Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, January 24, 1863, Image 1

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    he c t$u
Oiilfi! rtt the City Ontif Stoic,
iF.'icnNvn.M'.. Oitwins. 41
Office willi II. F. Dowcll. F.-q., Third sti-pet,
.T.u'KsnxviM.t:. Ouctiti.v. 20
.lAIMvVtl.NVir.I.r., OlIKHON,
TTTIU, practice- In Hit' sevi'ral Court of
V V (he First Judical DMricl. nnd In the
Suprpnn Court. October 'JO. '!.
J. II. Itf.KIl. 3. IIASTO.V.
Iacksonvii.i.i:, Oi:kmix.
.T. II. It WW having determined to pon
tlnitP lite pr.tcllce of his profpssinn. hasn-so-dated
Mr G.isioxwiih hini In liu-ltii'HM. iiih!
they will give prompt attention to any l gil
hiix'incx cnlriMed to their cure, in any of
tin Courts of tlii- .fiiil'cinl D'strlpt.
Ofllc" in 'Hint! building formerly occupied
liv Mr. Il""'il. Aitizust ISlli. 'tig.
,Jai:ksh.nvim.i:, Oiikoo.v,
Will nll'-ntl lo tm-'ni s in the Courts or the
Vir-l Judicial IV.strcl.uud In the Sup-emu
Court. October tiin
" 0756 WELL,
Will practice In nil tin- Court.- of the Third
.liidbiul Dlstriel. the Supreme Court of Ore-
I 1... '..I 1W... wTontik J.llllif
011,111111 'II 1 ICIill, Villi. l .7Ull' 'i 1
fli-Cll'll. WML1-
J)uii'.h Hsu-Iut Shop.
Ilutwccn Iliiulbiiry.t Wade's nud Kl Dorado
Haloon, "California street.
KlIAVINrLllair-ciilling.ShaiupnoIne:, Cur
ling and Ualr Dyeing, u hmiil anil lor
c.iif.n genuine iiitlclenl Fish's IIaiu Ukh
O'oiiati vi:. ii.nt CrMndora's i!tc(ltwrjluirl)yt
PSioioKsnjvIiJc Artist
s pivparnl lo take pictures-in every style
nl' the art. with all tlm hup improveincnlH.
Jf Pictures do not glic Mill-riu'llitii. no
charges will lie made, ('all at his new Gal
lery, on tin- It'll, psaininu his picture, mid
fdtYor vour likcin-s.
V'a(clinial:tr mid Jeweler,
Keeps eiiiiutuiit'.y on hand n frp
Hue asM.rlineui o'f Ci.ociis and firysQ
Jkwki.uy. wlih-li Iip olli-i-s for kJ ;iw
mil) ul very Imv iirlei-s. lor-V .;M
cash. UF.PAIKINC- CwU.222&"
Watches and Jewelry repaired with prompt
jicfs nnd warranted. Shop on California
hired, two doors wei-l of Love it HilgerV.
Jackso.vi II-. July gli; 28
"Wai.ihi. Joski'Iiixk Count v, Oo.v.
Dit, Dkscii N pipparpd promptly to attend
to the curing of all diseases according to
the trciimmit of Pi of. F. V. It.vii'Aii,, with
nut the use of Mercury, Aienie, or any
poisonous drugs. For the pa-t nine yeats
In! Im-. been a nrautitinuer of medicliio at
(Jresceiit City, and Is Is well mtflslletl that lie
can give speuly relief to the alllieted who
taav call on hlia. Ample arraugemeiits fur
Cold. Warm. I lot aiiilSteiijn Ibilhs
Blniik-Hook Jltutafncturer.
5l7Chy and 511 Coiiiiu -rcial stieeti,,
between Montaouicrv nod Sansomc,
Tf- Uindhig of i'v. ry des-eriptioti neatly
r.xpcut.-d : lllauk llookn ruled and Hound to
tiny desired pal tern. l:y
P. H, LYNCH, Prop'r.
Corner California mid Oregon Streets.
