Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, November 26, 1862, Image 1

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i-ua-rfi3fiL..-:jiijL:-i -,3kj-. JrrT-.-narBittutrtiiii-JCv-ii:a.T'rr: tzts rrnj u Tt-
..i,x-rtt-i!rrir,iT-T--r-j,!x5.i-n-- "jf
Vrcrrz-.: r- irTiaur.-2r. -? ri" "aVrirrjrr
w . f.ii.iA.'mmacTfflcgia
issi:t:i i:vi:hy wr.nxi.siuv and satuiiday.
I1ENKY jm:;i!lVur.K, mb'r nml 1'iopV
SniscutrrioN Oin year, in advance. Five
Dollars; Six months, 'I'lirce Dollar". Unless
renewed, papers will Im discontinued "t the.
expiration tt (liu lime. Ibr which they huvo
been paid.
AnvKiiTiHtNd Oiu! F(iinro (10 lines or
li's), lirxt insertion, Three Uullur.i ; each
Hilt'pqiictit ii sertion. One l)illnr. A dis
count if lll'iy percent will bo made lo thuse
who udvorti'o ly tho year.
Hy application lo Postmasters mid Mnil
Ciii'i'lt'i-n. you rutilcurn that thu Semi-weekly
Oiumo.v Sknti.nt.i. has by far n linger clieu
lutloii in (ho co.intles of Southern Oregon
nml Del Norte county. California, tlmti any
other paper. This fuel should commend llio
Si:.tinki. to you uc n superior medium for
I.tsr oi' Ai.'UXTrt. who urn authorized lo
transact any basilicas concerning this pa
per, in (lie riiinu' of I lie publisher :
fi. 1". FlMiiT, Sim Frrtiioiico; Wml-woilli
it Itavnes, Yickn; F.ber Kmry, Aiililnnil: il.
C. Taylor, l'licenlx; W. W. Fowler. Apple
gate: It. S. Dunlnp, Wllllannbiirg; John It.
I'rindie. Kerhyvillc: A. II. MelKnin. Waldo;
It. J. Km lies." Waldo; 'V r.. M. Kvun. All
house: .loi'l Thorn. 'iinyunvil!.c; UufusMnl
jory. Ilosehiirg; Isauoli. Moorcs. Salem: F.
M.'l'lli-worlh.'Kugeuo Oily; F. Churmnn,
Oreirnu Oily; I). W. Wukollehl. Albany;
Jlenjutuln Oonli, Corvullls; .1. II. Smith.
Crc-ceut Oily; Albert Doolittle, Happy
Cmii p.
Ofllco Willi II. F. Powell. Ki., Third Hired,
J.tricsnNvti.i.i:. Oiikcon. 2!)
""4T ILL practice hi Ihe several Courts of
V tlio First Judical DNtrlct. mid In the
Supreme Court. October 'JO. T.'.'.
.. II. IU:r.l. .1. HASTON,
J.vfiKsoNviu.K, Oinx.iiK.
J. II. HKKI) having determhied to con
tiniio tlio practice of bin profession, has asr-o-plated
.Mr. Oakio.v willi him in busim-is. and
lliey will give prompt attention to any legal
hiis'iucss entrusted to their cave, in any of
the Court of thl Judicial District.
Olllce In same building formerly occupied
liv Mr. Iteed. Anirnft ISIh. 'li-j.
orange Jacobs",
Jacksonviu.k, Oisr.r.oN,
Will attend to Imrtniw in tlio Courts of llio
Viil Judicial District, mid in the Sup-emu
X'nurt. October 'Jti-It
iT,oKso.sviiar Oi:i:cion.
Will practice in all tho Courts or tho Third
Judluiivl District, Ihe Supreme Court of Ore
gon, nml In Yroku, Cul. Var Scrip prompt
ly colleeled. Oct. 18.
j.jua m. 1'Vi.i:. ni'irs mai.lokt.
UOSKOUKO, l)OU'UI.AS Uhu.ntv, 0.v.
