ZitTiA' itiiul Hi SACH BRO.'S JACKSONVILLE, riioloMalo dta Xl.otn.ll -DKAMCIM IN- mrnnm clothing ! AND ALSO IX Liquors & Tobacco New Goods! New Goods!! New Goods!!! IMMENSERECEIPTS - AND Grand display or NEW FALL. & WINTER AT SAGES BRO.'S WK'tnke pleasure in announcing. In Hit public lliui we liuvo just icccivcd u larger, more nltiouuUe and belter selected iitock ol FANCY AND STAPLE cLOTrarsra, BOOTS AND SHOES, HON NETS, J I ATS. SHAWLS. KM I1R0I DENIES, DRKSS 'HUMMING.?, lMIHUiNS, NOTIONS. ETC., ETC.. thin nny ever before brought to this market. Groceries ! Groceries ! ! Groceries ! ! ! WE have just opened the best and larg est stock ol' Groceries! PROVISIONS? Wines and Liquors, CIGARS & TOBACCO. EVER OFFERED HERE. OUR MOTTO, " QUICK SALES-SMALL PROFITS" we feel confident, will guarantee to us the ontinuanco of the pitrotiege with which our cn.t iiniTR Imve hitherto favored u ; nil the addition we Imve now ninde to our former lino of trade will, we hope, secure to ns the ba'aoce of the trading population of this town and vicinity, to nil of whom we promise prompt and polite attention. , Please call ami convince yourselves. SACHS HROS. . !" All sorls of marketable Produce taken in exchange for goods. Jucksonvi!!', Oct. 20,1802. Semi-U)((hh) Sentinel. BY OVERLANDJTELEGRAPH. LTKI.KOIIAl'IIKI) TO YKKKA lOH TIIK 8KNTINKI.. Dates to the 25th October. Lmih-ville. 23d. Train ant rminine rgitlarly to Ivhannn and Rowling Oieeii. St. Louis, 23d. Genual Morrill Icle graphs from North Mission i, that about fit) guerrillas surrendered their aunt to the Provost Marshal ol Mimiioo eoimiy. Colonel Chapman, child' of General Cur tis' shifT, who lam just arrived from a coun cil of over 10,0(10 Iialiaiw. in Southern Ivau-ns. pays they are anxious to light the rebel Indian rcgi'iients in their own wav. New Ymk, 23d. The Cambria with dates I rum New Orleans to the 12ih, litis arrived. The Delhi, of the Dili, stub s that the Iriiusp1 rt Ceres exploded off St. Joseph Mind. Twelve of the passengers and mw were l;ill(d. mid 21 injured some severely. (Ja'vton (Texn") papers received at New Orleans, htitc that several attacks laid been made upon Corpus Christ i by oar irtiiiboa's and nearly ivety house hit by shrit or shell. The gunboats were re plinl to by Imtteries. and haulid off. A dispatch from Mount Vernon, Ky.. of the 2IrI, says that Smith's division V Crittenden's corps. pni'Micd lite enemy to with'u . t(l miles o( Ciimhciland (Jap ; the eivnn flying in llw utmost precipitation, nad Iciving I r -ken down m-ii nt every mile of the march. Complete devastation marl fl til em my's trail. Tiny h .ve robbed tip mountain! ors of everylhintr. so that their Imnien-o train may not lie drawn up on until tli" last moment. Wu-hingtmi, 23d. A recnnnolspatiee from the Army of the Potomac to lltdgc villc, seven miles northwest of Martins burg, was made yesterday, by two squad rons ill" Pi'ittHylviiiitu cavalry. Our imce diove in tlie rebel pickets, and thcnchiirgid the body of rebel-; they look 10 prisoners, including two oflleers. Our loss nothing. The rebel left Murtin.sburg on Tiiiwlay. It is believed that it portion of them went to William-port, and u purl to Shcpaids town. New Yoik, 23d. The schooner Klinnor was burned on the Hudson river last night, four pel sous perished. FortP'SB Monroe, 22d. All the machi nists at Portsmouth, Va.. thirty in num ber, have suildi nly disappearul with all their tools. They are supposed to be ske daddling for rchordnm. Cairo. 