Scmi-uJcckh) , Sentinel. O. JACOBS, Kfa, Tn;"jme khficauv and permanency ok row UNHIX.'a GoVKUNMKNT VOIl TUB WUOI.K IS tNWSVKNSAW.E.' MWintfOH. JACKSONVIIiliK, OREGON. SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 23, 1862. -..- - !" The Late Elections. Tbo result or tlio Into elections in the State, Is looked upon by many ns indlca- . five of ft poltticnl revolution In opposition to th o Admlnstrntiou. Hut this Is a nine ' trtssninplinn not supported by any reliable . Itcts. Tho vast majority of tho grand 'army of the Union nro men believing, .that .: Utic war, on the part of tlio Government, U neccary and juj Othorwlso they would not htivu promptly enlisted jo do- fend IIh ling mid to maintain Its rlghtfuj an. thoiily. " It is ridiculous," truthfully nays tho Sacramento Virion, " to claim that tlio men who believe that the Government I en gaged in nn Aolitlon war' have volunteer t vd to fight Its battles." They stnld at home, mid have been laboring anil Intriguing to bring about a revolution in tho rear of tlio Union nrmles. Jf volunteers chould bo fulled for iu this Stato, how many who voted, what was styled tho Democratic Ntpket ftl tho lunt election, do you suppose would enroll their names? Very few, if any.' All know that tho volunteers enlisted in this Stie. for IN defense against, the at tacks of Ihwtilo Indians, mid for tho protec tion of lrt overland emigration, wcro Union men. without condition. Thnro who . Toled, voted llio Union ticket. Over a million, and a quarter of men aro in tho army, tnd navy of tlio United plates. Tho Stales iu wkicb tlio Into elections, have been bold, fivrnlf hod tlw grent majority of these men. Hud they been permitted to voto,.tlio result In nil probability would havo been lln"ercnt. If 120 Union men and f0 scces-.-ion sympathizers live in u township or pre cinct, mid tlio Union men nearly all volun teer for tlio war, and, tho sympathizers re main nt homo ami carry that township, is tliis evidence of a political revolution ! The, Indianapolis Journal furnishc sonic Interesting facts on this hubjecfr which we subjoin : Tn tho Ninth District, whpro thr.Rcpubll cants had 3,000 majority in ltf!0. they have uow.,'rM more than JpO. Thr so thousand ,'Aliolitlon rebels" havo gono to war from that district and aro now In Kentucky. If 15,000" Democrats" havo gone from there, ns tho Louisville Democrat bad nwrtcd, how in It-that tho total vote of tho Sta to is near Jv as largo as ever? On tho other hnnd, tills coiinty. which gave but 3.1 " I.'omocrnt io" majority in 18(50. now gives over 2.000. and has 1..100 volunteers iu t.'io field. Hither thoe volunteers wero all ' Aboli tionists," or tho last majority was ,'io most Ififamous fraud over pcrpulratcd. The Eleventh District iu 18(!0 gavo n JUpubll c.ut majnrltly of two thousand. It now elves a "Democratic" majority of '100. Over 2.000 men havo gono to tho war tn m tho Eleventh District. Yet tho vote of tlio District is as largo as it was in 18f0 J Schuyler Colfax devoted his wholo oncrgies to recruiting volunteers in wns eiisinci. mm was warned that by thus drawing off tho Union men ho was endangering his own re election to Congress, yet ho persisted. Ho obtained nbout 220 majority; ho had persuaded I ho Union men to remain at homo until after tho election, his majority would havo been numbered by thousands. Add to tho nbovo tho fact, that a large majority of tlio persons elected on tho vari ous democratic tlckots, aro "war demo crats ;" men in favor of tho vigorous cutlon.of tho war for tlio suppression o .fhcsjave holders rebellion, and what be comes of tho groundless assumption of a political revolution lu opposition to the udirilnistration ? .'far. Position op Seymour. The fol lowing passages aro clipped from a speech mafic, by this gentleman, during the late political campaign in tho State of New S'ork. Seymuor was triumphantly elect