jmuuftwwauH"1'1?!'' i.gJJ!?SSS ftUSffi J IDMWWMftBSK nCTBPWfl HWWissrWJWP'll !!fi?l!'iiU. jinimiwMwiuiiijUMiniH mipwuwugi laM.'.'ji'.uM'gma1 f en0ii Semtowl tje f W-t-'W SrTfctfiftSd "ji9Rjflr.isntAiJKpj vnvMflRtssrroftvTOB2SFt?i9t AsnATPfwtnmsHiiK $. PER ANNUM, TN ADVANCE. jiiMiiuiiwwnuiranrrTuriganaiiaiiii minim q. w. oreer, PHYSICIAN AM) HUIUIKON. Illtltn nt llln Clly llrug. More, J.irKMINVIII.K. OltKllo. .(1 E. F. RUS3ELL XOTAllY PUBLIC. Onic wllli II. T. Unwell. i:i., Thlnl street, .hrKKosvu.i.K. Oiinmx. 29 R. D. MORFORD, ATTOItNKY Arr LAW, J.CKMlNVIU.K, (IttKION, "I AILL prnct'ro In the several Court of V tin- i''lrl Jiiillcul District, iiml In the Supreme Coin I firinlipf vo. r.a. 1. II. lll.Mi. J. (He t u.S'. REED S. GASTON, ATTO I INKYS AT !L AAV, l.vci.MiNvii.i.i:, Oiihiov. J It. RIIKH huvintr determined tn con I nun tin1 pr iclicc of III piofeHun. h,i ami i' titul Mr (ItMros wllli lilm In luulnei". nml tin will cli'' prompt iitlnliou In nnvh'iril Iiiih.hi'M cnlrnlril to their oiiti', lit uny o tin' rotirt oi iiii Jiniiemi uiMrn'i. j 01i ! In wiiu1 building formerly occupied . Mr Uml. Aiiwist IMlu'r.i ORANQE JACODS, ATTORN' MY AT LAW, IaUKMISVII.I.K, OlIKClON. Will nttPtid III hU'lllPS III thi'CoUrlsnf the I irt,lud.eiat In ili Snp-ripc .,i tl OeloWjIii-ll D. F. DOWELL, ATTO J INKY AT I, AW, I.M'KINVIM.K, OhKUON. Will practice lii nil tli Courts or tho Tlilnl .liidi.' District, UnSuini'nn tJourl ofOre Kim. iiml In Ytku,Cul. War Scrip prompt ly colli i liil. del 1M. Duii'.h Uurliiir Shop. Iltwccn llradhnryA Wade's nml HI Dorado Kalouu, Calirnrnin el rift. .KIlAVIN'd.Hnli-ciitllng.Sh.iinponliig.Cur. ling and ll.ilf Dveiug. ( n hand anil tor m' n Kcnillnn nttltfliMil l'Mi's IIuiiIIkm iiiiutivk. mill CiWladnruV llttilmr II ur Itye PETER DRITT, 'lMiotugrupliic Artitft, I prepared In tiki) pictures In every ftyle f tlic url, wllli nil tlm lulu improvement. If Picture do nut gho lutWI.ictlou. no rlnrgui) will In made. Cull ut liU new (Sal-I'-ry. 011 the Mil, examine liU pictures, anil It for ymir likenes. L. H. DEWEY, NiitcIiumUor unit Jeweler, Kcpi coniuiitly on li.iml n li in' iinrtini'nt or Cuicm nml J..vkij:. which he niters for 1 ..;... r..- ir 'ir.t nil" ui very ion iniuiF, i"i .. cll. Itl.l'AIKI.Mi- Clocks.. u-'.t-WaUhf and Jewelry rep ilrcd wllli prompt lien nml warranted. Hhnp on (,'ulirornla tliePl, two iloorx weft of l.ovu A. UllgcrV Juck'oiivllK July 211: 2H DR. CH. DESCH, Wamio, iIodki'IIIm: Cou.ntv, Oils. l):t, Hwni pr'-pireil promptly tontteni to Ilio curing of nil iliii nnonlliiK I" tho litMmcnt of Prof V, V. It miuii., wltlt 4nit lliu um) of .Mercury, Arrcnle. or nny iioUoiidih ilriiK''. I'nr Ilio p.ikt nine yir lio lin liccn n pnictltlouer uf iiieiliclne at Crenci'iit City. ami l lit well K.itlMlril tlutlie omi t:ivrpeily relief tu Ilio ullllctnl wlio ni.iv call on lilm. Ample arraiiKemeiitd lur (.'nil. Warm, lint ami SUmiii llnlli. ALEXANDER BU3WELL, -l'IUTII'At.