Mi r.1 I If Jii !i : Scmi-iUcckln Sentinel. I). .1 Willi. IMImr. ciiii-. : to .1 M'KKIVVK.t.I'.. (lltl'.(ll)V. SlTI'RDtV EMM. FEBIU'WV lW. Illimvt Ilif fniuhfi. Vrwir to ! hi mlnlaiil Itfi'orp Ivlrj; rmil. WV will mik It nil rlfht mi W.dnmlay. Arrflnx Union HU will. lhl treninir. wll n lot of grftpml mtrclntmW. t.M diutlM m lkA l.Aal rVH WjILIIhM WJ. "7'lTIIK Km't . i'-'!Wl, I .' Mill I'.l.iS I 'i ' "lf ." llll V. ll'.l.l I lIIMP : .111.1 ' - II fill',' Pi ' . labor U too wny cine honor. 'IVy Jam 'rxiKHKiii. 'I'hlii (ptitlrnwti. wl! are tlpffMtt brtiewr In thr .lbilnff joalh known nil nw Uffnn. w. on Iho Qflth ' tn rfostna. tlmt ntnltiil oLht Id own In nf Jantwrr. tho tmrt of ttlntm .lnroM. hor. ami that nnivrml offriiw U an mi- iha frtihrr f the itlitor cf tbii wrr, nt SlWfit. Miebknn. Xjw ! Orrtru A l't Offlfhtn hum rttnblihni at the iMninwll. tm lor Uirrr. In tlifi cmtnty. uml Mr. NVw. imn I'lthrr ha bwn itppoinlol l'oiiMirr. tlifci i hut n ct nf jntlcr tn th iAph in that hiMlity. It will h the Ihlnl tn point of tmnlnri In thin county. 'i,M.iii.f.it.'.i l.-rJ Hirwon of the Mlrhigiin llth.WM t.ken , eowwn.m to tmltor. hI.p himU mm IwhMNerhy thcrthrlf.onlhal.lihnf .Tan- w!1"' w,,h Iw'wnnl Wo.h. nml tpnui twry. itrlpH nf all bin clothing nihI raH n'w Kna'on.1. Ihr horn of whow patriot tWe rrpt hi ihlrt ami pw. nwl thru . w " VMr ii-wW ' ' ' " !i4eMI. ,l,henolorwiionrfhoglchiMtt,"w,l''n"(!,,lf,rfMMic"- ''''"" InthrSlHtw. A more chlralron. anU jtal-, mw'er" '""!' Ilnw iliir.rml I thi- hrft fellow imrer livl. V ImmImwIII riwr from Ihr pare .laektoitlaH article. If lH.t btllrr lock herraiier Ibtwteieil nUiipnMleor ll.morniry M - - - - am M. peaerfl.1 toml,. ih, lH.l.nl IIoad 'I'Huoion tiw Oanton. The faulty C.wimiioaen of Jtomdan eoonir Itaet wlrem! 6ir propoMbi lo teste, tor I Oflnin Lltvlh nt Km. Ihn rn.1 ikMMvh i - -..,.. .-,. ......, liw LVnyon. permit tinr the IrMft to eo lt lolU, in eoiwhleralioti of keeping the ?oml In repair. Th Idea U a good .me. , w li .iu. .i. m..i ,. i .. ' .he. ire... In tn elty of .1 aekHMtville m. ! (hHlbtr ternu. VI, ih th. .,i.. 1 , KRtr A c.rre.rtidiiit wrlten to uf oftlwemmy. letl dntwinjr lliem from ad- aiaier thw raptivatir( catnomen, ami mg- viiiitatf.aM ioilioM. Wlwtber it w enti- ethtlr wtiietiretheMiaUIMimentofititHlioMtl'ir not f.H- them In Ihtadi the u.i.u.. n. r 1 u ..i m .1 . . .-... 