Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, August 30, 1862, Image 2

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    iMIMIIIIH'f I Y III M'" il ' i"i i i
j$jj U. JACOBS, Editor.
$$35 ATUHDAY, AUGUST 00, 1803.
SSSffl! i
"To tub triicicr asd t-ERvuMiNcr or tocn
rxrt wmi.'' VTifhingtM,
The News.
Tho news of this week vvlll be found of
thrilling Interest to every loyal rca lor. The
ftscnallon of Harrison's Landing by MeClel-
Ian, gave the rebels an opportunity to hitinih
the immense army niat'id nt Richmond upon
'Ventral Pope. They were in full possession
i if two railroads leading from Richmond In
uoidonsvlllc, tin) hcaihiunrtcrs of Ucnual
Juikson. Dal the stragclic Pope, nwure of n"d urutsl Colonel llird, and Colonil 'I linmn
the niovmicnts of the enemy, sh.wlv with, son woundid the former fatally. The Kid
drew his army across the I'uppiihnntioik, nnd
has succerdiel in fotminj; n lunctioii with
liuimlleand McClcllun, near l'rtdrlcksburg.
1 he tidings up to this date ('J8lh) inlnrui us
that fighting, of u desultory character, has
been going on for sctornl dj)s, but that the
lebcls h.ive been rcp'ilscd at cery point. We
unalt further news with the ilei pest interest.
To us, the news Is of n mora hopeful char
acter than lui been fluiied over the wire for
many vu-ihs. The anaconda Idea hus been
i.xploded. Ilerraflrr wo aro to tttut in
the heavy bitllatllons inuring forward in
straight lines, and not in circles, liiib'e! to be
tabled) by an active and vigilant foe, acting
In compact columns in the Inildf. The targe
rmy of General Hiillah, as long at It was
united, sercpl everything before it; forts were
stormed nnd prisoners talien by thousands.
Nn guerrilla binds spread desolation over the
rouutry. Itut as soon as tint grand nrmy
was broken up Into divisions, and featured
nvcr tno or three States, so soon guerrilla
bands sprang Into life, and carried fire and the
word over a goodly portion of the conquered
territory. Wo have lost, by the division and
kigrrgstloii of tlio grand army of tho Po
tomac, neatly all that was gained In the spring
hy the solid, compact nod heavy columns tf
the Weit. Ilut the news gives tti clearly to i
understand that this Is to berlghteil. I'eipe's.
Ilurnslde's and McCIvllan's rotumns nre tn lie
united. This will secure hirmony of action
ynlty of purpose, nnd when this serried
rmy moves elown on Richmond, tho rebel
Capital Is doomed cily. Wl.cn Richmond
falls, the prestige of the 'rebellion Is gone, nnd
o need entertain no fears ol foreign Intcrven-'
-tlon. McClellao, wo are glad to hear, Is In 1
command of the united army In Vlfglnhi.
Our contldcnec rennlns iimliakin In the nilll-1
tary ability of the mi-iii? irenerul. Trim Ii Is.
there hns been sonio f.-arful blundorlng in
O'd Dominion, bul.ni weMiiuhrl.iiid iheriet'.liiics by llaller rannol be hislllh-d.
McClellanls not In fault. The riliel nnny Wushluslo.i. August 21st N(w York 1
would never have esciivl from Yothlnwi-,'cMlhin who left RUhmmid on tho i;n, h.. 1
iiaj .Miwowi-i. prope-riy cn-nper.iini win. .in
Clillan. Again, Ihrru is 1.0 ehmbl but that
McClellan could, nnd would, have gone on In
Richmond, from Fair O.d.s, had ho rrcelvvd
tho nuiihucu of .MeDuwell. Ife without
tho attauca of ll.o heavy divisions !n the
.SIhii.iihIo.iIi Valley, nnd not belli; promptly
reinforced by Ihe Government, he win liable
to be ovemlie lined by the sn.erlnr forces of
lb) enemy, and was comjivlKil lo change his
baiool operations, In the pre-stiieo of n vlgl
lent and active foe, vastly Ids superior in mini
beri and In n hnnnlcd.,'c of the character or
the country. .MctWYIhin Immorlallzeil himself
by the sii'-cesful e.vcrulloii of Ilut diffleull
and dangerous nnneuvcr. His army, also, by
the bravery c.hlbltci) in that W d i)s of foar
ful carnage, proved themselves Invli.ciblo.
MeClellan's soldiers nro devote illy attached to
blm, and would minlfolly accomplish more
under Ids leadership, tli.tit uiuh'r that or nnv
other Oenei.il. McClellan, Pope and Hun! i
side ot managers, with the host of fijhllng jlu iiordunivllli. Diitleg tli-u ilmo not h-ss
Generals eunUr ihem, and Iho nrmy of Vlrgl- j Ihan ten Irabu arrived over the C111I1.1I Rail
nla consolidated into one serried host, will Iron! from Ilm South ntd 011 Iho Chuilottes-
soon criih nut this wanton rebellion.
