Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, November 19, 1862, Image 1

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    ...., ., -
J5vSnJfTrrjiri:-j;5 tv. it 3 ri ti jrsrcjirati55?d-.-ittHii eaEElStMT; jkkScj
cn.'.Tiii-a'jr-rinsxcmraijr.Trcrtr rrv
VOL. VII NO. 49.
I1KXKY M3XM.VC413U, PiitVrniKl Piop'i-
PriwcimTiox Out: year, in advance. Five
Dollars; Slxinnntli", Three Dollars. Unlet"
renewed, papers will lie discontinued tit tlio
expiration ol' the tlmu lor which they have
been, paid.
Aiiviiiitmimi One square (10 lines or
los). llrst insertion, Three Dollars : each
nilwqtiunt itipuriion. One Dollar. A ills
count of lll'ty percent will bo mitdo to llioso
wlio advertise by the year.
Ily itiiliciilioii to PoslmaMcrs anil Mail
Curriers, yini run learn IhutlhcSeml-wcckly
Oiikiio.vSiintim'l litis by fur a larger olrett
lutlon in tlio co pities of .Southern Oregon
nnil Del Nolle county. California, tliiin any
oilier intpcr. This fact should commend I lie
Si:vnxi:i. loyou uh n tstipuriur medium fur
Lis1" or A(ii:xr.H. who tiro milliorlzcd to
transact any liuliws- concerning this pa
per, in tin name of tliu publisher :
L. P. Plsher, San Francisco; Wwlsworfh
& It i vu (K, Yickn; Khcr Kmry. Ashland; S.
C. Taylor, IMicuiiI.v; W. f. Fowler, Applc
;'iitc:lt. S. Ditnlnp. Williamburg; John It.
IVinilli'.'Ki'rby villi.!: A.lJ.Mclkiilii.Wnldo;
It. J. I'otbes. Waldo; Wn. M. livans. Alt
house: Joel Tlmrn. Oanyonvillc; I'ufiisMuI
'lory. ItoM-bnrg: latclt. Moorcs. Snlcm; V.
I. Kllswr.rth. Kugciiu Cilv; l Chnrir.au,
'Oregon City; l. W. Wiikcfifhl, Albany:
lli'iijaniiii Cook, Corvnllis; ,t. II. .Smith.
Crescent 'City; Albert Doolittlo, Happy
tmnimynr-jjef mi n i m mill li.ii mimmta
Waldo, .Iopkimiink County, 0ix.
l)it. Dkscii Is prepared promptly to attend
to tlio curing of ail disiswos according to
the troamcut of Prof. P. V. Uamcail, with
out tin, life of Mercury, Arsenic, or tiny
poisonous drugs. For tlio punt nine yearn
no litis been a practitioner of medicine, at
Crescent City, anil Ih is well .satisfied that he
can give speedy relief to the nllllcted who
may call on him. Ample arrangements fur
Cold. Warm. Hot and Steam Jhtths.
'Olllcc wllh II. K. Unwell. Kk.. Third street,
iIacksoxvillk. Oiskiiox. 2!)
.Tacksonvii.lv:, OttHoof.,
7'JMj practiee in the several Courts of
? thcft'li-st Judical District, and in the
Supreme Court. October 20. H2.
.1. ii. 111:1:11. J. IIAhTOX.
iT.eKKiixviLl.i, Ocutio.v.
J. TI. HKKI) lmvltijr fietcrinlncd to con
tinue tin,' prnefloo nf his profession, has usn
c'aled .Mr. (i AiroN' wllh him in basincs. nnd
lliey will glvn prompt attention to any legal
liiisliii'M' entrn-tcd to their euro, in t.ny of
the Courts of (hN Judicial District.
Olllco In saino building formerly occupied
Iiv Mr. Iteed. August ISth. 'f.-J.
JIacksonvili.i:, Oiti::ns,
"Will nllend to biislmsi in the Courts of the
Virst fliiUicial Dlfctricl, tuiA In the Snp-enie
Court. October '.'(i-1 1
iTai'icsonvkxi:, 0kio.v.
Will practice in all (ho Courts optlm Third
.ludl'jlul District, the Supreme Court of Ore
Kou.tiiid in Yicku, Cal. War Scrip prompt
lv colbrled. Oct. IS.
JAMKS M. l'Vl.i:. IiriTK M.VI.I.OUY.
JtosKiiciKi, lh)C(5L.rt County, Oun.
