Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, January 17, 1863, Image 1

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    i ' ' . - - L
R --- ,li,iniiiiiwHiiiMWiiiMii) iinmli f ini ii i.'ilifn iiliiinanMIW imm i hi. mmmmmmm m mamiiwn
Che repn 0
v i-kr-i .-
tlfllee nl llm tlly Drug NIiiit,
l.rKivvii.i.K Oiihhi.v.. 41
Mice with II. T. Unwell, K-ip. Thlnl direct,
tlArKnosviM.f. OiiKctn.v. 20
.?ACKiXVII.I.K. Oltt'lloN,
"tXTII.t pntet cc In lli fexcnil Court or
V the i'lrM Judical IIMrlcl. and In llm
Huprent" ( '"in wmMT iii lis.
1U. iikkii. J. turros.
.1 M'KiiilSVII.I.K, OlIKtiON.
J. 11. IlKKH Imvliur itolermlned lii con
tinue Hie nracllce of tile imircMliiH. lui nro-
Icitllid Mr (Imrnvwllh lilm In lnliu . nml
limy will give iriniiiil nlt'-utlmi tunny l gil
lnJue I'lilrii'liil In Ihctr nin. In iiny of
the Court nr Ilii-.ImVciil DVlrlel.
OHIc In um building rnriit'-rl.v occupied
by Mr Itrd, AminM IMli. 'M.
tlArKmiWIM.K, OlIKflnN,
Will nllriiil lii Iiiii'iihk lii tin- C.mrl" nr llm
l-lrt Judicial I) Mr el, nihI In IheSiipftmt
Court PclnW.jH-41
Will pratici In nil iliu Cmirt- nl llio Thinl
Judical DlMrlct. Iln' riiijiri'iiii' Court or ( )rv
pon.nnd mi Yrvliii,Ciil. War fc'cilp prompt
ly eollitliil. "c,J.K-
Diui'k Itni'hor KIioji.
Jlctwccu llriiU'iir A Wmli'mmd I.I Dorado
Tallinn, Gtlll'nrulu Mrcet.
HIIAVINfJ. IIrtIi-ctittliiK.SIi.imimliitCnr-liuguttd
llnir Hyeing. hand '""I lor
H'.'.ll XflllllllOllltlcl'lll I'I'hV 11.(111 ItlW-
Tiirtuivi:. ntiil Ctl'lmlnruV Htctlnurjiurjhfi
IMiiitotniipliic Attlwt,
In pfcjnrnl In Ink- p dure In every Mylii
'f Ihf nrl. w illi nil lit'' hue liMprnvi'menl
If Picture tin not gle niII-UcU'iii. mi
charge will l iiiml". Cull nt III ni'W Cltil
li'ry. on tin- ti II examine liU picture, und
Ml Tor jour likeiu ...
IVatcIiinukur tiiul Jeweler,
Keen cnuMailttv mi hand n
.1..- ... ..! -...- 1
fiiii; Hiri'tiiui hi. in vijikii iiimi tC
Jkwxmiv. which Ini nller Inr iflj
alo at vi-ry low price. 'imj1..,
uii. JtKPAllSIXC Clnoki'
Walchru aint .Ii-wvlry r'l'nlr-l wilh iirnmnl-
iicm nml wiitiiiiIiiI Hhni mi Culllniiila
lrrct, tun iloorn i'M nl Iaivi' &. llllp'rV.
JiMk-iiiivlll' , JhI: JK
" DR. Cri DESCH,
W.U.tlll. TllMd'IIISK t.'dl'.STV, OlW.
