.? THE OREGON 8EHT1HEL. BATUMDAV, AUGUST BO, 1808. Mail to Cmwckkt City. That the poo pit ol 8ootticrn Oregon era most shamefully Mgleclcd by our delegation In Congress, Is node most palpably evident by (do neglect, ttlhcr to secure no appropriation or money, or to ico that a contract was let, Tor carrying the mall from Wnldo, Josephlno county, to Cmcent City, California. 1 his latter place i the depot, or buslncM point, for Josrphlne and Jaclesnn counties, Oregon, and for a goodly portion of Siskiyou county, California The amount of good, shipped to Crccent City for the mo of llio counties iimwiI, will not fall abort of quarter ol a million of dollars nn Dually. Notwithstanding these pnpulnu' counties arc dependent on Crescent City for All their supplier, tliey arc left without any direct communication by mall with that place. The malls are carried to Waldo, on this side of the mountain', and to Crescent City, on the other side. True, wc can send our mall natter by way of Portland to Crescent City, or by way of San Francisco i but direct roatn, either for emigration, or for the ma!l, re absolutely prohibited to the people of Southern Oregon. We are graciously permit ted lo have " thrco mulcts" for our defence, nd could we only have been fnvortd wlih n CayiiM horse lo carry the malls over the Crescent City mountain, wo would lime b'ctsed Ood forercr. Probably wo ought to be thankful and resigned as It If. Pjinso Urowxi.mv'a Hook. ThI long ex pected volume, containing sketches of the rife, profrcM and decline of Secession, with n nar ration of personal advcnturisaniong the rebel, by the righting Parson, has leen Isunl from tbe press of Ocorgo W. Child', of J'l.lhidil plilo, onJ Is meeting with nn tinprceeilcntcd ale. Over one hundred thousand copies have already been sold, mid the bonk has not np peered at all In Iho regular trade. Apple gate k Co., of Cincinnati, ordered forty thou sand eoples bj soon ns the book was Issued from the press. The Parson, In all his writ togs, Is terribly In earnest. Ila " tells the truth and shames the davll," regardless of con sequences to himself, litis history Is an csscn tlel part of the history of this wicked and un provoked rebellion. In his preface, he rns: " My ancestor! fought In defence ol the Amcr can Union ; and while their blood lions In my veins, I shall liitltncllrcly recoil from bartering away the glory of Its past and the prophecy of Its future, fur the distant rewnrd of that vile thing, begotten of fraud, crime, Del bad ambition, christened a Southern Con fcdtracy." As Iho author Is n Southern man, nd slave holder, and Is will acquainted with all the mad and diabolical plans of Iho traitors, which havo been maturing for tin iest twenty years, for the destruction of this Government, his revelations, und especially his treatment by the nbcls, bao In themn tragic Interest. Send on for Iho book Immcdlatily. It Is fully Illustrated, contains four hundred mid SVty pages, end the prteo Is only SI '.'3. Ad aires U. W. Child, O'.'S aud C3f Clicstuut Street, Philadelphia. " Max." This Is the io;t Je plume of n Jjslem correspondent of the Democratic I'eg ister. HcKtmstoboa running cjcpcclmu lion of loose period gasconade, and us philos ophers have demomt rated that there Is a sym pathetic connection Kept up between tl.c phys ical and mental man, It might bo timifury for him to take sumo astringent Immediately. He seys he " rccollrcti, years sgo.liaWng seen form In which ho (we) celebrated his (our) dherance tollielUiaocratlc party,"itc. Did you actually sec such a poem, Mux' We rather think you must Lata been " silting with eyes closed and mind wandering," etc., when that sight broke on jour muddled vbjon Where wi-ro you, " iltt," wbe.i jog saw that ' poem ?" la the " scvemh sphere," or In the gutter sphere J When yon turn jour alien tlon to biography egaln, " Max," don't make scribbling nluenupoop of yourself, but give ui harmonious fctiou, or discordant real Jtles. We did leach school utid ute now mid Iweye hate been fur the L'ulou. JIuc you ny enactions? We may bo a " cute cms," but we are not quite u cute " enough to appre ciate the beauty of some of your c'lmatle, loose period expectorations. Stick to billingsgate, " Max i" that's your strong forte. Dsurma. A good many seccsh, In this .county, are (rlghtcnd very much for four they way be ilrajted. The probability, or even the possibility, or their being compelled lo fl'ht for tbe mtlntulnanco of Iho Union, alarm tbenesryaueb. Sooioofthemsay.lfdmfitd, tbry