Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, January 03, 1863, Image 1

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    tWiK .
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1 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
..,! i
Oltlco nt tho Clly Uvutf More,
;LrKso n v 1 1 t.i, k . 0 ii i:oi i x . 41
Onico with IJ. F. Dowoll. K-q., Third Htreet,
Jaoicsonvim.k. Omtoo.v. 21)
.Taoksonviu.k, Oiikoon,
WILL practice In llic several Courts of
tin; First Judical District, and in tho
K uprem c Court. October '20. ?H2.
a. it. iiki:. j. (UhTox.
J. N. KHtil) having determined to con
tlimo tho practice of Ills profession, hue iuio
elated Mr. Gaston with lilm In busbies", mid
they will glvo prompt utti'iitlon tonny legal
business ctilrutcd in their euro. In tiny ol"
tho Courts or this Judicial District.
OMce In Hiiitiu building I'nrmerlv occupied
by Mr. Koed. August IKtli. 'ii2.
iTacksonvim.k, Oiikison,
Will nlteiul to httslut-H In tin1 Court.1 or tho
First Judicial District, mid In tho Sup-emu
('ourt. October 2ti-II
Jacicsonviu.k, OlIKtiON.
Will practice in nil tho Courts of the Third
Judbinl District, (ho Supremo Court ol' Ore
gon, mul In Yrcku, Cnl. War Scrip prompt
ly collecled. Oct. 1H.
Dan's JIarbvr Shop.
ISctwccii'llrudhury t Wade's mid Ml Dorado
Saloon, California street.
.SHAVING. Hnlr-ciitHug.Shuuipnoiup, Cur
ling mid Hull Dyeing. u huuil mid lor
sa'e. n genitlnu Artlule ol Fish's IIaik lti:s
ToiiATtVK.iii.il Crlstndnru's Kxrdnor Hair Dye
peter" britt.
Photographic Artist,
Is prepared to tnko pictures in every stylo
f tin; art, with all tho Into improvements.
If Pictures do not give satisfaction, no
charges will lie made. Cull ut his now Gal
lery, on tho hill, exnminu his pictures, mid
sit for your likonos.
Watchmaker anil Jeweler,
Keeps constantly on hand n
fine assortment of Clocks mid
Ii:wi:i.iiv. which hu oilers fur
sale ut very low prires. lor
men. IM-:iAIItlN'G-.('lo(!l.-i.
Watches and Jewelry repaired with prompt
nets mid warranted. Shop on Cnliloruln
tlrcut, two doors west of Love, .timber's.
Jaok"onvlll", July 2ti: 28
Waldo, Josiipiiink County, 0x.
Dit. Dkscic Is prepared promptly to attend
to the curing of all dlscuscx according to
the trenment of Prof. F. V. Uaspaii., with
out tho use of Mercury, Arsenic, or any
poisonous drugs, For llio past nine years
no has boon a practitioner of medicine at
Crescent City, and is is well Hiitlslled that ho
can give speedy relief to tho allllctetl who
may call on him. Ample arrangements for
Cold, Warm, llotnnd Steam Hatlf.
Illank-Iioolt IMaiiufacturcr.
517 Clay mid tiVi Coinmerciul streets,
butweeti Moutuouiery and .Suusoiuo,
Jfft- Ulnding of evi ry de.-crlption neatly
executed : liluiil; Hooks ruled and Hound to
any desired put tern. 2hy
P. H. LYNCH, Prop'r.
Corner ('alil'ornia mid Oregon Streets.
Tho Proprietor has just received from San
Francisco u choiou nsortmout of lino
Wines, Liquors, Cigars,
etc., etc.
tK3- Drop In and test them. D.ic. 10.
County Treasurer's Ofllce
-At ofllco of-
M. V. HUSSKLL. Depnly,
With 11. F. Dowell. Esq.
Slate of Oregon Count v of Jackson.
rpAX-PAY13US are hereby notilied that
.1 ,thu bookn are now ready. All per
sons'lmviug taxis assessed against them in
Ki'iLcounty nro requested to pay such taxes
lotlio TieaMirer of said county (or hifl Dep
my)J at his olllco In Jacksonville, before the
First Dav of Janunrv next.
13. S. MO KG AN, Treasurer.
K. P. HUSSKLL, Deputy.
Jacksonville, Dec. 3, 1802. 61
lias constantly on hand, mul Is dully re
ceiving new additions to his present
largo and well selerted stock of
J Mil
Consisting, In part, of
Tlao Xintoat Stylora of
French, Kimlish, German mid American
UOSTKRY. mul nil kimN of (JAITKHS,
A Large Stock i.r GJSNTLKMKN'S
MIXERS' TOOLS of till kinds,
Particular attention is paid to procuring tho
Jlcst Groceries for Families.
