NEW ADV1UITISI2IIII2NT. $acli$ Bios Jacksonville, Oregon, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, HUMBLE CLOTHING! AND A LSO IN Groceries 1 jpzrO-visjioaDLjs, Liquors & Tobacco. mm"t mmtwmmnimmammmaaatatmsmaitmKamaaaKmmamumatmimmaamima THE OREGON SENTINEL. SATUIIIJAY, - - Our Allnlcig Ititcrcnt. ArrLKOATK, Juchsoii (hmnly, Orciton, ) ttoll.liur .1 IflRO f - OCT. II, 1802. .1,-. Editor: Tlicro Is one Interim ilmt mi. --. dcrllcs the prosperity of Southern Orccon.nnd 8asitait Fumi. Ashland IVcclnet Iim re-. the Stntc nt large, Hint It Is more than possl- sponded noliljr. Two litindmt nml seventeen ( blu both people nnd Legislnturo will give no dollars la n largo mm Tor n spnrsc'ysellled .attention to, nnd tlmt Is the wining Interest. neighborhood. Well ilonc for Ashland. Judge Tolmnn, ll:o energetic ngent, ray ho Is not llirounli yet. I.ct Ilic good work go on. Wo have liceti handed n list from .Mr. Etan, Committeeman of Pleasant Creek l'rectnt amount subrcrlbcd, $49. Alto n list from ltock I'olnt; ninont given, S20 50. We shall publltli I'o every Intelligent citizen wholias studied Ilic locnl lows regulating the same In the two Stiilcs of the Pacific, one Irnlli Is self evident, tlmt, under their opcrullon, the miner Is os no madic ns the A rub, mid os migratory ns the wild goose. At every cry of rich diggings the list nest week) they came too lute for this j bclnff 8lrl,ck ' oul oflhe-woy places In oar ,i, iC. uorlhirii mountain, wholo districts of conn- No remittance h yet been made lo Mr. Hoi-, try nrc duuidcd of Its population farmers brook by Mr. llctkman. We hope the I'nxlnct nru left without consumers, store-keepers with. Mew Goods! Hew Goods ! ! New Goods ! ! Agent will nttend to the matter as soon nspos slble, and remit the amount p.ild by each pre cinct to Mr, Dcekmuii tit the curliest practicable moment. out customers, and importers and jobbers without remittances to meet their engage, mcnls ami why is lit Simply, because the locnl laws allow such n (mull amount of ground to iv claim, nml surround all claims with so many restrictions, nml leave open so much freedom to jumpers, loafers nnd oilier dirrcputn'jle chnrnclcrs, to invade his rights, Pmn Unovr.N A very obliging correspondent, under dale or fith instant, thus writes us fiom llrowntown, Joirplilnc county : A fatnl minim? nccldi nt rertirmt hen? titelv. TIlilyof .Mr. Pctir Drown was found on l'"I'H l'i Mor, and often, by force, deprive his claim, near Grass Plat, on Wcilumliy j ,,,,n r ,,, P"Ply, thai there is no ,Wuk evening, Oelober 1st, badly mutilated. Me '""'' ,0 lllu "'wl'tous nnd sober miner to had been mining for some time, and n,8c,t,c ,,ow r,lr Klo.brlng out his wife nnd hrgu ruck is ttipivwi to have fall.n on Mm. cMMrcn, or Ills swcct-licnrt, and become a The body had probably laid on the claim Tor permanent resilient or the btalc. Our lulu a wcik before It was dicovcrcd. Mr. Drown lnB cnmnumlty nlso present the anomaly In formerly livid near Juckionvllle. but had re- n,,r "H"mh Uovcrnmcnt or having repre IMMENSE RECEIPTS AND GRAND DISPLAY OF NEW FAJLX & WINTER GrOOdS, AT Sachs Bros9 Cheap Cash Store. sided far several years upon this creek. lie leaves mi only child, n daughter, ubout fifteen yur old. Finn Knuink. The proposition submitted to the votes of this lonn on Saturday lust, to levy n tax of five mills tier cent, on the properly within lids municipality, for the pur. posool purchasing n lire engine, failed, by u majority of eighteen against It. The vote scntullon without taxation, nnd thus gvesrisc to n favored clas. a thing so lulmlcul to our In stitution. At the last session of the Califor nia legislature, they endeavored to " tnke Ilic bull by the horn," but fulled In their attempt, nnd, In addition, nrc now being gorul lodcatli by fifty or sixty thousand Cliliumcn, who I awe desolation btlilud them, nnd who ran never assimilate with u In cither language, religion, or blood. Muny of our people seem wns light, none but the large properly holders to think Ilmt it is nnconlllullonul In the taking much Interest In the subject. Well, II they do not want nny uilirjit tto protection from the ravages of lite, we don't know a any bixly