Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, January 21, 1863, Image 1

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Ije Kktgpn
.'mr j.wtuwi
fcjt.-j jr:
mimi i 1 imnaluiiMii.inMiiiLiiiiiiiiMw
I'll YS I CI AN AM) SLIU5i:0X.
tlltlri' nt llie. VUy Drug Wore,
Iai'KMIXVII.I.K. UllKiili.V. -11
(Mice nllli II. !'. Dnwell. Ii., Tlilnl sired,
.lACKMlNVIi.t.f. OlIKUOX. l!f)
"a7"X imiollce In the norcmt Cnttrln of
1 1 lli 1-lri-t .luillcnl Illrlcl. anil In lliu
Ktipri'itir- C.iiirb Ocliilwr 20 'li2.
J. H. IIKKM. J, UAirniN'.
ATTf ) I f NKYtt AT LAW,
l.l-K'UNll.l.lf, (InCilnX.
J. II. I!i:i:i) Imvliic ileiernilucd In con.
Untie Hit prnijilc.' of lil priirelnu. Im n..
ciiiliil Mr Ginnis Willi lilm In Ini'ln... mill
tlieywlll islve prompt ntlciitlni. tn nny !), il
UihIiii'm enlru.tc.l in 1 1 1- ciiri'. n uny 0r
the Cnurl nl' lhi Jmlloliil District,
Office In Minn' IiiiIMIiik forim-rlv occupied
''llLJIl'"'.. Aniiiinl Imli, 'l'.2.
.Iacukiixviu.!:, Oiikii.w,
Will nll'inl In liicniM In (In1 Courts or Hid
Iir-t.lniliilul ):htrcl, nml In Hie Sup-emu
'.'oitrl. OclnlHTXli-II
.lAI'KnoMII.I.K, OlimiiK.
Will practice In nil llii C'niirtK nl Hie Tlilnl
JiidDlul DMr.el.lhnraiisvnic Court nl'On
1:1111, mill 11 Yrcl.u.Ciil. Wur h'crip initijit
I.vciiIK'IhI, Oct. 18.
Dau'b Hut tiur Shop.
Jhtlwecn llindl.iiryA Wmli-'ii nml 1.1 Dorado
Salnou, California I iif I.
SHAVING. I luii-cmillnj,'.HIinmpoolni.', Cur
ling an. I Hun' Dy.-luir. ' n Ininil nml lur
MV,Ujelue 111 tide III l'l'IlK II.MIllltW-
urn tivk. nml (..iiiiliiiii'hjrtti,,r.nrvi.
IMiotuin-aiiliiu Artist,
In iri'iir. il In tnk pciuruMlu cvervntvle
of tlmiirl. wild nil Hi.- in linprmcmonlH.
H I'lctiin- ,n nut -o mll.lnullnii. mi
ctinrKfH will ! niiiili-. Cull nt lil new Gitl
Wy. mi lln- hll iMiuiIiii) hi picture, nml
tit fur .Minr liken...
tVuttiluiiukiu- mul .lowclor,
Keeps cnuilmitly mi hand i
iiiiu nwnrii it nl (,i.iickH mill fizzes, rv
f..tu.i. .... .. I.I..I. I ,1 r. .. 1& VVf.
..i..r.i.iti , mum. i.u mini. iur
mlu ill crv l.w prlci
ta.ni. KCI'Allll.vn CI
Wilch" nnd .lewelry repaired wlili prompt.
iiom nml wniriuted. .Simp mi Culllnrulii
Mrect. IwimIihii'h wot n l.uvi' t Wlp-i's.
JiicKhmvIII , -fulv 2li: K
Waldo. Jikki'iiink CWtv, Oiin.
Hit. Dhm-ii U lucMi.ircil i ntlv toutt.'nii
lo lliu curing nl' nil i1Ih-iiui ucoiirtllni; to
UIO irWIIIK'lll III rilll. !. V. liASI-AII, wild.
out the use nf Mil cur', AoimiIc, ur niiy
iioImiiiiiiih ilriiK". I'm- the pat uliieynur.
