Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, February 21, 1863, Image 3

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V7yia.olown.lo fc Xlotrvil
- DKAl.Kllt l. -
Liquors & Tobacco
Hew Goods!
Hew Goods ! !
Hew Goods ! ! !
- axd-
Graad Display
- at
yi' hike plenum) In ntiiinuuciiit; In tin
M public llutt hi- luivv Jim rwelwil it
I ii uer. muic iiii(miW ntiil Utttt ttlttltil
im:.. irrc.
Ilwn nny cter before brought to tlili
intnkcl. Groceries !
Groceries ! !
Groceries ! ! !
YVn; hive jnt otciiul lliu Lett niul larg
1 ! ut Hock of
iaesI I
Wines and Liquors,
r.vjiu oiTi:ui;n jikkk.
e feel confident, will (.'iinriiuttc to us the
eoiitiiinni.co ol the pitron..j;o with which
ourciKtoiiu'.s lime hitherto f.i wired ua ;
nml tlie mliliiinii we h.tve now mudo tn our
lornier Imp of tnnle will, we hojie, Fecure to
ii the lulnuie of the triulluy populnliou ol
tliu tnnii iiml vicinity, to all ol whom we
prointi-e prompt mid pohiu uttention.
l'lciM! cull mid cunvinee ynurselw.
Sachs imos.
, , All corls of murkutublc I'miluce
token in iwclui.ijn- for irooiN.
JucksoQtlllcOct. 'JO, 18C2.
I miiiwiw wi i imn i imrrrmmrw
Scmi-lUcckhi Sentinel.
Local Cojiiiiiiiiilentloiii.
The Wniiiii I toi.it
l'lliliMN. OrHT'lll IMi 10. 1SG.1.
Jlil. Sentinel, Sn . Allow I no HU'iiln In
itc ynnr columni, to nil' r n few rcumik In
"itppnrl of nnr mlvnntni:n ovir nil other
iimiKi'Ih In fimiMtinc niippllitt to the new
iiilii'" :
In tlif flrt plan', from the limit relinblc
Inroriiiiitloil ni' Imve (niul it U .liiitlithx
fully up to tin.1 liipliml Henri1), I lit ilk
tniiris to tliu MiriniH uitnliijr point tiro
follow :
.liiekntiv!llc to .Tnlm I) iv mtne 'J.Ml
I'owdcr Hivir mine.. JUKI
" " " llnW mine .'!'.'
Tli(wu milieu run nil In' rincheil with
hnivlly limliil Iruttii. The iletlnnees from
tin1 IlulliK to iIhw Inciillttw are, wc Imvu
Ik i'ii Iiiforrui il. nn fotln :
Pulled to. Inn ).iy mliict 17fi
" " I'mulcr" Kiwr initiei '.'J.r
" " lliiiu mine.' 'J7ft
Xntv tnkt' into I'liti'lileriitiini llio 1 i
tnncc produce litis to jn lomteh llio ll.illi.
nnil tin1 freijiht, irtiiiti niul oilier I'lmrsif i
nml. further, cnnild.'r lliHl Howe jromld to
reiich tin- Jnliii Itiiv inline liiiw to lie
ickn1 on mule, nnil wm will remllly per
ceive tluit we of llil willey I mil1 n decided
nilvmiliiGC oxer tin lliiHe. or mry other
point of utiipiittiii : nnd, flintier, If nny
out) will trouble lilniM'lf to look on tlie
nuip of Orinn, In1 will find I lut t iiMriiliilit
line ilriiwu from the Ihtlh to the llni-e
inhitw will fully lipml one frnni .Indium
vlllo to tin' wiine point. Ailiiiilllut! tin'
il fe-rewp tin- liuiiri'H kIv.i In fiixitr of the
lkillen. tin- topnjrrnpliy of tin" ronntry for
l'oihI rmiiU will still five u tlw nilvniitii'i'.
