Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, August 02, 1862, Image 4

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GliN. llTI.KR ami l'lKnitr. Sot'i.K in 18C0
and 18(12. About two years ngo llio Nu
ttonnl Democratic Convention, which had
broken up In a row nt Clwrlcston, nnd ad
journed over to ll.dtlmorc, was in session
the last named city. Just two years ago to
day tho Committee on Credentials In Unit
body finished their report, In which they do-
cldfd ndvcrsely to the claims of Jtrcekttiridgc
or disunion delegates from Ijoiilsinnn, oml In '
f.ivor of tho Douglas delegation from Hint
Slate, headed by the lion. Pierre Sonic. The.
Individual last named took his tent ns n dele-
gate just nt tho moment the Secession iKIegatra
were preparing for the " boll" from tho Con-
vcntlon, which was n xirt of the secesslor
programme, nn.l he made n speech on the
" situation" upon assuming the place uvwirded
him. The writer of this article liwr.1 tin
speech, nttd l.c never before or since listened
with more pVnsure to nny oratorical effort.
Mr. Souto Is n fine sjienKer, nnd made one of
lib very best orations upon the occasion re
Term! to. Willi solemn cnrncttncM be Im
plored the Itrecklnridge faction to renmln in
their places, nnd not break up the Democratic
ruiilv : lie told tham that sect-Minn from the.
Cta.ff.tl... monn t. disunion, nnd he then ,,
troyed, In strong language, the consequences
of an nlten.pt to break up the Federal I'nlon.
Hariri.- Cl.iv never nlmdnt tnnri. ttmverriillv
for list Union that. Pierre Smile did utioti
tlwt nvetnorublc occasion, nnd the great states
man or the west never drew n more vivid pic
ture of the roiMCfpieucts of its disruption,
The fiercest of thcllrc-cutcM were for n time
shamed nnd silenced by tlic wonderful do
qttttwe ami tho prophetic oratory or tiff dis
tinguished I.ouUkininn. The same report that
ca-c n place In the Convention to Mr. Soulc.
rxclmtrd from his scat llenjau.iii !'. Iluttcr, n
llrteklnrhlgti delegate (rem Massachusetts.
TIsb tttomin imw llluitnitc Hie prophr- -1
character of the grout Union speech of Mr. '
Kttule. The latter fell from grace and deserted
bis vnntd Union principle, und lie Is now j
an Inmate of n Northern prison, lleujamln
1'. llitller wsi firm In his devotion tu the !
Union and the Constitution, and he Is now a
.iiMjor ueoerai m ,11m nrmy of tne Lnllctl
S lutes, nwl dictating lam to the peoplo of the
lMtnstof I'ierrt Sonic Alia CultomM, yn
" I'M, ICxif 'kh Aw.g." Near Xewark,
X. J., Jlreil n very jilotts family, who had
taken an orphan boy to raise, who, by the
way, wm rntber uwlerwltled. He lud Im
bibed very strict view on religious matters,
Itotwvcr, awl ot.ee hsked his rMlnpted motlwr
If fa dUt think it wrong for the old fur mere
to ensne to church, ami fall usliep, yi-ig no
letter regard to the service. .Slio replied she
Accordingly, Wore pplng to church the
next Sunday. Iw AIM his mckel with apple
One bald beaiUd ohl nmn, who invariably went
to sleep during the Mrnion, particularly at
traded his attention. Heelug hint nt'ltl
iwniiHf; him giving ikisai eviiicucc nr lielng In
tli " kind of dreawe," lie liauleil oft' and took
tlie aitoundeil feetr with nu npple on tlw
(ep or hie buhl pate.
The minister nwl n row us! congregation nt
onee turned round anil. gated indigiwntly nt
tli boy, who merely sSftl to tlsss preueber, n
lie took another apple In his luiml, with n so
litr.honwt exproMion oroountenance : " Yost
prtnth, I'll keep eni awake!"
IIux.imtv IIkw.vhiixd In I-'nuioe the w
clely for the rotecltoi. or nnlnwU dosa twt
enjoy tU ioHilur respect which It ikserw,
the " wits" or the eupitul imlulgipg In nn end
less vartoly o( jokes at Its cxjKiMe. 'llie Just
joko Is to this tfiect 1
A oouHtrynsan nrrned with n club, presents
himself to the I'rethleut or (Ik society uml
claims tho firt prise. He U asked to describe
tl act of liutnaully on which he fouoded his
' I Imvc saved I he life of o wolf," rejille.1 tlsc
countrynwn. "I mblit easily have kil'cil
him with this bludgeon ;" and Iw swung his
weapon In the nlr, to the immeose ditcomforl
or the President.
" Hut where k tho wolf!" Jmjulred the Jut
ter, " wlwit luw lie done to you ?"
" He has just (kvourcd my wife," wns (he
quick reply.
The 1'rojWent rsfiecls an instant, and then
says. " .My friend, I nm of opinion, that you
ha-e beensuffielenlly retrunlnl."
I.v the year 1803, Mr. Jay proaelict n sr
inoi. beroro tlie Society for the Trojiajjatlon of
Chrktuin Knowledge It. tlie Highlands and
Islands officotkiin, am wai rc'ioeatid to jwr
mlt the same to be printed. Such permUsIun
Z I. . , ..I,,,, 'r """M
jen, nil that a man hall, will he give for his I
life." When the proof.shecU of the sermon j
were sent to Mr. .lav for correction. I.n f.i.m,l
that tho printer had printed the text thus :
"'Skin for skin ; yea, all lb.it n man lulli will
ho give lor his wife." Imteud of cotKclitig
the error In the usual way, ho vvroto on the
margin, underlining the word wife : " That de
cnds on circumstance."
Tiik " 0. S. A." (guys an exchange) have
chosen tho very name to which they are Justly
tntltW. They are. in fact, the Colored
Statosof America !" '1 heir secession aud bar-1
baroui warfare have proved them to be the
" Coward Slatw of America j" and soon they
will oe the " Conquercil States of America."
0. S. A. Colored 8latcs of America.
C. S. A. Coward Sutcj of America.
0. S. A. Conquered States of America.
Kmanoiiutio.v Is not an Idea peculiar lo
Xorthcrn civilization. Spain Ii said lo bo
meditating tho liberation of tho slaves in
Cuba. The process of emancipation is go
ing forward rapidly in ltuia j nnd now Hol
land is following In the wake. All tho slaved
in the Dutch West Iudica arc lo bo free on
tho first day of July, 1803.
"What IstTioinon extensive " forward move
ment'' yd icpgrttd?
An wlwiMjo of oir hUlt up the 'IVnnawcc
love & BlLGElt,
ruliforniii Street, Jncksonilllr,
nt j
TAYII just received front tho Atlantic side
c,cr"V,,m ttiolr- line, mid will keen constant
nnil am i-ntncisAi, " coin ucic muck nr
l- on hand nu iisortiiicnt of the best
Tin, Si't3t lion f Copper "Wnio,
,nl iie, Ilytlr.ttillo Nozrle, Forco
Pumps, Chains, Lead l'lpe, Hose,
And Wails all Sizes ;
liar. Plate nnd iiMiirted Iron ;
I'nluts. Oils, Sizes mid Glass:
All qualities or 1'owdur ;
Hint or nil number;
llrusl.es of ev ery v urluty , etc., etc.
