i'y rrrri T.un;r?r. xf' i .Tn2jrjns.ii Jcssa" .A.TCg rgi.'grr'TiavnixrijvcitcfjJZjvarAsatir rsmssEictf rusncnstss; Mfj-r?-T.-T.'.'i' :Tsrsu. 85 PR ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. JACKSONVILLE, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 18C3. VOL. VII NO. CC the Sentinel. TOtMIl G.,W. GREER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Uflicn nt tlic City Drug Store, JaCKSONVILLK. OtlKdn.V. 41 1Tf."rUSSELL NOTARY PUBLIC. Offlco with I). F. Dowell. E-q., Third street, Jacksonvillk. Okkoon. 211 rT b. morford, ATTOBNKY AT LAW, JaC'KKOX VI LLK, 0 It KOOX , WILL practice in the several Courts of the First Judloal District, mid in the Supreme Cotirl. October 20. 'tig. j. ii. iu:i:i). j. (lAbTos-. REED &GAST.ON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Jacksonvillk, Oiikcon. J. II. REED having determined to con tinue the pructlco of ids profession, has nwn elated Mr. Ganto.v with 1dm In business, nml they will give prompt attention to any legal business entrusted to tlieir care, in any ol' the Courts ol' I hi" Judicial District. Office iu suiiw building former! v occupied by Mr. Reed. Annnt mill. 'tig. ORANGE JACOBS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, J.VOKSONVII.I.i:, OltKOON, Will attend to lniiiuns in the Court or the Firht Judicial District, and in the Sup-cmo rourU October -20 i 1 B..F. DOWELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jacksonvii.i.k, Oiikhon. Will practice in nil the Court or the Third Judicial District, the Supremo Court ol' Ore gon, and in Yroka, Cut. War Scrip prompt ly collected. Oct. 18 Dun' Rnrhcr Shop. llclwccn Urndhitry it Wudc'ii and I'll Dorado Bullion, California street. .SHAVING. lluii-.cutllng.ShampooIng, Cur ling uud llair Dyeing. ' u hand and lor Kilo, u genuine artiuli! ol Fish's Haiii Rks foiUTlVK. and CJi-Ih t tuliirn-'i' Hr"r Aiirjye "peter brFt t Photographic Artist, ' Is prepared to tako pictures in every stylo ol' the art, with all thu late improvementH. It Pictures do lint give satisfaction, no cliurges will he made. Call nt his new Gal lery, on the hill. examine IiIh picture!, uud fit'fnr your likeness. L7rL DEWEY, -Watchmaker and Jeweler, Keeps constantly on hand a Hue assortment of Clocks and Jr.wi:t.uv. which he oilers lor smu m very inn iiiivci. mm ush. ItKI'AllMN'C-.CIiic.ks.dSf Watches and Jewelry repaired with prompt ness uud warranted. Shop on Calilorula street, two doors west of Love fc Rllger's. Jacksonville, July gti: 28 DR. CH. DE3CH, Wauio. .Ioskimunk County, 0in. Dit. Dkscii is prepared promptly to attend , to thu cut-in:,' ol' ail di.seut.es according to ' the trcninent ol' Prof. F. V. Hawaii., with out thu use of Mercury, Arsenic, or any 4uiIfoiioub drugs. For the past nine years In) has been a practitioner of medicine at Crescent City, and is is well satisfied that he can give spd-dy roller to the Afflicted who may call on him. Ample arrangements lor Cold. Warm. Hot and Steam Ha t lis. ALEXANDER BUSWELL, -imiaotioai.- UOOIC-BINDBn, PAPKIUIUUCK, and Illank-'llook Manufacturer. 517 Chy ami 514 Commercial streets, between .Mint immorv and Satisomc, SAN FiiANClSCO. ;";- Dluding of evry description neatly executed ; llluulc Hooks ruled mid Uound to nuy desired pat tern. r'':y ELDORADO SALOON, P. H. LYNCH, Prop'r. Corner California and Oregon Streets. The Proprietor has jut received froraSau Francisco a choice us urlmout of lino Wines, Liquors, Cigars, ? re, etc. jufy Drop In and test them. D.ic. 10. t County Treasurer's Office -Atolllcoof- ' K. F. ltUSSKLL. Deputy, i With I). F. Dowell. Esq. Sto of Oregon Count v of Jackson. fpAX-l'AYKKS are hereby notified that JL thu hooks nre now ready. All per soils having In.vs ascst-cd against