Also, the best qualities of
And ii variety of other articles too
numerous to mention.
All of tho above goods will be Fold nt
prices to lrf y competition.
All articles that may bo purchased of
mo will bo warranted a represented, or the
money will bo refunded.
Ladies mid Gentlemen are kindly solicited
to call and examine my present stock mid
prices before purchasing eld-where. 1 am
cnnlldcut it will bo to their advantage. I
coiclder It no trouble to show Good".
All kind- of Produce taken in exchange
for merchandise.
ji$r Keiueinber my old stand
McCully'a two-story, Fire-proof Brick
Jacksonville, Oct. I'.i. 1H(!2. '27
California Street, Jacksonville,
HAVK just received rrom tho Atlantic
StatiH mid San Francisco, u complete
stock of oicrythiug iu (heir Hue. mid will
keep constantly mi hand an assortment of
tho best Tin, Sliei-t'irnu mid Copperware.
Dras Pipes. Hydraulic Nozzles, Forcu
Pumpx. Chnliis. Li'iid Pipe. Hose,
of till sizes;
liar, Plato and assorted Iron ;
Paints. Oils, Sizes and Glass:
All qualities of Powder;
Shot of all number":
Brushes of every variety, etc., etc.
Alio, always on hand, a Inrgu lot ofstovcR
of assorted sizes. ' Duck's Patent Cooking
Stove," and the " New World Stove," the
two very best and approved patterns In the
world. Parlor, Ollicu and Cabin Stoves,
fancy and plain , constructed on latest fuel
raving plans. JJollers. Kotll'S, Pots, Pans,
mid everything connected with these stoves,
warranted durablo and perfect.
All articles sold by them or manufac
tured. WAHIt ANTED. Their work is made
of the best material and of choicest pat terns.
CuOrders attended to with dispatch, and
lllled according to direct Ions. In every
thing, their stock is tho largest and best
ever brought to Jacksonville, and they nro
determined to soil nt i.ov ruiuKH i-oii cami.
Call and examlno their stock before pur
chasing elsewhere Juno 2H. lHi;i).-2:i.
Agents for llalliday & Go's Wire Hope.
Urlck llulldlii g, Cor. Front & Ftrcet.
WILL attend to tho Receiving nnd For
warding of nil Goods entrusted to
their euro, with promptness mid dispatch.
Consignments solicited. Merchandise re
ceived on storage.
Crcfoont City. April 10, 18G2. lo
N. li.-No goods delivered until tho freight
and charges nro paid. I). & W.
'ANTKD. 1,000,000 pounds of Flour,
iu (.xcuangc for goods, nt
I1ENUY OKNlilNUKK, Pub'r mitt Proi,r
Sttiwcitii'Ttox One year. In ndvance.Flve
Dollms; Six mouths, Three Dollars. Utiles;
reueued, papers will bo discontinued at the
expiration of tho time for which they have
been paid.
AtiVKirristM) One tniinro (10 lines or
loss), llrst iuserlioii, Tliree Dollars; each
subsequent iun'illon. Olio Dollar. A dis
count of fifty percent will bo made to tliote
who advertise by tho year.
T)y application lo Postmasters and Mall
Carriers, you ran learn that theSeinl-weekly
Oiikiion Skxti.nki. has by far a larger circu
lation Iu the coiutles of Southern Oregon
mid Del Norte county. California, than any
other paper. This lact should commend the
ScvrixKt. to you as a superior medium for
List oi Aiikxth. who nro authorized to
transact any business concerning this pa
per, iu tin uatiie of the publisher :
L. P. Fisher, San Francisco; Wad-worth
fc Ilavue. Yieku; Kber Kmry, Ashland; S.
C. Taylor, Phieuix; W. W. Fowler. Apple
pne; it, o. iiiiiioip. n niiaiiioiirg, .mini ii.
I'rlndle. K. rbyvlllo: A. II. Mclkain. Waldo:
II. J. Fotbes, Waldo; V i,. M. Kvaus, Alt
house; Joel Thorn, Canyonville; A. It.
Flint, lloM'hurg; Isaac U. Moores.Salein; F.
M. Kllsworth. Kugenu City; F. Cluirman,
Oregon City; D. W. Wnkelleld, Albany;
lleniuiiiin Cook, Corvallts; J. II. Smith.