Also, always on hand, n large lot or stoves or
assorted siaes.
uuciv's patiint cookixo stovi:,
tiik xnw would stovk,
The two ery best and approved patterns tu the
I &tt uSS 8e7 fftf
i Hollers, Uettl. Pots, Pain, nnd everything
, connected with thuse stoves warranted iluruble
. '""' lll"'
All article told liv litem or !imnnroliirfd.
IVAItltANTUI). Tliflr work Is nmdu or tin
lwst material and or eliolcvst iitturn.
In.Orden attemlid to with ipilekost d!s
jKitcli. and tilled ncco.dlni; to dirvcllnns.
lit everything, thttlr stoek Is the luracst nnd
eompletcM vver brought to JaclCfunvllle, and
they arc determined to m
Gill and examine their stock Wore purclms-
! 'i'" -,''K,'"ro'
June :'X 1n,(j.-:i.
rilKIMIll. l-Oll
in iininr iinx.
llili'k Iliitl.llMK,
can be round the chulet and niwi complete
'collicllon eir ufttrtd in JuckMiuvllle, of
Cton.xxtirta.ll-y OEXoixsacl AND
ti'fttod, Crirt Uoolz,
-A.Xloi.xsaa ib), vrad 2ro-
otlonl 'VtU'ox'lr.et.
. 1. a 0 -
All I In- I.ult4l ltogllih nml Amriltmi I'lr-
liirlnU, Stii(Milii)-4iii.il i m iihii
coiitlniill- on Imnil.iil Hit-
I3r.CU ) J21 ) J iE I ) L'CTION
lit the 1'ilces Ur
Board and JLodgnig !
- AT Till1 -
Hoard nml Lodging, per week
ikwnl, h.t week
.91) 00
. 7 00
. 75
Ilut.nl ami Lodging, jwrilsy, wllhprl
vaiu rK,ni. i.i iyi
Lodging r i.lghi. In private room
Lodging, ier night, In double room
Single ileal 00
Reduction In nrlce. Imt mi tnluetloH nr
ehanga In table. My table shall not be sur-
1kvI Iiy any in the State of Orvgiiu.
AIADAiMi: 1)12 nOHOAi'M.
Jacksonville Apill 'it, ISO'.'. 1,-,
A'T ir. r? n"i-r a .rrnci
" --- -t -- i-'j
Corner of l-'iont and F Streets,
WILL attend to the Deceiving nnd forwnrd
Ing of all (iumli t-nlrii'tej to their oarc,
with promiitueM and dliateb
ComignmeiiUi sulicitvd. Merchandise re
ceived on storage.
Crescent fit) , April 19, ISfiJ. M
N. I). No good delivered uiilll the frulght
ami charges an1 -Mid. D. A .
(On the Hill)
O'i'volc.egoxj.'ilZo. Orogon,
rpiIF. Froprlelore liuvlue; taken possctslon
J r'y Hrewery, lately controlled by
Mr. Fin, nre prepared lo fiiriiith ligcr Ueer
,0 ll'I f tliU vicinity by the keg, bottle
ur " g"i
An cxperien.ee or many years in brewing
3Lm1&G2? DSOOjT
Gives Ihciii nn advantogo over nil competitors
and warrants them in proniisiii" A lllIITMIt
IILSIIWHIIHH in Southern Oregon.
fcay He sure tn (end your orders In Ihe
CITY HUMWMHY.ir you wish the 1IIIST
I Ul'.r.U. Ivt (I CZK It & MATTMS.
Jucksonvllle, Sept. 10
1HG1. .'I.ltf
rnAt-Tic.vi. -
517 Oliy nnd 5M Commercial strectf,
between .Montgomery and .Santume,
O- IHiidlng of oviry description neatly ex
ecuted ; lllauK lluoks ruled and Iiouuil to nny
duslreil patti.ni. 2 by
a. : ij. i -r -i j
-agiiBiuiurrtl XDipienxeuifa.
ossor meni oi Aisri-
cultural Implements,
ami constiinuy urrivlng
lavoruuie terms ami at
J. U. MttlrlUK &. bUlM,
3Cwo.i30i'toi"sa cto aOoevlox'su,
Corner of Washington nnd Davis Streets,
Utvnnvniain n
.1 4.wiJi-4 umij Yurieu nssnrin uni ui twin- " -mnwiwc, in uiu uuiuu in iiiu net 10 oi ' iih i)oriiiin havni .ii.ii.n, u..i,.i n
1 I A 1 HI.' .-, t... s i r I ..! ikIImii l-.i.. l si ..' . i . .
, IUr SUIU Oil IIIU lliutl ' ,....,.. ,..,.,,,, , n,lu uuiii,, l"v'H .i,lll lu IIIU iiuuorsigtiui, ul J
I in nwrt c iv or R-efl. I W,l lie III lllll nr Ssnlrm.tr A n lftll', uiw-li, JIlOliM II OOlllltV. llmino, .,i-
inoAi. ajj:utiskmknts.
Of Receipts and Expendi
turCS 01 JackSOIl County
for tho Year oading Juno
30th, 1B62 :
motint of County Wnrrnnls out-
standing .tunu JIUtli, 1801, inter-
wlnddid Sin,28G -11
Amount or Warrants isued to
dune .'10th, 181,2, iiiclnlvi, h:
Kxpeiwcs of Courts. . . 83,71)5 -19
i:.ienses of Jail mid
l risoncH
Kxpcnu of I'uupers
nnd liunne
Uxiienses for 1'een and
Ha'aries of Ollieers.
K.pcnw of Itennnu.
Kxpcnsvn of I'ubllo
Keiisw of Hond-t...,
I'.xjifnsw of Items....
Ilxjieii'm of Driller. .
MIsnllaneoiM e.ieiH.
1.8C7 31
I.GIG .18
2.932 2.1
1507 10
nr.s fi
inn 2i
lno no
122 no
027 ftl
(17G dl.
I rwiurcr's tier cenliin. (1TC l l1 C'.Wir, 79
$29,06,1 20
colwty ruxn-cn.
Am't Countv Wnrrnnls returned
mid cnuwik-d 1 11,1105 80
HjIuiicc $1-1,017
bus, ninount due Irinti ilosephiue
('aunty, oxelunlve nf
interest f2,:ut) .'ii
I.eso nmiiunt due rrnni
ShtTilT. 1857 and 'ft3,
of iuterest
ll.ilutivtln Treasury...
Mm .1.AB7
SltM'lO :m
school rixp-nn.
reccivtd rVom
1 1.K10 2G
rtti-ived Iron.
shi of lint rays
Amount rm-hiil luleiest
imsrtlu SchiHtl Umls.