has a right to complain. Jackson ville Is a very combustible town, but so far It has escaped more forlunulily than nny of its rivals. Wo hope It ruling star nuy crer continue in the ascendant. CinrciT Count1. The Circuit Court of Ilic Slntc lo pass laws regulating mining on the public lauds. I nsk, Is It constitutional for Srhnitdl of Prussia, llyun from 1 1 tin ml and llolhrook from Mussuchiifctls, to do it f can two foreigners (who may not hnve been not urnlizid), and n native-born clltzjn do that which the Rtnto In her tagMiitlvc capacity cannot doT Awiiy wills such toni-fonlery the .Stole not only hat the right, ilefncta us .Slate of Oregon for the First .Tmllelul lllu. .wl1 " 'Vrr. lo tin It, hut she Is derelict In 1t. ianr pleasure in announcing I I PllllHC 1"tir, stork ut to the we lmc liii ncciveil ...... r . muii favuoiiablt and bitter ttlctM Ilmt FANCY AND STAPLE OLOTI-irN'G-, BOOTS AND SHOES BONNETS AND HATS, IIAVI.S. KMIIllOIDKIUKS. DUKdd-TmlMINOS, rmiiioN.s, NOTIONS. inc., kto., i-rro.. Uib tny crtr Inforc brought lo this inurket. trlct, I Ion.. lodge I'rlm presiding, has been In session nt the Court I limn', In this county. during the week. The civil docket wns not quite os large as mimt. Tlio chancery box has Ikvii emptied of some of Its chronic cucs. Three ludlctmints bare been found by the (irand .Jury, up to dale (the 11th), nnd it is still in srsiion. Judge Prim Is putting the c-ihs through with rommcnd.iblc energy. her duty when she does not take the necessary slips to foster, aid, prottct nnd regulate the Industrial pursuits of her people, nml bring tlio loom, the unvll, and the miners pick along s'de (he plough nnd the harrow, nnd thus maken maiket on the hind for the produce of I lie land. The relation that the Untied States bears lo the Mtntu in regnrd to the public lands I that of n pioprittar, or Iruikv, nml Ilic Slate, In her Constitution, or organic net, agrees not lo levy State or county taxes on the some until sold or otherwise parted with by raid proprietor, or truster. In view, then. of the need the Slate has for rcvenua to build Xatost and Important! At a laic honr last night wo received lie Sacramento Union of the 7 lb, containing important eastern news. To bo In tine lor the malls, wo nrc obliged lo go to presj with but a brief epitome j The Continental Telegraph win In working order last evening, but owing to the pressuro of privntc dispatches we did not receive the news nntP n very late hour, which precluded nny attempt nt direful analysis. The dis patches nro multitudinous. The main feature is the anouncement of a great battle and n glorious victory nt Corinth, on llie 3d nnd-llli of October. The forces of Kwccrons nt that point, were ntlncked by Ino combined forcis of Price, Yandorn, nnd Lovcll, nnd the awault was pressed with desperate determination, with a view of mulling Ilorecrnns before the nrrtval of the divisions of Ilurlbut nnd On!. Hut they were met with rqunl resolution and superior generalship, and, after n bloody struggle, compelled to retreat, leaving their dead, woumUd, nnd many prisoners. The Union loss Is nlo reported heavy. Itoccrans was promptly In piinult. ntid,nt the date of the latest ndilcct from that quarter, the enemy appeared to be caught between tlio forks of the llntchlc river. The victory Is confirmed by ofllctal dlspntchc frm General Grant, who Is hopeful of the cap ture nnd dispersion of the rein;! army. Ilurll'ii forces were prer sing tlio enemy hack In Ken tucky, so that It Is doubtful whether the latter will lie able lo concentrate for n decisive stand. There has been fighting In Southern Mis sourl. but the results are unimportant. In Vir ginia, I.ce Is believed to bo retreated cit'l of the mountains and below tlio Itupldan, and we do not hear of nnj movement to prevent the execution or this design. The ittclimmidjournaltils evidently feel bad nbout President Lincoln's proclamation, as well ns on account of tlio tremendous preparations of the Government, They laiiglud nt the new levies until I.ce nnd Jnckfon tested Ihoslamnla of a few of Ilic ow ones In Maryland. Now the usurpers nrc urged to pul forth liiulr utmnt strength to meet the onct of this overwhelming force, or the relic! enure Is lost. That is nn ntivlous destiny, now, which Illclimond Hiving c.innnt avert. Garatlildl will come lo Amer ica to right fur the stars nml stripes. U.1U-IJ1H.H.JH WAHREN LODGE No. 10, A.T. & A. Iff. JR HOLD their regular communications trriho weiincMlay i;vculng on or preceding Vtbc.full moon, in OIIV. O. W. (HIKER, "W. II. Dr.ooM, .V'y. M. OREGON CII APTEU NO. A O F- ; ROYAX ARCH MASONS, j a cjcso x vi 1. 