- BOOa-XHWDEIl, IWl'KU-ltlMiKU. uml lllitiik-liook j"Ia mi fact uror. AI7('liy ami ft It Commercial Ftnctt, between .Montgomery nml Sanwme, KAX I'ltANOiaUO. '0- IllmlliiK of oiry ilehorlpllon neatly executed ; lllink llnoUn ruled ami Hound to nny ileclrul pattern. 'iUy EL DORADO SALOON, P. H. LYNCH, Prop'r. Corner' Calirornia ami Uregbii Htrccts. Tlio Proprietor lin jut received from San KrunclKO u cliolee tnv-orlineut of lluo Wines, Liquore, Cigars, r.m, am z-tt Drop In nml let tliem. D.ic. 10 UOWAUD ASSOCIATION J'Titluilcl nlila, 1'flllit. 7lr thtttlt'f of Ih Stele owl IM (ami A ffli'ldl Kith iriuent ami Vitroinc M0M, uhi tjKXiill' Dirfittt 0 the Strml Viff-im. .Medical Advleo (,'lven nmtlsliy H10 Aot Ini; Surircon. Vuliulilc iii.i'oiith 011 htliima ToimiKi or i.kmi.vm. ULiKMJCi, ami other iIi'uh'h of tlm ordain1, mid on tho kr.iv iik.:iiIM eiuiiUiveil In lliu IIUpcii- firy tent In lealed letter envelopes, Ireo of iiurue AiMre UR J HKII.r.INHOlICHTON', II ward ArHicIaliou, Ho, 2 hiiiIIi N'lntli ft April'iy l'liiMvlpllla, I'a. .TACKSONV LOVE&B1LGEK Cnllfornln Street, Jacksonville DCALCRSANDWOnKEnDIN UT I LEAD AND BRASS, HAVi: Junt received frnm tliu Atlantic Statin nml San KraneUco. 11 enintilutr afiihlf rtf niitrvllilm. ; nf ouT.vtliliiL In tlieitul1!''. 'l will fl'.l .- V.V.... b .. Itwpi'iiniiianily on liand a pi'iimiiauily 011 liand iifTOnirlin'' liet Tin, ilipi.(tiiii and Voppen him I'lpi'n. Hydraulic .NitzVt, l-'m liiiup. ntiutiiK. I.iid"l'lpi'. llimc. 1 1 iniriinpni of uio lien ifrware IlniM cu IIAHDU'ASIH, CLTI.r.UV : NAII.S of ull pIxw: liar. Plate mid nnrled Iron j Pillule Olln, rii.i- and (Hum: All ipialltle of Pnw,der ; Sliot of all mtmliert! llriuhecornvery vnriety,(itc.,clc. Stoves. ' AIo,nl way ii liaml. a lurite Inl of Mint ofaworti'tl ' llipk' I'atfiit ( ooklitK Htoip." ami tho s' New World .Slow." Hie two cry lie'tnml approinl patternclii tlic world. Parlor, Ollleo ami (,'aliln Slni', fnueymid plain, cniiilrunliil on liteot luel niviiiK plan. llnlli'iK, Uelll-x. Poln, Putin, and e cry tiling cniiiiectfil with tliew iloven. wiirraniiil iiurniii" ami periict. AH'rlleli"i VMIil liv tlii'in or iiianufae luriil. TV'AimANTi:i Tli.'lrwmk Imnade , of the liet material nuiTufclinlee't pattern". I -U.Orilentnttemlid litwlllidlrpntcli.miil II 1 1 id' ncconlluir to illnclloin'. In every-1 tiling, their Mud; U thu lare t uml Went ever t iron ti t to .liiclcoiivllle.nuil Ihey are tlelermlnrd to i-ell at l.ow vmlt nut cHl. 1 ('alt nml examine their tock licforu pur-! chafltiKelfowlierp. fJitiiu j:i. lHt:o.-'j;i. AKenl" for lliillliiayA (;o'k W inMIope MAX MULLES, f L'CCUUOIl TO .1. A. IJUUNNintAi ItllOTIIUU The uiidernlKiied. haviitir purchased from J, A. Hi uinar X llrotlar their eutlru Slock oi' Mei'cIinu(l!sL, Now ofuTit the Dime for rule nt Greatly Roducod Prices, POr OcsjIx- Tho ktock contlf tu of Dv & Fancy Goods Clotlilng;, BOOTS AND SHOES, And. In fact, a varlid nnuirliuent of urtlck' perluinliiK' to thu Oenerul Merchaudii'o bunlisvti!. LADIES and GENTLEMEN ploaro to plvo mo n cnll, nnd examine the (Iiiodf mid learn tho Price, beforuyuu uiuko your purchuto. Do not foret tho placo tho Hrlck Store heretofore ovcuplid by llrunner V llin. MAX MULUIH. Jackrnnvllle. July 19, 1MI2. 