Tho Holder States nro being ihsoliled by
rnving guerrilU bands; but I lie so nic only
the adjuncts of the lurge armies Mill In the'
tie Id. Ixl lliebo Iw overthrown, nud the peo
pie will soou put down these murderous ell
The news from the Stale of Minnesota I
of Ihe most he.vrlreiUIng kind. Mm, women
mid children luvo been slaughtered In vast
numbers, by the Sloux Indians. It Is about
lima that tho knell of onnlhl'atlnn rounded
over the last grave o( this perfidious raee.
The-y want bullets, not Iliblcs. Tiny need Ihe
convincing power of grape shot more than tin
1 (Torts of missionaries. Wo hope to fee
Harney sent after them, with full power to
convert llicm all.
Donation Sktti.h-.s It will be seen by n
notice in our mhcrtlixlng columns, that, In
acconlunco with tho provisions or an Act tn
reduce the expenses or the turvcy and f-a'e ol
the public lands, approved May 30, 1802, do
nation settlers are required, before Ihe issuing
or their final certificate, to pay fees as fob
lows: For a claim or one hundred andslxlj
creJ, five dollars ; three hundred and twenty
acres, ten dollars: six hundred und twenty
acres, fifteen dollars itc. Seo nothc fiom
Register and Receiver of the Itosebiirp Land
Office. This U one of tins btntjiual eficcts or
Southern treason. Wulk up, ye t.cceElon
kjinpsthlzem, and, as you drop your five, ten,
or fifteen dollars Into the ofiieer's hand, whistle
" Davis pud Rv'auregard, tho glory or the
! I..IW I . ...
tiotn II11.1, This ouce rich quartz lodo Is
to be opined ngaln, Sic ndvertUmcnt,
t)atr to AiiKt JJHitil.
Nashville, August 20th. Tho rumored
evacuation of Chattanooga nnd llic move
mrnla of Ilia Hubris lonnrels Knoxrlllc, Ten.
timer, nnd Riilunond, Kentucky, have caused
grout activity in military circles here. Troop
arc comlnntly arriving.
A ellp.elcli front Adjulnnt Ucncrat Thomas
snysi The Union men of F.asl Tennessee arc
held In confinement ns prisoners of Slate
Governor Johnson hns o corresponding num
ber of traitors for exchange.
A tolerably ncil authenticated report says !
Colonel Uurranl, wllh six or seven hundred
men, altnel.cd Scott's Louisiana CVvulryyes
terdny, at Iunl Uridijc. near l.nndon. After
quite n levero fijiM Oarrard defi-atcd llicm,
spllllliur, ilm nbil regiment In two part,
width fktilatlJIcil In different direction?. No
particulars have been received of the losses on
either side.
Kansas Cily, Aucnst 20ih The Federal
loss In tho cntjngi menl at Lone Jailr, M Issourl,
on Fthby last, Is nndemtnod to have been 160
. kllttu, woundid nnd rnlsstnjr. The buhuico or
i ll,c r," escaped to Lexington. The artillery
j'01' ' H"-' "d''' relnl.en four limes, and
"m")' 'plMd nnd abandoned by the I edcruls.
During tliu fiyht nt Iiidiiiiiidihce, Missouri,
on Ilm lllh, Uerirui Ur1 ,nlfti cnintiiarntiil
ii nbil regiment nt CafffingcTiml a LHgalfflil
Wilsons Crcih, wns Killed, nnd the notoiious
; tral loss Is set down nt twenty-one hilled and
thlrly-flvo wounded, while the Rebels say theli
loss w-cs ten killed and iltvcii wounded. The
Union men declare the Ribcl lots to have
been over sixty killed.
Si. Iionb, August 2lst. A gcnllcnnn Jut
nrrlved from I.'ngton, Missouri, reports that
soon nfler leaving thnl illy he heutd nn nhirni
gun firid nnd the long roll beaten In the Id
iralcimp, fu'.lowiil by n loud riiimoimd.iig.
lie Is eonllihiit that the garrison will be able
to mulnlnlii ilsilf and repulse the enemy, n
the garrison Is fully 'J COO strong, of whom
tnn ....!.. ll -- i
uvi, iiuuer uenrrai i."nn, nrriveviuuni I .at Ink-
nuly yesterday morning. The commanding
i.rfiecr at Lvxinglon burned nil the he-nip
warehouses, with their contents, to prevent tin
Uvbels from ree.illug the experiment of hemp-b-vlo
breastworks, triid with success by Price
In the attack last Full. Our troops occupy
Mulligan's o'd liilrencliniiiits, which have
been cxtemhil to the river, to prevent the
Rebels from attacking In the rear nnd cutting
off the garrison from the wieler. 'I hcrlrcngltt
of the Ribit force il not known, but it Issup
posed In be l, COO.
Washington, Auguti 21st. One hundred
and eighty ldcrnl prUonrrs, e-npturcil nl I lull
Itun and other point', reathesl here toil.iy
from South Carolina. They complain bitterly
of their treatment.
