Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, December 31, 1862, Image 1

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T-r-T--. """? xl,"j'ji...j jiiwiTciy.iTT.'awi.tt.wra'jgu'u
VOL. VII NO. 04.
mP i)ir 111 -11 I
Oillrc nt the City Drng Ntorv,
J.rKHONVii.i.i;. Otn-r.oN. 41
Office with I). F. Dowoll. Kq., Third Btrcct,
Jackhonvim.k, Okkgok,
"VX7ILL practice In the sevcrol Courts of
V the Flint Judicnl District, and in tlio
Supreme Court. October 20. '"2.
.1. II. 1IKKD. J. OABTO.V.
Jaokhonvim.k, Okkgon.
J. II. RKEI) having determined to con
tlnuo tho practice of hi profession, bus usco
cluted Mr.OAHTONwIlh lilm in business, nnd
llit'V will glvo prompt attention tonny legal
bus'liioss cntriHcd to Ihclr enro. in nny or
1hp Courts or thi Judicial District.
Oflloe in sumo building formerly occupied
by Mr. Reed. August IHtti.-'ttt.
Jaokso.nvh.i.k, OllKOON,
Will nlti'tid lo business In the Courts or the
First Judicial District, mid in tho Sup-cmo
Omrt. Octobor2t5-tl
Jacksonvim.k, Oiimo.v.
Will practice in all tho Courts or tho Third
Judicial District, the Supremo Court or Ore
yon, and In Yrcka, Cal. War Scrip prompt
ly collected. Oct. 18.
Dan'ft Barter Shop.
Between llrndbnry it Wudu's und Kl Dorado
Saloon, California street.
SHAVING. llttlr-cultlng.Shampoolng, Cur
ling and Hair Dyeing. u band und Tor
wi'e. a gcnulHe artlolo ol Fish's 11a in Run
roiiATlVK.aiid Crlstndoro's Exetlmr Hair i)y
Photographic Artivt,
Is prepared lo take pictures In every st,ylo
or tho art, with all the late improvements.
K Pictures do not glvo satisfaction, no
charges will Jw marie. Call at his new Gal
lery, on the hill, examine bis pictures, and
ylt'for your likeness.
"Watchmaker nnd Jeweler,
Keeps constant '.y on hand a
tine assortment of Clocks and
Jkwklkv. -which bo otters lor
rale at very low prices, for
K!imi. 'A RINU-CncKH,
Watches and Jewelryrcpalrcd with prompt
ness nnd .warranted. Shop on California
rtrcet, two doors west of Love fc Dllger's.
Jncksonvllb', July 211: 2K
Waldo, Josei-pink County, Oon.
Dii. Dkhcii Is prepared promptly to attend
1o the curing ol' all diseases ucoordlng to
1ho treament or Prof. F. V. Rvxi'AiL, with
out the na or Mercury, Arsenic, or nny
poisonous drugs. For tho past nine years
lie lias been a practitioner ol' medicine at
Crescent City, and is is well satisfied that he
eun give speedy relief to the afflicted who
may call on him. Ample arrangements lor
Cold, Warm, Hot and Steam Paths.
-(kactioai. -
Hlnnk-Book MnnMfactiirer.
517 Clay nnd 511 Commercial streets,
between Montgomery and Sansome,
'. Binding of ev,ry descriplkn neatly
executed : lllnu'k Hooks ruled and Bound to
Hiiy desired potteriu 24:y
'. H. LYNCH, Prop'r. r
Corner California and Oregon Streets.
Tho Proprietor has just received from San
1'raiicisco a chticc auorrmeutof tine
"Wiaeii, liquor, Oigar,
.y Drop In nnd tett them. Dae. 10.
County Treasurer' Office
v -Atollicoof-
K. P. KySSKLL. Deputy,
With H. F. Dowell, Kq.
State of Orcsron County of Jackson.
;rpAX-lAYKRS ore hereby notified thnt.
. ihe books are now ready. All per
mius having ta.MH-asfiessod against them in
sVd county are requested to pay sucli ta.es
jtoiliij Trcivurer of said county (or,hiH Dep
uty), ut I Isofllco in .TacUKonville,'bcforo tho
i'l'ist Day of Junuarv -next. , ,
RS. MOW AN. Treasurer,
J-J..R itUSjKLL, 1'-T',.V'
JaoksonvIUi. Dvv, l8w- 5t
'It tmrm
Hni constantly on hand, nnd Is dally re
ceiving now additions to his present
largo and well sulcctcd slock of
Consisting, In part, or
Tho "Irntomt Stylon of
French, Knglisb, German nnd Amerleati
HOSIER V. nml nil klnds'of GAITKRS,
A Large Stock of GENTLEMEN'S
M&E11S' TOOLS of all kinds,
Particular attention Is paid to procuring the
Best Groceries for Families.