1. a, o n ko o x, Will hold Its regular communications on the Flrnt HntnrtU)' lurching ofErcrr Month. All sojourning Companions In good standing nrc cordially Invited lo attend. W. U.S. HYDE. H. P. Jas. T. Ui.ks.v, Scc'y. decS: 17 Ii. Don mo. P. II. Lynch, the gcnllemnnly proprielor of tlio well-known " Express Sa loon," lia nlso becomi) proprietor Of the " El Dorado," fitted it up In lino stylo, and is rendy to receive Ids friends nt his new stand oi well n C"P""I "'Hi'' lr dignity; lo build n lr-....f I. - f as nt the old. niaie rrisou ami purciiasc n milt square sur We gnvo n freo rnlrrlnlnment. on n very rounding It sulteil to farming, brlik-maklng. liberal scale. .Monday evening last, nml nil quarryiin;, nml lima iiuriitiw. nml nmkc it iy. speuk of It in high pralre, us n very picas unt affair. supporting, nnd do away with I he ofouiys tern ol hiring out our criminals to sclfidi nnd speculative men I propose that ull citizens Indian Mimints. The linmiirrnnU who have reaclnil the Dulles nre uniform In the statement that large mi mliers of whiles have been murdered this sennn by the Indian. Then' has been no general tnm'iicre, but when ever there wns nn opportunity In cut olTslrng cling white men, it wn Inviiriubly done. The Hi nernl opinion Is, thai bad w'hlte men nre nmnng the Indians, incltint: them to deeds of blood. Home of the ImmlL'innls, when nenr l-ort Hull, distinctly rccniriitail n whlln man in company with the Indian, nnd in fiu'lil siib'rquently Ihn body of a while man and Ihosn of llirei' Indium were found nn the field of battle. As In former season., the nnek have been the rwwl trnnblesnme.nndnrc lelleveil In liave been parlies In nil the mur ders that hiivr lrn commlltril. In connec tion with these Indian murders, wo may slnle Hint n very bad feellns now exluts In tlio Ner. ivrro irlix ami Hint many or Uumo nro ciiim orous for war. The prwneo of the whites upn.i their laiul Is distasteful to many of lliem and the wnr pnrlv, hendeil by "Iviglc from Hie I.'irlit. Is ilaily gaining ernnnil. Iwver Invigorflte tho System. Vigorous dlgev tlon nnd puro bile produce nutritious blood, and nutritious Wood n henlthy frame. Does the victim or n dypeptle stomach and n disor dered liver dclrc to know how the llKCthni may lie Imprnvid. the bile and other fluids of thu body purlned ? Dn. I!osTKrrnrt' Stomach DtrrKrts will ncconiidlfb this dcslrnhic revolution In Hip system, regulating the secrctlousnnd excretions, giving tone to the animal Juices which dissolve tlio food, strengthen nvery relaxed nerve, mus cle nuu nnre, nun nrings llio wiiole innclilnery or vllallty Into vigorous nnd healthful play. Sold by nil DruggiM nnd dealers everywhere. INIMITABLE HAIR RESTORATIVE. IT IS NOT A DYE. Hut restores gray hair to its original color, by supplying the capillary tubes with natural sus tenance, Impaired by ago or disease. All in iLmtdiieoui dytt are compost d of lunar taiuiic, destroying tlio iltallly and beauty of the hair, and nlTord or themselves no dresulng. Helm street's lulmllublu coloring not only rcxtorcs hair lo Its natural color by nn easy proccs, but gives the hnlr n promotes Its growth, prevents Its railing off, eradicates the dttidrnlf.und Imparts health ami pleifanlncs to the head. II has stood the test nt lime, being the original halrcolorliig. nnd Is cuii'lantly Incrni'lne In luvcir. Usui by both gentlemen and ladles. It I sold by all reixMniiie ueaiers, or can uc procuretl ny itiem of I). 