Reverdy Jnhuion made n report tn the Gov-
eminent upon the points In the udinliitslrntlon
of nff.ilrs at New Orle-ans, and tl.u President
'has approved In conclmlnns. Il Is understood ",0 rl'nr "e ""derslanl that the vvho.e
that .luhninn recomnni.ds tho return tn the Army of Virginia is on the retreat. All
' Consul or Ihe Netherlands of tie 8CIM1.1JIIO ' 'nrU "f """i0""1''' nl'-' l0 Ihceffectlhat tho I
clze-l by Ge neral Rutin-; that 871C.0C0 beitt,'o!c orni.v r 1l,'1""m,,1 ' ndvuncing and
returned to the Frt ncli Consul: nnd al.o. that
11 large amount of mgnr nnd other meichan-1 ' fl ",",,' '" n wur'1, a' ",!,'c,,,i"
disc n rellnqu'shed tn Greek, Itrlthh. nnd ''""'H1'1 ,0 Freilerleksburg und Wiishlnglnn.
other fnie-L-n nurehants. tt.rtiilclls.il In v.....Tlins tliwilnidl on tl.u left Hank, and threat
llii-lOrhw.s.ns.necordlnif tn .l..hi.snn. thua n-U
nt thai time, lroop were pouring out of Iho lM,l,J "r llml riVl'r ,,e "'" "" lonfr ,c,r('l" "l'lHr ngeney ut nlglil i the place was IHirullv
illy on ihe Virginia rnllioads. U was Impni. I ('nlH-ppcr, laih-C .v. M. It wns rxpecle.) ' I'C hablliitlon of ehiith. He visited all II e
siblc for civilians In pri-ow passage. All the thut Ihe army would ern,s tho Itappihnniiock h"U.-s und found utl Iho occupants ilmd. He-
troops 11rour.1l Itlehnifind wire h motion to.
.M..(. ,nu ...Mill. ltd iwtuwii u.ai ,1V
(.'Mian had begim the evacuation of Ilarrl
son's L-imliiig. Al S-irlon's .lunctlon, our in
trt.1. ,1... V,..,l. I. .M.. 1... ... 1
rormauUajs, are largo eiieampmrnls, extend 1
lug from the south sldj of P.ununkey river to m-uses of troops are pouring In swiftly but or
several miles north of the Junction and ntsn deily, mareldng along narrow road und ovir
from Sarlon'ii Junction up iho valley or the Hild Inwards the to.-.n. Slgilh)lifitcc:ed
North Anna rlvir. Sm ill camps were nlsn .until noon. Whatever hapjicns no erntslng
visible olKvcial localities along the rnllroudi will be nttuiii!eil until hu comes up. 1 11 spile
from llie Junction to the cronliig of Iho eonijordihivs.llieie has bivn no pau.o whatever
mnnroad from Fredericksburg. At Louisa among the trali.s.
Court House-was niioiher large body. He v. 8 I''"1' (Mlnuojoln), 22.1. ltellablo lit
eral re'glnienU strung ulong ll.o road from formation from Fort Itldgely confirms ihe
Cordons ll!c, where there were only slv or pnvlous nport of I11d.au itoubles In 1I1.1I
seven regiment. A heavy frco coiild lie-j''i.''0i- ',ie hidlaiu nt Iho loner Slou
sent ramping In the hill slrele-hlng In Ihe- ugeney have been llirc.tenii.g vengeance for
iinrlliea.t In the dlrfetlon of O.ango Conn
Hou.e. Our Informant was stopped ten hours
vilh rn id riom Lviiehhurg, The trains from
Richmond were bringing linops ami supplies.
Slouewull Juekson is fiild In liavc Is.fl (!or-
donsvll.'e-. None Knew Ids whereabouts. Our'0 Monliy night Iho light from burning
Informant nlso saw n heavy force at .Stannurds-' ll0"t n1"' K'" "a,, wirc sff" '" "" ,'Iri'u'
vllle, which seemed prepared lo ininh. j l'0"- l'wvd titlMii came Into Iho Fort
New York, August 21. t. Tho Tumi' let-1 during Iho night, giving oeiounts of horrors
Icr from Fortress Monroe, elated Ihe 19i,,j too leirible lo Imagine. The roads In Iho di
sajsi " The urmy Is ulready In processor cm-i rrctlnn of New Ulm ore lined wllh murdered
Imrhatlon for onolhcr fiild of op rations ! . women mid chililren.
Porter's corps Krformed n very rapid nnrilil
from Ynrklnwii, nuking the wiioli-daiaiicu ofl L'lm, sent Ihero to learn Iho ttiilh, arrived liundied and twenty acres, nud fifteen dollars
thirty miles In ten 1I1.111 01,0 diy. Morrill's j hero last night. He' snjs ho remind that' for sh hundred nud twenty neresj to bene
divhlon reached Hiimptein vrsterehiyariiriioon, ptueo on Tucul.iy morning, and found Ihe pen- counted for In the ramo manner ns feva and
und tho wagon train, with Iho whole corps, p'o preparing to bury llvo person. Oilui commls.lons in warrant uud pre-cnipllon
were cneamped belnro iitglit. This morning, I wero being constantly brought In, horribly .cases : with limitation as to minium of sal
they touk up their lino of march In Niwporl ' mutiluted. He faw four persons hi one room, 11 ry picrcilt.ed by exUtiug laws ; nnd In oc
Ne'vs, vvl.cro they will iininediatily embark. w minded, hue ing been cut wllh hatehcts, on Icoielaiico with such Injunction us lmll bo
S hes' divis'on or regu'nrs uro nlrendy on'lho head nnd arms. In nn udjolnliig loom ho glvin by die laws of tliu flenerul I nud Olllce."
