Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, January 28, 1863, Image 3

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"CTTXiolorBnlo tto XlotrviX
Xr3r G-QOC3LS,
pihmdlb mm !
Groceries I
Liquors & Tobacco
Hew Goods!
Hew Goods ! !
Mew Goods ! ! !
Grand Display
p? TV'' 'll'e plenums In nnnnunclng tn the
J.y li public Ihul we have Just lecclvtd n
liirptr. mote fmiiomille uml Letter Hiatal
stuck ol
KTO., i-rro..
than nny over beforo brought lu tills
Groceries !
Groceries ! !
Groceries ! ! !
JK hnve Just opened the Lest and larg
en hock 01
Wines and Liquors,
we feci confident, will guarantee to ua the
continuance or llm patronuge with wliich
our customers have hitherto favored ns;
whI the addition wo huvc now made to our
former line of trade will, wo hope, secure to
us the balance, of the trading population of
this town and vicinity, to ull of whom we
a promise prompt and polite attention.
Please call and convince yourselves.
BACIJS twos.
wr All sorts of marketable Induce
taken In exchange for goods.
Jacksonville, Oct. 20, 18C2
Scmt-iUccIxln Sentinel.
Fiilinniith. Jan. 18. Yesterday eren'nc
tlv rcb-ls ndviineed nbnnt one tlinm-iuil
inHtutry mid ncril'i'e.l the hrfiistwiirh t-p.
in idle ill1" t-'nee, h ch they hnve h-tneon-struciinu
or the init week. A fi rca was
nviviil dm- ii tit emilest their further ml
vunee, hut (hey d.d not nfll-r liutlte.
New Viiik. 19. The Tribune publishes
n letter fnun one of t t enrrespnnilenls
with Ihenrmy of the l'oloinnc, nmioiincitii'
ihnt another fnrtvnril innvement wnnbmit
tn lie ninde. lie nays such particular n
we hnve received of the Intcntlnns nf On.
Ilunis-ile five rennn to bellevu thut hi
army Is across the river.
Washington. ID The (icncrnl In-Chlef
has iuuril order to the several erp emu
ma niters In the field not In rclcne rebel of
ficers nn parole. The ciiii'O of thin order
U that n immhiT of Union nlHoem. now
prisoners nt lliehninnil, are kept in chwc
confinement, and nut allowed In be puroli'd.
The (Invcrnmenl htivlnir failed In tiled
nn iirraiiL'i'ini'iit for the release ol Union
eillr'im imprisoned in Southern jails, mid
the rebel milliorlllcs declining lo recognize
thorn In any system of exchange that him
yet been p'ropo-ied. It In understood llnit
enough known rebel In loyal Stolen tire lo
In) nrreslnl in riirnlidi i-xt-liangr for every
one of the Union men now held m prison
ers In the Smith.
From prisoners, and other potircru of In
formation believed lobe perfectly reliable,
we Inirn that on I lie -111 firJ.iiiuarv.nl
ilavbreak, lrnoMcnmmfUced h-iiviug Frill
eiickshurg to reinfnreo llrngg. Ily the
niornlni: o( the ftlh. eleven liritrmliv,
amounting to about -trt.OOO men. had left.
Those were emnined of Ironpn from Ten
nissec, North Carolina mid (ieorgiu.
Xew York. 19 Oorrespnnih-ncit linn
Ikvii received from Key Went lo January
12lh. The Uniled States gunboat Syeu
inmc reltHiiul from n ernine on January
Kllh. havliiL' succeeded during her abneoee,
in capturing iwn Kngllsh sloops from Xus
tan. with valuable cnigiK's.
Two more of Hank, transports nrc re
ported inhnro on the Florida enat, one ol
which, the nhlp Simtklinc Sea, with th
Twenly-fifih New York Mattery on board,
will probably be entirely witched.
Xanhvillc. 18. Twenty bonis, with
slnres, have arrived here, convoyul by two
gunboats. Three of them were fired Into
In crossing the shouts, by the rebels.
