ScmUlUcekln -Sentinel; mm$ jCol.'IIukiiiltoii o,lfJLVxas. Colonel A. J. Hamilton, number ol CoiurenS from Texas, in rived in tins city jcsteiday from New Orleans. He ia well , jUnown to our i'it Z"iH as llml ni of the "Tcxhn Im tubers nl" C ngress- who refused plumil-y K jo'n tin' cnmpiriitnrs, who Mi "Wifalringtnrt during the- lust day of Hit- uhitnnii'H Administration, und wl om Wig- 'lull mill TooiiiIm vainly tiled to browbeat -nitid hullv. lit' U now nil lir way to 'Wifdihuton to nU help fornill'criiig fell w Union iihmi in Texas, who Imvu i ndim il evurythiin! ixopt extermination nt tin iuiiim of tli. iiiub of iiIk-Is who now liohl tlu' rule Ihcrc. Colonel Jlnmilton lata boon living for the lasryi unit Austin, the Texan Stale Capital." That and three or four counties surrounding it ure Milf strongly Union i-ii .llllll'll po t hut till' libels, uieutlv IK tlll'V would hove liked to hurt him, ili 1 1 ot dure. .'.Ill tin si' mid other cnuntiis there were uu- til leeently nrirnnV.d Union faces, tot iirnttd or fruiiinl saildicrs. but Mieh ai.l-' jis could Imve been qu'ekty culled together "to nid nny nttenipt iif the 0i"rmn"iit in Texas,' and ntnod remly to ikfi-iul their 'leader ruuin4t nil harm. 'Colonel lliimiltoii flutes that life in Texus is now entirely lawless. The civil 'i 'i i i. ...... .1 i -i. ..i i i;in 11111 long ween iirini , minimi i.n, hieh tool; its pluee, i- not executed ic oording to any syvtem known to oirilzeil niitloiw. .Kvcrypeiiy PiovihI M-iifhul in Mipiemc tyrant in his district, mid itntnis niu mid robs ot his own discretion. Whut "liis e.irch'SMicss.or good iiuUire omit? in the way of tyranny, self cou-uiiutiil Vigilance? Committees in'ike up. Thus nil who nie Mi?p"clid "I loyalty ure nt the inirey of un irn sponsible set of robbers tiud tyrmiK Until reeinllv there win no ii'iMi'ur irnr 'rlson of rtbel soldiciH nt Amiin. As luntr 113 ihey wi-ie not I here, I In Union men wi n itlile' to protect lln-iiw dved. Hut when the. soldiers ennie. tin- Union men. lonir in."' entirely iliMiriued, wire nt iheir mi ley. A friend informed Co'ouel Hamilton thut the mldi'TR had ord-is to cuplme him. mil In saw tint he mint trl out of the wuy. lb left on the 'J. I of Jn'y. IMorc then his lioue tt'iiH unrounded by troop, nod wlnn bo gut into the inomita t he l'"i lid nil lh ns.cs guuidcd ; also all the wnter ho'es mi he roads, lending: out of the count y If'1 win for a month in the nmuntnhw, mid nt hut. with a few friends, .made I-m wnv li the Kio (J ramie, which lii'Cinwd into Me. jco. The crisping wa opjuwil by a ic ul captain, whom the Colon I uiudi' pnsniier until he mid his party trot safely iiho-h Jbil the passage down the Mex'can Hide of the river wh made Ihrmiijh a sneresjinn o uinhiwudi-n laid by rebil lions li r him Ity vigilance ihey all scaped, however, mid ut lut, Hfter vurhaw iidveiittties. reached Mnlutnoia. ' In Hrownsville, op liusili' Malnni'rn-, the rebels kept a vigi 1 nt eve upon the Colonel'. iiiuvcmcuis. lie (DiML'id piiKSiig" in n vi'-w-l, bill una wuriH'd when about ln4" into tie Htniii tint the enemy kww it mid