transports, Siimnri's corps, whlcli formed
Iho rear guard of tho nrmy, vvlili French's
brigade forming iho extreme rear, arrived at
Yoiktovvn jcetcrday. The entire wagon train
of Ihls corps arrived at Hiinipton to-duy." tain, being ilelerniliied to defend tho town lo
New Yoik, August 21st. The Tubunt't tho last. Porter left Ihe place on Tuenliy,
Fortress Monroo letter toes that Gireral'aud was overtaken by r; messenger in (lie
Heintzelman did not accompany Iho nrmy evening, who brought information (hat llie
down the peninsula, but went off in tho eliieo-1 Indians, two hundred Mrong, ottocktel Iho
lion of White House. It was commonly rc-'townut llvo r. m, nnd burned several build
marked that he was gono off lo luok up a Ings. llefore leuvlngtho mcssingir saw sev
fight. His surmised that lie will oppenr In Ural citizens fall. The penplo bad barrlcaeled
Iho neighborhood of Whllo House or West Iho streets. Letters lo Governor Ramsey say
Point. hundrrils uro known lo bo Killed. Tho Gov-
LouUxllIe, August 21st. The entire Cily ' ernor has ordered mounted militia to the scene
Council luixe been arrested for refusing lo of action.
lake Iho oath of allegiance, but wero ic'tiisedj New Ymk, 22d It Is reporled that Iho
on resigning om! giving bonds. The properly . forces of McClellan, llurnslde nnd Pope have
of Mayor Henderson, who hus Did to the ' Inrmed ujunction., it slilh,-rcd In the vicinity
J rebel nrmy, has bceu svizid.
Two Indiana regiments, four companies of
cavalry, and ono battery of artillery have al
ready crossed Into this State.
Cincinnati, August 21st. Pikesvllle, Pike
county, Krntuiky, Is In possesion of the
Rebels or Humphrey Marshall's ndvanee.
It seems to bo the intention of llnmphrey to
lakv possession of the Ulg Sandy rrglnn, nnd
advance firmer the Ohio bordir. It Is timli-r-stood
thnl Omernl Wright will throw nil the
Western troops of the new quoin, into Ken-
ttakynnd forward them to Kust Tiiinessec,
win re the Rebels are concentrating in large
Memphis. August 18th. The guerrillas on
Saturday destroyed the ferry boat p'ylng be
tween here nnd Mound Cily, Arkansas. Thry
robbed stores, and stole a number of horses In
the vicinity of the latter place.
The Fourth Division cl General dulls'
atmy, under Ginrral limey, left Helena on
the 4th for Clarendon, While river, where a
large body of Rebels were rncanmid. Tin
hitter, npprlcd of his approach. Hid In (In
direction of Little Ruck. Cavalry wcic sent
In pursuit.
St. Paul's (Minn), August 20lh. The In-
diani of Meiher county, fxiprntcd nt the
non reception of money from the Uourinnrut,
ntlnekrd the whites in the town of Acton,
nnd hi I lul n number of poisons, both men nnd
women. Several were nlso mnsacrcd lit the
lower ngmey. 'Ihesctlhis nre nturinrd, and
cnmlrg down the M turn sola river. Troops
have been sent since thedittuihancc.
Wiithlngtiui, 21. The old icglmctits which
hnvo not bein recrultid up In their full
strength before the 1st of September will nt
once be lillul hy dtalt.
Niw York.'JIsl. The Columbia, from Ha
vana on tho lClh, has arrived. The yellow
fever hus been raging there lor the last month
very fatuity.
Advices fiom Marlhpio slate thai four thou
sand I'rei.ch, -f the reinforcements fur Metcu,
had nrrlved. Twenty-live thousand more ore
Sedalla, Mo., 21. Advices from Hit! West
nre to the cfl'ii-t that the forces uiitkr CtTf,
Ojnntnll and other rebel chiefs, whlih were.
lately nicimielng I.lrglnn, ate in full reltent
southward. They nro said tn number four
thousand. The Federal', uiidir Gen. Illuut
and Cidonel Wnrren, nro In hot puisult, vvlili
.'I iOO 1 1 oo s nnd fuur!en pieces of nrtillcry.
On the 1 Dili Colonel Warren wui ten nilles
north ofdnmeslowni General Illuut was two
miles to the southwest, llolli vveto moving
raplelly. II.C icbils were only ruur mlleit several dujs. The enemy lias bun icpulscel
uhend or Warren's cavalry. The prespecls ni n) pln by our batterles-thoiigh not
arc tint they will be overtaken ut tlio cross- without the low or some nrilllervmcii and
lug of the Orange. horses.
