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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1863)
. . Wfr f '". 5 1 1 Scmi-iUcckln Sentinel. O. .TACOI1S, EMf or.f, " TO TIIK KI'PICACY AND I'KIIMANKNOV OK YOUII UNION, A GnVKIIN'MKN'T KOIt TIIK WIIOI.K IM tMUHi'KKflilil.K." Warhintjlon. i JACKSOIWIM.TC. OHEUO.V. SATURDAY KVEMXIJ,' MARCH 14, 1801, Notick. Tho Hoard ol Trustees Intel tills ovening nt 7 o'clock. l'KNNSYhVANiA. This Stnte pays the interest on Iter State debt in gold. off Roisk. This word ia mtid to monn " wooded," hence the term Boise River means wooded river. Masaciiusctts. Thin loya) old Com monwcnllli will pay off licr troops nnd look to Government for remuneration. This is right, nnd worthy of imilntion. Ykkka. The Yrekn Journal says the a wowed vntuc or properly within the cor porate limits of Yrcka will not exceed SJ00.000. Dki'aktkd. J. Onston, Eq., of the law firm of Reed & flnston, left on Mon thly Inst, for San Francisco. A pleasant trip and quick return. Company " I) " We learn from a relln hlo source, that company "P" Captain Trnnx was paid off on the 128th, receiving two-thirds coin, nnd the rest in green-backs. Plkarant Ciikkk. We knm from Lieutenant Hand, thnt the miners on Plcns ant creek have plenty of water, and nrc taking out tho oro in paying quantities. Wood. Prrronai.. Gustnd Wilunn, Clerk of Josephine County, mndo us a coll this week. No reports tho miners in I hat coun ty as having plenty of water, nnd as doing well. Dkownku. A man by the name of A. (J. Angels, aged .T2 year native of Ver montwas drowned while crossing Scott River on a log, on tho -till instant. body hus been recovered. His 'I'Ki.KouAt'if. We learn from the Port land Vimu that Mr. Strong intended to commence stretching thi wiro from Port land to .Salem on the Dili, and hoped to complete it in three weeks. All right. Indian Murdkk The Mountaineer has information tiat n man, name unknown, was recently murdered by the Yakninu In dians. The settlers in the Yakama valley arc very much alarmed, and unless pro tected will leave. An Iron Storm Tho first time the Queen of I lie West ran the gauntlet of the butteries nt Yicksburg, between two and three hundred heavy guns sent round shot und hissiug shells at her, but nil to no pur pose. " ' " ' ' I ! M Roouk Rivkk. This turbulent stream is only two feet higher than the low water murk of last summer. Probubly there nev er hns been a winter, since tho bcttlement of this valley by the whites, in which a smaller quantity of water lias fullcn than last winter. ' -- ! .1... . Pkrsonal. Lieut. White, of Camp Ra ker, paid us a visit on Thursday last. lie reports the health, of the troops at that point good, and that they aro anxious for nctive service. No finer company of men than that composing Capt. Kelly's com nmntl can be found In any country. Snakb Indians. Quito an expedition has been planned, for execution next sum mer against these murderous land pirates. Seventy transportation wagons and four hundred mules have been purchased for the uwof the. expedition. It is abouttime these rutbjeas layer jef pomm and. children wcte brought to feel the demands of justice WSycsy Iff mfcy jyya Ml Utfia Somk Lkkt. When the news reached us that the rebels had captured the guoVoats Queen of thaiilVest. and. the Jndianola, the conditional .Union jnon iwere-rcadyHo'iguN rendervrthc i conditions, and wemr certain thuMho Union hadigope to.ruio. It wn a heavy stroke nnd n gloomy night for these desponding souls. They had no Inn uungc that indieuted u glimmering, future hope, unless it was thnt foreboding, yet philosophic declaration, full of wisdom and benevolent regret for the stolidity of others, "I told j on so." For the benevolent purpose of relieving the crushing weight of despondency resting upon these patriotic souls, we have given below the names nnd cnlih?r of the iron elnds still above Vieksburg. Cuiro, 16 (runs; Mound City, 1G guns; Pittsburg, 10 guns; St. Louis, 1G guns; Cincinnati, 1G guns ; Curoudalet, 1G guns ; Kenton, 1G guns ; Little Rebel, taken from tho reb els above Memphis, 3 guns ; Chillicnthe, 2 guns ; also the Tuscumbia, tho widowed consort of the exploded Indiunota. There are also n few rnms left the Monarch, Lancaster, Fulton, Lioness, Mingo, SwifTi-r-hind, Hornet and Samson besides a strong mortar fleet. Don't get alarmed ! Cheat Catastroimik ! The news from Josephine County has the scent of paint, varnish and bad whiskey in it. The en chanting