23d. In const qnence of iuformn lion that 2,000 rebels wne advancing tor the purpose of allocking our forces on main land opposite Island No. 10, all property was leiiiovid to a place of safety. It is lepordd thai Gcncnils Van Dorn and iivell have been churgid with incompe tency, and oid'Ttd to report to Riehiiioud. There is no conliimation ol report that Van Doru was shot liy one of Pi ice's staff. Washington, 23d. The liitclligciircr publishes u long paper prepared by Con. Scott, datid Mai cb 30, 1 8(11 . describing the cniiisc he purMiid in the curly stums of rebellion, and the difficulties to contend with during Iluchauau's administration. The paper throws a Hood of light on the history of the rebellion in its incipient stages. It establishes the patriolie anxiety and wise watchfulness of the (Jem-ial in Chief to picpare for the coming storm, and his earnest repentid effort!) to ptevail mi Government to march on nnd secure Southern forts against attack. The causes of this failure, which is now evident, re sulted from the indecision of the exicutive. if not the members of Cabinet in whom the Pnsidint reposed misplncid and aluiscd coiilld' nee. The paper oflVets the abuse of journals regulated only by parly tests. Swi Francisco. 2fl1i.0n Sept. lf. Col lector It inkiii wiote to Governor Andicw nf Massachusetts, tendering a cava'ry com pany cominandid by Capinin Reed, First LiglH Dragoons of this cilv, the company furnishing everything but horses and pas Slice east. A telegram was received li day slniinj; that Secretary of War ha" nu'thoiiz'd Massachusetts to accept th: comimny. and the Mayor of Rostoti agrees to pay 8200 per man to cover transporta tion. ' Captain Heed commoners eulistimr and expects to sail by November 21st. Every Mian mul bo a ftot class rider, and nass a strict militarv examination. Colo nel Kewen has been relcusid from Alcatruz on takimr the oath. San Jose. 24th. P. Hernandez, sen tenced to be hneg hero to day, broke jail and murdered the jailor last night, and es fnn'd. The Sheriff offers u rewmd of 83.000 for his nrrest. P easant Valley. Oct. 24. Orders have been received in llnni-hle's camp to issue no more clothing than the soldiers can car ry comfortably in n fore d march. Hook er reioins the armv on Momhiv. L-banon. Oct. 23. Iurormation has lipcii rcocived that n bodv ol TitiO tebels encamped last night 25 miles west nf this pl.ice. A l'Ciieral loree was seni ngainsi them this moi ning. Nothing has yet been henrd ns to wiiat they have done. Guir rillna fell in with maifenuch yesterday, cop turimr five nassengcr with even thing. Cairo, 25, The contrabands hero aro suffering int n-clv from want oi clothing. Prom 800 to l'.OOO nunrlotcd in open buildimrs, many nuked ami nearly insti tute of bedding. Two died from expos ure, last niuht. Washimrton, 25. The following-is of fiend to General Hallick, from St. Louis : ' Our nrmles are ngiiln successful In Xorthwi stern ArkHiisn".' Gen. SrlinlKd finding that the enemy had eiicnniH'd at Pea lt'dge, sent Gen Bunt wiih 1st di visum westward, und moved towards Huntsvillc with his reserve. Gin. HIitM. by making a hard night's march, overtook aiid uttaekid the telads at Maysville. Ijear the Northwest coiner of Aikan-nis, ut one o'e'oek on the morning of I ho 22d. The enemy wereestimatidat 700 strong. Eul'iil'i ment lastid an hour, re-tilting in the total rout ol the enemy, and los of all les artillery. A battery of six pounder, n largo tiiimb'T nl horses and a portion of their trnn-iporlntion and gariNon irmip nvnts were eapiund. and our e.ivalry were "till in pursuit or the se.Htend fmces. G n. Rehofi-'lil pursued II ilalmaii bejond llimtvillli. when his force flul precipi Intelv lii'Viul Ibwlon Mountain. San l-'raneiseo. Oct. 20. Mr. Kelly, win wai sevep'ly injured by flting splint ers and being seiildeil by the oxp'tn'on of the boiler of the National II air mills, died ln-tt evening. Thl mnkes four who have been killed besides n number wounded. Tho caits" of Ill's dreadful calauiity is not exp'alned and probablv never will li". as both engineers are killed, one being nlvnt to relieve iho oilier. The rema'iis or Mr. Rowan, the jailor who was inhumanly outehered nt Sun Jose liy V, llernamlix. weie broindil hero yisterdny, and buried today. The steamer Gohh n Age arrived lhi oveti'ng vnl I50 passengers. Wn hieg'nn, 21th. (teieral Ibiell hnR In on lelioved fi"iti lliecnmiimnd of tin Un ion army in Kitititekv. General Himv emus is "ordered lo that position. One Day Lntcr. Cincinnati, 25 The fficial returns of the Ohio election show it demociatic majori ty lor Supreme Judge, ol 8.540. The demo cratic vote has increased 35,000 over last year. The republican vote Inn decreased 28.000. The total vote of the Slate ha fallen off 7.800. Cairo. 