Iio lliu Uth a pnuilllluiKT nr innllcliHt ut
tiotviit Clly. nml l U well witl(ll Unit Iio
cmjlvi'i.pwily rolk-r tn lliv nnilcnl wlio
timv cull mi Mm. Ainplu nrrniip'inviil lw
"'l'l. Wnrni. lint nml Strain Until".
lnllforiila Street, .lacKsoinlllc,
HAVi: Jint rccclvoil Trnm the Allnntlc
aintifi nml Sun I'rnuoliii, h coinplutf
Kluok of eiurylMiifrlii their lino, nti't will
lii'i'pcniwliiiilly mi liuuil mi ii'iorlliiint nl
inn in! Tin, Hlifil linn mul unpicrwitro.
llnin I'lpi'N llyilnmllo Nuzzli. I'mco
runipvCliitliiN. I.i-ml I'ilK'. lluki,
or nil hlzit
Ilnr. I'lnli'ntiil nmirli-il Iron;
I'iiIiiIk. ()ll, Mixin mul niiiHo:
All iiiitlltltf r I'lmilur ;
Hint ol' nil iuiiiiIpit- j
JlruMii'ii of every vnrli'ty.ulc, otc.
Aln.nwiiyiiii liuuil. ii lurui' lot iifulnven
of nurt( il dzw. - UvW I'lilcnt Cmiktnif
Hlmc." mill tlio "New Win M Sliivi'." the
two very Ihi nml iippriKnl piiiieriiK In the
wiirM. 1'iirlnr, Olllei- mul t.'ulilu Stnvi,
I'miey mul plnlu. conMriirtnl nn Inlcst hlel.
nivIiic iiliinn. Ilnlli-rii. Ki-Hl , I'litu, 1'im,
mul I'vcrylliliiL'roiiiiirlcil wllh lliwo rtovcu.
w-iirrmili'il ilnrulil" mul Mrfi ct.
an nriioiin com i iy tiii'iu or nmmtruo
tiirul. WAItltANTI-:i). Tln-lr work IcinniU.
ir tin' IhI innti-rliil mul oCclinlo'M piitteniK
KuOril'TKiillunilcd Inwliliilliipiitcli.miil
llllcil iiccniitim; lu illvi-cllon. In every
Ihlii, tlmlr mock I (lie lnrei't nml ln-nt
ever liniltultt to Jnel(inuvlllii.miil tlier un
(leli-nnliMil In mil nt mw viiickm nut c.n. I
Cull nml u.xiimluu tlmlr toel lfori- pur- j
clmrliiei-lHlicru. f Juue L'.'l. lM',0,.2a. '
AuiiMh fur llulllilny ,V I'ii'h Wire llnpo.
Tin: oitEuox sj2Stia'j:l
IlKMlVUn.VM.VnKK, Iiil'rnnt I)0ir
St-iHciitiTiu.v Oueycnr. In nilvniicc Five
Dullnri"! Six tiinnlli", Tline Dnlluro. Unli
renewed, mpen will be ilNcnnllmtiil nt the
expiriuiiui nf lliu time ."or which they have
liwin pnlil.
Anrt.iiTiiii.Nn One witiiri"(lo linen or
H-f). Ilrrt limvrtlon, Three DiiIIiim i encli
i"iiiiiipient li.feitlnn. (Inu I ullitr. A illi
eoinil nl' titty per rent will l ruado to thofc
wno tiuwrtiK iiy thcyenr.