Amount received Irum
212 00
78 75-1 ,01)2 10
school iTxn-cn.
Ain't pnld Hpproprkitlwi tn Solmnl
Districts fflM 119
Ai.Hri.nt Tisurer'a r
cei.tl)C (1G dRaai .161
Ilulaueeoi. Itat.d
Of this fund 8118 03. np.
proprinlHl In h'vhmd Dls
triul by Hup't nf Selnxtls,
not drawn out of Treasury.
hospital rvxn-
Itakiucc on liund .Innc
:111th, 1801, f 190 72
Ain't arising from taxes, 1,018 HUtl,208
hospital riLW-cn,
County Wnr'ls rcturnedfl.lOO 38
Treasurer's per wnluge. -IB Mm$ ,208 '
.vr.n': 7vi.v ruxu-im.
Amount arising
from taxes col-
Jevitoil ..........
Amount pnW State Treneurer .
SIAOi 51
..1.098 21
DiBolt paid out of County I'liwl. .61,-10.1 74
.M. HOFFMAN, County Clerk.
.Tilly 1 Kill. lt-H2. 28o
Shoriff's Sale.
BY virtue of nu vxeoittlou diuy Isstin b
tin) Clerk or the Circuit Court in und fn
losephlno county. Oregon, uhhi u ilecrco ob
taiutd ut tlie June term nl tmd court, nguiiwt
uoiin ii, roT unit in mvor ol i-nxn Hanson
for llio sum ol Six Hundred und lliirly-iwo
(8G32 00) dollu ', wilh interest mid oosts and
tin i mrrwi nwi imu mm YOl'ICKta hereby given that the under
blic sale, for cash, to the I of ,w wlll,0 of MI1JK u. II.vrkwkij., ck-
uccrumw u, i
proceed to sell nt
tirocvetl to sell nl public
ntgiH-si uutiier, on
Monday tho 18th day of Aug , A. D. 1802,
tho following described Ileal Property to nil:
tho north half of donation land-cluiui number
forty-three (l.'l) it. township number thirty,
nine (li'J) and range eight (h) west and In hh--llons
number nine () nnd sixtevn (1G), and
known us tlie DONATUIX CLAIM OF
JOHN D. 1'OST with nil the Iniprovemcuu
and nppiirtvtwncea thereunto Iwlonglng or in
nny wise appertaining i sale nn tlie premise,
between tlw hours ur 12 o'clock a. i. und 4 v.
i. ol said day.
Sheriff of Jotciihliw oonnly.
'-' 27d '
July 10. 1BC
In ttiu County Court of .laeUsou
Audfrson A Glenn,
I Action nt law torcovcr
Illley Gray,
Tt appearing lo Ihe mlLfaetlon of the Court !
X h) alllilav ll lili'il in lliu uiiiitf, tii.it tin- duleiid
nut Is n uon-reiildeiit ol this State ; tli.it tbu
pl.tiuillis iiavc n caiifo or notion agnlmt tlie da
Iciid.iut iirl.Ing nu contract ; uml ilait tin. du
rt-dnut has iroiRrly In IhU .Slule, nml that the
Court has jurmliclloii ut the subjeot ul' the
action ;
Thererore, In the naino of the iople or the
Slato or Oregon, you the said Itnjjv (iiuv, nic
reipilrtd to appear in said Court on
Tho First Monday in AngUBt, A. D. 1802
nnd answer the complaint IlK-d ngaluit juu by
the pl.tlutillV. or the Minio will Iw taken Inr con
ren-il, anil llio prater llieicor bo g.iuilid by
the Court.
Vilnes the Hon. J. C. Tomun, Judgo or said
Datu) Jiicktonville, April 12tb. 18G2.
In the County Court of Jackson County,
""" 'V4. '
Action at law to Recover Monoy.
TT appearing to the sntlslactlon or tho Court,
J oyiill.il.iv it liu-dlu
lids eaiin-. Hint tin, it,.. I
Iciidant is a non-resident of this Stalo ; tlmt
me planum lias n caiiw of action ngnlnst the
"eiwiiMiu, arising on contract: that tho do-
li-mUut has t.iopJrty in this State, mid tlmt tho
It.ourt has Jiirltdictlon of tho subU-ot of ibo
" iwivrt, in i no i
?, 8"'rjhe complaint tlUd ngalnst you, or
ithcsamnwlllbo taken for couleUcdittiid tho
l'fyer Ihereor granted by the Court.
' P0rV nl "."'; V -T"J'1J'"'ffor sahl
i MA t,'J'lkriiivlllo,.Mnv-$ih. 8U-
17cm WM. HOFFMAN, Clerk.
.or nil Kiauoiiiinnu " ,"iaiu u uiukoh, you, iuo tam juuii a. xa. nrm o. sucKwoIuv Uoulm, iuo u
...... s ' tl.ft Kl.ln "-l . . .. I" Al .. ".7. 7 .'" ""ssssas tMMIUI II
r - .1... ...'.. WMiiiu. ll lu iiiniri.ii if. fiiitii.n. iti l.i.i r,,.i iipftLmu .,.... . . . . . .
Kotico to E. W. Boll.
QTATII OF C'ALIKOUNt . In tho Juniors
, O Court, Crescent Township, In nnd for the
'Connie of Del Norte. TlllI IMIOI'LII OK TUP.
TO II W. MILL ! Yau nre hereby summoned to
i tippenr iieiore me, nt my onte-. m Hie Town-
ship f Crewnt, In the County or Pel Norte,
I rttl Mill tlVllttXll lull lf ftlf.fcat (ttilttllia f ( itm ilnln
oil uiv i yt sssivni n nun iiiiriitif isviis isiviitin
or the tlnt publication hcreor, to nnswir unto
Hie cotnpliilnt or (Shihui: W. IImmiv, who sues
for thirty-live dollars $M 00. Imlnuce dno on
vnur note orimnd, dated June llrxt, A. 1). lffil
when judgement will be tnken ngntnst you lor
the salt! ninount, tnirrllicr with cost nnd dam
ages, If you lull In appear mid answer.
To the Slinrill' or any Countable or snld
county, greeting : Mukc lepnl serlce and due
return hereor. (?icii umlcr my baud, this
twinty-elght day ofMav, A. 1). IHIS'J.
JuMtee or tho I'encc or snld Townhlp.
tnerlid In ientlnel June 7. I8'2. Slinc
3. H. Vestal Summonod.
QTATK OF CAMI'dltNlA. In the Justices'
O Court, C-eeunt Township, In nnd for llio
rit..u,M ..r tit v....