8. I)aiin:s, Proprietor, Xew York. Two, Allc. nml SI. cnw2i'y Smith A D.vvh, of Portland, Agents. Hodnction in Prices! BEST WORK DONE AT LOWEST RATES. BLAOKSMITIIING TIITJ undersigned announces to present pa trons nnd the public that he ha re- J duccd the price Tor nil kinds or work in ri his line, to conform to Ilic times. A 3-cxss snor Is In the building formerly occupied by Wm. Uurke. on Qiltfornia Strtet, ditttlly Etl if Civs' gogt If rum I btuua. i.vcry species in worK uonc in inc uesi manner and with quick dispatch. Plough Irons inntlcniul rcprtlrcil WAno.v, CAnniAGE AND stage work Executed In the neatest nnd strongest manner. mining Tools, I'lclts, Hurt, fee, made lo onler, of the very bist materials, In the most approved styles. Particular nltcntlon glcn to c-n HOUSE-SHOEING, s for which (he prlco Is reduced to $3 nnd $'l tiikhltt. 1'ijitim made nnd titled exactly to onler. Ills slock or Iron and Steel Is or (Irst quality, nnd all work done nt bis shop WAtiltiNTKii. ALEXANDER .MARTIN. Jnclonvlllc. March !, tifll. ml9:&lf REDUCTION OF TRICES -IK- EAGLE MILLS ! Stoves & Tinware. G. B. BOKKSS -AT 1IM- Stovo and Tiawaro Shop On Third Street, between tho Exprcn Saloon and Dowcll's Law Office, Jacksonville. Oregon, Keeps cotislnntly on hand the best patterns -or -COOKING STOVES. PARLOR STOVES. SALOON STOVES, And every kind of Tin, Iron and Conncnraro, nIdcs a great variety of Culinary article too numerous to mention Persons wMilng any thing In my line arc re spectfully Invito! to call and examine thequnl lly arid prices of my ware. Kve-y kind or JUll WOKK done lo order. ?!' cm ii AVait ltr'nliil X'lhntit I linia GEORGE It. DORRIS. Jackrontillc, Nov. D, I8UI. Vi EXPRESSSAL00N BY P. II. LYXCI-T. loor to NOTICH Is hereby given that Ilic EAGLE i .;,, ,t . t'.nt o, , . n . i . MILLS nre again In rumilng ordir. and , "M0"" '' V'" ' "''J; '' " Hint we nru ngaln ready to furulsli our nuiner- uttkman t l.xprfi VJJhe, Lonirr or Cnliniriilnnml Tlilnl Mltttts. T WOULD rcpectfully Inform my old friend at the Mill n"a "l0 public penerally that I luivrjurt Tut: M:iiiCAiwvuSi'uoi(.'.i. UtriTL'TK or l)r. L. J. CV.ii'K.iv Is alrca !y secured In n ponltlon which places It. ns well ns Us iironrletor. far uliovu thu asu.iulls of envy and professional malice. In the schools of I'm nee, the highest prizes nro nwurueti to prncHliourrs In llils di'partmi'iil of Medical sulence, itinl I'jey occupy "llli others an tonally lofty iMisltlun In the prufrvlnn. Itlcord Is nn illustrious exam ple, n shining light among thu plilloophlcul liir or Ids auo In Europe, nnd Dr. CVupkay has Tully equullid him In this cnunlry, us n proor or which, the Philadelphia College or.Med.ciiiv complimented him with a diplomn nml llie linn iiraryiiirKmrMdi'gri'e. Selecting this ushln Held r operation, nltlmtmh ipiabllntas n cnidualeul Hiu UHiverxllv of IVkIIi. nml Lite Chier Surtreou ol the Ilungiirlaii Revolutionary Army, Tor moru extended labors, Dr. L. J. Cznpkay has bi'lit his enmeit ntlenllon In the cure of chronic dUrases. In which ho has bvcnmu so great nn expert that he Is now ii'uunlcd as the leader In Ihls brunch of his prorewlon throughout the unlleil Males, nuu Ills portrait ana blogrupliv are publikhid us matter of Interest lo tlieir rendi'rs In Hie mint i'.clulc jnuruals. The Doctor's olllccs nro at Ids Mcdlcnl mid Surgical Imllliite, on S.icnimviilo St., comer or Leides. dorir, nearly oiintto the hulldlnirs or the I'n- clllc Mall Sleitui.hlp Company, it-.. ...i. .i... .. ....1....1.... i. .. . , itvum inn yai 111:111111 hiiuiiiiuii ui iiur irutl ous cuitomcrs with the Best Flour in tho Country. Every sack ground nnd racked warranted lo no (ioixi l lour. JEririlE ROIIINSON, Per .lii'Ki'ii Jauuii, Agent. Aililaml,.Mny 1.1, leU'J. 18h XXJaL.mVL.7W32!tS!ti &JJD3O31j0E13EtrSr i returned rromSan lrnnclco with one or the I Host Selected SIocIch of both i FOREIGN & DOMESTIC ; DLiICTTODES., I Fine Wines, Cordials, .Syrups, nrc nrc. remnlnes frlemlly. but his Inlluenec wltli llm crs to the sworn ccrtlllcnlvt or remarkable cures, Irlbo Is smnll, nnd wilt lo lint n short way In nvrrlliu wnr. A croud council of the nntlnn Is In beheld In the cnurso of the present month "Out Em-.TI,o large buuch of plum!, ... .., dl, ,,, . I w, ' "."..r.r" '?