will Improve the (nt opportunity to d ert to tho enemy. They have ull nlong con tended that tho great majority of the nrmy were Democrats, auJ one would naturally sup pose thai, luaimueh, as they claim to be Dun ocrats, they would rej ilea ut the opportunity f joining their brethren. Well, they nro u little anxious to jolu tlcir brethren, but the climate where their brethren dwell Is a little too hot .for their northern constitutions, but cot for their principles. Sior Tjiat! We notice that the Stale ptputimn b tslebjg the Ptgisitr through for bed spelling. Now, Mr. Ktpullican, we wen't you to slop thai, inilanttr. The Itrgis ftr men Is a disclplo of " goyf Juin," Governor Miller 'ft Co., end tho f pelting is first rate, considering iho character of Ihc journal. The spelling of the disciple Is far superior to tbet fit the principals. Can't you appreciate Improvements, progress Mr. Uepublican 1 And especially when "burlesques" were thrown pat, to cetch greenhorns, we ere astonished to see yoa bite, Wo ore a little (90 " cufu " for (bat, you bet." s Thanks. Mr. Granville Bears Ijas the thanks of Ibis office fpr a water-melon weigh log 2Ci pom)c)s, Lftug pipy ho II) e, nnd vv elf jnay be prosper, p. Up. B. Vf cqinmunlcatlop has been received. It will appear lu our next. Write again. Interest, Petitions nro cttcnsluly In circulation In this State asking Iho coming 'Legislature to pius a Law prohibiting any higher rale of In terest than ten per cent. Tho following are among the reasons urged by the Petitioners In favor of the enactment of such a Law : 1. Twenty four per cent, has beeeme cus tomary, while even sixty per cent. Is sometimes chorgrd. 2. Sueeefffol homo production Is therefore presented for few will inust llielr money in manufacturing when they can loan nt those high rates hence 3. Wo buy out of the country Iron, rope. oit, tl-c, which otherwise would or might be manufactured nt home ; thereby making mone imirrr, intcicst higher, and the tniie c;ici titijlcsst witness Iho best of mortgages thiil lo day would not cancel half the liuUilednejj to ficurc which they were when taken consid ered doubly ample. 4. Money Is nnt worth more thai ten per cent) (ohsencthc Itothschilds nbnrblng Ihc wealth of the world at less than tit opcr cent ) nnd whalcxcr mora is nulhorlred is something InUn for nothing essentially a kind of legal laid robbery. fi. Ucn money lenders will be benefited by Iho law wc nrk. The better times Induced wilt fuxnr the collection of doubtful debts, In- crcato tho value of real estate, nnd rennrd I hem belter to fur as they engage In useful la bor. G. It Is not enough to Justify high In terest In my that men ogire to pay It for others arc Involved In Iho consequences. The lnlcrrt on money on eucccwlut speculation paid by Ihc Moring mnn ami wiismntr. In falling speculations (he money lender, mer chant, nnd unpaid labortis, pay Iho Interest, and much of the prliielp.il rcckleifly expended. It Is therefore unjust to comel an Innocent community lo pay for, nnd rulTcr from, that for which it never contracted. Interest will not regiiluto Itself consis tent with the rhjhls of the people. Dir.innd and supply do not pertain lo money ns to the productions of labor. Proof t when whrnt l two dollars per bushel, n single season will In crease the supply and reduce the price ; when Interest goes up lo Iwo and three per cent, pir mouth, will another season incrcaic the crop of money mid lirscn the price ? Just the contrary ; hinccnncid of fixing a rato for money and not for merchandise und grain. Again ; law Is nrccfitry because t long ns one Shjlock compel! payment of two per cent, per month from u, nc nro couitralned to cliarge our nelghbois the sime. 8. Wc would havo n law thai would pun- lh usury taken directly or Indirectly. Mi'tinrn at Setirr II n. On Haturdiy evening last, a man named Hooper nnd a Swede hnd snmo d'lllcully In n saloon, where upon the Swede Ihrur n stono nt Hooper which struck another mm named Lewis An derson. 