m.MjiM Scmt-Ukcklii Sentinel. O. .TACOII9, r.tlltor. "TOTIIK KI-TIUAOV AX1I PKUMAXKNOV III' YOlill UXKIX. A GoVIUIXMKNT I'llll TIIK WIIOI.K IH tMitsiv::s vni.v:.'' Wanhinffton. .TACKsoxvir.T.n. ouego.v. SATURDAY EVEXIXIJ, .lAXI'ARY 21, 1F61, The Situation. It liecntntfl useful ever mill iiimn to lake a brief view of our military nittiiilinu. First, us to Virginia : The intelligence that " All is quiet on I lie Rappahannock" bus tiopn llnsliiil over the win so Innir mill w rcpeaiully, t lint if n change Is ninth', wc wo fi'iir the thing called Democracy will iK nnutico that change ns tiueiui!lllulinniil ! Ilttt, notwithstanding I lie imminent danger of this ginvo charge, the latcM intelligence rtrongly indicates tin approaching move Incut. It is f-iiiil that Lie has ilclnehtil fifty-five thousand Milditrs from hisanny. nml ecu I them ftuilhwnrd, to check llu vlu tnrinii.s Ro.-Tcraiis. It is highly probable that a huge Dumber of nliel Mildicrs have been mil In Richmond, with a view to fc cure, if possible, the inligriiy of the differ-t-nt milium! lines connecting the reltel cap ilnl with the Cotton Slates proper, Gen. Filler, sonic time ago, si rinuMy damaged one of thci-o railways, am I now threat ning, with n largeiinil well-appointed army, to do more serious ilnmnge, !T not lo enter Richmond itself through its southern gate ways. Willi the view of ilefenting Foster's contemplated operation. Lectins liecn com. pelted In semi a large forcrt ol his veterans to Richmond, To checkmate this move incut, it Incomes necessary for Ilurnstilc to move. " Maleily innclivity " is no longer wisdom. The llnal conflict approaches; the decisive honr hastens. Colonel Carter, by his clever execution or the bo'tlesl.nnd grandest act of the war his recent ilcst Miction of the railroad communication in Kast Tcnncucc has rcndiiTil the situation of Dragu's forcis dei-perate, and virtually rcdci ins that much oppressed Slate. Ros-ecrnns, at latest dales, was pressing Rrngg's ilel'eated forces, ami nnotherliatt!e in the vicinity ofTuilahoma may have hcen fought ere this. This place is Kcvcniy milts southeast of Nashville, on Rock Creek, in Ci'lfie county, Tciin. The Jn'tishville and Chnttanonga Uailroad inter reels the McMinnvillo and Mnnchcsttr Railroad at this place. It is forty mill s from Mutficcsboro. On tho 14th, Rose crans' icar guaid was ten miles lieyond lliis latter place. He has hud ample time, up to the present writing (ihe 23d), Id airive nt the second promised bnlllc-ginund. His army has heen largely reiufoiccd since his last fierce encounter will) Ihe enemy; and the prestige of his former victories, con nected with the enthusiastic reliance of his veteran soldiers in his ubiliiy, render him Veil nigh invincible. The army which, through the precipita tion of that restless and chafing hero, Ueu. Sherman, was denied a victory at Vieks burg. has since won lain els at Arkaw-iis 1081, capturing from five to m-vcii tlious- a nd prisoneip, with immensu quantities of wur material, and has passed on to the Cupital of that Slate, which, ere this, is probably in the possetsion of the Union rmy. Tho exact situation of Banks, with his heavy column, is not accurately known. He is supposed to be above Rulon Rouge, approaching Vieksburg. We think ii probable that, when Banks comes up from below, McClcrnnnd and Grant will co-operate with him; and that, when all things ore ready, not less than one hundred and fifty thousand troops will pitch their tents around the doomed city of Vieksburg. Thus it will becomo a trap in which, il taken, many thousand rebels will he caught. The Government, feeling its ability to take the contumacious city, as soon as till things ,re ready, may designedly bo leaving the doors open, to decoy into the trap a3 large a rebel force as possible. If there is anything discouraging in Iho situation n't present, we do not sec it. We presume the growlerB dp, however. .. Sknatoh Nksmitii. We pubhh, In this Usui", the remarks made by this honorable gentleman, on Saulsbury's resolution of Inquiry