The I'enpla of the Slate nf Calirornla send
greeting to II. H. Vestal. You arc hereby sum-
niiinni in np-nr iiorc me, in my omen in me
Township ol Crerci-nt, Cuuntv ol Del Nnrla, nt
the rxp'rnlloti nr thn'e monlbn IVniti tin dote or
the ftml piililirntlon linreor, to ai.ru er unto the
com plaint or .1. A. IIvxtkk and T. I. IIxxtkii,
win, kiic Tor nighty-otic Dnllnrs f 81 (III, due
on your note ol baud, dated SvpU-mlH-r 12th,
IHtiO, when judgment will Iw taken aralntt vou
fur tho wilil niitiiiinl. togi-lher ultli copU und
damages, ir you tall to uppwir and answer.
To the AieillT or any Constable or ild
CPiitity, greeting Make legal evtviee nnd due
return lion-of.
Clven iiml-r my hand Ibis lltli day or June,
A. I). lttfii. 1'. KNOX,
Juntlcc or tho Pence or said Trmnhlp.
Hale ol ttrst piibllcallnn. .hinZMHi2.-2jAMii
3". S. Taylor Suuunonod.
STATU Of OAl.ll'OltNlA. in the Ju.llees'
Court, Csotocnt ToMiisbip, In the County or
Del Nortv.
Anson Uurr vs. J. II. Taylor.
The I'eople nr the .'late or California smd
flreiiliig: To J. II. TkVMM You nn- luMvliy
s.iiiminHid to aniMir la-fore nn-. nt inv nfflce. In
Crowent Town.lilp, Coiiniy or Del Nnrte, on the
exptrallnti nf Tlirer Mnnilm from the dale of the
r)r! plibllcallnu In-mif, toanawvr unto the com
plaint or A.NH'i.N IIiiih, who sues (n Awlgini-)
lor the sum or forty Dollar. (ID,) togollinr
tvfth liileresl, ImlngalaillanevilMv on inir note
..r liUlul ,IjI.mI VillllllHlhll. Ik, I MJtll .. I.M. tl.J.a.
roeut will lie taken aaahtt you tor the sahl
amount, together with owta and damages, If
tun inn 10 iiHjBr ami nnawcr.
To the Stharltfornny Conntulile of said county
grueling Make legal avrrleo and due return
(ilvnn nmler my hand IbN 7th Day of Jnlv,
Juntlee or the 1'eaoe lor said Townalilp.
.nny i I'-iwrm
Zfiusl SJotllsmont.
jVJOTICK l hereby given that Thn, Crouton.
IN AilnilnUtrntor of the llnUlu or Win. II.
Dougbi. lute or Joff'phlnn comity. (lngiin, du
resstl. has pn-senlvd kin aeeouiit and prays a
filial MttUmeiit of sold estate. It Is thenrfuti
iitdervd that
Montly, tho 4th Dav of Augut, 1802,
at the Court II nun- In Kerbyvllh, In Mid county,
i sw inr lite examination nml niml suiiiement
ol said i-slnlf, ami that nollev given by pub
tleallou In the Out:. ion Hkxtixku a ntmlreil
bylaw. 1IH.NJA.MLN llDLSCLAH1.
July in z.e liHinty Jude.
ComraisionBi',s IWotico.
NOTICli U lo-rol,y glv.-u iIiaI Tln. Cmxton.
Comml-Miloiiir or Ihe K-tuU-or John Heard,
lute or Jut'phln county, i i-nn, l,a prt-M-utnl
hhi account and pray a llnul in-ub,uieiit of snld
estate. It Is, tln-refore. vrtb n d that
Momlty, tho 4th Diy of August. 10012,
at Ihe Court 1Iiiiim-1u Kerhy villi-. In tuidouuuly.
beset for the examination nml Hunt KlIteiiHtnl
ofueli vatate, and that itotloo le- given Ity hiu
UeiMlou In the Out-no Hkstimci.. as riiiuiiod
by law. HtlNJAllLS HOLriCLAW.
July lP-2'o C' hi nly Juday.
In Justice's Court.
XTOV are hereby uotilkd that n Writ of At
.1 taohinent has Wh-ii Issued agnliml you, aud
your pruiNirty Httachwl. tu sulitf; the ilmiu-itd
or I.-onun Slliigi-r. Rinoiinlliig tu Thirty mil
iars ; Now, unless you shall appear la-forst II.
X. lUminan, a Justice of the lV-aeo In ami fur
mid. count, nt hbi oltici-, on the dlxlh Iay or
iiHiniH-r, inoz, juuj,'incui win lie reiMltrul
against you and jour pro-tarty wild to -my the
debt. UuUd till 2 llli duv or June, lWi.
, '-'Id l.rJ)jAKI)STl.N'c;i:U.I'lnjnlllt
Administratrix's ZISTotico.
Ci-nfcL lute of doai-phinc county, (Jregon.
All iwrsuns linving uiniins against snid osiutc
aie requyetetl to pnti-ut tho some, will, the
ittcesaary vouchers, vvllhit. one year Tor with
mint, und tho liulelilid utc" requested to
muku imim-diale payment.
Juiiotion House, Statu Crcvk, Oregun.
July III. li.2-27il
iiti xa" at oas sss s
at his ubl stand, In Jboktoi.ville, eoutimicd dur
ing his nlisi'iico ai tlio llimt, by Wii. Hor-ruA.v,
II.. will aouduut thi- bii-lnuto nn bufoio.
1 he Knpioim leavus JiwUmii.vIIIu by the Call
Ifornln Stage Co.V coaehus for
SJiTIHe J52JE&.J1.
and conncollng vrlth
BxpMN1 10 prU of Cfl,lforiltai ,0 AUanUc
titutui mid Hu.oie,
tirocured, invnhlo In any or the Atlantic cltloe,
Canadas, or Liiihim.-.
Sight Bills of Esuchange
nroou.cd fiom any llvpt
or Tost onico in
Collections made, and everything appertain
g tu the Upreut liusiio-iiuiniith uttuudullo.
i articular ntituiiunjiaUl lo filling Ordvu of
V uwHiriimuu, uv iicha, aim uny iiulut Lo
II !l!01l'atronn80of "ie 1'uWIo Is respcclfiillyio
JackMinvllle, Decombcr HI, 1800.-fi0.
ie Into
to hi
Axcut. Knstinr
Kituii, on
iVlinlonato Crcnk.
Juektnn county
from this dale.
Orogon, viltliln two months
July 1'Jtb, '02-27-01'
TOH l'RlVM'ivn ,r ui "TT, 7 jHlo Mill property Hated utHouliiirg, Ogn.,
Uti l KIMIXU (if nil deecrlptions neatly May luiii mifj JlSII KOlllXii
e.cculnlut theSLNnMCI OFFD'i'1 le
Vc now otter to lic rubtlc, in
Full Confidence,
Which wc can Warrant In livery rartlcular
-to in;
sui'Kmon to any otiikh oil
liver brought to the Pan 1'innclscn market. It
bas been tlirirouglilv lesli-d In the tlllfrrent
l'liteut Coal Oil iiuruers, nnd found to .
I'rotlnrt .More Light nml Hum One-Third
Lfliitrr limn nny other Oil III I'sr.
tiiadk maiik siicniiiii.
