nre nbont you ; they may bo In
lh.se very Imlls. bomellmes lliey comi?
under nne'nanie, sonii times under another.
Sometimes tin tJovernment la allnckrd In
iheniimenf 1). mwrucy j sometime fault
is found with nrresls; sometimes the army j
but tberff-et of nil them Attack result In '
the nccnmpllhmrnt of lhe same bud end,
the destruction of Ibe (Jnvrrnment. I say
1 tint etrrv lotal man and woman In thU
cnuntry nuultt in be protected ; but I re
peat, ami the honest Pemncrney 01 Imliann
will susinlu me in tlie statement, If there li
no other wav to save this eiiuntrv, let de
of this Republic, for the (invernment
I ruction itn Its work' amoni; llie eneni.11
mint and shall be pn-ervil, cost what It
tnuy, l-t the henatnr. If lie will, cnnu
into mv Stale und talk of tint widows of
the Soiilb. I will point bim to fresh-madn
trnirea, all over my State. Indiana ban
lot more than fiflren Ihouiiind men In till
war. T.mUv lln-ro Are five thousand wlU
ows In my Slate, nnd Ofleeji thou.and or
plmn ehlldren. made so by thla rcln-Hinn.
Iiv these rrlwls, 1 tell von now tlinl lb
iM-nnle ol Indiana nre reade In send unnlber
iuimlinl tlinutaml, nnd I lien number bun
dnil Ibnusnml, nnd then anntbr bnuilre-l
Ihnti.nnd of her brave snns before line Inrli
of the territory of till Union shall be
wretcil Iron It.
Tbiai. Tnipor Anotiikii iRnw-Oi.An.
'Hie Krlcsson Iron clad battery Hanramnnw
known na Monitor No 0. Imi miule her
trill trip, nml n enrrep'iii'lent sends lis Ibo
result ns follows : " We nre snfe and sruid
ui J-Virlre Monroe, where we nrrlveil Sat.
iiird.tv afternoon. KuviiiL' put nut from
Chester nml left the llubl" behind, our en
1,'ines were nllnweil to work n rnpldlv as
poMibte for u time They neled nilmlrnbly,
uml enabled 11 to mnke overeitrlil knolsnii
hour. Th eonduel or the low, slrmiL'.i
b'ork of Iron In the sen wn niiinzW,
Wave ilmt would hnve sent a ahiverlnir
from sli in Io stem of the strongest wooden
slenmer. broke on our kntMike edire ntwl
spiilteml thru hnrinlelv from nbout Ibo
turret. Wd were liternllv awiinm'nir with
n.dv our li"-ad nnd neck over water, half Ihn
lime, uml vet the steadiness of evirylhliit'
down stair wai remnrkit'ile. Tho k'reat
lhliu4 In be atlendeil to In lheo Iron eludi
are Ibe pump.) keep them well worked mid
I would follow Columbus In IhoSiiueumnn,
Tlie bnlei nlinut tbe lUek. whleli I beqe
Imtu'wi-n iiniil lo necoinmodaio nfllcers,
hulil be riiiiu-fi in number Hut there U
not oim' thnrt-primintr fur wbteh we luiveno
remedy, nnd If un honest captain u- all
lhe iimkiih In his buiid, the Kuii;ameii
eoii'd lie miwife on lliehmml bisuun of tin
rr-n n nl ICenrnev's wlmrf Clinttl-r."
Vrir York Sun. Frhruani I9M.
respondent of lhe Iloitnn Journal, wrillljf
from North Carolina nn neenunt of ennver-
witions there wlllicnntrnlmuiNnud rllU'iis,
nreM-nls a wclitlity truth in the follnwlnx
words ;
" llowinurhtrnuliVthn Abolilinn'mlanr
brlu'itnir on tho land !" cried some heforn
ibe war liegan. " Not nt all." replied au
intelligent rlavebolder, whii'iiad fnnir be.
fore learned and eoinineiirrd'tbo proctf t of
frreln:! his chattels " not, nt nil, Tim
whole Ironble iprinirs from the concession
of the North. The HriHlh will never re.
siel you, will neter lie nt eueo with y i
till you ceswi -yieldinif nnd are true to ymt
own prinri'e." Thank (Jrl. that jmlnt
has been reuched while and black ahull
profit by It.
Tiik Hi.usn Sajs Orphua ('. Kerrt
At Ifmis my boy, woman' bluth la tba
lmierial'bnnner of vlrirln rnmHiy. Ilirowu
out lo ealeli ib brerw Ilmt wnfu the coin
Ina reee. nud means, ''Ood I my tie.
feiise." At oilier timet, It la the eloquent
protest of u fine lnl-)ipenr? wlileli depre.
elales the lest that would lurp ii'l Itn hid
den beanllea to tbe pnblle eye, nnd mean;
" Humility l born of (Jeiiiiti,"
Tbp editor of the Woonsocket Patriot
telU u1' riuU nnd bull' slorvof 1111 old root'
ter. whicb hull n hour nfier bnvlnvr l
bend eil olf un.1 found itundin; oil the top
n woodpile, fundus his neek one wny uml
tho other, while Ut head lay on tbo gmuid
near by!