Cairo. 18. The following. In regard to
the capturing of Arkannan 1'nnt, hu jam
iHt-ii received : On Haturilay, January
Kllh, the main portion of whui wan Slier
iiiiin'n VielMiurir i-Xtedltlnu. convoyed by
the Iiulnville, Mound City and Cincinnati,
intcrrd the Atkanan river, ttirmitili n cut
(.(Tithout fifteen niilcit below A rkaiifan Font,
winch in forty niilm above the mouth ol
the Arkannan. in u nnrl of hornotdioe bend
or the river, well calculated for ihTeune.
A landing: wan made on Saturday, twelve
mllen below the fort, under cover or the
(.uubonln, but out of nljrlit of thone ut Ihe
In 't. The iiiiiboalii then proceeiUil up Ihe
river, took piwition, and at thrctt in the
afternoon cminucnccd firing heavy guns
upon the defenses. The land furcin nr
rived on Saturday afternoon, and a Imyou
wan found interfering will) the npprimch.
A division, K'lil out for the purpose, din
covered u way to (,'i-t over it, but met with
rllle pile. TlieKC latter were tlankid with
soma d llleulty, cnnnuinlng the remainder
of Saturday. The fort was then in full
view for the ne.t morning. While this
whs going on upon laud the cunboals were
having mi cugaKunenl on the river Iroul,
the rebels replyiig with their heavy natal,
On Sunday morning we found the enemy,
idler the loss of the rillj pits, had spent
the nlulit in intrenchbg. Our forces ml
vanced upon them ut eight o'clock, over
aliallis, rillo pits, etc It was ilieu found
that a Ihnunand rebels had reinforctd the
fort from St. Clmrlei). The gunboats and
river batteries were in the meantime fight
ing with enrnot zeal, and for three nnd a
half hours this continued, On each side
every nerve was strained for victory. The
fort's casemates weio inude or three feet of
ootid timber, covered with railway Iron,
and nuppimeilto have been rendered impen
etrable ; but Ihe iron hail from our heavy
L'liiis on Ihe gunboats was too much for
them. The battened rails were tumliUd
down, and nptiuteis from the timbera Hew
with fatnl etlict ninong the Coufiili-ralis.
One shot entered u casemate and killed
seven rutM-ln. Ily another u cas.-ton wan
exploded, killing six more and nine horses.
White- this wu3 trolng on In Irnnt. there
was an advance of two section ol Federal
troops in tlio rear. There was but one
eourVo iefl for the deft-nders of the post to
puwue. They must succumb, which they
did. The lrn"s on our side In killed, woun
ded nnd inlnslnjr was about fiom Ihreo In
five iiundred. The rebels lost two hundred
killed, wounded and inlsslng.nnd fivothnii
and were taken prifoners, among the hit
ler being General Chnrchlll, commanding
tiie post. The surrender was made on the
afternoon (if Sunday. Twelve hundred
rebels were reported on the sick list. l)ur
Ing Sunday, tlio gunboats, while firing up
on the rebel works in front, inflicted ome
Injuries upon our men who were ndvonc
Ing from the llink. The extent of the
damage was not learned. The prisoners
are on their way up the river oud may be
soon csp' cted.
Washington, 1 Dili. The President sent
n inefttnpc lo Congress today. iiiinnmieiiiL'
llnit he had signed the joint resolution ( r
ihe Iminediuii' iinyment of the Army ntui
Navy of Ihe Unllcd Slates ihe inue (f
Treasury notes lo be n hundred million.
He expresses regret that so much will he
rupilred. llisriivnr tiie renon.i!)le tnxi
linn of bank cireuliilion, and ih'chiren u
uuifiirui cutrcuey almost if not ipiite imli
peii'iibli'. As noon ns the Serrctnry of the Trennry
learned that the President had nicmil the
resolution, he placed tn iho credit ol the
cveral Paymnnlers n sufficient sum lo nny
the whole Army and Xavy of the Unlieil
Stnles. Six hundred and seventy thousand
dollars were sent tn San Francisco,
The Senate. In Executive session today,
confirmed the nomination nf J. M. INrtitl
Harrington, of Orrcnn, . Superintendent of
Indian Afi'.iirs for Oregon.