A MONO the many advantage or this Kero
sene Oil over other oil Is i lnt, that It Is
IKM-reclly Mnn-oWdmv. anil eat. lie nnil with ptr
I it) I mli-ly In all kinds or Iiliipe ; 2d. It Is tree
Iron, all iiitection-ible and uuplonsaut until,
nnd iKirus with n olonr, white mut brilliant
We cordially stdlelt the imbllc and I'amii.iim
to give thin Uil a trial, unit once tried, wo fei-1
coulUliMit tliut It will gain n prefcri-net' over nil
oilier Oil Tor economy, ns well ns for Its supe
rior burning qualities.
In nrdi-r In unitert ourselvrsnonlii't counter-
fulls, wc Inui- plurcd n bnuid on rach can uml
raw, which will lie known n Dms.'rt Dmmovii
Oil. H is now u fibred nl vvholilc and retail ut
.() Front street,
llvtwettti 'nihlngtoii and Jackson sis.,
And nt IIUANCII STORK.. decoml St.,
seeond diMir from Misaton,
We have on liuml u large stool.' or
Which we nre K-llIng at
Also, ('amphew. Coal Oil Fluid, 06 per ct.
Alcohol, Tnrpeiiilne, lird Sierin, Polar,
Kane Seitl, Castor, XewtVl-'oot, Linseed,
Clilnii, uihI other Oils, etc.. etc.
X5r-Cotnitty Dealeis bupplleil
on tlie :n oil lilieral teriu-.. inlG
A. S. IIAI.I.IlllK.
And Mauttrncturcrs of
WluII suspendon brldgM of nny sn nnd
uapaclly errclnl and inatt-rlals ruriilbed.
Having Ihoii itngagiil In llio c-rwllou ur Wire
8uriiIoh llridgva nml Aqueduct lor some
yearn at. wo nre folly piHiml lo do such
work utUfneionly, ai n luw llgure, nnd to
i. c .1i.i.v t r.r. i hKM..&At, l .
J'urllvs wbu are about erecting bridges will
liud It givally to tbt-lr ndv-autago to give us n
call lloru dicldlug tu bulkl wotMUnflructurvs,
if the icccnt ttomb havt nrovan llwin tu l -
wholly unfv aiwl uurollulilv.
imtnUr of our Wire Suspcnaloiw arc now
In net in d.mrint luculitk through-
out the Stale, no uno of whlvb
last been in the leut
uiK-cteil by tho
M Ire Itopo for milling and ferry purposes
ihhiiuhh-i nrnl of nny Ihmj-Hi uml nml snw re
qulnal, Wing chiaiwr and lailler Ibuu hemp.
tioalM of weights awl slrongtbx, with pilcos
hiiih-.mhJ, fumlshod on application to the luatiu
Irtoliiriim. iseiid turn circular.
28mc 11 (liny street, San l-'rniiuisco.
WAURAXTKD to mako light, sweet and
nutritious llread. lually adapted Ui
..inrn, iiui IMMIUU, UUCWUvul BIIU utUVI'
cakes of all Muds.
Oixxs.-.33.toocl 3?x.Tlly
33q.il to nay iax
tlxo ars.,i-ls.ot.
I'OWDMItri, nnd lake no otlier, If you would
have tiniforinly good breuil.
Mauuracturotl and sold by
linnixuroN &. co.,
-110 and 118 Front ht., S. F.
For sale by nil lukiivotublo L-rncur mhv.
"here. AurllSO.lSOS, 15mo
phia, l'dit.a.
rW Ik ry y lit S atl )mlnttl JjtI
uUh I truUiil ami Chrome Jltnum, and
tffneutUf Jhmum Ut
Stual OfgttM,
Medical Advice given gratis by tho Acting
Surgeon. Yulunblu iu.i-om on hi-hiiuatoniiiiu
orsiMi.vl. vviuk, and othei dlMiao ot the
sound organ, and on the .skw iihmiuium cm
plovid in ihe Dl.pciiMiy. sunt In si-ulcj letter
wivelnM, lueol charge. Addrnsn
llowurd Association, No, i south Ninth tt ,
April --:5y Philadelphia. Fa.
In tho matter of the Estato of
iv I
I .... . ... .. Ii., v
Coi.VTY Ol Dtl. NotlTK.
TVTOT1CE In berebe ,.lin I... .1.,. W..., '
IV.il J,"-, V -V "- "li.innjm".
l-S AduilnUtrrtloi' of tho above named ctuto,
to ho endltou r.r, mid nil pcuons having1
VI..HII. uKiiiu.i sum ueewaHU. to oxiuiiit tlie
601.10 w lib the necchjory vouchers, within lour
noniha fiom the publication of .thl. notice, to '
I IiH ll Mil s.rttl inn il nl Lli t.uMunn,. t.. n. . ,
tho iiiiili-rlgnul. nt his iosld"iico in Ciutceut '
sii), tiei aiii io uoiinlv, Slato ol Calllurula.
JOHN MALOXM, Adintnintrator.
Ci otoon t City. June Hi ItSGi.
First publication, July -J, ISfiJ, gsj
3Xiro-i .B.3i.
TOSnPIl JACOBS Is hereby appointed mr 'sKd w I medic no wh iTSluSt iSftaJZ
,r ,n8,'1",'1lortu,Ko ,w6 " V. ,:"8a i,', mlcd moot the dull pain and "lil lZl
and to collect and receipt for -ll debts duo ',' I
on account of nny buslntw connected with said
ir. t t- i t ...,-..-
iiicdicai nun Diiriuai iiiMiiiiici
Saernmento slreel, Ix-low Montgomery, op-
IHwiie rflcinr vnii sienmnip tompa-
ny's Onice. San 1'ranclsco.
ISalnlillOiril In li.ll.fbr Uir I'n innnrnt Cum
of nil 1'ilintr nml Clirnnlr I).imc,
nml tin- Suiiiurloii or lluni Knj'.
Atlcndsnt and KcKtdcnl Physician,
Iile In the llungfl.lnn llevoluttonnrv War,
Cider riiyslelnu to the 20lb H-glmiiil or Hon-
inn iiior .f 1 rtvnfiii in iiiis iiiiunrv- it riii mi in
11 .; it -"''," ," ', J ::, 1 ""
I'mIIi. Ilutiffnrr! mte Lrclnur on IllrnM
uv, ...'.. ...rf'i..l.l ,n. .-.1 !l .,.. M..i,
the I'hibideli.biii College or Mciliciue.
II UIIIUII 'IMII WIMIlllkll IIIKI i"lll'ini J tllllllVVI
I pit" Particular ntteritlon inld to the treat
ment nrdiscnH9 HCullar to Women and Chil
dren. "
I (Imn IIoi-HS From 9 v. M. till 9 i. t.
Coinmuuloatlnns strictly ruiilbleutlat. Per-
i nmtieiit cure Biiaranteeil, or no pav.