Also, the best qualities of
And u variety ol' other articles too
numerous to mention.
All of tho above goods will bo sold at
prices to dtfy conization.
All articles that may bo purchased or
me will be warranted ns represented, or the
money will be refunded.
Ladles and Gentlemen are kindly solicited
lo cull and oxuiulno my present stock and
tirtccs before purchasing elsewhere. I nm
conlldcnt it will bo to their advantage. I
consider it no trouble to show Goods.
All kinds ol' Produce taken lu exchange
for merchandise.
jjMEr Remember my old stand
McCallj't two-itory, Fire-proof Brick
Jacksonville, Oct. It), 1H02. '27
California Street, ineksonvillr,
HAVE just received from tho Atlantic
States nnd San Francisco, a complete
stock of everything in their line, nnd will
keep constantly on band" nn assortment of
tho best Tin, Sheet-iron and Copperwnre.
Brass Pipes, llvtlruullo Nozzles, Force
Pumps, Chains, l,-wl Pipe. Hose.
of nil sizes:
Bar, Plato nnd assorted Iron ;
Paints. Oils, Sizes nnd GIuhm
All qualities of Povdcr ;
Shot of all number";
Brushes of every varlcty.otc, etc.
Also, always on hand, a luruo lot ofhtoves
of assorted sizes. ' Buck's Patent Cooking
Stovo," and tho " New World Stove." tho
two very law! und approved patterns In the
world. Parlor, Ollico and Cabin Stoves,
fmicy nnd plain, constructed on latest fuel
saving plans. Boilers, Kcttl-s, Pots, Pans,
and everything connected with these stoves,
warranted dlirublo and perfect.
All articles sold by them or manufac
tured. WARRANTED. Their work Is mado
of the best material and of choicest patterns.
fea-Orders attended to with dispatch, and
filled according to directions. In every
thing, their stock is tho largest and best
over brought to Jacksonville, and tbey ura
determined to sell nt .ow mew fob caw.
Call and examine their stock before pur
chasing elsewhere , June 2H. lflf0.-2:i.
Agents lor Hirtllday & Cq'h Wire Ropu.
Wrtck nulltlliiK, Cor. Front & Ftreet.
WILL attend to tho Receiving and For
warding of all Goods entrusted to
their cave, with promptness and dispatch.
Consignmentb solicited.' Merchandise re
ceived on storage.
. Crerccitt City. April IP, JaCJ, Xfi
N. B.-No goods delivered until thofiebut
and charges urQ. paid. P. W.
117"ANXW). 1000,000 juiuiiUd of Flour,
1 f In cxcli'nngn for goodVat .
lAsrr.u kvkky wkpxksimy and satuiipav.
I1KNKY DENLINUElt, I'ub'r mill Pi-on'r
SnisoitiiTioN One year. In advance. Five
Dolluis; Six months, Three Dollars. Unless
reuev.nl, papers will bo discontinued at the
expiration of tho time i,or which they have
bouti paid.
AiiVKitriHixo One Hitiaro (10 lines or
less), llrst insertion, Three Dollars ; each
pulie(uent Insertion, One Dollar. A dis
count of fifty percent will be made lo those
who udvertlso by thoyeur.
Titir of Aokxts?, who r nitthorl.cd.to
transact auv business concerning this pa
per, in the name of the publisher :
L. P. Fisher, San Francisco; WaiUworth
& Raynes, Yiuku; EIkt Kmry, Asliland; S.
C. Taylor, Phreiilx; W. W, Fowler, Apple
gutc; U. S. Duiilnp. Williamsburg; John R.
R.J. Forbes, Waldo; W.r.. M. F.vuns, Alt
house; Joel Thorn, Canyonvllle; A. R.
Flint, Ro.ebmg: Imibo R.Mooien, Salem; F.
M. Elloworlli, Kiigenu CJily; F. Charmau,
Oregon City; l. W. Wakelleld, Albany;
Heujamln Cook, Corvallis; J. II. .Smith.