I'll. Dmcii Ih iiriiiritl irmnplly to Httcml
to Ilia curing nl' nil iiitt' Hccnnllii); lu
thu lriiiK'iil nf I'rnf. ' V. Itv-tl'All., vsllh-
out Hit' nit) rt Miicnry, Arn'nlc, or nny
jiolfonom iIi-hx". Vir ttiti pi nine y'nrn
no imi i ft 1 1 u priieimnni'r or kkmiciiih t
Crcfcent Clly.iiml l I will Mlflnl lliatlie
can kIvu ptifly rcllof tn llm nmicliil hIio
may cull m lilm, Ampin nrrniip-iiHtiU lur
Oolil. Unrni, llnl mul Minim ll.ith'.
lllniiK-Iiiiali Slaimfacturcr
5I7Cliy iiinl VI'l Cmumirvial MrvvU,
Uittt It'll MnlllKulllt'l'V Mild S.IIIKIU1C,
?5U IHmlliiK of fv. ry ilcrlpllon nlly
ticciiltil i HUnk llnokH rttlvil and Hound to
tiy tlcMrul pntli-rn. 'H:y
P. II. LYNCH, Prop'r.
Corner Oulifanim nml Urtwi Strct'U.
The Proprietor ha jnM rvevlvrd (rom San
Krancli'co a chn'ro aa tirlmi'iit of lluu
"Wiues, Liquors, Cigars,
inc., arc.
fitft I)ri In mul tcM limn. Dc 10.
plilu, IVnin.
ir Ihtrtliff of the Sick ami DislitocJ A Itiehd
Uil'i Ytrultnt ami Chronic Ih'Mitl, and
ffitfitJly Dttiitactlie
denial Oiyins,
MnllcAl Advlcu glvi-ii urnlU by Iho Act
lug Surgeon. ViiliiahlfiiKrDiiTHoiiHmtMA.
TOIIIl'Ul Or hKMINAI. 7i;.UNKm, mul ollitr
tncouH'ii of Iho H'xu.il (irniiiic, nuJ on the
J.ov iiEMKniKH iinploytil In tlio DUpcn-.
wry wntln wU'd Ivttvt' u vluje, lre of
tlwrjM. AiMri'M
Howiril Auoclatlou. Ho. Q, Kmlli Nlutlt it.,
ArU C,:I5 I'liiladvlphlit, Pa.
i&3wb wT3
liillforiilii Street, Jiiektonvlllc,
HAVi: JnM ricclvfil rrom the Allntillc
Slulm mul Siin l''niiioico. u cnmpli'lf
tuck nf Qcrylliliii In Iholr llnv. iiinl lll
ki'iipcniistiiiilly nn hand nn UMiirlini'iit nl'
Ihn ln'nl Tin, Hlii'i tlioii nml (.'nppcruiirv.
Iliii" I'lpi'K. Ilydriiiillo N'nzr.li'N Torcc
Pump'. ChnliiK. l.'Mid I'lpi'. Ilii'i
P'. Clmln
Of ull lzl'l'.
llur. I'lnti ami iinrlril Iron;
imi iii. mix. nir.i"' mul t ilium:
All iinulllli'nil l'milui';
Slioi or nil iiiiiiiIht" :
llriifln'H nf nvory vnrlcly. ii tc.,olc
Alo.nlviiyin li.iml it liirni' Ini nrlovcii
oriif.orlnl fixi'i". lliick' Piilfiit ('nnklnir
Hlm-c." mul llii "Ni'w World Klnvi'." lln
two M'ry IhxI mid npprovnl hiIIitmc In Iho
world. Pnrliir, Oillc mul ChIiIii Kmvu.
rmicy mul plain. cniiMrtmlid mi Itih'iit fiiul
Kiwlitif pl.iu. llnlliT". Kt'lll ii,.Piilf, Pmi".
mid ovrrylliliinciiiiiiiTtiil with then' Mout,
Mrninliil iliimlil" mid p'ifii'1.