book-vendor got on n glorious bender. Dame rumor has it thnt the mys tery which has so long enveloped the desti ny of the fair authoress has been solved, cxposi d, precipitated nnd varnished. We nro authorized to state that the bonk is ready, nnd the subscribers of this town can be supplied by calling upon the au thoress. The last chapter in the nutobi ogrnphy of tho " Queen of the Forest," has been written, nnd it is rich, racy, and re plete with thrilling incidents. Were it not for the barbarism of copy-right we would give it in full. Exeunt oinnes. Waoon Roam. We nrc informed thnt quite n number of enterprising citizens of this valley are resolutely nt work, owning up u wagon road to the Northern gold Gelds by wny of Rogue River. All right! Hopo their labors may be crowned with abundant success. The Rugne River route, in the very nature of the case, must be shor ter tlinn any other proposed route. Like sensible men, they are determined to demon strate its practicability ns a wngon wuy. Let this be done and thero need be enter tained no fenrs of any rival route. Again we say : success to the spirit of public en terprise that seems to bo awakening all around. Fur. John Portkr This recreant Gen. eral, lately trird by nn impartial court-innr-tiul, for disnbedieneo of orders on tho field of battle, found guilty, cashiered and dis missed the service in disgrace, has found his proper place in tho bosom of the Northern Democracy. This is what they nu an by n vigorous prosecution of the war ! Does an expedition fail through the treachery or disobedience of an officer high in command ?t lie administration is re sponsible I Is this officer tried and con victed by an impartial military court? ho is received into the embraces ol the De mocracy, feasted, toasted, loinized by them as a martyr! Out upon such hypocrisy. Quartz Lkads. Rich and entensivc quart, leads have lately been discovered in this county. Excitement is on tiptoe, and dreams of wealth created that would put to blush the talcs in tho Arabian Nights. One of the leads lately discovered is on the land claim of Mr. Swinden, in tho vicinity of Rogue River. It prospects richly. The lead is large nnd well defined, and gold is visible in much of the quartz. The coun try is claimed for quite a distance around. Another lend said to bo very valuable has been discovered, in the same vicinity, by Messrs. Ish and Plymales. A large num ber of persons aro prospecting for quartz in tho mountains. UitinoF.s. There are now two substan tial bridges across Rogue River. One near Evansville, the other near Mr. White's. The upper bridge is owned by Chavener & Co., the lower one by White & Co, Mr. Chuvener'a bridge was built first, and he claims priority of right and exclusive privilege! under the charter of the " Rogue River Bridge Co." This is disputed by White & Co, and, as a natu ral consequence, the tbiog'bai Jwaohung up to dry io Chancery. Stratkoy by Volunteers. It has been generully noticed by our citizens that the soldiers of Co. C, at Camp Raker, arc re markably quiet, well-behaved men.) The best of fccliapl exists between them innd our citizens; This is thdftnore remnrkabloi from the fuct that, for sixteen months' ser vice, they have not, as yet, received tony pay. True, they ure comfortably quartered at Cnmp Raker, nnd the inner nnd outer man welt provided for ; but the lack of money necessarily deprives them of many little articles they desire. Their greatest punishment, however, is in being nimble nt till times to have within "support ing distance " n " longitudinal chunk of the pure Virginia weed " the staple luxury of the American soldier, suitor and citizen. It is said that n sailor will sell his lust shirt for a chew of tobacco, nnd it not surprising that a soldier should bnrtcr his boots for a whole pound of the coveted urticle. Not long since, n soldier of Co. C struck u trade with Gcrmun in Phccnix, exchang ing his boots for a pound of tobneco. This Germun is proprietor of a gingerbread bakery and nlso trades in tobacco, whisky, lager, etc. The soldier returned to camp, indifferent to the consequences of appearing on drill the next morning without his boots, ns he rolled a sweet morsel of tho luscious luxury under his tongue. His companions were apprised of his luck by n generous division of the tobacco. As the tohucco went round, n mischievous genius proposed a plan for reirainini: possession of the boots nnd having a good time generally. The plan