f SACH BRO.'S JACKSONVILLE, Tft73a.oloisa,lo efts Zl.otA.ll -OKAI.KRM IH Dry Ooods, FASHIONABLE CLOTHING ! AND ALSO IN Groceries ! Liquors & Tobacco ITew Goods! New Goods ! ! New Goods ! ! ! IMMENSERECEIPTS AND Grand Bisplay OF NEW FALL & WINTER AT SACHS BRO3 Wl! lake plensuru In iiunnuuciug; tn llio public llmi we have jusi neeived a hngcr. moic fashionable mill better .'elected Block ol FANCY AND STAPLE CLOTI-IIISre, BOOTS AND SHOES, HON NETS, HATS. SHAWLS. lttimiOlDKIUKS, DRKSS TRIMMINGS, RIBHONS, NOTIONS. KTO., KTO.. than nny ever before brought to this timrkct. Groceries ! Groceries ! ! Groceries ! ! ! T 1TE have jut opened tlio best and larg- Cut Mock Of Groeeaies 3 PROVISIONS ! Wines and Liquors, CIGARS & TOBACCO. EVER OFFERED HERE. OUR MOTTO, " QUIOfc SALES-SMALL PROFITS" wo feel confident, will uaruntco to us tltt continuance of w pitionngc willi which ' nurcuMoiwis have hithcito favored us j nnd the uddiilon we Imvi' now nuulu to our former line of trmh will, we hope, secure to ui the buluneo of the trudintr population of ihis town 11 ml vicinity, to nil of whom we promise; prompt nnd politu utfention. ' l'leiibc cull und convince yourselves. B A 01 IS nnos. 15?'' All forts of marketable P'oduce nt'eii in exchange- for tionth. JrfokaonvlUf, Oct. 20, 1862. Semi-lDccklti Sentinel. Congressional Summary. Oarrt'l l).ivk or Kentucky offend the follow in;: singular resolution : Helical, Tlml nftcr it hud hrcotno mnn lies! llnit an iiiMirirclinn uuniiHt the Uni ted Slntcs wito about to Creak nut in sev erul of the Southern States, J''11"'-" Diielmii tin. then Piesltlpnl, from sympathy with the joii.'pirutntrt itml their tieiiHnuiihlc pro ji'ct, liiilnl to tnke ntecs-nry nnil propci mi'iiotueo to prevent it ; therefore he .should receive the cuisine nnd eoni'cmnntion of the Si note anil the American people. Tho resolution met with instant oppo sition, noil was laid over. Jlot'SK. IJIake of Ohio introduced mi important hill, which pinvidcs for ti svf lent of po t:il money nitleis similar lo that iiH'd in England which inahY money In be scut through the Pust Oflice in tlie fnrm ol a draft upon the I'mlmas ler of the place where the transmitted draft N imidi' pnyalile. The bill was rend twice and lefemtl. Schuyler Colfax introduced n b II for the telef of ncwspup re, lieinjr. In iffict, the repeal ol all tlutus upon pi inting pa per of loreign umutif.iclurc. It wus ubn icferred. Bennett of Colorndo offered it bill to de. velopu the iniiieiiil recoiuees ol the United Stales, pinvidiug for u cntmtiissioii ol ex ploration. He., Refcired to the Committee on Public L'liidx. Conway of Kansas offered u scrira of resolutions upon the conduct of the war. of n nint itliin character. Tiny weielo.