mtvnim SACH BRO.'S JACKSONVILLE. 'XKT'li.oloma.lLO efts Xl.etl - OKAt.KllS t'. - MUMBLE MNIINO! AND ALSO IX Groceries ! Liquors & Tobacco . New Goods! New Goods ! ! New Goods ! ! ! IMMENSE RECEIPTS - AND . Grand Eisplay or NEW IMLL & WINTER AT SACHS BRO.'S WE tal" pl'ii8tiro in iitmniincing tn the public tltui wc huveju-o received II linger, moie ftnluounblc mid littler etietcil 'Mlick ol FANCY AND STAPLE OLOTI-II2STG, BOOTS AND SHOES, KONNF.TS. J I ATS. SHAWLS. FMHUOlDF.IllKS, DIlKSSTKIMMINHS, KIUHONS. NOTIONS. KT0 KTO.. than any ever before brought tn this market. Groceries ! Gi oceries ! : Groceries ! ! ! WE have just opened the best und larg est slock of Groceries I PROVISIONS ! Wines and Liquors, CIGARS & TOBACCO. V EVKlt OFFKKKD IIKRB. OUR MOTTO, " QUICK SALES-SMALL FHOFITS" nc feel confident, will guarantee Jo us t lie 4ontiiiiiuncu of llio pitrnuugc with which our cu-toniets have h therto favored us 5 stud I he uririiliou we have now muric to our former line of trmle will, wo hope, secure to us the balance of the trading population ol this town und vicinity, to nil ol whom we prn'nisu prompt und polite attention. Please call und convince yourselves. SACHS IWOS. fip All ports of marketable Fioduce iikcn in exchange for noods. Jacksonville, Out. 20, 1802. Scmi-toccklw Sentinel. BY 0viEtANDM:LEORAM. LTi:t.KuiiAi'iit:nTo vhkKA roit tiik nkvii.nki. Dates to the Int Novriiibvr. New 'H, 29ili. At iluyimtii tin.- morning, ili. Twenty-thud Ilium - legi Hienl iiMtieh'id it no. I fotuuilig pni'V. viip uring l?o le'itil ol Cuttle, Id pri.-nm is mid 20 Inr.MH. IJnltinioiv. 2Ttli. A Cniniiiititv ' nvu i f.-iH. iti,Mtnt'il by u tJnuHi town unci n.! sonic t me since to lukc lot 'in toy tn iiy bclnc the FrisulctiU n in Hungcs iguinsi the inililuiy uiithniiiics. whil in Jig'i'iii I tst . night, wire M'ir.'il ih nil mi ir pain i., 'v onler of Uciifiul Wool Mneli c.e c (jo in nl. iiml i i moot wn occumoiuiI iy ilns mnr Ibudlbrri wus v. i nnl.- wns mid" r-tonri 1 1 1 it t he hnri nt n privs to tin I'm H drill. nultinii'ic Ull'h. The txeitiini 1.1 con Millies. Tl ('ovciimr Iclcgruphid to Hie Pris'ricnt il- i.iiiiiienijr the urns' u tin out nine, und tlcinmul tig the tine ml i"int I io ine o tin priMiii'is. A CniiiniiPic. up p'tintnl In ticcting I"' d n' ivn'mr has jut tv'utiicri IVoui Wiili i ! ii 'I h Inn! mi in i-view with the Pre ih it. vie iiiroiniMl i) in thiil he Imd Mill mi oirir to the Win Department lor the icl-ui ol iioi nnei d. The slinrrieitii'v llurpi i's Feny emu" spniirienl. nnd r dute of the 2!Mi. civ : "Since th Sunday ninv nun'. In- tump n this v chilly have beni eiiitmilh in iv iniT. (Hid with tin eXe piimi of te in! Stunner's '! eorp. now fiicinipiil mi 1'iiliviir Heights, mir whole mini nmy h. ,-iiid to he in mot 'tin. Philadelphia. 'Kith. Fn'iii nilbt mut-Mti received thi tiioruiiip we liehve lint portion ol' TnelonV nilviiiiee lit iic-i! the lllue Ultltr" by Front ln noil u I'tiiee of 5.(100 niiels nuilir Wuih-t been hnown Ml III' for tun tiny- put u1 Upperville. on the udviint I L iiejin t' eoip-i. New York, .'10th. Th llrn- .,iii r Wiichiititi wns broinrhi nun I'mt Ui.l lust TIiiiihIiiv. ii pi 7. io th- t'lm.