New Yoik, 22d. 'I he 7Vitinif correspon. 'j-ho llvtiitug Post sajs that a letter re
lence, ehiteil Htoilqiiurlcii or ll.o Atmy nriiilvrd here, states that r conshhrablo purtlon
Virginia, Cedar Mountains. 18th, rays : The, of ihoiiriny, which has been In Wwtcrn Vlr
army Is ngaln on the march that march, a glnia, would nrrlvo nl Washington loehiy.
retreat. An order was Issued Imlaylo lie
remly tn start at once. Ilerore two linurs li.nl
l,!1"v,' ,,1! Uttt m"' '"WW 'm' " "
t,,,nl ,1C r1,cl nro n"I'""R ,0 lut" """
!h'nn "" l"rn,tl ,lllltn nqeiir hi iinm-!
Inr In our own, I ..u niiny retreiits to flbt.
" ,',)iIRl, " I "l'Iinfl ho will cross Iho
ltiipp-h.niiiotk. hut wlen once on the norl I. J
by ten oVhiek, 1ml the pns.nge of tlio train
waskomueliihlajed Ihnl II will not lis ut-,
lemplrd. Ilai.l.s'niid McD.iwill's corps nre I
coming up. llolli
will iiwult Iho arrival or
.. . .. !
S'gel. wlui rovirs
ll.o irnr. .s 1 wrur,
I'-me lime in lons.quencooi 11.it mmy ni pay.
"entJ duo Ihem hy the Government.
An .
outbrrnk finally piviuret), und llw gnaler
iiiinibcr of whiles in llie vlcin'ly wero massa.
creel, Forty II vo men, sent ngalml Ihem, felt
Into nn ninbuicide after eroasing tlio river
nrur llie agency. The gre-atcr nuinKr were
1. 1 1 let) ; only h lutein returned lo the Furl.
A gentle nun nameil Poitor.ju.t from New
saw a child witli its head (ut ofT. Twenty-
h-vcii others were conlelcrab!y mutilated.
The penplo wero fully awaho In ll.eir danger
and drilling with what nrms liny could ob.
of Aequiu creek,
Springfield, Mo., 22d. Tlio Federal Col,
Wright passed Cnrthago yesterday in hot
pursuit of tho guerrllas under Coffee, Haves
nnd Qitantrell. On Wednesday ho attacked
their rear, killed two, captured thirty-one
horses, and quite a number of guns and other
property fill Into our hands. Tho Kansus
Hoops, under General Blunt, was oiilyn few
mites bchlng, pushing on rapldy. All the
bad chnractrrsiri Western Missouri nre jolti
ng Coffee, whleMwIII d.aln that section of a
dangerous eleuXl, 'IM pursuit Is not to be
relinquished unjff the 'rcbcli are dilvcn from
tho Slate. Jl
Cairo, 22d. An Intercepted teller from
Hlndman to the rebel Secralury of War stutc
that he has eighteen thousand will armed
Infantry, six thousuad cavalry and flfty-fuiir
pieces of nttillery at Llttlo ltoek, Arkansas.
He proposes nwaithv nu attack fiom Curtis,
Instrnd of ntlnekliig him nt tlu'ina. Ho in
tends to nnlhllato Curtis mid thru push for
the Mississippi river. Helena is to be forti
fied as u base of operations.
fotrlpi XiMH.
Cape Race, 22d. The Teulonln, from
Sniilhainploi; on tho l.llh, his arrlviil.
'I he squadron nt Ancnn.i, lus been ordered
tn watch the Adrlatie coist.
Garibaldi, with
llvehtindrrd volunteers, was inarching In the hi? fiom nil nccouiits that arrive nlmost ihlly
direction offean Cnfeln. flls edji-it seems tn finm the " Plalnsi" In fact, our Kaslcrn nnd
ho to icntli the coast of the Papal States, hnnhr exehangis have fur months been fi led
Palermo was tranquil. A Garilnldt maul- will" Items reliltvo to nnnlmw.t iiiipreccd'uled
fe-slallon had tiiken place nt I'Zi.lii. At n exodus from thrir mhlsl, hound for the shore's
theater in Milan, shouts were ralsid : " Itomeii'f the far-off Pacific j and Ongon iniytxpeet
or di-alh." Garibaldi had occupied Rocco ! a large accession to her population during lhi
nnd Palestra, and ut the latter place spoku nspnsrnt month. In view of these fads, we
follows: sugstst to landlorels and properly owners, the
" The present stale of nffuhs ennnot con-; proprle-ly, not to sny hnnianlty, ol Inn sting
llutie. I go ngalnst ilm Government b'cause , their surplus funds in biilldlnss suitable to tin-
It wilt not Id mo go In Rome. I go ngalnsl
France because tho defended the lVpo. 1 j whom doubtless tinny will find that they nre
will liuvii Rome nt any price ltomc or death! J quite unable to eln fur themselves on orrlvlng
If I succeed, so much the belter. If not, I from so long and toINome a Journ'y. Most
will destroy the Italy which I inailc mvstlf." of them will probably bo nbto nnd willing to
Ilia following is from tho Yreka Union, piy n reasonable rrnt fur such ncMmmndi
New Yin k.'.'.'ld.-General Pope has fallen i !". nnd our people may thereby reenre
back ncruss the Rappahannock, und tnnele 'intlI')' homes to Iho homeless nnd nseAil ir.cm
that stieunin line of ihfensc. 'Ilia tneiny Is M'1" losoclely nt large. The Investment cm-
In gteal force on the south bank ; he hns made1
I, c,clll liHiTtctunl efforts to crow nnd turn
our lell Hank, nt the same time nuking elein
onstrntlnns on our center. Sudi disposition
has been made of our nrmy tint there netil be
tin four. McCtellan had nirhed with n portion
of his nrmy, and It is bellcveil that he lias as
sumi'd ciiui'iiaiid of buthainiles. Fighting, of
n ih-sp'ratc character, has been going on for
jinnli r General Cox.. Il Is also reported that !
