Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, January 10, 1863, Image 3

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(I jm
Woloalo cfe Xl.otA.ll
iia in. 11
Groceries !
Liquors & Tobacco
FNew Goods!
New Goods!!
New Goods ! ! !
y Grand Bisplay
WK I lie pleasure in announcing to the
pn ilic thai we Imvc just received n
forger, iiloie fashionable uml belter selected
block ot
ll AWLS.
limn any ever before brought to this
Groceries !
Groceries ! !
Groceries ! ! !
11 11712 have iustoncned the best and lanr-
v mn -. .
est stock of
Groceries !
Wines and Liquors,
wo feel confident, will guarantee to us the
continuance, of tliu putronnge with which
our customers have hitherto favored us;
uml the addition wc huvo now made to our
former lino of trade will, wo hope, secure to
us the balance of the trading population nl
this town and vicinity, to ull of whom we
promise, prompt and polite attention,
Please cull und convince yourselves.
Ce- All sorts of marketable Produce
taken in excitative for poods.
Jacksonville, Oct. iO, 1802.
Seini-ttUcklii Sentinel.
Dates to January 8th.
St. Louis, ,11st The Governor's men
nge congratulates the Legislature nntl
S'ntn upon the fact that at Inst u lovnl
Ueilerul Assentlily has convened, lle'ie
views the condition or the Stale since the
outbreak of the rcbellior, uml mvs the
number of volunteers front MisWi nfier
nil thu ciisttaliiifH ol wur is ;I80()0, iuclu
ding tint State militia. He earnestly re
commended the adoption of mciuurcs for
the restoration ol the Slate credit, and the
reduction of (ho Stale debt, cnnsisieiit wiih
trood faith toward holders of State bond?.
On the subject of emancipation the Govt r
nor snys he has been convinced that the
material interests of Missouri would be ad
vanced by the substitution of free for "slave
labor, and recommends n law hy which
children born nfter its passive shall be
free, but remain under care of the owmrs
until a ccrtinn aire. In dipca?s.itiff this
question, the Governor says the Legisla
ture ennnot constitutionally adopt n scheme
by which owners of slaves can be dividi d
into classes, mid slaves of one clius eniiiiici
patcd wlfh cnmpcnntinn, unless compensa
tion is provided for the other elii's.
Jefferson City, Anrkassas, .'Ut. Doth
Houses f the legislature competed their
organization today by the election of all
the Emancipation candidates. The Gener
al opinion seems to be that Conurrsislrnitld
lean off in the emancipation movi incut, timl
there, is no doubt that n prompt and lib
eral tender of compensation would gicnlfy
facilitate the emancipation measure in the
New York. 1st. The Spuldimr arrived
from New Orleans. Among her passen
gers wn General Duller. Prior to hU
leaving New Orleans, he issued a farewell
address to the citizens, which concludes as
follows :
Months of experience nnd observation
have forced a conviction on my mind, that
tho ex'fl'ence of sluvery is incompatible
with the safety of ,oursflvos, or the Union.
Washington, .Ian. 1. Tho following pro
clamation lias been lsued by Ihe President:
Whereas, on thu 2'Jd of September. 18G2.
a proclamation was Issued lv the President
of tho United States, containing, among
other things, the following, la-wit :
Hero follows thu proclamation Issued
Sent. 22.
Now, therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln.
President of tho United Slate-, by virtue, of
tho power in mo vested a Commumkr-lti
Chief of tbn Army and Nnvy, in time of
actual rebellion against tin: (lovcrnmciit of
the United Slates, as a lit nml necessary war
measure tor suppressing said rebellion, do.
on this llit day ol January, iwi:. ami In
accordance) with my purpose to puhlii-h my
proclamation after a period of ouu hundred
days from the date of the idiovo mentioned
order, und designate the States and parts of
States therein, thu people whereof, respec
tively, urn at this day in rebellion against
the United States, to bo the following, to
wit: Atkansns, Texas, Louisiana o.vcrprlng
tho Parishes of St. llerminl, riaipiemino.
Jefferson, St. Johns, St. Clnrlc. A-serllon,
lluyoii La Fottrche, St. Mary. St. Martin,
and New Orleans. Including the city of Now
Orleans, Mississippi. Alidama. Florida.
Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina.