-Mi Memphis. The riMii r poti'oo hi eitrn, believed to be uini. iiimI .ii.iiioh lion, wus thrown oveibnutd iliin...' ih" elme. Now York', 21)lh. Kiehuiot.d .niir suy. Oel. 2.'M. ihul u ur.'iiler nuuiii r of vis-els ihiin ii-inil huve been b kmlino; I lie hurbor Four frniibimls tire in .Simm Iol i St. Louis, 2!)th. The nriuy on the lion, tier is liL'ilin lleceS1lll. Sell, li-'d lele LTiiphs fri'lii Fnyetleville, Aikuifii. llutl Oenerul Huron, with u foice ot l.tKltl, m tucked the nbek "1.0(10 st i oi.jr, four unit. eust of Fnyetleville. yisteithiy. n the eie i!iifji'tuent. tin enemy weie eiilitely ronieil. lenviu nil their en nip etpupiee. Tito eiiiiny's hfrs wti" eijilit killnl : uir wiir fniir wounded, limoii lollowetl ihem several miles to the Hn-Hni .Moiiiiiiiin. Fruneiseo. 1st. The As-oeiuietl I'res bus the followimr : The tus: Iz-slif, which bus Jihi iirnvnl, reports the hip Al' liiiuy bin mil Iiy tin rebil-tnt the mouth of the Iiiippiili.tnunek. on Suudny. Citim, 1M. The rebel Mem to be eotii inr up by way of (jiuutl Jiii ctimi. There they will be in position to uieniiee Imih Hoii vii r und Corinth. New York, lst.A let let tliHfd below Apaluchiieolu. Oct. ltilh. it'linri- llmt the UMinboiit Suciniiw, nt Fori llenty. went up i lie liver, and (-upturn! u ielie mo. p; some were kill d. and the minlnmi .Sinie-i- . i... .. ...... i..i : i...l. ... I." ... . SCv llttn ll unii nun hi td-uin iv ,'- three were woutitletl. I he town wu bin mil. Winli'ii'-'ton, 'list. Infonniition from Iliri x.-viltt. (Jlurk eouuiy. Va . limn the nl her hide of the lllue Hitljre. ye.-teitluy. wivs. iheie me eoimr on in that vicinity nppiii'tuliy extcn.-ive moveiiu ills of ichel iroon. some Mruivcdiiii: on irotit itoy.ii , soiliu piiivevium; mi i'iiii ivii.h., oihcrsdown luMiutld Cas.letna Ferry uml i Shcnaiidiiah. (jeiieriil Jack-mi Hvas at Mcrry.-vi!le with troops and no Viiifftfiific. l.oiii.'-lieet id.o was nbotit huvinjr Fioitt Itoyal -his troops seemed to have no hairiincc. New Yoik. .'list. Meiiimdu dates to 21si.suys: The iiihubitanls uui conidera lily excited npiiiibt Uear Admiral Wilkes, lor his action in walchiti,' and iulercepi.nj.' rebel tiade with Kuu'lmid vm Mcrmuda. WashiiiL'lon, li-t. A dispatch from Heaihpinrleis of the Potomac, yesterday, savs : Stewart with 2.000 cavalry uiiackul an'd diove back a small force of our cavalry, between Union and Alldie. New Ymk, lit. A dispatch from Jlurpcr's Feny, ycstciday, says: Lonir street's entiru corps is reported to bu at Sniehels. Harper's Ferry, lst.A force under French and Sedgwick, lelt here this morn iup, cros-in Shenandoah bridge. Sum ner's corps moved into Virginia ycstciday through lllue mountain, where he will form a iunetion with lturnside, who is at Fcrcilvillc. Nearly .all tho troops are moved from Leundcr und Maryland HeiKht''. Slocuin'.s command will remain nt the Ferry us a fjarrison. X heavy re eonnoiwanco yesterday in the direction of Charleston an'd Shepardstown, found the rebels in large force at the former place. A rcconnoissance from rercilville dtscoy eieit the Piioniv. in lur-ci Inrce near Paris and Upperv.ille. under Uencral LoneMreet.! respondent says jrieat udivity Ueneral Uc is still nt Winchester, while lUinotH,' our tmop Uen. Hill's the muiii body of hi uiiuv is at Pduu .Mouiitiiln. rimcekcj'a Gap is btroitgly dc- feinhd