Vttcrn troops ore pouring into Wektern Vir
glnta via Harper's Ferry.
St. Paul, 23d.-Parties from the secno of
ila Indian distuilniicef, reaelwl lieru hut
nTltt. The State scouts estimated that the
number ol whitei ulready hilled would reach
.100. 'Ihls opinion is baed on tho number of
bottles discount) along the roads nud trulls.
Tlio eulllrcil Indluns ixeeed ll.eir ravage
brelhren In their ntroeltks. Mr, Frencliir,
10 has sieul moil of Ids life iimon IhiIuiiik
wi'iinteeied lo gn nlone; trusting In hN
hiirmluige of lie- inisiiid.d Iiullui.s, nnd d.s-
puUttl to 1 scape de lection, he nrrlved nl Ihe
)"'" visiiui Heuver creeit 111,11 roumi nny rami-
"es missaeiul. lie vvntis to (iov. l!anmy
ffi.m llimlinon. 21l, rajlng lio left I-nrt
Itldgely thai morning. rl In re went thru 11
... ........ 1. .I...... ... 1 ..... i-... 11-. 11. ...
tlnni.ii il Iid'uiisiirouud Ilm Fort. He thinks
that otlur lilbca nre Joining ihe Sioux.
Gleneoi. August 2lt. The Injury done by
ktnnitiiiti nf c.-lll.-ra It tiimiMici mil li kr,'in nf
' " ...
ii'-riiiiiiuii nun net-mn iiuni.r in-i.iuiiii 111 ii.ci
.nulls niiuelieie. In .Mulml, Miel.ir u:ii t
.M.riln-rn nuilcy, mm in litis 1111.I iiillnlniii!!
couiiiie-s, nn iiva.iuniii inrets uro 0111.1; ml
.. . It .. . .' .
In-led. '. Gnverimr Sibley U uow iiiarthlng
ig iciici 01 rori i(i.igiiy.
-- -
Doucl.13 County Correspondence
l.iMi Oifirr. Rnsstiiiru',
Aiisu.l2l.lt.G2. (
VMortflhc Stutintf, Sir t 't have this
tlay received n coinmiinh-utlon front the Clerk
ol the Gcncial Lit.d Olllce, iiollfvlng us of
Iho lusin-ro of an Act " inlilli-il nn Ai-I l.ii.iiin v n.1.1 ...l.. ,.r . ...1 .1 !.. I....I. ..,.1
reduce Ihe cxpen.es of Ihe survey nnd saleol
tl,o public lands" etcupproved May ao. J
lSi'.J. The sKlli section of whlih lends u
r..l!owB i
Ami l.n II fu.lliir rnnplr.t. 'I Iml '
, t r. .1 n . , t i . .i "i'i itii'i itniy ure-s, iiiie-eu iinuar. inuiiis
from and aflc r the first day o July next, lliejcnu Iw nmiltul b mill onxire. vvlili stamp
compensation of Register mid lticelver In W '" py rtlurn po.tnge. upon the ueclpt or
the land ...llies of the Uidlcd Slates, shall bo Ih
an nuiiuul salary ol P500, to cue h. with Ihe uplloii. JOHN KI.IJ.Y. Ili-irl.ter.
fiei and commissions now prescribed by law,ll,l":",B"j GliO. li IIIIIGUS, Itiiciver.
audio bo pild by claimants, nn nuthorlied , '"'"' "iw '"''""'. , Auir. 83. 1W83.
.... . . .......,. ... ...., ..,..., t f -. jlli It-., i .
fit', hi ilviiutwn ci.es, or five dollars fur one
hundriil nmHlMy acres j ten dollars for thiee
From tlio ubovc quotation jou will peicilve,
that tho whole sj stem or compcmallon In Ihe
.land olUces of this State has been changed,
to ono aiialagoiijito thut hcutoforo practiced
In most otlur laud offices throughout tlio
United Slates. Ry n inonled salary of d.101),
the balance lo bo made up In fas uud commis
sions, which, In Iho aggregate, must not ex
ceed S2S0O per annum.
This law liillicts on Iho donation settler an
onerous lav, the necessity of which would be
avoided, had Iho donation certificates been is
sued ns soon ns tho clulm plats wero trans
mitted fiom the Survevor General's Offiic.