Will attend to any biij-liiespcoiillded to them,
in the several Courts of thu First Judicial
DMrict of Oregon, ami in ll.o Supremo
Court. October ltf.
l. hTdeweY,
"SVatcIunakt;!' and Tcivclcr,
ICeops constantly 011 hauil t f-ra
Hue a-sorlment of Clocks anil f$Fi
Jkwiii.uy. which he oilers for f'lj &
silo at very low prices, forJV, $.
rvsii. Ui:i'ALItINClocks.taSiiis2W
Watches and Jewelry repaired with prompt
ness mill wniTuuled. Shop on California
street, two doors west of Lovu itlJilgorV.
Jack-ouviUe, July 'UU g8
J)au";G JJJaiber Shop.
Uetwecu liradbiiry t Wado'ijaiid Kl Dorado
hiiloon, (valllorula street.
KIIAVIXfi, Httlr-cultliiK, Shnmponlnu;, Cor
lio and Hair Dyoin. ( 11 hand ami for
su'e, a genuine article of Fish's Haiii Km
toii itivk. mill Crihttidoru'Hiij-c-iof 7dfVye
Phot'0raiiic Artist,
Is prepared to take pictures In eveiy stylo
of the art. with all the lain Improvements.
If Pictures do not io satisfaction, no
charges will lie made. Call tit his new Cal
lery. on the hill, examine his pictures, and
sit for your likciies-s.
Ooiuity 'JrVeasijrer'H Office
K.B. IOnOVX,!rrcunrcr.
Would respectfully announce to Hie citizens
of Jacksonville ami vicinity that he can be
found at his olllcc, next door to 1). 1. Inn's
Cabinet Ware llooni. where he is prepared
to operate in the various branches of his
Oillr n the City Ding Stme,
lACICsriXVILLK, OltKfiOX. '11
i j;. JYNCII,""
Wholesale mid Uelnll Dealer In
Poroig'xa. &s X)oniositio
Wines, Syrups fit Cordials,
Corner r Culiroriilii nml Oregon SIm,
O'All onleiH proniplly tilled. :t.-itf
niuiiI-J)olc jllantil'acitirec.
517 Clay and .11 4 Commercial street
between Moutiroiuerv and ausouie,
Tjrgj- IHnding of uv.ry description neatly
executed : lilauk Dnoks ruled mid Hound to
any desired pattern. 'Jl:y
BilcU IJiiIIiIIii f; Cor. Kioiit it Ntrfctx.
A clap of tliinuler out of n clear blue
sky would not moiu tuirpriso tlio people of
Sun Francisco than did the news of iSIc
Clellnn's iPinovul. Knelt inan as he rind
it fell sluiinetl ns if 11 hammer hail smitten
him on the crown of ids liend. It was 11
case of pure surprise, iinadulteratiil with
imlitruation or joy. At our distance from
the war, witli our patriotism notilislurbed
by the local influences thttt tnnko favorites
ol one grnerul mid prejudice us nguinst
HiiolhiT, wti have us a community ptacticed
(iclievinu; in every lender who eccins to do
his best mid wIiom' success enlorses his
nbiliiy. It was legaiihtl as cl the very
slight! st. conswpicnce whether Mct'iellan
was ti JMuiH'rat or Republican, whether
he uppi nveil or li?;ipprovel the Kmaiici
patioii proelumaiion. whether thu North
tin Detuocraey tied to him or the Repub
licans lacked tnitli in hint. "e eoueluikd,
from all we could letirn, that the army
low! hint Ik'I'okj nil other comuiamlers,
tliat he liatl the power to get nunc light
nut of them than any other inan in tlio
Union could, that he never was defeated
in battle, that where his plans liatl failed
the fault was nlwuys traceable to some
enure outside of his control, that Ins J'e
ninsuln catupaign was 11 fniinie only lie
cause he was inlei lercd with niter the work
was liulf coinplcled. It was conceded (hut
ho ditl not follow lit) his victories as ran.
idly ns could have been wished, but the i lain was 11 victory until it wiib too late to
conclusion was that the impatience of civ. . avail himself of tlwl l:nowledge to cut the
ilians required a rapidity ol notion wliich I retreating enemy to pieces. A rotunds
wns utterly impossible to great inasm ol" siou, of whieh tjcucral Jliiuler was prcfi
men. The day of dash liatl passed it I dent, has iusl closed ils nwioti in Wash-
had cut its figure and gone, unicgreltwl. ! ington. it met to inquire wlto was rcspon
Probably on .Sunday niglit, the California!) isible for the disgravclul surrcmler of JIar-
Maryland nnd tlio Shcnmidoali A'ulley
nnd he must go to Trenton. Jbiell drove
the enemy out of Kentucky, mid spoiled
the programme of thu iuvusio.i at the
West. McClclliin drove Leo out of Mary
land, nnd rollul back the iuvadcis to CSor
dousville. A citinlid Confederate historian
would say that both Tiuell and McClellan
nehlevcd successes. JJut tlio Union de
manded morn of each ; nnd ns they did no
more, they must go to the wall..