' fl ..!,., 1... I. .11... .... ..,1. .. I t
uoillllllllli,!,. v triH'i in iiiiii'inm-, I itl-.
Address, 1)H. j. .1. t'ZAIKAY,
Sun l'rinnv, Chi,
Or all dlefise. the llrl great cnne
Springs fioni neglect or Nntm'i-'ti laws.
SiiiTcrXol! AYlicnnCure IsOtinr
tuitec'it In alt Stnsrcs of Secret
.Srf '. AVmass Vi'y. ft, iVirw. f7w.'ii. r'rtt-
Ml, IImWh. littff nr m A ii'ixya "' IHnriifff,
Mtrcnril lUmmnhm, frrofuh, l'miwi ft
Ihmm Iwa7. Ihrniw if tin Ltrnffn, fArw.
An wttrf I'm, I'lirrn nit- thr Hotly or htnlm,
Cittern, Dnytj, I filijlte I'H; Si. t ttuv Ihnrr.
ittui mil Jhmtm anmmg frvm u ikraituwmit
f Snml Oiyrnu.
SL'CU a Nervous Trxnibllng, Loss of Mem
ory, l.ns or Towt-r, General WcuUnow,
Dltnnem or Ylslon. with ecu1lar spot" npear
lug U' Tore the cy-s, low of sight, waLi-rulnesa
dpola, llvirdlM-ase, eniptbm iimhi lit face,
pulii in the lack nnd bead, femnli- Irrfgiilnrltlrs.
and nil lmironerili"i-brgs tr l,tb wxt. II
matters not mini what cause the dirinse mlgl
! milid, however long standing or obnlluite tlie
cttp, recovery is cerinin. ami in n snnrifr nine
lliMti a permanent cure cat. Ire tui-cUi by nnv
nllur trvutment, even after thn dliB-o tin's
batH'-il the skill of eminent pliyolclans and re -
sIs'amI all their means or cure. The imillelnns
preHirl lied arc pleanant. without inlor, entirely
vegetable, causing no sickness, nnd tree trtun
tiKi-cury or Iwlrnm. During lln-n years or
iimruce, in i.uroiH', me auhhiic Mates nml
Calirornla, I have reKUcd Horn the jaws of
death many thousand, who, In Ihe hint stage
nr Ihe nltove ini-nt'omd dln-nncs, bad Iti-en given
up to die by their physician, which vvarrauts
nm In prtitnUlng to the nn)lcld who may place
llu-mM.li'iii tiniKr tnv par. n M-ifirl ahiIVukmIv
cure, l'rlvale dl-aiioa nre thn gn-nti-.t one-
iiin-n in uenuii. ns utey a it- nm m. cause ol
consumption, serortiln. ami many other lU'rases,
and should U n terror to the human famllv, A
iM-rmanctit cure Is NMtcely ever erTeebd, a ma
Jorlly of the can-s railing Into the hands of tu
competent pen-nns, vrim not only tail lo enrv
tie (tiseae. mil mill tlie consiiiuiion. ailing tlie
syntt'in with inrcury. which, with the dlt-eaw,
liuttwiK tbe sutlrrcr Into a rapid eoniimptloii.
Ilul should th disease nnd the treatment not
cause d.Btli speetlily, nnd tbe victim mariirs,
tho dlsruiM Is entailed upon the children, who
nre Uiru vrilli fevble Miitltutton, and tbe cut -
n-ul or lire uormpliil by a vlrun wbleb betray
lit If In sciofnla, letter, ule m, corruptions, and
other nBVciliiiis of the skin, rji-s, lliroat nnd
lunga. vntalllng umiii Ihi-iii n brief i-ltvuee of
runVrlng, and couslgulug thim tu nu enily
Self abuse Is nnnll.fr formMsble enemy of
health, lor nothing ilso In the dread catalogue
ol Iiiiiiibi. tl.ses.nce catiH-s so delruetlve a drain
tiMn the system, drawing Its llioumi,l o vln-
Urns, through n lew yinrs or sulk-ring, down lo
an itntlincly grave. It deetrojs ib nervou
ytem, mpldly vvm-tw nwny Ihe energie or
lire. eauM mental derangements iin-venl Ihe
I no
noH-r ib-velopment or thn system. diHuall(k-s
r luarrlage, mk-I ly. badness, aud nil i-arthlv
liapplnm. and h-uvm th willinr wrtckitl In
lMly and mind, itmlipocd to eoumunptlou.
.id n tialu nr m-ils inure lo be drva4(d than
' d.-aili llsclf. With the tnllmt ootin.li-m. 1 .
sure me unrurinnaie viettm or s-ir-ntin- that
a itcrmanent aud siicmIv cure can Ik, i-Uictid,
and Willi the alavutbHimvut of mlnous laacllee.
y immui vc iwMirw io ruuu.1, vigorou.
,""' , , , ,. , .
it s I S 1 a I I
uiitt-n vesin ul prM-livf, an
ihmiMiuils i.f the mol remnrkn
..v ,-. ,-.-
olnea, with full dltvelloii-i,
the blnttf, Oleuou nud
to lattivnls coiiiinuiilcntlnir
letter. UutlneM ourreriHsmleuee strictly coiill-
Adilrw I J. CCAl'KAY. M. I).,
Medical Institute. Soormiieiiln rlreet, Iwlow
.Montgomery. oplttf I'ncltlc Mall Sleuimblp
Comiiauy's ollloe, Su l'nnolico.
TJie fullovvliiK I.iltir,
Which emphatically speaks for Itself, was writ
ten by Ibo Ih-uii or I be I aeullv or the I'lillailel
iilda College or Medicine, U) the editor, or the
I'aoltio .Medical und Surglcul Joitmul, San
Fiauolscu, lor pitblleatloii ;
I'iiii.Mh.i.iijia, Jan. 17th. 1SC9.
To (As fiftlon l'unkt MuIhjI unJ Stirneal JaMrual
GrAil.KMi.M Xiy utu-iitlou hus lt-u callul lo
an nrllclo In lint lieeemlwr uutnlwr or your H" f the eyes, pimple on Ihe race, h-jmI
Journal, In regard to tlio uJcutuiw degree i-on-1 and other lullruMtlcs In men, nro curtdwltb
loirvd by the ridlaiklpbia College ol Medicluu out fuil by tho justly cek-butid phyticisn
lo Dr. L. J. Caapkay. When the tippllot.tlo.i and surgeon, L. J. C&ipkny. Ills method of
lor the degree was made lo the l-'aculiv, It was U'lilliig iIImxim-m U new und uiAnovm h tfUn,
iiccuiiiMiiltil ny nlnUav its ninl Utuuu.ills to
me enici inai it. uapku) wa a i-gular grmlu
ate M. 1). or the Culvenoiy or !' tin, had M-rv ed
as Surgeon In the Hungarian army, nnd was u
ivgular practitioner of mt-diclue. On the
sliength of thesu the degree wan giankd. The
aJ uiihUim degiee. ns It name linpllt-s, Is oouferKd
ou gruduutes only, and elvvs us new priv lieges.