1 .Ki ... nwMieiim.nniacloryin.S.ailbefnOrw.m. citlvalry taay h a little doubtful. We wo nwl 8r natre eaplialbti I hut there have mt coti.ult..l i!kj Uiok im that jwiiit I plenty of I be raw material produced to warrant the enlerprlne. Well ail for - Kn- ertiy." Uren at the preeent price of wool after full argument. iklar Dm uet uucwi-iin-l million, there ran be 00 belter Inretl- itltutinoat, we f4iall airrw. inentoftheMim of I(MI 1U111 that fg. - - - ""..- " -., . , ! ire.ie.lbymi,c..rrefpafct. Wckmel..' ' " ' c publUI. In Ibb lte imt from Kiienry amin upon. H.U object. 1 ,Wf '"'il ',J' "f " .-. ' I Wajf.Mi Ituwl tn the northern gold Ik'UU, , lxnux A.jKf!V at Kumatii I.ikm. 'nw from a miller I be oilier fmm a farmer. 1 I lieie la a bill before l.'onitrep mrlhees- tahluhiHeat of 11 HillilHrv.MMi It. ilu. K l.i.ii. : . -..... ft ... ,rn ,,nwf- uv ,,f JV nirv IIIWW ' fllll lll'K. Uf v.. ...., , in , 1 tr , ll.'t1Vt ift., 1, 1 . Mlh I.tko country, and providing, ntao. for! hope to li liiU mailer fullv ilbeuaeil. ' uml h"""1" it right Into imp!' When ror La"1 "'"J Ml. Mallrbiii iuf.irmt u that there k Ukwir votir ream. Ibi brkf ami Hi the u,l. . i,-. J,i ... .1..1., ... " ...'.... W I every proiMWIity or lUeurlypawigr. Ifit'pot. Farmer uggeU I'laHjuiv u the mi. thi will become u ilrji cltm airenev. iH.Ht fur m.tli t.. wnwilt mun tU. uud will neciitute the appoiniment of an agent, a ho underataml it. lo reuk in that MiHiilry. W hope thi bill will lie puihct! lhrMh nt aH rl .Uv l.v u, ,UU..,.il " ' ' ' "' "-'"""; Wo long Tor the time to eomo when wucan Mfcly Imtel tueniy nt'lr beyutul llajauit. ern Itoundarr of thi alky. 1 Dixit at IaT The Hon. J. U. Me Ilrhie. in 11 letter to im, dntl Wndiitiglon City, .Inn. li.t., Hate that the tmiil route from Waldo tn (Jretceut Cily luii ln let In ttiiom be .1-w not snv. It i attmi- tkw tlmt Ihi matter wm iMfriniltH. by . g , ' our Cingreiiomil delegntion lo ret hi lig u it hat. ('r.-wint City In the onlv comiiMreiul wint fur Hiuihern Oregon mul qniig u Kirl wn of .Vorthern Uullfurniu. II..II I l.n.... ....!... .,... Ilall a million dollurs world ol good are! fliiiM.I annu.illy In that point, for the iw of ihe Kople of Knuiherii Oregon and Xnrlliern Culir.irniu. Tli.it the nu.il com in inic.H inn In lli.it point shouM be broken nt the font of fio (Vi-cnt Cltvini.iinliini wm an net nf the mntt pjlp.iblo injustice to iliu people lalvivsUU la the ejinc. ' At WoNK--The YalaiHlighatn patriot 1'atnuk IIknnv. I'M Mi-tling itiiilclo nre nt work jut now In u tmnrtiublc ef- .ipienl wirnt. nl ri'n!iitiomir mminry, ut (oit to create dimitbtaclion in the Inyul lend the follow ;mr UnfptHijie iunpeich North. Tln-ir imttli k tn "divide nnd delivered In the Vtrsrinln CnnvMitlmi on PM-qiiw"' They know full well tin- wie- the adoption id (Ihs CiiD-tllutimi. It clearly rlnr mlllliiry ri.