Will altoudtoany buMr.e8sconlldllo them,
hi the. fovcijI CourtH of lite Fir.-t Jiink'Ial
DlFlrict of Oregon, mid in the Supicmu
'oiirt. OqIoImm- 18.
Vatcliiuaker nttil Jeweler,
Watolicsand Jowelrvrenalred with nronmt
ue.ss and warranted. Shop on California
blrcet, two door.s wi'-t of Jovo & Uilger'a.
lm.'k"onvllli', July 20; 28
Dnn'fi JSavticr Shop.
Iletwccn Uradbiiry t Wado'if and 121 Dorado
Saloon, California htrect.
SHAVING. Ilalr-cuttlng, Shampooing, Cur
ling and Hair Dyeing. (u hand and for
m'o, ii geiiulnu article ol Fleh'h Hair Hi:tJ
ToitATi vi;. and Griwtadora'H liccthfar Hair Due
peter" britt,
PliotornpliSc Aviisf,
'U prepared to take pictures in every stylo
of the art, with all tho lat) impvovemciilH.
Jf lMcturcH do not give HitMaolioii. no
elmrges will bo iniule. Call at liln new Gal
hry, on the hill, examine IiIb pictured, mid
fit 'for your lll;enei!.
County TreuBreiJ Oflicc
K. S. .MOHGAX.Treu-'tiier.
JaclfroiiviUeAugusI 1U. itlcm
Kcops constantly on hand n jj.
tino assortment of Clocks and tST)
Jcwki.kv, which ho oilers for tj '
mlo ut very low pricen, for,ri. JJfk
tic c?rczinnunTTcmvnnrz cayctcKWKrr
"Wauio, Joiki'IIi.sk Cou.ntv, Ou.v.
Hi:. Dkmjii a jitepared promptly to attend
to tho curing of all dK-ues according to
the treami'iit of 1'iof. F. V. Hami'aii.. with
out the iifo of Mtrciiry, Arsenic, or any
polrouoiiH drugi'. For the pail nine yenri
lie Iiiim been a practitioner of tiudlciue at
Crci'Cent City, an -J i in w.ll .salinlkd tluitlie
can give Kpeidy 1'elief to the iilllicliil who
may call on'him. Ample nrruiigeiuciil" for
Cold. Wm in, Hot nml Steam Hath".
G. W. GREER, "
tlilloo ut I lie Clly Drug Slme,
JAricsoNvn.M:. Oucoo.v. -11
I. 11. I.VINTII,
Wholesale and Uetail Dealer in
Wines, Syrups & Cordials,
-at Tin:-
Comer of Cnttfoinlu nml Oirgou Slu
XVrAll ordero promptly lilled. iWlf
IM:;itlt-JIo!: rriaattifnciuvoi'.
5J7CI'iy and M Commereial Htreel.-,
between Montiioiuery and Siiiimiihu,
S?a I'lndlug of ev.ry deccriptinn neatly
executed : Itlauk IJnok.j ruled mid Hound lo
any desired pntlera. 2-l:y
Uilck Uiilldliig, Cor. Front A lKlrcitu.
WILL attend to the Receiving and For
warding of all Good entrusted to
their care, with promiituesH and dispatch.
Coiihiguiueuts (solicited. Merchandise re
ceived 011 i-lonige.
Crescent City. April 19, l.SIW. 15
X. H.-No good" dell vt.'ied until Ihe freight
ami charges mo paid. 1). fc W.
Stovcs & Tinware
Stovo and Tintvaro Shop,
Tliird Street, between tho Ejcpresa
Saloon nnd "DoweU'c Law Olllce,
Jae.hsouville. Oregon.
Keeps coiiGtmitly 011 hand tho best pat
tern" of
And every Iciud of
Tin, Iron and Coppcrwarc,
Iksides 11 great variety of Culinary art
icles too nuinerniis to mention
Persons wishing anything in my line nro
respectfully Invited to call and examine the
quality and prices of my wares.