Cicsccnl City; Albert Doollttle, Happy
llomeHtead Law.
AN ACT to secure homesteads to' actual
cottiers on the public doniuin.
JJo it Hinctcil bv the Senate and House
of Representatives of the United States of
Amenta In Congiess nesetnbled, rhut nny
terson who is tho hind of u fuiuily, or who
ms urrirtil at the iige of Iwenty-one years,
mm is
u ciliz'ii of the United intestor
who shall have filed his declaration of in
tentiou to become such, ns required by Ihe
naturalization laws ol the united amies,
and vlio has never borne arms ngulnst the
United States Government or given aid
and comfort to its enemies, shall, from and
niter the first of .January, eighteen hundred
und 6ixty-thref, bo entitled lo enter one
quarter section or n less quantity of unup
propriati d public lauds, upon whieh suid
person may have fib d u pre-emption claim,
or which may, nt the time the application
Is made, be subject to pre-empt ion at one
dollar wnd twenty-five cents, or les?. per
acre ; or eighty ncres or less of such un
appropriated lunds, nt two dollurs mid fifty
cents per ucre, lo be loci led in a body, in
conformity to he legal subdivisions of the
public lands, and alter the same shall have
been surveyed : Provided. That nny per
son owning und residing on laud may, un
der tho provisions of this uct, enter other
land lying contiguous to ids or her mid
land, which shall not. wiiii ine innii so al
ready owned und occupied, exceed in the
aggregate one hundred and sixty acres.
Sec. 2. Ami beitfurtherenucted, That
Hit pci-oon applying for the benefit of this
act shall, upon application to the register
of tho land office in which lie or she is
about to make such entry, make affidavit
btforo tho suid register or receiver that ho
or she is the head of u family, or is twenty
one or more years of age, or shall liave
performed service in the urmy or navy of
the United Stutes, ur.d thai he hns never
bnrnu uims against the Government of the
United Slates or given aid and comfiVt to
its enemies, and that such nppUcutenn is
made for his or her exclusive use or bonefit,
und that said entry is made for ihe purpose
of actual settlement nnd cxtltiviilion, und
not, either directly or indirectly for the
use or benefit of any other person or per
sons whomsoever ; nnd upon filing the said
uffidavit with I lie register or receiver, and
on payment of ten dollars, ho or she shall
thereupon bo permitted to enter the quan
tity of laud specified : Provided, however.
That no cutiflcate Mm! I be given or patent
issued therefor until the cxpirutinn of five
years from tho date of such entry ; und if,
ut tlte expiration ol sueli. time, or ut uny
time within two years thereafter, the per
son making such entry or if he bu dead,
lii-i widow.; or in cumj of her death, his
heirs or devisee ; or in case of u widow
making such entry, her heirs or devisee, in
cui-o of her death shall prove by two
credible witnesses that he, slie.ortheyshull
have resided upon or cultivated tho same
for tho term of fivo years immediately suc
ceeding tho time of filing the uffidavit
nforesuid, nnd shall make uffiduvit that no
part of suid lund has been alienated, nnd
that he has borne trim nllegioncc lo the
Government of the United Stoies ; then,
in such cise, he, she, or they, if at that
time a citim of the United Slates, shall
be entitled to u patent, ns in other cases
provided for by law : And provided, fur
ther, Thnt in caso of tho death of both
father and mother, lenvingnn infant child,
or children under twenty.orte yearn .of age,
the right and leo shall enure t tbe. benefit
of said iilfunt child or children ; and the
executor, administrator, or jjnnrdlun may,
nt any timo' within two' year? 'nller,"the
deatli of tin 'wrvivinir parent; nnd in e-
corditice vit'a the law. of the'' State in j
which such children fur the time being
have their doinieil, sell said land for the
In-ill lit of suid inluuis, but for no otlur
itirpoe ; und the purchaser shall uequire
the absolute title by the purchase, nnd be
ei.titlid lo a putt lit from the United Stall 8.
on payment of the ofTico fees und sum of
money lu rein specified.