Itynpiillenllon to I'olnmMcrii nml Mnll
Cnrrlem. ynu run lenrn Unit (he Semi-weekly
UHKims fccxTi.NKi, Iiuh l.y lur n InrKW olicu
llillnll III the cutilitli") nf Sniitliern (Jlepui
nml Del Nnrleciiniity. Cnlll'iiriilii, lliiiu nny
nlliei- imper. TIiIh I no I Mioulil cnmiueiul the
.Sh.nti.vhi. lujoua it mperlor medium Tor
List ok Aiikxtm, who nro ntillinrlznt to
trmiHict nny luii-ino. cuncernliiK' thl tin
kt. lu the iimne or the pulilMier :
1 1. I'. FUlier. Silll I'riltM'ii.ro! U'ml.unrlli
.V liiyne. Yiiliii; i:inT llmry, Aihliiiiil; S.
v, iiitnir, i iiiiiii: i . 11 . iiu er. Alilili I
pun-, u. o. wiiuiiip. iiimm'iiiirc; jniiu it. ivmt, flmm
i i Miuie. iternrviiie: a. ii. .iiriiv.tuii. u iiiiii, i
wnr, uml tint Iiy inunlcfp.il ennctiiuiiln j
the power wn cxorclmil Iiy mllilnrv nun
inniiilet, niiilrr In'iruc-llnrw.orconryV.frmn
their npiitivf (loviriumiiiii. Ami hmr
I ntrntn recur tn tho r.viinuile of (Jen. .lurk
fon, Wluit lire ynu now niton I In Cniicrm.?
Ymi nrc nlinut p.mimrn urnnt to refuml
in Oi'ii. .Tnc'-fnii iln umoiint it n crrtnin
fine linpivnl up m Mm Iiy u .liulu'O umli-r
hi- lnw of Hie Stniv nr'liiimntin. Ynu
me tnlnjr to nTitml lilm the mnney, wllh
liilerrnt t nml thin ynu nrn pnlnc tn iln
in miiM1 the ImtHMltlnn nf the fine w-nn mi-
inl. Ilecniiw Gen. .Iuc5fnn win iicIIiil'
iiinler the Iiiwh of wnr. uml li'cnu-e the
ni'itnenl ynu p'nre n mililnry cnmniiiinler
In n ilktrict which l Hie thcnliv of wnr,
the luu of wnr npply In thnl ilMrict."
Wnv XniiTiiKiix Mkx ark ('au.f.ii
Mfltlt.t.R The rnllnwinir. Inki n from u
liiimlier of tin- Mnlille lltrahl Inr 18 in.
flniwn wlml llio Xnrlli hug tlnnu fur the
They (the North) luilM our (tin Soulli)
linim: iher mlnr.i llieni with ruriiliinv.
nml nipply llieni with exery cotnlort nml
eomeiileiH-i' which we linve'evir ileiiiil.
I'h'-y iilucHte our chlldn-n. uml i-owt our
iiiikeilmw, from IiwhI to fool, with hutn.
nml MiiM. We nil their
flklt a.l.iuu .. I...1 l. ....!... 111 t. ....
I..;.f. I'',"i!r7,T,'"M"!r''"' M'inron A!- li. plrklm. pork mi aiiIoh; r'il .....
nlubffiite Ullr hy .Inie t.n.r .,.,,,.
M i."ii.u..i. i' ..... ' 7 A . " ... i" Iheir liniiiiatn. tn their cnrriiiL'en. wit I.
)re,nu Ci.'v; IW vntilleM. AIImmv 'i ",'V"' V "W""' ?Ml ,,,,w, "
ll'-nJinnln l.nnk. ComillN! j. il. Xn.iil. . I rlilr nn llii-lr miililien, write on th-lr iniint
Clly; All-ert Duulltp, lluppy
. Ur,iSf. -JS.
ii'ccKtfxm to
.). A.DllUNNKIt & JSKOTIinit
Tho iimleri'lueil. luivluir purtliuM'd from
J. A. lliiiuiur it lliulliur Iheir vutiiu
Stock of Merchandise,
Nuiv iiIRth the unu for mlo nt
Greatly Reduced Prices,
IF i thuMiirynille Appeul.