'I his so rnrnged Anderson that he htcrmitied to lino revenge. On Sunday evening ensuing, AinUrson seeing tho Swnle pass up tow null the Ilurdy Uurdy Saloon, wetchctl for Ids return until n very lute hour, when he saw n person coming whom ho Mis took for the Swede, Judging from his eppear- mice. lie rulicil nut from tiU saloon ami struck him on the bend with pick handle-, which rendered blm tci.tchsi. Anderson brought him Into the saloon, whero ho was soon discovered to be deud. Anderson was arrested and brought to Ynl. v ycsicrdiy. Tlio name of deceased was Wm. Wlldey, formerly nf Jnckfonvillc. Yida Journal. lticu Qi'.vtiM I.rvn. J. M. ICirkpalrick liiforms t's that a vein of very rich quartz hns Ircn struck near Iho town of Auburn. Mr. IC. la with htm specimens of quartz taken from the lead which arc thoroughly veined with cold. It la tie opinion of old tnlurrs who havo examined tlio lead, that it will prove the richest quarlK lead ever discovered. The parties working It havo already taken out u Urge amount ot go!d,'nnd when nil tho nr rangewcutj are eoiup'ctcd, expect to com pute their day's work by pounds rather tkan by ounces. itonnta'mitr. Brrnioi's Cot.v. The dluly IhtgmiUin gives nn uccnunt of o spurious five elullar nice c shown to tlio editor ou tho lSlh. I(u thus dccrit.es it: " Weight exactly that of the gen uuie coin slzo the same stamp the same- color that of tlio genuine but lacks the reg ular chiir ring belonging to the genuine gold." Well Mr. Ore gonial! no can nObrd Li llit-sc ' urn iime-s iirmrego mo musia oi ma-ring- If the ret Is all right. Said oi of Ihc pu rlous p'eces out here Mr. IMitor, wo wunt tn refresh oer rccollcclUn of the genuine by guz inj on iiiuniiur. i-.. r. r.7"' .. w i ii .i rrceljit of the frit and second numbera of thin rptcy ccui-rrlly, rdiled nnd published at .,...--.... .... .. HV." '."nu ..IV Lcnl.tim, . T., by A. S. Gou'd, late editor of the Portland Jhily Tunes. Its lypogrnph-! leal appearance Is good, und Ila mining news pnninti In 'I III. ml.nnlnn.ia rsf l,u l..iA,ti.ik i n.,.t ii. M,n.oi,., nrn. ,.i, t. ...,' I nnccs of early ard uliable news irom the' ..i ..i.i n....i. .im.,. i. ,. 1. ..... HUliiivili gwi.l iiv.m. ,iuag n liu tliauicgu lar and reliable news fiom tho northern mines, would do well lo subscribe for this paper. TcniM, 818 for one vcar j 810 for six mouths or 8S dujlurs or three ijiojitlu. WiiKiif'j " A.voy." It has been a long lime since ue hcurd from our sturvlng Pon der Klvcr correspondent, Davidsou. What's the matter 7 Jivve the mines suddenly col lapsed, or have Iho mining Interests In that explosive reglou suddenly concentrated Into a chrorio law suit f We uro alarmed. II may be that our correspondent has becomo so emaciated for tho want of food, that, haggard, wan aud ghostly, be ells within his gloomy tent, pen in hand, but vlihont sufficient mus cular power lo nmke It vyo;k, fjend Andy comclhlng to cat, - - - t . . - AiiKuj Tha Prtgoiiinn sava : m Colonel '(."Vault Is nbout to start v new paper, at Jackson, Ills?, P3 llu iiilns of the Southern Oregon OtKcili." It will soop slop ou its own ruins. Statesman, Ctti'l you Kl the ckud iilcll? VERY LATEST. from Iho Yrehn Juiirnnt-rMrti August 2Sth New York, 2Glh The 7Vfoim' Rappn- hnnunck correspondent ni) a tho greastevt cri sis of tlic war occurred between Thursday morning and Saturday night. It has passed, and tho nation Is safe. I'ope's artillery Is now driving Iho line of the Huppnlinnnock, Kit John I'-u-ltr, vvilh n heavy entp, joined Pope on Friday, m d hols of regiments have jo'i o 1 nnd nre twiv Jolnlmr him by the way of Alexandria. Ilurnshle has missed n large nrmy at Frrdcrlch'bnnr, nnd IViio is quite n strong n irt nn I .liuk'on ingellirr. A guer rilla raid of 230 irbol look 100 prlnner, nnd drove 100 muleii bclde dulrojlng hatr irngn wagon, eontnlnlng Pope's tirlmtc enrrcs dnridenee. A portion of Mct'lcl'mi'i nrmy bus nrr!n1 nt Ali'Mind'n from Ynrktnvvn. A dispatch from Islington, Ky. n.v! Ihcro ! no occasion fur nhirni iibniil General MorgnnV polllnn nt Cumberland Gun. The He In I nre IfiOfiO strnrir In fmnt nnd .'mono In rear, under Itrngg. Plojd nnd Klrby Smith. General Mnririii hud nn cniriicmNil wlih n large force of llio Kilie-l nn the nlhir idc of tlio dun from Frankfort. Cnlnncl Gerard uln hud scernl sklrmlshc) nnd repulcd them every lime, 'I he enemy expected in lnrve Mmgnn mil, but thrrn wn nn fi-ir nl that. ChUnsn. Anginl 'Jiilh Jilf. Dux I. In hl nnnunl mesnur, niter nlluiling in privaih n. mflirlnir nnd gnll.inlrv of Irnniw, rn-s tie Irnniw, rav4 lie nrmy which threilnn tie npllnl has Ih-pii de.l Irntiilnnililrivtn I nun tliclr lines or invctl- incit. 