Tlie rltin.'iw of ,SUkinii .county. Cnl..
nre movlnsr In the mwltiT. fur the purpose
of turnine tin) i inltfnillnii that pa up
from tliu Iiivmt cimiitry, from tluit point
over the rtinio ronli'. It iiinnot he pi-!l-lile
Hint Ini'kiMin eonnty, nilli her hiru'e
mirpliiK, will lie lieliiinl iiIimiji". nnil not liy
lollnil nn onllvl for Iht unrpliiii proilnut
I lint ulll not rnmnmiitl u reinnm'nitlve
price nt homo. I.t't mi wnl.e up Inmi thin
ltip Vnn Winkle t-lwp. mill nut nn lieconifH
nn eiwrni'ile npli' In iIiIk niTiwnry eiitci
iri, mill the 'iitit line nml cry llml lm
liwn ilium il Into our cHrolorhii inmiy yiiirn
lmt, " vim Iuimi prmlniMl loo much, there
iii no nmrkut," will lie umongiit the utoulvle
Xow, nn rejfiinN the liMt plnn to piinoic
in nitiklntf the llrnt tiip oier the route, I
will merely mtfj:et nn hh-ii of my own.
liucli leiini i-li.ill hine two hiiiiilji.il pick,
flioiel, elioipiii; tt.v iiimI u leu h(iI;im nnil
crow.lnirf. 'I'luw enn lie wild in tlit tniui t
nt n profit when they nrrlve there. I't tlo
exlr.i linmlii Htnrt from cninp envh moriilnj;
iilieml of the trniii. for the purpoM) of ii'inov
ini; olKtmulioiMi from tin) ro.ul, niul liulhl
In;: wny iicroni pniehc. y ilmt memiK
the trniii onn pun nlonu' nt the iiioml rule
of IriiM'lini;. nml no time lie ht. Once pnsi
Cil over, tlie nwil U n IImhI l.iut. The o.
Iru hiiml of niuh liiitn win ha muile up of
the.' ilerlrii'K to co to the tniiim for the
purporc of leiiniiniiijr, nml for thulr survlws
the teoiiH ihiii Imiil tliuir blunkuW, tool
nml provwion fur the trip.
A timely uuiioii U i-rreiitinl to wvnw,
I wmilil propose to nil inlenteil In tlilt
inattir to meet, fiiy on the 'JSiIi inotnnt, nt
JncKsonvlllo or riiiuulx. Any one inter
wtctl cm iiiiike the point nt nn curly hour,
wy li-ii o'ulock, for the purple of wttlinj;
upon the plan of oiwriUinn. .Mn.t.mi.
Wont llM lllRlll-Tllll.ll CO CltOWlllK.
J.l(-k-HiXll-I.K. I'uli. 19. 18113.
.)-, 1'aUIot . ToUieoo h.u Iimii rioom
menilid n nn nnllilote to riutl.iK mid rot
tin. I Uilieto llmt tliu niUliii? of tlinep
will jwy Infinitely lutttur. Say tiu'tity-lltc
ewit oo.t $10(1. The increni) ow-ryjear
will bu worth h.iir Ihe original cot. The
fleeco will Ihj good jmy for til! cum nnd o.
l.no of kuupliiK' Su' oiiB-lmlflho fnuner
In Soiitlieiu Oimjioii would Iiitunt the mmll
Hiuiitboteiiiumd in henllhy joung eiu.
Willi ii good Riailo of woul ; It will not ro
iiulio two je.u lor tlielr hwp torolmhurto
thoui the whole mnoiint or theorlKlunlcoiit.
TIiIh will, Inn ehort time, tMtnbllili n per
iiLiiiout UU lor in.tiiiiliioluiliis ettuUIh-mi'iiti-.
Jitet nn toon us thU titlley can turn
out ten tliuiiMtml lleiciut' gootl woul.Jmt
to toon will iiitiuiilacluriii lie eBt.iblUhcd.