them in wid county aru requested to pay Mich taxes tq the Treasurer of said county (or his Dep. uty), at lite office in Jacksonville, before the ! i'ivit Pay of Jaiinarv next. 1 " K, S. MORG AN, Treasurer, 10. P. RUSSELL, Deputy. VaclMoavillo, Dvc. Ii, ISM. 61 ftfi IIKIMI AIV BLOOM Has constantly on hand, and Is dally re ceiving new additions to Ids present largo and well selected slock of ni?M illWlii ! Consisting, ill pnrt, of Tlao Ziatost Stylos of French, Ktiplish, Qcrinnn mid American PAKiY MS IPAIPOnK LADIES' HATS, IIOSTKKY. nml nil kinds or OAITKUS, JJOOTKKrfandHLIt'PKllS: A Large Stock or (iKNTLKMEiV'S HOOTS. SIIOKS.GA1TKKS & HATS; CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, TABLE CjJT.LERY, MIXEUS' TOOLS of all kinds, Particular attention Ik paid to procuring the licst Groceries for Fauiiliev. Also, (lie liest qualities or MQUOIIS, WINKS anil CORDIALS, And a variety ol' other artickM too numerous to mention. All of the above goods will ho sold at prices to dtfy twvinlHiuu. All articles (hat may lie purchased of me will be warrautfd as represented, or the money will be refunded. Ladies, and Gentlemen are kindly solicited to call and examine my present stock and prices before purchalug elsewhere. I am conlldent It will bu to their advantage. I consider it no trouble to show Good''. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for merchandise. fito" Uemember my old stand McCully'8 two-story. Fire-proof Brick JBuiiaing. IIKUMAN W.OOM. Jacksonville. Oct. I!. 1802. 27 LOVE &BILGER Cnlifurnin Street, Jacksonville, DEALERS AND WORKERS IN TIN, SHEET IRON. COPPER, LEAD AND BRASS, HAVE just received from the Atlantic Stales and San Francisco, a complete stock of everything in their lino, nnd will keep constantly on hand an assortment, of the best Tin, Sheet-iron and Coppcrwarc. llrass Pipes. Hydraulic Nozzles, Force Pumps Chains. I.eud Pipe. Hose. II AM) W AUK, CUTLKUY; NAILS of all sixes: liar, Plain and assorted Iron ; Paints. Oils, Sizes uud Glass: All qualities of Powder; Shot of all number"; Brushes of every varloty.otc, etc. Also, always on hand, a large lot of stoves of assorted sizes. ' Duck's Patent Cooking Stove," uud Hie " New World Stove." thu two very best nnd approved patterns iu the world. Parlor, Ofllow and Cabin Stoves, fancy mid plain, constructed on latest fuel saving plans. Hollers, Kettl's, Pots, Pans, and everything connected with these btoves, warranted durablo and perfect, All nrticles snW ly them or manufac tured. WARRANTED. Their work Is made of the best material and of choicest patterns. U-Orders attended to with dispatch, and filled nccordlng to directions. In every thing, their stock Is the largest and best ever brought to Jacksonville, and they are determined to sell at low wiicbs van su. Call and oxamlne tholr stock Iteroro pur chasing elsewhere. June 2!l. 18(0,-2:i. Agents for Unllldny ifc Co'k Wire Rope. JJUGAN & WAL.li, FORWARDING AND C0MMSS1QN MERCHANTS,, Ovlck ISiillitliig, Cor. Front & Fr. tracts. UUESCKNT CITY, CAL. WILL attend to the Receiving and For warding of all Goods entrusted to their cure, with promptness and dispatch. Consignments solicited. Merchandise re ceived on storage. Crescent City. April 10. 1802. 15 N. D.-No goods delivered until thofrolght and charges are paid. Difc W. w "ANTHD. 1,000,000 tumnda of Flour. iu exchange for goods, at SACHS BROS'. SPECIAL NOTICES. I. 0. 