had plmaicd to itiletci'pt him. Seventy-five lieu, in hui, waylaid the rtue. mid snipped il tluce times on the way to the vessel, lie then Moiled for unolher opportunity, and at lust fcot bll' by travi'lfm; Mime dif.taiice over hdiil, and Ih'Suit eel on board :i sclio-uier by :i fiieiul'fl shore Imi.iI. Theiebelh, however, caw the inoveinuit, mid t-eut u launch with mi mined crew to the t-choivier; a lirei. MrikiiiiT up, tht: Colonel hud suij imt on the polinnner. and M ff for New Ullcaii,, leaving the Captain nud his ship's paper. uiiaViiiluiy n isliorc. t)u the way to New Oi-leaus the hchooner fell in with the United S'iitcibliip Uohio, which a-nt I hem jirin'tfafcty. Tlie. Colonel Ionic to be in pood liea'th, but litis evidently t-uir ml greatly in mind m the Inst year, lie llm biune ioiieluri'.r Morics to tell of the trials mid hiII'i riiics. of loyal' men ill Texas. They Imvu ciunsj ndb'y to the old fh', luit litre is lenr that, unices mioii helji'd with troop-i, thy will all )cyo to (five up. Most of tin in have nlie.ulv been faiced to lake I'u inith, much sni'they iiute H, mid many have been fumed to Join tliii rebel aitiiy. "When calleo upon to Mike the oath tln-y nsj unmy meuiw ol uvoidui it. One uieuinns lellow Mopped iu'.i ear with cotton, ho that he iniyht not htm what he was reipiired to say yen In. A'il'or Coiouel llamillon, ho has kepi thl: yoy he niuile Ht the beimiiii, n-vcr by tiny 'act lo rccouift ihu icbel unihoriiy. ilu hits refused coi-atiiHtly lo lnl;e ihe'oath, ;ihI hid promitteiiL pusiimn made it until lately'linpriiik'iit for the reliefs to use loice. lie j'efiiM'd lo render uu nccoant of prop i.'i'ly in hut p'WVMon nwin to Northern l.'icii, and paid no litttiUioii lo tlie miiiiiiioiis . enl out dim. lie prouured him i.elf to be t'l'.'cted, over u yeeessionl, to -liu Stale , Senate, mid refused to tuku his rent in thut rebellious budy. Haying he only '.vmited to fhow them what tlie people thought iu Itifi dmfriut. When Fuinmnucd U) pay ibu UoulederalO wur lux, lw refused, .saying l bat lie mMnt lo be on the. record i-f)iiarely na lluvin opposed the rebel move Dieitt from firttt to last, Coloilel Hamilton will on next Wednes day evening give our ciluena uu account of thu prencnt oomlition of Texan; and his htory will bu of tliq'npst interesting. He h .i'piliint who liast(ieen tmn in his faith nudiv'tli'ij mod ddljuft circuiunaueus, utid lie well de:ki vim at (he liaiuli of tho cit,i .eiu of the Ki'iipito (Jily fitiuh a rouslngi vclm'iip'.UH lh"? Wow howio (;ivtv'to Bitch1 ravii.r. Y. 11, &,.M. TC9ZX283i T AM DULY UKCICIVINO COMMUNV X pullnus ri,i',rtliir the Unlit d Stnles Kx e'p Jw. lilt h n jjlve notice to all con C'Tiud Hint I Imve div'ihil Oretron Into ten dNtriolH. entili coinpiisiii the following donnllcH. v'z. : Dittrid Xo. I Tlhitnonk. Clatop nttd Co llitnb'a. 'Ihtlrhl Xo 2--WnltlnRlmi mid Ymnhlll. J)l"l)il Xo :i Mulliioiiiuli. J)hhkl Xo. -I Chieknnvis and .Marion. JhrlriH Xo fi 1'olk and Heiiton. Jhxlrid Xo (! Idiili utid b:iue. DUtrid Xo 7 DotijiliiH mid Umpqiin. JJidnd X N Com m d Cm iv. Dblrid Xo !) -.!nephllie and Jaekfoit, Dklrid Xo lOWn-eo. As mioii n piHoible I Mia 1 1 appoint one IVpittyin inch DMiiet nud riiruish lie in with their neeesstry papers, of which due notice will bo given. THOMAS FHAKl-:K, lr. R AhHeor, Oieou Dl.