Ileini tuber we liui-t pioduco the law unite
rial befoio cipltalli-ts will fiel wnriuutid
in makliiK tho lutealnieiit. ThU ulnle ol
things tlioiouulily nccoiuiilWiid.theie will
be no difficulty In Betting rational, cconom-
Icnl men to tnko hold or llili" fjrrat enter-
prlw nt once, nml put it throm;!. In iloul.Ie-
ipilck time. The fliipemliioiw uur Hint 1
now lieln iij:i'il liy the fini eminent. Tor
Hit MippreHmi of the hue holder' reM
Hon. I rnplilly enliniicIiiK the ii'lce of nil
klnil of woolen filiHr. Xo one enn tell
nlmi n il ij- nny hrliij: lorlh. Tlie chlllwil
w in hi limy. Tor niitdit we lauiu . Ih- iiijpigt il
In n (teiienil wnr In le llntii n yenr. Hence i
the cri'Ht meewlty ol moiliig In lhl mnt-1
ter nt once. KvHiuv.
Wliro nml Wlme lit ?Iul.
Ju'K-miWII.u:, IVIi. ill, I PlW.
Jlr. tilHor- rcpiul the time mid
pluue for holillii); n tnwlliiK to tnke Into
coiiklilerHtinu the npctiinir of n Mneon roml
to the nortlierii inliic. rim-nlv will lie tlie
iiiokI centinl iNilut. 'nrmiTM!iiu e'liiie frnin
tliu lippil end of the ti11p.v nml lelliru tlie
mini' diiy, while the ultlr.eim of ililn purl f
the inlley onu do the Hiino. wit limit Incur
rlnit nny epen-o. In in. Jmlttinent. the 1ft
Sntiiriliiy In .Mnrch. nt one o'clock, will lie
etirh cnmiiili to mtt'l nnd nrwinlro. livery
pulilloplillwl nmn. nml nil llmt hnte ihe
vimil ol Iheei irv nl heiirt tliouM iilieml
nml lvellilM'iit.ri.rl' their iiihIU Id. i1mih
,, , , .,, ., .
p nt. never llyhiiiiK up until lliln jfrwtt en-,
lefprUe l pmetlenlly iwrrinl out. If we
me unlit d nml nil pot our MnmMerx
to Ihe ulirn I. himvm will crown our HDirln.
,rl hih Mil one out of I lie inn in who me
ihipl) InU'ivli il In tlii inUTpriw. I will
uheerlully Milmilt to ny time mid plirav.
ti.i.kiiiui'iikhto yhhi.i iiiu Tilt: mkxtinni.
Xew York. rli. ltlA iNiiiil AYhiiIi
inutou diiihiii'h hH)i( tliul (fiiHfnl SlnvkN
1 1 it lie n uttl.Tiil to tliu lli'iKirlineiit ol the
The plrule AlnliMinn mlkd from Klin;
ton on the iiijrhl of Imiimry 'J.'ilh.
Advitis Irom Xew Oriemw Mnltt tlwt
the hteniuvr Severn, from Key Wwt Tor
Xew DrletilH. Iwn lievli hwt, uilll K'Vtlltwll
ol her I'lew nml pwi'ii(;erii.
The l"iiii'iiirreKimlentMviinf npprn-1
tloii-msir Viikil.urir. tluit ic n'oortid llmt I
-.... . . . ' . I
.Mi-Art uir'8 IIiumoii in lwiiiif lirnvtil tip I"1
hike l-rovideiiee. lieu- It npp,, in.
the MiniiiHiippi In not fur nnmviil liotu two
Htreiimi (the rmrti Miumn nml Uirni-)
Joint il to l lie jHireiit nt renin, wiiieli run lof
pi I I III If IHI lilt PtllTIIHt tl'I II IMI HI
liimiwly ihiwn ...ml thry iniel. IM It.w.
it in ii.ini.il i..i.iiv. ni. it tiv v.....
out, in turn iii. .nml. of tint H.er into u
I. . .1 ' l ii.i.. .. ..i. .. I1..1 . ..1 i..
II IK'W I'llllllliel 4 10 llllIKe It IIMVIITHOH'.
lli.M Uviiik Viok-liurtr mie hiiiHlr.il link
to the eu-lwiiril. hlnmhl thw Micceed. we
mlKliH.Ktit to nee hull' or our unity ml
vii..euif in ii II-el ol lrulwiKi.U to iuwU(
HmikHut Tort iiutiikin.
