Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, November 22, 1862, Image 3

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S- "
r Yi
fk , -
i . f
Liquors & Tobacco
t X lit ' i '
New Goods!
New Goods ! !
New Goods ! ! !
Grand Display
WE talco pleasure in announcing to the
public that we have just received n
linger, more fashionable uud better selected
stuck ol
than nny ever before brought to .this
Groceries !
Groceries ! !
Groceries ! ! !
JK iiave just opened tho best and larg
oceries ;
Wines and Liquors,
we feel confident, will guurontco to us tlio
continuance of tho patronage with which
our customers have hitherto favored us ;
nud tho uddition we have now made to our
former lino of-trndt! will, wo hope, secure to
iih tho balance of the trading population nf
this' town and vicinity, to all of whom wc
promise prompt and polite attention.
PJeuse call and convince yourselves.
' saoijs mtos.
& All sorts of marketable 1'ioduce
taken in 'exchange for iroods." 1
Jucksorjyille, Oct, 20, 1 802.
rl w s , .ilii. .'.'ri..'.V. M .li'..l ' I Slijl..
Dntes to 18th November.
Washington, 18th. General llu'rliside
hug. issued u general order, orguiifeing 'the
army into thrco grand divisions, command
ed respectively by Generals SUmner, Frank
liii nthf Hooker. ' A reserve -'corps will be
fortiii'd fo'l commanded by-General Slgel.
The heads of thd vbrinns stuff departments,
other tlihnJ Adjutant General, remain un
changed. . .
'A' number of prominent shipping mer
cHaiiW'nFe'ndw here, urging'VriprWne',Seo
returyof Waran'd th'e'Nnv'y the Impor
tance of 'immediately and effectually seal
log up Charleston harbor, which is ut
present the great point or en'.ruuce of nil
contraband trade.
The Macon (Go.) Telegraph, of the
10th, wishes for peace, nnd says: "We
arc anxious for praco ; that longing for it
is never out of mind by man, woman or
child. Tho war distresses us more than it
does tho North." It, however, snys no
thing but ruin need be hoped, except that
pence is bused upon Sou I hern independ
ence. ,A special dispatch from Warrentou.
says Hurusidc litis Mibmitted his plan of
(lie campaign to tlio authorities ut Wash
ington. As soon us u response is received,
the urmy will move.
Advices from New Orleans state that
the expedition' under General Weitzol, met
the enemy at Thibodeauxville, and defeated
ihcm after a brisk fight. Upwards of 200
of the enemy were killed.' wounded and
captured. Our loss wus 18 killtd mid 74
wounded. The cneiiiy were pursued to
ward Berwick Par.
Advices from various parts of the
Southern coast, sny that nearly all the
icliel salt works on tho coast of Florida
and Louisiana htivu been destroyed by our
Tlio New Orleans negro brigade is sta
tioned at Algiers. The whole Tcxun coast
is Fiuled by our bloekaders.
The Warrentou (Va.) correspondent of
the Tribune, says the urmy of rhu Poto
mac is again under marching orders. Gen
eral Sumner, commanding two large corps,
leaves Monday morning, en route for tin
imnorltint point. As it will take two or
llirte days to reach this point, it would be
improper to tell where it is. Tho corre
spondent ridicules the idea that Jackson
hus fallen in our rear, or flanked Hurnside's
army, uud says General Lee will reqidre
the services of Jackson in front very soon,
if he has not already been ordered to join
tho main body of the rebel army.
St. Louis, 17th. It is reported that
20.000 rebels, under Hindman, are near'
Ozark, nnd 12.000 under Holmes, in the
vicinity of Little Rock.
Chicago, Nov. 18th. The New Orleans
I papers of November th, give a full ac
count ol the brilliant victory over mo re
els, gained by Gen. Weilzcl, at liuynu La
forche. From a gcntlemun present, the
Picmiiinc leurns the following particulars :
On Monday, Nov. 3d, the Confederates
murched to Nnpolconvillu to meet the
United States forces there, ami select a
suitablo position, but fell buck nine miles,
lo a spot where tho engagement took place.