-l by it vote of I. T2 to 1. S. C. 1'Ym-ciiiIcii of Mtiinc olli red tlie following : llcolrcd, That the proclamation of the President of the United Smteu, of the tl.itc of '22.1 ol S'piunbcr, ISC'J, U war rautid bv the Uniwiiluiion. Ilelverf. That the polity of emancipa tion, in iialicntul in that pioeliiniiitinii, is well adapted to lin-ti n the animation ol pence; wo" well chosen as n war measure, and U nn exctcise of power with proper regard for the nuhli of the States, and the peipctuity of fuv government. Upon this the ayes and noes wore or den tl with the lbllowin0' result: Ayes 78 ; noes-. fl. The tli'Ufe also nprtctl to n resolution instructing the Conunillee on Ways and Means lo inquire into the txpitlicucy of making provision for ilie liavcling ex penses ol Asx-ixtaiit Tax Colli ctors and Assessors, and to repot t a bill or otherwise. On niniion ol Out Icy of Ohio, the lloue past-cd u rcsotntl n culling nr all cones poudeiice betwteit (jriicrul MeCtellau and any department ol the (invtrnnicut since tht campaign of the Peninsula was under takin The Committee on Territories was in fitriiclul to inquiic as to the proprulyol rcpniling a bill to isttihlish a Teriilniiul Oovcinmeiit in the Salmon liver mining region. Tin llotixe then having cone into Com million)' the 'lio!e on the Slate of the Union. Cox of Ohio obtain d the lioorniid made a long and chaiacti'tixiiu spi cell, de nouncing the PiesiilcntV Me.x-iigc, the con duet ol tin1 war. our fotcign policy anil other Administration iiiciistucs generally. At the cloe ol ihisspiceh I lie Jloiuund JKiirnul. Si:natk (Dec. 10th). The lVsldrnt lo tiny Kent a message to both bia.ichcs of CnngrtH, with a letter fiom Uctieiul lint ler. nccompanyiu!.' thiee swmtls. Immcrly the proputy of (ieueral Twijras, and inc seittttl to that tl stiu;iiixheil lelie! by Con fjriiw, liy the Statf of Ueotia. ami by the city of Aii'-'iixla, Ua. Thcc swoitN wete louiid by IJutler at New Oi leans The nu-ximc- and till aceoinpanyin inatter were riferretl lo the Comiuittce on Milituiy Alftirx. The Minueotn Indian aff.iirs enme up in the shape of bills nhYicd by Wilkinsmi of MiuueMitii, indemnity uu; the ptoph-ot that State Inr ilanmu'e .-nsluini'd. ami to remove ihe Sioux beyond the boundaries of tlie Slate. The bills were iippiopriulc ly relet t ei!. Tlie Senate insti uc'i-tl the Committee nn Military Atliiiis to intpiiie into thei.ie. da ney of pabliliinjr the report ol L'ciu. Miilltiu, wjiu Iiih coiisitiiel(il a mililnn mud I'toiii Putt IJ.niou. on the Missuini ilv r, to Walla Wal'ti. The Uivis Ksoliitin:) censurinir ex Pies idem Hnehiiuau was- taktii up. and, ul'lir a brief thseu,-ioii, tablnl. The I'iMiliitionol' SauNbnry ol Delaware, eouceiuim; he alli'trcd illegal imprison lileiit ofccrlaiu citizen" of lliat Slate, then came up and was liually disport ol. beiuv,1 laid upon the table, hy'nyis. 2!) j iioe, '. Ilariliuir and Nesmiih vottd against it, IloL'xi:. Tlie following iesnlntion. here tofme tiff-it tl by Sit vi hi ol Pi nuylvnnia enme up for coiisideitUion, under a i-peeiiil order : Hoolucd, That the Un on must bo und icmuiu one and iiuli i-iblc foiever. liesnlvtd. That if any peifou in the cm ploynunt of the Uniiul States, in either ihti'lepishitive or cMculive branch, should piopoe. to tnnkc peace, or should ace -pi or udviso the aeeeptnnce of any such pro position on any other basis than the inicir rily und entile' unity of tlie United Stiles and Iheir Teuitories us