All nrtldliw mid liy th"in nr innmifnc
tnr.il. WAIIIIANTIIU. Tln'lrwork tumuli'
of tin' Ih'M iimU'rl.ilniuloreliolri'rt piiitcrn.
feuOnti'iultiiiiliil In with iltrpiilch. mid
nihil ncrmillnif In illncllmi. In uvcry
Ihlns. tli"lr ntncli In Iliu lur'ot mid In!
iivit lirnnulil In .liiokwinvlllc mid llwy nro
lU'llTllllllI'd III f'll lit UltV riltl.'KK KOIIUtMl
Call mid u.xiiniinu llndr Mock livrorn pur
clinfliitr i'Im'wIhti'. .Iiiiii' ill. INi:i)..'.:).
Atri'illK for II11IIM1.V& I'ii'h WlirltoK-.
ccc3ioit to
J. A. IIKUNNElt & imoTiir.n
Tim iiniiTl(.'inil. hiirdii! pnrchnml rrom
J. A. llrunmr.t llrnllur lliclicntlru
Stock ol' Slcrcluiiulise,
Now oIUth (ho timo Tor mlu nl
Grontly Rcducod Pricos,
TI10 Mock comlrt of
Dr$ & Fancy Goods
And. In fact, u vnrlnl nnrlnicnt of
article iktIiiIiiIiik in Hid (itm-ral
Jlcrcluiinlli'c liunlnvts.
plcam (n giro mo n cnll. and rxnmlno
(In' Onnd mid learn the 1'rlccn, UTuruyou
make your purcluii'vi.
Do not forjrot in n)aco the Ilrlclt Htorc
Iicrcloforo occupV.'O liy llriinnir .t Urn.
Max mum.ku.
.TackroiiTlllc.July 1'J. IHiii. 27
WB liavo Ihl Iy ki our Mock of ncr
clmndlK' Ui Mr. Max Jlfi.i.K.ii. rrinn
our frlciid mid pttitm wo would tullcll
for Mr. Mui.i.kii n contliiiiiinc nf tlit'lr lib
rnl pntrniinuo. J. A. IIIIUNNIUI & IIHO.
JaRkunnvlh'.Jiily VHU, INli'.. 27
Brick llullilln er. Cor. Front ii l'ttrcctn.
WILL attend to tbo deceiving and I'or
wnrdliii; of ll fioods viilruMtd to
their cure, with promiitnou ami dlrpntch.
CniiMunmenls solicited. Mvrchaiidlee re
ceived on Mnrng.
urvKein t;ity. April I'J, 1H02. ift
N. ll.-No good delivered until lliefrlj;ut
and charge nro nH. 1. ti V, .
WANTKI).-1,OUOI00 pnuod. of FKiur,
lu (Kbitige for pood", nt
IIICNUY ItnM.INUKIl, Pnli'miiit Prop'r
SniciuiTtiiK Oiii- year. In advance. Five
Dolluix; Six tiioiitti, llini' Dollur. Uule
reui'Uiil, piiK'm will bo i1Iih;ou(Iiuii d nl the
expiration ol thu (Iniu for which they have
been paid.
AnvwtTMiNii One niunro (10 linen nr
p). Ilff! luferlliiu.'Tlirit' Iliillura ? curb
rulmipicut i perlhiu, line Ibllar. A ill
coiliit nr llfly piTceut will butmiduUo Ihu'e
who udverllfeby the year.
Ily nppltcnllnii to I'iiMiiiiiMitn and Mali
Lnrrlel. .Mm run Icnrii unit UieMiiil'MriKly
Oiikiio.s Hh.ntinki. Iui bv I'nr u Inruer clicu
Inlloii In Iho cnitutli'unf Sniltliirii Oregnu
mid Del fturlu cimiily. unWornm. limit any
nthi'l' tnper. Tbf lucl fliould cnmiiieiid llii'
Skntim.i. to j on a u itipvrior .iiivdliiiu fur
I,tc or Aiiknth. who aro nntliorlr.nl In
ti-niiMtct any bulue oniicerulug Ihl pa
per, In Ih" inline nr Hie pnlillMicr :
Ii P. I'Mier. Suit 1'rniio co: Wad-worth
A; llnviie. Ynkn; UIt Kuirv, Ahlmidi S.