Tho Confederates numbered about 3110.
Our forces, on urriviug ut Nupolconville,
heard that tho rebels hud fallen back, and
immediately pressed forward in pursuit,
feeling for them with shell occasionally.
Towards four o'clock, v. M.. our forces cam
in sight of the enemy being drawn up
in position. The fight commenced at
once ; our forces opening with shell, while
the l.'ith Connecticut uud 8th New Ham
shire were crossing thu Uayou under
the brisk lire of tho enemy. Tho two
1 regiments named uttucked tho Confeder
ates in front, uud at the same time the
7fth New York marched up and took po
sition in the rear of the 11th Connecticut.
While, tho enemy wcie uttucked in
front, a body of Federal cavalry advanced
to uttack them in flank, but about the
time they got within fighting distance the
rebels, unable longer to withstuud tho vig
orous onset made by overwhelming forces,
surrendeied. The light did not last moru
than halt an hour. Tho informant thinks
it wus quite warmly contested, both sides
displaying great courage. He also says
that when the fight was over, most of the
rebels having laid down their arms, the
Cuptuin of ono of the companies of the
13th Connecticut ndvnnced on Colonel
McPetirs, and demanded a surrender. The
latter refused, and drawing u pistol shot
tho Cantuin. Immediately a private of
tho 13lh Connecticut shot tho Colonel
through tho head, killing him on the spot.
So infuriated wero the men of that regi
ment at the shooting of tho Cuptuin, that
it was with the utmost difficulty that the
officers could restrain them from marching
uiid killing the whole rebel force. We
lost 10 killed and CO wounded. Rebel loss
unknown 180 prisoners wero cuplurcd
and paroled.'
Washington, Nov. 18th. President Lin
coin has issued an order enjoining upon
soldiers and tailors a strict observance of
the Sabbath.
San Francisco, Nov. 20th. IMp. Gen.
Wrightrtc'eived nn order by telegraph from
the Secretary of War, yesterday, to muster
into service forthwith, Captain Reed's com
riany' of California Rangers for activo ser
vice ill the United States army. Those
who have signed the roll of the company
Scmt-uicckm ,cratncu
will undergo medical examination' to-day.
San Francisco1, UMh.Dr. Henry Bates,
ex-State Treasurer died in this city, yester
day, of consumption.
New York, Nov.' 1 lMh. Correspondence
of Herald from WurVenton, suys Gen. Sum
ner's corps moved to the front on the 15th.
Ttuy are probably dentin d Tor Fredericks
burg, The other command will move as
fust as possible.'
The bridges over Potomac creek nrc be
ing re-built, and the road beyond Wurrcn
ton Junction will be abandoned. Up to
last Evening, all was quiet in front.
Chus. A. Dunn, late editor Of the Trib
une, has beet! appointed Assistant Secreta
ry of War, Wulcott resigned.
Saturday morning, Gen, Bayard occu
pied Falmouth, opposite Fredericksburg,
which was hastily evueouted by rebels.
All the officers and men captured at
Mumfordsville. Ky., in September last,
numbering 4.000, and nil troops raptured
ut Harper's Ferry, have been exchunged.
It is said that Aqula Creek hus been
held for some days past by our gunboats
lying of)' there. The place buying been
evacuated by rebpls.
New York, 20th. Correspondence from
Bcutifntt, (S. C.) states there was a heavy
frost there on the nights of the 8th nnd Dili
of November. This' gives hope or a cessa
tion of yellow fever.
Latest reports from Harper's Ferry state
that Stonewall Jackson was falling back.
The Times' Washington dispuich says,
latest that the main body of rebel army
has succeeded in reaching u point between
our urmy and Richmond.
It is reported that the rebel force at
Frcdcricksburgs was completely taken" by
surprise at our advance and the occupu
lion of Fulmouth, tind barely Mfccecdcd in
making their escape from Bayard's cavalry.