ns to the imprisonment of cerlnin citizens of Delaware. Senator Nrsmilh voted for that resolution, but he p'aced that vote on proper grounds. He did not mean to ccmure the Administration by that vole, or lo deny power lo it to proceed in I lie future as it had proceeded in the pint on that subject. " Where is the ue." h neks, " of your furnishing men, urms n'ld money to prosecute a war against the South, if you permit your own eiliz'iw to furnish all the aid and comfort in their power to th' enemy, and to give them all Ihe information they can obtain ?" Tho-e who furnish uid mid comfort to the enemy are trailors, under the definition of tren-wn ns contained in the Ciiiitiliitinri, mid can be rightfully arrested and confined by the military aiilhorities of the Govern meat. It is absolute folly to attempt to successfully carry on militnry operations when spies and informers are permit led to roam over the country with impunity. Tliey promptly notify the enemy of eveiy Intended movement itguinU tliem, thus en abling them to repel an attack, to strengthen n weak point, or exposed posi tion. They can count their slnuL'htcrcd victims by thousands, and yet whenever one of Ihein is nrresled, the secession sym pathizers nuke the laud ring with their in sane howling. Whal'sllu! mailer ? Why, one of their own number has been vuiitfhl in his hellish machinations niraiiwt the ninj esty of law. and the intecrity of the Gov ernment. That's what's the matter. If a Union man, living wilhin the confines of Ji IV. Davis' military despotism, i nr icslcd, -ei'iP aired and imprisoned, for the ut terance of Union sentiments merely, these cents, with all their boasted love for per snnal liberty, and hatred for what they de nominate Arbitrary nrrests, nre in silrnl as (lit voiceless grave. Why is il ? The crumbling utterance and dark inueadoes constantly falling from their lip, speak lite reason with a logic ns inexorable and con elusive as thai which demonstiatCR the ex istence of u God. Tin war-bond ircntieman who was sent in Charleston, from Oregon, to make the Senator'! illn!rnnn piedeccssnr Picsideni of the Unitril Slates. U no less n person riiie llian Brigadier General Limerick, a good Democrat, and now an officer in the lebel army. The Democracy of Oregon lose on" vole by this rebel's absence. They lately lost four more by the departure of Fcnl. Patterson. Sank Owens. Tom Tike and Tom Biley. from Portland, to join the rebel nfniy. The hUclUpencrr commend them to its friends in Iho South ns men of " good game, who will make their mark wherever they go." Saxitaiiy Fiixn. We publish tho fob lowing receipl for Iho benevolent purpose of removing nny unhnppiivss I hat may cloud the minds of the suspicious : No. 928. Uxitkh St.vtks Sanitadv COMMISSION'. Now York Agency, 498 Broadway. Puplicnte R'ceived Dep. Hi'li. 1802. through 0. G. Ueeknian. I-'sri , from the citizen1 of Jacksonville. Oregon. Iwmty-niitp hundred and thirteen dollar and forty ccnK b"ing n contribution to the support r.T ihe Com sion appointed bv Ihe United Slates Gov eminent, lo pmiee.t the Santlaiy interests of the Volunteer Fwces. rs2,o3 4o.irini GKonrjR T. Rtrono. Treasurer of Commission, 68 WallSlreei.N.Y. The wholo nmount contributed to ilrs patriotic fund up In Dee. lltli. was SiiCO 291. Or this nmount '193470 was con Iributed by tho people of the Pacific coast. .Tost So. Several weeks ago the seces sion ( Democratic) sheets were p mul ing the name of John Quincy Adams as an authority, not only for the right of seces sion, but also nn authority against the right of emancipation as a military meas ure. Tho Union papers completely ex ploded iho falsity of the assertion, and vin dicaled the character of tho dead patriot from the foul assertion attempted to be east upon it, But what cottrso is pursued by tlieso patriotie(l) sheets? Why, they turn round and say he is nothing but an old ieuerali9t anyhow ! Try it i 'a'- tlcinen. Eloquknt Kxtbaot. We copy below on extract from a speecli made by one of iho Democratic, mcitber of