by the enemy. General Unrnsiili' w A nib y movi it; on. The iiiiiic'ion if thai the ctieiny's Hunk is iiiriud, mid a buttle is imminent. Our pii-ilnni tin io i iiihiiirnbly iM'ii.iIkI. II t e Hietuy nlteinpls IO cro.S a biillie liitll ei).tl . New Ymk. Is' A spiciul d spa'ch I'n nt Wu-li iietou in the 7iif sus: To in 'Mow, the Not. mini Intelligencer will e tun a stiiliinellt fr III i X I'd "ill' 111 Hit e .iiiiuii. in lep'v Io (Jeiieriil Scnlt's letter, t wh ell t Ii reiiee mis made n Ii w tiny? nt'.'. ti jiitdiii!.' imii-uies lor pieviiilini.' the foiClble pn..'ii of Southern fol is Ik ti .. pj nt' ihe il Hi'ieiil Stun Iotm Slates. tiiiehanau inuiiiiiii Ihul he d d ti" hi nl Senll'x -nllttiioiw lor t'lii'itioniiii.' lues heloiv and lifter jiuenlli', elect mil. It e.iu e the propi'el were that tiler won il lie no e.i'lt-i' ii, tiinl that p ue.' e u N v ii il pr-eiit it, mid llmt siteh act on uoti'il li.iv pr I'lpilutid a enlhsioii. New Yolk. I"1. Tie Uruilil ilnpaleh ft nm Wh .iiliiiid, Vii., JM-I Ot'tnl -oiVH : (ennui Hli'ti' niiiii's iIivhioii ol Wiieo.x'-' eoip4 eeiipied 'linrir, yesterday, with mi nop' Minn TlH lll'iVi lllelit will Oflllbl" (Jell. I'leil'. iiiilon'- e:i i r to p'lietrilll llll liter nili tin Mn lays pn tioii. mid In leeonnoitn ll"i'li II," if' nt The Timet' Wiii inytoiispieiilihspa'ch say: Cimnel W milium, w th cuvult f tee. wiw in i.i-l aeeouiHs tlnviiiif (teneni Wn k-r' inn "iiard thiotlL'h A-hhy's (Jap. ,i nller delae'nu lit. yeMeid.iy. tie I'll' IIIV 'I In t ! ihlollL'll TIloMII'.'h- lu'i-U p Tin IVm hl's p. e'.d -uys. it i- einrenilv rninoi'il tlmi ex (Jod-nor F.l el- will be jipp'i nteil M 'Hum ( v.iti'if of .Mitryhiiul, . With heiiilipia'i i-J nt Itiltiiuore, j (Sen. ml l'o - iniiiv leeehid ritnrleloii, ll'i bti.i'n V in'ii ii no ilii 'A '. Tie- I'-Im'i in inv tinier Kehol-. Ji'tiknin inul F nyd. lei lnt M unlay New" Ymk lt. Sl inner Mntmixas I'loiii New Oil-mi, ha in lived She !' IIH the ClIDMIto . hallllie ,i iv mi iMH-diiion uml f t'up'a u Uieekci Tin leillll i f ' p"lulion- wen th eaieme nt' one I' M .lei two c.iiiiih. and I ten nit I V.. . '.' tell Here bun el. Fiiihnliip'ii.i. I liijt i v. iiiii('- Wns' in; li Shir t- ii We have hi utile lie I' llinn Cnii i that ihe -ti.'iiinil llmiche. on In 'not (tip, tmik quite a iiiiilili'i ol TXn -avmid llieir nuiieiH. 'II .il.lili"li to e. eiiiinl entloii, A Spuid-h -""pof.iear i -aid to lnii Imtliluior s luvi's enter'n'.' the lv- land limn vein nl New Orl'lll4. New Ymk. ;si - vo-nfl from St. V'i c in, on.- ol the West India IsluiuU. w th dates in loth, brims Hews of n -en OIH Upri'H!r d lie-in tuilitlT'i UL'ilitet leiiilueer. ntiil ininiU''ei-. Ilmi-is weie iiiiriiul. inlili I'e.e eouunlited uml o:ie ovei .ier kilhd. Th- whiles Itirued oil' uml k lied seven n-u'roes uml cupture.l 2(1(1. Troop weie vent from ltiirliiidoc, and the iii-nir-elinii wan (pie'ttil - T.iiiiivil'e. ll (jemral Kneatl and s'all' Ii f tins iiioiniii- lor the field. ''" entl (idb-it'- e-rns was in vicinity of llnwlitiir ("in en viniiduy. Th" uilvanee of Criti ud-u's c.nrp-i probably i cached Hint p'ace 'a! I'Veiihisr. (iiiiernl Huell. befme tranf.,riinir efun limed to Iti-ieini 7.. reorirmiiz-il the annv ; I now eote-'s's of two ariiiie under com ID 1 