-tNicff ol Ik- Stair Mill ihnws what III cre rdatiU' In the itinclml in I he Ciiioti and the (VmkIIIii non. Without a bluntly ibvcrlnn. Hie up pr.-4.lmi u( tin iinhall.mid revolt aguteU tlicpniirpV..fcriliintiiiiinli,.Mrermii'-ni. I. I, It K qiMHtiot. Of titn.-. With Nil lt ', . i i. r.i r . i.l,.,,ler.llwwperlwtnihtorihe(.nvrn. iwiit mint prevail. Tltey know nwl feel it nii.l licnec their lwiin.ilile activity ami n.r.'v. N-w Knghnd, the kiml nf the ..,.'-. .-I .k- ...ill.. f An-rlr,... 111,. ('. U'lll.'". ,, .... .iwi ......-- V ... I- .1 1 .1.. ..... ... nl llu. i riv .(- l-.niruirai. hit ira.-n,i " - uri. nrol the home f tehnwr h purlieu- Urlv ihe obh-ct of thetr valgur kite. "Uf cwimctton. wt.n .xw nnffwn.1 w,i w. I. 11 watehrrl of th-n. rH, HrlnM. WMtrt' gw l lo Iw nlnenl li-yoiwl IIh mntorilnr teU of thnt eowtilitlion of ... .. .. i i .. ... i .... ' ., .,1, ...M,.u. u.l.lU inlifp. IlwffcUr Aitann.iM irwMiniwr. in l iKWirwi. rncn n ine nne kiuiw l mi ton cowardly for on ami ctlvc f,WM,n.l.oocom,p.for.H.hJv,..nI,.n. -ii r ..i.nM.. .hmii. 'Vim n.p ... .. (.......... m-- - hr lmo ton many ritflii.4 for them: mul millmtni hwmhw. To ch mrn. NVw ICnffhirNl. with hrr tlionMml nchnol-limmn. hrr prmlmrliMi. nntl cnllrKe. anil chnrclw. k h hN ami m litv-wotil. Hrr rirlntioi.. arv rccor.1 k Mmrh In the wmtril nf I. .l.l 11 uu.il. ,ul,.. llm.knr nehm.-h! ) mnrMile jtrlot. limkcr Hill. Coneoril ml I.xinilon lv loot thvir flvnincnnec rwl vlory. ami hare lie- wim- hut Hurtling wlf In I lie phll.-ophic loierly iilacaliil fur nwli.lnty they n.nl . Mnnrnt ..f Vallamlittham k (.'... "" I- rMily..,,.j,l pl,y..cil,n.n.,l,l -' .. , . . , . .levnie iMr timenn.) eix-nce t thl m.iIiV Tlwy won'.l bmIm th wt hnwlllatlnir hnf lion of Wwhiy wonhl iIhwii him an nn AbollilnnUt. awl cotMign hint tn un obli- vloaof iufamy. f-'onit C.iaoi.i.sA Nwiitti Uwiikkxt. Tbero are a few l.i.iiai in in thai hnt.bed of IreaHtn. Sat III Cat.ilina, Imt mifnrtunatelr they am a little colon d. lbU "l riwMl " tor" "" wl,Jl llw "! Htt,, ,,w,, '"' i veiwaiw. not oniv retaiiMntc wtierior nire.- aw hence will withliM our opinion for Dm present. If any of Iha rmirU tlaaibl. It bo imii that theydidk HitneHhal .. . ... .l. ......t. 11...., r 1... nv. w jaulijeet. We lecoml the muti.ai. ... ,r , T. , , ,. iililnatmi..laii. Ihlh. In llie Senate. , a","" wmr H"'"?"'" """"'"' ' .. ... - :..... .1.1 I wnlHl. were tn liy .ivuiltli nl Urvgnli. pmy.nir that Captain dnhn .Mullen Iw re-1 Iietil lrm nil repiiwiiiility i-ntieeriiiiig it l"nrl tvriineaiuim w .Mivy wrMriineni, Hlueli lie IihiK I.H- 11 imperly Miri.ituiiig In Kort iletitiHi Wagon the I urt Walla ami Itua.l, which wrlill.