Congress. lately elected from New Jersey, nml whosu election "southern syrripat'i'zers " nre re joicing over ns an evidence t lint the people are repudiating the Administration. Let a man utter such patriotic sentiments in Oregon, nml he will be reviled by the mis named " D monracy " an " one of the blackest of Ihe Black Republicans:" I am nn American by birth and convic tion, and would strike down nn nt"ii-siu again1'! this Government as I would one nuuint mv mother. I would defend il nguiiwl a Union or a Gaul, and fur mure would I protect it from n pirncidal hand. My friendship and feelings were with Ihe S"iilli before this war; but when my .Southern friends beeatne the enetniis of the Government, tliev also became mv enemies. I urn for the nmst vigorous prosecution of the wnr, and the iisp of every mean to achieve siicecs. I like the Prisidenl's Proplnirmlion. nml ir I have any fault to find ut nil it is becaiwc it i not strong enough, mid its action is delayed too long. 1 1' I pnii'd. T would liherulp every slave in Stall or Territory, and proclaim lln-m free Ihi day forever. 1 believe in the abolition of slavery n a wnr uvuiarc. T trust that, under this Proclamation, wo shall succeed ; under it we can iiwerilw on our banner, " Union nml Libert v." A nit am Dkiiorx M"(. Tliis gentlemnn, formerly n law partner of Mr. Reed of this place, has been cotninissionul, by Governor Yittea, of Illinois, n Stales Attorney for the 21st Judicial District in that Slate, Mr. Bergen is well posted in nil there qtiirmt'iils needed to fiil his important po sition. Mr. Bergen needs but to be known in be appreciated by those competent to judge. May honors gather thick and fast upon him. Coi'i'Kii Oiik. Our old friend. I). 0, Lewis, Iiiih sent us some very fine speci mens of copper ore, taken from the Crnik shank Vein, at Rockland. The vein is owned by Mr. L'.'wis. Our wish is his wish. IIkSi'Kaks. A young man named Alon Z'i Giles, of San Francisco, wlin has been dumb for eight years, was restored to speech suddenly alter a violent fit of cough ing so say California papers. Sk.vatoh. Up to (lie la lest dates from California, there had been no election of United Slates Senator. Tho conte.U lies between Phelps. Sargent ami Conness. . The rebels in their late attack on Harts ville. lost three hundred in killed, wounded and captured. It is lepnrtcd that L"iig street lias superseded Bragg. L. Sacks. This gentleman, of the firm of Sachs k Hrn., lelt for San Francisco, on Monday Inst. Sii'KXKss. There hu been considerable sickness in this town and vicinity of late. It is principally colds, neuralga and fevers. J. Roiiixso.v. This gentleman, late owner of Ihe Fugle Mills, notifies those in debted In him to pay up. Stiiavki). Read the new advertisement of Mr. Hanly ol this place. ciwiii inn iiii Minima aVEni'i'iocl. On tho llllh instant, by T. S. Perkins, K-nj., nt his residence. Mr. Jnil.vG. Duiciikii and Mrs. Ann Guuiiii, all of Josepliiuu county, Oregon. oMmtRua STRAYKD OH STOLKX.fioin the. rtt-iilenco of the iiudeNumil. fsMfk near Jackennville. on or tilioni the t. 1 I ltltli dnv of December la-t. TWO LIGHT S(JKIU'!r COLT.; both with white Miipcs on the forehead. Ouo is a lust-i-pring uniru colt; ihe other is a two-year-old horse unit. I will liberally jew aril any peioa who will bring said colls lo me. or inform mu where ihey are. M. 1 1 A.N LIS Y. Jacksonville, Jnuiinry 21. 18(i:i. jan21-iS NOTICF is hereby given lo all persons inileb'cd lo me by note or Bool; uc count, lo pay tint sniuu (o my ngeat, JosKi'ii Jtcoiis, on or before Hid loih February, ISiiIi; olherwisu tho saiuu will bo placed in the InuuLs of an attorney lor collection. JIWrfK ltOWNSOM. IVrJiMiifii Jaooiis. Kaglo Mills. January 2il. WW. Jncksonvillo Feiuulo School, fTTNDKR Iho Miperlntenili'iice of Mas. J. J vi, .mcUiim.y. will open a live months term, commencing on Monday, January, 20, 18li!J. TKRMS : Kuglish Coiu-n. five months SI I no Piano, eight dollars per inotill -10 (10 ' Drawing ami iiaiul tug i lit) MRS. J. W. McCGLLY. Jncksonvilk', Ogn., Juii. 