-trlcti I'nttluiKl, (Jet. I. l(i. N H. No Sliimp't have yi t b on n ci'lvrd In Oregon. When n cubed, not cj will be given. If EAGLE MTLLS ! NOTICH N hciuby given that the EAfJI.E MlbfS are niiaiii in iii'iulmr mil r nud that we '.re ntraln teuih' to lilrulsh our iiuinrroifcti'Uuuicrs with the 3ost Plour in the Country. Kv'ct'j Mick v't'oiiiid uu I sicked at the Mill warraiilid to li- (iood flour. JKSSK KOIUNHON, I'er Iii-iiimi Iaiioiis. Agent. Ashlatid. .May 15. lilli'J. ISli 'PI1U undersigned having Ii-hm 1 the 1 Wit-hluglou Mill.'' live in leu IVoui .luekxoiiville, has lliurniilily tepalnd it. mid in fill d iev; i Improvrd rilucliinorj'. which. I'lom my o'cperlence in consti noting tin same. well a in m limbic luring Hour, urn run!" un' in Miyiug Hint tin Oregon Mill can nud will do liettu' wotk than auv otlnr .M.ll in the Valley. V.YVMY SACIC OV MY TLOUlt WAIIUANTKI) "A NO. 1." I linvj opened a Flour and Feed Store li jackso.n villi:, OnCulil(iinliii'trcct,nppiMili'l. Itvmrupv l.ull.ling. WW. J. Al.l.KN. .lue.kMiiiyllle. .Iiuie 1 1.Jli'.'. 'J'J;lf I. D. illS & BRO. Are now closing out their entire stock of Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions, at the Vexy Lowest Rates, FOR CASH ! "55, (ilvo ii n call, at tho I'oft Office Huilijlug, corner or CalToruhi and Oregon treets. Apiil lib ISI12. T Iq alexander"buswell, -I'UACTICAI. - BOOXS-BZ IrZ3333Lr PAl'KUUUhKH. mill Illnitk-llooti JMnmifactnier. 517 Chy nud 514 CouiunTe.lnl hlrectc, between Monturonieiv and SuiiMinie, SAN KUANCISCO. 5SIU lllmlliiir of i-v. ry di'Mirlpllon nently executed : lllauk Hooks nibd nud Hound lo any dcidrwl pattern. 2l:y IT VSVIIJjTl)OTI'M71o7TrKNT! IJ Tim undeisiiMii'd nfT-rs lo rent or eu!) Ihc Hvamsvlllu 1 Intel, at Dardaiudls, for one. two. or Hireii vears, at re-isonnlile rale-'. Thu Hotel is in a gem locution. cloe by thu liogue ltlver llridge, A fine orchard Is nltne.lied lo Hie preinbi's ; abo L'ood i-pring wnter. mid cmivenlenl out buildings. For furlli'T Infornvillon, nddrts, Till) .M ASCII A VNKU. DurdanelNjjgn.. Aug. !U). IriliJ. iliu .TOTI CR-J OS KIN 1 J A CO US is here 11 bv nii)ointi(l mv ii'.'etil, to take charge of the Kaglo Mill properly, in Jackson county, nud is nulhuriz d to Iransncl all bu'-Iuess Cnnmclid therewllh. mid' lo col li ot mid receipt lor all debts 'duo in?1 on no count, of any business, eoumcted with said ICiglo Mill properly. Hated nt Knelmrg, Ogu.. May 10, 1802. JHSSM nOHIXSON. IVSUKANOl'J AdKNCV. Jnckson ville. Hisks taken upon mills, hotels, stores, etc.. on thu most f.ivornblu term, iu Hartford. PhojuIx.Girnril, Goodhue, and oilier well known and responsible compa nies. K. C. SESSIONS, ArpiiI. BIJJL&3 AND TESTAMENTS.