they exiMeil at tlie lime of tin tebelMon, ho will be guilty ol n hiiih crime. Hewlvctl, That this Government can never nccept the mediation or permit ihe ntmention of nny foieign nulion to this rebellion in our domestic affairs. Rcwlvcd, That no two governments can ever be permitted to exist within the. ttrri torv now belonjfinjr lo the United States, and which iickuowletl)ied their jurihdictioii nt the time of tlie Insurrection. Wiekliffi' of Kentucky wanted lo amend by ml linjr that anybody who would luvoi the lestorution til" the Union as it was nnd Ihe Constitution us it is," Bltould be utility of a Idyli eritne. Vallaudiyham oHeicil his resolutions a to Ihe conduct ol the war. declaring that the war Khniild be carried on without tel eicnce to shiveiy, etc. Wickhllo olli icil his former nmendment, nn) nl it r Mime skbmixhiuy, the wlnde unit ler was piNipnmd for special uonaideialion t luce weeks from tutlav. Sknati: (Dee. 1 Tdi). Tim bitiness in tl is liiatich of ConyrtS'i was not of special impm lance lo-dny. The Coiumitlee on Military All'iirs lepoileil u bill pr'ividiny Inr the I'm lei I lire of the pay o! all urmy olli' its tibscnl I rout set vice. Nixtuitli ol Ou'l'oii inlrnduccd u bill to slablixhti Uraueli Mint at Portland. Ore L'l'ii. ltdi'i led to tlie Finance Committu. The bill atni'iitliiur the Uevemte Law, ex teialuiu' the lime tif penalty for not usine; reeitue slampo to Match I. 1803, and luovidiug fur plniup-i for Califniuia and Oregon, was then taken up and liually passul. Special Cor. Sue. Union. uJiuui.mMii it nniiMiiiii.imB CTBsaa Jack5onvillo Prices Current. Iti'tnirttd foi- tin stcnllocl- Corittlnl AVttkly. J cknoxvit.i.k. Paturdny. Jan. 2-1, lfifill. Wheal. per biiliel SI 00 OuIh. do Till Hurley, do fit) Fhnir. lit qr. sack", pi r 100.. -I 00 Corn meal, per 10(1 S.'U n (Hi Chickens per doz SII 00 a I Till Hay. do ton ' I. 00 iSacon. sides, clt ar. per Hi. . . 1 1 a Hi do hams- i. I'D a 22 do shoitltl'M's- l'-'.U do hog round " l"i Il-ef. licit, per lb., rulail 8 a 12 I'ork do do a 12. J Laid leaf. In tins- II n Irt Ilulter. Irexh. per II flu a 02 (Jhei'x-e. per Hi 2,"i Ivigs liesli, pep ilti. HO a tl.' Potatoes, pep Hi 2.Ju It Onloin' do tlo A'ti (I Means white do 7 a 10 (liven apples do H n III Drii tl peaches do HO all". Coll'ee. do .'17 la 111 fueled Hiiunnlo 28"n:r,ll Itrowii, do do 'I'll a 2.'i Ulre, do " a 20 Salt, do 10 Guailles do fll) SPECIAL NOTICES. It 0. 0. F. Lummox villi: Lonni: N'o. 10, hold--Its regular meellngs every SAT' UllOAY J:TXhYG, nt their Hull (Mo1 Cully V Theater biilhllngl.at 7 o'clock. Ilrolhcis in pimi staniliujr im coullally invltiil to ntti'iiil. .I.s .M. ijuno.v N. O. C:o It. Hoituis. . .Sec'y. Warren LodKO Ko, 10, A. F. & A. M. HOLD their regulup communi cations llin Wednesday nvcniiip-nn op nreceilliiL' Hie full tuooii. In jack- sonvii.i.k, oui:t;os'. A Li:X. MARTIN. W.M. FI. Hloqm. Sec'i). OKKGON GlIAPTKIl iNO. d, .. o p HOVAL AI1GII MASONS, JAGh'SOiV VIU.U, OllttlOtf, Will hold its-iegulapcoinmunic.itlons tn lite Flrnl Stilm-iltiy live, of Uvt-i-yIotilli. All sojoiipniug ' Companions in good standing tuu cordially invited to attend. (J. WMiltlJKK, II. P. Fj. Sachs, Sec'y. dec8;l7 Special Notice. All who know them selve.s ludeliletl to the mnkT.