-nif hik rtl.l at pillule i.iiei inn at 1-ort Miiiu tv.uiu Aujfii.i tu, I.WIl'1 1. tut !.ltin l.ri.vli... Ii. 1... roItMi.1 ft.iii. all iiouihililv coiiceriimg a draft fur . w. , ..,. .... ,.,....... ................ Juft 'M-,lri,w" ''' l,lm '" MVOr 0" ''!"1-' 1.. .iiiii:.! .... . . ,.i . , Ni...ta lib i.t.iii ;. . . r l 1 .......1. .. .... U.IJ...I,. IW..I.N... VTU... -..i ....i. ...... ..!.. , i il l UiniUIHI IMIIVII line rttii-11 liuiii !- illtltl l,y Jhu .. Cur. AU.SeiMtor II iiding plevenlvil tiai iiwiiiorial ol Ihu widow ol ,,K luU '' "''J'-' I'mynHf lor renin ITIIIU- 1 ""' Colonel I Sir I . wwmT II ! t,,rrH " 1."'"1 ,,,fcr '". .MW" ,,U .:.... ... I . J. 111111 .;.. -... miuni'iil. and in in.iuil.iining hi me ii. eii. All of which ttcro nlericil. Cunttpt "f '""'" Thl, q'ri,7 AX.umo'nn.ri'olitlc.il ognier," for nilo by 1'itilni.i-ler H 1. lluine. I'rice. IIHy cents. Il W iiiMilua hlc to reader of politics. K you cxumiiic lit, you will buy a copy. turner of th' t'fininiiilnl-r.ln-Oli(ff of Hi Atnrrtam unity in ine u ihcnu nl tinuli- ciputi.il! as a nar imn-nie: Atmig iiii il.it-nid ltiiillul power lllll IH V III.IU.! Hhlril they IllliV allllle. they IlirtV. Il . Iie.lltfaif.il l WlirJ)fc.mlc ..v ,.,, or r ,!,.. if t.y p!eae. Let that m-lntulty. winch I Hint will ilUlintfiibh Atnerien.aiiil the new-lty of ii.iti.xi.il 1Mi1.1v. to all ' wi'W. "Iw on ineir ni.nw. in tin t; uiiiiftn irviv ! iii'iinri will Miircli tlwl wvr tiiMlnwlf I In j Initv the litmvr of muinlliiU'i.ili. Anil luive w . they mil. jir ? IIa.- they not the power I"'"1 '"r f '"rl ,,w I"1 w" nirv .iltiv wiry ii.. i mum iiwii. nirw vim ... i ... ... .....I. ii... .... .. ...ii f ,,,,,,,, ,.,1Vrn 1 MltV v , ,,.,. all Hhi Vave. In. hmI'wIII 'tl nut Uf HMriMiilnI hr that hiw? 'IVir ' ." nmhUiiiiHM implcitl.Mi or 1-itiwl IMl lUtMII. IK' pHlwr llltt LHIHIItllllnlll , cr. Hftii.vialtn uihI wiilc.'wrly ami wriainiy twrrciw n. -" ' !"- --- - -"- - ' Iiv 1'iivi i ax. Ax teir.ii.l the in- ....... ',.. :.' . .rmiirv " winur" l.l liiu 1-...I.HI. r.lllirii i. nf Imlhs who lmr xiihr tliruiih h r. tinMlicniiliH'nr mhIilmI Hlnnni.in wiilih.tr. Th nnln nl.