Kvu-y kind of .1011 WORK done to order.
My o'wu ware repaired without rliursi'.
(JKORGN H. ROltlllS.
Jachsonvillo. Nov. .. 1801. ):!
Is daily in receipt of u largo
assortment of
Groceries & Provisions,
And all hinds of
ixitfxasro'r TOOLS,
lie recommends his large, new stock of
Toy and Jancy Ware
And a great many other articles too nu
merous to mention, nil of which ho
will t'fll LOW 1'UR CASH,
Or in exchange for
Jnc!(sonvile, August U3,18C2.
T0.ST SHAWL. On"ilic"27lli October
1J last, by tlio undersigned, while
coming through Hie Canyon, n largo woolen
fhiiw 1 (double) with till border, dark col
ors, lurred, center purplo. with t. fiimill
rent in the Lnrdifi', was lost. TJ10 under
signed will ji.iy r. liberal reward to any
one who will send 'the samo to tlieSsNTixhi.
Oilfctf. H. D. VA.VDVKB.
mnia'JigJgaynjKgmUs. i iv.wrgciisnwuiJuiLi.xi.vBAw.MMui'iiiimmjLtitfiii i-'.waj
Alleged Orison oi' the
i.iiTTKit nto.M iioni'.tiT dam: owk.v.
From Ihe New Voil: Tribune.
'I'o the t'lwideiil of the United .Stales :
Kit In Iayn when tlio public, fufely is im
minently tliualelied. mid the late ol a na
tion limy hang upon a Hindu net, v. e owe
(iiiiik tpcecli. aliove all otlnr men, to hnn
who U highest in authority. 1 fIiuII speak
10 you as man to man.
ilimi!) opinion.! luivo been foniied of
yon ; even honest r.ien douiiling the pro.
liily of your intention". I do not hIiiiio
lliei'r iloiiltts. believe you lo be upriglil,
ninglelieiirt(il in your desire to lei-cue the
couutiy in the hour ol her ut most mcil,
without ttficrthouglit of the pcioiial eon-a-tpteneea
to ynutself.
if. iiinid the niultitudc of contending
counsel, you huvo hesitated and doubted ;
if. when 11 great measure suggcMcd itself,
you have tdiriiul; from I lie vast icMinyi
bilily, iifraid to go forward Ie?t you should
go wrong, what wonder? How few, Mime
lint foundation of the world, have found
lhriii"clv(H in 11 portion environed with
public perils no iiuiiiitiiiis, oppressed witii
iTspoii"ibililiis so hhji mid solemn, us
No man ever craped from such p
reads the lesson of liistory 'vitliont it bold
' hemt
nml 11 high faith. bilom, pru
d'iice, lorcthoiight. these arc essential.
Jlul not second to these is that noble eonr
uue wliich ml ventures the right, and leaves
the consequences to (Sod.
Men ever lollow willingly 11 daring
leader; most willingly of all in great
emergencies. Holdness and decision com
mand, often even in evil, the respict and
concurrence of mankind. How much
more in good.
I here is it measure needing cnumgo to
iidont mid enhance it. which I believe lo
be of virtue fitiflicienl to icdeeni the nation
in this its darkest hour; one only; I know
of no other to which wo tuny rationally
trust Tor relief 110111 impending daiigeis
without mid within.
The dnngeis which threaten us me two
fold: I' irs.1, from tho Confederate forces,
conipoFed of men whose earnest convic
tions and reckless bravery it is idlo to
deny. Secondly, from 0111 selves, compelled
to make use ol n military power of pio
portions to gigantic thai 110 nation ever
permittid the exist euro of nieh without
moie or less 1 isle to the people who em
ployed it. If we think lightlv of this
latter danger, we slight the (cachings of
ull past time.
As to the llrst : Have you not had your
moments of doubt whether we arc to suc
ceed at nil? whether the Union, once so
glorious, will ever be rc-united? whether
peace, which wu iiFod to enjoy with us lit
tlu gratitude as we do the Vu'u or the air
we breathe, will ever again fettle down
over our distracted country?