7 WU hnvn this day fold our clock of mer chaudUo to .Mr. Max .Mu.i.kii. l'roin our frlendu nnd patron wo would tollcll for Mr. AluiXKim contlnunno of their lib eral iMlroniiKC. .1. A. HUUNNIJIt & IlltO. JjiBkMinvllf.Jiily I2lh. I8lia. 27 DUUAN i AVAlL, FOUVARDING ,AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, tlrlcl lliiltilliifc-, for, l'ront & 1'nti-ccU. UKliSUKNT OlTV.t'AL. TX'II.Ii attend to thoT.ecelvltiK nnd Tor- wardlni; of nil (J001U Liiliunleil lo their cnie. with proumtnet and dlfpitch. Conli,'uineiititQliclttd. Mmchuiidlte ro csltidollttoraRO. Credent City. April 10. I8fi2. IS N. II, NoKOotlmk'Uvuii! nitll tliPfri'Iplit and charKes uro pild. D. it W. W 'AM'IU). l.OUO.OOU pound of Hour, in exchange for good', ut SACHS DUOS'. Mm!1 i"ft ILLK, AVEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1SG3 wamnMvnnffftnMp tUIIM.Ul....lllI.I.MI .fhlNTlXKU Tin: oimmm) ash vuTimir. HriptcniPTiiiN-Onex'i'or. Inilmncp..rivf fVoIlitif; HI V'tncmttrv 'llttft J)lNri, I'nlef n,ti"wed,.p!riiVyslirli! djfcnutlinii'iil tli expimtloti (ilMliD'Hliiiu for wliteli tnrjMiavi e c liceu Ifrry.' eiipir.x ,,, Anu.iiTimNO One pnuarc (10 Unci or lc.i), II rut Innertlou, liirep Hollars; each Miliiiiiciil liiH'rllon, Oini Dullar. A llri eimnt of llfty percent will Ijo mudu to ttive who ndtettlte ly llieycnr,, ' ' ADVERTISERS. Ily nppltcnllou In 1'oMmuMern nnd Mall Currlem. vim ran learn Hint tho Hi mi-weekly Skvtinki. Iihi hy far ti larner clicu latliiu In lliu counlien of Soiithirn ()r(KMi mid Del Nortu county. California, than any other paper. 1 IiIh tact rhould cummeml the Hi:.vri.Ni.t. to yuti an u tupcrior medium for mhcrtUdiij;. . I.tST or Ancvrx. ulin urn niiilinrlrril In runmiot any hinducM cotiperuiui: thN pa per, in the imnie uf the iulilllier ; I.. P. Klfher. Han I'rnueWco: S'iulvnrlli V llujnei', Yiekn; KIt Hmry, Aphlnml; S. C. Taylor, PhaMilx; W. W. l-'imler. Appli trate: It. S, Diitilap, Wllllanifljurjt; .Inhti It. Prlndle. Kerliy vllle: A. II. McIUnln. Waldo; It. J. Pol hw, Waldo; 'Vr.,M. r.uu, All limiM'; ,lnel Thoiu, Cnuyonvllte; A. It. Flint. IliiH'liurt:: Imiio II AIoou-m, i-nltni; 1'. M. KllMMirlh, Ktieuo Citv; ('. Charmau, Oreisou City; 1). W. Wal,ellWJ. AH'aiiyj llenjaiulii Cook, Corvallln; .1, II. .Smith. Crescent City; Albert Duollttle, -Uappy Camp. KPBCLAIj notices. I. 0, 0. F. Jackkonvim.b Luihik No, 10, holdnltH regular mcuttiiKf every SAT VIIDA V L'l'llXLVa, nt their Hall (Mc' CullyV Theater liulldinpl.nt 7 o'clock. llrotherH In (;nod tanillup nro coullally Invltid to attend. Ja. .M. Sutton, N. (!. (Imi, II. Dniintn. It Sec'y. Wnrron LoiIro No, 10, A. F. & A, M. J HOI. I) tlmlr rcRiilar communl- jHrcntIouii llin Wtriiicmlity Kveiiiucxon ror precedlnt! tho full moon, In jack'- KOSVIUX, UltKIIIIN. am:x. jiautin. w. m. II, Ilr.nnM.Vrt'y. onctiox cu Ai'Tiiu no. i, llOVAL AHCII iMASONS, JACKSON villi:, OKIXIOX, Will hold lurojjtiliircomnninlcatlnns on the I'lnl Hnl until)' live, of KterySlon III. All nojouriilui! CoinpiinloiiH In nooil etaiutlii uro turillnlly luvlkd to nttend. (.'