C. Taylor, Phujiilxj W'.Vi. Inwlir. Apple
gulf ; l(. H. Iluuliip. Wlllhiiii'liiirgi .Inlin It.
I'rlndle. K- rhy vllle: A. II, Mclknlii. Witldoi
It. J. I'oihe, Wnhlnj Hi,. ,M. Ctaim. Alt
hoii'ci Jofl Thorn, (.'iinyoiivtlle; A. II.
I'lliil. Ilifi'liiirtr; li-nnclt. .Mnorm. nlunt V
M. IMLworMi. Iliigene ('My: V Chiirnmii,
(Ireumi (;ltv; I). W. Wnhemiil. Allmnv;
lli'iijitliilo Cnok, Cnrviilli: J. II. MnUli.
Cre.ceul Oily; Albert Doollttle, Happy
CoiircHHional Suiuniury.
Vahiii.s(it...v. I). C.D.c. 10, IBfi'J.
Bknatk Nut much iiiiporimit liiilnt!'
wii coulrnclul ill llii brunch nf CnimriTi'
tiiilny. The Coiiiiutttiti on Mililnry Al
full wnx Inntriicltil lo impure in'ii the ex
ptilitiiuy nf reporting u hill (or the pur.
jinw nl forfeit liitf Iliu pay of nil iiriny nfll
iriKiluriiig Iho time lht-yliull bu u'lwiit
rioiii duly, I'Xrept nn lel luive. The
Imul ('iiiionltlif mi Iliu Cnruliiel of the
War wen' il.n civil m report with nil con
Vtllicllt K-iril, Heliilellioii, of Moi'Oiirl.
ii Uii vuve iiotive ora bill providing lor the
i'imiiielNilinii nf i-liivin in MiMouri, in lie
cnrd.iiiiv wilh I In ri'Coimui'iiiliilliitiH nf lln
I'mnil'iil nrilie Unlliil HtiileCiini vt forlli
in hi title Minit'e, The oivikth of tin
l'Vincli brig, liilini'l Mnrio ere liidenmi'
II. U in the minium of 6'J.fiOO. byu bill
p.iMnl by I lie Kiiiulo in piirHiuiict) of the
leriHuiiii'iiiliilli'iiiiflho I'riMilenl.tlic vtwl
liuving Iniu ilmniigiil In u i'iillilnn wilh
lk Uiilled riliil.-n Mi tinier S.in Jiiuintn in
Ilnvmiii, The Illegal urreM ipieilimi ciitne
tip for Hume lime, mul iho Seiiiiieiullournnl.
IIouhk A rtvuliitlnn Inquiring Tntn llu
nliemilmilU nf unity oflittr, uli-ent If out
llio ervicv, vnili(iltl, mid nuiilry oilier
n-Hiliilioim agmil lo, wlteti (ho luliiihwlon
or Vcsl Virginia chiik' up in the. tegular
iink'r of Iiii'iimw, mul vu difcutil nl
great lnigtli tiy Nwll, of Mioiirl, Illuir
ii ixl Ilriiwn.cf Virginia, unit Huigjiiiui, of
Ohm, In nipporl i I he bill, mid Kegar, nl
Virgiliiu, KImASuM, of llln!e JhIuihI. mul
nllierii, in oppmillon. Thu bill llually
immiI by it vole of 20 lo fi.1.
Til.' .Itileitet Marie Helitf Hill tmFFcd.
Ih'u Critillebiiugh of Nevada, having if
tiirnttl from til reginieiil, otn-rtil Ihu iful
Iiwiiig. wlilclt wan roiiMilrml und uilupltd:
lloolvcd, TIihi lite iVcrelary nl 1hu In
terior bo riquecled to fiirnMi llii House,
at un early u period u noibte, micli iiifor
imttinn uh nmy bu In Id Department in if-
billon tn I lie mineral reiourcvsoi tuo terri
tory of Neui)a.
The Hoiimi nion after inljniirncd.