- sent u, la., we, k was n present from Mr. James " nml . Kr ' B..H "ff led .i'rtlTta.lhiJi h Thornton, of I'lucnW, nnd not from Mr. Wag' i the same, as Imol laborers, pay In advance to iter, as wc lateil. Lat summer Mr. Wngijer sent ii n tremendous boli, hnnglog nmaxlngly Oil! nf rr.1 iirrnnttf ulilrli un nrr.1i-li ,1 i n ,,mv.rn,i..iniMn,ir;'iiJ ilmt lie or they shall receive n kciuc for the County Treniurcr the sum ol ten dollars for null clulm, nml for each laborer o hired, on having " got even" nt Mr. Thornton' e.v penio. Tiunkk! Tlio alitor, proprielor. printers nnd devil, all unite In thanks to E, K, Ainlcr son, for two largo buckets-full of lmclmx eaches. Some peopto think there Is no ltliin In Ihu prayers of the wicked; but It ts nil n mis take. Mr. Anderson left last rptlng ror the northern mine. Remembering the " goodies " ho gave us last ycir, our exdeill has been the same, which will hold good one year from dale; that on cur qunrlz veins the prercnt law shull be so amended as to allow one liun- drill und llliy feet on each side of the vein, Hit lite, then we bo for n wnr of extermination. The whole rnro is worthless, and Is nhont time lhy were wlpnl nut. The next Indian wnr should be the last nf llie kind nnd we mistake the spirit nf our people If they leave rnnueh of them In brretl a further disturbance. jloiiiifiiiwrrr, Oct, 1. .Mr. Wilson, lately nrrlvttl from Ihc tipper mitry. Inform the Time, that on the filh country, s.une, nnd the rigid to bold for same distance as original clulms nil blunt veins that may Ih struck that, on placer diggings, the nmnunt of ground allowed Is not lo exctvd eighty nM.uc rods on norlh, (oitlh, east nml west praying for his return before peach lime, ami j li,,M- nni1 ,0 ,,c marI,c'' bf ulMtnnllal slakes right of wny for titnhels on cither sldo of the i SfplemlHT. nl Elk City, n man by the nam" of . l-iuicau nilackul n man hv Hie name of .Mc- he has come I Don't you reo lit Gr 'occrics t Groceries ! ! Groceries ! ! ! TV. have Just opened tho it it and urg iiocu or Wn.coMK. Quito n large number of our " path fiiulerii " liuvc safely arrlvnl home ngaln from the northern gold field. 'I hey don I seem lo have very flittering mllons in regard to the richness of the " " diggings, They arc decidedly of Ihc opinion that nil Hie great water courrcs have paid from Portland to Iiwlilon. "Can any good coma out of Nnicrelli?" Whllo every community on llie Coast lcon trlbuting lo llio Sanitary Relief Commission, wc hear of nothing living dono for that object In Josephine county. This hould not bo so; for, while the has nut Union men enough, those tho has nro " ns good as they make Hum." Gi oceries ; PROVISIONS! Wines and Liquors, OIG-ARS fit TOBACCO, nr eft-red here. OUR MOTTO, "Quick Snlcs& Small rrofi.s," efcl conOdent, will gunranlcc lo us the con lioumco of ho patronage will) which ourcus lmers have hitherto favored us and the ml 'nlon we have now madu to our former line ' trde will, wo hope, secure to us tho bal ve of the trading population of this town l vicinity, to all of whom we promise fwpt ami polite attention. i lease call ami convince yourren w. 8A01I8 DUOS. ifty-AII torts of marketable Produce taken krichniige for good. acKconvllic, riupt. -'O, ioos. Thanks Mr. P. D. Mull has the best wliliw of this office for n basket of line, deli cious peaches. Ous devil has lecii in ccslucy ull this wctk, nnd thinks himself the most pop ular mail in all creation, Skk Club list for 18M, nl thu Post Olllce, lor UodeyV, Pcleon, nnd Author's Magn- zincs, nlso Harper's and Lci-slits' Magazines and illuslralttl pipers, American Agrkullur 1st, nud Imisvlile Journal, SAMTAnv Comjiissiox.- Ilon.J. O.ToImnn, Sanitary Coiniiilllci'innn for Aililaul Precinct has rcceivtil the following sums from llie per sons named below, und paid the ume over to (J. 0. Deekman, Esq.: I. D. Applegntc,S20 00, F. firuf TheresaAppleKatcSOOO, l'laiimbauni . Morris Howell.. . 5 00 John Cblnumen. J. 0. Tolmau . . .20 00 Mrs. I. yr. . . J. l. Walker, . . 20 ooll. V. Myer M. M cklcfon.... 5 oo w.v. Jiyer. R, II. llagurdlue 6 00 John Murphy . 2 30 Jutiu Devlin 2 SO Felix Kelly 2au Eher Emry 0 00 John lluilso 2 00 Chs. K. Klum . . 10 00 I,.Wsliy 2 50 M. Murphy 2 50 Joseph Jacobs... 5 00 II. Fox'.. oOO . 5 00 . 2 00 , 6 00 0 00 .10 00 yer io uu Mrs. E. Walker 10 00 II. F. IJuran 10 00 Martha A li.iran, A 00 Richard Evans. .. 