Virginia excepting forty-right counties
designated us Western Virginia, and other
counties of Derkloy, Accoiaae. North Hamp
ton. Elluboth City, York, Princess Ann, in
cluding tho cities of Noifolk and Ports
mouth, which excepted puts uro left for
thu present us if this proclunutlnn was no)
bailed. Uy virtue of Iho power and for Iho
purposes aforei-aid. I do older and declare
that all persons held as Mines within Ihet-o
designated Slates and pmU of Stales, are,
and henceforth t-liull lie, fire; and iho E.x
ectitivo Governinent of the United States,
including tho military nnd naval niilhorlty.
will recognize the freedom of mch petrous,
nnd I hereby enjoin upon thu people so de
clared to bu free tonbtaliifromall violence
uulef-s in necessary sclf-deftmo.atid I recom
mend that, in all cases, when allowed, they
labor faithfully for reasonable wages ; and
I further declare and make known that micIi
persons of suitable condition will bo received
into tho armed servfeo ofiho United Slates
to garrison tho forts, portions, stations, and
other places, and to man h-sh-Is of all sorts
in said service.
Upon this, which Is generally hollered to
bo uu net of justice, nnd warranted by the
Constitution upon military necessity. 1 in
voke tho coiiMderuto juditufnt or mankind,
and tho gracious favor ol Almighty God.
In witness whereof, 1 luvu hereunto sel
my band, and caused the fetd of tho United
States to bo uflixcd.
Done at Iho city of Wellington, on tho
first day of January. A. I- ISM. f Lo in
dependence of lueJunltvil States of America
tho 87th year. Signed
A1JU All AM LINCOLN, President.
By W. II. Skwaiid. Sec'y of State.
Cnmp near Murfrersboro, Dec. 31, On
Friday morning, 2Gtli. our entire force was
put in motion from Nashville, sweeping
down on WilHon, Nolinsvilleund MiirTrecs
boro turnpikes.' During Hie day Colonel
Curlin's brigade, of MiC'ook's eorps, had
some artillery skirmishing ,mc fe'"n and
cassion were captured Itont u Georgia but
tery, The enemy were Jriven buck at all
Thomas corps moved town Franklin and
Wilson, nnd through jnternicdiute points,
while Mo' Cook's corps moved down No
linsvillo turnpike, and ritienden's down
Mnrfreesboro pike. At dm k wc occupied
Saturday. McCook was directed
Hardee's 2d division, at Triune, Mil Hie
whole corps moved forward. Hard- k
buck rupidly before McCook a i-ugoad
3 ulite
ie Mfcr.
Crittenden, on the left, drove the
nil day, currvinir the bridire on the
I'rccsburo and Ji-ffeison turnpikes in guljnt I
style. I .
'At nicht Ihe two nrmies faced encl
i niter
in opposite sides of Stewart 8 creek. 20
miles frmn Nashville. Nothing was done
on Sunday, Gen. llotcucrntts decliniiijlto
attack that day.
Monday, nl daylight, the army wiulin
motion, und a battle wai expected; hut,
with the exception of an urlillcry duel,
there was no engagement.
Tho Federnls encountered the rebel on
llieHOlh of December. Alter heavy Mr
niishing. the rebels were driven back. We
captured 100 prisoners, and killed nnd
wounded n la rue number of rebels. Our
loss is 75 killed and wounded.
At daybreak on the Hint, the battlcwns
renewed with great lury. McCook'swrps
tipposed Hardee's. Aller desperate fichu
mg, with heavy loss, McCook retreated
two miles. He soon rallied, but wa again
driven back. At night, one report said
that he was four miles this side of the
ground occupied In Ihe morning. Another
leport says the ftehl lasted till 10 o'clock
in the nijiht, ut which time we maintained
our position.
Our whole line suffered terribly this fore
noon. Four regiments of regulars lost
hull of their men nnd all of their command
ing ofllcers. Gen. Andcisou's troops dif
fered considerably. Majots 11 scugurten
uml Wood were killed. Geiw. Uojh-.iii,
Stanley und Palmer, were wounded.
A despatch dated 2 v. t. says lliit (2 n.
Thomas has just broken the enemy's center
ami is driving him.whilu weureiidvaiiciiii;
our whole lute. Hoseiierniis is persomdy
superintending the movements. NeghyV
artillery is si ill mowing them down In the
center. Oi Mention's left win;: has tnkiii
the entrenchments of Mnrfreesboro. The
rebel Gcucruls, Cheathuiti und ltnins, were
Mnrfreesboro, Jan. 1 A terrib'e brittle
ww fought yeslculuy. Latest advices fioia
the buttle lii'ld. says, up lo noon the n-bel
centre had been biuken and thinus looked
fa vot able.