. W. UHKKll, II. V. h Sapiio. Sec'v. ilec8M7 HEIMSTREET'S Inimitable Hair Restorative IT IS XUT A M'U. Hut rentore (,'rny hair to Ita nrlRlnnl color, byiupplyliiK tlio capillary IiiIhh with nat ural ulenance, Impaind by 1130 or dlf cam. All vuLmluneoui thjH aru cinnpoied ol iiwir (iiuftie, deitroyliiK lliu vitality mid lM.-uuty of thu hair, anil nllurd of Iheiu'elvei' no ilrcu'lnj;. llelintieet'K Inlmltablo col orlui; not only restores tialr to It natural color by mi euy procetx, but given tho hair n Xxi3s.-ixxJ.n.m.t XlQnuty, promnteH lln growth. preenU ltd fulling nil', eriullcutM the damlriiir. mid Imparli heulth nml pleiaulneKi lo tho head. U hu vtood Ilio lent ol time, being tho original hnlr-coloring, nml U coiiktuully IncrenMug in fmor. llr'd by both gentlemen nml la dieH. It In mid by all rcrpi-ctahlu deulerf, or cun be procured by thciu of D, S. IUu.nk, Proprietor. New Vork. Two Ue, nOc. nml SI. eow2 ly SutTit.t Davis, of Portland, Agent. I. 1). HUH & MO. Are now clotting out their entire -stock of Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions, at the Very Lowest Rates, FOR CASH! n Olvo us a call, at tho Pint Odlee nullillng, earner of Onllliiruln mid Oregon -teelo. April 10. JHB2. Ut lI.OUU ANDl'KODUUKtuKenlncx. JL' chungu for Merclnnilifi'. nt Julvl!). 27 MAX Ml'LLinVS. iii:.ViiYi)i:Ni.tN(nJi.i,iiii'riyiiuVp,,n,1 mj Rond to tho Northern Utr.cs. Jackson VIMK, .Ian. 2-Ilh. .V. Seniintl: As thu chimin of .link- nrii'iiliinn pniinltpii. In Ori-ifnii. , nnd lliu people of Del "Nortu enmity, Cul., iiavi norjto my kiiowleiljfi,,i'en tlic report NiHllio ifktiinvlllu Pui-lc Trull or Komi I'-xpcillllon, tlio conclusion in my mind Is, that it wud a failure. Hut why, 1 nm not nlilc to stale. I'rolinMy owlnj; to the MS verity of lnt winter nm) the Intend" nf hut prlnp,.nlvl' tho rnuto taken liy tho cspe illtton .I)iH is tlmt n fiuMclcnt reannn x.'hy rople of tliuilinvc nninnl roiiutleH the penpti ulinnlil bu ilmt out from the inurliet of tint northern nnd eastern mines? I thlnl.' not. All tlmt is neirwary 10 bo done, Ij to get up n train ol tnehc r fifuen wngnni), wllli five or six yoke of oxen lo rneli, to- gcllicr with u rr(jui.itc number of ha mix, nml n prnjier supply of picks, shovel nnd axes, nml then strike nut bywuynl Kin ni nth Like, beurlng 11 Tew dfgrecti c-ustwuril, nnd Ihey will soon rcneli tho gold field. It will not n quire nvcrn ninntli mid n half, or two month nt most, to uuko the trip. Once mudu meeewfully, nnd u market will ! bo opened Tor nil the surplus products of thU valley. Flour, nt Cunynn Cltv. Is 1 worth twenty dullnra per one htitidred , ( j pounds; lief, on font. six cents; lucnti, furiyernts; nnd for small marketing, such its butter, cliecic, etc., whatocr you cliooic to ak. The distance to Canyon City cannot bo more limn -Till or .'100 miles by the route, proposed. That distanco cun be made with ox tram. In three weeks, after the road Is open. IJvcry farmer feels tho im portance of n better nnd larger market for farm prodtirts. If therein