-dgiieil, oither by note op account, will plcao ct.Il imnu'ill ately nnd setllu with R F. 1:is.ki.l (ol Jacki-ouville. Oiegon). Notary Public, who Is fully aulhori.ed to iccuivo and receipt fur me. I5y so doing, yon will conlcp a favor and save youihclvu- cost. o. w. anmu. .IiickMinvllle. Og'u., Sept. 2:lh. lh.J2. HEIMSTREET'S Iniraitablo Hair Hestorativo. '' IS NOT A DYE. Hut restores giay hair to Us original color. by supplying lliu capillary tubes with nut in al siis'tenauce, inipilnd by ago op dis ease. All mtiiiitmitoiis thju uvu tompo'etl ol tnmii' caiLstie telioylng Iho vitality anil beauty of Ihu hair, anil alibul of llii'in-elvei-no du'sslng. Hflmstu'et's juimitablii col tiling not only lestoics liaip lo its uatuial colnp ,by an easy pioce.ss, but gives ihe haip a pioinotis its glow lit. pi events its falling oil', fiailicatcs Iho daiidiuil', and inii,il. health and pit tuuiilia'.ss to the head. It has stood Ihe te-t ol time, being Ihu oiigiual hair-coloiiiig, and W constantly iucieaslug hi luvup. I'x'd by both gunl leineii and hi die. It is sold by all lesptotablu dcnlcis, or can be pi ocni t d by them of 1), S. J)ai:m:s l'mprietop, New Voik. Two sis-.ex, f)0c. anil 1. cow21y SuirnA' I) wis, of Portlniul, Agents. A wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmamgmmMmmmmm MASONIC NOTICE. The Regular Communications of 3VAR UF.N LODGt:, No. 10, P. and A. M, Jack "onvlllo, Oregon, for A. D. 18CIJ, will be held on the following days, to-wit : STa.xxtxa.-ry S8. 3Vt-roli 4. .Xaril 3.. jA. 13111 ao. TMCtxy 87. flTx-S.xxo B4" " Itcgulor Scitil-.V n mini lVllvnl. axxiy no. .TXXXEt QO. Soptom'boi" 23. Ootobor 21. DMo'voui'bor SS. DooouiTaor 23 ""-- Annunl VmfUnl on U?lti, T''u hour of meeting will be from Sep (ember to Miirch. at half-paut (i V. M.; and from Match to September, at half-past 7 o'clock, r. i. Tin bretiireu are earnestly ntpiesteil to ulleiid early, for wink will be couiineiieiil nt tins appointed hour. Itrethiun wmII do well lo snvu this adver tisement lor Itituru lefereuce. ALi:XANI)i:il MARTIN, W. M. IIkiimw Dloou, Sec'y Jaeksoiiville. Jan. lid. W,;). Assay Office AT SAN FRANCISCO. 'pill! uuilepig,ied. having opened nn J. Asxav Olllee at San Francisco, would respect luily solicit tlui palionage of Mcr ehauts Mint rs Owneis of Quiti i. leads and Mills who may vMt Sun Francisco, or who iimv remit tieaxuie theic. We guaranlei) Iho coircclnes of onrns--ays, ami will maku t etui us in Haps, or U. S.'Ciold Coin, within six hours alter deposit. We iiIh) assay all klutls of Ores and Metals GREENBERG, ERLENUACH & CO., ti'Z SacriiiuiMiln stieet. u few doors be. low What Cheer Hoti'c. neaily oppo-Itti Paoilio Mall Stuunslilp Co'h'ollice, Sail KiaiicUco. (;iu:i:mikho. I'MEniiai'ii & (kildsmitii, Yii'ttn, Cnltroinlnt GOLDSMITH BROTIIKIIS & l', INiiIIiuiiI, Oi-i'gnn. it. (iiii:i:mikiih. I c., ,,, .v.tioLn.sMirit, m .:.Li:Mn(Mi.r9""'""mn'' V,ek,: January 21. Mill. jan2liiill