Had Ibure been llio slightest Miirtloiuu nf Irrvir-
ulaiitv, tbe application would have Iweu to
fused llyiiiMii ting this in jour Jouiiml, voa
will tin mi uct of justice lo the College, aud
conic r n lav or on
i uuis, vny recpeetfully, H. lUxn.
ii oi uiui-rtcuiiy ol llio ru lade n
I- f.ll,.l....
lila College
of ,Mdloiu,
lit mm Untile In.luiue or.Tiitlrnl ItrlUr.
Ilelow wo publish the certificates of three of
the sutlerers Iron, lb? pangs or iIIsoiih', who,
havbiE rwovcied thoff lormer liwllli, und Im
pelled by gintltude, muU knoHii their cases
and remedial agent, and ibelr ttaleinenU nre
authenticated by a Xolnri I'ubllo. Tim iiumniui..
or society liiiperioulv coiiiiiimhI Ibwiriiublicitv,
and wo oouiiuend their pviusa to the atteiiiion
ui mi uiiueieu
TImiiKfuIuess Is Hie Iurrnlfic to Urntitudc.
Tho undon-lgnid, drslrmii or nnualntln"
tliosovvlio may bo uurorluiinte etioug. tube
slmllnily nullctcil vvhcivn pirmnneiit relv-f ur
their sulltrlncs mav bu obtaiuiil. fpnl. iti.i.
duty to thus publicly c.prei bin slucere ginlt.
tude to Dr. L. J. C.ipkay for tbo jwuiancnt
ucoverj of bis health. JJurnc down by tliudls
lroliig symptoms Incident to Ihe violous prac
l.co ol uncontrollable pnoii in voutb; do-
ttfi UV1 lllll liil(S uml ... , .! . . ., . 1 .1 . . j-
r.'"""."''.,. ".""".' ""au'" '' Ollll
UIUII HIV 1IIU51 inillllKUIIIt IIIIIIOM.il Oil llicduilv
avocations or lire, I souj-lit tl'o ndvloe of ma iv
physicians, who nt llr.t regaided my dUiaso of
intllng Importance j but, nlaa! ufiu- n f,... '
weeks, mid in sei eiul InstuiiuH. inonths, m ibc r
treatment. I round, to mj iinutterrnble ho ror I
. t . : "vn vi, ,
tusteaU or iclnl. the niniitoina l,w,,
uioie nun ui ug in incir lorimc ; nuil, being told
byonolbat Hi) dlwasc, bi Ilig principally cou
lluid to the brnlu, mcdicliu ,uuld Ijo or little
oouseiiueiice, I despaired or cv tr reguinliiL' mv
sot t. itnd with but a faint bone. mill,,l ...,n i.
"" ,:p , "" v ' """ lw a 1U.I 1U-
W'rtlvl. tif tilirt nTlnti ......t..t..
by a strict obullcnco to all bis directions' and
advice, my head becatno clear, my Ideas cob
'7 ' V'T , '"" ? ",? '"' caio, and
IVVICU; UlL'tO alUUn.l II n inu hnAL nJ ,..AI..
tl... .;i,..:.7;f ,.,i7."'i '" .'."' "v" '" '"'"" ' .
"'""! " micBiiiuiuiPiij mill u lUll'WXUn.
inn foii iiiiriii nmi unnt nr rnnniipnrn u ..-
.. ... . . . : vv ' vin-
ers; me incapainiiiv o simiy ana want of rtso.
union; ii.c irigiiuui, exciting, nmi ni w.
I tilenturnblc dreams at night, followed br tni
. itntary discharges. hac all disappeared ; trl
in Tact, In two month nftcr baxlng conulM
the l'ociur. I ivit as ir inspired iiy a new lifc.
! Hint lire which, but n short timj ago, I contra.
1 nlatrd to end by my own hand.
With n view to guard tho iinforlimMri m,
from railing Into the bands or Incomncttgi
quacks. 1 deem It my duly to otlVr this wij.
mony to tho morlt nnd skill or Dr. Czsjiktr
and itcommrnd him to nil who may ttnnd l
need or imdlrnl mhlce, lielng nssnml Irmt
: on evper ence inai,onccuni er iKcnrcundJ,
of .i ...V ... .. ..,,i . . .. V ,'
that , once under hi enre, a rsij.
..r Clu "u lni.inciH cure win oo i lecuti.
VI j
11. V, l'll,I.Vftnr
State or Calirornla. county or Pan 1'ranclteo.
PuliscrilHtl nnd snort, to bi-rorc mo, this IU
day or April, A. n. IMG.
Signed Joii.n MtiuiMtTov, i..s
AWry ;Vh,
ACA11D. I'romptcd Iiy nn honci delre ,t
my hrort, I w isli to lay k-rore the publics
caso which deerves n high commendation, not
only ns an act or sclenllllc skill, but or hitmsnltt
bIhi. Ataiiit two years ni?o 1 suddenlv, r
r.-utn cnue unknown to me, was seised "w.tb
(11 of ep!lepy, which, owing to my inabj4
meet the ex"ne consentient upon n tliornort
tmdlcnt trrrttment, and tho dlscouragiractt
which I met with on attempting It, soon bcciic,
such (as I was then led to Uliove) ns to defr
thn klll or n phyrtclnn. I was rrciiuentl
whan In pursuit or my calling, thionn doss
I to (be ground without tho slightest warnliiF
I and although lneithlc to the ngon!e, I til
deiIsril the miseries or mr
lire, nnd soon
ltn rnnl lo look upon lhco who would render
nwh-tnncc or sheltir me It-otn danger nscncmlri
who sought to prolong the micry or mj exist
nice. While In lids tnlc and bnv Ing pretiom
to my nfllirllnn tasted the sweets or lire, I ones
tnoro was Induced to attempt seeking aid of t
physician, and, by recnn.mi ndatlon, callnl on
Dr. L. J. I "nntikny. 1 (old Mm my clrciitmlsncei
nnd my Inability to reward him lor Ids sen Iocs,
rgardbss orwb c!i. however, he nt oncounlcr
twA my caw, and, with tho blcu-lug or Gtd.I
wa ouoc more ntoriil to perfect beallh. I'r.
"iv n inmni nun mi mc ui-on which i enjoy
at Hvacnt, and yet coiikIoiis of my Indcltrd.
I nc-., I con-lib-r It dno lo myself nml to ill
, nRllcleil to make the can- public, In onler tWl
Ihow In iieud or medical ndvico may find a
' pbylln In whom every conlMenco caa U
i piawu. I.4. ah vn i ahlon-ht.
Stale ofCallrornln. county of San Frunc'tco
sttnseriifii ami sworn lo uvioro tne, ttili hi
day or August, a. n. InIiI.
ij. OiiAiuiiT A OnvxT.