. ,. ,, ... .
A Key W tyt totter itive iHtrtieuUrn w
the uIiiim' or Ihu ilmw of llw the pintle,
l'lnritlu liy Ihe Soiihiihi, hi tlie lUlmum
Hunk. Snuioileru.iKfineiit ol'llieSouoiiinV!
in it'liinvry liitirftMul it. (utor ol the nW
,,., .. ,, i . t, iinuii mn, tui vM,n,u,t ii-t;-ii iiik iiinil Mill i
I ho hmry Mc U.'lln Ims applied ,,ir .riu.r. le.i.HiiK in l'n. (Iiume).
Tor iiu the mrvue. , i,.. .ry U'4inei. u Imjie mix! ilmlce wlcc-'
A U'unhlnjutnn (.pejlnl wy (jVii. llullcr '" '- 'fn-wU .mhU. Louiiutf ol -
I'.? iiir" '" ou,,rr,"w wi"' "'"'''""''""'ilH'avt'r.s, Ondulus, DouskEns, i
"wn'.l,l.lon, Fel.. Ifi-The Army of1 VASl'V CASSIMKHIW,
the I'iHoiiwo in mid in Ik- Mim-ly wi.oliil Velvet, C&jhmcio and Silk Votings,
w ill, oIi.iI.iiik, uihI Imve ihii Im ii imiil r..r , (J lbu UvVikU , ,w M
some ini.nllie. A '.etit il.i.l ol dlHiiUuie-1 ' i
tlnu fMm in ooiwi ipicnw. linpurtunt
tihuinfi ill conjii'iotioii willi tho Army of
the I'oiiiiuiie linu' iiil-cii nlnoe. 'Hie nfili.
1... I!.... U. ,.!ll. i ,.i,.H... if
IIIPIVI i Jill, .'toil,,, ,,, ,--,., i .-., ,., ... nnr
Monrm.. liMMHirlwIili-.tliiiiiloiikiXiirili
l.'urolliw, where it in rinnorud tlmt (jtu.
Hurimulu U to eoiuuiuml
Xew York, 18lh.
(Jold, 57(o 5ti.
Call torn Iii IVt'iVb.
H.iernineulo, 1'eli. frlh. In the Svmite
loiltiv, ii bill nn Introduced lu.xlnt; Inr-
oijin iiiaiiruuue eoiiiKiiiii two per lint, on
nimiiiulH ol piemlnuH. for llio U'liellt of
ehnritiiblel'iiiidiiof WHrdemirlini'lilii in this
L-. .. . 1 .... .1... 1 1.... ..I 1.111
iiilroilui'id wioi one to uppropriute lite do
lurn pur month e.trn p..niieiiHiiiiii to Cu
ilorniu oltintmd in the U. . ten lee.
Stiii FruncUco, l'b 17. The American
idiii Lucky Slur wus wreaked oil l'oiuuiun
In Xoteuiber. She whi" tnpHil ol eten
thine bv ihe nuliwi', mid (.'upturn XeUm
nml ile u i re mude eupiiiw. 'I'liey weie
reieuid by ('oiumuilorc 1'ivkof the Jlritith
b.,ui .,..
The ship Hornet, while crossing the bur
thin inorninir. riw it Ecliooimr uil n
nun nine oeuinii, .o i:iis ut inu crew
weie illscoviriil nfter t-liu timk.
GiiNhtMi. ItosKfitAM'. Tito Mnrfrcre
born uorrrtnmlencc of the Ciuciuiiuti
Comma ciul litis the fiillitwinj.' :
A wounded rebel olliier, discuwlii,' the
Inie buttle, mid : " Our army tliinks your
(j. nt nil it d d Diilcli fool. He don't
know when he U whipped " CiiriotK how
previiii'iii is mc noiion nun ueiierni iwe-
crniw i n tiemiun. Ho reprcR-uU the
ni.Mli priicrntioii ol the uutite Ainirican
Hosicruns fuinPy,
. .....I ...'". I . .. , in
Out lluuilrctl
Vnlimiwie "Vmw1
Vv Company U(S.'