Washington, L'Olli. At request of Mc
Dowell, a coin t of iniquity has been or
derco to assemble to-morrow, to examine
charges against him.
Chicago, 20th. Tho New Orleans Pica
iunc of Oct. 3 1 st. soys lii refugees from
Western Texas hud arrived in that city.
They stute that thousand) of Unionists
wero flocking to Mexico, and that the
Mexican towns are filled with Union refu
gees. Indiscriminate, murder of loyal men
was going on in several counties.
Philadelphia, 20th. Latest intelligence
from rebel urmy, suys they have been
mat ching into Richmond for several days.
Nouo remain except Jackson and Stuart.
Chicago, 20th. An expedition is being
organized on u gigantic scale at Columbus,
Ivy., the point of rendezvous. It consists
of 10 Indiana regiments. 12 Illinois icgi
ments uud about 1.000 troops now in Ken
tucky, A fleet of ten gunboats currying
121 guns accompanies expedition. They
slurt about the middle of December'
A Raua Avis i.v tiik Gumioat Line.
A ridiculous ufiiiir occurred lately In
Charleston so ridiculous, in fact, that the
Richmond Examiner is compelled to make
sport of it. The Examiner says : The good
people of Charleston, South Curolou. have
had somn sort of grand nondescript celebra
tion in their city in " baptizing" u marine
ram or" ladies' gunboat," built there. The
inevitable Mr. Ycadon, who is u sort of
literary sea serpent, was selected to admin
ister the rite of baptism, made a speech of
several hours' length, and quoted, of course,
" O, women, in our hours of ease," &c;
and of the Doat, " She'll walk the waters
as a thing nf life," &c. After his literary
exertion, Mr. Ycudon is reported to have
performed the rito of "baptism " in the fol
iowimr pious invocation :
Willi all solemnity and reverence, nnd
invoking nn thee tho blessings of Almighty
God, noble bout, Palmetto State, I bap
tize the in the name ol the patriotic ladies
of South Carolina. Amen."
It is a pilty that Secretary Mcmminger,
to whom in pious and sophomnrilul parts,
the little fat man of tho Courier is but a
Sunclio Punzu, was not by nt this impor
tant and significant ceremony. As it was
however, Mr. Mcmminger was not asked to
join tlio preachers and women on this occa
sion, and his redoubtable squire remained
the hero, honored organ, and orator of the
day. Tho whole ceremony is fully detailed
by Sunclio Panx.i, including his speech,
which takes up four columns of tho Cou
rier, besides lists of officers, lady contrib
utors, notabilities and written messages
from mysterious females who persist in
signing to their patriotic effusions such
names as " Sue," " Nell," and " Rebecca,
A Kiik.v Rki'i.y. John Wesley, in a
crinaidcrublo purty, had been maintaining,
with great earnestness, tho doctrine of vox
Populi vox Dei against his sister, whose tal
ents were not unworthy tho family to which
she belonged. Atlast the preacher.to put
an end to tho controversy, put his argument
in tho shape of u dictum, nnd said :
' I tell you, sister, tho voico of tho people
is (lie voice of God.'
Ye3,' she replied, mildly, 'it criod Cru
cify him I crucify him,!"
A more admirable answer was perhaps
never given.
SoMRiionv says that every cord of wood
given to the poor is re-corded in Heaven.
If this is so, a great many short cords will
bo found.
Elected to Coxorkss. Gov. William
Jayne has been eleotcd delegate to Con
gress from Dnkotah by about ono hundred
nnd fifty majority over Gen. Tod. Mr.
Jayne i's brother-in-law of Senator Trum
bull, of Illinois.
Jrlasonio.lfotiCi .Tho members of
WAllKKN huuua, no. iu, anu a. m.,
an Hereby notified that the ELtfCtflON OF
OFPIORRS for the ensuing tt'ASONIC
YEAR wilt tako plaoo at onr next regular
Communication, on the evening of DECEM
BER 3d (next chsulng), at Masonic Hallf-i
Jackronvillc, Oregon. By order
" ' g.w.' greek, vr.vr.