This has not been done ; uud tho cniisiquenco
is, the donation settlers, in this disti id nlone,
will be compelled to pay from 919 to 820 lo
havo work performed, lor which our prede
cessors recelud nearly 3110,000 in salaries,
.uud WOO loclcik hire.
lint this neglect is another evidence that
Seccsh Democracy looked upon the patronage
of the U. S. Government ns a kind of family
heirloom. Hence tho laxity which pervaded
every department of tho public service, nnd
permitted the present rebellion to assume such
proportions as almost to set tlio authority of
the General Government at ddlancc.
Does nny Intelligent man bellevo that this
nrtlco would have been left in such n slate of
rhaos nnd nrrearnges. ns our experience, nnd
that ol the donation claimants, who are dally
rrqulred to make their proofs over rgain. nnd
arc now compelled to piy for making out cer
tllleules which should htvo been dono years
ngn, nnd the patents In tho hands of the par
lies eniiueu to wem, u me Hiei'sii jJcmocrnts
did not believe that the pilronaga of the
Government belonged to them by the grnco of
God J
Hut the campilgn of 1SC0, nnd the recent
election in this State, has, no doubt, tiiughl
them tho fallacy of this assumption, nnd thut
hereafter they will he mora sensibly Im
pressed with tho Immutability of Democratic
principles. Yours truly, Jimv Kkm.y.
Tub FMMinuvTio.,. A very huge Immlgra-
! tlon Is about to be added to our Slate, hide-
'wants mid conveniences ol our new comers, of
1 ""l ,ml Prf"c remunerative In themselves, nnd
in so doing they but perform nn act of jiutie
In mankind. At Ihls writing, scarcely n com
mon building can bo found for rent In our
city, and the nplllude of our rrin-irks tuny
seem more nppllenble when vre arc to ixpeet
so large an addition to our ntimbeu almost
Immediately. Poillnml Timtt.
Indian Fiotir. Cnptaln Curry, of Colonel
Maury's) command, hus had n ' bit (To, fight"
wllh the- Indians In Grand Hondo ridle-y. The
gol'nnl C.iptuln miiio vi ry neiir loosing his
own life-, his prrseiieo of mind was nil thnl
saved him. Dame Rumor has II, that Colonel
iMauryV command nnllelpntiil n gnoil deal or
fighting with tliu Indians, and that ho had
Isent to Wnll t W11II.1 for reinforcements. We-
hardly credit It, heiwevcr. Ut the red devils
pitch hi south, tre air prtpael or llicm.
ALL jiersons luti-resli.l In Iho Gold Hill
(Juirlr. I.ixli-, nro riquestiil to mei-l nt ll.i
New Hl.iti-S.iluoii, 1111 l liursil.iy,Hrili nilnr III.,
nt :i o'llncli p. M., lor I hit pnr.i.Mj i.f iisse-rslug
iIh-illll. r.'iii shuns, for llielurilier luo-iivctlii"
orjI.iliUIIII. ' '
Eva::.s villi: Hotel
Jpon xiaaxsTi.
T 111,' iinilrrslgneil Hirers to renl it leuo the
lIvuiKvlllu Hotel, at l.ir.linUI, lur one,
Iwn. or ll.ri'o ynrn, nt k-im.u.iI.Io rates,
'Ilm Until Is In 11 cciid location. A fine
nullum Is11lt.1ei.nl In llio .iuiI.ih: nlin gowl
pprlng water. m.d in.ivinli-iit oiil-bull.llugs.
Tor lufoninitlon mMri s,
DardamUs, Ogn Aug Illl. Ihli2. :t3lf
Dissolution of Copartnership.
-iMniui, is iiercny given tint lliocopirlner.
NOTICi: Is liercby given tint lliocopirl
lilp liPieliifnrpi-Nlstliig lit-lwecn Ilm
i. 1 nil. iicu-niiiiro i-Msllu-r lii-lwecn tlm nil
UrrTiittl, In ll.o 1'lour .t Mlllloi Iiu-I.iim,
'iiut nn-iiaino ami si)iu 01 valley .Mill, I
ll.la.lii. .I1...I...I I I . .11..
IlilJihy ill". I111I liym.itiiiilcnusi'nl. All not
ami nccoiiiils iluo llie- Vnlliy Mill niii-t l' set
'Hid iiniiiiillnttly with K. 1). n.'i.liay. ami all
null's ami ueconiiisimliig by suM uoidii.hiv will
b'Kllleilliy li 11. 1'uiulr.iv.
Valliy .Mill., Aiigtiil P.'l'li. ISB2.
li l. nil'MIIAY.
John ANin:iti).s,
i To Donation Sottlors.
I I1111urMi.1r.co of tlio Act of Coii.miss" en-
tllleil an Act lo iiiluco I In- tli('lii'H of till-
Mnyan. Ui.ii" DiinailoiKillhrsnieitipilieil,
V&X a Wn'X
dud uud sixty niuv, flvu ilollars; lliieet linn-
""'" " 1 XX SUV ncll-. It'll lI'llIlM! StV ll.lll
NOTICI". Is heieby given tliat Ilia IIAGLK
Mil. I. Sine again In tunning ouler. ami
that we aro iigali. icu.ly lo furnish our numer
ous cusloiuiu with tho
Best Flour in tlio Country.
liver sack grounil ami nicked at tlio Mill
war ran lut In In- (iooil t'ln.ii-.