0. F. Jackho.vii,u: Lodok No. 10, holds Its regular meetings, every SAT URDAY EVtiMA'G, nt their Hull (Me' Cully's Theater building), nt 7. o'clock. Drothers in good standing are cordially Invited to attend. K. F. Ruhsku,, N. G. ' William Ray. R. Sec'y. OREGON CHAPTER NO. 4, ROYAL ARCH MASONS, JACKSON VU.Ui. OltKGOtf, Will hold its regular communications on the First Mnttu-ilny Eve. or Every Month. All sojourning Companions iu good standing are cordially invited to attend. ti. W.QUKKIMI. V. L. .Sachs, Reo'y. dee8;l7 Warren Lodo No, 10, A. F. & A. M. A HOLD their regulnr coininunl- vArcntioiiH the Wednesday Evenings on Vor preceding the full moon, In jack- HONVILLU, OIIK1ION. ALEX. MARTIN, W. M. II. Hloom. AVc'. RYAN & JHNDE have now for sale a good stock or every variety orifiorchan diso, and will be pleaded to sec their friends, whether they wish to buy goods, or not. Call at their Brick Store, pn California street, opposite the United States Hotel. Jacksonville, Sept. 127, 1802. i!7tr Special Notice All who know them selves Indebted to the undersigned, either by note or account, will please call Immedi ately and setllu with E. P. Ri;.sskll (or Jacksonville, Oregon), Notary Public, who is fully authorized to receive mid receipt for me. l)y so doing, you will cooler a favor uud save yourselves cost. G. W. GREER. Jacksonville, Og'n., Sept. Will. 18.V MAX MULLER, EUCCKSSOU TO J. A. URUNNEJt & BROTHER The undersigned, having purchased from J. A. Druniier it Ilrother their entire Stock or Merchandise, Now oUVrs the Name for sale at Greatly Reduced Prices, Tho stock consists of Drj &.Ftuicy Goods BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, And. in fact, a varied assortment, of article pertaining to the General' Merchandise budluess. LADIES and GENTLEMEN pleaso to glvo mo a call, and examine the Goods and learn the Prices, before you make your purchases. Do not forget tho plnco tho Driok Store heretofore occupied by llrunner & Urn. MAX MULLKIt. Jacksonville, July 1!, lHli 27 WE lmvo this day sold our stock of mer clittiiditH! to Mr, Max MuM'Kii. From our friends and patrons wo would foliclt for Mr. MuLLku a continuano of their lib eral patronage. J. A. URUNNEIt & URO. .laeksonvlle. July 121h, 18(ii. 27 NOTICK. JOSISl'H JACOBS is here by appointed my age::t, to take charge of the Eaglu Mill property, in Jackson county, and is nut homed to transact nil business count etid therewith, and to col lect and receipt lor all debts duo me on ac count of any business connected with said Eagle Mill property. Dated at Uoscburg, Ogn..MavlO. 1802. .T1WSH HPKiNSON. B OCKS. All the S'andaul Worlsn for sale at the VAK1ETV STOKE. K1IB OREGON SENTINEL. ISSUKO KVKKV WKIlNKSDAY AMI SATMIUY, UENnV DEMI(4KIt. PuL'r ami Pioj)'i SiiiiHCiutTiox One year. In advance. Five Dollars; Six months, Three Dollars. Unless renewed, papers will be discontinued at the expiration of the time for which they have been paid. AnvKirrisiNfi One sqiinrc (JO linos or los), first insertion, Three Dollars ; each subsequent Insertion. One Dollar. A dis count of lifty percent will be made to those who advertise by the year. advertTsers. Uy application to Postmasters and Mall Carriers, you r.au learn Unit thu Semi-weekly Oitmio.v Si:xtixi:l lias by far a larger circu lation iu the counties of Southern Oregon and Del Norto county. Calilorula, than any oilier paper. This tact should ponimcnd the Skntlvkl to you us n superior medium for advertising. List op Aiihsth. who are authorized to transact any business concerning this pa per, in tlie name of (bo publisher : L. P. Fisher, San Francisco; Wud-worth V. Jtayncs, Yickit; Eber Hairy, Ashland; S. O. Taylor, Plxuiilx; W. W. Fowler. Apple gate; It. S. Dunlap. Williamsburg; John It. I'rludle. Kerbyvillo; A. II. Mclkulu. Waldo; R.J. Foibes, Waldo; W.r.. M. Evans, Alt house; Joel Tlinrn, Cauyouvllle; A. R. Flint. Roseburg; Isaac U. MoorcH, Salem; F. M. Ellsworth, Eugene City; F. Clmrmau, Oregon City; I). W. Wakeileld, Albany; lteiijamin Cook, Corvallls; J. II. Smith. Crescent