5 00 A.G. RockarellowlO 00 Master E. ltocku fellow 87 Mines Walker ... 15 00 I', Dun A00 Total.. ..2TTa7 O.N7HK WlNO. JoH-ph Lano has sold out his mud patch In Umpqua. and It may bo h dying Irom hU lur-olf Pacific homo to lend all the powers or his arm and Ills head In defence or"--oiiwbody. It's of no iim to try, low! ; that " arm," ami that ' head," arc played oul. at each corner, or fenced, with the number of license und name of owner, nml Ilmt license on nil claims is to bo renewed wllhln thirty days nfter expiration, or the claim will be sold by Treasurer for ndvuucc license nnd costs, after two vks' notice in llie county paper, nnd that If tho owner, or owners, do not redeem the same within thirty iluyn nflir sole, by pay ing double the license nud coils, t lien he for feits Ids title nnd the rnmo is vested In the parly purchasing. In Ihu belief, .Mr. Editor, that legltlalloii is imperatively needed in our mining pursuit, that no mot mining claims should be allowed lo bo sold lo Cliltmmcn, or to any man of color who cannot by thu Con stitution of tho United States become a citi zen of the Mine, and that whotesnmo laws by Ihc State will bo hailed by ctery ludustrlous nnd inUlllgcnt miner with delight, and Hut lie will come forward promptly to bear Ids proper proportion of tu.millon to curry on our Gov. eminent, nml without which its wheels would be clogged, I subscribe myself, with respect nnd esteem, your obedient servant, IIiUkonia. EMKiiiATiojr. 'I'hc Portland Christian Ad rotate suys : .Mr.'l'homas A. Wood, nn old Origoniiin, returned by the overturn! route this wceH. He says 20.001) wagons craved llie (mire, nod shot him three llni'fi with n revol ver. Tho wounded man was taken cure of by his frit luN, his wound ilressu! by n doctor, nud lln'1) put to Iks I ; but during the lilght Pinnlgnn eiitertd the nppnrlment ol Ihc woun ded nnd murdered him by culling hi thront from car In car, and leaving llio knife In his lliront. l'lnnlt'iin wns arrested and con fessed Ids cullt. nud wo sentenced to lie hung on the lOlls. Tim scaffold was erected, the roK plnci-d round Ids neck, the drop fell ; but when he dropped from tho scaffold, the knot hail slipped and the prisuimr wns uninjured. nu "in ininuiiiniciy urrvsicti ny ins iricnil, who declared that he Inn) been hnnsr necordlni; io Ihe senlenco, nnd Ilmt no further Injury should be done lilni. Tlio prlsouor made ids ccoc. tQf fmrty of twelve persons who left Au burn In July lust for the Hlates, when beyond Port Hull, were attacked by Indians, and' five of their number shot. Two of them died from their injuries. The balance succeeded In ma klnir their wny luck, some nf them being now nt Ihc town of Auljimi.-.loiliiMiiircc In another column of this paper. Idem Agricultural Tools Por Silo vt Oont s 20 Steel-point PLOWS, complete of various size. ; 1 Cast PLOW ; III cast Plow-.poluts i setts extra steel .Mould-Hoards, Points nud I .und Sides. 2 patent Straw-Cutlers ; 8 largo Iron Kettles, fur farm use. Tin1 ulinve will lie rxrliunsi ii for flour nt Ihc market price. DRADIIURY k WADE. .Iiick'onvllh'. Sepi. (1, IBtTJ. Illlf Publisher's Notice, Subjcrlbers t ho wish to pay for Ihclr subscriptions to tho Skntinki. In wood, are requested to deliver II as soon as poslhle nnd those who prefer lo pay Ihclr iithrcrlptlons In Oats, liny. Ilutter, Eggs, Fruit, or nny other article that can readily bo dis posed or at market rates, should do so before tho fall rains set In. SPECIAL NOTICES. - JL " Special Notice, All who know themselves Indebted to the tluikrslened. either bv nolo or pluins. Allowing three (migrants in each account, will please call immediately nnd sclllo wiigon, the number of persons crasiiiL' Ihu p'ains this R'uson U CO.00U, of whom the grea ter part nro fur Oregon nnd Washington. Many of them nro blalunt wcessionlsts, who were in Pike's Peak, but left Ilmt country because it wus becoming u little uucomforlub'e Tor Ihem on uccount of the stringent laws against DI.xlo sympathizers. Mr. Wood thinks one third of Hie emiirralion nre of this slrino. His company came from Fort Hull, by wny of Port L-imhUih, Dig Hole, Hitler Root, OU-ur. water aim I'.ik Lily. '1 lie route is lolerubly good. Rkv. Win. Howard was Killed near Day's Gump, on Granite creek, an llie 7lli Inst, by being struck by a lever with which he wus en gaged In moving a large boulder from his mining claim. .Mr. II. was formerly from Clackamas county, Oregon U'utla Walla Stataman, Sept. I3lh, Geo. Grimes wiu the namo of the man who was shot by Hie Indians while out on a pros pecting expedition near Port Hois. Mr. 0. wus one of llio first men who visited llie mines of llio upper Columbia, In 1855. Ha leaves a wile nud culltl ot Jlliwaume, uregon.