Sec. 3. And be it furhcr enacted, Thai
the register of the land fifliee shall note nil
sik.Ii applications on the Intel books und
pints of hid ofllcc, nnd loep a tegistcr ol
nil such entries, nnd make return thereol
to the General tatid Office, together' with
the proof upon which they have been
Sic. 4. And bo it further enacted, That
no hinds ricqutrcd under the provisions of
tins net snail in nny event become liaitle
to the satisfaction of nny debt or debts
contracted prior to the issuing of the put-t-iit
See. ft. And be it further enacted, That.
if nt uny time after the filing of the nflida
vit, ns requited In the Ficoud section of
this net, nnd before the cNpiintinn of the
five years aforesaid, it shall be proven, after
due notice lo the settler, to tin satisfaction
of the register of the In ml olllee, that .the
jicison having (lied such ufllihivit shall
liave Hclqiilly cliauged his or her place ol
residence, or abandoned the said land for
more than six months nt tiny time, then
and in that event the land so entered ahull
revert to the Government.
S-c. 0. And be it further enacted, That
no individual shall be permitted to acquire
title to more than ono quurler section tin
der the provisions of iIih net, und that
the Coniuiissioiicr of the General Laud Of
(ice is hereby n quired to pretiare mid issue
such rules and regulations, consistent with
this net, us shall be necctfury nnd proper
to carry its provisions into clb-ct, nnd that
the registers und receivers of tho several
hind offices shall be entitled to reccivo the
same compensation for uny lands eptered
under the provisions of this net that they
uru now entitled to receive when the same
quantity of laud is entered wjtli money.
one-half to lie paid by the person making
the application nt the time of so doing.
mid the other half on tho issue of the rer
tificato by Ihe person to whom it maybe
issued ; boftliis sliull not be construed to
enlarge! the maximum ol compensation now
pic-scribed by law fur any register or re
ceiver : Provided, That nothing contained
in this net shall ho so const! mil us to im
pair or interfere in nny manner whatever
with existing pre-emption rights: And
provided, further, That till persons who
may have filed ilieir applications for a pre
emption pcht prior lo the ttassngc of this
act shall be cut it led to all privileges of
this act: Provided, further. I hat no per
son who has served, or may hereafter serve,
for u criid ol not less than fourteen days
in I lie army or navy of Ihe United States,
either regular or volunteer,, under the laws
tnercoi, during tun existence oi nciiim war.
domestic or foreign, shall lie deprived, of
the benefits of l ids act on qcconnt of not
huviug attained the ugo of twenty-oiu
See. 7 And bo It further enacted, Thnt
the fifth section of the net cntillui " An
net in addition to nn net more effectually
to provide for Ihe punishment of certain
crimes against the United Stales, and for
oilier purposes." unproved the third of
March, in the veur eighteen hundred nnd
lll'ty-seveu, shall extend to till oaths, nffir
ma'tions, und affidavits, requind or author
ized by this act.
Sec. ti. And bo it further enneted, That
nothing in this act shall be so construed
us to prevent any person who has nvuilul
bun or herso'r ol the bcuetits ol the tirst
section of this net from paying the mini
mum orice, or the price to which Ihe same
may linve graduuted, for Ihe quunlity of
land so entered nt uny lime before the ex
piration of I lie five years, and obtaining u
patent therefor from the Government, as
in other cases provided by law, op making
proof of settte;iu-nt und cultivation ps pro
vided by existing luws grunting pre-emptions
Approved May 20, 18C2.
J. M. Edmonds, Commissioner of Gen
eral Lund Office, trunsmits with a circular
copy of the law, the following instructions
to Registers and Receivers :
The privileges of this law arc extended'
to every iru'rson who is at, the head of n
family, or who hns arrived ot Ihe oge of 21 J
years, anil is a citizen oi ttic united juries,
or has declared his jntention of becoming
such, mid who has done no disloyal act, rli
icct or indirect. An exception, however,
to tho foregoing rcniiireinc nf ns to ue is,
nindj in the Gib section of the uct, in favor
of any person who hns Her veil liot less (hnn
inurieen iiiivk in me nrujy or 4nvy i;, ine
United S,lutcsJ either "rejinlar or volunteer
during actual war," do'iipstie or .iorrigo.
Any person coming-' whbiu ihe fch'Sirg
a -w ww
requirement will, from and after January
1, 1863. have, the right lo enter one quur
t'r section, or u less quantity, of unnoprcK
priattd public lund, upon whieh suid per
son muy have filed it pte-emption claim, or
which, 'ut lime of application, is subjtct tb
pre-emption at SI. 2ft per acre ; or eighty
acres, or less, of such unappropriated lands,
ut 82.60 per acre. ,
The law requires the land " toholocubd
in one body, in conformity to the legal sub
divisions of tho public lands, and after the
sumo sliull have been surveyed." , ,.