Hai .Mkmiiiiv Seimlor 8hurtlill'. wlrn
IMiiliinir in oi.pinlil.iii tn tin H. mile refn
littlnii wlneh i-iiilorM'A tho Freedom proclu
innllnii nf I'liimlenl Lincoln, wliieli we mli
lisheil nn ycoleiiliiy, took neciminn, in the
nril.it of Minie very llhicnl utKiiuiouii', lu
lnjl n very .-rroiieiiin ninti-ment of nicl.
The Ftnteiuent iilhuliil In In llilx:
" lint. I mv, when ilocirin.v ure put forth,
when .iiiiiiiflipinioii iiiciiml-ii' nre put lorili,
1 1 in t nre in tlirecl cnutinveiitliin Willi the
iloc'rliHH nf nur InllicrH. tho doctrine nf
wiin with their miiii. miiiIi hiIIi lli-ir
liruhi, Hw-.i-p with their lir.M.un, milk
In Iheir piiiln, rnnk In their pou. Milke
with their luimmrrr, lilmv with iheir Ih-I
luw. i-iil with their nxe. fuw wllli iheir
mif, rinp with llnlr lnmk. pull willi
their lenlher. wliltewmli wllli their lime,
pnlnt with their pulnl. tnirch l.v their
luiiex. rend Iiy lln-lr IIl'IiK drink their
(Jnnrefii wnier nml rum. cmok.. their i-Il'.
ntR-timl hiit, nml Uol nf nil thoe M.-
Inirf. we innrry their prt-lly plrfe. who imike
the IhtI nr wiviii.
The Xi-w York llvtning ul rtnintk
In lliU count cl Inn iih fullnuii :
.Miiioiiui we riuiii i-ontintii' tn do n
I'AI'KU UU l.l-.H, mul
lilnnli-Hook iMimuractuvir.
517 Uhy mul 5M L'tiiiiiiu-rcuil MrecU,
lictweeii .MoiHiioiiinv mul Smuumu,
5- IIiidluKnf ev.ry tlicrlpllnn ncntly
executed i lllniik linuka mlvtl and Hound to
nny ili'Miul p.ilteru, 2ly
P. JL XYNCH, Prop'r.
Corner ('.ililinnm uud Ou-jjon Slreets.
The I'loprlelor ha Jut received from San
rrnncii-cn u cho.ee us nrtmcut of line.
Wines,. .Liquors, Cigars,
uiv vtc.
jziv Dmp In nml .test tlicm. D.tc. 10.
HO W A IH) ASSOOlVriUNTi'liiiuJeT.
nliln. I,.hm ,
Vb thATtlirfpnietJtl-aml Dalwud A HUcM
"M i uulti.1 imJ Chrome Jluaiut, and
Hftcuilly Jhtmtu of tin
MMIrnl A ,1 .!..,. ..!.... n. i... ,i. . ..
j""-. ourgmn. Vnlualilo iikiiiht on hi-kiima-roima;v
nr skiiimi, vkakmxs, mid other
P'mmm'ii of ihofuxunl nrKaiif, nml nn tho
fw itKwuniM entifloycd lu tlio Dliin-n-Jjrv.
cnt in enled letter envelope, free of
pK AdilresH
I 1)11 J SKII.riYimrnii'i'nv
"4 AwiHiUtjon, No. a Hi'utli Ninth It.,
M'fil 2C,il5y i'hlladi'lplib, Fa.
Tho lock cont.tn of
i & Fancy Goods
And. In fnef, u vnrltil nwortment of
urtlclc perlninlui,' In the Cvnvral
iluicliuiidUo liiliiei-K.
plon" tn (five mo n coll. nnrt exnmlne
the Good uml leurn the 1'rlcM, bifurujon
mnkuyour uiich.uuj.
Do not fomet tho nlncc tlm Drlck Storo
heretofore- occupied l.y llriu r .t Urn.
Jiicloonvlllp, July Hi. !. W
WB Imvu thin dnv mid nnr flock of mor
clmnd:e to Mr. Max Mui.i.kh. From
nur I'rlenili nml f.ntrou vu would solicit
for Mr. .M(ii.i,KKn.conllininiir. of their lit
eral p.trnn..e. J. A. HIDJNNlilt & IIIJO.