I Tho Proprietor lias just rcclved from San
'iM-aucihco a clio!pe as orlmeiit of llnu
"Wines, Liquors, Cigars,
.fr-- D'l'P In "'id test thein -Die. 1Q.
H" 0 W AltO vV.SSOCf AT10N, Vhiludel
phiu, Peiuia'.-
jit the reliff 6llie Side and Dultmcl A jQUcttil
'with Virulent lind Giroiiia Dheaus, unit
ppcciallt l)i:ucs of the
Seauil Organs.
Medical Advice jjiven gratis liy llio Act
Inir Surgeon. Yaluablp nupoirrs on hi'iiiima
toiihoi.v or siimixai. wi:.KXKhS, and oilier
iIlsp.isPB of tliu sexual organs, and on the
kv.y iiKiiKincs i-mployid in tlm Dispell
Miry, fcnt in t-calid letter envelopes, itee of
charge. Addiv
Jlowavd Association, No. 4 south Ninth at.,
Aiirll i!li,:i:y rhUndelphln, i'a. ,
California Street, Jacksonville,
HAVE just received I'roin the Atlnntlp
rilatiH and Sun Fiuiicih'o. a coinpli'l'
stock of everything in tliisir llm. mid will
keep cniiHtniiily on liainl an assortment nl
the liest Tin, Slicitlroii mid Coppprwnre.
lirus Pipes. Ilydratilio Nozzles. Force
P.tiupx. Chains. L"!id Pipe. Hose.
of all sizes:
Har. Plate and asnrled Iron;
Paints. Oils, rib-.iw and Glass:
All qualities of Powder;
Shot of all number :
Unifies ol' everv variety. ptc, etc.
Also.nlway-on iiiiud a Inrtrp lot ofxtnvcs
of assorted sizes. " Hack''' Patent Cooking
Slove." and the " New World Slow." the
two very lel nud iipproud palleras in the
world. 'Parlor. OHlc and Cabin Siovp-.
I'uiicv and plain, pon-trnctrd on latest fuel
saving plans, lloiler-. Kelt I . Pols. Pans
and everytliliiL'coiiuicted with these stoves,
warrante'd diintld" and lerlct.
All articles sold liv lli"m or inunufiic
lured. WAUUAN'IT.D'. Their work is made
of Hip he"t material and nl'choVesl pattern".
H.Order- altpudeil lo w Ith dispatch, mid
tilled" aecoidlmt to dlriciiou. In every-
thill:, tli'dr stock Is the larirei-l anil liesl
ni-r brought lo Japksonvlllp.and tlu-y are c ;rimt QV TJ(.mith on the- Illotral Im
letermiiied to sell at i.ow hmit.s itm aMi. uCnam A . . rV!" T.j " b
Call and examine tlielr -tuck bpfore pur
chnslng elsewlierp. Jniioill. I ,i!t.-2JI.
AupiiI" for llalllday ,v t'o's Wire Itope.
The undersigned, having putpliaM'd from
J. A. Uruuiiii' it llrotlu-r their entire
Stock of MureSiaiuIise,
Now olU-rs the hiiiiu for sale nt
Greatly Reduced Prices,
The stock consist of
Drj & Fancy Goods
And. in fact, a varied as-orlniPiit of
article- ppitaliiiug to Hip Ceiteral
Merchandise buiues6.
plea1-" In givn inn n call, nnd examine
the fioo.lx and learn the Prices, before you
make your purchase.'.
Do not forget the place the Hr'ck Store
heretofore occupied by llrnniur it Urn.
Jacksonville, July lit. IM52. 27
1W l itjci.1.
WF. liave Mils day sold onrlopk of mere-hand
se to Mr. Max Mrr.ixit. From
our friends nnd palron- wo would ndiclt
for Mr. Mui.i.ctt a eonllnnano of Ihelr lib
eral patrouaite. J. A. llUCNNFU it DUO.