ed Governor, and, the secesh arc jubilant over the result. If there is anything in Seymour's principles in harmony witli thjeir oft-repented declarations, wo would .bo glad to know it. Are you gentlemen .tojfttv.or of settling the Southern contro? ycrsy by tho uso of bayonets and ballets Arc you willing to make the declaration iV'.J-J.JtUv Ji..!. that this Union shall never be destroyed a) lopgas jrou have a voico to raiae,aiyi a fW tftytyffifteg t"tt i. Abolition raid upon' the constitutional rights of the South ? And now you are rejoicing over the .election ofaf man who publicly declares that the Southern higher law men must bo BclOedrby.hbay.pncta and bullets V .Isjiot S.ejmouran Abp'l tlonlst according to yoijr .most approved definitions? And have you all' it once become an admirer of that ublqutous char acter ? llutrcadwhat your fh soys ': But with another class of higher law men the higher law men of the South who havo also erected themselves nuninst tho laws of the land and right Till authori ty, who have undertaken to resist, its de crees, who would riot content themselves with the ballot, but would havo the bnv onct and the ballot, to them we say we will settle that question, then, with tho bayo net nnd the bullet. We tell you, anil, we .toll the whole world, that this great conservative party will erect the shuttered columns of. the Union. Cheers 1 '-We will lift it higher up still, nearer Heaven than it was before, and from its lofty top and growing greatness there shall ever, .wove your nation's Hag, with every star nnd every stripe that has been placed there in the wonderful progress of our country ; nnd whatever other men may say, as for tlio conservative people or this country, nnd its for myself as an indi viduallot other men say and think what ilicy please ns for tho division. of .this Union, and the breaking up of that great natural alliance which is made by nature and by nature's God, I never will consent to it, no, never, nn long ns I havo n vloce tn raise, or almnil to fight for our glorious Union. Gn.v. John A. Looan. The following noble sentiments wero uttered by Gen. Logan while on a visit to his home iu southern Illinois. They have tho ring of genuine patriotism iu them : " I was nnco a politician, but so help you no ires".' ,fnwW ifff T& 'jjagcty; ifo Gornment for t?he prcwr. Ration ;of , lwitorfol IntegrltjriM m me God, I will never sheath my sword for of the bottom leave, which should be re courtly halls and civil honors until my I movct nt tho time tlio plant is topped) the country is Fiiveilfrom thu ; b ondy tornado I rfioM kj aki.n TQ Muskcff llllll IH lil'WJIUllllg I ML- IIIIIL'M lllll'l Ull VIII III never until the old flag floats in triumph trom every hill-top on (Joliimbias soil. These are my politics, and ull there is iu tho iirmyut Jackson. Indeed, I am sur prised to find men talking of anything la.i Logan was ever the warmest friend of the South, ns long ns she wns steadfast in her constitutional moorings. Hut as soon ns she broke looso from them, nnd launched forth upon the bloody sen of disunion and rebellion, ho forsook her, nnd has sworn in the firmness of his patriotism Unit he will " never sheath his sword until tho old flag floats in triumph from every hill-lop on Columbia's soil." We can honor such de mocracy. It is filled witli Jackson's in vincible spirit, and will conquer all opposi sition. How poor, how sickly, how con temptible, the secession twaddle, misnamed democracy, in Oregon, when compared with tho noblo and patriotic utterances fulling from tho lips of a genuine democrat Tiik Nkxt Coxuiikss. Wo condense tho following statement from itn able nrilclo Iu tlio S. V. JJullctin on tho above subject : " Iu tho l!l States that elected during Oc tober and November, tlio meagre returns indicate tlio following results, all tho dis tricts which have been announced as ' doubtful' being