JnrlcMinrll.'. July 12th. 1KII2. 27
1812. "15 nml -Jn.rrnui Mich men nn y.iAn ,,u ","1 lnnr' r"r "llr h-mMnrii l.r.lhien
liuiiici Allium, it lc well lohcuitutenml re- '' oilnre: lint nt pirn'tii we nre leiiihlnv
f, ct. them the wntln.-M nf law, the vnhip '
All orilmt nlinut tlm "dnclrlnoi nf nnr ' lKM,(V' ,l"" ImHirlmicv of fr.-e hi-cIi nml u
fiilherd" In m ucnt-ral nml nwecplni; lu Hn J fiw prw. I lliPilUiirlmiH ( ir-ein nf .11-
tcrnn.lliiil nn'r n I'lin-rnl ileniul mill le "'""" nun iren-ou upon iinf won nre .n
Inli rp'weil. Tin- .htI.iI inw-rlion hnw..er I ,,""',' 'l,,n cfiiriir iil'iiIii'I fm' Rni-eni-lh.il
.Ii.l.n Ouliier Ailniin on.wi...,l i in,,.,. I "lit lu th" Lit nn. If we nrc mil mueb
i-liinlli.n iiiin.niiin." Iilninrv m.hIiVd n i ' mlMnken. Hihv will lie n rmlefiil In u
. . w .i ,..M .i . . i
relnli'. Iii Icit.i J we ure nnteertuiunx
in tho vi nr n the' I. Ill Inlrixliioil Inln the
H nuie f the Uiili.il Siiii.K hy Mr, I.'rimf
MU.ourl, In refniid In (J.-n. Andrew Jnek
M.n ihi'iininuui of n fine which hud lieen Im
pimil iiiioii hlui by .IiiiL'i' Hull wlinx)
Ciiiirl .Ii.eksnn liml "Miuelcheil" .Tnlin
I l.i. ll..,n t.u,t. I.- .,.! I .1... l. Ill
.ii, r.- ," rr.i.i-, ,., ., ... .it.iip ., ,,i,iiir
I'dllnr wan for lienlher Nrlhern l)lei-6lnH
which lie recounted in I84G.
Sao DrsniiKMK.XT Xew Ymk, Dee.
M. 18li'J A few imip nun lh iniirrliiif.'
of MiK' lioker. u yniiiii.'. Leiiniifiil uml no
Quiney Ail.iiuc, then n inemlier of the o-uuplUlieil hide with In r linln-r'ti roneh
IlmiM" nr Il'-pnenlnllve. fpoke im follow luuu, Ji.lui D.iin, ft-t till the kiiikIhI inon
I uiliilit furnMi n llmiwnml proof in.cerKdl (jnlh.im nn end, A mil nililtinliim
fhnw liml llio preieiiloii nf Kenlleinen to " 'I Mrmijje i-vcniful liiitnry" Iiiir now
llio finii'lily of iheir munc1p.il Institution, 1 1 '" uddeil, Alter the niNrriiit.'e. the
iii.tler n ni.ilenf tieiiinl Invimion nml ncuial couple, not vviiliKiNinIiicr ttn-ir rl fl.-n-ni
lirinjritiir llp.'liiiil hnppily i-nnuuli In.