If I have doubts of all" this, it is only
becaiiFO I do not know what your action
-will he. We have at our disposal the
means or certain miccc.-s; but I cannot
tell whether, while there is jet time, you
will decide to employ them.
Our enemies, like the (jiecian hero, have
otic vulnerable point. You have not
touched it yet. What fliould huvo been
their element of wenkners him luen sulll-rcd
to remain mi element of strength.
They have nearly a million of able
bodied men ol lit age for war or for labor.
Holding these men in bondage, mid em
ploying iliem to till the soil, I hey ure ena
bled tot-end to llio but tie-field almost their
entire white adult population, yet preserve
their commissariat siiflleienlly supplied.
It li3S nlways been a great wrong that
the:-o men mid their families should ha
held in bondage. "We of the North have,
hitherto acquiesced in it, lest, in the en
deavor to redress it in violation of the
Constitution, greater evils might ensue.
Hut the time has come when it ;V consti
tutional to udrers it. The rebellion has
iiuiile it so. Property in man, always mor
ally unjust, has become nationally ("lunger
oun. Property that eiulangeis the s.ileiy
of n tuition should not besnU'ered lo remain
in the lunula of its citizens. A Chief Mag
istrate wh.o snfn'is it fo to icmain bceorrus
1 ('sponsible (or the conseqiieuefs. For he
has tho right, under the law mid tho Con
stitution, 10 tnko private property, witii
just eotnpens.ition ofl'ered. for pub'lio use,
whenever it ia nppaient that any public
exigency demai.ds such appropriation.
Forgive what may seem curt s-peccli if I
eay that, in my judgment, a Picr.ident with
a just tetiiu of duly has no uptiou in such
u ease.
In thodueexeiciseof your oflicinl power,
in strictest aeeoidancc with law and the
Coniiiulinn, you can deprive tlio enemy
of that which, above all elcu, has given,
mid still gives him uid and comfort ; you
can decline emancipated his slaves, the sup
pliets of hie ceiuuiiaariul. Gradually,
uu can deprive him of these ; and Tor ev
eiy huudiui thousand pioductive lulioieis
he Ioas, you may have 11 handled limit
sand sold.crs. With their md ymi eaii
rriich the lest. What then remains for
him V lie must thin his 1 auks to cultivate
Ins ptmnatitius, lie must labor for his
own fond, or must perish lor the lack of it.
The pidplo are forbidden lo give uid
and comfort to the tebels. What ol a
(I'liveriinit'iit that has power to cut ull' from
aid mid comfort all the icbelsol theSuulh,
it 1 icl falls to exeiuise it ?
Wu ought to do tlmt which is right,
even if the iccompcnse nc dUtaut and un
certain ; but we add fully to injustice, if
wi! neglect 11 great act ol lienihcenee that
is to be rewarded, even now, by our own
Yet ngain. Can you look fonvnrd to
the lulurc of our couutiy, mid imagine any
slate of things in which, with slavery niil
existing, we should be assured of perma
nent pence.' J cannot. Wo can eonatitu
Initially extirpate slavery at. this time.
Hut if we fail to do this, then, unless we
intend hereafter to violate the Constitu
tion, wo shall have a fugitive j.luvo law in
opeintbiti whenever the war is over. Shall
the Ninth have snerilierd a hundred thou
sand lives and two millions of 1 1 ensure to
conn.' to that at last".' Not even a guar
antee of pi nee puichasid at so enormous a
cost? After voiuiitaiy exertions 011 the
part of our people lo wiiicli tho histoiy of
the world furnilies 110 parallel, is i ho old
root of bitterness still to remain in the
ground to sprout mid bear fruit in the In
line us it lias borne fiuit in the past?
Tin se questions me uddrrhHil to you.