'I'herncmv l now see kins In rnlfo a XlO'STAXi AUCS IrlASOrlS, new nrmy on snrh n rente modern history does ,,.,,.i.,,rii ninuinv nnl recoid. tn elfct the sul.Juirntlon of the1 J.U'hSO.S till., 01tlUO., South, lie rlnrges Iho feed tnlnv with ra-,Vill hold 111 regular communications o'l the pine- nini wnnmn ie'ricii"ii 01 iirnnn- iirnp. crly, murdi-r of einlUcf, &. lie rpeaki of the Coiifl'rnllii'i II II n ntroeinu'. Ht Iiiil. Auir. '.'i!. lirnl l'rnot Mnr hnll h.ne liein nuthnrU'd In Rrmit freo pa irr In nil rlntix irnien In Ih'Ioiiit lo r 1 -l . New Vmk. Aug. 3. A lliipndnnnm.k lei- Irrof tl.o 2'd. M llin cnemv niiennl n Intt- dry (,u our ernlrr, nnd continued to throw lio't ninl Ih'II for nvernl lmiiri. A little litcher up It n illeoverrd Hint the enemy had. during the nltiht, cmHrurlid n 1-r'tttri over Iho rler. At till" point n lirllliaut nfl'ilr nnrrinrled to hniu I iken tihtce in whkli SI gel'n Inllery wn riinrriiieil. Three n-almenls of n.ln went ncrn the lirldire, nnd no sooner had thry erom-d limn Sled' Imtlirv nnenril mi Iho lir'dji. The r.iittlli .l.til .. I. Itilt- .1. .iimII.I.. .1 II A I tlin I . "III. II rum uiii'n ii it i' ili"lini'l It. ... " Minn tlmn n deadly tiro of mtckilry nalled and 2,0(1 1 are raid to hare Wit mM tnhiti' nn-n ii i" in iniMi. i nrir rrut'iifc i imi mi tioru captun d. nnd ton 1,111m! nnd wounded. The cnemv havi-dllid In lld ellorl tln-v Ir'eit InnuHliiuK Slgcl hy erotflug nt l'rincli I'md, lull relnrorcciiienU wcru oidcred up and the cnemv rciiiilwd. SI. I'nut. 2filli Imlhn nrecnmmlltluir dep n,l illnna nt New t'lni. An iirrivul from l.'rove Wing stele that Iho great ("hlppi-wn chh f l luietl n proclamnlloii Hint ho would not tic re linllila for tho cnmluet of the Indians nflrr TiiCMlay, ivnrnlni: whiles In have, lie nbn sent Tor Dole, Indliiu roimnllonrr, to Celtic up and make a treaty with the Ithlhiu, right witii iiiiiiiiik, Prom .1. M, Klrkpnlrlck, V.tc , uu have the pirtlcillnrs (if n flghl l.clvvrcn n band (if Cay- lues and n detachment nf soldiers, under com mand of Ctiptalu George I.. Curry, l'or a vearnr two buck there has been among the rcmnnut of Cii)uc3 living nt the Umatilla ISescrvatloii, n couple of Indians lento! Dreiinirrs," wio n p.'Ctruttil Ihennclvrs as Inning direct commuulcatlmi from the Great 5-nlrll. Tl.rjo ilrriimerx had maniecil In gather around tl.c id n few followers, to whom tiny ncic In the habit of detailing from lime lo time the directions of their great l'uther, nnd among other thing Ihey told that It was revealed that Ihc Indians should ntruln repo. sen the whole e.f this country. 'II.ih lhing ran nlong down to a recent date, when u brother cf one of the dreamer mil shot nnd killed by Indian Agent ll.iriili.ut. This crcutly liieeind) Ihc two pioplicU, who liunie, diatily theriiificr, hi company with some twenty other Indians, withdrew from the lies- (nation and ctabtihe-d theinulvej In (Lo north end of Urimd Hondo Vull.y, over which thry claimed exclusive JurlrdIUlo;i, nnd even went so far a to order settlers oil", Ihrialen leg death nnd dettuctleji In tic event of a failure In remove. 'JhU conduct on the part of tho Indians greatly alurmcd the whites, nnd rome cf Ihcr.i accordingly rvmnveil. There vvci oov icltler, huv.cvir, who vvxs loo loe lu his movement to cult Indian huflc, and hlr houno w.u torn down over hlil.iuil. These caccshs coming lo the l.uowlcil'o of tho commai.dcr at WulU Wulla, C.iptuiii Curry, with tventy men of Ids command, was dttpitchcd to the "beat of v.ar," with initrtic lions to bring In tho two " Dreai.ifM." Cui tain Curry rcaehed Ijio (ndlui) camp, nt the north end of Grand Uoude Val'ey, en Thur diiy, the I llh lust., und iiiimediulily npprUcd the Indians ol thu object of Ida coming. Ac cording lo Indian diatom a long "talk" was li.nl on ll o matter, lu tho courto uf which l,0t, of tl.c ' Drcanuvj " cxprevied llieninlves iHS ulmlug to nccmnpany tho oOic-er. To eut i)l0 negniUtlon short, Captain Currv J null- told the Indian that l.o would "give t,cllt ,ll0 inu t(, niako up their minds, and if jthey were iwt ready to go by that time he would tnl.o them by force j that ha was sent there to take them and he was not goln, away without them," Here the miller tested. At the expiration of tlio appointed time, Cap lulu Curry again enlrred tha lodgi-, and find. ing Ihc two Indium still unwilling In go, he called n so'dier to hU nrsistaucc, und event to. ward one of the Dreamers " for the purpose "f V'WM"' ' drew n revolver, and lariat, when (he Indian aiming it ct tl.c Captain's head, discharged It. Ko.