-vt nr thU roaill" l the vto In qualify Iheiiuilr. ih innl ml ' nhnn lh- llirk mul nn tin- ul.l ron.l. m witr'i pnirtiiiniH'ry. wliflhor ilvvntinK their tint' j.liva.M luriiir f ! niliiv ann. nml which i Mm' inntrnriion their own nx in tie U lmpitli.. litrliir cfpra! mmith In th. ' if health w.nilil not Inrm an wptallv ' Thin I wnrmniil in iw n pmt nml n-liil tii.il it more apnnipriat.' twofu -h "wetlcal toad, nr no ferrlairo will l than that of n tihwieutn nr nrum. In hnM 1 he roitle Ih-Iiiit imw. the tm uihinitiiir thir ,a. .it Mcil.u, it hranie .if finale winl 'ifmillle lile. I.uli h.hi'iI in- in iMr tiithi .tiii I iNlti..n ; "' WNmlly tlry onnlilhaw m. hitter vn " " '""" """ '" """" inr IIWII IM'. ,to ,,,,,,, ,,HIW whMl lfcllllvil , M n4 HM,,r.llW t ,,, nM.,r w ImiiIiIi ami I hat nl their iffiirinir. Illml work, tl.ey ntiM i-.tifer an in-iiinHl.t.-, Ifie fit mi 'iherhiac sntieriiliiinii, aial merit tlw hftintr xnitil't'ttf of wtieniy. Sir I mm Clark. C!wimi.i. ltonwnxs. A fnrrrtpMHkHt oT llif Sacnimvnlo ;. My i (;MlrtW i:.cnin4-llie tialillinr Cm. eral ..f Ihn 't.t I nit.il forty Ihrn-n.i-. "IhI w Imn; In Drlawart. .ihiiiiv. 01,1... "'?!" ""tf h r,!""' T' lZ i,nc,m. Belthi-r In lie CnihiJic. II w fulher nml trraialiiiilierii lur jfiMTnlii.i. en IVti'vlvania IIiiicIiuhii, m.. hvnl in' Wyoming Vaih'y, ineu tlat iimwivre li Iim) an, iiit'iimrial in hUinry. 'I'li.w facu ' are rvliahle, a I am a relative of l lie (.'en era!, ami wa Ihuii ami lived for y.'im wilhimi mile of hl father' reniiltniv. TIm' trite nrlhn)(rapliy ut hU iwmu l IIiwpcmiw l.nt lUwvkiaiM. Hr.-XKYK. Tiik llnitK Mii.ir.xKV I'.wt TIk1 new ,, , .. M, .1... ..... .... ,. Ml, ..i.-,,,.! will pmlwMy lie hwticil Hime fnriy or I "f'.v inilea up tlw Unt river, nml not near ; ,U;l,", ,r"rl,i il U ,h'm,il, H'l ttlhii will Hiider tla'nt iiwr.!efleuiii IiicIhoI.. 1 m ,,,, ,r.,)lwil,hHM. M ,,w pmnt I h.nmI. water mul straw are nbumUnt, iiimI i not far ..frciii lie had iroml ImiIIiIiiiic timlicr I'Iim will Im almut forty- mile from lite ' pretvnt Hob iiiiiiinif d.sirict, and m-ar tic new emigrant mud which urn th. .Snake a I llrnmilee'' ferry, liehm I lie ne null of I'uuder river I'orlli'tittt Tmtt, VJt'i. I llmxni.-ii 1 1 tit is. IngraliMinn li'nekinle rauiuir at (;iinrl.-t.ii U Himetliiinr lihe the Ml.iw'a bear hunt, My ll.e S.111 Kmncbcoi llnnilil. lie went nut. ww 11 la-nr, II. ul at il ; the Ixnr chaae.1 I1I111 nml lai ran int.. ......... .1. 1... . .. I'. ........ ... 1 wv 1 m vftiiiu. 1 '! Him l"M Soi.niRn l.un is t'ni.v .MajiH- Win. iIini, U.S. r.iuml.r ut Yaneoiivcr, ie. j ceivnl ht ilmu'wr reiHu KIO.IHH), miwt. 1 v '" " f' ton imytneiit of troop in' Oriw.m mul Wa.hliivii.ii 'r..rrli..rv Pn,i. . 7 ... ... . " .