1 nl o' t'liiteiideu ami Mi-Conk. Cnbo. lsi. We have a mumr by way of Ciifintli, that Moliile is oiih. The re-p-rt wn broiiL'lit in by lebel prisoners, captund Iiy our -(!'ints. Ilalif.i.v.' lt.The Arub'u from fv-r. pool on the I Kih him urrived. It was re portid ihul Ci'iif.d' rate priviPers weie in the M-doeran-ai', uml had cHptured a dozen Fedeial v-e's. The report may have ari-eii fioni the ile-triictlon of wliul- iny vise Iiy the A'abama. The KiieliFh piprs advance iinthiniri ivw on Anrrieati all'iirs. Some of them! - . ' . , poiiloine to en lor the ll-CO'MII mil O IIK """" ' '" "'",'" '? Sun Fninci-co. .'Id. Monthly steamers me uboiit to coui'iii'iicc milium: to ortli em Mexican p-uls iiaiu. leaves on the lfih. I'he Oregon DuteK to tho .M IVovciubcr. New Ymk, .'hi. Port I loyal dales to Oct. 20th. stale that two Mrilihh rebel sicaiueis, Miiho ami Scotia, have Ik en cupturid. They uiv valued at SIOO.OIIO ll was rcpuifid nl Poil lloyal that a icbcl ram wus coining down t'ue river from Savuuuiih. Uo.-loii, .'Jil The brig Taron de Castiua, jiinL uriivnl, reporH on 2S)ih October, in latitude 119. loimiltide fit). She was cap tured by the p'uatc Alabamu. but wus lib' crated on j;ivinij boud-i for 80,000 payable to tie pteideut of the Southern Con federacy '() days after ptuce is ili'clnml. Aiiioii the vessels captured by the Ala bama was the ship Touuwuuda from Phil adelphia to Liverpool. She was leleu.'cd on Riving bunds for 800. The captain of one of the vessel1 cap tured wus informed by the officers of the Alabama thut her next destination was New York, to throw a few shell into that city. He represents the Alabama u.1 be iiifr very fatmidable. The "ship Lafayette linvint? llritlsh coimulor eiitificate'.as a protector, hud been captured and burned by her. Loui-ville, 2d. A Mowlinsr Urcen eor- prevails ilivi.-iou nassed tliioncn tins uaee nuiiirnuy li tins place s-Hiiiinliiy en route tu Nashville. It is reported the rein Is ih stroyed two tunnels n Nuslivillu railrniiil. uml have lore up the truck for a coim'ilerable ilistaiiio north of Oulluini, rellliesser. ' TiAtinK-T City in tiik Would.--A very ii I ... I.. erroiieoiw Itleu is uiiiii'.ireti in miiuy people in reliitiou to the tariest city to the world: tutiliy cotilltleii'ly a-scrt that Lon don, or. tw it is Tn (piently termed, the Ureal Metropolis, is far superior both in 7," mill lilt1 milliner in it iiiuuniiiiiin, Milt such is not the ca-e. Jeddo, the cap Hill ol Japan, I". without exception, tin larue-t and most populous city in the world. Il eontuitw the Vint number of l.fiOO.OOO dwelling, ami fi.OOO.OOO of liuinun son!.-. Many of the slieets urn 11) Jupaneieries in leii'Mli, which is e(piivalcnt In 22 Ktnr- li-h it i e. The eonniierce of JetMn fur exceed that of ativ other citv ami the sea ulonir the coast is eonitaiitlv white with the .