For upon you mid upon your action more
than any other ouu thing does the unswer
depend. You have, at this time, more
power than any constitutional monarch in
tliu world. The Kunlish (lovernment al
ways acts nccordiiiL' to tl poliev tip-
provnl by the constitutional nilvit-crs of
the Crown. You would violate nsoge
only IT you should act without the. advice,
or even contrary to the opinions of your
constitutional adviseis. I do not mean
that you could continue to do this with-
piopiiety. or even wflli safety; I meiely
acrt that the power is. in point of fact,
in your hands. And'for such a power,
what 11 responsibility to Cod mid .Man I
It is within your power ut this very
moiiii'iit. not only to comminute an net
of enlightiued statesmanship, but us the
iiMriimcnl of the Almighty, lo icstore to
freedom a race of men. If you arc tempt
ed by mi Imperishable name, it is within
your reach We may look ihroiiHi undent
and modem history, vet scarce liml 11 sov-
erign to whom God oflend the privilege of
bestowing on liumauily 11 boon so va.-t.
Such an oiler comes to 110 human being
twice. It is made to you today. How
hug ii will remain open whether in three
months or In ouu month from now.it will
bo ut your option to accept it God, who
leads tho hearts of men, alone knows.
And this brings me to speak or another
clues of diiiiL-ers iho.-o which may urine
lieic in the Nortii mnong ouisclvcs.
Do you read the daily newspaper press,
dial wonueriiil and ni.-tnietive modern in
dex of the passing opinions of thu times?
If so, have you not ucenilyseen there signs
111.11 sinrtiHl you ndvice, iiuducioiisly giv
en in cei tain quarters, that it is time the
army t-hould tuku the power in its own
hands mid demand the dismii-siii from
your Cabinet of the best men in ! ? Ilnvu
you no fnctB in your own experience going
to prove that Mich audacity has not shown
its head without power mid numbers that
render it formidable? 1 do not liar jt;
not now, if it is uranglul ut its birth,
but l.e tempts Providence who snflcrs that
spirit ol anarchy to grow uu.l gather
strenght before striking a blow for its de
struction. You cannot be ignorant of the design
of these men. lie that 1 litis may rrud it.
They see that wo in? drifting towawls
emancipation. They see that ihe demand
from the masses of our people fur this great
measure U becoming, day by day, more
importunate. They know that a majority
of your Cabinet favor it. They fed as
sured, as lo yoiiiM-lf, that if the option re
niiiimd with you. it is but n question of
time mid of firm when ami how a procla
mation of emancipation will be issued.
They perceive but ouu power that has any
chmice successfully t urrest this stream
mid coerce your uetion. Openly they np
pciu to it. Openly they decluro that
Cabinet MjuisteiR must bu imposed
upon jou by military dictation. No oth
er coiiiso is left the into effect their gicut
object, namely, to perpetitito among us
that slavery which the nation, with n de
termination wliich iiicicasts from day to
day, is resolved to uproot.
One blow may be dealt by you against
these men that will crush foiever their
treasonable cabals. It is, the sumo thut
lays- the foundution of pease and assures,
VOL. VI r NO. uh
beyond po-siblu penidveiituie, thu dowi
fufl of tho icbellion. They know il e r dan
gr. They lend eiuuncipalioii in tho signs
of the tniiis. It wu-i to ti em the handwri
ting on tho wall, lorctdiui'owitiir their p -iilieul
late. What wonder that they re
suit lo dispcinte melius to arrest its ad
vent? Shall tliev he allowed time, bv insidious
argument, to entice the unwary into tin
tanks of sedition? Hy pioinpt action
alone can you pievcntit. It is idle In await
unanimity. Aleii aeqtr.e-ee in 11 thousand
things, once liglilly nml boldly done, tn
which, if propo.cd to them In advance,
they might liml endless objection.
Do you hesitate? Wnl you delay tho
blow? See to it, that when, at last, your
resilutioti is taken, thu power tuny not al
ready have pased away from your hands.