left out. Iu classifying tho members of tho present Congress be low wo havo allowed nil tho ' Unionists' ns Democrats." In tho next Cnngrcs, tho Republicans If 111 II It t II 111 IIV AIUI llltilll WtlM' (HVHIMIH) Missouri, Maryland. Kentucky und Tenuis sec, 89 and tho Democrats 81 members. In tho present Congress, tho Republicans hnvo 105, and tho Democrats (52 members. Thus it will appear that in thu 23 Slates included above, tlio Republicans will havo a major ity of foven in tho next Congress. In tlio present Congress they havo a majority of ntll linttn (fi llin 'Nrtt1wiin Qfntna frwtlit iltnr ' .rorty-thr5c. " In tho present House, five districts of Virginia an represented. If thero should bo am.nany Virginians In tho next Congress, and If 'lTorth Carolina should bo represent ed by a siuglo member, they aro a little more likely to It." Republicans than Democrats, for, though irr some respects situated ns tlio Unionists In ot.'jer Border States aro, they, tho free men of Western Virginia, nro gen erally warm advocates of Kmancipation. Iu some of thu Jtordcr States, too, which havo to elect, It will bo strange if there uro not somo gains to tho Republicans." California; has not been reckoned in tho above, because Ijer Congressional election' is yet to tako place, ' " Sso far as tlio Senate Is concerned, (ho next Congress beyond a pcrullvetitura' wll bo Republican; ahoVlmost' oV pli;oncly no as tho present one. l M ' " ' Toracco. Tho writer of tho subjoined article is an experienced tobacco raiser, and promises us aperies vof articles upon tho culture and manafacture eitea' sive v nsea nurcouc. .mc assures us .mat tobacco ofN the finest qMlity nuceu in mis vucy. in iHciiiiBe.ipcri ment has already been tried, and, tits re sulted in a complete success. At present good chewing tobacco is worth, in this '.'town,, two dollars and a half a potind. Our correspondent avers that equally as gooa qn article can The afforded here for twenty-five eeitis. " VTc Invite the attention of' tho far mers of southern Oregon to this subject : Nov. 17th, 1862. Kn. SRNTrxw.. As I have frequently promised to give my views upon the rais ing, manufacturing, und profits ol tho to bacco plant, I will try at this Into hour to fulfill the promise. In the first place, the need should be sown by tho middle of Feb ruary, to have the plants attain sufficient 8i7.o to transplant by tho first of April sowing tho seed inter, the plant will bo too backward to get tho benefit of the spring rains, which is very csscntiul to the growth of the plant while young. Tobacco needs more moisture than any oilier ptnut, on account of its rapid growth, lienco the necessity of early planting. This ground should bo plowed, and hills formed, at least ono week before transplanting, ns thu ground will retain the moisture much long er titan if transplanted immediately after plowing. Tlio plants should bo set about three und n-half feet apart, which will give room for about threo thousand nnd five hundred plants to the acre. The place where the plant Is to be set should not be raised above the level of tho ground around it, us the wntcr would bo thrown from the plant. After transplanting, tho ground should not bo disturbed us long us the weeds do not interfere with its growth. As soon ns there uro twelve perfect leaves formed on the stalk (besides two or three should bo broken as soon us possiblo, as they tuko part of the nourishment from the plant. When the tobacco is ready to cut it should be done ns early in the morning ns possible, ns the hot sun is very injurious; nnd. us soon ns it could bo moved without breaking, it should be taken to tho curing house nnd hung up immediately, us it will soon go into a sweat if left in heaps Tho house used for curing should be as open as possible, without having tho to bacco broken by tho wind. More nnon, Toiiaccoxist. AVoor, Statistics. We