Jaeksonvlle.July Ivth. 1PII2. 11
IltlcU Uulbtli.j,', Cor. I'Voiit & V streets.
WILL nttend to the Ueceiving and For
warding of all dooiN entruxled lo
their enre.-with pronmtuesx and disjiatcii.
Couxignmeuts solicited. Metchaudiso re
ceived on storage.
Cmcent City. April 10. 1802. 15
N. U.-No good delivered until Ihefreight
nnd chargps are paid. D. it W.
WANTKI)'. 1. 01)0,000 pounds of 1'lour,
lu exchunge for koui1, at
rLAf..n'.,inniLiiMaiiuiivMi.u.viiiarssarsfTvsrri..j ui.'i in b
ismu:i) i:vi:itv wisuxkshay and batuiiday.
III3MIY OENIilNCJICri, Pub'r nml Prop'r
Sniscitii-riox One year, in mlvancp. Five
Dollais; .Six inoiitli-, 'I hree Dollars. Unles?
reiiewiil. papers will he discontinued at the
expiration of the time ,'or which they have
been paid.
Auvmtiisixd One itpiare (10 lines or
less). Ilrl iuserlioii. 'I lure Dollars ; each
iib(uent I serllou. One Dollar. A dis
count of liCtv in r ecu I will he made lo thoM-
who adverllhe by the year.
Ily niiplleat'oii to Poxiiialcrs nnd Mail
Carrieis. ymt eau learn that the Si mi-weekly
()m:iinx Si:xtim:i. has by I'm a larger dreu
latloit lu tliu touniiesor Siiiiihirn Orepai
and Del Nolle county. California, than any
other paper. This lacl should commend the
rfi:vriM-:i. lo jou iv a mperior inediuiu lor
Lirt tit' Aisiixrs. who are autliorlzed lo
transact any busnics-i concerning tliN pa
per. In llo name of Hip publisher :
, P. Fisher. Sun Franc sen; Wad-woitli
& Kavnex. Vn ka: Fher Kmry, Ashland; S.
C.Taylor, Pliiimt.v; W. W. Fowler. Apple
tratPt'U. S. Duiilap. Willlaiipburg: John It.
Prliidle. Kerhvville: A. II. MpIIi'.iiIii. Waldo.
U.J. Foi be-.' Waldo; W u. M. Kvaus. All
house: Joel Thorn, CuuynnviUe; A. U.
Flint. Uo-ebitrg: Imiiic It. Moores. Salem; F.
,l. Fllsworlh. Kiigenp City: F. Cliiirman.
Oreu'ou Cilv; I). W. Wukellehl. Albiny:
Iteujamln Cook, Corvallls; .1. II. Sin th
Cre-cent Cily; Albeit Doolittle, Happy
i ll-juilllltlll VillcniiVJi.
During a ib bate in Hie United Slabs .Sen
ale. December Kllh. upon the lesiilutions of
liupilry ol Senator SauWiury. of Delaware,
a- to the imprisonment of ecilalu citizen'
of that .State. Senator Nci-milh, of Oregon,
spoke as I'ollhws :
Mr. Pre-Ideut, r. I jnopose to vole for
tl.l- i-psolut on, and all llion; of a similar
eli.it aelpr. making Inipiirii'ti on subj.cls in
rpgard to whieli It N prop-v tliat IheSeimte
and the eoui.lry shuiild be liiformi d. it may.
perhaps, be proper tliat l slioulil give n few
ri-asonx uiiy t -nail do o.
In the Hist place, necoi ding to my tintlnr
slau.liiig of the form and llu-ory of our
Coveiniiiint. I think Hu-re isuondmlulslia
live act hi recaid lo wh'ch Hie peopleslionhl
not have iul'oi million lu my opinion, th re
is no publ p aci.uoiulmitiislralivoact. which
should be ki pi from the people; but. in vol
ing that tlip dun of ilii-p nrresls nnd the
nam's ol lli parties should be laid before
the Scale, I do not give that vote with the
intetiiio'i ol cuusuriui,' tliu Admiiiistiatiou
for Hip arrest.