X.;,rV i'uVie.
rUinmlinlitr I'lti-r of t'ooaitiu,llniit
The altmHit inlraculnus cure that has beta
rflhcled In my caw, prompts me lo Impvrt lo
those of my b-llnw orenturt-s who may be niiret-
ing irom like niuiciinn, mo sonrco or relief,
' with n short dc-i-crliitlon of my case, iki-ini
years nco mv limiliu l-ontui to tail. I was ii.
- 1 laekid by general weakness nnd il, blllly.vvhkii
reduced mo to n mere shadow uf my rurmrr
i self. At tlial slagelsoiulit imtlicnl nn'Iitsntf,
and exh-inlot large niuoutit, but without tbe
I least beneHelal reaiill. Tlial fell destroyer,
ConMMptlon, Itnd already seized upon my v-
tals. 1 was daily drawing clo-'-r in tint lomli;
, my phyxlclans b-ld out no bnf t-f ncurrry;
my Mrrngib bml vvastut, nml 1 was In nstsU
! ol alino-t mtir prortrntion. 1 was InfurmeJ
by my physicians lint they could do iintbin;
lor me, e.xeeiit lo smooth my path to the grsrr,
when, most lurluimtely, 1 nppllul to Dr LJ.
i Cmipkny, and am now a vutl and iirrelly
sound man. It Is difficult for me locAprisitln
emotion of diiqxsl grnllliido 1 i-Krhncs
I whm realising the luiminsurablo st rv Ice 1 hsrs
rtcelvcl nt the Inndt or Dr. I.. J. Cz.ipky,sivl
j I Tl njaleeil that It Is at knit In my power lo
U-tnli" this fwblu iccognitloii or Ids gtt-nt ikltt
and eap.velly. To the nllllcliil I would sy,d
not d.tqwlr i for,whalevcr may bo the naturt
I r your oae, 1 nut confident Hint you will (hi
! rtlu f by applvlne to Dr. L. J, C.ankny.
"Thero Is n Imlm In (Ulead, aud there Is a plj-
slclutt Ibirc."
' Hrvnv Wk-wu.no.
SubKrlUd and swum to before me, this 13tt
day of OcloU-r, a.ii. 1S.VJ, In tho oily sml
oouuty of Sun rr.iiicl-co, luleor Calilurnlx
i.e. I'. J, Tntiui I.T, AVurj I'M.
The uncb i -Ignid Is ix-rsotinlly ncquslutid
with Henry Wi-srling, and knows tbattlioclr-
'"-' s; firrtfliMteil'l
uumMawscs u luted III tbe foregoing ccrtillcsu
arotruiS He saw Henry Wrwllng during kU
Dr. J. Ciirgvv'a Frlvate Midlcal and Surr
eal Jnntlluo In on SarraiiiPiito street, Iflow
Montgomery, otqiotltc the 1'ucltlc Mall Stesm
ship ComiMiry'a Ofllce, Sun l'ranclico. Tbs
Doctor oilers n fnti rousiillntlon, and aiVi no
lemtinvrullon unless liu clfccts a cure. Office
hours from U a.u. lo 'J r..
Sl-riiMATrmmtiKi, or Local )VenVness, Krr.
v mis Debility, low- spirits, latitude, weskncMcf
tho limbs and back, ludbposilioii nnd Incapa
bility for study and labor, dullness of appre
laiixlou, low or memory, uverslon to society,
liuililily, Mir-dlslrutl, dizzlnesti, headache. Is-
voliiulaiy dbcharues. lulus In tbu i-lile. ufTrt
Iwisee Ills gnat success. All contultalloas, 1
Ultor or othei-vv Imi, fne. Addrc.s. Ifc J. Cl-
Ky, ai. u., en i I'rnnci'co, vvullforula.
TU Grmlut Duntiry of U,t Ayt-f7-tal JIUuuj
Id MattliiHlltintstitt Cul I'Utitt
Pit. L. J. CAlkVY'ri Puoi'llll.iiTltIM (Klf
dlalubcllug ogeut).a suro preventative sgalwl
(ionorrlwou uud syiihllllio discuses, and au uo
HirjMSMil rcimdy lor nil venereal, scroruloes,
gHiigieuuiis mid ouncerous ulcers, foetid dis
ohuraes Trotu vagina, utvrus and urethra, sod
all outaneou8 eruptions and diseases As luw
dilation Is n preventive against smallpox, so il
Or. L J. Cznpkivj ' PropbilActlcum n prcvcoU
tlvo ngalnst svpbilillc uud gonorhaul dittsJM.
ilarmbss In llu-lf. It posacsM-s the power of
chemically duttro) ing tbo syphilitic virus, sixl
thereby suvlng lliousands of debauchees from
lining lulVclul by ibo most loathsome ot all di
eosos. Let no'joung nun who appnclsto
health 1k without Dr. Capkay's PropblUell
cum. It U In vciy convenient packagir.tsd
will lie lound very convenient lo use, Uiof
UHd as n loan, 1'ilce. S3. Tor suln ul Dr. L.
J. Cnpkay's Private Medical und Surgical la
fclitute, Suetnmeiito street, below Montgower,
oppoiito Pursue Mail iitiauulupOo.'tOJlet,
if All olders must bu uilitrikM.l In Dr. L.
i J. Capkay, M. D., San PraucUco, Cal. lCq
I m. r.-. tmiinrin.il. i mmiwiMMmimmmi
Coiiitrol CallfornU nml I-'oui Hi airttlt.
(rally located, and convenient '
to tho Union Hotel. Horns JOL
.vt t. lo tlio Union Hotel. Horns .TTJL
U1"1 lmU w' ha kept by tho day or vuekToa
olciatc charges. ' 7 '
Tho propilctors have n number of fine
For one or tn o horses, to let on inodarate (eras,
Good Saddle Horses 5t Mules
which they will let logo to nny part oflbecoott.
VI " ivwavuuuiu llTUlOf
Animals Boueht and Sold.
"fl horses broke to the saddle or harness.
mt . T -. "-" - w
J no proprteior plcdgo themselves to irlTessl.
j. !,.. n.tl . ll.M talMnlli.nf. n.t.t n.tl Ab.l .1
.1 sanctioned l,y (w.j A t(ML.MI,:u.'
ilili-curve. .MmIi-'Siil-,.riUi1 nml mntn In l.r..r,. .. ,1,1. ITik
.........,. ... , w re,WrLlu,iU cuf0 I,, nr. 1 J. ITiiinkir.
, sent to nny iu t of .lav ,.r ni,.i..r . ,, ibvi in ,i... n -j ,
Wsidilnitlon TVrrllurr. ....,.. ,r a,... i.-,.,.'i i...... ..r . i,. ,. 1
., , . , - vvwm.i v. tin iiiiivi-vu, rjiuiv i'i v-niouriiia. p
the r svinntoiiui lit r. .7i i t t- .-. .. i, I
li. j i . w. iiujv.r, . i vary jwwic. n
o. TjajrM7nr "tzxizv w