tint something lnno In the right direction, tho people of tlicso counties wnrsp. rot out. Kt Hr..v will rut out, or, whnt is Can't sco it In that light. Nun- Is the limn In strike. Let us not wait niilll the people- of Knit Lako or the Wil lamette open up mails nnd monopolize tho mnrket. He wide uw-nko to your interests, nnd you havo It in your power to mako this valley nno nf the finest and nwt de sirable spots on the coast. Tkausti:ii. We hare been requested tn stale In this connection, thut Mr. James Kllgorn olfers tn furnish IoiuIj of Hour to nny person furnishing tram nnd two hnnds to each teiini, nnd tnl.o far his pay half the profit of the load nfler It nrrlves in the mines, this is ccrlulnly a liberal oLTcr. IlKnn ir Anotiikii. Fnnu a FAmim. In, for tlm John Day. Powder Hivrr nnd Ilnlsc mines ! Now is the time tn agitato the getting up n trnin nf nt tennis, loaded with flour, bacon, etc., for the mines ubove named. How many enterprising farmers In this valley will fit nut from ono In tlino nx tennis, to go by way of the Inkcs. Lost Itlver, pio, tn start some tlmo In April? A nitmlwr of loaded wagons passed over this route last spring. What ha been done can be done again If the northern mines nro nbntit to prove a permanent thing, now is tho time for tho farmers of Snythrern Oregon to strlko for n market for nil their surplus products. If they do not look out for themselves, no one will do it for them. The millers nro vastly Inter ested in this enterprise, and will, no doubt, do their share. All classes nro to a great extent interested, but tho farmer and mil ler moro especially. lit us hear from some of the largo furmerH on this import ant subject. Faiimkii. . A jewel of a d.mifcl, residing In New Iluven, Conn., has furnished under I lie sig nature of " Nona," u few stanzas to the Courier, expressing the nutgu.hlng ilesiro of Iter bhssed little innocent heart. The following is a sample, lleur the darling : " Willi cho blessings I luvo my wants arc but three. Moftt flmplo and definite, nothing .that's wild ; I ak lur uo more than Is needful to mo A hm-bund to low mv, with cottage and child 1" VOL. VI IT NO. -1. lowitton Correspondence. Iawiktox, W. T., .Inn. 7lh, 1 flfi't. Ed. Stntiiirli The holidays pafni bv wllli llin luiiiil i-il, lintlinhn .r n Cnntt.. Inn n. There were the munil number of hoi tli.jaiimJ Riuup-jlidU jl'SJ wbicli, tlui ing the ii uml ilowiw or three days. U In thU place, pave an ontnidcr lika myself n gnml npporiiiuliy to form ipiecr Idea of the ipmlily of liipiul-i nml (lukli Kept foe barter on this Mildly lempernto Rescrtn tinnn. I nitfcrx cil thut while dome ilrnuV nnd beennic f.xtiitlc, olliem drank freely 01 fie Mini) hcveraco nnd became dejected . tlmt wlut" rained up the bowed down" would uhm lnw down tho raised up. 1 win particularly Interrkted on reading tl laliiU on the difTrent lutrreU, lg, etc. from which tlicw cxhllerullng drnuchu. ramp. J can only remember the following. Old Ilnnrbon Vinegar." "Old Tom Ker o'etic." "Llrqitctlc (Joal Oil," nnd "Unltcil I'ropiictors