H. Br.ooM, See'y. Nov. IP, I8t7.
I. 0. 0, F. JACK80XYIM.K LoDOR No.'-
10, holds Its' regnldr' meetings every SAT-
VllDAV JSyEMm,' WiMr Hnll(Mc'-
Cully's Theater building),' at 8 o'clock.
Brothcrsdn good standing are cordially
invited to attend. E. F. RusHtxi,, N. G.
WiixtAif Ray, R. Sec'y.
Warren Lodge No, 10, A. F. & A. M.
A HOLD their1 regular common!
wrcations the Wednesday Evenings on
Nor preceding the full moon, in jack-
G. W. GREER, W. M.
If. Bloom, See'.
.. O F
Will hold its regiilar communications on the
Flrot Nntunlny Eve. of Every loiitlt.
All sojourning Companion' n good
standing are cordially invited, to attend.
W. II. S. HYDE, II. P.
Jan. T. Glkn.v,' Sec'y. dec8:47
RYAN & HINDE havu now for sale
a good stock of every variety of Merchan
dise, and will bo plc'a&u!' to too their
friends, ,whulhcr'tmy wish to buy goods or
Call at their Brick Store, on California
street, opposite thu United States Hotel.
Jacksonville, Sept. 27, 1802. Itflf
Special Notice. All who know them
selves Indebted to tho undersigned, either
by note or account, will plcatc cull Immedi
ately and settle with E. V, Risski.l (of
Jacksonville, Oregon). Notary Public, who
is fully uulhoriml to receive and receipt
for me. By mi doing, you will confer u
favor nud tuve yourselves W.
Jacksonville. Og'n.. Sept. 2flh M2.
Fair WarningPay Up. Persons
indebted to DR. G. W. GREER ure awnrc
that their accounts have been placed In my
hands for collection. lf not settled imme
ilmtclij, proceedings will bo instituted thereon
according to lair. Please cull and settle,
uud save yourselves cost.
Jacksonville, Nov. 8lh. 1802.
$IOO Reward!
For any case of Syphilis,
in any stage, which Die. I, v.
RicuKAt'ij Goi.dk.v Balsam fulls to
cure. No comment is nccci-snry on
this medicine, it stands entirely upon lis
own tiucquulcd merits ; it has cured thou
sands who havu wasted handsome fortunes,
and will euro thousands more. Golden Bal
sam No. 1 for first and second stages, such
as sores upon the legs or other parts of the
body, soro eyes, etc., etc. Golden Balsam
No. 2, Tor Tertiary, Mercurial and Syphilitic
Rheumatism. Price, S3 per bottle; upon
receipt of this sum wo will ship to any
part of tlio State. Nona:. We have no
agents for this medieiuo, and are sole pro
prietors and manufacturers. All orders
must be directed to us to obtain (ho gen
uine. Observe well tho manufacturer's
uuinu upon each Inside label. Wu guarantee
u perfect and luMlng euro. RICHARDS iV.
WIIITFIELD, Importers, Wholesale uud
Retail Druggist, Corner of Clay and San
homo streets, San Francisco. Also, Solo
Agents for tho Celebrated Spanish Avri
doik, a preparation ncverkuowii to fall,
for thu euro of Gleet, Gnuon-luca, Ir
ritation, Gravel, all Urinary de
rangements. Nouo genuine,
without onr circular of
Golden Balsam wrupp-;jglr-:t!)
cd aroundtho bottle. !lm ;ip-ffst
Butter! ilutter!!
JUST received 1,800 pounds of Ouvxok
County Uuttkk, of recent importation
via tho Isthmus. It is an extra article, per
fectly iweet, and irell packed, in packages of
1(10 pounds; which will keep anywhere,
and is superior to the greater portiou of
so-called fresh butter.