-ail . .. Mil "l. ...!l ... .1 .1 nl snip'. I lieir vessels sun n ineoiiiiieio poi'iiott of the empire, ivhere they laden with rice. tea. sen-eoal, lobiecn, silk, rot ton mid trop'eal fruit, till of wdiich lint llutl rnidy iiiirkel in the "North ; and then n turn Ireiirhtcd with com. salt, oil, i-in-rliisa, und varioiH other pmilnetiniH of the North, which have a niaiket ill the South. Tut: uittimi Mii-tainr fiinituent. which Ini received siich a Ii'ltIi reimlutioii for CUritiL' iprain uml ehilblniiw. i composed of pettn'eiini ami accpta iniioiiin ami bran dy. mi.M'il looether in ecpial parts by iii"ii. nr . U"fhiei1 pelroteitin is very excellent f r in Id ehilli'ain without the ndtnixtiire of any other inrndieut ; but tin ni'vliite with iiltioniu uml lirniidy is more st:mulu t'tur. It i mtplied by nentle rubbinir. The hiiniiii hand 'llitly wanned before n fire, is ill" be-t iil'i lit. j'i-wi.jw.y ti.i ju.i.u 'jjiiww II12RMAJV BLOOM llu-con-lnutly na hand, aid N dully re- ce'vbu te w' itililitlmi Io hi prcent laree and well seec' il -lock of flENHIML MBROKANDISR ! ('nii-l-tliir In part, of "I-lio .TTjto-it Stylowof Fnoeh. Ktc'i-h. Uermnn und Aineiiean T-P-tK LAOIE" HATS. IIOSIF.MY. uml all of UAITKRS. IIOOTKKSan.lSLIPPKllS: A lnL'e Stock of (iKNTLKMHN'S t?"Mr?'Ti:-a"iW"pi- s MOOTS SUOKS.UAITKIIS & HATS: CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, TABLE CUTLERY, MINERS' TOOLS or all kinds, Particular intention is paid to prnctirin the ltest ;i'out!r.H Tor rami lit".. Also, th" he-t qualities of M()L'Ollri. WINKS und COIIDIALS, And a variety of other articles too uumiTouslo mention. All of the ahove -oods will be sold at unci's to tkfi cunwttiiiou. All articles thai may b pureliuM-d of iil'i will Ii" wanaiiteil a represented, or Hie ni'iiii'V will In1 tefiimled Ladles and (fiiH'cmen are kindly solicited to call and examine my present slock and pric" hcloic puichain elsewhere I am con iileut il will be to their udvautuue. J coit'hler it no trouble to -how (loads All Mud o Produce taken in exchange for in-rcbuiid n: ,):ir Remember my old -tand McCally's two-story, Fire-proof Brick JiuitiUiiff. 1 1 FILM AN MLOOM. Jack-on vllle. Oct. 1st. IH(i2. VT Reduction in Prices! Blacksmithixg ! ! ! 'PHK tindersljriied aniioiince- to prc-"til I patrons and thu puhlic that lie has 4 reduced the price for all kind nl'Oa work in bis lino, to conform to the r times. Ills shop is in thu bulhliui; on (.hi ifnriiluihirt, iHnitlj tut r.f Cluq-ine if hum's S'tihUn. where he Is prepared to do every va riety of work in Ids line with dispatch, in llie'liest manner. Plough-Irons made and repaired. Wagon, OarrhiKu ami Stiijru Wotk Kxecutcd in the ii 'aUM ami strongest uuiuuer. Milling Tools. Picks, Hirst, eio.. main to order, of thu very htst material. In Ihe mot approved styles. Partice'iar attention jrlven to c IIOKSK-SIIOKING, J' for which the price is reduced to, $$ and $S' TitKKiirr. made and lilted ex actly to order. His stock of Iron and Steel is of first qual ity, and ull work done, wumivmi. A LUX AN )El MAUTIN. .Trtcksonvillo. Met. 20. l.stJJ. Ul:tf WO ii C-C-- "I"! Ji huvn till-- day sold our -lock of mer-j T T cJiauilti-e to .Mr. .max .mi i.i.iw. rroui or irictui nun nairnu we woiiin soiimi for Mr. Mci.i.Kt; iv eoiiiitnmui! of their lib- t...,i .,.. .1. ., IIRl'NNKIl A 11110 Jack-onvlle, July 12lh, liti'J. '27 MAX MULLEE. 