-A oiippljr, in vuriona styles, on hand, nnd tor sale at costs nud charges, nt Hie deposi tory of the Jucknn County Bible Society. WM. HOFFMAN, Depositary. ILMJS TUATKD PAPKltS Harpers' Weeklj, Fiunk Leslio'p, Yankee No tion?, etc., rcgujarlv received nnd for pale ut thu VAUIKTY STORK. CALOCKS Diileient Btyk-s, good lime J )iceesto by had i)t tho y-v-tyba-iil. YvVrnttTrblVlSlS. HERMAN BliOOM IIa cnnMnnlly on lintul, and Is dally ru- celvbig new tiddillous to his prcMsut large and well M'leelid slock of !,i:iIIIML MPRCIIiNDISE ! Consisting, in pint, of 271o Xjrvtoat (Ettyloo of French. Kn.'lish. Get man mid American LArJiE5 HATS, II0S1KUY. iiml nil kinds of CAITF.US, nUOTKKrfai.dSMPl'KUS; A Large Stock of i EXT LUMEN'S ca,nK?3iM:'M:3ws- 2 HOOTS. SIIOKS.UAITKKS & II ATS: CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, TABLE CUTLERY, MINERS' TOOLS of nil kinds, Particular attention is paid to procuring thu Itcst Groceries for' Families. Abo. the bcM qualities of UQUOltri, WINMS and COUWALS, And a variety of other articles too imiuei'ous to mention. All of tin above gondii will be nildat pr ees to thji vuinj tiMoii. All urt.cles Hint may be piircUnfed' of nt" will be warranted m icprui-enlid. or the tnmiey will tie reiuiuiui l.'idiesu'id (J i)''eiiieiinri'ltbiillyeoliell(d to call and exum'tu- my pre.-enl htouk and pr'eex bi'lore iiuiclia-liig dtewliere 1 am emi'Meiit it will be lo their advantage. I coiiiit it no trouble to Miftiv (JnoiN. All klnd't of I'ruduce taken in exchange for ni'-ri'lmiidin1. .23-Iteineinlur my old lniul McCully's tvo-Bf nry, Fire-proof Brick Jlnl-cUnff. II11U.M.VN HLOO.M. .Tiek'ouv'lb'. Oei. t'.l. I KIJ'J. '11 Reduction in Prices! Blacksmitiiiivg ! ! ! ' PIIK iitideHirueil announces lo proenl I iialroiiMiiiid Ihu tuilille lllitl he Ini" U reiluceil tlie pnee lor till Mi ids ol m jrx) to the XT worli in his line, lo conl'mm I Hnieu. H's shop is In Ihe luiildlug on Oil If or mi tfrtd. ilirr 'lift ("'I '' Clmoftr V Drum'' Stiililci. uliiT" he is prepared to do every va riety of work iu his line with dispatch, iu Hie if si manner. I'bui'.di-lroii-' made nnd repair il. Wugnn. Currhiae and Slau'' Work l!ecutid ill the nit'l and ilrongi-'i maumr. f IIilliig Tools, Picks, Ibirn, Mc.. miwle to onh'f. of Hut very lust materials iu tin' mint approved styles. Particular attention iriven lo e2 IIOKSr.-SIIOKINC, e-J for whiiih the pr'cv is reduced lo tjljj mid $1 Tin: sr.rr. Puviks made and lilted ex actly to order. His stock ol Iron nnd Steel Is of first qual ity, mid all woik done. WAiniANTr.n. ALKXANDKU MARTIN. Jarksonvllli'. ct. -.'. M!-J. -ll):tf Watches and Jewelry. J. OTzfuSSR HAS recently recelvid 11 large ard vnl untile slock of peg sriiixu and wuioriT CLOCK'S. SILVKll WATCH MS. DIAMOND .IKWKLKY. PKAUL. IJ.MF.ItALD, CA.MKO SKTS. Together with 11 splendid lot ot other Irea?t-Piii.. Hrooehes, Uur-Uings, Finger lling?, hoekels, Hueklcs. Clasps, Uruivlfts, Sleeve lliiltuna, Necklaees, Vateli-('luiiiis. Chatelains and Seals. All of which will be sold ut i.uw rmons and warraiited. J. NKUHKIt still cnnlmurn to llli I'AlU WATCH 1W. .J KWKLUY mid CLO(MS. us'lieii-tolovi', in the best inuii nor nnd with dispatch. All ut tides iu his line iiiauuliietuieil promptly nud with neat ness. Call and see his siock ut the old stand, corner of Thiid utid Culiloruia streets. Jacksonville. 