2(5ih. A Federal force, number ing 200 men, with one piece or artillery, s'alionid ut Waverly. Tcmi., was attacked Thursday last by 800 rebels. The hitler were icpnlsid. wilh loss of 24 killed, 25 captured und a large number wnnudul. Our loss is two killed and two wounded' Memphis, 25th. There is an alarming report lure this evening, that u fotce of one tlioiwuiid rebel cavaby has stationed itself nine mih 8 from heie. on Memphis and Charleston Ilailrond, and taken pos s s-ion of the line. They refuse to let any one come here Irom headquarters, in vicin ity of Newcomer, Payette county. Tonne see. This is. supposed lo bo the advance guard of a luryo force having, designs on I lie city. The reported abandonment of the ship Eric, of Hoslon, i.ff Ciih Horn, is con firmed. The sails had blown away. No boats were alongside, and nil hands prob ably perished. The Captain of the ship, reporter and -32 of the cn-w are known to be lost. She wan abandoned Aug. 18th. Private New Yoik advices quote gold. today, nl 32 per cent premium. t Frminink Auviskiis. It is n wonderful advantage lo n man, in every pursuit or avocation, lo secure on adviser in u sensitde woman. In women there is at once a subtle delicacy of tact, and u plain soundness of judgment, which nre rarely combined to mi wpial degree in man. A woman, if she be really your friend, will have a sensitive regard for your character, honor, repute. She will seldom counsel yon tu do a shabby thing, for a woman friend always di sin s to be proud of you. At the same timelier cnnsiiliilioimf timidity makes her more cautions than your male friend. She. I heref ore, seldom councls y.u: lo do an im prudent thing. Dy female IrieiuMiip 1 mean pure friendship that in which there is no Admixture of the passion ol love, except in tho married slate. A man's best female friend is n wife of good sense and good heart, whom he loves nnd who loves him. If he have that he need not seek elsewhere. Hut supposing the man lo be without such a helpmate, female friendships he must have, or Ids intellect will he without n garden, nnd there will be many an unheeded gupovm in its strongest fence. Ih'tter and safer, of ecu s mk-Ii friemMiips where dNpaiiliesnl years or cirenni'lances pat the idea of love iait of the question. M aldle life has rarely this advantage, youth and old age have. Wo may Imve female friendships wilh those much older and those much younger than ourselves. Moliere's old housekeeper was n gieat help to his genius : and Montaigne's philosophy takes both n gentler nnd u loftier character of wisdom from the date in which lie finds, in Maria do Gournuy. nn adopted daughter, certainly beloved by me," says Iho Horace of ossny'ists, "with more than paternal love, nnd involved in my solitude nud my retirement, ns one r f iho best pnrt ol my being." Female friendship, indeed, is to man. ' iimiiilmm ft (hilec deem " bulwark, sweetener, ornament of his exist ence. To his menial culture it is invalu able; without it nil his knowledge of books will never give him knowledge of the world. Uuhvcr Lytlon. Kmiqukncb at a Discount." May it pfeacc iho court." said n Yankee lawyer b fore a Dutch Judge, the other day, 'tnls s it case of the greatest Importance ; while he American eagle, whose sleepless eye watches the welfare of this mighty Republic, i ltd whose wings extend Irom the Ale ghanii s lo the rocky chain of the West, was pjoicing in pride of place " " Slilnp dare ! sthop. I nv ; vot has dis -nit to do mil eagles? It lias nothing to do mil the wild laid; it is von sheep!" 