Croceut City; Albert Doollttle, Happy
Ca i iip.
A Waii. kiiom iiik Rkiikuh. Tin fol
lowing article from tho Charleston Con
iVr, u paper which was much less anxious
lo enter upon the sea ol war than its ,co
temporary, the Mercvnj. when the long
sown wills of the rebellion Hist begun to
sprout in that hot-bed of treason, shows
tlie depth ol the misery brought upon the
Southern States:
Thi' continuance of thin content Involves
puffi-rimr. Tim evils that follow In the
train ol this calamitous visitation, urnw
more direful with every day. Other hem Is
than those now iiehiug wih anxiety mid
bleeiliiit' from bereavement nro nut wiih
grief, nnd the friend who rynipnlhizeil with
snme nlllcted ono yestejy, to day wnw
bitter teiiM over Iiih own sorrows. The
iron is driven the deeper, mid our burdeiw
beeomu innre mid more heavy. And
thoiiiih more than eighteen umilis have
passed away since the strife was begun,
the end seems more distant than it appeared
to be ii twelve-month' since. Hope after
hope has gonu out in darkness, and expee
tations we had fondly cherished have turned
out to be miserable delusions. So oficu
Imvo we been disappointed, that now our
faith rejects every promise and turns away
from every sign. Our foe is us active and
determineil anil powerful n ever he was.
and the agent I lint wn to compel fnreiirn
tuition to intervene mul put an end to this
wicked mul infamous contest, has not been
potent enough to accomplish that end.
We stand alone. Vast hosts ore mus
tering to repent with n stronger force
nnd with moru obstinate courage 1 lie
attempts that have been made mid strong
hold' hitherto uuattacked will soon have
to bear the most furious onslaughts
the enemy, with his wonderful resouicip
of ingenuity and material, is capable of
making. To fiustrate his welleonceivid
plans, to repel then' terrible attacks, we
have to deiirnil entirelv upon ourselves.
The foe will do his utmost ; military genius
and knowledge, the boundless credit of ihe
Government, the best inecluinicnl skill
mind, money, muscle have nil combined
to ensure success. And while tin so tro
mentions eflnris aro being put forth while
our home is darkened by the shadow of ihe
death angel's wing, iwid'our bosom's wruni:
witli nnuuish while we lire enduring
hard-hips, nnd our soldiers almost nuked
we Ktiiud alone.
A Rahy Fouxi) on a Uatti.k FiKt.n
The following is nn extract of n private
letter from n soldier in the Fourteenth Illi
nois. It is dated Ilolivar, November 10 :
Jt me relate to you n touching little
incident, that will doubtless strike yon as
a littlo si range. At the battle of the
Hatcliie, when tho conflict wns waging
fiercest, upon ndvnneing, midwuy between
the contending forces, wc found n sweet
little blue-eyed baby, littlo thing, as I saw
it there, hugging the cold earth, its only
bed the tear on its little cheek
That nature bndo it weep, turned
An ico drop sparkling in tho morning beam
unalarmed 'mid the awful confusion of that
fearful bnttle, with the mipsiles of death
lying thick about It, nnd crowding close
upon its young existence yet unhurt, it
seemed, as it lay in its nilrucnlous safety,
to say to me : " My helplessm-ps und inno
cence ajipcn'cd to God, and be preserved
s:UKX-itvniff i '.m.'sc
me in the midst of this wrecking carnage.
tl you will make your plaint to heaven.
God will preserve your poor bleeding; coun
try." Who would suppose that, in tho wild,
fierce battle of the llnlchic. where the field
was strewn with the dead, mid tho shruks
of the wounded nut the henveint with
agony, u un-ut army would pause in the
thickest or the the conflict to save harm
less a helpless child ? Yet the brave Four
teenth, that never yet hus quailed in battle,
tlid pause, and nn officer of our regiment
nitlered " our little baby" carried to head
quarters and tenderly cared for. The next
day after the bnttle"our babe" was brought
berore the Fourteenth nnd ttimnlinoii-dy
adopted ' child of the regiment. " Tliree
or Tour days Inter, straneo ns it moy seem,
n poor, iieart-strteken, poverty pinched
mother ennie Fcnrchiug the buttle field In
qui st ol her child.