condense the following facts from tho Oregon Farmer: In 1810 the number of sheep in tlio United States was u fraction under 20,000000. Iu 1S.10, the number was n trillo under 'J'J,000,000, and their yield of wool was put down at f0,000,()00, pounds. The gain in tho decade being only 2,000,000. ' I It is presumed, says our author, that the increuso irom itsau in iouu nus oniy oceu about 3,000,000 giving as tho probable number of sheep in the United Stutes at this time, nt 2."),000,000. Tlioy produce about ono third of the wool u?ed in the country annually. Tho lowest grades of wool ure worth -10 cents per pound iu tlio Kastern State. IlRWARK.Tho lean, thin, and cadaverous genius, who delights to call himself propri etor of this paper, is prowling nrouud in tho mountains somewhere, with u Sharp's rillo and u hair triggered Colt's revolver, seeking whom ho may devour. If any body should come ucross him, who is not acquainted with him, wo hereby givo him an introduction, not forgetting tho legal Ksculupius who accompanied him. lie is a deud shot when hc has n clear percep tion of the exact locution of tho bruin but ho oftcu mistukes an that point. Act ing under tho instruction of the csculapius accompanying him, ho is absolutely dun gcrons. Ueware. -. - " Associatkii I'rkks." Tho Associated Press consists of seven newspapers pub lished in tho city of New York, to wit : Tho Journal 0 Commerce, Jerald, World, Tribune, fimcs, Sun and Ejcpnw. 11kmoiou8. Rev. M. A. Williams will preach at tbo Methodist Church to-morrow at tho usual hour.' Received, Mr. Wood's pamphlet re viewing Thomas Paines " AfiO of Iteason." It is well written and able. i it ii r j . s ,i Tiik PntvATERR Ar.ARAMA. A gentle- ShartlflWwaswsbrlMt'thttt was 'JlcV understbqif.fSl.a,dvertlscd $ 'for a plpasrtre Mtcnrsmni'nnd a large num ber or Knglish ladies and gentlemen went onboard. Aftprshe got out sufficient .distance, she wns met Bt an appointed plscc by another steamfcir, wliicV brought the passengers back, nnd left her to 'pro ceed with' a crow oi English sailors.' At another place designated, sho met another ship which hBri brought ont her stores ana ammunitlon.'nnd she' thrri proceeded to burn nnd destroy eVery ArneHcah'-ship stie'mrt. She is now on. this crnise. and her supplies of coal, nnd Indeed of everything else, ore to come from Knirfnnd. Somfr half down ships nre said to bo fitting otit in Krigllsh ports for slmllor enterprises. In this wny onr rnnwicrco may be nil swept from tho sea by' Englishmen, while they profess' to bo nt pence with w. Mean while onr Gov ornmont. is so absorbed in other tnntters. that it does not senm to be nwnko tn the real truth. The fact is that while England is keeping us nt pence with hiT.'sho Is aid ing tho Confederates ris mnch ns possiblo. Who nro running onr blockade for the sake of supplying the rebels? Englishmen ox t'luiively. No other' nation troubles u. Where 'else could tlio Alabama hnve been fitted nut? Nowhere out of England. And if thero is not- n speedy change onr commerce is to bo destroyed by 11 nation professing tn be at pencil with us. Wo must submit to it tamely or resist. My own bupropion is that wo ought to be quietly buying up nil the saltpeter to be had In the' world nnd manufacturing guns, so ns to turn all onr merchant ships into privnteors. nnd determine that if our com merce is destroyed that nf England shall be destroyed with it. We can do Iter a th'nunnd times mnro hnrm In that contest than she can do ns. Our commerce would go into neutral hands, while hers would not. Tho West nro im'much interested ns the East, and it is vnstly more important to ns limn those petty election squabbles. Nor should 11 moment, of time bo lost in preparation. Even today our wholn sen coast is exposed. This state of things confirm what Colonel Corcoran said nt .Springfield, that the war with tho South is 11 war with