City; Albert Doolittle, Happy Camp. IiOIINSIDK AH A IlOV A.S'I) AS A IiUM.NL'sfi Man. The New York f'tviine; l'osl pays that when a member of the present Cabi net was in Congress, he received a letter ft om n boy, without nuy recommendation. asking fur nn appointment ns cadet nt West Point. The application was disre garded uk probably the I'orwnrdnesR of u stripling, only anxious for an education nt thu public expense. Happening u short lime afterwards to be inn little villiageoul West where the Idler was mailed, he re membered the incident, and, after inquiries, found the ambition, youth, in the lorin of a tailor's upprenliee, in a shop in thu out skirls of the town, silting croR-legged up on a bench, mending u pair of puutuloons. The account closes thus : Near by, on a small block of wood, rested a book of olistruse science, to which lie turned his ryes whenever they could be transferred fro,ni the woilc in Ilia hands. The member accosted him by the n.ime given in the letter, uud tho hid replitd: 'J. inn lliu person.' 'You wish then to be appointed u cadet at West Point?' ! do,' ho replied. Why?" asked the Con grcssman. 'IJeenuse,' "answered the tailor youth, 'I ft el that I wur burn for some thing better than mending old clqths.' The. member talked further with him, and was so pleaded with his frankness, hN spirit, and the rare intelligence he evinced, that he procured him the appointment. The member in now Seeretury Hniilh. of Indiana, and the youth General Jluruside." The storv ol Hnrnside'H hqnoruble deal ings with Ids creditors, showing that the noble, ambitious hid was the father of the hori(l man, we find this iu Harpers' Weekly : In 18.r3 ho resigned Ins rank in the nrmy, uud .devoted his time nn energy to the ipunujucture of (lie fuuious rillo which bears his name. When Huchuuati was elected to the Presidency. Ids Secretary of War, Floyd, ugreed with Hmnsidu to aim n large portion of his army with bis rifle, and induced him to establish extensive manufactories for it manufacture. The works were no sooner completed than an other guiunaker oll'ered Floyd pecuniary inducements to breuk his conduct with IJiirnsidc, who, was ruined in consequence. Assigning nil his properly to his creditors, IJurnside came to this city without a dol lar, sold bis sword nnd uniform in Cha tham street, and went West in search of emplovment. lie found it in .tho office ol the Illinois Central Railroad, where, as soon as his energies and capacity became known, ho receivtd n salary or,,82',UOO a year. Of this sum he paid onediulf regu larly to his creditors, until by tho -help of, n timely legacy, he was enabled to liqui date his debts in full. A Loxii Look Ahead.- A yon? Jndy was engaged to be married lo a gentleman of thiity-six. Jer mother having noticed her low spirits for tome time, inquired the reason. "Oh, dear, mamma," replied she, pettishly, "i was thinking about -my hus band being twice; my age." "TJiat't; very true, but he's only thirty-six." " He's only thjrtv-six now, but when I'm sixty" " Well ? " " Oh, dear ! why, then he'll bo a iiwufrdl and twenty ! " Politics ov ouit Gkniuials. The Ad ministration Ims eerbuiily ignored parti Kinship in Ids' military selections and ar ri'igemeiits. There are four Major-Oener-ids of the regular army. Ol these, Hal leek, a Democrat, is Commander-ill-Chief. Wool nnd McClellan, Demotrijp, uud Fre mont. Repiihlieu'i, nie letired from com mand. UnriBide, Major Gem nil of V.ol unteers. nnd successor ol McClellan. Is a Deinnciut. Srhcnck. in command in Wool's stead at Daltimore, npd Morris, who tem porarily holds the position, nre Demncraif. Dix, Commander of thu Depurlment'of Mastern Ynginia,is a Democrat. Hunter. jiM ordered