Kknatk MleeeinlxT '2d) A nu-waiie w
fWeivwl from llieiftrflilriil recnimnemllng
the iMfwuge of n reeolnlion of tlmiilco In
ComiiMmler Join) I. Wiiiilen. tale of tlte.
Monlior, nml to Liiuli'imul CootmiHiding
(iooige W, Mnrrti. Intu of Hiofrlgii(eiUiii
berlaud, for gttllutilry. The inwmgu wu
Jjillium of Caltfornla, from (he Oooimll-
on 1'imI Ofliw mid IV't Uoml. n'iorled a
bill fur I lie niillinrir-tlioii of a urvey for ii
lelepruplilo roulo from tiun '1'runcmcn to
Hie A moor river, in raiern ntux. ine
bill bud been prrvlouly refereil tn Hie Coin.
fiilllw, mid wu'reporll buck us nineiided.
Tlie Senate odopted a rennlniioii. olTered
by Alllliony, of llhodo 1lmid, inslruutlng
tlieCoiiiiniltee on Pipunce lo iiiquiru Into
the expedieney of ndiiillling Burnt -colton
imporied into iho United Hluic from port
tliUsido of Hie Cnpii nf (J nod llnpc.'iipon
1ht payment oftlietliitic, us if collmi were
linporleil l rom foria ueyouit tlic 'Ciupu Ol
Good Hope.
Tlio Senale'tlien proceeded to n lenglliv
dcbalo upon the Illegal Imprisonment (piex
tion, which cume-op in llio regular order or
liusineH under tlie following reeohitlon, of
fered -by BnaUlmry pf 'Delaware :
Voolvttl, Tlint tlio Bwrelary of 'Vor
be and Lc U Ucrctiy dircteJ to Inform the
B.'iuilo whellter Dr, Jolln'hiwn nnd.WhitiS
iy Merdiili. nr eiilitV ol' llti'ilr.l'ilis-ifm n'
I it In ware, have been urn-Med uiuf iiiijin
niu-il In I'nrl Delawnre; wlien they were
iiriiftnl tlltil o lnipri"Oiiid J the eliurgo
iiguliiHt IliPiut by tvltmii iniiile; by wlmv
miler Hiey vi ro urriMiil und liniiriimiiul
mid In t lie cnmiituiileiile to llie Semite nil
piiiern relating lu llivir nrrert und impris-
The opposition Betinlnr gnvp n ilifTemit
coniiilexioo lo Hie ipitTllon by IntrndtK'ilig
ii prlvale teller from one ol llio peion
iiieiitiniici! in the ri'uhitinn, wliieh nhotved
lluil lie wtt nrriYlul und where tin wu
liuprioiieil. Morrill ol Maine took the
ground Hint Iho liilrodiiellon of Iho letter
ol one nr Iliu prlHoner. Miitlng Hull Ihey
weio lo be coiiliui'il in I'orl D.'linviire. de
nuded the (evolution nf it cpiril or form
ir inquiry, mul innile it u direct charge up
mi Ihu AtlmiulMrutinn. He tea not li
poriil In Mill.' renonublo inquiry, but Hull
the Semite clioiilil, in the mulM of u glguti
tie I'ivil wur. I'licnuruge mi liii'ueliiuent
nr the iitlieern nl Iho (Joveriiun-nt, he
Ihiilight iiiiiuiroiM mid u'icl.'ti). He tho't
Hull lite l'rmiileiil wu nellng In good
nil Hi lowiiril llu-eounlry lu ili-feiie nl Hie
Coiisiitiitioii whleh he Inul invent lo pro
t'Cliinid il bud nii'iinero in Ihu loyal
Stole, ti nil nilmillnl, it wmt not Mrunge
lluil tltere plioiilil bo iii'-n lu prlnn,-iii
nmy be rebel yuipuihizer for nil that nny
biily knew or priTiiineil In wiy lo the eon
Irur'y. Merrill innile n long mul rennible
Nt-i'li, lullouid by Wright, of Induiiiii, nn
llio Miine mile of thu qiiif tion. wmt
teplinl In by nuyiiiil.nl Ilehiwure, Pnwell,
id Kenlilel;y,'i'Mil Hiiiili-lairy. of lleluwnre.