- re. wllh E. F. RiMM.i. (of JacUouvlllc, Oregon), Notary Public, who Is fully authorised to re celvo and receipt for inc. lly to doing, you will confer a favor nud save yourselves rod. Q. W. GREER. Jacksonville, Oregon, Sept. 25lh, 1052. RYAN & IIINDE have now frr.salo a good slock or every variety or Merchandise, and will bo pleased lo ico their friends, whether they wish lo buy goods or not. Call at their Drlck Store, on California street, opposite llio United States Hotel. Jacksonville, Sept. 27, 1802. a7tf I, 0, 0. F, Jacksonville Loiiue No. 10, holds Its regu lar meetings every SATURDAY nVilXlXQ. at their Hall (Mo'Cully's Theater building), nt 6 o'clock. Ilrothurs In trood standlna- nro conllntlv In. vlted to nttvnd. n r, c .C' F' WM N. G. MlLMA'J Rv, R. Sec'y. ALEXANDEIt JHTSVj:L.I,, -ritACTICAI.- j3QOI3L-TR1 "n LGJ7f PAPER RULER, nnd DLANK'BOOK MANUFACTUREn, 517 Chy and AM Commercial street., between Montgumcry and .Sautome, SAN PRANC1SCO. Ts?a Illodliig of evry descrlpllon neatly ex eciltml i llliiiik Hooks ruli-d and Hound to any desired pattern. 8l:y T HAVE authorized E. I). FOUPRAV, of JL l'liuiulx, n my agent, during my absence, to tranaci business ror mo In niy name. Persons know lug tliemndie indebted to mo by nntu or aeeniiut, are nutlllid to call ou him Immediately und pay up. S. M. WAIT. Jacksonville, April 23. 18C2. 15 Evaivsville Hotel fTy HE underslgoed offers to rent or leaso llio x rivnusviiie noiei, nt iiamanells, lor one, two. or llircu years, at reasonable rntcs. Tho Hotel Is In a geod locution. A fine orchard Is attached to Hie prembin; nlo good spring water, and convenient out-bulldlng. Fur Information nddrcis, THOMAS CHAVNKIl. Diirdnnell., Ogn., Aug. 30, 18C2. 33lf IS hereby given, Hint the copartnership hereto, fore existing between J. . lliirpeu and l. I.lnu, under the iinme and slylu of Ilnrpee.t Linn, U this day ll)-olud by mutual coiim-iiI, Tho debts or tho firm will bo settled by D. Linn. All those knowing themselves indebted to llio firm, nro hereby uotllled to cuinoforwnrd and scttlo iinimdlatvly, or their accounts will bo given to an uttoruey for collection. J. S. llUIU'EE, 1). LINN. Jacksonville, April fllli, 16C2. J2ir JKirt A?ir- JOSEPH JAC01IS Is hereby appointed my ngeut, to I al;o cliargo or the Eagle Mill properly, In Jackson comity, ami Is authorized to trammel all biulnc connicted therewith,, and lo collect nnd ricelpt lor all debts duo me on account or any business connected wllh said Eagle Mill property. Dated nt Rosolmrc, Oru May 10th, 1IS02. JESSE ROIIINSON. Hit INSURANCE AGENCY, JACKSONVILLE. RI3K3 taken upon Mills, Hotels. Stores, Dwelling, etc.. on tho mont favorable terms. In Hnrtford, Phtenlx, Glrnrd. Goodhue, and other well knowu aud responsible compa- jeV.'l E. C- SESSIONS, Agent. THE undersigned would respectfully Inform Ilia cltlr.ens of Jncknn and adjoining ciiuuiits unit lie lias uu liana una will inanuluc lure lo older All Kind of ,Sn!tIlcr)'& Hnrucst MTU AN Heavy Drought Durness (long nnd short tug) unicorn uurnifs, nuggy Harness (double und single) Spanlfh 81111111111. trees und rigulng complete ; ladles' Saddles, Jockey Saddles, Suddlebngs, Dridles, burciugles, Ilullerr, Spurs, CurrMtunb Whips, Whiplashes, Ami nil other articles usuully found In a flrst-cluit itoek of 3v.x30Zj2r:ri.'v. AL.L WOUIC WAUIIAXTIH). Store In " Scullncl " Dulldlng, Culiforula strut. . IIKMtY .IUDOI:. .Tucksotivllle. Dee. 21, Ibl.l. 4'Jtr i7d." flAlWES & IJKO. Are-now Closing Oul llioir entire stock of Goods, Groceries & Liquors, at llie Very AjUWUSL JLclie, l FOR CASH ! It- Give us n call, nt Hm Post Onice Ilulld lug. comer of California nud Oregon streets. April ID. Irifii. U PRIVATE