Imnirine, if you can, tho wild rxefnum
lions of thtinksLMviug that burnt from that
fioor woman's heart when informed that
Iter chilil had been rescued, mid with n
mother's tenderness cared for. I fhw the
mother receive her child, heard her brief
piayer for the soldiers who saved it, mid.
with the blissings of u thousand men fol
lowing her and hers, went her way rejoic-
A correspondent of Htirpcr' Drawer
relates the following of one of the chosen,
wliiwininisliv led him into the wilds of
Oregon : "The following T send you Hint
vr.n may know some of the trials to which
voting minisleis nre subjected in the min
ing region of Oregon : " Wo have never
h.'cn highly celebrated for our great piety ;
indeed, giving but poor pay, we. can ex
licet but n ' poor preach ;' h-'sltles, we are
d.void of those great inecnlivin to civili
an! Inn and morality women lo lend the
wnv. Our !nt T had nlni"st f aid our least
prniehcr was Jlrolher Hawkins, and of
him it was generally supposed that ho had
mlsinkeu the name, nnd that another was
In tht ministry' when l.e answered.
Consequently he always had great difficul
ty in obtaining nn nndieuce: mid from n
c"ii''regnioti of some ten or n dozen upon
his first Snblmth.it had gradually dwin
dled in the course of n month to nothing,
tfiiiiillv. itnnn his Inst SabbnHl. no audi-
enen n'si'inbling. Tirol her II. proceeded tnj
the various whisky shop mid iiilliam sa
loons, where Ihe miners love to congregate,
and informed Ihein that hu was iilwiit to
preach the gospel out upon nil ndjoln'wr
porch, nnd would b much pleased with
ttu.ti iiiioniliineo. Onlv one accented this
gpueron invitation, Wyat. a circles. rol-J
t- 1 f..tl... !. .........I... f.i.ti. linfttiicn I
IICK-OUH' iei"V, Willi Hlli inn .1 iiit? -
no one else did. After singing u pnlm or
two. und finding no others came, Hrnther
If. turned to his solitary audience, and re
marked that, 4n no one seemed desirous In
hear Idm. he believed he should not preach.'
' Preach nivny. old covev !' wo the cnnsnl
onry replv ; ' pieae'i away! I'll hear yon
elenii through !' Hut.' r-mnrked Hrniher
IT., with some spirit. 'it's very hard to
have tn preach to nobode.' His audience,
rUhii Indignantly tn his feet, cried out.
If yon cull me" nobody, sir. I'll leave I'
Whereupon, llrolher IT. np'logisetl, and.
to conciliate his audience, preaehrd him n
sermon of nearly nn hour in length, which
wn oconinnnlly broken in upon by somo
half inebriated outsider."
Does nny person know nny thing about
this llrolher Hawkins? Wc rather think
ho whole thing is n myth.
Tiik I'ehfidy op .JKrK. Davis Kxt'onro.
The Louisville Journal refers to the in
"tilling demands of the Cnnledorntcs on tho
United Suites Government, nnd speaks of
Gen. McNeil thus :
" Aliliiiinili wo do not nnnrovo the eon-
duet of Pol. McNeil, the Rebels hnve little
right to complain of it, nnd none nt nil tn
avenge- it. Let ilie President ol Ihe Hebel
Gonfeileraey consider what his peoplu have
done. It is all nffrctutlon, it is hypocrisy
in him to pretend to regard with horror
tlin idinntino- of ten Missouri citizens. He
knows that Kirby Smith hung flfieen inno-
rent persons near Cumberland Gap, nnd
tumbled their bodies into n hole, not even
assigning n renon lor Ihe awful deed. Ho
knows Hint seven Federal priFoneis were
recently shot or hung in Louisinnn upon no
other pretext than that they had enlisted
tn tlui TT. tt Rorvien in Vpw Orleann. He
knows Hint his men butchered Gen. Mc-
Conk, under circumstances that liavo mmle
lli a lilnnil nf ilui nut inn run cold. He
knows Hint It's guerillas in Kentucky, Mis
souri nnd Tenncsffo, all benring regular
emnnicRimiH in Ii!r Gnnli'dernev. hnvo been
ill the regular hnbty of riding up to citi
zens' houes, cnlling lliem to their dnoif,
mul clinnliniT ihein down, or biking them
out nnd hnnging Hum to the first trrrn, or
piiiiin.r t ip p ihrnnis in tneir item ov me
sides of their werplnj wjves, riiJ in the!