wus ngreed to and carried out' in following manner : After tattoo, nt night, n corporal's guard of the men went to Pluonix, and posted themselves near the bakery. Ono of the party then went into the house, represented to the German that he was going to desert, and wanted to sell his overcoat. After some bartering, the German agreed to give him a can of whis ky and a five dollar greenback for the coat. Tho trudo being made, nnd the woman of the house kindly furnishing him with eutnbles to sustain him on his lonely way, he sturted for the door, his appearance in front of which, in his shirt-sleeves, wus the signal for t lie self-constituted guard to ar rest him, which they quickly did, nnd rush ing into the house, demanded the cout. The thoroughly uhirmed lugcr-beerinn has tened to hand over not only the ennt but the boots also. He protested that he had not bought the articles ; thnt the soldier had just Itjt tlitm there; and to conciliate the guard, he liberally treated all to whis ky, lager, gingerbread, etc. Of course, as tho German had not bought anything, it would not do for tho soldier to criminate him by returning the whisky and green hack. After refreshing themselves nt the the expense of the libeinl baker, tho party returned to camp, gloriously, drunk, and singing a patriotic song. The guard was culled out, and tho whole party lodged in theguurd-houso until morning, when Cnpt. Kelly, after hearing the fuels, released them, evidently satisfied that such a trick could not be played twlco in the same com munity. Conoukjs. This body, we should jndgo from the proceeding published, hns gruntul the President all the power ho wanted. Among the acts passed, was one author izing the President to graut letters of marque. We believe they will bo more terrible in the defense of tho blockade than any other means that could be adopted. Unloose tho dogs of wnr, wo Fay, and let them devour the illicit commerce curried on between tho rebel ports and English vessels. Contradictory. The telegraphic .dis patch, of Wednesday night, says that the decision of the Supreme Court of the U. S., lately given in the New Almaden mine case, was against of the Government ; the dispath of Thursday night says the decis ion was in favor the Government. Under these circumstances, we suppressed both dispatches. The case involves about SGO,000,000. The mines in dispute. aro quicksilver mines. . .... .1.- m i .- Suicide. A correspondent of the Ore gonian, from Marion County, says that a son of Mr. II. Morton, about fourteen years old, residing near Belpassi, in said county, went from his fathers' bouse to cut wood, on the first of this month, and not returning at night, search was made, and be was found deadn-haviog bung himself with a.raW'kktottriag, j In, Five of the Erricson batteries arc noaswmb!cd in the vicinity of Chorlcston thelMlimritak, Passaic, We llawkin.iNhhaht, nndi Panpsco. These havo been1 jojned ibefdrrthis time by the Sungnmoti'und'-ICiiiituvkeh They nrortthe embasadors of pence sent to concilliatc the rebellious South Carolinians, nnd to vindi cate the honor of Sumpter's insulted flag. May they nccomplii-h their mission speed ily and well. Ki;rkka. Johnson k Co., mining on nn the right hand fork of Jackson creek, on Wednesday Inst, found nestled in the bed rock, on their claim, a golden slug, weighing nine ounces. Had this been found in the northern diggings, how much do yon suppose it would have weighed? Perhaps the Oregoman enn tell it is very shrewd on weighty mutters 1 Tiir Oregon Statesman. This some what noted weekly hns entered upon its thirteenth volume. Mr. Rush has retired from tho editorial department without a valedictory ; n fact significant. Wo pre sume that he is still " llinr or thnrnbouts." In this, however, wo may be mistnken. C. P. Crandall succeeds him ns editor. Crandull & Wuite are publishers. We should ndmiro he Statesman more than we do if its Unionism was a little more abso lute and unconditional. Oregon City. The census lately tnken of this town shows a population of 5G8; 203 males and 2GG females. Religious. The Rev. P. M. Star, will preach at the M. E. Church, to-morrow, at the usual hour. NEW TO-DAY. TIIK CIRCUIT COURT of the 1 s State of Oregon for tho County of Jncki-nn. Kmery K. fioro, AilmV of tho Kstato of Until Ann Jones r. Davis Krnnx. AdmV of the I'Muli! or. Toll n K. .Tomy. ami others. Wiikiikah. In tho Circuit Court of tho Statu of Oregon for tho County of Jackson, Hid complainant