The Fenernl los-t is heavy. Among the
killed me (jeueriils Hills, Willich and
(Jlinirer; Cols. Killformer and Jones:
Lieut. Cols. Gorche, Ciilliim and Joue-s.
The Account th.it llo.ccrun8 ocetipled Mur
freeiboro on Tuesday, is not continued
by later dispatches.
Louisville, .Id. -Our total killed nnd
woiindi-d at Murficesboro, is estimated at
'J.fiOO. The rebel loss exceeds ours. Gen.
Clieuthnm was not killed but wounded and
taken prisoner. We eupluicd fillO pnso -
tiers. Ciinuoiuiding was heaid at Nut - h -
ville ; ami at ten o'clock a. m , Wood's mid And wounded wc have also a laigc nutn
Van Cleavc'fl divisions were in motion lor lW of prisoners.
Muilrcesboro, driving the enemy before Cairo l.-Tho Memphis Uulletin, just
them, who weru In full retreat. recti veil, says the steamer Hauler, direct
Washington. 3d. Dfcpntclies from tho front Ihe fleet at Viekburg has arrived.
Army f ihe Potomac of tho '2d say that She left that pluce on Monday evening the
wveuil contrabands came into camp to- 20th. Fighting Imd been going on Tor five
day und were received in accordance with days, having commenced Wednesday 2-ltlt.
the ( mancipation proclamation. Up to Monday morning Sherman had cap-
Fortress Monroe, 1st. Considerable ex- lured three lilies of the enemy's works, nnd
cilemeiit wus creuted at Norfolk to-day was firing on tlic fourth and last line of do.
by a negro celebration. A procession of f-nces, on Iho Jut Icon & Vieksburg Rail,
ut oist -1,0110 strong, headed by u band of road. This line is two in lea finm the cily
imis.c, paraded the principle streets in the of Vieksburg. There wiih nothing belwc-n
'". Sherman und tho city but the tressle-work
Cincinnati, 2d. An expedition sent by of Ihe railroad.
Gen. Granger to Campbell county, Tonnes- Sherman sent a jirigadc to cut oft com
see, surprised u rebel en nip .IfiO strong, nvinicnlion with the cily by the S In ores
killed :0 of them, wounded 17. and cap- peri railroud, which wus successfully ac-tur-d
fil, without loosing u man. All the cnmplishcd.
rbeleauip equipage weru burned, eighty Nine thousand ndcitionnl troops reached
horses and u large amount of arms cup- Sherman from Grain's command. Our
tund. whole force there it now ubout 40.000
Cairo. Jan. 2d. The Grenada Appeal is strong. Up to the latest accounts, we had
now published nt Jackson, Miss. It suys lapturcd ten guns und, 700 prisoners.
Jell'. Davis B there. Washington. 4. A dispatch from For-
Gen Grant still holds Abbeville us his tress Monroe, says the steamer Stale of
southern post. Tho pinbubilities are that Georgia reported that the Monitor fonu
ho will ngiiin advance iih soon as the roud dered on Thursday night oh" Capo Hatlerus
is rebuilt from Columbus lo Jackson. two nflicers and 38 men Inst.
Louisville 2d.- John Morgan crossed i m
Cumberland cut oft lo the Nashville rail
road at Goldsboro, und iipprone'litd in front
of Mumlbrdsville. Ky on the 27lh Decem
ber. He was there attacked by Colonel
UobsonV 13lh Kentucky regiment, and 9
lebels weie killed und 111 captured, Mor
gan then crossed Green River, moved to
Klizubelhleiwii, Ky destroyid thu bridge
ut Denver Creek, nnd trestle work nt Mill
drough's Hill. He moved thence lor Roll
ing Fork. Col. Hurlaii, witli the 10th
Kentucky regiment, overtook him at Salt
water bridge, over Rolling Fork, att
ut tacked
him, killing nnd wounding
several ot his
foice. The rebel General. Duke, was killed
or wounded. Morgan (I'd precipitately
before Hurhin to Dardstnwn, theiico nt.
tempted I o escape between Lebanon nnd
Bi llville. Col. Hopkins, of the 13th Ken
tucky regiment, followed and nt tucked him
south of Ihe Cumberland railroad yester
day, killing nnd wounding several, and cap
luring 00 guns, together with their cos
sions. nmmuiiii ion, wagons nnd provisions.
Cincinnati. 2d. An expedition to Pow
ell county. Ky., dashed upon a rebel camp
in the eastern part of that county, und
captured the leader nnd 11 prisoners. 25
horses, a lnrgc amount of clothing, guns,
blankets, etc.. I hut were being transported
to Humphrey Marshall's cnmp.