VOL. VII NO. 60.
m'tlM of their shrieking children. He know
that hundreds mid bundled:? of tnuiilcrs of
t'lis kind have bei n committed by his mm.
mul still continue to be commit ted daily
nod nL'htly. He knows nil this, nnd he
knows that Ihe United States authorities
have never demanded the surrender of tho
perpetrators of the bloody horrors, or evrti
threateiiid retaliation. He now order
that the Ion United Slutes ofiicers first
captured perheps Genernlr, perhaps Colo- '
tick peihap.4 Majors shall be massacred. .
unless n siirremler shall be made that hu )
fully nware ennnot piwibly be ninile, nnd
his object is to iiiiiiigtirateiiilemouiao wnr
rare, which, ns conducted on both sides,
shnll horriry nnd appal tho nations nf the
earth, and compel intervention. Our Gov
ernment may have need of the highest wis
dom in detct mining its own action iu view
of these things."
AntsTornAOY vs. Dkmocuacy. Rev. A.
Putnam, of Uoxbnry, writes home from
Knrope to Ihe Hoximry Journal, that ho
finds by observation the " masses of tho
peoplo " In Kurnpean countries, when lelt
be-' to form their own opinions, are for the
North, while the " powerful Government
und ruling classes " are against us. Thii
is undoubtedly true. The common people
of Knrope sympathise with the institutions)
of the North. In Kughind. till the organs
of the common classes, from Ihe W si min
ster llcvmo down to the London Daily
AVtr, tiro outspoken in favor of the North.
Hut the niistnrrney of Knglnndund Franc .
und elisewhere. yenrn for the success nf tin
iirlMo-mcy of the South. The Southern
s'aveho'd.-r. with his thousand chattels,
meets on familiar terms with the Kuroncnii
lord. They are liinU of n feather ; both
despise democratic institutions, and hnto
the " inuihsills " of society, nnd think it
very pernicious to nllow u working man to
vole. Slidell. the rlioice ivpresentntivo of
our slnvcholding class, disports mn.:( ele
gantly in the snloons of Ihe French aris
tocracy, and they nil ngree Hint the North
ern people nro very vulgar, nnd that the
Secesh ought to triumph. The American
pe'irle will never bo iu a riu'ht position un
til they become tho champions of the dem
ocratic idea throughout tho world. Aris
toctaey is the siimn hi nil ages and in all
countries. It is found in that class which
has power, wealth nnd position, and exerts)
itself to keep down those who have nothing,
In Ihe South it U the slaveholder, in Eu
ropo it la the noble. Salem Observer.
Laokanok. Mississippi. A correspon
dent of the New Voik World, writing lately
from this place, thus speaks of tho lowii
mid in inhabitants :
Lagrange has lnrii in former times u
sort ol Athens of Tennessee und Northern
Mississippi. It boasts of si vernl large and
imposing wooded buildings, once u:cd n.H
seminaries for the young ladies mid gentle
men of this region. It lias its share of tho
old-fashion tumble-down structures, several
or which have been converted into quartan
for tho contraband-', who flock into one
lines in great numbers. There nre severnl
creditable utteinpls ut tasteful grounds,
though the (fleet is generally marred by
some outre or vulgar association. Tho
town lots are large, and the site is really el
igible for n beautiful city. Hut few of thu
inhabitants remain, most nf the able bodied
men having long ugo been drawn into tho
rebel army. Ilaggmil looking widows and
scornful looking maidens, dressed up in nil
the odds nnd ewls of a rng bag, with gait
ers long worn down, two nil of feuicuiivi
gentility which meet tho eye. Groceries,
dry goods, nnd even corn meal, nre scarce.
Sutlers could do it grand bminrM if it wero
allowed. Permits must be obtained of thu
Provost Marshal for small articles, nnd
nothing is allowed to bo sold to citizem
except for family consumption.
. .
Old Dr. Strong, ol Hmtford, had an tin
fortunate habit of sometimes paying funny
thing when he meant to be particularly
t-oleuiii ; us when he was pnsidjng at ii
meeting of ministers, and wishing to call
on one of them to comu forward mid ofler
n prayer, ho said :
' llrolher Colton,
Of Uolton,
Will you step this way
And pray!"
To which Mr. Uidlon immediately o
ftwered, without intending to pirpetrut?
anything of the same sort :
" My dear brother Strong,
"i on do very wrong.
To bj making a rhyme
At nuch a solemn rime."
And then Dr. Strong added ;
' I'm very torry lo ma
That you aro juet like mc."
Tho good men would not, for the wpr.ld,
hwo made such je6ts on such un occasion, ;
but they could plead the same excuso for
their rhymes that the, boy tlid for whistling
in school : " I didn't wiiistlo, sir ; It lvbto
Ue4 itself!"