n Hie itppnMlo Mile. Tlie deb.ilu n
elo'ed by I'VH'iiilen, of Mnlno, In un able
'pooch, mul Hie Senate uiljourned without
eiimiug lo nny vole,
llofM-: The mcMngo ent o lite Sen
tile. In lelnlinii In iiiivtil iiflieer, wu re
ceiveil, mid Kenton of New "Ymk nlfenil
tlio following, which hud I" en nntlelpated
by n previon bill which I fiilMluntlullr
tlio riiute. Bo wo give thu rcnlultou :
llcolvcd. That I In1 Secretary of Ihc
Navy bo ilirertrd. If llm cx'geuclr. of llu-
piib'ic 'ervlco will iidmit of It, to provide
ii Unlleil Hlale i-l of war to convey In
palely Irnui iho iitluel; of llio nU'l crulurr
Aliibiitnii. or any oilier pintle vim-l. nn.V)
rniii or unp nun until oimmn cum. Jiour.
mul oilier prurllnii, Inlenild un n free off.
irlng by llii'cil!'iii) id the Unlietl Blnlen,
lo Iho Miirving poor or JCuglniid ; und that
ho I'rifulent of the Clminlier or Com
iiieriv nf the cily of New York, mul nther
utiiriliiiio ciliiHof Hie Uuiiid Slut-8. ltnll
lintHy the Hnretury of Hie Navy tit what
lime fiich vitiivla lmll Ih ready 4n rail.
llulliiilnii, frmn llio ('oininillit'iui Mili
lnry All'tirn, retiurlrd liuek. uh liiexpetlient.
llio' lloiiiK- bill (.ruliling bounty land fur
M-rviei-u in linliiin wur in Oregon mul
Wiuhinglnn Territory In 18!tti-G. The
bill wux laid on Iho table ncenrtliiigly.
Mnr uf Mtiryluiid reeonhd lii vote on
l lie llubeu Corpii Stnqx-iHion Hill mul
Iho niliiil'ithin of Wivt Vlrginlu in the
billowing clmrucleriMlc miuinor :
Mr. May Mr. Kpntker, J havo been
ileinlned from Hie IIouo by tiieknes. mul I
iihU iitiiiuiuioiM cniifeiii In record my vote
on thu n'teriil qiieMiuu wliieh luive Ih-vii
up for vnuhleriitlon during my nbsu-ncp,
I tili iilio In vole ugmnM ilie.blll which
Inileinnifie Ihuulive tyr.iuniiV. i tin not
know the uiiiiio of Iho bill, but it la Iho bill
wliieh JiiMifleH nrbiuury nrrext. 3 wili
iilfii In vole ngniiHt the bill which .inuli-
liiien the htiile or Vlrgiulmiiy iiiiinitiing u
portion of 'it run new Slate Into tholUiiion.
The Speaker Depnle i not Innrder.
Mr. May I describe the bllU) as I under.
land them.
Afu-r the consilient I Inn of mndry rraolu.
lions. AVtimuii of Kentucky oflavd the
lltwlvttl. by tlio Hnue nf lU'ruwenln.
livifi, tlm-Briiute coneurring, that rtti prnc'
lunuition of the l'ielilent of Ihe fUultid
Sltiles. of dull' the 22ilnf Seitiiber,aaG2,
U not iwiirniuted by Hie Cnuilulion.