Oregon IMIill- rpiIH undersigned having leased the J. -Washington Mill,'1 live milts fiom .lacksonvllle, has Ihoioughly lepalud it. ami en cteil New c Impjovcil Mncliiiicry, which, fiom my eperleiict) in coustiiicllug Ihe same, as well as in umutilacliiilug Hour. MiiirutiU nut lii xnvltiir that the Oreuou .Mill can and will do belter woik than any other Mill in tins Valley. KVKIIY SACK OF MY FLOUR WAlUtANTKI) "A NO. 1." I Iiiivm opened a Flour and Feed Store IN JACKSON V1LLI0, On California stieet, opposite l Ryan's new building. WM.J. ALI.KN. JackMUivllle. June 1 1. 1.SII2. 22:11 I. I). ILllffi & MO. Are now closing out their entire stock of Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions, at the Very Lowest Rates, FOR CASH! "fca.! Give us a call, at thu Pot OUke Iltiiltling. earner of California and Oregon Mieets Aplil 10. U02. 1 lq Harness and Saddlery. mil I. Illllliil.lirlli.il v fit I 111 IliSlllGt X fully Inl'onii the citizens ol fcd l,ii..'v.in nnil mlldlmii" ootiutles that ho has mi liainl and will in utulaetuie to n-flcr All Kinds of Sailillcry and IlailUfiS. snub as Heavy Diitiight lltunesa (long and short int').Cuicoitl llaincss, llnggy llaines (iliiulile ami single). bnuihli bmlilie.x, tree;? nnd tigging complete 5 Frillies' Saddles Jockey Saddle?, Saddi-bi:s III idles. Hur c'liglcs, llalier, Spins Cunycombs Whips. Whip-lashe.s, ami all oilier aili clcd usually louiid in u fiii't.cl.it stock ol ALL WOKK WA 15 RANTED. Store in " Sentinel " lluiltling. Cali fornia sued. IlKNItY JUDGK. facksniiN-ille, Oct. 2!i, 'ti2: jll -AT TI1K- PHGSNIX HOTEL ! ! Thursilay Ev's Jn. 29, 18GS. rpiin subscriber will give n hall at the .1 above tiniu nnd place. A general at icnd.uieo is solicitt tl. Tickets, Five Dollars. Good .Music engngtd. MRP. MACOMDIt. I'hcviiiv, Jan. 10th, 1802. wilt m MAN, MORGAN & CO. Dissolution Notice. TI1K FIRM OF 11YAN & IHNDE has been dissolved, by mutual ivuiwii. this tiny. P. J. IIYAN, K. MINDE. Jacksonville, Jan. 8, 1803. Copartnership Notice. rpiIE undersigned have this day nncl X. nlctl thenisflveH logctlier, lor I he pur post' of conducting n general ineichautlis-! business in Jacksonville. Oregon, under lln llitnnameuiidstyleofltYAN.MOUGAN 4s CO. P.J. UYAN. RS. MORGAN, E. 1IIN1JE. Jacksonville, Jan. 8, 18C2. f. .T. IIYAN. . ,K. H. MOIU5AN. . .KDW.MII) IILNIIK. RYAN, MOMN & GO. -DEALERS IN rioceiies9 LIQUORS, DRY GOODS, CLOTPII3ST&, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS AND OAFS, EAKTGY GOODS, Fino Japan and other t.-j Paints, Oils and Glass, Crockery & Glassware, DRUGS 8c MEDICINES CRON AND STEEL, iucrrtfiniTS' tooii, Tirs- mia jl. '-i-a. LB CARPENTER and COOPERS' TOOLS, And other Goods suited to tho wants of the Public. CS Vc slmll aim to keep up n full -a J&y-iuid complete stock ol frrtfi ,ra XPSy and deniable Goods, ul "XDH jBS all seasons of the "tDtt EStf" year, and wc "a BSycaii confidently FajBH flSyto our old fiiends and -a USy- the public, tliut we intend "twO V3j to make it to their interest o BS5' deal with us. "a CALL TO SEE TIS. l' m 'mm & CO. Jacksonville, JaD, 8, '803. janVur t:l