('ail Sehur7. has received command ol
Sigel'fc eorn, Slgel being plaecd In com
iiuind of Ihe reserves.
V.,tv .irl-. IOiIi Tlin Imntr tlnlrmrtil
.-V". A.'...,..'
.Iifiit'a mi ttii.ri.aih.i ,,r L,u..tn nT tiliilif Itltll.
i-,,.,..a .... .,,.t..t. ... rj .. ... v... .-
drrd nnd eleven thoiisuiid dollars.
X'ew York, lOlli. Advices from Iln
vnim sny the Alabama wus o.T there on
January fitli.
Mnne.T market fJold unsettled, closing
at 1".,-I7i premium.
Xew York, 'JOIh. The Chnmplnn.wllh
SG.'i'.OOO in ircasurv, urrlvid tlu mninlug.
A teller frnm Army of Potomac snfs:
I'lie riiiort from Xahvilletlmt (.ongnltcct
corps has removed wwiwnrd tn reinforce
Itrueg H uiiinunili'il. lnmninrt IiIiiiH-ii
was here Iwn days ucn with bin coiumnnd,
It in believed that no entire corps IiuhIhtii
withdrawn from our front, but we have In- j
rormalinn from dct-crtcrs that some divisions ,
nnd batieries have been detuched and sent
Tennis eewurd.
Xew York, 'iOlli. The World snys n
letter from u cnrrespondi-nt In ihe Army of
the Polnmnc states thut the urmy is under
umrclilng orders, with three ihij ratlnnn.
Five pontoon bridues will be thrown acron
the Huppahaiinock some distant upait.
U-c's ui my is compofcd of eight lurge ili
vinlons. .laeleon commanding Ihe riuht and
ImntriTt the hit. ll is uncertain whetln r
their total strength (ipials ours. A des
perate struggle U evidently nt-nr, and stir
ring news may be cxncleif shoilly.
Philadelphia, liOlh The hquiter has n
Port l loyal (S. C) letter, dated llllh, stu
ting thut six desericrs from Fort Sumter
hud arrived, ubuiird u bluekuding visscl.
Thi-y report! d the most of the L'tirrit-oii
threw down their arms, refusing to fi.'ht uny
lunger, being iiulffumished and their fuini
lirt being in want, owing to the non-
receipt nf pay. Oilier troojw arrived, how.
ever nnd ohliifcd lliem lo relurii to duly.
The difnatiidncllon nmnng the rebel troops
was wide-npreiid. The men were worked
day nnd night und half-nturved. The gmi'
bout WiKsahlcnii retvutly drove the rcbcly
out of a battery on llruueli Inland. They
recti) ily relumed and put a shut into her,
which nearly sunk her.
PhlloiWphla.lOth. The bark Achilles
is expected lo sail today wtlh fi.OOO bar
rels of Hour, part of the contributions of
Philadelphia))! for the relief of the sutler
ing operatives of F.ngland.
Washington. 1 Dili. In the Senate to day
McDougulInf California ofiertd resolutions
tn the elli-cl that the present attempt or iht!
French Oitvernnient to subjugule the He
iiubliu of Mexico In her authority is a vio
lation of the established rules of Interna
tional law ; that it is u vinlulion of the
faith of France, pledgul by I hu treaty
mule in Imdon on the ,'IUt or October,
18lil. between Spain, France und England:
that it is un act not only unfriendly lo
Mexico, but In Irecinslltulionscvery where;
und. further, Unit it Is the duly of this Re
public to riipilre of France that her urimd
lorces bo wilhdrawn.and that It in our duly
as a Republic to furnish such aid to Me,
ico as may bo rupilred to prevent the for
cible interposition of Slates in Kuroie in
Ihe political u Hairs or that Republic. The
resolutions were, on his motion, laid over
until Thursday.