-.. .. .... """' i,m'4- ,S"'- .Turn So The Oifgonmn my : When ymt hv 11 uian ii.in very conteinpitioii e.xpreiMiiii iiimmii neuroet, iw leally witet' Ihuii u ihaibt wheliier lai i lielter limn n ner.). or mit. Tlw miiw I true of IIiok'1 who nre caKliintly alrai.l of bviug taken iuf--a 11 .11 aiiomiki Tiik .Iackoiivlllo Sewing Society will '""' ' Tuwd.iy, Kebruarv Ultli. at one n'oloe;, at tlw rnldencc of D.tvid I. roilj. WuN 0. II. I. White, funuirdlng merchant of C! n. .1.... 15 1... ....... "I e,u, ,,ro,,-l,t " 'V ,,,u "' ur ' cut nn Ha.lLii.il. .;! il.liri... 1. .mil .Ml (3IIIKI IV lllll. Ill ITVI. ; ; I Tulllo, then4iroii.iiuer. is a private in the 1 1th ,IiisMthii..tts regiment, uow serving in .Xorlli Carolina, I'liif At Yiiiiiimx Citv-A firn occur- red at VitL'iina Citv fN T. mi Kehnurv lllih. destrnying uboat S30,0"0 worth of .property. tmijLji.uawimujicninOTBULVJBwi wu.JUjuiitui.xuajjiin'.W'JHi!.ii njiimm, MAnmFn. At the ri'tiUi" of IIh' l.rlili-'" mnllier. on the IHH. I-'el.rnirv. 1MM. Iiv lt'. JI. A. Vlllintii. Mr. .l.inv II. Siikh-4 unit Mi i Kt.ixtn-Tlil'intM.iKHsnlliif .lii'-kiui noutity. THp C'iiiiiiI'iih'IiIii nl tin' nlivi mciIiIkI riiiinl.' hiv- lin rTPlvi-.l. .Mn wirlli clm.oit lilnit l-Ihi'ltr. On Hi.. l.'.iMifi In Il.v .. UMI'iim Mr. A n Cn miikiik ami MakV A. II viiitK all of lli.n ennui v. -In .FnpWmivlllx. on Dm I'Hli lnt.. In I'. Hiil'ii. I. 1'.. Mi .(..us Cmm mid Mi. .Militt.i Itm; all nf .Inrk'nii coiinly. XF.WTODAY. Ciirpiiratlon Xiificc. ... ...iii rpjlK AN'STAT. I TriMl.i". n !! r i:i.Kf'TIriN lor Vv n.r Iit. n M.iMml, ntnl a Plnwl ('iiiiuii!l(iii"r fur lln tnwti nf .f.irlv in III'., will U' Ik'IiI at tln Town liwiriN cr nmrn. nil lit nr.i i ii nv. ik-ii nr mi .. . . ... . ." .. .. , . i i jw . jwrcn. iw, -.,., ,.n no.,, v . ffi&fr t ' ' M' ,,y ""lB' r, L". f. IIAYHUV lti,oonlr. .TuchMtn v!1 lo." 'l-Vli. in. IHfl.i.' at ' rpui: ni..l.r.iirm.l lm wml.IWi. u ir,2n2T8.27i"sr tlw N'nrtli t'liitmiin Itlvir ul.otit otwi ,!.. .....w th-...1 ,.,.;.,. ta, ThP iwi i mriti. ii'mi him. ami i hi ohi nm- nine nnl-r TIi.h I'-rrv l Inratnl nn thi. . hoI inrt.1 I.mi.IIhv fnim It.M. Iitirtf It. U'lt. I hw iiir 100 wiw awt ck ammai. , J'. i:. mi.r.. U'llUtr. IVIi.JI.lMX fiii'i TOTlCK-'IV Ai.mwwrv IWUhW. i i Willi Mlvrrliwil til tn Ii.- shvn ut the I". !. Hole'. .iNrlHonvilk, Will l,c p(HlHHIl ii n I II further iHitiec. I.0I7IS IIOUNK. Taetiwnvllle. IVIi. lrtlh. M'.. It Esxnihmtlon of Sotinol Tenoliort , I will 1 In A.hl.iwl on Manli l. ami j JclfiHirHle Marrh "IN. In e.wlno ' Teaoiwrn fw lit (Jomttum Sebonknf thi cniniy. ji. ,, m ii,i.i.jj6. SHt TotH. SchoeJ.. .laelfrtnilll... 