8CCCIWOII TO J. A. DIIUNNE11& ItROTITRlt Tin; iimler"lmicd. hnvliiir piitchused from J. A. Driiunt r & llrotliyr their entire Stock of Merchandise, Now olfi'is the same for sale at Greatly Reduced Price The stock con-lstR of Drj & Fancy Groods Oicrtlilzxs, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, Ami. In fact, a varied iiH-orttnent. n', article pertuininK to the. (ieuuiMl MelcllillMlIsi' htl-llK'IS. LADIES nutl GENTLEMEN please tn give me n call, nnd examine the Omul and learn the Trices, before you make your purclm-e. Do not fnrfiel the place the Ilrick Store licrclofore occupied hy llriinner ft. Hro. MAX MULLKIt. Jacksonville. July 1!). isii:'. 'j.1 jj- SIOO Ucwarif! - For any ca-e ol Syphilis in any s'tae. which Pit. Lk Kii'iik.uj'h (ioi.ucn Hai.swm fails to cure. No couuui'iit is iicce--nry on litis imdiciue. it stand entirely upon it own uiuujiuhd merits; it has cured thou -and who have wa-led luiiidsiiiui fortune-, mid will elite Ihousamls more, (inldeii Hal- sum N. . 1 for llrt and second slaves, stieit a sore upon Hie legs or other parts of lli hoilv. sore eves, elc, etc. Golden llul-uui No.'v, rorTc'rthiry.Meicurlul inul Syl'ihllliu UliiiiiaatUiii. Price. $. per bottle ; tinou riceipl of this sum we will ship to uim pint of the mate. NoriC'K.-We have in. ip-iils for this medicine, and are sole pm prl tors mid inaiiulacttircrs. All outer iiuii-t lie rtlicctcd to us to obtain the gen nine. ()herve well the muuiifacturei name upon each Inside label. We e,uiuuiit a 7"rfeet and liHin cure. RICHARDS A WIIITFIKLD, linporters. Wholesale uml Retail DruwiM. Cnnier or Clay and San some stnets. iiau Francisco. Also, Sole Aleuts fov the Celebrated Spanish Ami hdtk. a prepiiratlou ucverktiowu to fml. for the cure of (Heel, (oiiurthu'ii. It- litatiou, Ciiivcl. all Urinary de- ratipiueiits. None ui'tmiiu; wil horrt fair rlrcilar ot (lohh'ti lliil-nni wrnjnji- r'v":tJ) ill uioumllhi'liottle. ;tm "p''' "Watches and Jewelry. J. XV ZMJB E XI TTAS recently received a lurp' and vaL XX ualilitslocK ol SP1UNO AND WKICIIT CLOCKS, SILVKK WATCHKS. DIAMOND JKWaio, PKAHL. KMKUALD, CAMKO SKIS. Together with a splendid lot of other Hreut-Ptus. Hroochcs, Kar-llius, Finger Kings, Lockets, Duckies, (jla-ps. Drucclets, Sleeve Dutlons, Necklaces, Wutch-t'haius. Chutelaim; ami Seal. All ol which will be sold at t.ow I'lttu -and warranted. J. NF.UHF.1. still continues to III! PAID WATCIIFS. JKWFLUY and CLOCKS, ns herelolore, in tho best man iter nnd with dispatch. All articles in bit line maiuiliicttircil promptly und with neat nes.. Cull nnd hee his Mock nt the old Mauri, comer of Third und Calilornn streets. iriick:niivillc. -Mtl. Harr.oss and Saddlery. TDK r.nricr-lgiicri would res pee I CjQk fu'.ly iuroriu the citl:eie ol MJ Jucksun and adjoining counties that iiu hn-i on haiul and will manufactun ) orier All Jviiins or baudlcrv and Planless, such as '.Heavy Draught Harness (long and stunt lug), Uouconl 1 1 iiiness, linggy iiaaic- (double and single), Spanish hadilles, trct and rigging complete ; Ladies' Saddle-, .fockey Saddles, Saddle-bags, Itiid'e.-.S'in cingles, Halters, Spurs, Currycomb. Whips, Whip-lubhes, and all other urn- clca iisuiilly lonnd in n iirM-clast stock ol Al WORK WAKHANTFJ). Store in " Sentinel ' Huilding. Cali fornia street. IIKNHY JUIHJK. Jackson vllle. Oct. 22. H','1. 41 1ACK-SADDLKs'eontaiilly on hnmi . my llaine.-s uml Saddleiv e-tubli-h- , mnt j;-) JIK.MtY .ll.'IMil'o "IJLOl7 U"7VND i'llODUCK taken In i - I ehm Mine, lor Morehaiidise. nt .1 ul v 1 U.-2T M A X M U LI.KH'S. &&