4 4 if. Harness and Saddlery. Til 10 undersigned would resptcb TVgk fully Inform thu clti.eiis ol CrjH Jackson and unjoining counties that he Iuh on leiud and will 111 unifaeturu lo older AH Kinds ol' Sailtllciy mid Harness, suuh us Heavy Draught llnrne.s (long mid short tug), Coucoid llniuess, llnggy llaiuess (double mill Mimic), Spmiisli Saddles, trees and rigging counilele 5 Lndicp' Saddles, Jockey Saddles, Suddle-lmgs, Ilridles, Sur cingles, Hollers, Spurs, Currycombs, Whips, Whip-lashes, and till other arti cles usually found iu 11 first-clnst stock of AL.L WOllK WAHRANTKD. Store in " Sentinel " Huilding, Culi foniiu street. HKNUY JUDGE. JaukM)i)vIlle, fQQt. 22, '112. . 41 'TOU PlU'TiNO neutiy i-wciiti'd ul Hiu .J SENTltfliL OFFICE. i-m 1 jSfiJvUSj To AlisciitDcfcmlnnts. TN the riicult Court or the State of Oio 1 gon, lor the county of Juelnii. .Iamhs lb 1'oom: vs. John" Hioiiam & An- Tllt'll liANIIht.t.. Action nt law to recover money. It iipptaring to Ihu Mitislnctimi of the Court liv iillldnvit filed lit' this cutfc, Hint the ilelemiant, Arthur Ming it, ma nmi-reM-d til of this Slate; that the phdntitl'hi'mn U'lii-teof notion ugitlin-t Hie deleudaiit urN lag on a eoutrncl ; that tile ibfeudaut Iiiih prupei'ly in this Slate, mid that the Court lia-tjiiriMliotion of , the mliject of the action : Theivlore. in the iiiiine of the people of the .Stale of Oregon, you. the mid Arthur lam gel I. ure lKjuii'iili lo tiipear in the Mtiil Cmirf, on the llit Motiilliy iu Febrttaiy, A. t). 180.1, nud answer (he complaint fihd aguiiist you by the plainlilf. or tins unite will bu lukeii for confe.-Mil and the prayer Hiiieol graulid oy tlie Coiirtl U'llnecs the Ihm. I'. 1. I'rim. .Titdare of Mitd-Coiiit. W.M. HOFFMAN, Cletk. Dalnl at Juck-onville, the Wlh day of Oct.. A. I) IW.2. nitt!iw4a;.im IN the Cireuit Court ot ihc .Slalu of Ore gon, for the County of .)auknn. .1. A. Hi.tiXNKit & Jiuo. vs. John JSkjiiam i. Aimii'it Lvsoki.i.. Aetion at law to ricnvor money. It aiineai'iiig 10 tlie Mitbfncllon of the Court. Iiyallldavlt lllul iu this chum-. Hint Hie defendant. Arthiir Laugell. N a nnu-re.-K ideut of this State; Hint thu plitiutlll- have a ciii- of- notion :iga!ut Hie defeiuhiut uiisiiig on a coiitruQt ; Hint the defendant has pioperly in tins .Slate, mid that the Court liu" juVlf-iilction of the Mibjecl. of the action : Tin ivlure, iu the inline of the pen pie of ihu Slulii of Oregon, you, the miiiI Arthur Laugell, iye r. quired to uppeiir iu the said Court, on Ihu Hot Monday iu l-'eli-ruuiy. A. D. lrt);i. nud aiiMier the coin plaint llled against you by the philutilfs. or the Mime will hit fukeii fur eoules-ed nnd Ihe prayer thereof grantuP by the Court. WUiu'm thu Jbm. I. P. I'rim. .Itulgii of uiid Court VM. HOFFMAN. Cleik. Dated ut .luek-oiivllle, Ihe '5lh day of n . li -t .j;i Jim I . tie: i, leuii i ouil of Ihu blale ol' Ore- 1 uon. for Hie county of .luckMiii. W. S. MixtKit ct. Jon.v C. Uavknimiiit mid 0. Jaooii". Aciiou at law to recover money. It appuirius; to the sutbfnctioii