A Sentt'TfnK I'AiiAritninn. A very
K'tul. well iutfiiileil nM ireniliinim. In Dub
I ii. eoiiclnd.il he mint iliTv hin frumN nml
the world L'enerully Iiy ujiuif hU linetlcnl
Inlenln in iimke fcriptiire mrle mill inorc
ulirncliw. Tn many it dinner pnrlv lliu
oliU'intlem.in w.n iuvit.il for Ihe'iifter
I nm I Ins rennfieniinnnn'oriliil. The writer
nf llii heni.l only t,.. liecinnliiK id tlm
I'indiuir..r Mn.. ii, which 'for lln pniphlp
Hue, ilMliriitnilmi nf ilm rule nf miiIiix,
richly llliKiruilnsr the ft-rin-mmir of the
IrUli iluirneler, iliterr. n plnee wllh tho
wiukn nf truve-lii'. The IVuicim ihretnU
in Hie Mie, neeoinp.-inhil by her innhl.-im :
On Ksvpt'n biiik", cniiHcil'iil In the Nile,
Great I'hnrnnhV dnnjiliter enmu to Mvtm In
Ami nller leirlnc n clnrlnut nvlm.
linn nlmut the flnd In dry her ktn.
Mid k'ck'd the lik-l the I ml." lay In.
finl.' wy nhe. In nccenln mild.
illicit or ye l It imrnn the child J''
A O'Vii. lCxrmK. A Juror' mmc win
rn'l .1 liv Hie rle.k. The mnu ndvniuvil In
th.' .Iii.l.'eV .Ii nk uml f ild j
".ludire. I kIioiiM like tn I rxrii'iil."
"D l linpiHAlhle," ful.l (he .linle, tle-
" Hill. .Indue. Ifvn.i knew my rnmnn."
" Well, the furl W nml then'mn piiued.
" Well, fir. proceed," conttiiunl the
I' Well, the fuel .. I mve fnl Ilm Itrli 1"
The Jildie. who l n rrr wilier man.
noleiuulv nml iinpn.lvelr cx'eliiluirij :
" (Jl(rk,ncruicli Unit mnu nut,"
The follnivinir leH.r whk n reived nt Ilm
..ffiec r.f the Cninnillnmrof Inleriml llcvi
i.ii... in Wiikhiuulnn :
to Ihu Chirk of Kiev tnt'nill rivlime.
Wulilni.'liin. D. C.
Sin : I wnuM like your dicMon upnu the
f.tllmvliiir (pi.'Kiion ;
Are iewrli'H i.i.liir, nml If So nro
they liable, tn be flniiixi onio ?
Ilenpei llu'lr.
I. Ilninrx.
Kknnhecnn. Xnr. .1. 1815'J
Th.' Cmuii'i"tier Im lint yet mailc liN
.I.tI-Ioii (hi Ike iniporlMiil (iittiuii tuittd
There U n " world nf wImIoiii" in the fn
lowluir 4iuntiiiii. brief in it U : "Hvery
tcliiuil.liny I.iiohk tl.nl ii kilo wi.ii'.I not fly
Mill. il hud ii xiriiit; Ivini; il ilown. Jt u
wi In life. U mini who ti.il down
Inlmlfii il"K"ii bliHiiuiu riypoiiviliihiii mul
iheir mother, will miikeu lilitl.. r mid Mron
trerfhitlil Hum th.' linehelnr. who, luivluir
noTliliiv.' tn Lip Iiiiu riiMily, nlwiijv
fl iiiinl.rli.tr hi lh mud. If ynu wuul lu
i.eeml hi (tie win Id, tie ynurcelf to omc-l.u.ly."
tielher, In n FiimllcntliiL'i' ov.r in WilUmn'
jlmr'. The hiobniid nl.tuliuil nn office In
the til'tnui IIi.ii... nml hiiI inom-v
rnoufli in open n iiul.lic home nt the fxii
wnr. whell.er htvII.', i:ivil nr forelsnirc
tviin'iy nuiniu.iii'il.nnil II...I Hie hwi nJMBl
iln in nil Hidi nr, liilt llit jirttrtknttpA
u.r in.), ii. inn ii .or imv in uuiium1, i pay
tl.nl mllilnrv nnlboriti' tnl.iw. I..r tin. iIi.ip
the plnee ofnll inunieipul iimlitutifimi, uml ofO'iuiiil lr.. Williiimliuri;. Jit,nl.i!