The House Committee on Territories
I nve agreed upon Iho udmWnlon of Colo
radi and Xubtatka, into the Union as
In the House. Colfax of Indiana intro
duced u bill authorizing duties on imKr'B
in be paid, il deslnd by Importers, in h-uul
tender notes, with ten per cent, mhhd,
Referred to Committee ol Ways and Means.
Xew York, 20th. A Washington spe
cinl dispatch snys the Committee of Ways
and Means yesterday morning oeled on the
report of thcsub-Connnltlee, and by nearly
u unanimous vote Ihey gave tlio Secretary
power to sell bonds ut tlio best iirlcc he
could obtain, and they also took away
from holders of legal tender notes the right
to convert them nl pleasure lulo twenty-
year bonds. The bill will probably be re-1
ported today. That satisfies both the'
Committee and the Secretary of the Trca-1
sury. j
Woshlngton 20th. Advices from the'
Army of Iho Potmntic lon'ghtnre now im
portuut. Yes'erduy the neuiy commenced
mussing artillery at'thoddl'ertnt fords of ihei
Itiinnahannock uln VJ Falmouth, Dur nt ,
Saturday and Sunday night redoubts were
built fur'up tho river.
Some refugees arrived from ltlchm'nd to.
day. They repoit that the wck previous tn
their ili par tu re there wan grvnt exeil'ineni
in Richmond in comcqiienee of ihe report
that n Federal force liumberlnir f 0.000 wan
on Its way to Welilou, Xorth Carolina,
and that u large fleet of gunboats wire in
the waters ol dial Slate. Andersen'sdivi
Imi of Jack-mi's corps, numbering 15,011(1
hail puned through K.chinimd en roulti lot
North Carolina. Tills ndihd much lo tie
In the Senate, the Committee nf Foreign
Adalis rcpnrictl the old French Spoliation
Hill again to-day. This has been landing
in Congress for twenty years.
The Commissioner of Internal Revenue
made n report tn Congiiss today. From
a careful investigation instituted into the
ervernl sources of revenue, he estimates
that there will bo received from nil source
except stamp iliitiesiluring the current year
ending the .'Kllh of June, nearly sixty-two
million ; Irnm I lie stump duly iiuring tin
same period, lllti en millions. I lu assumes
further that without inatermlchnii c in the
litis uss nl ihe co'iiilr , the tcveuue Irnm
the same lourees fur the fitad year 1 t?0:i t
wih not be less Ihuii u hundred and (Illy
The Unllcd Slates Minister nt Madrid
has protested against the sale of the Sumter,
which he says will not be relucted by
Fideral cruiMrs, nsslie Is ii Fcderul vessel
seized by the rebels at Xew Orleans.
'I'lie cotton operntlven In France, com
puted lo number HOO.OOO, ore lu u stulc ol
absolute destitution.
The Paris correspondent of the Inndon
7r suvs thu relutious between Purisund
Mudrid lire far from cordial. The Parch
(iovermneut W most unxious to have Ihe
cii(inTiitloii of Kiighind afler the l'rench
ttotpsurulu pusneMiuii of thu Cupitul of
Washington, IHst. It Is given out at
the Slate Department that ihey have high
ly cheering udvicen from i;uroie, and par
lieuhirly from lCugluml, giving uccounts of
a populur reaction hi our favor. Unofficial
ad vi its also represent the fact that the
middle and lower dunes me tuning u
healthy influence on their (iovtrnment lu
our behalf. At the State Department
Ihey go nn fur us In sieiik of thu lute ml
vievs as precluding thu xtsslbility of inter
vention lor months to cume.
The French Spoliation IMI reported
yesterday provides thut rutlsracilon tn on
amount cot exceeding Sn,00(l,000. shull Is
made to American cilixeiis for claims fur
indemnity upon Ihu Fiench Ooveruinent
for illegal capluics prior to thu tivuly of
A Washington letter snys tho material
facts hi the case of Oeneral Stone will soon
be published. The evidence ugalnst him
is of u ciicumstiiulial diameter, going to
show that he wus friendly towurd the n li
ds, uml became their mall carrier, but lif
ter ull, this may have been only a kindly
deposition to oblige.