To Servo Thrco Years, unloss sooner
552.00 Bounty
Will U' iml nfler Ih
or MHWir If i lie w.
urV fen Ice,
I r i nihil.
nlIK Compiny will cotirUl of one Cup
I t it f il. one I'itt nml one Second l.h tileii-
R.'it. one l'lrrl Serf;emit. one (jiinrteimili I
?-ftfuiil, one Uimnnifiir.N i rfft-iiiil. lite
SiTfetlllt. I'lfthl CorHini', two tefUlMern.
two ruiriern or IllnnkMiiltli". one Smliller.
one 'ni(iint'r. nml heienly-elulil prltnte.
Totnl, One Hundred elili-ti'il ini'il.
Includlne iwy for llnrfei.
I'lrcl Sergennl (per inmilli) $!W 0(1
All other SerjjeiiiilH Stl IH
CurporHl' '.Mi nn
I'nrrleiKor lllicki-iuilhn !T (ill
l'lltnlennud lliiRliid So 00
. CNirirnl
In RiMllloii, the men will lie fnniMird
wild clntlilnx, wilHi.ieocii, (iiinrlcri nml
medical iittemlitiiei'. The nllowmice for '
Irlothlii); l llirw iIoIIum hih! Hlly eeiitu ter
' monlli. When mi eiilhlnl iiiaii ilmwh le
Hh I'l" ts "' elolhlng. In-1
will lw Wltlllwl lit (he illlll'ieiiw In III
Tm, ,, , u. ,. priu,... .li. i I
Mnir miieli hil Into Ihe M'rtlee of Hie I'nl-
I'll Mhh-. the pMilnimi'iit ol nwi-cominl-
Mlrtmi omwr w'"' ,K' mml"
Enrolling Cfllco at Jnclaonvillo.
Dull-led men will lw M'lit to On in 1 1 It.ikir.
In mm 1 1 iMrtlee. nt (tnterniiH nt i H'im. to
lie ill llli il nml tnuli nil Inln I lie M'lilre ol
the I'iiIimI Slnlii, when rm nml clullilni;
will In' liirulnliiil tin in.
W l .M HAM), Itwtiltii.(? OUlew.
.Imkiiiullle. .Ihii. 'in. M,:i. jan'iMf
Vnluiilile IHti'li rroni'i'ly!
mm-: rxiiKHsmxri) oiTints r..r j
JL mte lilii vttluulile iiroieriy. ioIuhImI I'J
nnlw Irtuii .luckNintllii , In .liiel.Miiieoiinlt,
lr')piii. on the CrvKHiil Oily rnuil, vounin't
hilt of the lollowliiK :
TWO MIXI.NiS IllT(.'lli:S-lhi'OiK
oil the Milllll riile of Appli'KHte CH'ik Iri
bImiiiI nine iiiilen lonv, nml the one on the
mirth hIhiiiI rix in.hf Ioiik. iitcli CMtwIile of
ooiiiitinliift from twi-lte lo lllim-n liundiiir
I'M"1 " ",l1""; ' dlichw tim In rom-,
till. I. f.Milli nil. I ux.. . Iiiul. .1 li. .. ..I..t....
',,,,, . -..,.,. , , , ,K ,
-jjta IjgH.p nml whlh I- .. .
l)Vi:i.l.lX(! IIOL'SK, Ac-TIhto In
iiImih uomlortMlile two-lory ilwellllic-linil-e.