Mnvery nnioni; the rel j uml ihut. under the f"r John Deun, he e-.uld not l,e.'p u lioiel,
iiinlenf iIiIhl", rn fur from t belnir lrno!l' I ciihl ' he wns bin nun 1.- cuJiniii'-r,"
lint Hie Slnli-n wberi-nluveryexlnln I'nvi'iUHU.x'i n nnliirnl remit, he eninuienen
Hi.' fxelnnlve nmn. .L-eiii. 'lit nf the MibJ.-et, Irentinir bin wife budly. Tu u nhori whik
lint nnlv the Vttwltiil of the Umltil StH'rt, ' '" Iicir mnn-y wnn r pent, mul wllli puv.
Iml 1lie Cnmiwwikr el Iht nrmu hat notrer to "'y cmiiintf In ul ihe lnnr. love, iih iwml.
onler the vnnrrml emnntipntion or timet in'-wnut of the winnW, .foliu Inul uml
llrlck lliillillii(,', Cor. Front Si Futrtcti.
Tl TIUL nttend (o tho Hccdvlni,' nnd For-
r wardliiK of all Qoodi ciitruntrd to
their enre, with proiniituesn nnd dli-piitck.
CoiiM,'nmentb solicited. Mcrclmnfliio re
ceived on t lornge.
Crecent City. April 18. ISfi'.'. 15
N. 11.- No gooilndvlivcred until tlio freight
nnd cliaifits nre paid. D. fc V.
"7"ANTLU. l.QUO.UOO pound oT Flou?,
H la exchange for good, nt I
1 hnvi' eiien here iuor. in deinil u principle
wii.cn I nnve iiuen.'ii on tiiN llnor n lore
now. uml of whieh I Imve nn more itniibt.
limn I lut t ynu. Mr, neenpy Hint chnlr. 1
five II in ii8 it.'M'lopuiciit. in order Hint nny
eentlemen from nny tmrtof the UiiIimi uiny,
if In- lliinkn n'p.'r, .1. ny the truth nf tho
portion, nril nmy tnnlnimn Ion d.-nlnl ; not
l.y IndiiTinllon, not l.y pji.lnn nml fnrr,
but by nnituil ind no'ier ri'ftnninir from the
lwn nf miliuiw nnd the Inwn of wnr,"
Mr. Adnin fernm nlniwt In hnvn mndo
Ihcfo I'.'cmrniinno in nnticipnlinn thnl nntnn
politician m'elit Iht-rinftfr mlsreprfftnt
hiin Airnln :
Itui when the Inwn of war nre In force,
wlml, I imk. Is one of I he Inwn? It in thin:
Thnl when n country in invniled, nnd two
iinsiuc ii rimes nre w-i in tnnriini nrrny, llio
ennimHndern n lintli nrmlen bnvo nwer In
fninncipale nil llio nlmw In tho Invuded,
lerrilnry. Knr 1 thin mere theoretic ntnte-'
meut. I lie liintory of Soulli Anr-rien
nhown Hint Hie doelrlno lu.n been curried
Into pnietirnl execution wlildn flip Inl 30
yenrn. Shivery wnn nlxili-dird in Columblu,
first br Ine SpnnUli General Mnrillo. nnd
fecnndly. by tlm Amerlenn Geii'rul Dolivnr,
Jl wnn nl.oiiUKii l.v virtue or n
iii.iwi it hin wile, but nil lliln flu put up
witli until ntiirvntlou ntnted le-rln tin' fnee,
wluii he wiineoinpellnl in nnk nduilMion
inln the nln.linwn 'flip pel lion wnn
(.'runtiil. nml the furliinnnble, elcfHiit nm)
nreninpllrhiil belle of the Fifth ntvuue u
few yenrn ii'.'n in now the hkkjoIuIb nl
beinrnrH nnd nifK-f r.
' All tlm love of women It ! known
1o U lov.'Iv nmt n fenrfirt HiIi.l'.