-twialcly Captain Curry saw Iho movement quick enough to knock the nvvagc'a crm up, nnd Iho ball pa ted over Ida licud. Quick a thought Iho ollicer Ihec drew his pistol and shot his osail ant through ho head, killing him Instantly. At this time it was discovered that all the In dians in the loelge wero urmed, and forthwith tho light became general. Immediately Iho report of lire ninw was heard, Cuptaln Curry' men came to his assistance, uud u tegular vol Iry was poured Into (ho Indians, leaving four of ihelr number dead, among v.hom vi ere the two 'Prcomcr" who had caused ull tlio trouble. Tho light over, Captain Curry with drew his command, leaving tlio Indians, from whom no troublo is oppreliciided, now that they have lost tliclr leaders Mountaineer. -. . Jons II or Ilivni. Tho news from the John Day ltlier mines continues good. Mr, Lmvion.of lids county, Is said lo have taken out n chunk, of pure gold weighing 8 pounds. Mr. Urawrord, or thu comity, ulso, has a rich claim. Tnvirons Old Adair, for a long tlmo a pensioner on the bounty of tho United States. Government, has becoroo t Dritisli subject, nnd now expresses his gratlUido by cursing our Government. Ills son, educated at tho expense of tho Government at West Point, has been dtssml'scd tho servlco for desertion, nnd has. nlso becomo a Ilrlrtlsb subject. The Dcmocratla. parly has lost Just two votes, by this skedadd'e. How' That f Tho illy 'Vegonlan say, it large number of watcriucloi t vvcro brought from California, on Iho Pnclficnnd sold very brls'ely fur fifty cents nnd one unilar and twen ty live CinU. Has the snow moiled off round Poithind yet? iiiilMM h i MKjgtwma 3 I SPKOJAL. NOTICES. T. 0. 0. F. .fACKioNVIut. l.oiuiK Nn. 10, hold Its regu lar meeting' every SAWUDAV ATA'A'AViV, nt their Hull (Mu'Cull's Tliealer hutling), ut S o'clock. Iliothcrs In good standing nre cordially In vited to attend. i:.t ItifMtt.N. G. Vt'in.UM IUv. It. Peo'y. iuiiiiinviiiiiiiuii v "-""" .. . w. ., v r -- flu! Nnlilrtln)-r.fiilliKori:rl)' Month. All sojourning Coinpttitoni In good standing nrecmdl.illy Invited lo utleml. W. U.S. iiydi:. II. P. iT.ve.T. Gt.Kf, Scc'y. dccHtl" WARREN LODQE No. 10, A. F. & A. M, A IIOI. I) llielr regular commnnlcalloiit Tafthe Wiilnevl ty V. uiiiirfsoii or pricidlng Uh'j. full moon, In JVC'MONVIIM. OIIV. u. w. uiti:i:it, w. II. Ut.oovt. Scc'i, M. T--1000--3C. PLANTATION BITTERS. DRAKE'S f . jlhey purify, strengthen and InugoMte. j iiey create 11 neiiiii y nniiMiiv. They are an aiitldule lo change of water and diet. Ihey overcome cITcCts of dicilpallon nnd late-hours-Ihey strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent mla-nile mid Intermittent fuveis. Iliev purify thu hrcalli mid acidity of the stumacli. They cured) spepila and ;oml!patlin. They euro dlarrlncv, eholcru uud cholera morbus. They euro lvcr complains and nervous head ache, They are Iho bcit bitters In tho world, liny mnl.e tho weak m m strong, aiiihirtnlitiiutcil n i lurt't 'jrmt rultrir. 1 hey nru made of puiu rJl. CioK Ituiii, Iliue-eUbruted CalUa)a llark.looU ninl hi rlw, nml nro t iKeii with the pluisuiv urn beverage, without regard lona-onr llmeofiliy. I'littlciihirly reemmnriidid lu dcllenlo pirsou n quiring iv geullu stimulant. Hnhl by ull Gru ecu, Druggliti, Hotels uud Siilooui'. P. II DiuKi:ACo.,NcwYork. 2v- Smith Dvvh. of I'orllaud. Agent'. Important News ! Sachs Bi'o$9 aiu: dailv ih:ci:iving 3o,w GOods, CONSISTING OP TIUJ T-ATJ3ST STYLES -OP- VAhl to WIKTIJK Dry Goods, Hats, Boots & Shoes, nc i:tl, t;rc $stchs$ Bros9 AUK UKCKIVING AN 1MMKNSIJ STOCK, OP .NOT I,j:.SS T1IAX 100,000 His. of (ho Very iicst FAilllLY Groceries Wines and Liquors, ALL OV WHICH WILL IJU SOLD AT Wbplaanlo db pClotnll, Cheap Foil Cash ! ATTENTION! FARMERS. PItODl'Ci: tukcii iu uvchnnge for tjootls ut Cnsli I'trlcies, ut ISAOH'S BROS Cheap Cash Stoke. i3.vckso.nv 11 1 1, A 113. '.'3( lOi, LOVE & I1ILGEH, fnllfunila Street, Jittkiontillc, DEALERS AND WORKERO IN TIN. SHEET IRON. COPPER. LEAD AND BRASS, HAVISJiisl received from tho Aliunde side nnd Svn I'mnebco, n coniplctu slock of cvuryllilnglu their Hue, nnd will keep constant ly 011 hand nit n'sortincut of the best Tin, Sheet lion & Coiiiicr Ware, Drai Plpc, llydnulle Nnrzlcs, l'orco Pump, Chains, Lend Pipe, lloce, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, And Naild all Sizos ; liar, Plate nnd assorted Iron) Paints. Oil, Sizes nnd Glass : All qualille of Powder; hhot of nil mitiilier) liriisliesofcvery vnrI(ily,clc.,olc Stoves. Alo.nlaa)s on hand,iv large lot of stoves of assorted sl.c 1JUC1CS PATI'.NT COOKING STOVK, Tin: ni:w would stovk, Tho two very best nod uppruve-d pallet us til Ihc wort. I. Parlor, Onlco and Cnbtn Stove, fancy and plain, conltiictrd on late l Tilel saving (il in. Ilollei. Kettl., I'ot. Pan, nnd tnr.vthlit;r contiectcil with thcto iIuvch vvarraulid elurabh: and perfect. All nrllcle old bv them or manufactured. WAUItANIKU. Thvlr woik Is undo of the bct mill ilal and of choicest lntterii. Va.Order nllcndeil tu Willi quickest dl pitt.li. unit illled iiccoiiliug to diiiciloii. In overj thing, (lu'Ir stocle I tho larvr-st nnd enmplvtcrl ever bioiiyht lu Jucl.