I. Ill til I i . m
" V.1.'?,"" " ""T " lH?!!:
""" "-. i-M,.T n,m w,
HW,'u.ieiiieiil iMillMillilllia.. 'I her I. H-l -,
ntl w.twi l land mljoiitliie. wiltuhle lor u !
i,1 or iliietm.l.
rMt , (,H,r,lln,v w.I.Imii to I met
H,h ( ,,.1 H loii.tiirlnMe Iii.mh'.KwI h.hI
tm,v mmiev,ni.li'pri.pil.4ir will m-II iiy
ivaHinalili' nml luak. the l.rin. t-n-i.
i'oi Mrti.ii'iiui.i to .ihuihI.iIko..i.
on the iH.'HtliK.-. to to .I.ih T. (ti.tw.iu
ii -.... m.. iuiii.ii w inti'im
JckMi.illi'. .l.in III. m;! JaiiSlnii
, T JK Im-jj to li.loriu our IriemU mid tie
I U uilllo III (lenerul. llmt wt liuteuu
i iiriiliurr iliiMiii., lillliiinl llotlis
- ami -
i ,. .. .11. a ,n . .
1,,,,,',?r. ",h"V" -'" !.'
Oti(i Cl) uuct 1!J1 Muukomii'I m.,
Sun ! ruuciMXJ.
18 rue Nettie .St. ldintnulie, I'niln (I'rwtee).
-CiMintiy order- ice. Iv..l nnd .inpi -
ly hIU-ihIhI to, uiwl lu oidiri lor mII p4iu
of KiiiqM'. ib-ci:iiii.t
-. ,, ,
iUU IbfJ. SweCt J3 Utter,
In June U-t.
Hettt'r tluiii any liutlcr now
Jimt receiwd mn for Mile bv
UVA.V, iOlK.AiV . CO.
Imii 'Jh 1m.:
Vl)Mlll, ltmilir ukVt , ,.v,,H,,Ke for
j;ooi. nil dieriptinw of produce that we
cun liml u market lor, ut the Ingheit inur-
mjI rillw.
.Tun. 28. 18C3.
Jiuttcr! Jtuttci'!!
"IL'ST lecelwd 1,500 hiiiuU of Oha.mh:
i C'otvrr Ut iTi.ii ol Ht. 'nt impoiiutiou
i ui the Intliiuun. It U tin ulrii iiiiuU )r
1 1 til il tnttt nml Ui'l JMtlhJ III p-lkllKHOl
luo poiiiiiIm; wluih will k. iji unjwliiie
mill . Mini I uip to flu. iri uli e limllrui if
tlrr ,, Jnetli buttu i
i; 0 hFS.-'IONS.
W itli Jtra.lburj & Wade.
i Jacksonville, Not. 5th, IbOJ.
-..,-.,-. - ..... ft.. ,.v...v.. v.
Dissolution Notice.
L Uiii iI.kh)Ivii1, livimiiiiiil enii.iiii il, t
d..y. I' .1 IIYAN,
liickMinvllle. dun. H, lMIII.
Copartnership Notice.
fplIK ntnlerleiwl Imve thin dny nei i
1 ntiil tlHm.i'hm toj-ethor, (or the pnr
Kie of ivtmliictloi; n ccihtiiI inrrcliiiiidKi'
iiuilM"i, in ,lnekinilli'. Om;iio.iiii'lirtli
llrniomnuundlleorHVAN. MOIItiAN
A-CD. 1'.. I. RYAN.
.Inckwnvllle, .Inn. S, ieti'..
r. j. in v i:. s. MoMiitv . i:nw mn niMir.
, j ' ; Vj'', '' ! j J J !
x ' ' ",',,1f
Fino Jap an aim other
Paints, Oils and (ilass,
Crockery &. Glassware,
Ami other Oooils hiillcil (o
(lit; wnutHoi llit l'uhllc
OUT We UII aim to keep tip n full -fcj
OtTMitl conipUste i-toek lAfitJi U
Off nml dturubtt (t'oui$, ut 'iga
lOT all MWMM of llw -jil
X0rar,uiMl weii
DtfiMn ciiuSili'iitly iay-imi
JW to our old friewU nml (
HMr tli public, tlwt no intond -j
OUT to nwke It to thuir inUrctt to ii
W deal with ut.-fti
riiv, muu & co.
Juck3onvli:e, Jan. 8, leC3 juul It.'