back to the Department of the South, is u Democrat. Duller, who com mands the Depiirtinctit of Louisiana, is it Democrat. Hucll recently removed from the Cumberland Department, i.s a Demo crat, and to also is Ilosccruns, hi.s succes sor. (Sen. Me.Clernand, of the new -Department of the Mississippi, is u Democrat. Gen. Pope, of the Department of, tin Northwest, is n Democrat. This nearly "sweeps the deck." The only Deport ments of uny consequence whatever in cbpi niiind of Hepnl) ieuiis. ore the Depirtinent. or Mi??nuri, Gen. Curtis, and the Depart ment of Tennessee. Gen. Grunt. StNOtXO IIY YotlSO Wo.MKX.-It tS.lllft opinion of Dr. Hush (hut inuing by youpir Indies, whom the customs of society debar from many oilier kinds of salubrious ejter uiiifs, ought to be cultivated not nnfy n mi accomplishment bid us the mends of preserving health. lie particularly insists that vocal imwie should never be neglected in the eduention of a ynqtur lady, nml sluUs that besides its ?iiiiiniy inllueiiee in sooth ing the cares of domistie life, il bus u still more direct and importttut effect. In his remarks on thi subject, the doctor Intro duces a fuel which was suggested to liim by his piofcssioual experience, which ,!?, that the exercise of the c.hest bysinginjr contributes very much to defend tlieui from the diseiwes lo which the climate mid other causes expose them. The Germans, he contiiiuid.nre Feldom nflllcted with con sumption, nor has he ever knoun more than one imUuucc of spitting blood nmony; tlieui. This lie believes is iu part occu-. sinned by the st ri'ii'ih which their IwJiga nctpiire by exercising them frequently jo vocal music, which conslitite3 uu t'Kcntiul brunch in tlieir education. Govkiinoii Ci:rtin's Countkiimaxd. Wlien the great excitement in Pennsylva nia prevailed in the apprehended invasion by (ho rebels, every body shouldered anna mid was ready to rush to the lm tic-field. When the enthusiasm was at its !liciht. Gen. .McClellan had driven the enemy oil'. mid Gov. Curlin n called the trnnp. A young man who was deeply imbued with the spiiit of patriotism and r.-igion, wai describing bU own leelings during this period. He was slow in coming to,, his decision, he said, ' I sought thediieelinpor Heaven, nod I heaiila voice Faying, tuito me, ' Go,' and I was on the point of going, when Gov. Curlin toiinlermamled the or der!" ii i The following U u specimen of, sharp shooting between a coquctlu and lier.Jpycr; "You jueu are angels when you. woo,, the maid, IJtit devils when the marriage vow Is paid." The Iovqi-, not to bu outdone, replied at follows : "To the change, dear girl, wo uro always driven ; For we (hid ourselves In Hull instead or Heaven." A brother In u pruycMiicvito,' Pycd for rreiildviit Lincoln lhu he.miuhl be os wise us iv serpent and as harmless as a dove! The pastor was overheard saying : "Thu Lord forbid, but givo him grace to hurt somebody." That's il, tho country Uou't want harmless commanders "'. Merchants ure shrewd men. A trader iu modern Athens being, asked thu .charac ter ofona given to poetiy, described m us one of those men who have soarings, after the indeliniuvuiid divings alter the unfath omable, but never pay cash.' Li:oal Tkxdiiil Since -the llftccnth of Oatubur over ouu bundled and sixty thous and dollars, iu l'gal Tender Notes, have, been put in circulation, in Oregon and Wuslmigiou Teiritory, by the Military. SnoT.-D.O. MeCariy, proprietor of tho American Mug newspap.-r, shot and killed Joint Duvu, in tint Tuoluniitu Restaurant., Solum, on the 2;Hh. J).ivis is ihu( iiim who was tried at Murysvillo lust (all ia lohti ICeiger. Hc must be a pewon of very inaignifi cant Btuudiutj why is always udiuupou his djijpity. vmGm