INekles." I enn'd readily oc rniint for tho slrnnge (flecls prcNluced lit these very snlcuhlp articles wlun I remrm lcr the phroKology of the" Indian Inter cottrsn Act," nhlch r.vprcssly prohibits the introduction In this country of any nrtlclu that will make drunk comr. The weather I still delightful. Hut very little snow has fallen here this winter ; and the cold Is not so Intense its It was tiro months ago, Persons arc passing In uml from tho mine nil the time, who report less limn two fool nf snow in the mountain trull, I hrar some talk of Warren's Plgginp, to the cast ond southward from Flor ence : hut the greatest excitement Is to ward the lluifo mines. A good number have gone there from theso parts, nnd nil the icports from there 11 re favorable. Hut my own conviction on exelcnientj is that Ihey nro "ployed out " in this upper couii. try. Many ersons predict 0 largo nidi nf miners to HoIc and theio parts In tin' spring ; hut I think miners nro sudlclcnth educated in the history of humbugs, by ltd time, to not follow the old phantom so blindly as in times pnvt. That tliero nrv rich claims in nil the new districts lately d'u'cnvercd up here, Is certainly truu ; tl ore nrn such in Jackson and Josephine coun lies. It is the worst folly Imaginable foe n few thoiMiind Intelligent mm to pick up ond rush off n thmiMitid miles into the mountain just to so n K-oro of miners working In rich claims; they can eo n much nearer home. This Is u good coun try enough ; only don't rush things. There arc alreudy people enough hero to develop the country as fust as tho nature of things will ndmlt. Tlicro ure cteu more here tlutn can make 1111 honest living. If yon hare it surpluss nf "tough cumcs," send them up here, and wo will reform and then hang them. Very respectfully, W. II. A. A Lauv's Skntimknt. As long agoas 18SC, 1111 American lady, Mrs. Surah T. lluUnn, who was then "residing ut Qenou. Switzerland, wrote smiio lines of highly patriotic chnrudcr, of which the followiog were the first two verses : 1 dioIvii tho Union! Let thelluihof sbsmo Hide with Itscrlinwm glow the check 01 Win who dares uvow tlio traitorous mm. 'lis uot tho wUe, tho good, the true, who speak Word of such foarful Import, but tho. cl, Drunk with Funatlciim's polwiioiw wine. Madly t-cclc to hold their taturnalla at thu hrlno Tlmt noble nuls have held, and still must hold, dl Inc. Dissolve tho Unlonl Madmen, would jrerwd Tlio glorious moUofiom our country' cjichI Would ye despoil, tho bUr and stripes that lend ,,, Home, food, protection to the world s op presHd t . . . . . Have yo no revcrenco for the high bf(iuet Thut our Immortal (Ires Iwstowtd urawlilw lliu kin defied thu imago Ood liuprcwieu On your hiimanliy, fhut je can inllo To see the lurid tlanies ot I'riddom'u funer al pllo! The sldp Feruvinp nrrncd at Sjutr Fran cisco, Jun. Gib. 170 days from JJobton, with 1,000 pounds of gunpowder, l,(K shells, -I runnons, and XI boxos ot ordwnco stuiw, lor tho Marc Island Navy Yard. Whylius the tea urms? Iu order that he may hug the tueriuaidj, to be buic.