If the telegraph had told tin the event?
of the last three days consecutively, it
might have put n different aspect on this
uruiiil sensation of the season. If It had
told us on Saturday evening that when
MeClellan led his nriny between the snowy
mountains of the Dine llidgu into the
.Shenandoah Valley, lie foiitid no enemy
north of him. wc would have been quite
prepared to hear to-day that McClellan
was sacrificed. ISut the announcement of
tlit sacriliet! enines Hist the statement
that " rebel citizens confirm the belief that
Lie tins succeeded in eludimr McClellan.
' iimjI tlwif Ittnvit mitiiit tS Iiij nntit la
nun tiiiti it iiiiuu 1 mi 1 iru t ii ir iiiiiit iu
now at (jordonsville,'' comes ul'terward.
lint the new dispatches that reach us to
day give nssurnuces that thu removal of
Mi"Cleltau is purely n military not ti po
liticalnet. This escape of lv out of the
Slienandoali Valley is only u rwult of
MeClellnn's previous failure in Maryland,
lie did not know tlmt the battle of Antic-
whose mind reverted to tins position of nf-1 pcr's Ferry. Among tlio testimony taken
lairs on thu I'otomac, thought thus: .So! was that of (jencnil IlnlluuU. "(Joneein-
long us iMctileiliin commiiiiiis, the enemy
cull do us no harm. Jlu travels slowly,
but he is sure ns late. " Thu mills of the
gods grind slow, but they grind ex-ccctling are most direct mid lmnaging.
small," nnd McClellan is u miller tiller lhe eral-in-C'hitf (Jlalleck) testifies that
siiiiiu older. Ia'c may escape him, but he 1 Clellan, after receiving orders to driv
iug McClellan,'' v;e .(imte tlio tlt-'patcli.
" the evidence adduced in the report mid
tins opinion expressed by thu Commission
'J he Ucn-
0 the
and Dunks on the Illinois Cciit-ul ruilroid.
lie raised 11 Rhode Island reeiment utiti
took it into tht war. After Dull Jinn lie
wn9 made 11 llrigadier-Ucneral. We do
not know his polities wo could wish they
might never Ins discovered. In 11 speech
mudo just before his expedition sailed for
I'nmlieo Sound, after he had been made u
Mnjor-tJcucrul, he said :
" If that slavery which linn been the very
cause of the war shall really prove, ns it is
now thought to be, 11 positive source of
belligerent strength to the enemy. I for one
would wish to sets it swont nwiiy. If one
part of our system be bad. in ordtr to save
the rest let us destroy that bad part. It
would be poor generalship to leave either
a positive or latent source of strength un
touched. 1 feel especially gratified, then,
that our troop have made lodgment in the
very heart of thu enemy's country the
very scut of the evil. For onu 1 Imvu
charge of 11 weighty command, nnd I can
not nssunio the responsibility without put
ting tny.-elf upon a sound platform. Hut
the UoVernmuut must bu MUtuincd at till
lie has fought on three sides of Rich
mond, mul never been beaten. At Antic,
1 11 in his had it most desperate task enti listed
to him. mid he nccomplished it through 11
terrible Faerilicu of his men. Probably
no other General except McClellan knowk
so well tlio ground on all sides nf Rich
mond. They iniuht have culled Rosekrans
from Kentucky, but Rneekriins is a strati
trer to Kastcru Virginia. McClellan had
faith in Rurnsidc, that taught the public
to believe, in him. Now that llalleck and
the l'resider.t evince their conlidence in
him, it is to lie hoped that 11 1 lat. " tlio
coming iuan"itus nrrived. S. F. Ihtllclin,
Nov. 10.
win harass tun rear to tleulli. jt may lake
him mouths yet to do it, but as sure as
our cause is pist, he inarches on to utcli-
moml. nnd timt loieorduiiied city is doom
til to full tit his hands.
.Suddenly enters thu dispntch nnd exit
.McClellan" la Tienton. N. -I. His com
mand is turned over to Dumside, mid " thu
111 my is still in motion."
WILT, attend to the Receiving and For- Un recovering from the first stunning
warding of all Good entrusted to.ellects of the news, all turn to Mirmisu thu
-Jacksonville, Aiwiiij ltf.
their care.'.vltli promptness and 1ImkU;!i
Consignments solicited. Meichaullse re
ceived on storage.
CresceutC'ity. April 1!). 18ti'.'. 1.".