Nnshvilli. 1. General Rosecrans1 army
numbering 4f.000 cfloct ivo men, with 100
pieces of artillery, skirmished all the wav
to the battle field.
At daybreak, on the 31st, everything
ipetred to be working well. The battle
ft K;iiel,on the right, nnd by 7 o'clock om-
uiiBBounas inuicnieii inai b ioo was op
feiachlnir tlic left wing, and the fight
ged furiously for some time, and the foe
if nlinued to approach on the right witur.
'; tei
(tending to the center. It was clear that
t'lorlirht was donbllmr on the left wlmr.
r i ne
tin .
enemy hud compelled us to make u
complete chanue of front on that wing,
und pressing the center. At this moment
six butteries opened on the rebels, who be
trail to give way. They were driven buck
n mile, when our whole lino advanced.
The enemy again, niade formidable dem
onstrations on our left, while they prepared
for another onslaught on the right. Mean
A'hile orders hud been issued to move our
left, on the enemy, but before our loll had
lime to execute thorn, the enemy again
bur8ton our center with awful fury, nnd it
hcuun to break. Itnscucruns' division
was thrown into tlic breach, and the enemy
again retreated hastily into n dense thicket.
Atrnin they assailed our right and weie
driven buck. Uy this time (lie number of
slrauglers was formidable, and the pros
pects rather discouraging but there was
no panic.
Early In the day wc were severely em
bat rassed by Ihe enterprise of the rebel
cavalry who mndo serious dashes on por
tions of MeCnokV ammunition nnd sub
sistence trains, capturing a number of wag
ons nnd artillery stores. Ammunition was
alarmingly scarce.
At two o'clock the battle shifted from
the riulit to the left the enemy discover
inir the impossibilities of success to his
main design, had suddenly massed his forces
on the left, crossinir the river anil moving
under the cover of n high bliiflf ut night.
The fight raged with unremitting fury
lor some time when the rebels were clu eked.
The scene nt this period was magnificent
ly terrible. The wholu battle was in view.
Tl nemy deploying right ami left, bring
ing up llieir batteries in fine si vie.
llosenerntiV Chier or stiilf. Lt. Col. Gor
sehe. hud his bend taken off by a round shot,
nnd blond spaltetcd lite General nnd some
of lii stall". The loss of our siile. consider
ing the te-rriflc nature of the enemy's firing
was comparatively limited. The" enemy's
lo-i-i must have been more severe. We
mourn the loss of several r our finest olli
eers. When the battle closed the eneniys
oeciipiielilie ground which wux ours in the
morning, and tho advantages were in their
Jan. 1 The rclie'a renewed the battle
tli great determination. Thev made n
sh ut our center but w.re renuNed.
'ney weie driven slowly during the day.
fiiikness made it iumo-sihlc to nnw our
idvntiinge to n (oension. Tomirrnw
It ho battle will be resumed nnd we feel con-
ldi - nt of uliunnte victory. Our lows, since
tYYdnenlnv morninir amount to .LOCO kilhd
Tho Regular Communications of WAR
RUN LODGIS, No. 10, F. nnd A. M., Jnck
sonvlllo, Oregon, for A. I). 18i!i, will bo
held on tho following days, to-wit :
STfx-KLixnvy SO.
Marob. 4.
Aixril 1.
A.rril Q9.
TSZeiy 27.
tTuxxo B4"- Regular KctalAu
Il mil Fnnllval.
rxxly 89.
VviSXi.jt BO.
Ootobor ax.
Novouxtoor SO.
DDooem'bor HO - Annual
Ft-tftlval an DTili,
T'e hour of meeting will bo from Sep
tember to March, at half-past C i.u.;nud
from March to September, at half-puft 7
o'clock, r. m. Tho brethren are earnestly
requested to attend early, for work will to
commenced at tho appointed hour.
lirethren will do well to save this adver
tlbument for future reference.
IIkuman Ilr,ooM, Scc'y.
Jacksonville, Jan. Ud, 18G3.
Jump-OfT-Jo, Jofcphlnc Co.
WOULD respectfully inform the cltlzenn
Josephino nnd ntljolning counties that
they hnvo jiK estubllshcd a Drntich Storo
on Jump olf-Jo, consisting of a general as
sortment of
Which nro olfercd for snlo nt a low prices,
and LOWEIt, than they can bo obtulned
el.-ewlieio in tho county; but for CASH,
and only Tor cash, or for marketable pro
diice. 59. Call and see us, nnd convlnco your--elves
of the good qiiulity of our inerchnn
ellso and of tho lowuess of our prices, bo
lore purchasing elsewhere. It is no trouble
for us to show goods.