Washington, 2lsl At tho rciiuest of
Iho Secretary of War, Senator Mow of
Whconsln hun gone to that Stale, for the
purpose nf gelling rid of Ihe drcshm of
its Supreme Court iguinst the constitution
ality of the druft nnd Ihe rluht of the Pies
i'ltnt to suspend the writ ofhutieas corpus.
A case Is to be made up Immediately mid
submitted lo the United Slates Supreme
Court, now In session here, In time fur nr
l'iiiiii nt this term before Chief Justice
St. Imls, 'Jlst. lleport has been re
ceived nt heitihpiarlcrs to Ihe eflVt that a
part or (sen Il-rron's forco in Snnihwest
Missouri had succeeded In capturing Mar
madukc with n portion of hlscommnnl,
by Intcrccpllm.' lliem on their re I rent Into
Arknnsas. The statement Is regarded,
however, as needing confirmation.
Washington 21st. In the House, yes
terday, a resolution p-inscl, declaring that
Vanderver, tneinbr from Jnwu, not entitled
inn scat in the House. Yuudever holds
ii Colonel's commission In Ihe urmy. The
point was raised that under the Consti
tution such cases required n vote nf two
third', which Ihe Sstiker overruled. The
decision of the Chair was nppeuled fiom,
but before a vole whs lukeu on tlw sppeul
th) Houe ndjmirord. 'I'lie case atlracls
considerable attention, from the fact that
the principle involved In Ihe decision ap
plies tn u number of Generals and Colonels
now members of the Hnusi. Unless ihe
appeal is sustained, several seals will bede-dax-d
vacant ; und, to the opinion ofsom"
bide lawyers in the House, Oen3. Sch'-nek
and (jiufield, and oilier military officers
elected In the next House, will haie their
wntj ihclured vacant and new elections be
ordered if they continue their military wr
vlcrs after the -till nf March.
Washington, 21st In the House, In
day, u motion to lay on the tnblo the ap
peal from Ihe decision of the Chair yester
day, In Vandervrr's case, wa carried 8'J
against 36. A motion was then madn lo
reconsider the vote br which the resolution
passed, and carried 70 against CI.
'I'lie Marysvillc Appeal Ims dales to the
22d, cnntuiuln rumors of liurnsldc havimr
crossed the river, and a great battle fought,
n'n that Honker was wounded. Ileut
Cnshnir. with 2S men, caplDred Fort Cas
well (X ('.) al Ihe point of the bayonet, the
rebels being ignorant of his force. He
raptured n larce amount of stores, tc, but
the rtbels skeddad'rd.
Continued on fcurtb pajc
Dissolution Notice
L btcii d it solved, by uiiiitinl coinent, this
day. P.J.RYAN,
R UlNDli
Jacksonville, Jan. 8, 18(13.
Copartnership Notice.
fpilE iniilcrslcneil hnve this day nsui-i
.L nirtl lhrinelvcs together, for the pu
pine nf cnndueling n general incrchandiM
biilncss. In Jaekinvillo. Oregon, under ft"
(Vmtmmcandslvlc of RVAN. MORGAN
Jacksonville, Jan. 8, 1802.
I'. ). tlVAN. . .K. H. MOIIUAN. . .KliWSIIIt IIISUI
OLOTi-iiisra ,
Fine Japan and otlicr
Paints, Oils and Glass,
Orockory & Glasa'wore,
3F rodLuLO f
Ami other (ioods suKt-U tu
thu vitiitu of the I'ubllc
& We shall aim to keep up a full hU
JtSyund complete stock olrri"tua
lixf and JrmuUt Uomh, ut U
VeiP all K-usous of Ihu twtt
Uif yeor, and we "ifiira
Sycun confidently sayXW
tkif to our old friends and Ijsa
Ifo- the public, that we intend "uU
LQt- to make it to their interest to "urn
iisy deal with ui. 'iM
RMB, UORfliN & 10.
Jucksoovlltc, Jan. 8, 1803. j-m) tlf