1-J, ISG.'I. aid Bargains ! Bargains ! ! Bargains ! ! ! Offers his entire slock of WINTER DRY GOODS, For Cush only. The consists, in part, of LADIES' Woolen Shawls, CLOAKS, HOODS. NUJUAS, French Merinos, Cnaluiacrcs, Delaines. Poplins. Trimmings, And all kinds of FJtJyCY GOODS Of which 1 have u large stock on hand. I will nlso sell all other Goods nt VKR-Y LOW PRICKS. LAD1KS ANiTgKNTLK.MKN' are cordially invited to come nml examine tuy stock before purchasing elsewhire, as 1 con sider it no trouble to show Goods. Jacksonville, Jan. 10, 18(i'-'. janlOtf WK beg to Inform our friends and the public in general, that wu have on hand and are constantly receiving fioin our M-uhir partner, refining in Paris (Franco), by every steamer, a large and choice mjIcc tiou of French goods, cotislhtlng of Heavers, Oiululcs, DoosKins, FAXOV CASSIMFRKS, Velvet, Caalimoro and Silk Vestincrs, Of Ihe newei-t f-tyles. Abo, Furniture Huslit's, lillliunl Ciolhs, FRENCH HATS, -Axn-Ilattcrs' PIuslios, Trimmings, i:tc, i-;ic, Ktc. M. LANZENBERG & CO., GiiO Clay nut! tittl .Muugtiuiery ft., San Francisco. M. LAXKHXIIMIG. 18 ruo Nenvu St. Kttuehe, Parln (France). pn-founJry nrder received and prompt ly aiteutleil to, and also orders for all pans of Hurope. deelilinit M. A. BRENTANO Is daily in receipt of u largo assortment of Groceries &. Provisions, LIQUORS, t WINKS, CORDIALS, II A RD WA UK, G LASS WARM, And all kinds of 3SCXjKTI3arGl- TOOSjS. Ho recommends his large, new stock of C1QAR5 & TOBACCO, MATCIIKS. STATIONKUY, CARDS, Toy and Taney Waro. Ami a great many oilier articles too nil uierotw to meulioii. all of which lie will Mil LOW FOR CASH, Or in exchange for COUNI RY PRODUCE. Jacksonville. Augut till. 18(2. EAGLE MILLS ! Tlll'3 iiuilerMu'iieil, present owner of these mills, would notify the public that hu has securi d tho cervico of an experienced miller, and will furuhdi Ihu Ycry best article of Flour in cxchaiigu for wheat, at the following rales, to-wit : For each bijfhul of good wheal, thirty-lx p-.iitts of Hour, two pounds 'of middlings and eight poiuM-iof limn. ALLK.V F. FAUNHA.M. ,laeniivlHpt Dec. 2j.lSC2. If liuttei'! HuUoi!! 1UST received l.SOO pounds of Oiuxuii l Coiintv llriTim. of recent importation via tint Mhmuu. It is an extra article, per fectly (. uml well packed, in p-sekages of llio pounds; which will keep anywhere, and U superior to tho greater portion of so-called frcbh butter. E. C. SFSSIONS. With Hradbiirv A: Wndo. Jack-on ville, Nov. 5 Hi, 12. BRADBDRY & WADE, JfAOlvSONVlLLN, TfJaoloWvlo eft JEtottxlJ. -nfcAt.KUS IX- DRY GOODS, OLOTI-IHSTG, BOOTS & SHOES, FAISrCY GOODS, hats axriD o-CLrE, GROCERIES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ILilc&'u.or's, Tobacco & Segars, PRODUCE, HARDWARE. U LASS WARE. QUKENSWARE. WOODEN WARE,. MINBES' TOOLS, All of which will lie pold at low prices, for CASH, or desirable PRODUCE. ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF SUMMER GOODS AT REDUCED RATES, To make room for FALL STOCKS. rrnTnT : A Choice Select inn of Ilia : r Ever oflVrcd in Ibis market, embracing H varieties of 3 i- lllnclc, Green & Japanese, ' ! In bulk, papers and caddies, nt '. .' prices to suit I lie innM particular. ! rmT. i JUST RECEIVED,. A FRESH INVOICE OF PICKS PAXS silOVELS. RUDHER ROOTS.' " 1JLASTINO POWDER AND FUSE HAY and MANURE FORKS. . Agricultural Tools 2j02. 3,1o cvt Coiat: 20 Stcel-point PLOWS, complete, ' . of various sizes x 10 cast PInw-poinis ; ' U sells cMra Hieel Moald-Roards, Points and Land Sides.. 2 pnlenl Slrnw-l'miers ; G lurgu Iron Kettles, fur farm use. The above will be exchanged for Hour at the market price. BRADMURY .t WADE. Jacksonville. Oct. 211, 18(i2. 34 tf PIKENIX HOUSE. BRADBURY & WADE. THE CITIZENS OP - PlKEiMX AND VICINITY Will llnd it to llioTr ndvnntngo to purcliase ol us, at. wo i-hall Keep on hand a good tupply of FANCY AND STAPLE MERCHANDISE!! rOR SAI.K AT JACKSONVILLE PRICKS. "Wo will take all descriptions of Producu that can bo dir-po-ed of without a lot. DRADRURY & WADE, rhteul.v, Oot. 3'Jth. r- 1 i