of Ihu Court, liy ullliluvit filed in this ciiu-e, Hint tin-1 I'ci'uiiiiit. John C. Davenport, is 11 noil resident of thW State; that the pluiiitilf li i a cause ol action aguiust llie ik'leimuut arising on a soulract; Hint the defendant has impel I- hi this Slate, mid Hint Ihu Court lui-jurbd clioii ol the stihjeel of the aciiou ; Tlierelore, in Ihu mime, of the peo ple of thu Slate of Oregon, you, Ihe Mild John C. Davenport, are n quirt d lo appear in Ihu said Court. 011 Hie first Monday Iu February. A. I). IHlill. mid answer thu cum phdiil ni'.d iigaliit you liy thu plnbitill', or the same will tic taken fur conl'e.-M d mid Hie praver (hereof grautid liy Hie ('ourt. Witness thu Hon. P. P. Prim. Judge of said Court. WM. HOFFMAN. Cleik. D.itul at J'ackt-ouiille, Ihu Jifith di.v of Oct.. A. 1). lSli'J. -lit Jlln IN Ihu Ciicuit Court of Ihu Statu ol'Oru gnu. tor the county of Jackson. W. S. Mini Kiirs. John C. Uavkntoiit. Aciiou ul law lo n cover money. It appearing lo the satisfaction oMhu Court, by affidavit filed iu this cause, Hint the deft udaiil, Jlihu 0. Davenport in u imu iudd lit of Ihls Statu ; that' the plaint, II' has a utiusu of action against Ihu deleudaiit iiris ligouu coulriiul ; that Ihu deleiuluut has lirui rly In tliislate, mid thu IheCourl hms juilMllifon 01 the sui'jictoi thu nutloii: liieielore, iu the siaiuu nt Ihu people ol tlie Statu of Oregon, you, thu said John C. Daveiipmt, am riqutml lo appear iu I In; said Court, 011 thu first Monday in Febru ary, A. I). ltli:i, uutl answer thu complaint III tl against you by ihu plaiutill. or the samu wdl bu taken lor confessed nud thu praver thereof granted bv thu Court. Witness, thu Hon. P. P. Prim, Judgu of said C t. WM. HOFFMAN. Cltu k. Haled at Jacksonville, Ihu 26th dav of Oct.. A. I). 2M12. Ul.JIni IN Ihu Circuit Court of Ihu Statu of Ore gon, for thu county of Jnckson. llictiAKi) lluoiv.N and William Ibtowx rs. John 1!ii;uam t Aiitiick Lanoi:li;. Action ul law to cufoicu n mechanics Hem Il npjHuring lo thu satisfaction of Ihu Court, liy iillldnvit I'd d iu lids cause, that the defendant. Arthur a iiou-rusi-dent of thu ritatu ; that thu ptuiu'tllfs have a uuiisu 01 iiuiioii iiuinst ihu uoieiiu.iiii, iirUbig on n conl ruct; that Ibu defendant has properly iu Ibis Slate, mid Unit the Coin 1 ha jurisdiction of thu subject of thu action : Therefore, Iu the iniiao of tho peo ple of thu Statu of Oregon. your thu said Arllitir Laugell, uru rt quired lo appear in the said Court, on thu first Monday lit Feb l nary, A. I). INtnl, and nnsWer Ihe coin tiled agnhist you by thu plalnl ill's, or Ilia samu will bu taken for coufessul mid Hut prayer I hereof granted by thu Court. Witness thu Hon. P. P. Pimii, Judge of said Court. W.M. HOFFMAN. Cleik. Datul ut Jacksonville, thu 25th day of Oct.. A. I). 