Sir. I think I have ax lender n regard for
tin' libi it. ps of Hip people ax any in-u: anl
I am not eiiMvIv Igi.otantoi nio-i'Miuiinn
li-Min- which tire lauglil by l-.ugisli liistoiy.
that Hi" ii-sirainl of the l.b'rty of the sub-
jeet had tuiieli to do with d po-iug tin mini-
uicli; Hint It co-l (.liaries nis uean. ai,u
Jainev l.ihcroun. and made him a lagranl
"wanderer. While 1 am not cut rely Igno
rant of tho.-o ciietnu-tauces. and what hd
to those tifulK 1 believe that the time Im
art iv.d in this country, in dcr the piculiar
circuuislaiices wh eh now ex si. when It Is
nece-Hiry that the power of the Covernuu nl
should bo p.m it. d to arrest crtaiu men in
ourpotnmunily, mIio are doing all llu-y can
to t.r up strife and tr.-a-on among the loyal
IK'oiile. Sir, wh.ri) Is the use. of your lur
iiishlug men. iiruix and money to piosecule
n war agaii.si Hie South, If you permit your
own cil 'iis to luriiish all the aid aud-com-
for', in llieir power to the enemy, and lo
give them nil the liiloriimllou they cnu oli
tain ?
1 do not know whether those nrrests nre
entirely Ipga I or not. The question x to
the suspension of the writ of habeas eorpu
1 propose lo say nothing about; but 1 urn in
favor of Hipporliiig the Government by all
legitimate munis. The n.-ople wlio sent hip
here are a Union-loving, law-abiding people.
All their hopes are hound up with the Con
slitiil on and Ihu Union. I am lor support
ing Hie Government, within tlm bounds of
thuCousiitutioii.il that is possible; if Hint
Is impossible, 1 urn lu favor of doint; it
Some persona, doubtless, hnvo been nr
replcd who miL'lit not to have Iicpii. The
Pre-ldetit has exerclsul that power nt his
peril, mid it is our duty to let Hie country
know in what manner ho Inisexeicised It.
No doubt p-r-ous have been arnstpd who
should not have been arrested, but 1 know
n gnat many who have run at large who
t-lmiiltl have been nrnslid. i hem d Sena
tors on this floor, pi lor lo the -Ith of March,
and alter tint -Ith of March. 1M1. denounce
IhoGoi eminent in the- mo-t defiant terms.
They Inaimnrntid Hie rebellion here, and
they raid Ih.-y inleiuled to carry It through;
nud they have denied upon your own floor,
and in jour own presence, that they owed
any iilllyinuc" to HiN Government.
1 know u young man in I'tis city who
cnnio to mo and told me ho was goitrg to
iolu tliu rebel army; that he hud reeomnien-ilatlc-uc
from S'.-nvi't n' in fvd"Y U procure u
commission in the rebel army, lie told tins
all about them. I think he ought to be ar
recti d. I do not know that the young man
could have done much harm in tin b'nulli,
Tor he was ns mean nud as low-livid n crea
ture ns I ever knew, and as worthier a inj."
iibninl ns ever threw himself on the otiMtlu
of u pint of mean whisky. Laughter.
Another individual came here alter 1 had
taken my sent upon this Hour a mail ho
had been n (onm r resident or Oregon,
nud wa sent on lure for the purpose or
lining to Charleston to make my llluslrioiis
prnhcpsKir President of Hip Unilul .Slate.