Per M. Rosknukko, Agent.
Dec. 10, 1802. tf
WE beg to Inform our friends nnd tho
publio in general, that we huvo on
hand and nro constantly receiving from our
senior partner, resitting In Paris (Franco),
by every ste.uner. a large nml choice selec
tion of French goods, consisting of
Beavers, Oiidulcs, Doeskins,
Velvet, Cashmere and Silk Vestings,.
Or tho newest styles. Also,
Furniture Plnslics, Uillinn! Clollu,
- AND -
Hatters9 I'IiibIicm, TrimiuliigH.
Etc., Etc., Etc.
020 Clay uml Mill Moiigomery xt.,
Sail Fruuchco.
18 ruo Ncuvo St. EiiHtacIio, Paris (Franco).
pO-ountry order received and prompt
ly allended to, und also orders for nil purin
or Europe'. dcclihuK
Wire Rope!
Ii 75 Per Cont. CHEAPER !
Than any otiikk kind ok jioer: Why'.
ItKOAt'SK. Compnrcd with uny other Unpo of
eipnil hlivui,'ii, it h r.ont kouu to h
times moiik iiLit.viii.i: I
IIkcausk, it Is hiiitv per cent, moiitkii I
UKmt'riK, It Is less than ommiai.I' tho diame
ter, and only onk-.simii of tho iii'i.k 1
I)iX'AtK, it is 1'ivn timks the strength of tho
mini! size of tho liKMi' iton: I
Dkoaimk, It does not htiiktcii or kiiiiixk, in
dry or wet weather I
Dkcai'sk, It does not aiisoiiii watkij, nnd
douldo Its original wmonrl
IlKCAI'KK, it is UH 1'I.IAIII.K US tllO OtllLT lOpet
of equal strength I
Wire Rope 1 tho only kind or Hope
thnl can tio iim-iI to aiivaxtaok. for holhtlng
from de-cp slml'ls. and Inclined planes, for
loot; l'uinp Hopes, Derrick (Juv Hopw.
Ferry Ropes, olo. etc. Those who huvo
ouco given our Who Hopes n trial, will usii
no oti'kii. at any price.
Circulars Klving scales of weights and
strengths, prices, testimonials, etc., will be
forwarded by uddresslng tho manufac
turers, or their agents throughout tho State.
3l)-:im A. S. UALLIDIK&CO.,
C'lny iili-ct-t, 4 W, Nan FraiirUco.
LOVR & RLGKR, Agn'l. Jacksonville.
$100 Itcwnrrt!
For any case of Syphilis,
in any stage, which I)n. Lk
euro. No comineut is necessary on
this medicine, it stands entirely upon its
own uneqiiuled merits; it has cured thou
sands who have waited handsome fortune-,
nnd will cure thousands more. Golden Itnl
sum No. 1 fur Hist mid second stages, sucli
as sores upon tho legs or other parts of tint
body, soro eyes, etc., etc. Golden Hubum
No. 2, for Tertiary, Mercurial und Syphilitic
UheumatiMii. Price. $5 per bottle; upon
receipt of this sum wo will ship to nnv
part of the State. Notick.-Wo huvo no
agents for this medicine, nml nro solo pro
prietors and manufacturers. All ordent
must bo directed to us to obtain Iho gon:'
uiiio. uuhtvo well tlio maiiiilacturer-i
numo upon ouch Inside label. We guarunteo
a perfect and lusting euro. RICHAIIDS A.
WHITFIELD, Imporlers, WIioIcmiIo uml
Retail Druggist, Corner of Clay and San
somW streois, San Frnnclsco. Also, Solo
Agents for tho Celebrated Spanish Avn-
o rK, u preparation noverknowii lo fail,
lor thu euro of Gleet, Gonorrlmsa, lr-
ritutlon, Gravel, all Uriniuy de-
tuiigemouts. Nouo geuiiiuo
without our clrcilur of
Golden Uulsam wrapp-
r39 eil nroundthii bottle, .'iin Sp-tis
THE undersigned, present owner of themv
mills, would notily tho public that ho
has secure-d t o services of on experienced
miller, mid will furnhdiUio
Very best article of Flour
in excliuugo for wheat, ut Iho following
rates, to-wit : For each buUol of good
wheat, thirty-six pounds of Hour, Ivy
tiouuds of millliiiri and eight noiindx of
I bran. AhhKli v. I'AKMIAM.
I Jacksonville, Dec. 2S, 1S02. tt