1 xe'aimnl the justice. True, jour honor, but my client has ijirhlu"' " Y ur glient has no right to de enple." " Of course not ; but the lawa of lan guage " " vol rures T for the laws of langunge. oh? I iindeisiaial de laws of the Stale and d.it ish enough for me. Confine your in k to de ease." " Well, then, my client, tho defendant in tlii ea-e, is charged with stenliiu a sheep, and-" "Dal will do! dat will do! Your cli ent is charged mit stealing n sluop. shusl nine shillius, D court will adjourn.'' Tun M Alien to TtiK GitWB. What a mighty procession has la en marching to ward the grave during Iho year! At the usual ot!miito, since tho 1st of October, 1801, more than 31.500.000 of the worlds population have gone down to earth agabi ! Place them in a long array, and they will give n moving column or more than thir teen bundled to ewry mile of the globe's eireiimfen nee. Only think of it; ponder and look upon these astounding computation.-. What a spectacle, as they move on, tramp. Irnuip. ha ward upon this uttipcu dinus dead inarch ! " Life Is short, and time is fleeting. And our hearts, thnuidi strong and brave, Still like innninl ill huh are healing Funeral mm dies lo to the grave.'' An Incipknt in IIatti.r. A Ftory is told of the veteran Sumner ut the battle of Aiitictam. Hs sou. young Capiain Sum ner, a youth of 21. wits on his stall'. Tin old man calm y stood, amidst a storm of snoi aim sueiis. ami iiiruen io tcuu mm tin otigh ii doubly raging fire, upon a mis sion ol duty, lie might never see his buy again, but ins country etirtued his life, and as he Inokul upon his young brow, he grasped his hand, encircled him in his ami", and fuiid'y kissed him. " Good-bye, Sam my," " Good-lcyo, father," and iho youth mounting his hntse. rode gaily on the mes sage, lie tcturuiii umiaimeu. anu again Irs hand was grasped witli a cordial" How d'ye do. Sammy '! ' answoiod by a gra-q) of equal iiffoiion" The scene was touching; to those around. Gknkiiai. IIookkii. A Washington cor respondent of a New York paper, imder dale of October 2d. s.ivs : Gcncnd Hooker rode into Iho cilv to-day in a carriage. I le appears to be full of ner vous energy. He i. ic ported as having said that Itiehmoinl might have been immedi ately taken afier the bailie of William long. and that Lv's army might have been dest roved at Antietam. A Dutchman thus diseribes nn nccident: Vonoe u long while ago. I went into mine nbbh: orchard, to climb a bear tree, lo get some peaches to make mine vrow a blum budding mil ; nud vin I gel on the to'obermosl branch I vail down from the lowermost limb, mit one leg on both sides of defence, and liku lo stove mine outside in. mm Wi:u what next ?"sanl Mrs. Parting ton, as she interrupted Ike. who was read ing the war news" the pickets were driv el in five mile! IlVs my poor soul, but l hat will make a strong f-nce. I suppose they had to be driven in deep, to keep the Secessionists from digging out under them." Tiik following i suggested ns a suitable epitaph for John Dell's tombstone : Here lies John Hell, This marble under, He's gniii) lo well I shouldn't wonder! Tam. gentlemen nre nlway successful, hectiu-e the Indies nre fond of Hymen. Publisher's Notico.-Subscribers who wish to pay for their subscriptions to the Skntinki. in wood, are requested to deliver it ns soon as possible ; nnd those who pre fer to pay their subscriptions in Oats, Hay. Hatter, Eggs, Fruit, or nny other article that can readily be dlspo-ed of at market rates, shoiilil do so before the fall ruins set in. County Commissioners will hold no adjourned session on Monday, the 3d day of November ensuing. Ily order of the Donrd of Commissioners. Wm. Hoffman, Clerk. October 10, 181)2. 101.1 B OlKS. All the Standard Works for sale nt the VARTRTY STORK. F LOUK A ND PRODUCE taken In ex change for Merchandise, nt July 1 0.