-ontille, and they niedetenalned loscl OII73A.X POXl OA.3IT. Call nild exiunlno their slock before' ptiiehas lug el-ew hero. June 2:1. IKmi-'.M. HOLIDAYGIFT!i! rtirratii: ion CHn3TMAS AND NEW YEAflG: VARIETY STOKE In llntnr Itio. II1I1I1 II11II1II11;;, enu bo found tin choicest and most complete collecllu.l CVtrollcMl lllJilCKsullV 1110,01 X3oc-xxi.tirn.lly XJoxxtxcl AND ZZm.xclMoxx3.oly Zllxxu tvextocl GrXtt Booltsi, yiwli3xixii, uacl Xo- otlonl "Wox-liini, -A . II - OHILDRCN'O TOYS, JCWtiLnY FANOY ARTIOLCS. OHCLL CADINCTO.nnil UOXCQ. All II11 l.nlr.l llnulUll null Aiiiiilinii I'll- loil.ilt, ?liiuulin sni il.ieisinuii ciinslnnll)' on linnit.nl llii- iflir VAinirrv .sroni:. DEC LDF.T) 1 IK I.) I' CTION In Ilia Prices of Board and Lodging! - at tiii: -PHANCO-AMEWOAN RESTAURANT. llo;nl and l.udlu;, per vveik llo ml, per week lie inland Lodging, perd.iy, vtiihprl vate room, hist sijlo boilghi; pet iiluht, Ii) private room . Lodging, per night, lu duuUo room .Slni-U Mcul ... SDOO . rco ' 2 23 75 0 . CO THE TABLE. Itediiellon In price, but mi icduelLn or I'hiiugolu I aide. My table shall imt In) iur-t patted I 'J any lu the htnlo ol (Iregon. .tIADA.Mi: OK KOIIOA.M. JarUnivltbi,iillKI IM..'. IA rnili: nnJcrIcneil Laving leaid the "Wash- L liigliiu VIII,' Iho lullm linm Jack. ouillle, hni thoioughly n palnd ll. uud irictid .Vcu' nml Imiiiuii'il .lacliliiijy. which, from my eerli ncn In constructing the nine, a w ull as In iiiiuiilaeliiiliv ll "ir. war rant nto lu sjjlug tint the Oregon ".till cm and will do Welter work than uuj othir Mill lu Iho Valley. Every Sack of my XMour War rantod to bo UA VSo. 1." I Inn opened 11 Flour & Feed Store ix JACKSoxvir,!,!:, On California ilrcct, opposite P. KjanV new bulbllus WM. J. AI.l.IIN. Jacloonvllle, Juno 1 1, I si;.'. ri If TOSKI'II JACOIW U hereby uppotnted wv I it'ent, lo tnko i-hargo of Iho I'-ielo Mill properly, lu Jackson county, and I milliurU d to ir.uiHiel nil lnnlnim ciuiuiptid llnrewlth, mid In collect uud icce'lpt loi nil dill due me O'l necouiit ol uny luilut'Cniiutcttd villlisald l.'ilo Mill iropiity, llaleilat Kovlmr?, Ogu., M ty lOlli, IbOJ, Jlill UOIIlSaO.N. JGf INSURANCE AGENCY, JAGKSONVILli:. 11 IKS taken upon Mill, Hotels. Flore, IV Dwi'lllugs. etc.. nn Iliu miit luoi.iMu term, lu lluiroiil, PluniU, Glinid.Gooilliui', and other well kugiiu uud rcspoiiILlo compa- ' J8:2l 11. (3. SESSIONS. Agent. Wotico. T 1I.VVK nutborled JOHN S. DKl'M, of this X place, lo act ns my ngint during my nb since, to tiaiuact budnest lor 1110 in mv iiime. WII.M.VM jivijiii:. Jackfonvillojuly 15, im.J. 30tr Biblos and Tostampntp. A SUl'I'IsV of Illbie7ai.il Testament. In vn- . ileus stales, ueeiijly rvcclvcd and foi sale at coat uud chaige. nt llio depository of the JacUon Cuiiulv lllblo Koelely. Wm. HOriWIAN, Dcposllnry. DliNTIsSTK V. Dlt. T. G, IllUUN would rcHicctrully an iiouncc to thu cltleun of Jnuktouvilloivud vicinity that ho can lu louud nl hUultlcc, oppp tlio U. ,S. Hotel, uhcto ho Is pu-pind to npo latolu tho various brniiehca ot Ids profeulou. OOi-c .Vu(i.'." .'0 I, Lmi't Cabinet "'oj DUGAN & WALL, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MEHOI-IAJSTTS, Urlolr. XSixllcllxi-Sr Corner or Front ninl V Street OJRT3SCENT CITY, Wlt.f, attend to He ccelvlrt7nndforaid. Ins or nil Good e.rutcd 10 Ihelr care, .. til. ......v.... 1... -- .....1 .ilt.iii !i. nil iiiui.imiivi nun ui-'nvi" ,, 1 Consliiiiiiicnt.. solicited. Merchandise rc-j ccliiil on sloranu. ,, Crescent City, Apill 10, 1SC2. 13 N. II. No good delivered until Ihoficlhl nnd eti irgenrf pild. I). VV. IIOWAIH) ASSOCIATION, Phlladel H phlu, Pcnni. llr tit tih'f f the Sick ami Dutiasut Afl'.u'lit Kith 'mhtt mill Climme litra'it, ami Ifjirtullli l)lfJtt$fftht Btiuiii ury int. Medical Advlco ulven (trails by Iho ActlitR, Surgeon. Vnbialde 111 wins nn itiumvtoiii n.v or m.misu, vvi:vs.mm, nml other ill'iii'ti or the I n'Mtil ori'iiu. nnd on the vr.vv iihUi'tUM nit lilu.ved In the l)lpcns.iry, tent In scaled letter envelope-, lieu nl charge. Address 1IU.J..SKII.MN HOUGH ION, I Howard AsMiclallou, No. U south NI11II1 St., ! April 2t).:ISy l'hlladelphli. l'a. 1 AI.C.VAM)i:U 11USWKLI, j . ..j - lurcrieAt.- E500lS.