Alter the breaking up ol the Uiurleton
Convention, he ueglecud to return. When
the rebellion broke out, lie became an ollin r
in I lie rebel army. It seem" that, by somn
mean", he cot leave of nh'eiicc, as about
hall ol' our ollicers me getlinu' now. lo he
ail ol our o leers nre getlinu' now. to nu
alMUtlrotu his command and he panic up .
hejPtoeolhct a claim which the (Joveru-,
, .i ..I'll... it, ill., l si.ii..y .in..! li'm ini-u.r. .
vices reiabrtd in the Iuiliaii wars in Ore-' New Ymk Woods Klri! and Davis liiul
Kpn. I was not cogn'zatil ol the fact of his hern in priiMiltnlion. His deplaialioii that
having been in the rclnl urtny. and he mnde tl. hIioiiIiI order all Union "fiiivis eaplureil
a lool of me to the extent of going lo Ihe'j,, ,.IW, ci.tilluement, and hand litem over
Triasnry Dip rlment wilh bin. and intio- ,,, ,((. i-,,,,,. miilioriti". lo he I lied and
duping mill idenllfyinir him. lu ntdi-r Unit ',... ,i r.... .,, UMnlimr. la Hm uianifet-
... m v lit 01.111111 li is cla in. lie hut. I'tiHi tlilf.M r n-t-linsr hb khvubo as i.npotput.
lu gel ngix part o I. sp In in and wpiiI buck ' . ,. . ....,, , . ,.u, ml.
lo th.' S.iiaheru Conlederapy and rejoined ' M,'7 "V" ' ' ' " ' , " '
ihearmv. A genthman ha- recently In-, eni reb-N a l-mbe ret Ibution It won d.
I. ,,,,...1 I,,,, (I,,,. I... c,iu-lli..tmniMiii.iii In I'lill 100. !. lll-tlliell lV till' CIV I 7.fll Wl.rlll.
ptl Iphin. who mid li'tu that he had u. t got
all M- pay; Hint the Goveiuinei.t st II i.wul
l.im n cei'lalu amouiit. and he wa coming
lo re I'm-it. I.auuliler.j lie ackuowl ge.l
to my informal. I tliat lie was in Hip bailie off
Pi a Utilge, Hip Imlih' of Shiloh. mid I lie kit-1
lie of Autlelaiu.iiud he said he was coming
here to get Hie h.ilaticu ol his claim, on
leave ol absence ft out IlieCouliderate dov
eruiiP'ut. Laughter.
I think lliere is a ca-e witere, nlthnugh it
m'tflit not. ppi-lmiis bp in arcoidatice with
legal fornix, it would he proper to mrcM n
man and deprive li'm of ids liberty lor Hie
t hip being. If I were President of Hie Uni
ted Stale (which Cod save me from ever
being!) I "diild oxerclf-e the power auliow.
I would exercise it in all such cases, and. as
I said before, It Is a power that niii-t be ex
ercised liv Hie President at his peril. If he
does wrong, It js proper Hint the country
wlmiil.l L-iiniv It. 11 In vtolatiH lie liehtx i'l .
citizens, and wrongfully arrests peopli -War of pxteriiiinaxhtin" I hi frn. l)C-ngnlii'-l
whom lliere is .to'evidence or su-pl-1 ons wholly to the kotn'sarp (lepailntint.
c'on. I think it vi ry propi-r that the country Advunpi (jitrd" this is n mud tlm hav
-hoiiltl know It. and that it liould be laid J mv ; ,- nnni, in keep our I'ellowj
beforu lite Senate. I f,.n1) ,i,.,inir imo the ptieiuy frotii wards.
We all know, in relation to this mutter or utf ortl" llil- is n gard tln-v Imv tu
taking oaths, that Ih.-y do -not miiniiiil lo' , , fellets. when tin. 'nre sur-
ZtuSf: 'Ki eT n -W. tL Llichl..' into ll eiiama hack-
gluiii. wlilfli the suhher propnsul to swear, wans.
a...! turn loose. I.aiight. r. A gieat many "Awl quii-t on the Pottprmuek -hi
of tln-se g.-ntleiiien have been sworn and I shows what perfect fiibjecshnn our felleM
lurui d loose, lu my opinion, some ol ll.fiii
ought to have bei u shot. Sir, when a man
makes up his iniiiil i become u I nil I or lo
such a Gnverunient nx this, and cause its
overthrow, and lakes arms in Ids hands for
Hid pin pose of consummating tliat net, Ids
oath is not worth n straw: and if the evi.