Toe 'JUd of September appiouehcs tho
date when the sixty days notice you l:av
given to tilt' lebeli wi'll expire without
other icply lo your warning than the inva
sion of Maryland mid u ineunneo In Penn
sylvania. Js it to rest there? Patiently
we have waited the time. Is nothing t"
follow ? Are our enemies to boast that wo
speak bravo woids and there an end en'
What n day. if you but will it, may thnt
-lid of September bicouie. A day to the
lebels of dUpuir, to every loyal heart of
exultant icjoieiug. A day of which thu
anniversary will be celebrated with jubitei'
while the 'American Union indiircs. A
day to be reinemlieitd, not in our land
alone, but wherever hutuiiiiily mourns over
thewiongsul tl.o nluve, or lejoiccs in his
You me the first President to whom the
opportunity was ever oir-red constitution
ally to inaugurate such u day. W you fail
us now, jou maybe the la-t. Lift. then,
the weight from the heart of this people.
Let them bienlhu free once mote. Kxtii
pute the blighting curse, a living threat
ihioughout long years past, that has smit
ten at lust witii desolation a laud to wliich
God had grunted every thing but wisdom
mid justice. Give buck to the nation its
hope and laith in a future of peace mid
undisturbed prosperity. Fiilllll you can
more than fuillll llio" brightest anticipa
tions of thosu who. in the name of human
freedom, and in the face of threats that
have ripened into terrible realities nincc.
fought that battle which placed yon wheio
you now stand. Roitr.ttT 1 .u.r. 0vi:n.
New York, Sept. 17. Ifc'O'J.
Dm:.v:i:s ov Washington. Tlio cor
respondent of tho New Voik Commercial
Advertiter, Miys : You have been eoiitJiini
ly inlorined by tclegiums mid concspoia'
ents that " Washington is mfe." This K
iinduibtedly li tie. Indeed, it may be ques
tioned whether the capital, at any moment,
lias been in ical danger. Tho le'bd au
thorities have never, ut any time, to can.
sidcrcd it. Hut it in well that il should bo
known that the chief defence of Washing
ton consists in thu munition of locks'
that surround tho entire eiicuuil'ereiicc or
the city. Iib location is such, ucmly iu
the centre of an area exactly ten mile
sqiiaie, thnt every approach to it can be
securely guarded. There at e flfty-t wo foi ts.
ami several parallel linen of eniluinkmenls
at this liour around Washington. The
fortifications on Arlington Heights are
alone of sufficient strength to deft ml tlm
Capital nguint an army of live hundrtil
thousand invaders, All tho guns of the
forts me iu pel feet range of each other,
and command every inch of space be
tween. In addition to these the embank
ments can tbiow heavy shells for overt hi ee
miles beyond, while the gunboats iu tin:
river, within tlio linc-n of battle, can reach
even further. In all the points iljippni the
veiy best of our picked troops are Ma
tiond, eoiumuuded by experienced oflicers.
It is sale to say that four hundred thou
sand drilled men nro on duty, with mi
abundant supply of ordinunco .and ammu
nition, for the immediate defence of the
Capital of the nation. Hence, Washing
ton ii safe.
Ni,i...im Tim lliil'ttin snvs
that a gentleman and ludy recently trial
their lungs on a spirometer, on Jvcnrney
street. The gentleman sent the vulvo up
farther than any of tho crowd who pre
diil bim hud done. Hut when the lady
upplied her ruby lips to tlio mouth-piece,
it roe very niucn iiiguer sun. mo mum
ration of 'he byjtauders was immense il
showed so iollv a strength ol lunga.
Y,. ." siiul her snoue as ho turned away.
" Sal lma got tho strongest bioatu of any
A virv nriu'iieious VOUIIL' mail. BOniPil
Isaac, says that "if lie is drafted, Abraham
will bu ottering up Isaac as 11 hucriuce.
1 11 .in 1 1 '
Tliero is no man who would not bo mor
tified il he kuew what his liiends t'-.ought of,
him. '