-27 M A X M U f J.TCR'S. 1)A01v-SADDLKS constantly on hand my Harness und Saddlerv establish ment. 1ft HENRY JUDGE. TUHl'lUKS' 1ILANKS for sale at .J THIS OFFICE. MAX MULLER, SUCCESSOR TO J. A. BRUNNEll k. BROTHER The undersigned, having purchased from J. A. Ibumur & iliollicr their entire Stock of Merchandise, Now offers the s imc for sale at Greatly Reduced Prices, POr Octsjla.- Tho stock consists of Drj & Fancy Goods BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, And. In fact, a varied assortment of article pertaining to the General Merchandise biuiucts. LADIES nml GENTLEMEN please to give me n call, nnd exnmlno the Goods and learn the Prices, before you make your purchases. Do not forget the place the Brick Store heretofore occupied ley Urunner it flro. MAX MULLKH. Jacksonville. July 111. IHII2. 27 WE have this duv sold our stock. of mer chandise to Mr. Max Mn.i.mt. From our friends and putroiis wo would solicit for Mr. Met.i.Kit n contiiiuano of their lib eral patronage. J. A. M.UXN'ER &. HRO. Jae.k-oiivlle. July 12th. lSii'J. 27 JXS $IOO Itewaril! TiV For any case, of Svphills, in any s'tage. willed Dit. Lv. niciiH.ui'H Got.m:x IUi.sam falls to cure. No comment is necessary on this medicine, it stands entirely upon its own tiuequaled merits ; It has cured thou sands who have wasted handsome fortune-', and will cure thousands more. Golden bal sam No. 1 for Hot and second stages, such as sores upon the legs or other parts of tin' body, sore eyes. etc.. etc. Gohlen Ilabam No. 2, for Tertiary. Mercurial und Syphilitic KlieiimatiHii. Price. S.'t per bottle; upon receipt of this sum we will ship to any part of Iho State. Notici:.-Wo have m agents for this medicine, and arc sole pro prietors and inumil'actums. All order must he d reeled lo us to obtain the gen uine. Olcerve well the manufacturerV name upon each Inside lal-cl. We guarantee a perfect ami lasting euro. TMCIIAUDS A WIIITFltiLI), Importers. Wholesale und Itclail Druggist. Corner or Clay and Snn Mimu streets. 1111 Kniucisco. Also, Sole Agents for the Celebrated Spanish Ami iiotk. a preparation iiuvcrkuown to full, lor the cure of Gleet, Gonorrhoea, Ir ritation, Gravel, all Urinary de rangements. None genuine without our circular of , Golden Ilalsam wrupp j839 ed arounilthe bottle. :m 3p-n- 7VjLre Hoie 2 Is 75 Per Cont. CHEAPER ! Than any otjiku kino ok kopk Why? DtTAi'-tK. Compared with any other Rope ol tipial strength, it is from Font to six timen MOIIK iiuiiaih.k! Uf.cacsk, it is FoitTY per cent. umiTKu! Hkcacsk, It is less Ihan onk-hai.f the diame ter, and only oni:-.sixth of the nui.ic I Dkcausk, It is fivk timi:s the strength of the same size of the ni:.ie hook! Dkcausk, it does not ktuktch or hiiuink, in dry or wet weather! Dkcausk, it does not aiisoiiii watkii, nmi double its original wkiuht! Ukoausk, it is ns I'i.iaui.i: as the other rope of equal strength ! Wire Hope is the only kino of Rope thai can be iim1 to aovantaiik. for hoisting from deep shnlls and iucllia-d planes, toe long Pump Ropes, Derrick Guy Ropes, Ferry Ropes, eto. etc. Those who have once glveu our Wire Ropes a .trial, will usk no oTitKii, at any price. Circulars giving scales nf weights and strengths, priees, testimonials, etc,, will be forwurded by addressing the minufae turers. or tin ir agent- throughout thuSluk'. 3l-3m A. S. IIALLIDIHit CO., Clny fttl-t-vt.-ild, Sll Finer lwi. LOVK & DI.GKlt. Agirt. Jncksonvdle. A LOST WIFE. On Wednesday idghi. October 22d. four Chinamen Mole the wife of OU YU AP. from IiIh h'omuiii Jack sonville. S.ild wife is itbou( 22 .years of ago. Any person who will return Uiu fair Celestial to the disconsolate On Yu Ap, 01 will give any information that will lead In her recovery, will bd liberally rowuvicd by him. Address Town MarMial,.bieksoiivllle. Oregon. Oct. 2f, 1852. -i2u TACKSONVILLE JOINT STOCK MIX .1 ING COMPANY. Qn Monday evening next a meeting of the Company will h hehi nt tho Court House, at which iiaportuni busincsH is to bn transacted. A general at tendance, is desired, llv order of Preside.nl. W.M. HOFFMAN. JackPonvJUo, Oclo)er '21st. 1SK2.