With Bradbury & Wade.
Jacksonville, Nov. ath, 18(12,
OTICE-I havo authorized John S.
Drum, of this place, to act as my audit
during my absence, to transact business
lor mo in my name, wiij.iam uxukk.
Jacksonville July lo, 1802. 110 tf
supply, in various styles, on hand, and
for sale at costs and charges, at tho deposi
tory of tho Jackson County Biblo Society.
WM. HOFFMAN, Depositary.
Weeklj, Frank Leslie's, Yankee No
tions, etc., regularly received nnd for sale
C BLOCKS Different styles, good titue
J pieces, to be had at the
October 24. VARIETY STORE.
LOUR AND PRODUCE taken in ex-
cliuuge for Merchandise, at
July 1U.-27 MAX MULLER'S.
lias constantly on hand, and Is daily rq
civlng. new additions to bis present
largo and. well seleoted-iitocK uf
( - ' j; i . fii t j ,jji
Consisting, In part, of
FrehcVflirgllsh, German ahd'Arrtericai)
FWW ffldj) F$H'
t r, n ik. 'in ii 2 i in i iii :-hs ji $i
HWIEftV, nnd till klridA of UAHi'MIta,
' ' fcCKWtta add SLUFPKRS-': "
A Large Stock of GENTLEMEN'S
MINERS' TU0IS of all kind',
Particular attention is paid to procuring the
Rest Groceries for Families.
Also, the best qualities of
And u variety of other artloles too
numerous to mention.
All of thn above goods will bo sold at
prices to dfn cowjxtition.
All articles that may bo purchased of
mu will bo warranted ui represented, or tin.1
money will lie refunded, '
LiidicHtuid Gentlemen nrebtndly solicited
to call and examine my present stock uud
prices before purchasing elsewhere. 1 am
conlldcnt it will he to their advantage. I
consider It- no trouble to show Good'.
All kind of Producu taken In exuhango
for merchandise.
pr Remember my old stand
JfcCully's two-story, Fire-proof Brick
Jacksonville, Oct. Ill, 18IPJ. 27
NOTICB All those knowing themselves
indebted to me for u longer period
than ninety days, will please call and pay
up, or their accounts will bo placed In tlio
hands of my ultoruev for collection.
Jacksonville. July Hi. :H(I2. 27
Tho undersigned, having purchased from
J. A. Briimier & Brother their entire
Stock of Merchandise,
Now offers the same for snlo at
Greatly Reduced Prices,
DF'Or Casli.
Tho stock consists of
Dry & Fancy Goods
And. In fact, n varied assortment of
article purlaiulug to the General
.Merchandise business.
p!ca-o to glvo mo a call, and iwaininu
the Goods and learn tho Prices, before you
make your purchases.
Do not forget tho place the Brick Store
heretofore occupied by Brunner & Bro.
Max muller.
Jacksonville, July 10, 18(52. 27
WE havo this day sold onr stock of mer
chandise to Mr. Max Mpm.ku. Prom
our friends nnd patrons wo would solicit
for Mr. Muu.fcu a contlnunno of their lib
eral patronage. J. A. BRUNNER & BRO.
Jaoksouvlle. July 12 th, 18(12. 27
Tho undersigned offers to' rent or
lease tlio hvansvllio Hotel, at DnnlanclK
for one, two, or tbreo years, at reasonable
rates. Tho Hotel is In a gend location,
close by tho Koguo River Bridge. A lino
orchard is attached to tho premises; ao
good spring water, and convenient out
buildings. For further information, addros,
Dardanclls, Qgn Aug. SO, 1SC2. tn
by appointed my agent, to take
charge of tho Kaglo Mil) property, In Jackson
county, uud Is authorized to transact all
busincks connected therewith, and to col
lect and reooipt for all debts duo me on ac
count of nny. business connected with said
Eagle Mill proterty. Dated at Rondiurg,
Ogu,, May 10, 181J2. JESSE ROIUNSON.