deuce is concluiv Hint he harbors and eu
terlnlns those dc-igns with Hid intention of
putting them into elfecl. 1 think he ought
to bo testialiied of liberty slid prevented
from consummating such n wrong. I do
not pretend to justify anybody in icstraln
ing anvbody else of his liberty, nud I do not
ju-ilfy It. As I said before. I am not igno-
rant ol tlie sacr.iluesR oi personal poi-ny,
but I think this Government, this Constitu
tion, this Union, nre paramount to all other
eon-hletalloiis, nnd I think their preserva
tion Is tar above thu peoonal libel ty of any
slimlo individual, or any lllty imiiviuuai
or nnv live hundred ind.viilu.ils.
Willi these views. Mr. Prislilent. I propose
to vote for the resolution of the ueiitlciimu
from Delaware.
A.votiiku Pkack Dkmoohat. Ill his
Inlc iiu-i-s.igp. ilifl". Davis proves hini-plf as
earnest a I'eaee Deiuoeiat us Vallandig
ham. He pmys fur peacp. hut at the mine
lime infi rins his Jit other Peace Di-niocratn
al tlie North that no one will be accepted
which does not reeounze the Confederacy
as an inileiiendellt CiovcinniPnt. The l'Vtl-
eral Cioverniuent may stultify it?elf by nc
ccptb'g pence on Midi tn'ins, but wo think
it will be it low? limit Hist. Davis' nies-
sage is adroit in iiigiimrnt nnd nssiimp
linns. He tititfi n bold face on the mutter
and iiRMitues Hint the people in tho rebel
.States me united, nnd tiie rnormmiR debt
he lias eieatetl is due to tlie people, and
therefore wil not provo oppressive. That
is lo Fay. tin' people in the rebel Stairs
will not Miller patticulnrly ifnll their prop
erly is consumed is tho prosecution or the
wur to destroy the Union. He Fays they
they nre fighting lo maintain Felf govern
ment. Hut -scll-government presupposes
that the minority will peaceably Ftibmit to
Hie majority so long ns the I'm ma of tho
Constitution tire complin! with. This is
just what Jell'. Davis and his conspirators
'.i. f.t.ii-Ml tlu.v would not do. beci'.iisn tho
A merlcnn people had elected, in accordance-
with tlie constitution, n iiepnniican r resi
dent. Were the Confederocy ncUnowUdjed,
he and Ids fellow rebel iissoeiatcs would be
the first to order out nn nrmy to crush nny
Intuicd oppo;tiou whkh m'ght be o"'cre'.l
trmrr.TuuM.trtmixu.u auiuvu
hy a minority lo tin? ittle of the mujoritj.
Tliete run be no K'H'-govei'iiinciil unlioui
thp piaciful submlssidti ol" the itiimrlyto
tlip ru'c i f tlii' iinijoiiiy. Had DnVis and
his liioilnr ttdti-ln'nciwl on thiH principle,
lliere could have been no reliellioti and no
war to i.'iush it.
Hut the relii'l President oxhiltitH nomo
temper when trfiiitup of the imnucipiilion
proelamaiion. He thaws a" nvoliing'ii
pieiutp or tlii' intentions of tlioypwlin is
nit'il it a he fou'd invent, but tines not
say that the ImrioM which he paints tiro
liliely to liillow. He tlerivis u htlle cun.ii.
hit ion Irom ihe ti'Hiniplion tliat tlie proc
lamation proves, tlutt I In war. us. lln-y
ehnnrrd two VPllts llL'O. is WilU'id tl I'lC'.
flnves. ami not to restore the Union. ThN
. . -,, ,, ,, -,,
wj'W '1it m 1 ' ' ' "
'. l-iom tl.e sinnlaiiiy in senlimeul wit
f.liiiiiT1 stintioxp I it! 1'i'iiPi' Deinopraisor the
'I'hc policy, loo. of sueli n poiuse wou'.l
prnve filial lo Hip nliels. It w. u'.l uroit'C
',piin-rs of vindictive levi'iiuo in Hip ppoplo
of Hie loyal .Stales which would eniwe tht'in,
as oiip man. to deniiind of Hip I'Vilpntl (iov-
pinm.-iii llnil the rpli-1 Slaied should lied
vastaled with fire and swi rd. The retri
bution will he fi-arfal. Sac. Union.