JUsaivtil, That Iho imliey uf wnuticipllon,
ui iiulivuled in Unit prcniamulinn, ib not
calculated to ItnMvn the reflnrutlon nf
K'uce, was not well chosen a 41 war. nieu
idtru. and in un nMiiiniitinn nf power danger-
ou.s to Iho rlgltU of citizens .und lo tlie
perpetuity of a free pople,
The Introduction in the resolution was
fnllowul by coimid'-ralile ipurlinmenlary
skirmilitng, when it was dually killed by
llio ftillowiug vote-:
A)r MwirF. AkVleli, Alley, Aipold,
Afliloy, Uubblit, linker, 'lluxler. IJi-nnmit,
Uidghuiu.Biimnel B. Illuir. Uhike. iluflui
luu. Ilitinliain. Oauipliell, (ey, Chantbw
lain,iClal;,Cnlfux,!l"tlerlck A. Clli"Er.
Uofcne'Conltling, Cniiwtiy, Covode, Cut
hr.tDaviR.a'IiiwH'. Duell. Dunn, lgcrlon,
Jliot, iy, Kenton, Snminel 0. Kewenilen.
'Ihomiu A. 11. I'vncniii'n, rrancnot,
Kronk. Goocli, Ooodwln, Ourley, Huielit,
Hale, Hirltiudn, Horlnn.JIutrlilu, Julian,
Kv'ley.Prwicl W.UvIIpek, JVlUfatnK?!.
vol. vim-i-No. i.
TTfrlJjuflu WIIJW
loirtj. ff,if)iiger, IiiirMfft(, iury, I'hmnn,
litinU,''lriwyiy, Iilv, Molvnlelit, Mo
I'lienmn, Milcliell, MiHirlu-ml, Aiton 1',
Morrill, diHin B. Morrill, Noell, Olin,
l'tftiim, Timnihy U. I'lietp, l'ike, Pome
rny, Porter, Puller. Alexander II. JUce,
.Inlin II. Uico, Uhlille. Ivlwunl II llollln,
Biirgeul, Sitlgwlek, Shitiik. Sheltubiirgrr,
Slnnn, Spaiihliug. Rieveii.KirHiion, Tiitin,
Tiiuihle. Trowbridge, Vi n lever. Vun
Horn, Vvrrw, Wulker. WhII. Wulluce,
Washlitiriie, Albert B. While, WlUon,
Wlifdoin, mul WnrroMcr 9-1.
Xoe Merit. Wlllinni .1, Al'en. Anco
1111, Iluilr, Huldle. Clemeltl. Cox, Oi-deld,
Crilleni'oi. Deliiplnlne. Iluuliip, Kiubsh,
l-'nnlie, OrnngiT, Under. Hull, lliirdlnp,
Harrnn,'lliilimiii, Iviiiipp. btw. I17. nr,
Mullory. May, Mit.Miiiul. Mmz'e, Morrif,
Nuble. Nuriiui, Oilell, IVnilletoii. Itoliin
on. Sh m-ld. Fliiel. Buiiih. .Inlin II.
Sieele. Willlmii 0. Steele. Stilm. H''njn
niln V, Thoniii, VuIIiiiiiIil'Iihui. VoiuIit,
U'niNworth. Chillon A. While, WickbOV,
Wo'.dfiirriiiid Yetiiniiu 4fi.
HulchiiiK nf Ohio Iheii nblaiued thn
floor, mid made n lung pp'i-cli in ilefenns of
1 mmipipiilloii n rnr.enijiluled In the Prcil
ilentV proclitiniitlon, thu Ilmi'i' being In
Cninmlltec or the Whole ijii llio M'fiigc.
He vtuit repliid lo bv Menzi oflvohlucky
in 11 FpiTcli KiiuiHy n Inug mid iby;oou
iiPer which llio Iliiiicudjoi(riied to Mon-
dav. DiTi'inlier lAlli.
IlKi'CuitKit lftih. Tlio biitlneR of llm
St mile llii. morning n uuiuip'irtinit. mid
iho M-Fsion ung only aboiil n half liour lung.
A 1 ilavlnrallii' Semiio uilj"iiriuil over 10
Mniiiljy next Curiopomltiit 0 the Sat.