HOSPITAL, j)u. c w. Gitnnii IS now prepared with ample Hnspllal nrrnnge menls to nccoinmodalo the sick nnd nflllctnl, eHClully thnto laboiiog ur.der Chronic Dlfc eaH's, such as Consumption. RheuinLllsni, Dliir rhiLM, Coiiktipatlon, und Hid miiIous uervoun ilbeiUK-s, logi'llicr with Ihu rWnie rtnilli of luijxrjtttty cured', Gouorrhwa aud Syphilis, so pievuleut lu our country. The SURGICAL DEPARTMENT! w III alio receh u especial rare, 1 tne most ample means lor UA I rtlNU at' Inched. WARM, i tor, STEAM, COLD, and suowm jisv.acJCf, Willi every convenience to suit the moat fm- tldious. IVToticorurthcr Wotico The Ilalhlng Rooms for customers will In open ns follows: From Wm.:ii.v until TiirnsnAT Nimx ; fiom KATtunir Mutx IMI until Mu.miat Noon', CUd or Hhuicer lutu can bo bud nt nil times. IlatUs, Ono Dollar ; or Six Tickets for Five Dollars. Tickets can bo had at the City )rug Store, or nt the Hospital, OFFICE AT CITY DRUG STCRE. G. W. GREER, M I). Jacksonville. Oregon, Auk. 9. lm.2. 1!) OroscMa. 3MC111- THE undersigned having leased the" Wash ington Mill," tho inlks from Jaclsonvllle, bus thoroughly repalnd It. aud ercctJ New nud Iitiiirovccl IHiuilnciy, which, from my experience In conducting the same, ns well as In inanufacturlui flour, war rants mo lu mylng that the Orijou Mill can nnd will do better work tbau nnypther Mill in tho Valley. Thai ha ever lieen nfTercd for sale In this psrt I of the country, which I will sell, V1-TOL.13SATjT3, Orln any deslied tiuanltly, at n moderate ad vance on eot. Thnnkfiil for Ihn inlronage I have rrcclrrd for the ut year, I hope It will continue, a I will spare no pains In walling upon my custom, crs. I will fill orders from tins town or country, so send Ihem nlong nnd keep cool. THE BAR Will po!llvely lie supplied wllh none but tho reri ipiullties or l.lijuurs 11 lid the iiwf thitrt brands ol Segarr, RcinemUr the EXPRESS SALOON, P. II. LYNCH, PropV. Jacksonville, Spl II. :C.lf DECIDED 1 EDUCTION lu the Prices of Board and Lodging ! -attiii:- FRANCO-AMERICAN RESTAURANT. Hoard nnd Lodging, per week $0 00 Hoard, per week 7 00 Hoard and Lodging, per day, wllh pri vate room, let sly lo ...,,,.... , . 2 23 Lodging per night. In priwile room. . . , 75 Lodging, per nlghl, lu duublo loom. . . . 60 Single Meal fifj theTadle. Reduction In prloe, but no teducllon or change In luble. My table shall not be ur iaeil by tiny In Ihu Slate of Oregon. MADA.Mi: j)i: Jacksonville April 21. IMI'.'. S Dissolution of Copartuorsbip. NOTICE Is hereby given tlmt Hie copartner ship heretorore exIMIiig ImIwitii Ihu un derslgned, In the Flour .V Mdllni; bulnis, under tho name nnd lylo or Vulley Mills, l tlilsday d United by inuiual consent. All noli-a nml necouuts due Hie Vulley MHU nui-t In- Ml Hid Immedlutily with E. D. Foudrny, nud ult notes nnd accounts owing by said company will boM'tiltd by 1 I). Foudrav. Valley Mills, Augutt 12t'h. 1RC2. 1- I). FOL'DIIAY. JOHN ANDEKhON, JA.MIST. Gl.i:.N. M. A. BRENTANO Is daily In receipt of n largo ussorlmvut of GROCERIES.PROVISIONS LIQUOHS, WINES, , CORDIALS. Hardware, G-laBsware, AND ALL KINDS OP jMClTTfras J37ools- He also recommends his large, new stock of CIGARS AND TOBACCO .MATCHES, STATIONERY, CARDS, Toy & Fancy Ware And a great many other articles (00 numer ous to mention, all of which be will nil Xito-xnr :uoxi. ovoxx, Or in exchange for COUN'I RY PRODUCK Jueksonrille, August 3, 1802. E vory Sack of my Fbur War ranted to bo "A ,Vo. I." I hav? opened 1 Flour & Feel Store IN JACKSONVILLE, On California street, onooflo P. Rvnn'a new building Wl. J. AL.LEN. Jacksonville Juna 1 1, 182. 22:lf Fruit and 3Prcsorvo Cans, HERMETICALLY SEALED. ALL SIZES nudo to order, and for tale bv (J. D. DORRIS. Next door lo It. F. Dowcll's Law Offlco. jXTotico. T DAVE authorized JOHN S. DRUM, or (fits X place, to act ns my agent during my lr- tence, to transact business ror me In my name. WILLIAM DY1IKE. Jacksonville July 15, 1802. aoir PACK-SADDLES constantly on hand ut my llurness und Saddlerv ci-lablirhment, is henUy JUDUB. TOD P1UNTINU of liUleserlptlonii neatly 1 V cKvuled at the SBN'.INKL OFFICE ' July 10. -27 17L0UK AND X' chuuge for Meichamlife. nt PRODUOK luken In ex- imlife, ot MAX MCLLER-S.