in this cause tins tiled hit bill ill equity praying that an account lie tnken of nil the personal properly, money and cflVcts of the said John K. Jones, thnt have come to the hands of tho said Davis Kvans. mid tho necessary expenses of Admin- lulonfinll . .tll.l llmt I... It.l.ll .l...i.A St. u.llil piiimiiiii hum mil. im i iiiiiii .i.'ui v ri rum court the said Davis Kvnns, Geo. K. Ilrigjis, and Hid heirs nnd distributees of Martin Angel, deccat-ed, be compelled by n decree of said Court to pay tho amount found to lie due from said Administrator, Davis Kvnns, to hnld estate of John K. Jones, with interest on tho same : and tho snld com plainant having also tiled nn nflidavlt. set tins forth that thu defendant, Davis Kvnns, Administrator aforesaid, is a non-resident of tills .Stale, nnd that ho Is interested in this suit. Therefore, In tho namo of the people of thu Stale of Oregon, you tho said Davis Kvnns, nro hereby nodded to tie and nppear in the said Court, on tho 8th day of June. A. D. lSiili, and answer tho said bill, or thu sumo will lie taken for confessed, and tho lirnver thereof granted by tho Court. mliHi-8'l WM. HOFFMAN, Clerk. II. F. Powell. Solicitor for Comp't Fs TIIK CIRCUIT COURT OF TIIK State of Oregon for the County of Jackson Di.ackman, Howard Si Cn. vt. A.J. Hixcklr. Dill III Chancery to Forvcloau Mortgage. Whcreax, in the Circuit Court of thu Statu of Oregon tor the County of Jnckon. thu complainants' in this cause hnvu tiled their Mil in equity to forcclosu n certain mortgage set forth therein, upon thu follow ing described tract of land, to-wit : a cer tain land claim or Itaneh situated nn Ap plugato Creek, in Jnckson County, about two and one-half miles distant from Wells' Sawmill, In Township thirty-nino. south range :t west, being n hair section of land, to gether with thu dwelling house, out build ings, fences, nnd nil other improvement on said land claim ; and, tho said complain nuts having tiled an nflldavit, thowing thnt the said defendant is a non-resident of this Statu Therefore, in thu naino of the people of tho State of Oregon, you, tho said A.J. lllnklu aro notified to be and nppear In snld Court, on tho 8th day ot June, A. D. 18fi!(. and answer complainants' bill, or tho samo will bo taken for confessed und tho prayer thereof will be granted by tho Court. Ity order of thu Court, mh I lw8 WM. HOFFMAN, Clerk. Kkkii it Gaston, Sol'rs for Compl'ts. i). w.M. doutiiitt. jamkh d. kay. DOUTHITT fc FAY, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT XjJaWtr, AND SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, Jacksonville Oregon, Will practice in the Supremo and other Courts of this State. March 4. ':i. NO'l'IOK.-nThe stock-holders or Rock Point Bridge Co. are hereby notified to meet at their bridge, at Hock Point on tho (Hli day of April, 1803, for tho purpose of electing Directors, as required by tho In corporation act dated October 14, 1862. J. D. WHITE. march 4w DANIEL FISHER. JUSTICES' BLANKS for sale at THIS OFFICE. mmm & wade, JACKSONVILLE, X7irixol8anavlo efts Xlot All -DEALERS in- DRY GOODS, CLOTI-IHSTGK BOOTS & SHOES, FA3SFCY GOODS, BATS -A.1NTID O.A.3P&I, GROCERIES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, Tobacco & Segars, PRODUCE, HARDWARE. ULASSWARK. QUKKNSWARK. WOODKXWARK, MINERS' TOOLS, A of which will be sold nt low prices, for CASH, or desirable PRODUCK. ALL DESCRIPTIONS OP SUMMER GOODS AT RKDUCKD RATES, To make room for FA1.1, STOCKS. .rrrrn'iT A Choice Selection of tho J- Ever oHl-rcd in this market, embracing H varieties of Z5 Black, Green & JnpancHc, I In bulk, papers nnd caddies, at : : prices to suit the most purtiuulur. : TTTTTT; JUST RECEIVED, A FRESH INVOICE OF PICKS, PANS, SHOVELS. RURBER ROOTS. HLASTINU POWDER AND FUSE HAY und MANURE FORKS. Agricultural Tool For IBaIo tit Oot t 20 Steel-point PLOWS, complete, of vurioua ; 1(1 cast Plow-points ; '2 setts extra steel Mould-Hoards, Points uud Lund Sided. 2 patent Struw-Cutters ; G largo Iron Kettles, fur furm use. The nbovo will be exchanged fop flour nt tho murket price. RRADHURY & WADE. Jackson villu, Oct. '2'A, 1 8112. .'Mtf PIICENIX HOUSE. BRADBURY & WADE. THE CITIZENS OF IMKEMX AND VICINITY Will find it to their advantage to purchase of us, us wu shall keep on bund a good supply of FANCY AND STAPLE MERCHANDISE!! FOn SAI.R AT JACKSONVILLE PRICES. We will take all descriptions of Produaa ' that can be deposed of without a-leu. HRADBUBY WADKi '. PbomtxiQct.'SOth..'.