.MrCi.n.t.AN's Bkii.i. a as ICsntNnr.n,
and urn Kxokimivk SwiwxKiw. While
ppi'iikiiig juil now of McClellnii' eooMilu
tloiinl limidiiy, I wur renniiih-d nfoiue re
umrk bearing on lluil point which I heard
Hie other ilny, u mining from 11 gentleman
who had, fur many year, ucii-d 0. iiimiM
not engineer under the (Jeneral. while tlio
Michigan llullroal wu In proceH of con
Mr net ion. Poiulbly Hip Mory Ini alremly
uprenri'd in prUjt, but it will bear repeat
ing here for II nplnuM tn the rae in hund.
Tlio Mory Is (hi : When Iho engineer in
ipieMlnu'nrM heard of llm uppoiiiimeiit nf
uen. McClcllan In the command of the ar
my of the Potomac, his iiiMuut remark
That will never do. MeClellun in the
man fur fortification iid Intrcncliiuenl.
luit lie is Inn hIiiw und timid for li-lil ope-
ration. I know lilm nell. und nave liail
good nppnrliinltleii lor gunging hi enpuci
ir. An a civil and mililnry euir'ut'er.On.
MeClellun bu nniiuit.rlur in llii roiinlrr.
The rrnoiirce r hi mind ure inexluiiititible,
Iliu klll uuapproiirhuhto, hi patience ever-
enduring, llu will build von it viaduct,
ir lie may be n gieut while nbmil il
but lie will, neverthete, build you nna
which, when II m fluUheil, will bo 11 mirvel
nf Mreiiglli and beauty, lite under and ad
miration nl nil beholder. While ciuugcd
In itRemiRtructiou. nnd.up to Hip liit inn.
mentor Ii completion, hi eoutldi nco hi
hiplnnnnd wnrkmuiifhlp will know n'
wavering, and yet, when Iho .critical mo
inenl fnr the flntt rrnwlnp over ha arrived,
when Hie train, with its Memo -up and curs
bill of pawengerg is ImnntienHy walling
the Mgnnl-tn go uheud. McClellan would
liosltnlo to give the word, for fear that tlio
whole F-upprstruriiire would tumble into
nlum. mid jierliop In-p for a day nr two'
fiirtlipr lime, for Ihe pnrp.e of making
one more recnnnnliincfl ol iho work.
IIn not Hip truthfnlm of ihl d!rrip
lion of MeClellun' chnrueler lieen very
fully detnonstatvd in Ihe Virginia cam
pulgn.T A CokmonTkiiu Ur.Attrii'i'M.T Okdmrd.
A Mldier, In uppniling luiely lo bu
fou tn go and fight 'for the Ooveriimeut
and Hip Union, fniil;: "IVrhnpR you have
nfver HiniiL'lil wliut your 'country' nn-iinR.
Ill nil Hint Rurrnund you ,ut) thai has
brought you up and fed you all lluil you
Itavp lornl, 'litis couutrr lhat you
llietn' liouw, lhee boy, those cirlR.wlio go
iilonp laughing, this is ynur country. The
'laws .which protect you. the bread which
pay lor vonr labor. Hip word you Inter,
rhungo wilh others, Ihe Joy nml crief which
come to yon from ihe nun and linens
nmong which you live Htln is yourHsoun
Iryl The little room wlure yon iwd to
m? your mnllier. Hip rt-roembmncrs she has
left yon, Ihe earlh where idie rel this l
your conntry. You no il, yon breath il
everywhere. Think for yourself of your
rights ond duties, your (tired Ions and your
wnnt. vnnr past and present bleIngs ;
wriw tfiein under a tingle name end that
name will be your country. We owe all
that wo ore, nnd lie who enjoys lite advan
tages of having n free country, and does
not accept thu burden, nf it. forfeit his
honor, and is a bad citlsen. Do for ynur
country what yon would do for your father
sod wither, jour countrj is fo dngM."'