'rh. If). M3. rdilTwS M. W. IIVVH. H. II. II.UNW. HAI.NP.K & DAVIS. AUCTION AND COMWI80ION MMIICHANTS, Pit Ol'lci' lltillilinc. llKd'L'I.AU SAM-: DAYS, Wi'itiicHlHy. mul fiatiininjii. C ) N H I (I X M i: N TS 9 O 1. 1 C I T E l .lackHitirllle. I'eb. 11, 1 Ml). fidill augaiis's ! Bargains ! ! Bahgaiivs ! ! ! Ho KlBMSi ' Offer hi entire stock of ' WHITER BEY GOODS, J&M: OQZ0, L.G.DS23' ttToolcn Shawls,. CLUilKS, HOODS, XUlllAS, Fiii(!h Aluriiioa, CaHhiitcrua, Dolainoe, TopUns. Trimmings, Ami nil kindi nf ffp ill A'Y"' W TJ-ffll C? Ji1 - VJCKJ"WJIJU Of whloli 1 have a large stwjk on h.tml. I will nko wtll all othr Ooo.Unt VKUY LOW IMUUKS. I.ADIIJS ANI)7i"KNTM5MH.V nre .. . UUril 11 11 IllVlletl In ,.,.,. ,,,,! ,......,;.. ..... ,tnel-1 n . , IOCKhirurCHirclutIllgclfOttlMtre.Mlcoil. ii ,. .. . nider it nn trouble to show (iowl. Juchiuiivillc, Jju. 10, Wi. junlOlf TM.l STUATKI) l'APHHS - Hmwr' i Weclill. Fimik Iihos. Y.ink.,. v. Hon, etc., rcjjulurly rcceirnl nml for mIo ,ultuy " AUIhl'Y SIOHi:. I .BRADBURY & WADE I JAPIWONVII.I.i:, lit:i.ut.-i is - ; DRY GOODS, CLOTI-IITG, fiSOOTS & SESOES, G.U0CER1ES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, XxLQLtfi.Qr'S, rtjl.. I.. , ,,,..,. A' C!v..i.r. 'tu OUgHI a, PRODUCE, IIAlSIiWAUK. iil.A.NSWAlti:. iil'KKNSWAItK WtiDHKNWAIlK, MINERS1 TOOLS, All nf whk'li will Ih' wihl at Inn price. fur CASII.iikmililu I'ltnlH't'i:. AM. lUttlMUITloN'S tir SUMMER GOODS AT UKIIL'CKD 1SATI..S. Tit nrnVw riKim Pir FA !.L STOCKS. A Chnirf) Sfirciion of iIhj !QSUMVfl rJ2?VSKi r Hver uH'.'rHl in ihla market, tmbntcimr j C MUlrllo. til d Ulack, t.rot'ii .lajmni'st', ! In bulk. tiwn mul (inldi.K. tit .' jHriita In unit tin' miwt partinil.ir. nrriT JUST RECEITED, A FFIC3H INVOICE OF PICKS. CAN'S, Niiuvr.i.'j. Kt'iuti;!' iimo'is. IlI.ASTIMi I'OWIiKU AM i.tsi; HAY ami .MAXL'i:K l-'OUK?,. Agricultural Tools For GJfilo .t Oosat : 20 Sieel-jaiint PLOWS, complete, ul in mil -; Hi eat I'lnw-pniiilii ; 2 ell extra H.vl .Moulil-ll.iaril. I'.iillK nml l.ual Side. ' 2 intent Stmw.l'uticr ! I Ii lurgu Iron Kuttle, lur farm use. TIk- above will be c.chongtil for Hour at tlw market price. I ltltAIMII'UV & WADK. dnokonvll... Oct. 2II, lHt;2. Illtf PHCEXIXIIOL'SE. BRABBD1Y & WADE. TIIK CITIXKNS OF PHUJKIX AM) VICIXITY Will flml It In tholr ndtiiiituge tu pUI'ch.iM. nt u. ax e tliull Keep mi hand a (ju.nl upply ut FANCY AND STAPLE MERCHANDISE!! KOn fiM.F. AT JACKSONVILLE: PHICES. We will take nil ilecriptloiif of l'roducc Ul vu.i UC l)U. i 01 Witlllllll a ion. til , HUADIIl'UY Jc WADC. rhicnix, Oct. auth.