Per Jei.Kni J.vcoi.s, Agent.
Ashlaud, May IS, 1&02. Hih
Fotition for Divorco
.ViwlcfA Jane ihDamtl iUnjilainaut, )
Jama 1'. McDjimI DtiiiJjut. )
l.eiiby untitled that niih-ts jnu nnpoiir in
tho Clicuil Court ot tho Kiuto of Oregon', foe
llie county of Jackson, e,u llio lit Uiy of t)
kr, IbU.', nmt answer Iho coniplal.it In tlio
above cutltlul tu'tlon, tliu same will bo tnki-u
for confcsseil. will tho prajcr tbiieol' will be
grunted by tliucoiiit.
It. F. DQvYKLU Solicitor for ll.o Com
phtinutit 'SJ It
Is dally tn receipt of a largo
assortment of
JMClrnlns Tool.
He also rccommemb his large, new stock of
Toy & Fancy Ware
And n great mmy other article! loo numer
ous to mention, till of which he will tell
Or In exchange for COUN'I RY PRODUCK
Jacksonville, Augutt 2.1, 18C2.
Sll'e'lMSOIt Til
J. A. HRLWMMt A. mtOTIIint.
The undersigned, having purrhased from J, A.
llruuni'i- & llrollar llieir enllro
Stock or .llci'iiiniiilisc,
Now oficrs the same for sate at
Greatly Reduced Prices,
3P321. OjA-SIEX.
The toc)ccomIU of
Drj & Fancy Goods
Anil. Ill fuel, n varied assortment of ortlelo
peltaliilug to the General .Meruliauellrc bmlucts
plenso to give mo a call, and ctcatiitun Hit
Ootids nud U'lini the Prices, UToru you iimUe
your puiehascs.
Do not forget tho place Ike Ilrlck h'lore
lieietorurc occupied by J. A. Ilrunm r .V llro,
.tuelooiivllle, July 19, 1fi:.'. '17
l!n. Imvo Ihls dvy sold our stock of mer
l cliamllso In .Mr. Max Mi i i.kh. l'roui our
me nils ami pilions wo wnuhl solicit fur Mr.
Mi l.l.t.ii u coutliiunnce or lln-lr lllieral nilnni
ug. J. A. lllIt'NNIIlt A DUO.
Jai-k-ouv llie, July I'.'lli, IM!.'. 27
llascoiistnully on bund, mid Is d illy receiving
new uelillllnus In lil present largo aud
well selictid stock or
Gen'l Merchandise,
Coutl.tlng, In ji.trl, of
Tlio Xjtvtontt Stylooi of
HOSIIlltY. nud oil kinds of OA1TF.RS,
1100 1'llliS nud bLIPPKltSt
A l.-irge Stock of GKNTLKMK.VS
;:stst:::ia: B;'i' c s
Crockery, Glassware
MIMIHS' TOOLS or nil Kinds.
Particular uttcutlou Is paid to procurlug the
Best Oroccrios for Familios ;
Alto, the best qualities of
Liquors, Wines and Cordials,
And n variety or other articles too numerous
to mention.
All or tho nbovo goods will bo told at prices
tO llri eOllljnllllOII.
All urlicles that may bo purchased or me
will bo wai ranted as rcpiu.eulid, or tho mouev
will ho ri'fuiidnt.
Liullis and Gentlemen aro kindly solicited lo
all und examine my presint stueK and prlcis
bi-loio purcliadngil'iivhero. I am confident II
will ho to tlulr advantage. 1 consider It no
lloul.lo to show Goods.
All kinds of 1'roduQu tal.cn In exchange fur
c rteineinber my old klanil
MoUully'c two-Etory, Fire-proof Brick
Jit;ksonvlllo, July lit, Utij, 'il
ALL tltosi) Knowing themsilrcs Indebted tp
me lor i loujjer berlod tlmn ninety flays,
will pleasouill and pay up, or their iiccounta
will bo pacid lu tl;o bauds or my attorucy for
JaVk-oiivlllc,Jnl IK, '.fcO.', il
- Kd. JJ4J
:E3L"vta ot3 Oap
Tobacco and Segars,.
Or Donirablc Fro due.
A Cholco Selection of tho
; l'.vcr offered in this market, embracing
p fourti:i;n yariltiks of
: Slack, Qreen 4t Japants,
; In bulk, papers and esddlrt. at
'. prlcci to kuit Ihe roost parllcuUr.
phu:m and vicinity
Wilt And it to their advantago to paqcWt t
us, as wo iliell keep on hand a good Uifply ot
ron ALR AT
AVo will take nil descriptions of Produe tkl
can bo disposed or without loss.
riieculx, July UOIh.
I.twisu inuoni'iir,
prMPK with
OHPF.rt.S Tor floods and ror.slgnmtats of
Uiegou Produce eollcltcd.