" Waii rttAZiis-." Josh IMIIiign takes a
loL'ihnl vn of war fr.izpx :
"Oil tu Htehiii'iud." that is til s.t.'if tlio
the kusscd rehels will allow it.
i'urriirlel lines" are them kind of linen
that neviT Until tOL'i'lher.
".Military n.-cpssita" 1 0 oOIsits nud a
gnlou of w'hiskf to every iIiicp privpin.
'OiiIiipp tlm tloruH of war." hut ninzr.l.i
tin darniii fritters ; if you don't, Kotneboily
Will Lrel huii.
dip tituli-r.
"Mililnrie Ftrntajra" tryiuir In rnlnt'o ft
fiwuinp by keielnn Inllmu li-ver out ov it.
"Pipki-ls" tln-se are chap that are cent
nut to bnrry tiirlmckcr of the Piiatna. mid
tu fpc if the eiisxpil rebel- Im got a pus.'.
liATitKii I'ltttKONAi. on 1'ofi:. The tinny
cnrie-ipondpni of the Chicieo Tunc, writ
ing Irotti Holly Sprinj;, Mis.., relate tho
following tinu-iliile :
News eamo to 'ho (Jlmplain of t!io
Iteguiieiit that n gond Union soldi.-r wa
irivi-n up by li' surueon. i:i.nidpred In a
dving condillou iitul lU'tfirptl spirtual cumo
i.itii.n. Tho Uluip'iiin, n in dtpy bound,
went tti see him. sat down by hi cot, and
inlkcd of the death and the repxiirreetion.
t,; I The book up 'lied nl the account nrSimWs
a'ayinir so iii.iny I'hilistlnea w'nh the jiw-
bone or mi n. At tuu t:oiipiuion u.u
pntdipr nslied what Iriok he read Hint Imm.
The Chaplain replied, " My d-ar rrh-ii I. it
is the Wind or God." The so'iler iv(-iest
id him to ri-iid it niruin, nnd at its conclu
sion, to see Hie book and read the chapter
him-plf. The Clmpl.iin haiiJctl him thu
llili'p. when he exc'aiini'd.
" Oh, dear ! my eyes are no dim I enn't
rend, bill U'H m Clmpln'n, hotu-sily, isn.t
(Jeueral .John Pope's name sigih-d ul the
bottom of ih.it chapter?"
One of tliu coulies of llit .Slat.' ol Coiinee- j y
ticut boasts or a judge, who. though poorly 1 (
furnisli. (1 willi those Hlilu rillin'mcntnl
usually met with in polished fioeiety, is uti
energetic, shrewpil man. and n promising;
lawyer. A neighbor of his was about to
give away his daii'jhier in innrrhmv, and
having u deep-ionted dislike to the clerical
profession, and being determined, as lie
said, "to have no infernal parson in his
house," he sent for his friend, the judge, to
perlorm thu ceremony. Thu judge, came,
and the candidatia for tho counbial yoko
inking: their plneo beforu him, he lima nd
dri'Ssed the bride : ' You swear yon will
marry this man ?" " Yes. sir." was jho re
nlv. "And yon" (to the bridegroom)
"swenr you will marry this wonmuV"
"Well, 1 dn,"Raid the groom. "Then,"
says the judge, I swear you me nuvriBU.
Wliv is ri cncndtliril'l'H nurso lil atlmn-
tleveloutl ? li.'causi; U lu youtinually liliC-
I u-lt)J,f