N. D.-Nogootlstlelivercd untillhefrelghl
mid charges are paid. D. & W.
REniKTim" of' PRICES
Stoves & Tinware
Stovo and Tinware Shop,
Third Street, botvcon tho Express
Saloon nnd Dovoll'a Law Office,
..'iieksonville, Oregon.
ICceps 'coii.ilautly on hand thu best pat
tern' of
And every kind of
Tin, Iron and Coppci'tfare,
Ilesides n great variety of Ciilimirv upt
ieles ton -numerous to inention
I'ersons wishing anything in my line me
respectfully invited Jo call ami u.,uu!iiu the
qualitymitl prices of my wares.
Kve-y kind of JOB WORK done to order.
My own ware repaired without ehiiru'e.
Jaclcson villo. Nov. !). J 8fi 1 . I !5
la daily in receipt of a largo
assortment of
Groceries & Provisions,
Ami all kinds of
lie recommends his large, new stock of
5?oy and Fancy Ware.
vV ml a great many other articles loo uti
meroiis to meiitinn. nil of which liu
will sell LOW FOR CASH,
Or iiK'Xchungc for
Jacksonville, August 'S., 18Gli.
enemy from ilitrylantl, nmrcliM on nn
average only six miles per day in pursuit,
and that, in his opinion, he both amid and
should have relieved and prelected Harper's
Ferry. In thi opinion the Commission
fully "concurs." Then ITalleck.iiDoiuoiMat,
must share thu responsibility of Mct'lel
Inn's removal! He lives in a gla.-s house.
Wc tlitl not suppose hu would tluow stones.
How long was it niter Ilemiregard escaped
from Corinth that Old Drain's staniluiL'
1 .--. ..... ...... ,. l7
I reasons that led (he President to shelve , order, not to bring on a general engage-
McClellan. Tho meanest unit wickedest nient, wns kept stnnding? They began to
motive is snrgested first it is purely u charge thu fall of Harper's Kerry to Hal
political movement. The elections are; leek ns not being in MeClellmfs Depart-
past. They show a most slurtling distrust
of the Ailuiinistruthui. The President is
repitiliatitl by the Democracy ; with the
experiment of .lohii Tyler in memory, he
will take no risks of being deserted by the
Republicans. Looking back, he sees that
the chief sin alleged nuuiust him is that
hu weakens in the backbone that he sue
otimtis to pressure. Hereafter hu will fol
low his own instincts, ndheio to thu prin
ciples which madu him President, stand by
Ida friends. His backbone shall bu a crow
bar i(nie decisis bhall bu the doctrine of
the White Hoiw. Ho has believed Mc
'Clellan to be an incubus n sloth in Gen
oral's nppsrcl he lias let Leu escape, now
lie must go. He has proclaimed etnauci-
patiou 01: thu 1st of January; hu will
(Hauil liy that. Grant that this worst
theory of all is thu true one, mid still thcie
would bo a comfort in it it would bu a
delightful and novel sensation to oeliove
nient. Dut Hunters Court ol Inquiry
blames Colonel Ford, mid the dead Miles,
and Gencial Wool and Halleck. by his
testimony, shows that if McClellan had
nmrched'ns fat ns he was oitlered into
Marylnnd, Hnrper's Ferry would have
been in his command, and tho sun cutler
mid paroling of 8,000 Federal sold.ers
would liavn been spared ih. So. in the
light of Hunter's Cottnnis.-don, McClellan
is relieved because he did not iclieve Har
per's Ferry.
How will the army stand it ? Will they
prove themselves the good soldiers tliut
they me supposed to be, or will they muti
ny nnd refuse to march on witli their fa
vorite in disgrnco behind them. Perhaps
thu least pleusant sign of these auspicious
times is this that Fitsc John Porter, who
was McClellau's pet general, has been or
dered to Washington to answer charges
preferred by Pope us if that proven tail-
Sanitaiiy Fuxd Amount Ri:Mirri:n.
Tlio following is 11 Hiccinct statement
of thcninniiot raised in this county, by the
different precinct cgents, for the relief of
the sick mid wounded soldiers, nnd bv
them paid into C. 0. Reekuian, K-tp, nnd
by him remitted to Ifon. A. Holbrook.
ngent for Oregon. It is no honorable nnd
praise worthy contribution. Man has no
higher mission than nsiiiagiug a brother's
woe, no nobler impulse than that of nctivc
benevolence for the relief of thenlTlicted.
Jacksonville, advertised... $KIi "."