For nil of -tln-irn upon Hint din In .thrown ;
Am if 'tin ut. life hathuninoriilo brine
To them, but mockerlcn of tho patt, nloiie."
KotlVKVn IN (lllK(ll)X ANU WAMIINfiTO!.
I'lic (!oimtnoi.ir nf the II. nerul fiud
Office r. .ora ihut tho mu-'Uiil ..f land nnr
t...l in 0 1 iron, ilui.i.i' the uint y. nr, U
fi.'J.MXJh'i ncr.i. ; in WurhluutnnTririlury,
'1HV.A'i hit. f. The ninoiiiil of hind
lief.. I for null' ill thin .Slnle, In Mny hint,
wnn l.-lzz 7t)n iierin, llie riuuunuli.ncr
"hm liml the piilibe hiudn now Miriey.il In
WiiMiiuu'lmi Territory, will hhnrlly bo
iU rid fur Mile.
ToilS Mm(JAN AXU TIIK MoxK. WJll'll
the (.'iierr.llii i-luef made bin late raid Into
Kentucky, he cull, d on tho Trupp'M Mnu
ontcty ut Gethncnune. and nrderid the Ab
bot to fiirrrnder bin hoif.es fur llie nn. of
tho rhivulry. AecoriliiiL'lv. one of lb.
lirollicrji led nut before the inili'imi.l chhf
Iwn mi.-rnble j.ides which looked ns If I hey
hud fantnl more than their inuntern. Mor-
pin tiirn.il awny In dinutt, on.) inquired
of the Abbot if be had no ollnr liornT
The Alibo. -epliwl in the neKnlie. Mor
j'au mul, "lint I know that oj hud Mnne
fine liow-n u nhnrt lime neo," ' Oh, bo I
inllilnrv' had. "fulil llie kind FivtUr. "but I henrd
command civen nt the head nf the aimr, Hmt you vett tommp and I told thtm?'
nnd its abolition continues to be luw (niMnrtran Jaui;lied and left the lauuastery
big flay. It wag abolished by th,0 law of j Catholic Tt'tgreph.
The ciMlmnrrs of u e. iluln iviojht In k
town out wot, uiiiM.l him ji vunt i.-i)l .of
Iroiil.lf and vexuilun by th.-irMviuu'linbiU
and buying ll. Hew work. "I Mood It
well ilinul., Iiuwevi r," raid he, " until Mie
lav nlil Kim C'ri.btr.u broiiiihl in nil
U luini; bole. In whieh he Haiti he wanted
anew barril iiiailo, Then I (pill Ihv bull
I). III diH-'O-l'"
J-jiV.ll'W.Ax " Cri.nlKrrien npplicl nm
pouitiM. will illa-liially cure the cr)n vlue.
Then U mil mi iiKiuiiiv known w.rre it
lain fjil.il to l ir CI it cure whin failhtillly p
plitil iM'fore the Mill' rer was in u ilyirt'iiluie,
I'wn or three application (jeni rally du tliu
A cnrritpoml. nt id the New Vnrk Indt-
pendent, my, "'I'lieii' In u claw nf K. muck,
i.inn wlio think more nf u ueurn baby nf I en
w.ui)il weight, than of.thcwhulo Ainvrtcuo
Accnrdiny In llio Richmond Dupotth,
U.iiliO Sliili-s Tnsinnry Kolei uru kI tin: In
Iticl.mond ul u premium of ue liunddl
uud Ii-ji nr cent. Tl.ut'n what lliu rcUcht
think ul tlm .rcKclH of the North,
A lady inUerllns lor rule, lu n Southern
paper, .me bubbnnu, three tubby lulp, liial
purrot. Hhe Halm Ihut bviny luurnid tU
1.U8 no further un- fur ll.di).
Yrttv I.ikk Small iKbls are like (mall
hot ; they mo rattling on every nidi, and
i-uu H-arcilv be (rcain.d wl.hout u wound :
peat debt are liku cauuvu, of loud uoiw
ml ol little danger,