England. Cor. of the Jios Ion Joitfnnl. Knit ata. In the statistical article of last week, tho following sentenco appenrs : "California up to 18(50 had hipped to tho Stoles six hundred dollars in precious met als." It ought to hnvo been tit hundred millions. In theso hard limes slight mis takes must bo attended tn, IltTTKR. Nino thousand firkins of butter wcro brought to California, from tho At lantic States, by tho Constitution. Califor nia and Oregon can't inako butter becnuso the cows keep fat tho year round without feed. Somebody, who writes more truthfully thnn poetically, says "An nngcl without money is not thought so much of nowadays as a devil witli n bntr full of cuinens." IJarlkv. Large quantities of borley has been, and continues to be, shipped from California to Oregon. Our soil is us rich nnd prnductivo as any iu our sister Stato, but our farmers, many of them at least, say it will not pay to raise grain nt tho present prices. California farmers en tertain n different opinion on this subject. McCi.kixa.v. Wo clip the following trno nnd correct sentiment from tho Port land Tunes: " ll'e Intra aibnirnlMcClellan, Iml our loveor (lie Union is far above our admiration for lum." Tho Times has al ways been a consistent democratic paper. Wo should be careful that our admiration for a man does not become paramount to our love for the Union. Tiik Oukoox Intkm.igkxckr. Such is tho titlo of n new paper published in this town, by W. (J. T'VuuIt, editor and pro prietor. The first number has been laid upon our table. Its typographical appearanco is good. Its position on tho absorbing topics of tho day, doubt ful. Tho editor in his solutatory says tho Constitution is his platform. Well, that is a pretty brond platform, and quite a variety of people profess to bo standiug there. SoitancM Siui'i. Mr. S. E. Stearns Esq., sent to this offieo somo days sinco n lino present of Sorghum sirup of his own manufacture, from cane grown in this Valley. It bus a fino flavor, i3 richer and much heavier than tho ordinary cane sirup. Yrkka Journal. This excellent news journal comes to us lately with an im proved typographical appearance. Our friend Nixon is an enterprising and irre pressible genius. lie is always up with ! tho times. Success to him, sny we, man just returned ..from,. England says the Alabama was'-'VuilF'pMcly, every, one kooVlhit hcrWct. .tltfjehable her, ttPket T1T7T & WADE, JACKSONVILLE, 'vr.t4. " unT i -DKAI.KRSJ Itt- ' DRY GOODS, .GiLOTHEQSGr, BOOTS & SHOES, t -.Ajrm -a.3t: GROCERIES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, Tobacco & Scgars, PRODUCE, HARDWARE. ULASSWAItlC. QUKKN.SWATIK. WOODKNWAKK, MINERS' TOOLS, All of which will bo sold ot low nricrs. for CASH, or desirable I'llOI.lUOK. ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF SUMMER GOODS AT RKUUCED RA'I'KS, To mato room for FALL STOCKS ........ r,. A Clioico Selection of tho rK?ociw : r Ever ofiored in this market, embracing - UUl'UV9 U pl f . Black, Green & Japanese, In bulk, papers and caddies, nt prices to suit the most particular. TTTTTl JUST RECEIVED, A FRESH INVOICE OF PICKS. PANS, SIIOVKLS. RUBTJKR HOOTS. DLASTINO FOWUKU AND PUSH. HAY und M AN UllE FORKS. Agricultural Tools For Snlo txt Oot : 20 Stccl.point PLOWS, complete, of various sixes r 1 0 cast Plow-points ; '2 setts extra steel Mould-Ilnnrdi, Points und Lund Sides.. 2 pntent Strnw-Cutters ; G largo Iron Kettles, for farm use. The nbovo will be exchanged for flour at tho market price. MIADHUKY & WADIC. Jacksonville, Oct. 2.'), 18(12. . .'Mtf PIKENIX HOUSE. BRADBURY & WADE. mmj THE CITIZENS O.F PJHENIX AND VICINITY Will find it to tholr advantage to purchase of us, as wo shaHkeep on bund a good supply of MERCHANDISE!! FOU SAI.R AT I JACKSONVILLE PRICES. t " , - ,.... Wo will tako all descriptions of l'roduco that can bo disposed of without n lo'H. RRADUURY & WAUL. Phoenix, Oct. 30th. -I