' ailililional, tlo. (.'.' .10
' S. lliimphrev. .1 til)
" Major Drew. . -I 00
Ashland, advertised $'J17 fi"
Hon. .I.Wagner, lit) 00
Mrs. J. Wagner.. .1 til)
" (mime lost), o 00
5217 87
MiMKUictn, advertised ,...t?lS-t .10
additional .1 01)
Dock Point 20 .10
DurdanuTN -10 (Ml
Pleasant Creek -til 00
Table Dock .'Hi DO
lluiiktim f.7 Oil
Sterling 10 00
Phoenix 271 00
CnJic" Creek 10 (III
Star Gulch.... l.'tl 00
Applegrtto 2S8 00
that whatt'lr. Lincoln says to-day will be tire of a Pope were not acknowledged to
"" r --
Rut Rurnside is appointed in McCle
nV place. Of him it used to lu thongl
his rulu of ucliou to-morrow. His truest bu nn extinguished hero.
ftieiitls Imvu been mortified too often by
finding that swearing in his words" the
first of thu week, they Imvu been com
pelled to cat their woids before tho week
ended. It would be delicious to huve ul
last a settled policy of some sort.
Rut u moru creditable explanation of
the relief of MoClellnn is that under the
rule of tho day hi removal was nn imper
ative necessity. It is a harsh, but a just
rule which makes a general's continuance
in position depend upon his success. Thu.lur expectation demanded.
old Carthagiuuius, when their favorite gen-1 railroads below JCichntontl
end lost a battle, put him into a barrel
pierced on all sides with knives, uutl rolled
him down hill. Inconsequence, n Cartha
ginian general only failed for absolute hick
of ability to -cueuecd. Some ship owners
never civu an oilieer n second ship n ter
ho has lost one. It is cruel to the innocent 1 eluded, in tho lack of.datn, tlmt hu
men whom ilie elements light against, but munuged onlf passably well his part.
in.- uwueid iinmv utiii-t-cupiiiios aiu sure iu
losv no ships through lack or care. In this
war wo have adopted the sainu rule, witli
some modifications. Fremont lost two
(umpnigiH, and for each was shelved.
Shields failed of his raission near 'Port
Republic, utul he was sent into retirement.
Pope wns beaten in Virginia, and was ex
iled to tho Indiati 'territory. Ruell could
not ca,tch'Hrugg, and Rosekrnus replaced
him. UcHkiltiu Jet Leo escape out ol
Inn's place. Of him it used to lu thought
that his iK'St recommendation was thai no
was just another MeClellan. Cautious,
competent, careful, safe, lie has pot distin
guished himself by success. Hu was given
u great expedition to thu North Carolina
Sound-'. Ho took Nuwbern gallantly and
for awhile met no reverses but such ns the
elements entailed. Ho never was defeated.
but he did not nccomplish what thu popu-
Jle cut no
but then the
time never cmno when the rebels were com
pelled to retreat from Richmond, anil only
in tlmt emergency would his arrival at
Weldon bo of extraordinary service, die
uiuy.lip.vo done all that thu Department
ordered him to do, though tho people con-
was Horn in losu lit .ijiucriy, -union
county, Indiana the omens uro good. "1 le
graduated at West Point in Id 17. He
wus at Conl rerus and Oherebusco, und iu
Urngg's .artillery company when .Zuclt
Taylor eheuply imniorlalh'.ed .'Ibagg by
usk'ing for ' A littlo tnoru grupe." flu
J.)!Mie left the service and latterly has
lived in Rhode llalund. When this 'msur
reetiomput on ;tho form of n war against
the tiovcMimcut, he m with M-cClellun
Total this day remit ted S2,!100 12
Taking 'into consideration the premium
on gold, thu contribution from this county
will be raised to over twenty-five hundred
Quite n number subscribed in the differ
ent precincts, towards this lumlablo object,
who have not paid. They cnu still have
thu pleasure of paying the amounts either
to the .Precinct agents or to Mr. llcckmuti.
dipt. iTohn Sutton, ngent for Table
Rock Precinct, has handed us the following
additional nnmes nml contributions : John
Kdwl, $2 50 j Chancy Rail, S2 2.1. hi
our former notice of this piccitict. wc unin
tentionally got the name of the agent
Fatal Oarualitv. Kinma, tho young
est daughter of K. Steams, of Robin ftoost
Farm, iu this county, on the 9th inst.,
while playing near some burning brush,
hud her clothes set on the, und before tha
Humes could bo extinguished by the other
children, was so severely burned that she
died next day. Mr. and Mrs.Stcams were
away from homo at tho time the accident
happened. Shu was a lovely littlo 'girl,
mid Heaven must bo poorly populated if
such as her do notifiud udiuissiou there.