1M2. -Hl-Jlin IN thu Ciistuit Court of ihu Statu or Ore gon, for ihu county of Jackson. John M1M.K11 v. Gko. II. C. Tavi.ou unci (J. D. Tuylur. Action at law to recover money. It nppcuriug to iho-Httisfaution of the Court, by nllUlavit lib d la thin cause, lhat thu ik'fciidmu, Ceo. II, C. Taylor; is a non resident of Ibis Statu; (hat tlioyliilii tiff linn ereiiM! of uetltHi ugainst thu defendant rirta iii,' on & eoorruet ; that Ihu defendant has Eroperty in this Stnte, and that thu Court us jurisdiction of thu mibject of thu ac tion : Therefore, in thu name of the people of tho Statu of Oregon, yon tho said Ueo. II. CI Taylor are required to appear iu tho said Cum t. on tho llit Monday in Fern miry. A. 1). IStiU, mid aiiMver thu complaint filed unlu:t you by the plaiutill' or the saute will HJMWini 'ifvrm.'ju. .mm. w ho lukeif for eimfewil' and the mnvi. thiTeof li( gialill'd by Hie Coin t. liiiesH' thu- Hon. I'. '. I'l'Int. Jmlizi! said Coin t. W.M. HOFFMAN. Cb-rk. Dated' nf .fiu onville, the 'Jolh dnv of Oct . A. 1) W1. -faitin IN'the Circuit Court of Ihe Statu of Oio' gun, for tin county of Jnek-on. John Andkiison vi. li. Pixkiiam nndl J08. PlNKIIAM. Action nt law lo recover money. It itppemimr lo lh" Miti-fnotion'of t?n Court, by iillidav't tlhd In this entire, that Ihe defeiuhinl, I" Piiikhum, i a uou-re!iU'iit or Ihls State ; ihat Ihe tilaiiitilf lm a cnu-e or action ngaiml the deleiuluut arising on a coiilruei ; Hint tlio defendant has jito-jn-rly in this Stum, and that the Court Inn jurlMrction of thu nilj.cet of Ihe notion : Therefore, ill Hie imnie nf llie iiiniiitii m' Mi.. State ol Oii-iroii. 3-011. Ihe m'd li. Plnklintn, are nipilri d (o nppeur in thu mid Court, on Ihc ih-M Momhiv iu Fi-lii-iiui-v. A. . isut. mid answer lh eoinplalnt lllmf amiin.-t von liV tlie lllahlllir. 01- llie tnm will tie lnlmn for fiimfeSM d utid-the praver thereof eianktl by tile Court. Witness ilio Hon. P P. lVm. Judge of paid Com I. WMl HOFFMAN. Cletk. Daltd at Jacksonville, Ihu '.Villi day of Oct . A. I) 18li2. .1 :.:im Wotico-To John MoCoy, JJ E. Vestal, II. 11. Frnmu nntl tlanitl Hnight. QTATK OF CALIFORNIA. In the Ju. O llcis' Court. Siii'lh K ver Towimllip, iu and Tor Ihe county of Del Nolle. Thu People of Hie Sluluof f-ilifornln seiut gr.-ellnir, to II. . Vestal. John McC'ov, 11. IL Fiamu mid Daniel Halirht : Voti mo hereby Munitioned lo nppuir Inf.' re ine.iit my ollice iu the townsh p ofSmilli Hiver, In Ihe county ol Del Nolle, oh the "iUft ilnj ; A. I) lS'll'J. at "1 o'eloik I'M., lo an-werunlti iheenutplabil of SimuixOkauy who niu- for two. luiiidi'id and i.ty-six m'd eighteen (iiie-huiuliidth-' dollar t'-lil! 1 IIHl. due on your note of liiiinl. dated thu tenth day ol May. A.I). IMS. when judg ment will be taken uguiiist you for the said miiuunt, touelher with eots and damage. If you full to upp'iir nnd unwi r. To the Slierilf m-uuv 6'.iu-lalili' of said county, greeting : Muku legal servicuund due return lureof, (5 veti nnd r my hand this -i.lh diiv of Au gust. A. I). IMS. PKTKIt SMVTIII:. Jubilee of the Peace of saul Township. (auulTIo uovl.'O la tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for tho County of Douglas. Ainu. !:. Mcfieii c('Ll! ) Action nt law to re ,.j j cover money. vs. A. C. Junk NoviiiilierTciiu. A.D. 18112. IT appearing to the snlbluelion of tho Court liy ulllduvb lib d-iu Hi s cause, that thedefe dant is 11 iiou-tes.deiit of this Slate, thai Ihe pliiiulilfliii" a euu-e of act lou against Ihu defendant arising 011 contract, and thai the defendant has inoperly iu this Statu, and that lh Court luiujiir.sil'cdou of thu stilject of tin aelioii 'Jf.tirftne. iu lliu name of tie? People of the Stale ol Oregon, you. Ihu said A. C. Ju.s'iitN are 1 jii!r d to npp'iu- in said Court. 