Any person owning id residing on land
may enter contiguous lund, whieh, with
that ulreudy owuid mid occupied, shaft not
exceed in Ihe aggregate 100 aens.
The applicant for the bent-fit of the. lav
is requind by tlte 2d section to file, With
the Register his " application," which
should designate tho tract desired to lie en
tered, tie must aho file hi " affidavit," to
lie taken bioie the 'litgister or Hefwer,
setting lorlii tlte nteis which orutg. ipm
within the requirements ol the law, ami
adding Unit tho " application is made for
his or her exclusive use und benefit, pnd
that the said entry is made for the pppso
ol actuul settlement und cultivulion,;and
not, either diiectly or indirectly, for the
use or la-mfit of uny other person or per
soiih whomsoever."
The said 2d section of Hie acl further
provides for I lie issue of patent to thifp re
plicant after fivo ytars' sets lenient ; also, tor
the succession in case of his death, and for
the tale of the lund for the benefit or infant
lirlrs. but for no other purpose. ,
The 4th section ihciures lands npquircd
under this net not liable for debts contract
ed prior to the issuing of the patent.
The full section makes abandonment of
ihe lund for more than six ukhUIik, ut.wny
time within the live ycurs, cause ofior
feilurc. , .
The 6th section forbids the acquirement,
of more than one quurler section, by any
individual, under this net ; protects exist
ing preemptions, repeating ihe prov'uow
of icclinn 1 in regard to pre-emptions,
giving them all Iho privileges of the act;
allowing Ihe Registers and Receivers Iho
same comncnsaiion for lauds entend under
(his act which they ureentitlwl to wheti.the
same quantity is entend with money; one
half to he paid by the person making tho
application, at the lime ol so doing, and
tho other half on the issue of Iho certifi
cate, to be paid by the person to, whom it
may be Issued, but not to enlarge the mux
iiniim compensation now allowed by lu.
The 7t h scctiou stipulate the penalty for
falcc swearing.
Tho 8th section iiertnitsclalmantstopar
for their entries at uny limu befoio I he ex
piration of five years, and obtain putcnW.
upoj) muking proof of settlement and cul
tivation ua required by the pre-em'pl'iou
1. The applicant will then be allowed to
enter the tract applied for, liy paying Co
the Receiver the 610 leo stipulated ln,4be
uct; and the further p.iymtnt, tih cwimu
ont of Register und Receiver, of one-half
i.f one ner cent, to each -upon the cash
i-iilue of Ihe quantity of land applied for;
the ojher hull of tlm one per cent, us com
missions lo suid officers, not to be paid un
til the certificate is i-sued, when the party
obtuiuiug such ccrtitk'ulc is to make that
2. The Receiver will issue Homestead
Duplicute Receipts lor each entry ; one to
be delivered to tlio npplicunt, tho other re
turned lo this office.
3. No certificate Ib to bo issued at. the
timool entry, nor until tho expiration-of
five yeiirs therefrom, except in tjie ease of
a sale for the benefit ol infant heirs, or
where payment in full is made, ns provided
by sec. 6, iu which cases certificates must
be issued.
4. In the -case of a sale for ,thc benefit or
infuut heirs, tho certificate will issno in the
name of Ihe purehuser, upon .evidence, ol
sale, mude in obedience lo u decrci o order
of a court baying jurisdiction in such nat-
5, Tn a caswhcre i payment is pro
posed to bo mfdo by a party under the 8lb
seetion, ho must first muke proof or settle
ment nnd cultivation, as (required by exist
ing pte-emption laws and instnictipna :
whereupon you will require his homestead
dnnlleute receipt to be surrendered, am.
will admit the pre-emption as n new and
original entry, nnd issae pie-emptiop cer
tificate and receipt, 89 in oidiuary pioemp-
Mop coses, returning the same wuit mo
monthly nbslrucls. ,
9. in reference to the oirwrfon---oe-Ingthe.commisi-ions
ol the RegWter.amt
Ueoeivec for services voder this uct, as reg
ulttted by tho Cthj section the panic allow
ance is to bo mudo as at present on cufh
entries; that is, each entry is to be esti
mated nR a hle o( so mucK.latu nt -?1 .
or ,82 oQ, yer. acre., and lymenti.jiii?r'
UicmQU,a?aiclcd under the flr head iu
the feregoiog.