-IBi23.Cl03., ' PAPi:nnui.i:u, nnd DLANK-DOOK MANUFACTURER, I7 Chy and l 1 Commercial streets, between .MoiilKiuiiery nml &inotnc, SAN PKANCISCO. 5.. IllndliiiJ of evry descrtptlnu neatly t eellleil ! III.IIIK HOOKS mini ami iiouiiu in ", ib-diid iallirii PRIVATE 27- HOSPITAL Dit. o. w. iiti:i:u Id now prepirot vvllh ntnplo llo'iillal arrange I in' ut tu nccomuioihtlu iho sick nml ulllict. il, ispiclally Iho'O lahorliu in der Chronic Ills-ea-cs, such a Coniiimptlon, Ithctim.tlsiii, lllar llui 1, Constipation, mid thu vntloui nervous dlxitsc', tiue'llur Villh tho fifimic niiild or 1, i-cifulW tjrtJi (40111 rih'ia nnd Syphilis, 10 puvuleiit lu oureoiiiitry. . Thu SURGICAL DEPARTMENT I wlllal.. tie't.ivi'iH'eial C'.ue. 1 h imwt ujipls 1 .'Ji Tor fJATHINQ at- I.ilIh i, 1 II .!.', nov, SWAM, COLD, awl SIIOU'Ml Willi every eomenkiicc lo suit the moitfus- till. UU-. Clotico Furthor IWotico. The llitlilng Itootn for riistumrrs will lie op 11 11 follow! 1 nun vvi.iiMvi'ir ii,r 1.c1 until Tut iiii 1 v Nous t fi mil Mo 1 . Vl..i. I '" k m wi m m, uutay i.m j uiy; iMiiiuliniiiMivvNimN. tVw S)Ht,rhitUV: ' "'"'''' , , can iHibad at all fines. l-viryspi-cl.'siil vveiikdonelnllielK'stmannef Ilitln.Oi.olMlari or Six Tick, t for I'lvn ,"d w.tlupiM.do'piteli. Didlurs. 'l.cl.-triiilH'hadut the City I'nii; .Store, or nt llio llu-pilal. OFFICE AT CITY DRUG STORE. U. W.GItrillt.M.li. Jai.!.'Oiivllii'. Oreeim. Aue.li. Ui. IJJ ft. Dllo IiYftE, Whole-Die and lM.il! Dealer In Foreign find Domestic WINES, SYRUPS & CORDIALS IT T.I. t'oiiirr r iilllnriiln nml 'II1I11I Mint, Nit door to li'eikmaii'11 i:prc. 7r VII nr.l. r prniuptlv nihil Jt'ilf Irl lienb; glve-n, that Iho eujiutiur-hlpherclo f.irvcituu IaIuuii J. S, llurH-o ninl ll I, Inn, umbr Iho 11 11110 nnd si) to ol llorpcoA Mini, Is thUdiy dlssiilveil by iinitiial um-eiit 'Hie debt or thu III m villi Imj se'lllcl by H l.'iiu. All ilinsvhimivliu Itn'nisvlu' liidvhtii! lo the nnn.niu hi-iiby iiotlllul tucnmt'fiiriinid mid setlli-linundltlifv.or lh-Ir necouuts villi Ik- civ en to an uttuiue-y for collevllon J.S. lirtiPIX, 1). LINN. Jask.otivllle, April Slli, lC. IL'lf i.r.GAi Aivi:uTi.si:3iNTi. f-lwviS's t3alo. I) Y virtue ol two rvrutloii. duly Isnird br ) the C'le i!e of the (,'ireuil Cm: rt in nml for .losephlnc couuly, Oregon, und In medlirclid und iMiu red ono In favor of Wu. Sn.M'iit mil against 13. , Si'iivnt i. for tha sum ol S My thru DoILim (ji;.'l III)), nml one lu furor iifTlloNim CmiNTUN'. Adiuliilstrntnr of tin istaieiifi'17111 ll.) VMi,iliCTnml,nndiigalnl C. P. rrn villi: und G. H Il1.11.ns, lor the sum of One Tliiuuaud uud Twuilv-riK Dollars and shl) slMiiielniudrrdlh'i (Sl.O'JO M 1(H)), ivilh InleitH, ciistsiiudiircriiiogc'sts I Imio iliilv Ii vhil inn 11 nnd v. ill nrneiril tn u II. nt publiu sale', for usli. mi Tan lay, the '.'.Id thai ' 0 neplember entuiiig, tl.o lol'owlng (lifcr'lKo real properly, to nil : A cirlaln lot nr Irael ol land diluted on the east bank nf the III! uols liviMiiidinlj ilulto'tlio town plat nf ICi-r b villi, with one Dwtliin HoiiJonnd llarn. uud Known n the propirty of (3. I. Sprasue nilh nil end singular the iinprnyenii tits und iippurtinancr thirciiutn belonging nr In iny wijo iipiieilulnlii.'. Hale nn lie premtsi'. lie twit 11 the hours 0! l'J o'clock i. und un.'t of silddiv. JCPP. HOWCI.I,, ShtrilT of ,lnM phluo county, Oiegon. Dated. August 11), I6u'. ,i:d Exoct'tpr's SiTottcp. VTOTIClJIshcieliy given thai thuiiudi'rslgned i Inn Iweii appointed IvMCillnr of llio es- tela of M. I,. Jju'kmiv, diceiind, llio of Jack sou couuly, Oiegqn. AltiierFOUnhavlngclalins agililt thu ulsle sre tenulied to present them ircscul thini, I 1I11 ono ,ear. residence nt I. Cup Ciillti,. . Willi llio iiices.nry vouclieis, witiilu 1 from dito of this notlee, til Ids rcsl Phoenix, Jarkson eouuly, Oregon, for sellle-. mcijtt and all pet sons kiio-ilng tin m dies In-1 di'btcd lire inputted to wake Immed'nto paj- n" : P.Mr.IISON I!. GOnn. Hvecntor. Dated Ih's '.Mil diy r Au.'n.l, 18C3. Fotition for Divorce Ihcnus Wnltworth.C " 4 umaat, t. Uaana Widlworlh, Difiudanl. r JAO HOXA.VA WHITWOUTH t Younre 1. Icicby iiolilltd that iinheH von uppeur in llio Circuit Com t of Iho Slnto of Ongon. for tho p.nty ol Jackson, onlhcCth ily if lM,tr, ISOi, r,il iiuswer Iho coinpl vlnt of tho com- plaliiant, In Iho uboio e.iu.e, tin) s.uno will Iw ir,Uen trvonlesed neil the pinjit Iheuof villi be granted by tlm Court. 11. 