011 the lnul .hoinlof (I'lhwi" Xovtmltr A. JJ. 1HH2, and iimwi ;'llie complaint libi'; against you ly the plainlilf. or Hie same will be taken for cmlo. 1? mid Ihe prayer llu'tvof grand d bv the Cmi-t. Witness, thu Hon. P P. PIMM Judge of. saldCouil. lb II. DKAItliOllN, mig2JSein- Clerk of DouulasCo. Datid, Ito-eburg. Aituilsl H. A.I). 18(12. Kstate of Jesse Roberts, l)oc'!i .TXIIKKKAS. n pelilinn has bet-n pre V? seiiltd lo the County Coin I. in and for thu County of Dottghc, and Slalu of Oiegou. ly S. F. Miishit, adiuiiiistralor, for an older to m)I Ihe Kent l)tate of Jesse UoIm rts d-'ci aei. nii"aring by such, petition, that llieie is not sulllolcnl1rvional inoperly to pay the allowance to Iho fam ily, and the ih.-hts oulstaudiiitr agalnst.tliu deceasid! nnd the expenses of uiluiinisira I If mi ; mid that, it Is uece.ary (o hell thu whole of thu Iteal It-luto fon'thu payuirut of such debts : Therefore, notleu U hereby given to all pin-on inleiiMl'd in said eslatu lo appear bel 010 me, at my officii iu Itosu bur if, 011 Moudny. tin' 1st1 day of December. A. 1). IHH2, mid show cau-e. if any (hero be, why uu older should not bu granted to the administrator lo sell Ihu real estate of lliu dt'censul. Ilv imy Midi ullowauoe.-,. charges uiid debts. WM. lb WILLI?. Judgu of Doimhis County Og'ii. Paled Oeloller 22. 1KI12. 4l'-4w To Donation Settlers.- IN pursiiuiico of the Act of Congress ' en titled uu Act to ivdiico lliu f.v)fiisea of Ihu H'irvey and sale of jiuldio bnuh, np pruvid'May !1K, le(12," Donation settlers ure required, Inforu thu IsMiiug of their final eerlitlcile, Im jmy- fees an follows :-for 11 ftlaini of omj iiuiidrid and sixty acres, Ilvo dollars ; three hundred mid twenty acres, ten' did l(v-v fclx huudidd and' forty teres, 111 teeu dollars. The hw can bo remitted by mail or cxpict-s. with stnitip to pay letuni' postage, upon Ihe receipt of whic1', the cer lillcate will bu pioinpliy sent lo the cluiin uul'ii uddrehs, iu Ihu older of it's ncuptlotu JOHN KFLLY, Hegbter. (auglHIwM OEO. K. lilHOCS, Kecelver. Laiul Olliee. Uoseinrg. UKn.. Aug. ,23. 'C'J. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Philadel phia, return. . lr the reliff of the Sick ami Dhl teased A Ijl'wtd with Virulent ami Vlntmic JJineatt, and fjHciulljf Jh'xwea of (he Stuuil Oiyuns, Medical Advice- given gratia by tho Act ing Surgeon. Valuable iiki-outs on Hi'iotM i- TOUIUEV or SKMINAl. W'KAKttK.Vi, Ulld Olllt-l- diseases of thv sexual orgausr and on. the NKW ftKMKPiK.' employed In tho Dispen sary, sent in sealed letter envelope free f charge. Address Ml. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, lluward Awooiutlou, Nor S wmtlrNiiith bt., v April 2(i,:i:y l,bUttU'jip:i:rt,P.i. r of