1-, liovv i.i.i,, :M"hr for Ll-injltiiiuvit. Aiq,u t -1, I"'j.' 3J The I.ni'gCAt Sto,ck of UooiIm, nml the Finest Assoi (incut of Gcntlc iiun'f WiurliiR Ai iuifX'l, In tho Slate of Clllltul'llll. can Intel nt all times lie nt the Store of . -v iJEUSTOiY, HASTINGS & CO., FASHIONABLE CLOTHIERS & TAILORS or M:W VOltIC v .SACItA.MKNTO, Who have Juvt oieneil the 1 irgest !pru lu tjn riauclrco. In l.lehV new building, comrr of Moulgoinery mid Sutler, and tn the same block as the n;w MASONIC TEMPLE. f'i? find your orders nnd measure, nml ivhrii 1011 visit San l'rancisco, wc ihnll be 'glad tu lee 1 mi. j HlX'aTO.V, HASTINGS A- CO. ' April 20, JRC!. lSmc Reduction in Prices! BEST WORK DONE AT &0W3ST RATES. blaoksmTtiiinu 'Pill! undeislgneil nnnoiincc tn present pa Iron mid tho tmMlo thnt ho ha re. (p diiceil tho price for ull kinds of vvork In lilt line, 10 coiiioi in 10 ine nines irXBI QIIOK I In the Imlhlliig formerly ncciipb'l ly Wm. Plutifl: Iiiiiih iiinili' nml rcpnlrva w.uv.v, niiiiUbi: ..Mi m.ii;i: murk tlviculiM In tho ui'llest und strongest manner. 3)nliiit Tooli, l'ii'Uv, I laic, Vr., iiiailo lo order, of tho very best materials, tu thu most approved stiles. Particular attention given tn C-"",S iioitsi:-siii:iXi, Tor iv hlch thtfirlco Is reduced lo $'. and SI Tin: ki rr. I'i.vtm hi ido uud tlltnl e.ntlly In ord r. Ills stock of lion nnd Hire! Inf drt quality, ' ell work ebitii' ut Ids shop ivaiiuinti AI.I.XANDIMt .MAIITIX. .tiieksonvllh'. March 'J, Mil. tnli9.H:tf FEMALE SOHOOLl" Ofcnlntj Diy of TerraMonday, 23t) June, 10G2. 'VIZ ItJt S JXL'Y DAYS. "Vlll?. J. l MeCl'I.I.Y Inkes pleasure In i! uniinii'icliig In tho inild'c that shv wilt open u school 1111 Iho I'll lutaul. fur the In sliiictton of ft 111 ilfi lu thedlllcniit brunches of KuglMi iducatloii, In nnolliirdipvrlineul,leni villi bo given In Hiivvi'iMi mid .Mi an, nml lesiouv cm i GlITVItllllll Pivmi. firm per ijmrlrr llugllsh Course, WO; Drawing and .Music, 1 I1.1. Jnckniilillh'.Jiilii':' . Mi. 23lf CAIVVOiV IlOUsSE! OUnunocl Ilrxnclssi. r"PIli: iinderslgnrd lrg leavo to Inform the I Iran Im,' public 111 it they Inio taken char'j uf the canyon irorsia, Canyonvilie, Douglaa County, Orcgo, Whero Ihey will bo pirtnually present to aUfnd In tho nam of Iravilirs nml boanci wliirn .v ' ripnre" mini em be furnl-he,!, nnd parllc ular attention piUl to the eouifurt of guests al all lime. T'ui pi iron igo of the public Is re spectfully iullcltld. IIOWMAN & I10YI.V Cvnjnnili. M irch III. lPii.'. q9 Tiik Mni'-u..vMiSii.uie'ii. lTiiirt: ol Dr. I.. J. Cziiki, Is already secured In n position ' ' 'eh place ll,ns vvcl us lis proprietor, far uboic ll.. nsra'tlts of cuvy mid profciilpnal malice. In tho school of Prince, tho highest pr'es nro of.eu awarded to practitioners lu lit, departmi'iil of Medical sole nee, nnd liey uec ipy with others an (.finally lHly position In tho profisslon. ltleoul Is mi Illustrious exam ple, 11 shining light among llio phlloophlcal st irs or Ills ago In lliirope, and Or. Czapkuy bit fully eijuulltil Mm In lid Cxi niry, as a proof ol vihleli, tii' riiladilphhv Colligo of Medicine coinplluieiitid hlin vilth n illplouia and thu lion or.iry uicfiefidegie. Sell cling this as Ids Held ofope ration, nllliough ipialWil us a graduate of tho I'lilvi rily or I'eslh, o,nJ 1 lie Chief Surgeon ol tho Hungarian llcvcdnllonnry Army, for more eUuidul liboin, Dr. I,. J.Czapkay bat bent his earnest utlentlon toti.. cureoi chronlo dlscuH's. in which ho has becomo so great an nii nn" no i now- ic-gariuii ns llio leaucr Ut this branch of liN profession Ihionghout the) United 1 State, and Ida portrait and biography are publisliiil ns matter of Interest la their re.ub-ra in tho moU celulio Journa!. The Ilo.-lnr' nOli-ivi mA .1 l.l lfn.lf.1 .n.l J.....H...1 Doctor' onicci nro at his .Medical and surgical Institute, o'( Sacramoato si , corner of l.eides. ilorll. ncily oppnilto the btiltdings 'pf t,h,o l'a I !.... .1 ...,".... '. . ". -",w .u oiciuiiniii coioinnr. v nk tho n-vrticular ntteutlon nf our read. crs lo Iho tnorn cirtUcatcnof icmarkablocur, in uiiuiiii-r euiuiun vi iu uper. I;C111 fWMI ""P" MfS I Doctor. Hosteler's Stomach Sitter. -Whet eve i llicto Is dlHpti, ttey mp In'u.s maud I leery disorder of Ibo stomach, thu licr, t!.n bowel, uud tho nervous system teem. lo jlclil to their Inllucnce. Ihey mo an uutl- 'lolo to pain; the) tencfli ana iclnrorco ttc, nnlmil powers; Ihey counteract tho u;bltl piit.elples of illmiso; Ihey icguhite tho tholj vital machinery, nnd may bo justly termed tV strongest ally that sclcueo has erer UouRM to Iho aid uf nature In her stiugglfl with elckne,. fculd b Dmsi;l'U nnd dealec everywheio.